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Welcome to the Semen Retention General!
Special Comfy Zone Edition!

>What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is the practice of completely abstaining from masturbation and ejaculation, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting vital and sexual energy to oneself.

>Why do it?
Reported benefits include: increased vitality, mental clarity, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy, improved focus, healthier hair/skin/eyes, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, deeper voice, improved mood, greatly improved testosterone, improved physical strength and many more.

>Wet Dreams?
They happen because you had a sexual dream and you coomed. Learn to be conscious on your dreams and stop the succubus.

>What causes wet dreams?
The causes are many: Illnesses, telepathic bad actors fucking with your dreams, excess energy build up, watching too much sexually-inducing stuff, lusting during the day, lack of an adequate transmutation activity, eating too late at night, excess nutrients overall, stimulants like maca, ginseng, ginger, excess protein, excess carbs, tight clothes (pajamas) for bedtime, bad sleeping posture (this varies, find the one that suits you best), going to bed with full bladder, exposure to hormonal disruptors via food (pesticides...) or body care products (soap, deodorant etc)...
Previous thread >>38448191

>In case of urges:
- https://imgur.com/gallery/g4eGH
- Don't peek and Hold your breath for as long as you possibly can. The urge usually pass after that. If not, repeat.
- Horse stance or chair pose: Do it while clenching the abdomen and all legs' muscles, raise arms for extra blood flow redirection. Works both for killing erections or urges.
- Any physical activity.

On long clean streaks many report benefits that transcend current science like a sort of "magnetism" or higher "vibration/aura" that attracts/appeals to other living beings, a higher perception, a stronger and intimidating "aura/presence", a deeper connection with nature, an attractive BO (people usually report it as "pheromones") and more.

- Mental Purity 1.1: Semen Retention acts as a bio-electromagnetic amplifier. Watch the quality of your thoughts because your inner state will get amplified and manifested. Lust is the Ojas killer. Do not engage with Lust.
- Mental Purity 1.2: Keep a journal as a tool for introspection.
- NEVER watch porn of any kind.
- Remove triggers from your life. Masturbation is a bad habit. Break that bad habit.
- Focus on achieving a goal. An art, a craft, competing, etc.
- Meditate and/or Pray Daily. Try a minimum of 5 minutes to start off.
- Exercise/Gym/Sports/Martial Arts. If it is something social even better.
- Good habits like healthy eating, water fasting, dry fasting, sun exposure and cold showers do seem to speed up the process.
- Sublimation: literally using the energy.
- Transmutation: changing the quality of energy to something different. (Surya Namaskara, 8 brocades, Tibetan rites)
Keep in mind that the efferent nerves attached to your testes necessarily means that any lustful thought, image, or sound is necessarily a command to your junk to produce sexual fluids and this is the reason why celibacy is first and foremost of the mind
The root of this entire matter is the mind - without conquering the mind, celibacy is a futile effort
The signals from the brain happen on the subconscious autonomic level
This is why any lustful thought, image, or sound is necessarily a command to the sexual organs to produce sexual fluids (the more intently you look, the higher amplitude of a signal gets sent: body > afferent nerves > brain > efferent nerves > body)
Therefore "Conversion of sexual energy to something" is necessarily a HORRIBLY inefficient process (Not to confuse with Sexual Transmutation)
Fluids will be reabsorbed, but the energy and materials cost to make it vs how much is "taken back" via reabsorption is SEVERELY unbalanced and super net negative
Sexual fluids are made from the cream of the crop of the body's resources - constantly generating them means that you are constantly draining away the cream of the crop of your resources.
Taoist writings said that the sexual organs will even take primacy over nourishing your other internal organs at some point. (Thus, doing a spiritual practice as a coomer is a surefire way to die faster).

>/SRG/ interesting reads
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Scientific evidence:

Periodic changes in serum testosterone levels after ejaculation in men

Influence of abstinence and ejaculation-to-analysis delay on semen analysis parameters of suspected infertile men

Improved sperm kinematics in semen samples collected after 2 h versus 4-7 days of ejaculation abstinence

Influence of a short or long abstinence period on semen parameters in the ejaculate of patients with nonobstructive azoospermia

Seasonal changes in breeding activity, testicular size, testosterone concentration and seminal characteristics in rams with long or short breeding season

Shorter abstinence decreases sperm deoxyribonucleic acid fragmentation in ejaculate

Endocrine response to masturbation-induced orgasm in healthy men following a 3-week sexual abstinence

Relationship between sexual satiety and brain androgen receptors

A research on the relationship between ejaculation and serum testosterone level in men
It’s always good to remember why /x/ is the most accurate place for this topic: semen retention is one of the clearest paranormal inducing thing of all the other topics discussed on /x/. It’s a sacred practice that has been the one of the main focuses in every major religion or spiritual practices. The mystical side of it is what we try to focus on in here.

Semen retention can be political issue too and it would then belong to /pol/. The porn industry is a tool made by the jews to deterioate the societies and corrupt the people. The porn works in ways that program new sets of behaviour in its audience and the audience is hooked to it because of its strong addictive qualities. The most important goal for porn’s male audience was and is the releasing of their semen. As we now know, the disadvantages of cooming are heavy: a man becomes less of a man, he gets sick and weak, his mind numbed, he will have impotence issues etc. Also his spirit almost dies.

Semen retention is beneficial to make one healthier and stronger, more fit, if you will. So the topic could be discussed on /fit/. Anyone looking for more ways to get fitness gains would benefit hugely from the SR.

Also the SR has so many other benefits that it could be discussed in the /adv/ board. These would be topics how it improves one’s social life, mental state, makes more time to be more productive etc.

But I think the biggest benefits of SR are something mystical in nature and the whole practice is fundamentally something very close to spiritual side of things. All the other topics in here /x/ are left far behind and SR actually makes this board of any relevancy. This is also known by the enemy and they make strong efforts to suppress, hijack, twist and end this discussion.
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Starve the shillery.
No attention for them.
No replies.

(Pro tip > Hide shill posts: Click on the arrow next to the post number, click 'Hide', Comfy.)
But religion is literally man made institututions to control us.
But nice strawman faggot.
Our enemies always make a total fool out of themselves. Keep on soldiering on bros
I just want to be better. I just want to be stronger. I just want to live life to the fullest. So many demons that took away my time and power.

lets fucking go bros, wagmi all of us.

We're so back.
9 weeks in. Dick feels so much more sensitive. I also notice a certain scent that makes me nostalgic, its something my dick smelled like when i was a lot younger and "purer".
This smell, is more than enough evidence alluding to the merits of this. I know it seems weird, but this is fundamentally a regenerative practise, that to me is the biggest reason why im doing this.
Based image, saving that one.

If only you'd look into true Christianity, and not the watered down version that the West has been teaching.
It's very hard to say that "Religion is a man made institution to control us" once you've actually experienced Jesus, and begin working with him. While almost simultaneously becoming a willful prisoner of Jesus if you choose to.

>So many demons that took away my time and power

The more you fight back, the more that's restored back to you. The enemy must pay back everything that they have stolen from you, that includes time as well. Cool little inspo:
I also feel that scent. Unrelated but I can also feel when women are on their period.
>I also smell that scent
>can smell when women
Fix'd. Sorry ESL
It's a pleasant scent right? Like your precum? Sorry, TMI i know but i wanna know if others smell it.
Yes it's pleasant. Reminds me of something sweet like probiotic yogurt, Activia like. Also reminds me of my childhood.
Thank you. This is as close to physical proof we can get that the practise works.
7 1/2 weeks streak

I feel really better. The desire to watch porn last a fraction of a second and is automatically discarded from my head. I have sexual desires still, for the real thing that is, and I don't complain bcs it's normal, I'm a men after all. Still, I'd to hear more about transmutation (methods, the theory, etc.) so if some anons are willing to share, it'd be more than welcomed.
I WANT TO FUCKING COOOOOM, it's been 5 days and I'm trying to hold on I swear bros
Going to be honest here.

If you're not using this energy to build wealth for yourself it's pointless.

Don't use this energy to become a better wagie.

