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Then still think Christianity isn't real?

>The largest and most watched platform in the world
>coordinated and greenlit by all participating world leaders
>millions of dollars in makeup, props, lighting, choreography
>all to mock the son of God and praise Satan

I don't ever see the world leaders coming together to bash Islam or Native Wassani. Just coordinated attacks against Jesus and his followers.
>"b-b-but your invalidating the other 4000 religions!"
Am I? or are the satanists in charge doing that for us?
Easily, the people who watch this and either don't care or like it already hate Christians. Only Christians will see this and understand what it truly implies, and that's the point. It's supposed to upset specifically you.
Why would this make me think Christianity is true exactly?
They are having fun with the bitter clingers and I think it’s funny
Jesus Christ was a pedophile Jesus would've loved this
>the French poking fun at the religion of the dominant culture across the world
>the French who overthrew monarchy and founded one of the first free republics and created a standard of religious and libertine freedom that allows you to do as you please without getting ACKed by your local Christian mob
"Aaaaahhh we are scared of the men in women's clothing! It's an attack on Christianity! We're going to die the trannies are taking over aaaaaaaaa"
It's deeply unfortunate that Christians are so mindfucked by their apocalyptic cult religion that they see a threat in all things, which is why you see them literally attacking people. Hate crimes against the gays have been prevalent for a long, long time, and atrocities against anyone considered a heretic or sub human are well documented throughout history. Muslims are just another step removed and are more overt in their willingness to oppress others. The humanist vibe in modern Christianity, that lets people live their own lives, is just an extension of the ideals behind French Republicanism. So now they're making fun of some religious events, and Christians are shitting themselves as if they're getting beheaded for heresy.
Grow a pair of fucking balls you goofy abrahamists. Fucking pathetic.
> I think it’s funny

That's because you're a degenerate crypto-jew/shabbos goy

There's nothing humorous about mocking the sacred and transcendental
You saved the thumbnail?
Really, newfriend?
There are like 12 threads on this on /pol/ and now here too. This is the most supreme ragebait ever.

Think about all the other shit that globohomo is up to right now. How much money did they just steal from you to send to Ukraine or Israel? How much more they planning to steal right now? What other oppressive laws and regulations did they just pass? How's the plan to rig the elections again going?

But this is what's important to get all enraged about. A bunch of fools dressing up in foolish costumes.

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Yes there is
It’s funny because you believe in a God outside of yourself which is the cause of all your suffering
It’s like watching a toddler throw a tantrum because they can’t figure out how to put their shoes on
>There's nothing humorous about mocking the sacred and transcendental
NTA but if that's big a deal why doesn't your God do literally anything like smite them or something?
I think much of Christianity is true, but some of it was made up in order to control and manipulate humanity, and then some of it has been taken too literally or misinterpreted. Satanism doesn't want to only attack Christianity, they want to attack everything good, regardless of the source religion. Maybe Christianity is their biggest threat?
Hail Satan!
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Let me fix it for you, friend.
The Olympics are a major world event, and as OP said, this event was coordinated and greenlit by all participating world leaders. Why did they specifically choose to attack Christianity? It is the biggest religion in the world, but other major religions like Islam and Hinduism are also very prevalent. Second, I don't support everything in Christianity, I don't think it's fully true, I support LGBTQ people, I'm against hate crimes, I generally tolerate other religions and cultures; but if you think Christianity is so bad, you should see what true Satanists do, it's much much worse
Do you feel it? Do you hear the blasting trumpets pressing against the veil? For now we see each other as through a fogged mirror. So we shall see each other face to face.
>nephilim sitting on a pile of fruit

Oh holy fucking shit this should've been the first thing you fucks posted.
>achuawy degeneracy and faggotry is good and you’re the one with the problem!
>I support LGBTQ people
There’s your problem right there

If you actually paid attention the state of your culture around you would see that you’re sliding down the slope as you speak, retard wake up
>privacy of the bedroom
>just let us get married
>just bake the cake
>just accept there are a lot more than 2 genders
>just use the pronouns
>just call me a woman
>just let me into the ladies room
>just let men in women's sports
>just forget basic biology
>Democrats, leftists, MSM, corporations, Hollywood, Big Tech, Antifa, etc support children going to drag queen story hour
>Democrats, leftists, MSM, corporations, Hollywood, Big Tech, Antifa, etc support children going to drag shows
>Democrats, leftists, MSM, corporations, Hollywood, Big Tech, Antifa, etc support children doing drag
>Democrats, leftists, MSM, corporations, Hollywood, Big Tech, Antifa, etc support minors transitioning
>Antifa shows up to defend drag queen child events with guns, which the Left is now cool with
>MSM calls the opposition to drag queen child events fascists
>corporations merchandise troons and faggotry
>just let actual degeneracy be praised and supported in society
>Hollywood and entertainment industry inject troonism and faggotry into media
>Biden literally invited drag queens to the White House
>Biden administration already has a few troons and cross dressers
>degenrates are totally normal and well individuals
>Troons are Big Pharma cash cows
>on March 27 2023 a troon shot up a Christian school because the state banned child drag shows
>staunch gun control Leftwingers like Cenk Ugyer preach that troons should get armed
>Democrats, MSM, Lefties, etc who usually say how monsterous shooters are said the troon shooter was a victim
>2 days after the troon shooting Biden declared trans Visibility Day
>March 31st formerly Easter is now trans Visibility Day
>troonism and faggotry is currently being pushed on children and elementary schools
>Antifa showed up at an elementary school to attack parents protesting critical gender ideolgy
>see any of the degeneracy at any Pride parade
>You need to celebrate people for being homosexual
>you are arrested if your car skids a pride flag
Thank you anon. OP is the prophet and you were the person who got stuck writing down what they had to say.
>Only we,a bunch of gullible, morally bankrupt idiots can understand!!11!

