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The Titanic is sentient and hungers for blood. Or, more specifically, one of the many "artifacts" that the Titanic was carrying is sentient and hungers for blood. It alone is what influenced the ship's captain and those in charge of the voyage to wreck the ship. It can influence people only through inspiring bad thoughts in them.

The Titanic movie was produced to stir up attention, so that people would maintain an interest in making expeditions to the Titanic. So that they would lose their lives, and be consumed by this sentience now trapped deep under the sea. Of course, the movie's directors had no idea they were under the influence of this entity.

The recent Titan submarine disaster was part of this too.

This sentience ultimately knows it will never take as many lives as it did on the day it sunk the Titanic, so the recent deaths of the Titan's crew were less important than the amount of attention/emotion the expedition generated. It can feed off of other people remembering what happened, too. Ultimately, it does not feed off human life itself but the emotional state people experience when they die.

The energy must be directed towards the location of the sentient "artifact" itself for it to actually feed off of it. This is why it continues to attract people to the story of the Titanic, rather than influence the world in some other way.

One day someone will finally excavate the artifact, and on that day the Titanic will begin to be forgotten. It's better the artifact stays down there, as it cannot do as much harm down there as it could up here. For now, it can only bring attention to an old tragedy it has caused.

I doubt many of you will believe me and you'll just call me a schizo, but I need to get this idea out there.
Nice bait thread. I'll reply simply because you put out an original idea. What is this "artifact"
The Titanic had tons of rich fucks travelling on it who were carrying precious cargo, such as the Rubaiyat. Not to mention what wasn't mentioned to the public.
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agreed was about to say the same
reminder the captain of the californian was fully aware that the titanic was sinking
>somebody posts something new on /x/
>it must be bait!
this is why we can't have nice thigns
That's the Olympic.

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