People in this community like to focus on the spiritual, physical sides but never the financial one. That's kinda stupid. You're simply not using this practice to it's maximum potential.
Dont be so weak…faggot
Focusing on spirituality is better than the physical. Let the physical be placed in your lap while you gain spiritual maturity. Otherwise you're just trading sexual lust for... The lust of money.
You're going to end up in a cycle of just wanting more, where your appetite is never satisfied if you chase after worldly things. Yet when you die, you leave the world with nothing.
This isn't me saying don't achieve your goals, or don't necessarily chase after money, but let it come naturally. Remove the world view from the money and you'll be a lot better off.

It fades over time. Your brain and body are playing tricks on you to make it seem more appealing than it actually is. This is why it's important to write down your feelings before and after relapsing. When you release your seed you're going to be depleted, and wondering why you just did that instead of holding on for a bit longer.
Bottle that energy up and hit the gym. Trust me, it feels like you're cooming into your muscles. Workouts go from feeling like a chore, to being an ecstasy fueled and feral rush.
Doing this makes me feel like I'm growing horns of power.
If you're not fasting while doing DR then you're missing out on half the benefits.

1 day of dry fasting WHILE on SR is equivalent to 5 days just on SR
Honestly, this is what I'm experiencing right now. I've been water fasting for 18 days now, while I've been on SR for ~20.
While I did peak at porn maybe three or four times, and a wet dream this week that didn't affect me at all. In fact that entire day I was motivated, energetic, and just generally happy.
For the most part it has been a pleasant experience. I wouldn't go so far as a dry fast, but normal fasting works wonders still. My urges have mostly gone away, and I can think rationally on not masturbating or looking at porn - it actually made me frustrated when I did the last time, and I instantly went to sleep.
I'm more curious what I'm about to reap in the spirit though. The last time I combined fasting and SR together, God poured so much wisdom onto me, put me inside of a time bubble where a few days felt like a week, and two weeks felt like three months. While simultaneously speeding up my healing from trauma, and depression.
100 days.
still no gf.
Man, I’ve been having these crazy dreams all night. First I see someone with an unusual ability and decide to follow that person or I foresee a catastrophic event and just keep staring/watching. Then I meet new people. Afterwards they all try and attack me, but stop every fucking time staring at my crotch as if they are seeing a ghost. Literally in awe as they wait for my next move, which usually just results them in running away or cowering in fear. While trying to find reason during that moment I wake up every single time.

They fear the storage. I am life, the stockholder.
I had a dream last night that I was working my side job as an ethernet cable installer and bitcoin started god candling to $180k then $360k, then back to $180k and so forth. My boss was getting mad because I kept getting distracted watching the crazy price action. I’ve never had that dream before I think the universe is trying to tell me something.
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Fuck it I'll try this again. But what to do with the coom I'm bottling up? Wet dreams suck.
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>You can smell a woman ovulating
Sounds schizo but it also happened to me on a long clean streak.

Pro tip: next time you are on a long clean streak do some dry fasting to clear those nostrils and see it for yourself.
Broooooo... I was dreaming I was walking around in my fucking apartment, I forgot exactly what made me super horny but I literally felt the feeling of edging + that pulsing feeling in your cock when you're about to ejaculate. I literally started fighting it back as I was pacing around in my apartment (Astral Projected probably). But I didnt ejaculate and the feeling went away.
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Well that went wrong.
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You proved his point. Although, he did betray his own advice by cooming inside Eva Braun in 1945.
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We're so back
I thought it's just about masturbation ...
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Very strong limbl rings. This man actually retains.
How do I become apustaja?
Lots of semen demons in these generals

Friendly reminder that all of you would benefit 100 times more if you stopped doing things like drinking, smoking, eating fast food regularly, etc, but you won't because you cherry pick what "vices" you want to live without, and you simply choose the one that conveniently only exists because you are a loser that can't get women.

Enjoy the rest of your day.

You do realize that nothing you posted here matters seeing as there are no long term benefits right?

I'm sure there's even data on the short term benefits to your mind and body when you drink a bit of alcohol too.

All science and data shows that your body balances itself out afterwards. You get a testosterone boost when you stop ejaculating (because that increases your libido and your body wants to make you to seek out sex), but over the course of days your levels go back to normal naturally.

There is no actual benefit. Maybe if you are a professional fighter and you have a match coming up in 6 days, it would make perfect sense to stop having sex or masturbating because you'll get a testosterone boost over the course of around 8 days.

But for the average guy with no fight coming up, no weight lifting competition to attend, no body building competition to compete in, etc, there is literally no benefit to starving yourself sexually.

Just from common sense alone it's obvious that our bodies would never function in a way that pushes us to do something that is less efficient. If ejaculating all the time weakened you to any real extent, your body would try to conserve energy. Heck, when we start trying to burn fat through exercise consistently, our bodies start working against us to retain as much fat as possible because it interprets the rapid fat loss as us not getting enough nutrition.

The computer that is our body isn't stupid, it pumps our heart, it breathes automatically for us, it manages all the intricate functions that keep us alive, it's you guys that are stupid lol.
You are living proof that the human body doesn't always do what is most efficient
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I'm sure there's even data on the short term benefits to your mind and body when you drink a bit of alcohol too.
Why not try tripling your long term androgenity by drinking a bit of alcohol?

>All science and data shows that your body balances itself out afterwards.
That the body seeks homeostasis does not mean that homeostatic setpoint is universal or immutable. What you call balance is the body's best attempt to keep itself together insofar as the circumstances allow. Improve the circumstances -- e.g. stop wasting boduly fluids -- and your bodily balance will translate to a higher state of health than someone else's perfect homeostasis.

>but over the course of days your levels go back to normal naturally.
Numerous n=1 datasets show otherwise. See pic for example.

>There is no actual benefit.
>Maybe if you are a professional fighter [...] it would make perfect sense
Oh, so there is no benefit except when there is benefit? Pick one.

>But for the average guy with no fight coming up, no weight lifting competition to attend, no body building competition to compete in, etc, there is literally no benefit to starving yourself sexually.
Countless men from all walks of life testify to having benefitted from abstinence.

> Just from common sense alone it's obvious that our bodies would never function in a way that pushes us to do something that is less efficient
Biologically there is nothing more efficient than investing as much resources as possible on reproduction.

>If ejaculating all the time weakened you to any real extent, your body would try to conserve energy
Which is exactly what happens, as you yourself acknowledged with your reference to a professional fighter. Who feels more energetic after ejaculating?
Simply ignore people like 38465524 and focus on the prize. Your unique special prize that becomes easier to attain on SR. Apustaja already got his, now you and the rest of us here.
>so there is no benefit except when there is benefit? Pick one.
Don't be dishonest, you are already delusional, no need to add another negative trait to the list. I meant long term benefits obviously. Short term benefits don't really count as benefits because you don't get to "live with them". I'm sure the pleasure and high you feel from heroine or cocaine is an amazing short term benefit, but becoming a drug addict afterwards isn't a benefit now is it?

Let's not play pointless word games. Though, you guys already to excel at playing mental gymnastics games with yourself so I honestly should have expected responses like this.

>Countless men from all walks of life testify to having benefitted from abstinence.
Subjective and usually short term benefits. Those aren't actual benefits. It's like someone saying that they feel a sense of passion when they go to work, but would most people keep working if they didn't get paid at all?

Obviously no.

You guys are talking about benefits that aren't real, self delusion, a placebo effect that only happens because you feel shame from masturbating, so when you stop you feel amazing and renewed. It's psychological, nothing tangible actually changed for you.

>Which is exactly what happens, as you yourself acknowledged with your reference to a professional fighter.
No, your reading and comprehension skills are poor, by conserve energy I meant that men just wouldn't be as consistently horny as we naturally are if ejaculating often weakened us so a significant degree, it just wouldn't make any sense from the standpoint of our subconscious and our biological makeup.

You guys literally wouldn't have to start a movement, because your body would just naturally lower your libido to keep you from ejaculating. Just like your body sends that "I'm full" signal to your brain to make you not want to eat when your stomach is full, etc.

