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I have a problem: spent 6 weeks in japan, visited temples all over there. Now at home I see nightmares. That's normal, but I just woke up to a dream where I or someone else was being chased by a demon and someone gargled its name out before I woke up: Bakubuku

I am not joking. I didn't read any folklore during my trip, it just so happens that "Baku" is an entity related to nightmares. FUCK me I never believed in anything but now I have goosebumps all over and am afraid to sleep. I have NEVER heard the word/name "Bakubuku" and it just so convrniently happens to be a japanese supernatural folklore being? What is this shit?

Okhay, it's a good entity I guess? Anyways it freaks me out because I literally had a nightmare in which shit was going to get fucked up and then everything darkens when I or something else in my dream gargles "Bakubuku" and I wake up.

This is fucked. How can anyone even believe me if I tell this, I wouldn't believe myself.
What could ばくぶく even mean?
Not all spirits are terrible. This one eats nightmares. You should thank him.
If you're feeling scared or whatever just read about the different yokai. There are a lot worse and most are like annoying/troublesome at their worst and that just depends on your perspective

Not OP but thanks for sharing anon. Can you tell me about Kanji?
Sounds like you should be grateful?
Yeah I was simply frightened, I made this thread after I woke up. If good old Baku-san wants to protect me then sure go ahead.

Until this point I was a firm non-believer, almost a materialist even. Now I don't know what to believe, I am 99% sure I've never read about Baku or anything about Kami or Youkai for that matter. So where did the word "Bakubuku" come from into my nightmare? ......
I fell back to sleep and dreamed of a demon possessing and playing mind tricks on me. Everyone in the dream was against me and possessed by this same demon, pretending everything's okhay and then when I turn my back betraying me. The demon even revealed herself to me before I woke up, she had very weird looking sharp facial exaggerated features and was laughing how I finally gave her freedom and that she was gonna have fun now that she's free.

Fuck off demons I didn't sleep too good because of this shit. I wish I had Baku protecting me.
I don't mind nightmares, but all I can remember is that it was a particularly gruesome nightmare. Like chopping heads, including mine, with an axe -kind of shit. So I am thankful.

It was a very weird experience, waking up to "Bakubaku". I've had similar experiences before over the years but nothing like this. Another word I've woken up to, years ago, is "Heuma", but that led nowhere and wasn't similar as an experience.

I don't remember when I've been so shaken and so scared before. Just after I woke up, I was wondering what the fuck is "Bakubaku" and if it's a good or a bad thing. And I was getting constant, CONSTANT goosebumps and it felt like I was almost running a fever. Never had goosebumps that bad, like constant stream of shills down my spain and it didn't stop for a good 15 minutes or so.

I don't know if this is early schizophrenia or just my brain making up nonsense that matches the name of a Japanese spirit or an actual experience of some sorts. But nevertheless I am shaken by it.
>shills down my spain
Chills down my spine. Did I also suffer a brain hemorrhage or something? Kek.
Crazy fucking shit, anon.. definitely keep us posted as time goes on. Curious as to what these dreams, or nightmares, come…

Did you stay anywhere that might be sponsored spooky?
>Did you stay anywhere that might be sponsored spooky?
What do you mean by this? If you're asking if I stayed in any haunted/whatever place while in Japan, AFAIK no I didn't.
The thing that I don't understand in this is how did I dream up this thing's name WITHOUT knowing anything about Japanese folklore? I literally had no clue about Japanese yokai before this dream and the aggressive googling I did once I woke up.
Also when I visited Shinto and Buddhist temples and shrines all over Japan, I never actually prayed or ringed a bell or anything I just looked around, took some photos and left. I have a feeling that maybe I disrespected something with my behavior but idk.

Sage because I don't want to constantly bump my thread.
Welcome to gnosticism op. I used to be like you, now I know I can't go back after realizing God(s) exist. Had a similarly profound experience.

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