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If I love someone and they reject me in this life, can I meet and be with them in another life? Me?
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Nah. One and done.
Can I ____?
Ok, in that case it's suicide. Bye.
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You're not gonna do it, you're just saying that for attention and because you're sad. Just get over it anon. There's lot's of much worse things that you've already gotten over.
Good riddance.
Back to /r9k/ incel,
Not so sure. I'm awake now for 48 hours because of this. I don't think I want to go back to sleep at all. Why don't I get another chance at this. Why can someone else be with her and I can't, I would do anything for her.

Shut up.
I've never gotten ocer anything worse too. I can't think of anything. I don.t really care more in my life about anything other than the person I love.
The only reason I won't do it is in the case she breaks up. Maybe she will like me sometimes later.

But if she gets children...
Yeah I literally don't see anything else. I don't want to live on. Why can't I have another chance.
Why does someone have to win and why do I have to lose.
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Shut the fuck up. Come look through my eyes and you will understand. You probably never felt what I felt and can't even relate.
Also yes I won't kill myself. Because I can't imagine not living one second without this person on this earth. But I can't fucking psychologically reconcile this
There will be people who think the same about you. Thinking on their chance having gone by.
You will find love again, it's not over, Anon.
Everything will be okay.
You're too cruel.
Yes you can. I understand what it feels like to constantly lose. But there's no point in dying anymore than there's any point in living. You die, you miss out on everything that makes you happy. You've got family I bet, friends, hobbies. You can constantly lose, have no dignity, lead a completely pointless and lonely life. But if you're dead, you don't even get those good things. You get nothing. You don't get sunrises, you don't get junk food, you don't get whatever you enjoy doing in your free time. You are plunged into a bottomless blackness from which there is no return, and worst of all, it will have been completely pointless. You only stand to lose from suicide. I know you're in a lot of pain. But this pain is temporary. Death is forever.
I thought you were killing yourself. So a coward AND a liar. Lol those who are both die in fear against their will. Have a nice murder.
Well yes it clearly has gone by, this is why I consider this place a nightmare for some, it just seems there isn't a parner for everyone, the exact soulmate, the one you need, if you don't find that one, it's over
You have no idea what mental state I am in. Think hard. It's not a lie it's a i dont know what the fuck I should be thinking. You are just hurtful. Fuck off
Ignore him anon, he's trying to get a rise out of you.
Depends. Where are you from?
I really just fucking can't without her
Anon, you can. You're doing it right now. Cut her off. Don't talk to her, delete her number, get over it. You need to be doing things besides thinking of this girl. You're only hurting yourself when you linger on it.
Don't have oneitus.
get over her bro, she's not special. There are billions of other women out there. Move on. This one-sided fawning over someone who likely doesn't think about you at all is cringe shit for children
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But Zoe hates YOU. It wont change in another life. Never.
you have to be 18 to post here
>baby gets dumped by his first love
If you think it’s bad now just imagine her getting creampied by all those thick dick chads at college.

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