It's scary who incompetent you guys actually think your biological make up is..
He’s assuming we’re all losers like him. It’s the one of the few perspectives he possesses, which is why he keeps tripping. Confronting him won’t do him any good. He must realize his views are shallow and that requires him to look deep within. Nobody can do that for him. For your sake and his: let him be.
>Numerous n=1 datasets show otherwise. See pic for example.
As for this, this isn't from a study, it's anecdotal and we don't know what variables were controlled. A lot of you guys don't have self awareness so you delude yourself. You guys are just emotional thinkers, not logical thinkers, so obvious mental biases will go unnoticed.

For example, a lot of you experience positive changes in habit due to the placebo effect you get when you stop feeling shame, because you stopped masturbating.

So now you start eating healthier, being more physically active than you were before, etc. So you look at your T levels and proclaim that it must be because you stopped masturbating.

But you don't realize that you simply lack the self awareness and/or honesty to realize that it was the habit changes that caused your T levels to go where they should have naturally been to begin with.

Men with active sex lives who already practice these good habits already have their T levels where they should be, but some depressed loser who feels like shit from masturbating will likely have unaturally lower T levels from the start, so when they stop masturbating and feel positive and active again, their levels rise back to where they should be and remain there so long as they keep up the new habits.

Simply put, you guys don't account for all the other things you start doing when you are no longer depressed from the shame of masturbating. You change a lot of things about yourself, even going to the gym more often, which also increases your T levels.
All women in my country start to fall in love with me and all men respect when I go several months on SR. The only proof i need
You're the nigga dedicating energy to get other guys to jack off hahaha
>He’s assuming we’re all losers like him
1. "Loser" is kind of subjective for me. I'm not a "complete loser" because I get laid every now and then, but my perspective on being a loser in life is rather extreme, I see anybody who has to wage slave as a loser in my book, so 80+% of men are losers in my book (myself included).

The only guys who I honestly see as "winners", are the men who just get to live off of everyone else and actually spend their time doing the things they enjoy. Travel, research, hobbies, women, etc. I don't see any guy that has to force himself awake early in the morning and go work 8+ hours a day to make someone else wealthy as a "winner", that's just my mindset though.

I don't think it would be fair to use my extreme standard so I think I'll go with yours which is probably just a guy who can't get laid at all or something, IDK, you'd have to explain it.

2. My assumption that you guys are losers (not on my extreme definition, but the normal one), would be a logical assumption, seeing as most men that are "winners" would not be spending time posting about and obsessing over "I don't masturbate", since they have active sex lives.

Do you really think Chads are posting in here, or even average guys with average sex lives?


Like really be honest, you really think guys with active sex lives, who live regular lives, are posting here.

Only a weirdo becomes obsessed with not ejaculating, this is not a normal thing to make your life revolve around, it's legit crazy.

Someone who can get sex often would not be concerned with this at all.

>All women in my country start to fall in love with me and all men respect when I go several months on SR. The only proof i need
Yeah, sure.....

>You're the nigga dedicating energy to get other guys to jack off hahaha
So were brothers in arms then? ;)

At best I'm just the other side of the coin that you guys are a part of, try and be self aware.
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>You guys are just emotional thinkers, not logical thinkers, so obvious mental biases will go unnoticed.
logic is the bottom bitch, urizenic retard
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>I'm not a "complete loser" because I get laid every now and then
>The only guys who I honestly see as "winners", are the men who just get to live off of everyone else
Kek! This guy is a living lolcow

>Do you really think Chads are posting in here, or even average guys with average sex lives? Honestly?
You're looking at one. I merely choose not to have sex/chase women. Let that sink into your feeble mind.
>Kek! This guy is a living lolcow
I mean you really just sound like you are coping. Why should anyone see being a wage slave as "winning"?

Where is the "win" in waking up everyday knowing that some guy is on a yacht fucking a model while you wasting 8 hours a day making someone else rich?

I honestly think most people have a low standard for a "win" in life, because it's just better for their psyche.

>You're looking at one. I merely choose not to have sex/chase women. Let that sink into your feeble mind.
1. Sorry if I don't believe you on a forum like this, but I don't.

2. There's always exceptions to the rule, we are all aware of that, why is the reading and comprehension skills of the people in this thread so low. Shouldn't you guys have "reduced brain fog" to something lol.

There's a reason why I said - "Do you really think ChadS are posting in here, or even average guyS with average sex liveS".

There's a reason why those words are plural with an S and not just singular as in meaning "just one of those guys being here never happens".

The point is, most Chads are simply just fucking whenever they want to (and even masturbate) and not thinking about any of this nonsense. Most average guys have average sex lives and just fuck whenever they want to (and even masturbate), and they don't think about any of this semen retention nonsense.

The exception to the rule of one delusional guy doesn't mean anything when the other 90+% of the population does what you say should ruin their health, and they are perfectly fine.

It's really simple, you guys are either:
A. Delusional males, denying yourself pleasure for no reason, as it's all in your head, and you could choose to have both if you'd just stop shaming yourself (you are guys are wrong).

B. Defective males who are honestly so genetically inferior that they can't both have consistent sexual pleasure and also have optimal health (you guys are right).
Day ~37

No girlfriend, no wife. No socializing at all, really. Sometimes I wonder what the point of this is. Most days it feels like it's just difficult without having any actual benefits
None of this is true.
I have a friend who went 250 days pure streak and no success with women.

This showed me that SR by itself will not fix everything, there is a shit ton od other stuff that needs to be done.

However, SR is a no brainer for me, the difference of the feeling is like day and night, I feel alive and like anythinf is possible, along with more courage and all the good shit.

When I coom I feel as if life force left me
Post foreskin
>you can't
I mean you'd honestly get more real life in your face benefits from focusing on going to the gym, losing fat and putting on more muscle mass, than you would from simply starving yourself of sexual stimuli.

I find it kind of funny how so many people here will proclaim that women will mystically be able to detect if you are a "coomer" and be repulsed by you, also your body language will show it.

But for some reason women can't detect if you are frustrated and sex starved, and that won't also show in your body language.

I don't think there can be any man more eager and anxious and "not chill" than a horny guy that hasn't busted in 2 weeks +. That's definitely going to make you desperate and excitable, and it will likely show in your tone of voice, body language, words, actions, etc.

When you think about this logically, it's the guy that is cooming as often as possible that will be more chill around women and come of less anxious and "willing to please". The desperation of sex starvation is more likely to just make you start acting like a simp, without even realizing it in some cases.

>None of this is true.
Ok. This place is full of Chads and men with active sex lives, lets go with that lol.
this is pretty discouraging. because I am sitting here in abject yearning and suffering with the hope semen retention have some vague benefits that help me socially in the future. and it's like...no, i can go months and months on end and if i don't do the difficult work anyway, then this is all pointless. so why am i even doing this? what is the fruit of all this labor? i'm just suffering. at least with exercise there'd be some sort of post exercise positive feeling. this is nothing but loneliness and pain
>Sorry if I don't believe you on a forum like this, but I don't.
You don’t need to apologize, because I expected such. As I mentioned before you possess a low amount of perspectives. You can’t just randomly start believing it, because it would destroy your worldview, which isn’t yours but copied from others who told you what to believe. I don’t believe you’re coping, maybe you are, but if you were, you wouldn’t go to this length of “discussing”.
>But for some reason women can't detect if you are frustrated and sex starved, and that won't also show in your body language.
yeah, i've had the occasional magical benefit on SR around women, but sometimes i wonder if that was just placebo because of what I read about SR. I don't feel much more confident on day ~37 than i was on day 3. i keep expecting SR to solve everything for me and somehow it just makes me miserable
hit the gym
>hope semen retention have some vague benefits that help me socially in the future
I'm the anon he replied to and at least I started to go out with some girl but don't think she's interested in me really, so there some hope for sure.
>hit the gym
already am and have been for years. minimal benefits other than looking slightly better. still no women, i am autistic and so socially anxious i can barely talk to women
>so there some hope for sure.
no for me I don't think. never had a gf, never meet women. SR is just making me miserable
>I have a friend who went 250 days pure streak and no success with women.
Why am I not surprised, it's almost as if they are completely unrelated, and most men who are successful with women are also the ones doing the most ejaculating (which would contradict their success if Semen Retention logic was true).

