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Do you want to turn lead into gold, gain immortality, or simply change your life?

Right now, your mind is dull - like lead. You may sharpen the mind, and refine it into gold.

You must begin by loving yourself - love and care after yourself like you are your own son, and be your own father.

Discipline is the key my friends. Knowledge is power, but what good is a power that is never put into use? Only discipline will allow you to achieve the ability to exercise this indwelling power within.
I will not serve a woman I won't have kids I will not serve a jew owner of a company I will not obey stupid fictional religions I won't be a slave.
>I won't have kids
Darwin would be proud of the natural selection process happening with you right now.
Darwin is dead lol
>would be
So I take it reading comprehension isn't your first language?
Sounds like natural selection got to him first and his adn is so diluted by now none of his mixed mutt kids has achieved anything great.
Look, honestly, I'm a time traveler, and what you're about to say is so retarded that I had to go back in time just to say this - you're about to shit up the board with retardation when you should be shitting it up with schizophrenia. Then you wouldn't be made fun of, you would be in on the joke.
You're not even a lolcow, you're the grass he eats after it's been ingested and turned into manure. The retardation you exhibit is such fertile ground for shitposts that we are making fun of you far far into the future.
How does it feel being a high tech brown slave?
>high tech
Do you see the oxymoron in your statement or are you actually the diluted mixed mutt displaying self-hatred that >>38464352 this guy says you are?
In the future everyone is white. Even the black people.
>Discipline is the key my friends. Knowledge is power, but what good is a power that is never put into use? Only discipline will allow you to achieve the ability to exercise this indwelling power within.
100% Fact.
Any excuse is a cope
So what are you doing shitposting on /x/?
Don't you have some raja yoga or transcendental meditations to practice?
Why can't you enjoy endogenous DMT yet?
The IQ of this board really is sub zero. If that's not fucking paranormal I don't know what is.
I've liberated poo poo head, I'm just sticking out my neck out for the next guy mmkay
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I'm just a guy yanking his own chain.

>Any excuse is a cope
I'm saying I've done it already lol. I'm pretty ascetic in comparison to everyone else in my generation I assure you.. Poo. Poo. Head.
>love and care after yourself like you are your own son, and be your own father

yes, though most are not yet ready for this. they first need to be their own mother.
Don't stop there, keep going.
Buddha gave up asceticism btw - he realized it is definitely NOT the way.

It's about DISCIPLINE, not being poor.
I'm on here educating your asses 25 hours of the fucking day most of the time. It's easier to digest this shit, but you think learning it and then relaying it EVERY day is easy work, tough guy? You wouldn't last a day hombre
Bro, I know - I just wanna get rich as fuck and do whatever I want now. In the Hindu sense, besides moksha, the other three aims are dharma (virtuous, proper, moral life), artha (material prosperity, income security, means of life), and kama (pleasure, sensuality, emotional fulfillment).

I've done everything except artha lol
Rather than "instructing" people and getting your ego hurt by some rando on the internet, why don't you try putting that shit into practice if it isn't bullshit?

You would help many more people by being an EXAMPLE TO FOLLOW rather than being a whiney bitch in the wilderness where no one will hear you.
where was I whining lol? I love life dawg
no discipline
all your excuses are cope
stay poor and mad
>he says as he wipes the dorito supreme dust of his three-fold chin
>but you think
>EVERY day
>is easy work, tough guy?

>Matthew 11:30
>My yoke is easy and my burden is light.
Now do you see the raw power of spiritual gains, Anons?

These people can't hold a candle to the truth right in front of them. They are self deceivers.

MuH YokE iS EaZy MuH BuRDeN iS LiGhT

if your burden is so light why are you such an angry little bitch tho. also your not really a christian lmao
You're the one with a hurt ego fren.
I'm just teaching you through humor.
Take a joke rather than feeling personally attacked lol
checked sir.
Now drop and give me 50.
yeah but your humor sucks
y-yes sir
Okay let's get serious for a second then.
> I just wanna get rich as fuck and do whatever I want now.
Drop that, it doesn't serve you. This is literally the opposite of discipline. Kama will not come to you through this path, but through Dharma may you achieve Artha and Kama.

