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And somewhere in the northwoods darkness, A creatures walks upright,
And the best advice you may ever get, is dont go out at night..
-Legend of the Michigan Dogman 1987

I know I already mentioned this in the title but i cant really over state it; I was DRUNK when this happened. Three sheets to the wind, 5 ways to sunday, whatever expression you want to use. Plastered, baked, hammered, shit-faced, stewed, stoned, smashed, sloshed and absolutely BEFUDDLED when it happened. More so then I normally am on a weekend which is saying something. I drank 32 miller lights that night along with half a full bottle of jack and several swigs of strawberry smirnoff. I also smoked a non-inconsiquential amount of weed so I'm guess trying to say dont just take this story with a pinch of salt: treat it like a frozen road.
Anyway i was out at my budies out in the woods and there were about 50 people still there when it happened. There had been a couple hundred there earlier but it was getting to be around 2:00 AM and most had dipped off a bit ago. The fire was low and me and my buddies were all hudled around the remnants; all of us to lazy to go get more wood, all of us to cold to be anywhere else. It had rained on us durring the party earlier and though no one had cared when it happened even in Jully it still gets cold when you're wet after dark. I remember there were little groups scattered around huddled and talking by the little burn barrels Hunter had set up as secondary bonfires for the party. We didn't know everyone who had showed up but as most of the people we didn't know had brought groups of single chicks with them so none of us minded.
I remember sitting there all but completely out of it next to the "fire" my damp t-shirt doing little to keep the shivers at bay. Some story was being told by someone about some teacher from back in highschool who (allegedly) shit himself in class and it was begining to turn my stumach so i reached for another miller out of the box to watter down my stomach and hopefully warm me a bit.
That dear reader was a mistake.
You se regardless of how cold i FELT at that moment the beer was actually quite warm having been out of the fridge for 8 hours and next to a fire for at least 2. I chugged it to fast to spit it out and it came up foaming and gagging me in my throat as my friends laughed at me running toward the porta-jon on Hunter's property at the far end of the field. I would have just gone for the wood line but around Hunter's property there's a bunch of rusty wiring that's hard to watch for even in the light and in any case I didn't want any of my friends recording my dumbass for instagram.
So i took off toward the lone stall and quickly to my dismay realize there was actuallly a line. Not a long one mind you. Far as i can tell there were only ever two people in that line and as I was bearing down on the place a chick walked out of the toilet letting the first person in. I didn't se her face in the dark but I do remember her walking fast away from the john; in retrospect i wish I could have been able to point her out to my buddies. Maybe ask her somethings.
At any rate I was able to make it to the Jon and swallow back the vomit for a bit only to realize the dude infront of me was wearing some kind of animal costume. It did seem strange to me but people do wear costumes to raves sometimes. I think it was a wolf though I never really got a full look at it from the front all I can say confidently about it was it stank like he hadn't washed the thing in 3 weeks. Infact in some ways it stank worse then that, it smelled a bit like a dead deer carcus though I dont want to over sell it. If it had really smelled that God awful i imagine I would have said something else then what i managed to slur through as I full palm tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hey man, any chance i could go first?"

Is what I got out i'm pretty sure.

He never turned. Instead his back did this weird whip like contortion and then it arched hup like a cat. He got on all fours (or rather put his 2 arms on either side of the stall) and then just scurried up the fucking thing. I dont know really where he put his feet or how the hell he did it but he somehow got ontop of the porta potty. From his vantage point up there above he looked down at me with his weird (were wolf?) halloween "mask" and for a moment... it looked like a tongue came out between the jaws.

If whoever was in the stall noticed any of this they didn't seem to care as not a SOUND came from inside but between the booze, and the scare, and the thousand superstitious thoughts going through my head as the thing breathed AT ME I threw up on the grass and passed out. When my friends came to find me with flash lights I was laying in my vommit and couldn't be made to move my arm let alone stand. They cursed me as they carried me back to the truck, mud and puke getting on them as well. They laid me in the bed rather then letting me sit inside the cab and took me back to my place where they took off my shirt and laid me down on my couch.

I have no god damn idea what that was, honestly none. No fucking idea at all. But I will say, it did make me think of this:

Bump for interest
Hello from Michigan, anon
Hey man,
You ever had an experience like mine?
I'll bet you did ;)
Been camping many times all over up north. I once camped out overnight in the middle of the woods with some friends at an former military facility, long since abandoned with only the foundation of the original school/facility left. We used the foundation to build a fort out of logs there and camped there. Through the night, we heard what used to be a bustling forest full of birds go completely silent. Not much longer afterwards, we heard foot steps approach very, VERY close to the fort, along with sniffing. It was definitely not a four legged animal. My buds and I presumed it was a skinwalker, but now that you mention the dogman, it's making me reconsider. We unforunately did not get any sighting of it, but its presence was very clear: not human. Airing on the side of caution, none of us moved or made any sound and got through the night unscathed.

Thanks for sharing your story man
Unrelated, but here's a redtail in my backyard, I believe them to be good omens and can prtoect us
Thanks for sharring yours
No problem dude, stay safe out there. Our state is one of a kind
Gorillas were believed to be fake until 180 years ago
Either of you guys got any more stories??
I live in an urban area and never got to se anything spookey growing up :(

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