>there is a shit ton od other stuff that needs to be done
Not "other stuff", they are the only stuff that actually needed to be done lol. You never needed the Semen Retention part lol.

>When I coom I feel as if life force left me
Have you ever asked yourself why women never express the same sentiment, seriously?

Do you guys ever ask yourself as a group, and have a discussion about the fact that there is no female equivalent.

It's because women don't feel ashamed about masturbating, for them it's some kind of "feminist" type "empowering" thing.

They don't feel any shame about it, because women are shamed for getting laid, not for their lack of it. It's reverse for men so you feel shame, and that's why Semen Retention and NoFap came into existence. All these movements revolve around and are powered by male shame and self loathing for not getting laid. This is why you'll see contradictory illogical posts like "ejaculating during sex doesn't count" despite them actually not "retaining semen". At that point it's obvious that this is all about the male ego and internalized shame.
have you ever reached 3 months?
>no for me I don't think. never had a gf, never meet women
I feel the same but yeah somehow I managed to meet some girl who wanted to go out with me.
>have you ever reached 3 months?
yes, a few times. i've had spectacular benefits some times and then other times, total duds where i wonder why i did it
>I feel the same but yeah somehow I managed to meet some girl who wanted to go out with me.
what happened? i'm such a loser shut-in it's inconceivable to think i might meet a woman i talk to for more than 5 seconds to say "excuse me" as i run some errand
>i keep expecting SR to solve everything for me and somehow it just makes me miserable
Only actual effort will give you actual results. Improve your physical attractiveness and you'll have more success with women and overall success, same thing with improving your income, financial assets, etc. Simply not masturbating is not going to produce any tangible results for any man. A lot of men in here that claim otherwise are experiencing "confirmation bias", they are interpreting a non existent importance in things that always happened, but they now seeing as significant because their minds are primed by their beliefs to see these things being a direct result of them not ejaculating.

It's just them playing mind games with themselves, but the process feels too great and empowering so they would much rather hide from this truth and deny it, and feel like they lost their special mojo.

Communities like this are proof that the average man is truly worthless, and this entire species has honestly been carried on the backs of the few great men in history who were actually competent and self aware. I am not among those great men, but I'm atleast self aware though lol.
>Only actual effort will give you actual results
so then what does SR do?
>Improve your physical attractiveness and you'll have more success with women and overall success
already did, results still minimal
>Simply not masturbating is not going to produce any tangible results for any man
then i gotta repeat: why are we here? what are the benefits to SR? a lot of studies about some nice testosterone on day 7 just aren't enough when you're on day 102 or whatever and feeling totally miserable
>As I mentioned before you possess a low amount of perspectives.
No, I have self awareness and honesty, you are really just delusional, and desperate to feel special, you really can't be helped. Something "in your face" would need to happen for you to stop being delusional. Like getting cheated on by an obvious coomer degenerate (like a Chad sex fiend stealing your woman). Then you'd have to accept it (or sink even further into delusion and convince yourself that you didn't retain and "cultivate" strongly enough).

>You can’t just randomly start believing it, because it would destroy your worldview, which isn’t yours but copied from others who told you what to believe
I honestly think you are trolling right now because you are literally describing yourself and projecting. Everything I believe is based on reason, not something someone else said. It's why I'm agnostic, I think a God could exist, but I don't believe in any specific God because nothing has ever happened to make me believe in any specific God, regardless of what the people around me say I should believe.

You just randomly woke up one day in desperation and decided to fall for a placebo effect. Let's not start lying to ourselves, you are the only one here that can't think for yourself.

You literally have no legitimate reason to believe in Semen Retention, your standards for testing and screening for mental biases are just so low that you think your reasoning is acceptable, but you would never apply this low level of scrutiny to a financial investment lol.

If you wouldn't invest money into the investment equivalent of a belief you have, that's proof that you are being dishonest with yourself and what you truly believe. It's proof that you are making up special exception rules for certain things and using pure cold logic for the other things that truly matter to you

Never met a single religious person that invests money the way they invest their faith, and that is always amusing to me lol
>what happened?
you mean how this happened? in uni at scientific conference where we both giving a presentation, seat together while listening to others and at coffee brake I've ask if she wanted to go out to smoke etc. at the end I asked if she give me her contacts to go out sometimes, huged her and that's it. After ignoring me for a weeks she agreed to go to the bar with me and my friend. still responding to my texts one in 1-2 weeks.
You're literally denying information here based on your assumptions. I take my words back, you really are coping. Enjoy your uselessness here and thanks for all the bumps.
oh okay so you're constantly socializing with people, got it
How is anyone supposed to know you are responding to them if you don't @ them with their post number ID.

Is this some kind of "coward" convert response method so you don't have to have your arguments addressed?

I honestly don't get why people do this.
not really, that was only time where I've able to talk to some girl.
still infinitely more talking to women than me
where do these retards keep popping out from? Must yap on a thread about not jacking off because other men not touching their dick frightens me
anyway don't tell yourself that your situation is hopeless
thanks. i'll try not to, but i'm just down because i keep expect SR to have these magical benefits and it doesn't really. just the occasional "wow that usually doesn't happen" stare from a woman or something. but it's clearly not the missing ingredient for me since i don't talk to women. i just hoped by now that SR would be motivation enough to start and it's not
I'm the guy you replied to. Man, that is a pretty shitty mindset. You gotta fix that shit.

All I said is that SR by itself will not get you laid, but it will improve every aspect of your life temendously.

Embrace the suffering, but don't base your success on shit like what others think of you or whether you have success with women. Without suffering, there is no greatness. Hit the gym, socialize, approach cuties you see, but do it as a test of your strength, do you have the balls to do it and whether rejections will break you or make you stronger.

Now, one think I'm certain about that SR makes you stand out. However, this is not a good thing necessarily. Etc. for myself, people notice me wherever I go, and sometimes I become a target because of this. Etc. dudes will sometimes be more aggressive with me, or there will be hate for me, because they can feel subconsciously a lot of energy coming from me. All of this implies, you have to develop a stronger mind, which is able to deal with all of this shit, because attention WILL come your way.

But if you are weak mentally, unable to deal with the hate, in dire need of outside approval, SR will be more difficult, but it will force you to evolve. Thanks for coming to my ted talk, and seriously dude, fix your shit, change how you view yourself, if you are able to do SR, it already means you have a lot of potential, but you need to put in the work everywhere, SR is just a tool along the way.

And what is the alternative anyway? Being a coomer with no self discipline? Just remember how awful it feels.
He's an obvious paid shill, nobody puts that much effort into typing inane walls of text for free.
>where do these retards keep popping out from?
I don't know if you realize, but there's a "universal pet peeve" for most humans, and that's retarded illogical shit. It just irks most people on an instinctual level.

If this was a flat earth general or a "all birds are actually drones created by the government" general, people like me would be in here posting all the same.

Most people just don't like stupid shit, intrinsically.

If this was instead a movement that revolved around ACTUAL improvement, where successful men were sharing investment advice, advice on how to start a business, simple but effective weight training routines that require minimal equipment (like just a pair of dumbbells and a few plates), etc, nobody would be as antagonistic towards this general as you see they are.

But you guys don't care about actual improvement and that isn't your focus. This general is about delusional and/or mentally ill retards talking about make believe special abilities and powers that they get from simply not touching their dick.

Why do you think you wouldn't get people being annoyed by such blatant stupidity?

If you guys were about actually improvement this general would be seen in a different light and you guys wouldn't be known across the internet as cultist delusional losers.

>He's an obvious paid shill
Here you come in just to add to my argument, more delusion and insane schizo talk.