Woah, its literally like every other cult in the world!
the image is too small asshole
>I don't ever see the world leaders coming together to bash Islam
Islam believes in Jesus too you mouthbreather.
Such is life.
We should all help each other more when we can. It makes then journey so much more pleasant.
>Jesus was a prophet
>Jesus didn't actually die on the cross and was swapped out
>Jesus foresaw his death on the cross
>if it never happened it invalidates his status as a prophet

Islam is a contradiction
considering how tolerant Christianity is of the LGBT, versus a religion like islam (still throwing gays off roofs and stoning them), you would think they'd attack Islam for their beliefs.
But no, they support and rally behind muslims. Because they know that Islam is heretical, dogmatic and false.
Instead they target Jesus and his followers, for (((some))) reason, even though have a history of tolerance.
>How do you watch shit like this

I don't. moving on
>That's because you're a degenerate crypto-jew/shabbos goy
But they are making fun of jews as everyone in Last Supper is jewish?
I don't watch this, the olympic games are boring as fuck.
Nobody denies Christianity being real, what?
>largest and most watched platform
???????? tiktok ?????????
>coordinated by all world leaders
that's not true, world leaders just watch and clap, the one coordinating are the people hired to do it
>millions in makeup, props etc.
they are making that money back
>all to mock the son of god and praise satan
why? because they made a reference to a painting? you believe Da Vinci or whoever painted that shit took a photograph of the event and then painted it?
Why was there a little kid dancing with that black guy next to the drag acts and shirtless gay men :(
Nah, it's frogs hiring an edgy frog who would be begging money for fixes in a back alley in a better country rather than being hired for a worldwide event.

The entire ceremony was "tru3 4rt", even anime and Netflix could have done it better and I can't believe I just wrote this.

No wonder France has always amplified everything bad about western civilization and is always beaten by anglos when it comes to every field which isn't about looking like clowns, do they even have any sort of spiritual tradition which isn't a copycat of abrahamics?
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The prosecution complex of exoteric christians never gets old, it's like the hunter crying and bitching to the villagers cause the wolf tried to bite him after he tried to shoot at it.
That's because Europe being christian is just a front, americans like to talk about how "the old gods are dead" but do you think this would've happened in american public television? Well, the answer is "the old gods aren't dead" and they're where they should be.
The Olympics is fucking gay, it was originally to honor Zeus who was an oppressive nigger. Imagine doing a bunch of tricks like a monkey to impress someone because they said they were God lol. Mad
>Islam believes in Jesus too you mouthbreather

Muslims don't like Jesus, they literally think "Muhammad>jesus"
He is literally still the messiah in Islam just not the son of god.
He even has a second coming and defeats the Antichrist in Islam.
let them mock you
become stronger and get closer to the divinity
become the second enoch
In islam its literally called a tablespread instead of a last supper. Allah himself sended down a table of food totally created by allah. But they also aknowledge a tablespread and a chapter of the quran is named after the tablespread
Zeus as a bull kidnaps europe (female) to europe
Zeus also known as jupiter
because theres a concerted effort to make people disrespect and dislike Jesus
Jesus was the product of the same people, it was the global agenda of the past
Jesus was not that fucking fat wtf
It’s just for show
Jews could rape toddlers in front of the audience and you'd still make excuses for it
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How do you watch people mock and infantilize the Norse Gods and not believe in them?
>hate crimes
Funny how its a hate crime when fags are attacked. But never the other way around.
If something on this scale were orchestrated just to mock faggots imagine the outcry.
You think you're any better.
Also, you don't have to be a Christian to hate degenerate faggots.
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behold, a Pale Horse
...yet the rider doesn't want to wake up from its slumber
fuck off IOC
>I'm against hate crimes
Stop using their faggy terminology, man. This is how they groom the masses to accept their degeneracy.
Well fags should be flogged in public
< just for show.

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