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>Do you require assistance, advice, or direction? Be not afraid edition
I'm here to offer free assistance with any spiritual, emotional, mental, non-energetic, non-chakra, non-spiral power, non-evolution, non-ascension, or physical/health/wellness issues you might have.
I can also instruct you on wisdom, the divine, or the elites/control systems.
If you wish to connect with me on Discord, I do not offer other social media services as everything can be put here on 4chan for all to see and benefit.

Yeah what’s ur discord
Excuse me, I meant to say I do not use social media, including Discord.
>If you wish to connect with me on Discord, I do not offer ANY social media services as everything can be put here on 4chan for all to see and benefit.
Yeah what’s ur discord dumbass
I like need advice or something
I dont have discord, just post it here
Okay so like I saw my sister in the shower and it kinda excited me idk how to like spiritually process this

Fuck your sister and then go to jail for incest
It's just a fleeting feeling. If you get obsessed over it then that is when it becomes an issue. It's simply temptation. Maybe clear your head, stop watching pornography. The mind works in a way that reflects your environment.

Hey. This is the OP of the other thread. I just want you to know that you are a genuine loser for making this thread. On top of that- all my information was in the last thread.
To spiritually process it, well it is immoral to linger on the feeling. Confess and ask the Lord to lead you from temptation.
I don’t watch porn

I just wanna fuck my sister
That's fine you think that way friend
Like I said, just remove the triggers
That doesn’t make any sense

I want my money back

I came back; What now? Last time, they told me not to, but I did anyway... I did not heed the warnings, Now I suffer the consequences... What do I do now?
How do I cure my psoriasis once and for all?
She probably left the door open on purpose
Psoriasis is a diet issue. Take out all breads and grains especially enriched. If you're not growing your grains, it's probably bad for you. Supposedly keto diet and meat diet works. Stop using scents on ur clothes (softener and detergent) and stop using soap when u bathe, water is enough. It takes a few months to clear up and heal.

Thank you.
What do I do? They said I would die If I came back, but I don’t want to die, I don’t want to give up... What do I do?
Perhaps, I never strayed at all. I never needed you. Her advice was enough, and I follow it, in my own way. I’m never going back there.
sophia? paganism is not what i advise
I don't suppose you or anyone here knows anything about traveling to other universes? Like if I had a specific one in mind and wanted to take someone with me? Thank you, and I hope for the best for those here and elsewhere.
This fucking faghot sucks don’t even listen to him
thats not on my list of services i dont do mysticism

What do you do sir
I'm here to offer free assistance with any spiritual, emotional, mental, non-energetic, non-chakra, non-spiral power, non-evolution, non-ascension, or physical/health/wellness issues you might have.
I can also instruct you on wisdom, the divine, or the elites/control systems.

Can you help me with my spiritual problems, my mental problems, can you help me with my health/wellness, can you help me with the divine, can you give me your wisdom and can you instruct me on the elites/control systems? I need help with all of those.
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yes but we have to start with one first

Ok I have all of those. What is next? This is pretty basic stuff. Actually extremely basic.

What's next?
if you have all of those why do u still have mental problems? you do not have the "safety needs" because you said you need help with health/wellness. And if you have spiritual problems that means you do not have "self-actualization." You need to start one place at a time - we are speaking in text after all. No, not even verbally it can be done efficiently for what you are asking for. Start with one issue.

My mental problems are because I can't focus on doing school work. That's it. My health and wellness I have a weird blood problem with my T cells. I eat extremely healthy. My spiritual problems is because I dont know if God is real or not or if heaven is real. I am extremely self actualized and actually my network is extremely high.

For someone trying to help others you have assumed quite a lot. It seems like you make connections that are not there.

What's your next advice?

***Net worth. Not network.
so ill answer one at a time. the mental problems is probably simply a diet issue. there's ample evidence that preservatives, dyes, other additives causes agitation, anxiety, and procrastination behavior. Furthermore, processed foods ruins the gut microflora - which in turn can lead to nutritional deficiencies and mental health issues. There's a vitamin called Bio-35 that can be supplemented as a good stepping stone onto your healthy eating journey. the efficacy will run out as your body starts to get those essential nutrients from food. What are common nutrients that are deficient? The ones I list , Bio-35 has but if its too expensive:
B-12 (be careful you dont get the cyanocobalamin form)
magnesium (get chelated form)
Eat with your biological clock, that means stop eating late and stop sleeping late.
stop eating so much carbs
usually when people start following my diet advice, they stop being so agitated, their depression goes away, it just cures a lot of mental illness. Of course there is more components to mental illness - the other one being spiritual. But often times you have to address both.
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>I have a weird problem with my T cells.
Gonna need more info
>I eat extremely healthy
How is this an issue?
If I'm gonna guess it means youre eating some sort of vegetarian diet. I wouldn't do that, I doubt your buying organic on the regular and I doubt your soaking your grains and seeds and I doubt your getting the right kind of B-12 vitamins to supplement. You will still be deficient eating only veggies, point blank period.
>My spiritual problems is because I dont know if God is real or not or if heaven is real.
The first step towards God is to humble yourself. Once you have stepped over that I can help you more.
>I am extremely self actualized and actually my network is extremely high
if you are self actualized then why are you having all these problems? You would be managing them on your own.
How do I get consistent and tangible results with my magic? Made quite a few pretty crazy results but not on purpose and not consistently. Shapeshifting is the desired end result.

I do not eat preservatives. I grow all my own meat and hunt or slaughter it myself. I have no bought meat in over 10 years.
I eat mostly beef, lean meat, fish and eggs. I do not eat any grains. I do not eat any junk foods. I only eat really meat, fish eggs and vegetables. All grown by myself or my chickens.
I actually have been on Bio-35 for about two years now. Glad to see another redpilled on Bio-35 as me. I also take a very expensive mix of B-12, copper, magnesium, iodine, D and Omega-3s.
I eat one to two times a day in the day time and I never eat over 4 PM.


I do not know why you assumed I am a vegetarian or that I did not eat healthy.
Even though I eat healthy I still have focus problems.


I have Angioimmunoblastic T-Cell Lymphoma.


I have been humbled for years. What made you assume I was not? It seems like you are the one who isn't humbled because you have made all these assumptions about me. Like for example that I didn't eat healthy, or that I was a vegetarian or that I did not take supplements.


I am self actualized. I just have focus problems, Angioimmunoblastic T-Cell Lymphoma and I do not know if God or heaven is real. The only reason I feel this way is not because I'm not self-actualized- but because my child just died and I am feeling deep sadness for the loss of my only child. My wife is deeply sad too. I was asking for help.
None of your help or ideas are helping me. I already do everything you suggest. You just gaslight me and make assumptions about everything about me. Your ideas and advice do not help at all.
You clearly are not in any position to give other people advice or guidance. You are also not humble at all and make many untrue assumptions about me without even asking my life situation or personal problems.
I have Angioimmunoblastic T-Cell Lymphoma, focus problems and my child died. It's not a problem with my self actualization or diet. What advice next?
I am slowly dying from alcohol
Have you tried not drinking? Last time I got drunk was like 9 years ago
Okay, thank you for answering. I hope for the best for those here and elsewhere.

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