>It can't be that this guy is just annoyed by stupid shit, he has to be a paid shill
All of this shilling reminds me that I am on the right path, and that I need to try even harder, thanks for the motivation, I'll make sure to put in extra work for my chest workout later
> but it will improve every aspect of your life temendously.
when does this kick in mate
>Embrace the suffering
I'm open to it, I hope I'm not giving the impression I'm not. But I believe in suffering for some purpose, not needless suffering which only decreases quality of life and doesn't make me more capable of doing good things.
>Hit the gym, socialize
I've said this about 10 times already but I'm already hitting the gym. what i'm not doing is socializing, and my big problem with SR is that it hasn't really given me the motivation nor inclination to start, i find it far too scary to be worth the immense trouble and cringe it would cause me with what will indoubtedly be lackluster results. i know you're going to say that's a shitty mindset but i do know this: i've lost weight, i've succeeded in other areas of my life, and i know how hard it is to change. so doing SR doesn't seem to have any practical benefit if i still have to encounter that difficulty either way
>And what is the alternative anyway? Being a coomer with no self discipline? Just remember how awful it feels.
i find this to be a more compelling argument for sure. what happens if i relapse? Nothing. absolutely nothing. momentary pleasure.

i'm just looking for a higher purpose, a higher reasoning for this SR, because i'm getting absolutely nothing out of all this suffering so far. and it's really intense suffering, it's like fasting or something, i hate it. i must have a high sex drive
>nobody puts that much effort into typing inane walls of text for free
This 100%. Look at previous thread, this guy puts so much time in here just to discourage us.
>i just hoped by now that SR would be motivation enough to start and it's not
it give me to motivation to approach some girl at the street, one time then I go pass girl who was staring at me and she was with kid (I thout it was her little sister because she looked 18) and I give her a nod and start going toward her and asked for a contacts, she was smiling and showed me her wedding ring and said sorry.
that's cool. it has given me this kind of motivation ONCE before, but only when i was with other people, which gives me confidence. by myself it's almost incomprehensible to me that i'd overcome that fear
Bruh, I'll say it again, SR is just a tool along the way, and obviosuly it is increasing your sex drive. However, if you don't have the balls to face rejection, this is where you need to put in the work. Face the fear and overcome it.

It is super difficult, but if you want the results, you need to face it.
>I'll say it again, SR is just a tool along the way
sure. can you explain what this tool does?
>However, if you don't have the balls to face rejection, this is where you need to put in the work
And I keep asking this: If I have to do that hard work anyway, and SR doesn't help me, what was the point of all this misery?
If you don't see the benefits, go back to being a coomer and see whether you feel any difference after a week of cumming. If it is the same for you, then why do it?

For me the changes are obvious, and I take pleasure in having the strength of mind to overcome the lowly urges, looking at porn and masturbating.

Use introspection as your tool, and figure out whether it's worth it for you.
>i'd overcome that fear
fear of what? rejection? I've was feeling good after that rejection and my mood improved, you just need to be in a kind of flow. I'm only approaching in situations were not approaching will be more uncomfortable, like other time where I turned head to check the ass of the girl how was staring at me while I was passing her, and she turned her head too "catching" me checking her out.
fear of embarrassment due to any reason really. i agree with you that sometimes even getting rejected isn't that bad, but i physically cannot get myself to do the thing that i fear. so i don't know what to do. SR doesn't help
>I'll make sure to put in extra work for my chest workout later
Your chest workout has nothing to do with Semen Retention lol.

>All of this shilling reminds me that I am on the right path
Now this is peak schizo, I feel sorry for people with family members that have mental illnesses, I couldn't do it. Imagine someone becoming more emboldened in their delusions the more you try to help them realize they are delusions lol.

>this guy puts so much time in here just to discourage us
Discourage you from failure. Once again, why aren't these threads instead about actual improvement - Finances, Fitness, etc.

Isn't the real psyop to convince you guys to obsess over inconsequential nonsense and give you delusional beliefs?

>she was smiling and showed me her wedding ring and said sorry.
I never experienced this one, this is a new kind of pain. I hope I avoid this one ever happening.

>SR is just a tool along the way
It honestly doesn't do anything, as literally every other guy around you with greater success with women never practices it. Why do you guys keep leaving that part out? lol.

Literally EVERY OTHER GUY isn't doing it and is still successful, so why the hell would you think it's even a factor?

Don't get gaslighted into delusion, and don't end up wasting years of time. Focus on things that produce actual results. Your lack of masturbation if anything should come from you being so busy and distracted by things that improve your life, rather than you forcing yourself through intentional sexual starvation.

There are times where I went 2 weeks without ever masturbating and I didn't even notice because I was working on some online business project. Didn't get rich from it but I still make a few bucks every month from it, and it has given me a bit of skills and knowledge.

Nothing should be forced, if you have to force it then it's not practical or logical.

I'm leaving the thread now.
>If it is the same for you, then why do it?
that's why i'm posting these questions. it's really tough for me to say. the benefits seem vague. there's a more wholesome quality to not being a coomer, i agree with that. but the pain of denying myself a physical need is a ton to overcome and i need something more than "i generally feel pretty good." i need actual physical tools to help me with things, actual benefits.

when i go to the gym and work out, i feel great. i can see my muscles get bigger, i can feel good after a good sweat. after i deny myself sex, i just feel horny, frustrated, and lonely
>Nothing should be forced, if you have to force it then it's not practical or logical.
still not saying anything SR accomplishes. go on and leave the thread if you must
>Literally EVERY OTHER GUY isn't doing it and is still successful, so why the hell would you think it's even a factor?
This is false, no wanker has ever achieved anything of note, you being the prime example.
>still not saying anything SR accomplishes
It accomplishes nothing, so there is nothing to say that it accomplishes. How did you miss that.

Again, every other guy on the planet that is successful in every arena of life that you want to be in, DOES NOT PRACTICE SEMEN RETENTION (as in an everyday lifestyle practice).

>no wanker has ever achieved anything of note
It's semen retention, not "retention of semen specifically from masturbating and sex doesn't count".

You guys play too many word games.

Most men are ejaculating daily, in other words, not retaining semen.

Stop playing dishonest word games and mental gymnastics games with yourself.

Now I'm gone.

Every millionaire, billionaire, etc you know of is having sex whenever they want, they are not playing weird sex starvation games with themselves like the losers in this forum.
>Most men are ejaculating daily, in other words, not retaining semen.
No they aren't, and those that are - aren't achieving anything of note.
>I never experienced this one, this is a new kind of pain. I hope I avoid this one ever happening.
avoiding what? approaching someone who showing interest towards you? even if it was just for attention from her side.
don't think about that much, just jump into it then someone show interest while you in a state where you're not looking for it. (so it doesn't feel like you're going around approaching woman because of some need). So that situations happen only if you don't think about it, really.
>I'm leaving the thread now.
Good! Thank you! That's the most useful line you ever vomited, faggothuselah. I hope you stay true to it!
>I'm leaving the thread now.
>Now I'm gone.
Literally nothing he says has value.
>just jump into it
i mean, how? wtf i CANNOT PHYSICALLY IMAGINE MYSELF DOING SUCH A THING this is so scary to me. sorry for all caps but yeesh i really can't imagine it
Just like his seed and goals.
checked, you're getting this dubs all the time dude. just say hi next time when someone staring at you? you're not going to be wrong in this situation by any means, why some one who's staring at you and wouldn't want to say hi back.
what do dubs mean?
>someone who's staring at you
okay, that's the trick. i haven't gotten any stares on this streak even though i was in a huge crowd this week, i was looking for them and zilch. and i'm looking as good as i've ever looked as an adult, which is part what has me so disappointed in SR. where's my aura? i know it's in there
Isn't there a hobby you do that involves interacting with women? Try a sport, an art or even classes.
Aside from this, there are other factors that could help you be approachable by women, such as clothing/posture and most importantly: eyes. Staring at someone is not easy, there's actually skill into it. You could also wear sunglasses to bypass this, but eventually you're gonna have to take them off.

SR alone won't get you a woman. Womanizing is something entirely different that requires guts and failures. You need both.
>what do dubs mean?
newfren, this is repeating numbers at the end of your post number.
>i was looking for them
don't look for them and then they come, this is how it works. or you don't get disappointed if don't get some.
>Isn't there a hobby you do that involves interacting with women? Try a sport, an art or even classes.
zero, and i live in a small town, so these are extremely tough to find single women at
my clothes and posture were pretty on point this week and again, no stares. i think it's a mentality thing as much as anything else

>SR alone won't get you a woman.
this is my chief complaint about SR. if i diet, i get in better shape. if i practice something, i get better at it. so why doesn't SR alone get me better with women? it's so frustrating because it's immensely difficult for such a vague reward
>don't look for them and then they come, this is how it works
yeah i agree it's a mentality thing, i just don't know how to get there i guess. and previously it feels like i've gotten stares when i was just as self-concious. gotta figure this out
>don't look for them and then they come
>zero, and i live in a small town, so these are extremely tough to find single women at
I've lived in a small town as well, but that didn't keep me from going to the city. If you don't have a reason, then just find one. Go shopping, see if you can find a new hobby in the city that involves women. Hell, I've seen women in my city play Yu-Gi-Oh! at the card/boardgames-shop.
>this is my chief complaint about SR. if i diet, i get in better shape. if i practice something, i get better at it. so why doesn't SR alone get me better with women? it's so frustrating because it's immensely difficult for such a vague reward
>yeah i agree it's a mentality thing
At this point I believe SR is the least of your problems. SR will only help you if you have a basic understanding on how to approach women or get them to approach you. I think you have neither. Do you have any friends, if so can you ask them for advice? They know you personally and we don't, unless we start delving deeper into this which requires a whole new general by itself.

No offense, but you're in the wrong general asking for your issues.
yeah it's not that zen, i sometimes got stares when feelign self conscious and looking for them. but i also get stares when i tap into some sort of social mentality i can't quite put my finger on
still looking for them is retarded and woman-like.
yeah so SR is pointless, figured. and you're probably right, it's the least of my problems. but i thought it would help. i was wrong
>yeah so SR is pointless
It's not pointless. It will help you achieve the things you want. For example, if you want to climb a mountain, you'd have to get fit and learn to climb. Doing SR won't instantly get you ready to climb a mountain, but it will help you get fit. It helps, but not directly.

You need a bully in your life. Someone who gets on your ass for being a weakminded faggot. It helped me.
>get them to approach you
share some understanding
>still looking for them is retarded and woman-like.
It's what people who often get lookers do, men included.
never responded well to bullies. makes me want to avoid doing what they tell me to spite them.

>For example, if you want to climb a mountain, you'd have to get fit and learn to climb
well yeah, which is possible without all the misery of SR. i keep asking in ITT: if you still have to do the same shit you could have done anyway, what does SR bring to the table?

not one solid answer yet
i've just pass that dopamine hits form staring
There are tons of people ready to share some understanding or even have YouTube videos on it. Go look there. If you want tips on SR, I'm here.
>i keep asking in ITT: if you still have to do the same shit you could have done anyway, what does SR bring to the table?
Not sure what you're asking. Can you formulate it differently?
>not sure what you're asking
Let's say people answered: "SR helps you go to the gym, but you still have to go to the gym, exercise, and eat healthy to lose weight."

To me this is the same as saying SR does nothing.

I'm attempting SR for the social benefits: more charisma, more motivation to chat to the opposite sex, etc. So if people tell me "Well you still have to hit the gym, work on your posture, etc. etc." my question is: why don't I just work on THOSE, then, and ignore SR?

(And btw I do work on those already)
You are not denying yourself sex, you are denying masturbation while watching porn
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Don't forget that "Wanker" is a derogatory term for a reason.
okay. still an incredibly frustrating and miserable way to live. an entire human need does not exist in my life
Ah, refusing to read the stickies above I see. I honestly couldn't care less about your existence. You have yourself to thank for that.
maybe my favorite benefit is how angry it makes me. but i have to admit your post gave me a nice lol
lol, I can already see the responses you will get, It's a simple and honest question, but you won't get a simple and honest answer.
a lot of guys being like "look i'll be real with you, SR aint gonna help u if u don't talk to women"

like no shit, thanks for the "tough love." but i keep asking for actual benefits to SR other than the "on day 7 u get a testosterone boost" in the sticky and crickets
>but i keep asking for actual benefits to SR other than the "on day 7 u get a testosterone boost" in the sticky and crickets

Lying piece of shit. Go read the stickies.
i see right through you. "go read the stickies" is cope when there's a simple question you can't answer
>i see right through you.
I see you still haven't left.
Don't expect an answer, because the answer is nothing. SR does absolutely nothing. These guys are really no different than the guys in succubus general or loa general. Their niche obsessive beliefs have become a part of their life and persona. It's about having something to believe in that makes them feel special and in control. You know, Semen Retention reminds me of a video about a specific drug vs the effects of the placebo pill (capsule with sugar in it) used in testing. The fake placebo pill is only 1.1% less effective than the actual drug lmao.
>I see you still haven't left.
lol you have the wrong guy
>SR does absolutely nothing.
Not that any asshole ITT helped, but I'm gonna keep doing SR just to spite the system that wants me to ruin my life with porn. SR's benefits may be shitty some days, and it's not worth the pain, but I'm not going to be another cooming degenerate just for its own sake
>Not that any asshole ITT helped, but I'm gonna keep doing SR just to spite the system that wants me to ruin my life with porn.
I don't believe you're doing any retaining. If you really wanted any benefits, which you claim you haven't noticed, you'd read the stickies. Also, I do have the right guy.
Honestly I just like at it as a problem of increasing how much sex I can have, rather than reducing how many times I masturbate. Substitution is often superior to suppression. If you are on a diet, it's much better to make your "cheat snack" some fruits and nuts rather than to cut off the snack time completely and be hungry, which will likely just lead to you breaking the diet (relapsing). Much better to work with your biology than fight against it.
genuinely curious: why do you tell me to read the sticky when i've read it? like, what are you hoping i'll find? what result are you aiming for here? i've read it
ok but what is the version of this for removing masturbation from your life? there's no substitute. i can't have sex. that's not an option. i have never had a girlfriend. probably never will
>i've read it
You're lying. I've read through your posts and you either haven't read them or purposely "forgot" the information.
answer my questions fucko
I just did. Reading comprehension isn't your strongest feature. Maybe that's why the stickies don't help for a retard like you.
Maybe I'm wrong it it produces a 1.1% difference like the drug in the video I posted. If a 1% improvement seems worth the effort to you, then keep at it I guess.
you sideswiped my questions by denying what i was saying, you didn't answer them. you just argued with the person you're imagining in your head. now answer questions such as:
>what are you hoping i'll find?
>what result are you aiming for here?
>there's no substitute.
>i have never had a girlfriend. probably never will
Prostitution I guess. Even average guys with wives and girlfriends do this. Even wealthy guys who you probably see in a good light as being "above you" frequently use escorts. Politicians and men of means and importance are known to use their services. Of course this requires money, so you'll have to focus on your finances and try to "make it" I guess. It's that or give up on sexual pleasure entirely and become a monk or something. Some guys here might actually advise that, that seems like coping and running away from reality to me though, I'd never become a monk.
>SR's benefits
look at selfy of before and after 4 months on SR in previous tread, some small physiognomy changes that make you more attractive happened to me too.
>Prostitution I guess.
horrible. i have absolutely no desire to be a degenerate like this, and i see no benefit to what is essentially masturbating using a person
>Most men are ejaculating daily, in other words, not retaining semen.
The first thing I learned after getting into SR is that the assumption of everyone being degenerate for the sake of the world, is a malignant lie.
The Antichrist relies more on propaganda than facts, a non-negligible amount people are currently seeking (or will eventually seek) to disentangle themselves from sexual immorality and mundane gratification, with some don't even getting themselves into it from start.

That's why we will win.
>horrible. i have absolutely no desire to be a degenerate like this, and i see no benefit to what is essentially masturbating using a person
When isn't the average man essentially paying for sex, be it directly or indirectly? Ask yourself this question honestly, think about it, and give me your answer. Because from my perspective, men have always been trading resources for sex since the beginning of time, and it has never stopped, only evolved and become more intricate.
>why do you tell me to read the sticky when i've read it?
You're lying, you didn't read it.
>what are you hoping i'll find?
Information you "forgot" or didn't read (it's didn't read)
>what result are you aiming for here?
You reading the stickies.

There, I answered your retarded questions. By all means keep shilling up the place, it motivates the actual retainers and once again thanks for the bumps. You're not fooling anyone.

Quoting you, but in my case it's for real: Now I'm gone.
paying money is way different than the sacrifices a relationship requires. i agree a lot of relationships are horrible too but i'm not going to see a prostitute for that reason
>You're lying, you didn't read it.
yeah i did and you're using this claim to avoid answers
>Information you "forgot" or didn't read (it's didn't read)
vague non-answer based on your initial lie
>You reading the stickies.
ok read it. what now?
>I answered your retarded questions
NTA, I think you are being a bit short sighted and projecting. What you may see as an obvious answer to his question, may be something he sees as "not being a benefit". I don't understand why you are being so dismissive and not answering his questions, they are really simple, it shouldn't be hard for you to give one example.
GOOD RESPONSE thank you. some guys here are so dense
"read the sticky" is 4chan's version of "ask your mother"
>paying money is way different
When aren't men on average paying money in the pursuit of sex from women?

Here's how I look at it, it's like cars.
Renting = Prostitution
Leasing = Dating
Buying = Marriage

All men are still paying regardless of the "level" of the relationship, it actually costs more money the stronger the level of commitment (just ask married and divorced men). There's always an exchange of resources taking place in trade for sex and companionship, and it's always a one sided exchange, because the male libido is stronger, and honestly, men just want and like women more than they want and like us.

Maybe you just can't mentally distance yourself from that reality yet. But I honestly feel no differently about spending $100 on a date than I did when I spent $100 for sex once. Both occasions felt like I was paying for sex, and I challenge you to convince me why I should see them as different.

Does the plausible deniability of both parties pretending as if an exchange isn't being made really make it different for you?

Because it is just a game, and we are in fact playing it. When you take a woman out on a date, she is doing it full well expecting you to foot the bill, with the unspoken rule that if she enjoys herself enough, and is attracted to you enough, she will have sex with you because you "did your part" of the exchange.

Prostitution is the same thing, just minus the games and the ability for the woman to take your resources for free and not offer her side of the exchange.

Honestly, prostitution is the most honest interaction you'll ever have with a woman in your life (unless you find a "soul mate" or something), but even those relationships have a bit of mind games and lying involved.
What benefits did you read in the stickies? Can you sum them up?
Wrong! The difference is night and day, you're pulling your gay numbers out of your ass lol.
Ok, you're right, I hope it works out for you.
>asked a simple question
>durrr YOU answer ME a question
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>There are like zero benefits dude. Just jerk off.

Are you stupid? There's plenty of evidence of testosterone going back up after 3 weeks. Androgen receptors regain sensitivity. Info is all out there. No one will ever do a proper study because no one is gonna find this. It doesn't help anyone. The porn industry won't allow a proper study to be made. I fucking hate normies like you. No brain at all. Just parroting what you've been told in school. Holy shit.
finally talking some actual benefits. the androgen receptor thing does jive with my experience, but it's hard to see how it necessarily translates to benefits in day to day life.
>No one will ever do a proper study because no one is gonna find this
They've already studied human biology in detail, I think you are coping. Something short term isn't really a benefit. Permanent improvements are what everyone means when they are asking for a benefit. I'm sure you know that. Why does everyone else around you have active sex lives and yet performs as well as you or out performs you in all aspects of life?
>The porn industry won't allow a proper study to be made.
Ok, I agree with you, you're right, there's a conspiracy. Forget about the observable results of everybody around you, those are illusions.
Because your body can then make better use of your endogenous test, which is where many of the benefits come from. AR sensitivity increases over time with retention.

When you're more hormonally healthy, your whole system works better. The hormornal cascade effect lasts a couple WEEKS after ejaculation.

And reproduction in the animal kingdom absolutely weakens the male, but they have seasons they do this in. They're not making 2-3 times a week.

But once again, you don't need to sit around wait 30 years for a badly conducted study to tell you anything. Try it yourself, be your own scientist, not relying on a company to decide what info to feed you.
Mating 2-3 times a week*
>And reproduction in the animal kingdom absolutely weakens the male, but they have seasons they do this in. They're not making 2-3 times a week.
They don't have the biological makeup to mate often. Don't you understand how biology works. Those animals aren't "practicing semen retention", their libidos are literally shit tier in comparison to humans, they are programmed to only really be aroused at set intervals.
The benefits of SR cannot be measured by science. It is a spiritual practice. If you meditate daily and do possitive activities, your outlook on life will change. As you won't feed the archons surrounding your spiritual self. Evil feeds of the negativity that porn and masturbation cause. If you don't want to believe the benefits that's on you. Some people are not spiritual believers.
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Your whole argument is "Other guys are having sex 3 times a day and are millionaires. You're coping blah blah".

How can that be true when the average man is complaining about confidence, low energy levels and discipline. Why the fuck is Andrew Tate so popular then? Why do kids need someone else to tell them to wake up and conquer the world? Why do all these basedboys need a 1000 motivional videos to ask out one girl?

>You're coping with this sex starving stuff. No one does this..

You're coping with your caffeine.
You're coping with your Adderall.
You're coping with alcohol.
I'm CONVINCED everyone feels the effects of cooming everyday. They all feel it.

>Billionaires and millionaires coom every day and are fine

You aren't a millionaire or billionaire.You don't have access to the "supplements" that they do. How many of them are self made? All those billionaires literally won the lottery, were born into wealth and inherited it. CEO's of those social media companies don't even allow their children on social media. You don't even know what they do.

Coomers like you are literally a disease. Leave the general and don't come back
"The practice of k e l i b a k y is emphazised for successful meditation" - Bhagavad Gita

Shills are good in a way, they serve as a notorious retarded antithetical to Truth, only reinforcing the notoriety of the obvious, undeniable benefits of SR.
>And reproduction in the animal kingdom absolutely weakens the male, but they have seasons they do this in. They're not making 2-3 times a week.
Not to mention they are in their most vulnerable state after mating.

Pigs have a turbo-libido compared to humans, we're not the most sexually intensive species by far.
>Pigs have a turbo-libido compared to humans
What does that have to do with what I said. Animals always fuck when they want to and when they can, they don't do "semen retention", it's all based on their biological programming. That was my only point. There is no male animal consciously withholding themselves from sex when they have the desire and the option.
>we're not the most sexually intensive species by far.
It's a good thing I never made that argument. I think you guys need to spend more time reading and taking what people say literally word for word, and less time trying to reinterpret and re-frame peoples words into a strawman so you have something convenient to argue against.
>Animals always fuck when they want to and when they can,
Bullshit. Your only point is bullshit and you have never had pets in your miserable life.
It's a good thing we're not animals then :^)
Ok bro, ok lol. As if everybody hasn't owned a dog or cat.
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I'm not your bro, and don't (you) me, disgusting shill.
>It's a good thing we're not animals then
Again, has nothing to do with anything I said or my point. That other guy was speaking as if animals were intentionally not ejaculating, when it's just their biology not allowing them to be horny as often (or them not having the option due to mate competition). Our biology allows us to ejaculate a lot more and the intelligence factor allows us to come up with loopholes to exploit our own biology (hence we invented porn), so that's why we do that. It's really simple.

I just wonder what you types will be doing in the era of realistic sex androids and virtual reality tech? Will there still be guys practicing semen retention when you can have a threesome with two 10/10's in virtual reality that feels 100% real? I don't believe so. Movements like this aren't going to exist in such a future, they would be seen as a childish joke.
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>Will there still be guys practicing semen retention when you can have a threesome with two 10/10's in virtual reality that feels 100% real?
Anyone with a brain not fried by dopamine will see through the hyper-hedonistic exposure as what it really is, an illusion.
>Movements like this aren't going to exist in such a future, they would be seen as a childish joke.
Sure they will.
Nice "logic". Still not masturbating.
Reminder to shills that come here to get men to cum: We are harvesting your loosh. By reading this, you give consent that your energetic body can be harvested by us. You are a sacrifice.
Thank you.
1. You have never been Chad nor will you ever be, these "were Chads" meme images are the cringiest and saddest cope. You guys need to stop. You aren't philosophers, or wise men, or enlightenment beings, you are just losers who can't get laid often so you obsess over suppressing your urge to engage in the only sexual outlet you have available. That is all.

2. Video games are the same kind of illusion, same thing with tv shows, movies, music, all entertainment. They are just less immersive. as time goes on humans advance technology so that entertainment becomes more immersive and enjoyable to us. 4D cinemas are a good example. One day, movies will be something that you actively play a role in, you will actually play a character in a movie simulation. Video games will be worlds that you actually interacting within, and porn won't really be porn, but you actually fucking within virtual reality.

This is inevitable. Nobody is going to deny themselves the option to become a hero in a virtual reality, just like nobody is going to deny themselves the option to fuck bitches in virtual reality lol.

What you are doing is projecting your limited indoctrinated mindset onto the free mindsets of the men of the future. Men who will have much better lives and options than all of us.

Someone born into a world with that kind of tech is not going to give a fuck about any of the primitive low IQ beliefs you guys have today. Nor will they be raised to have any of the shame you guys were raised to have. They won't have any of the limitations.
Oh shit I didn't realize we can do this, nice

Shills working overtime today, it is very important to them that we don't retain our seed lmao
>archetypal technocratic views of muh better future
You really aren't ashamed of being a NPC, are you?
I gave in again
But I will never give up
You don't have self awareness, from the perspective of someone in the past, you using the internet, playing video games, watching movies, etc (all the entertainment you already use and enjoy), is you having "archetypal technocratic views". You are just drawing an arbitrary line in the sand, I'm taking an honest look at myself and projecting into the future. Think about words like "lazy", what we all consider to be "hard work" today would be considered "lazy" in the past, and this trend is going to continue and repeat itself across time. You can sit in a cushy air conditioned office at work today and call yourself a "hard worker", the "hard workers" of the future won't even leave their house, but instead will "go to work" but entering a virtual work environment that simulates physical reality (atleast for some jobs). Sounds lazy as hell from my perspective, but for someone born in that era it's going to be their idea of "hard work". Another example is, a lot of things we consider "fun" today will be seen as "boring" in the far future, because their entertainment will be objectively more immersive and superior. Watching a movie at the cinema just can't compare to playing the protagonist in the movie. It's all relative to your experience.
no u.
You're such a dork, losers with boring lives love imagining this, "oh lemme just wait in the future things will be great" just fix your life now, no excuses.
>Reddit spacing
>Demoralizing shill
>There is no actual benefit
Kill yourself coomer
Shit I forgot not to engage with shills,oh well
Bardon is not for you. You will fail. This is certain.
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>the shill is still working
You gave in because you don't understand what you're doing yet,or because you've been addicted to porn for a huge number of years(like me)
I wholeheartedly recommend you to read The Coiled Serpent, I'm on page 121 as of today and while I don't fully agree with everything that's written,the book is fantastic, greatly beneficial and sets your mind on the right path
It really shows the what and the why and the how of SR
I honestly never believed in shills until I've become a regular here, it's actually insane how those mouth breathing motherfuckers relentlessly try to mislead people and derail any real talk about the practice, they're either weak willed coomers who want to bring everyone to their level or just paid faggots(both possibilities are frightening honestly)
>You're such a dork, losers with boring lives love imagining this, "oh lemme just wait in the future things will be great" just fix your life now, no excuses.
1. I never said anything like that, I know I will be long dead before that time period. I'm not waiting for any future, I'm just pointing out the obvious
2. I definitely get more bitches than you so don't try to project onto me what your life is.
you are cursed
Wondering if wet dreams where you only wake up with precum in your underwear versus wet dreams where you wake up with actual cum in your underwear are the same for breaking a streak. I have had both, and it feels like my energy levels drop substantially more with a white cum wet dream than with a precum wet dream. Any anons have input with this?
>still consooming video games and movies is 2k24
Definitely ngmi, glad I've cut the slop ten years ago.

As for the Internet, it's super useful but also the kind of blessing/curse rolled in one package. Unsurprisingly so much black magic is woven into it, see porn for example.
>2. I definitely get more bitches than you so don't try to project onto me what your life is.
You wouldn't be here to defend your NPC worldview if you got bitches.
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>Kill yourself coomer
Anon being mean to people in lower states of consciousness does pull you down. the world is your mirror you should treat it well.
Look for a gap in their armor, aim to pull them up, if it is not there let them pass on. There is no reward for 'winning' at this level.
We can alchemize the prima materia, nurturing the raw embers until they blaze radiantly
imho, EVERYONE pays. Often, women pay more than men. I mean, the act of having sex by itself is a risk for women due to pregnancy. Having to deal with that is a huge pain in the ass, I imagine (anticonceptives, abortions, having to sue irresponsible men)

I'm with you on prostitution, we should look at it with honesty. The problem with it rn is the human trafficking, the vices and diseases linked to it and the fact it's still a taboo (when OF and porn are viewed as a humorous business, a total lie) If you say you have paid sex with escorts you will be exiled by every group with female presence in it and simps will use that to make themselves look better.

If we could unveil this fact of life I think it'd be better for humanity, keeping it in the dark does more harm than good.
Everything about your view of the future is reddit tier faggotry, anyone fantasising about VR threesomes is an incel
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>I'm a coomer and I love to cope. Doo Dah Doo Dah. I'm a coomer and I love to cope all the doo dah day. All the doo dah day. All the doo dah day. Every coomers sing this song all the doo dah day.
You know what?
You're right
I'm not actually hating on the guy but yes every word that I'm typing right now contains energy,I don't mean any harm to my fellow anons
It's just that it's hard to differentiate between the dishonest shill and the misled coomer that needs honest advice
>You wouldn't be here to defend your NPC worldview if you got bitches.
Never said I get bitches often lol. Just more than a guy who has the thought to starve himself of sex. Guys who can even get laid sporadically don't have such thoughts.
I love you guys. I'm going to try and conquer the world.
>, it is very important to them that we don't retain our seed lmao
Yep. However great powers work for us, ensuring the exact opposite happens. Every time a shill comes here encouraging us to coom, their seed energy is absorbed by us, making us stronger.
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Wet dreams don't break your streak, and anybody who says otherwise is dumb.
While wet dreams are spiritual attacks, the amount of semen in them is like 1/4th of what you'd release during masturbation.
Precum barely has any semen in it. Both of these are mostly prostate fluid.
They most certainly do break my streak. Saying "NO" loudly, vehemently and adamantly is critical to my recovery and when I have wet dreams - I do not play the victim. Get stronger and take responsibility.
>the act of having sex by itself is a risk for women due to pregnancy
Not if they use birth control. In the large majority of cases, when a woman in a developed country gets pregnant, it's because she wanted to, and the guy on the other hand has no choice but to accept her choices after the fact. I'm not seeing the risk factor here. A woman can get an abortion, if even if she has the child she can legally give it up for adoption without and cost to her, but a man cannot legally give up his rights or financial responsibility to his child, so it's actually the man that bears the risk since he doesn't have an escape options like the woman does, it's 100% up to the woman.

If you mean the risk of death from pregnancy, well again, it's the woman deciding to get pregnant, there's too many forms of birth control for any excuse, and even then the maternal mortality rate in the US for 2023 was around 20 per 100,000 live births (do the math yourself).

>If you say you have paid sex with escorts you will be exiled by every group with female presence
1. Why the hell do you need to say? lol. Keep your sex life private.
2. You said you'd likely never get a woman anyways so why would you give a fuck about the thoughts of women that are disgusted by you anyways?

They ironically would see you as a "creep" regardless, you know that's the universal female term for "unattractive" right?

Never forget that your life is about you and your desires, not what other people think. There's no reason to let anyone know, and there's no reason to restrict your choices based on how you think they'd perceive you if they did know.

>keeping it in the dark does more harm than good
It will all become legal and common in a few decades. Ironically OnlyFans is helping with that cultural shift. It honestly wasn't legal because the government has to play politics games, and they need to find a way to tax it effectively. Just like with weed, which is now becoming legal in a lot of places.
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Take a shot everytime this dude says "sex starved". Congrats on ruining this general.
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daily reminder to get your genitals in the sun as much as possible. its really good for you in a lot of ways and its a whole government mind control conspiracy that we're not supposed to be naked in nature ever that creates this whole psychological schism mess that i wont go into rn.
anyway, it feels really great and is good for hormones and mood and everything and i think it prevents likelihood of having wet dreams. it kind of 'seals' your sexual energy in a way.

yeah i wouldn't count a wet dream against yourself its literally out of your control

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