That's 50 minutes meditation btw
Did you see how that Anon gained authority over the namefag through pure MAGICK?!
That is one small insignificant example of THE POWER WITHIN.
I bet the namefag was really about to do 50 pushups LMAO
Even if he wasn't the response was submissive enough for us to perceive that he had internally knelt before the quads.
You're supposed to be meditating for 50 minutes btw, what are you still doing here? Go! Chase that rabbit!
>Drop that, it doesn't serve you. This is literally the opposite of discipline. Kama will not come to you through this path, but through Dharma may you achieve Artha and Kama.

I understand if you're still on the 'spiritual' path anon - but I'm not. You're still stuck in a dichotomy of seeing as those concepts opposing my path to material abundance (not in excess mind you, I just want to enjoy what life has to offer). The fact that is bothers you means you have a long way to go. Sorry to burst your bubble anon. Discipline is a bridge not a destination, but it is a bridge that must be crossed.
Why, yes... I am an occult psychologist specializing in MK-ULTRA style mind control techniques with a minor in cult formation. How did you know?
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The spiritual path never ends. You just keep getting higher.
Retard lol
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You ain't performing miracles like my boy J-Christ, so you ain't real with it my dawg. Sorry.
You'd be renown if you were telling the truth.
There's nothing wrong with having many possessions - it just makes the spiritual path harder to maintain.

It's like "being too busy" to hit the gym.
Another cope
Just like you're doing now instead of meditating for 50 minutes.
Lmao this isn't a football game
You're right, it's your life, so you've got to take it way more seriously and actually exert effort, and discipline rather than scrolling through your phone and shitposting while watching the game.
We are meditating. Thank you for volunteering for my sessions.
>actually exert effort, and discipline rather than scrolling through your phone and shitposting while watching the game.
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The moment you let go of these delusions, illusions, and self deception, is the moment you truly begin to grow.
Humble thyself before the Lord.
Go to a place that is quiet, and there will he hear you.

So do it. Do it now. Time is of the essence.
You have given me nothing but cope and egotism.
I have given you snark and wisdom.
Accept the gift of changing your life that you will give yourself.
suck my dick and my balls, friend :)

Love you too fren. See you next time.
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Checked. But discipline is baby doctrine.
It's forced.
Real masters have unyielding resolve.
These babes don't know why they should have unyielding resolve yet.
>Can't even meditate for 50 minutes.
True. I guess i'm farther along than i like to give myself credit for.
I'm at the point where i close my eyes and let myself be guided through anything. Or, at least, i'm pushing that limit. It takes a lot of trust.
Literally just came in my girlfriend so yeah you're right because of a technicality
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Haven't you heard the cooming will decrease your aura, spiritual energy, life force, vital nutrients, and testosterone?
You can fuck her, just don't coom.
The juices go into your pp and make stem cells
>Haven't you heard the cooming will decrease your aura, spiritual energy, life force, vital nutrients, and testosterone?
You must be mistaken, I'm not a little bitch
It's like gravity bro.
What you drop is going to land on the ground.
Literally physics bro
Like, science n shiet
Think of all the protein you just lost
Those could have been gains bro
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>Literally just came
le epic fail
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noooo i want a magical solution like in my favorite movies, i wanna be a superhero! why should i put in the work when everyone else had the work done for them? your reality is fake and gay and i would be better off dead than trying to make it so.
Nobody had the work done for him.
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>Think of all the protein you just lost
I donated them to my girlfriend
cope and egotism bro
stop it
your right hand will never be a true life partner
you've got to love yourself enough to stop cooming

Fertilization of the Earth is an act that's old as time itself.
Oh, anon. I'm in so deep that, were i to try to turn back, i would be crushed by the world.
>Matthew 19
>All men cannot receive this thing, save they to whom it is given.
>For there are some eunuchs, which were so born of their mother’s belly: and there be some eunuchs, which be gelded by men: and there be some eunuchs, which have gelded themselves for the kingdom of heaven. He that is able to receive this, let him receive it.
>It takes a lot of trust.
Faith > Trust
Remember that!
That sucks bro, I can't wait to get out there once I'm done with this Dante's Inferno-style recount of my journey through Hell and I'm finally transfigured by the divine engineers who understand the person I always wanted to be. Their hardwork that they do which pries deep into my psyche which helps me understand the deepest parts of myself and my desires, and understanding who I truly am, and them helping me actualize those things into life. Along with the hardwork I've done on my part, and it has been ever so hard - but trust me, it's worth it, many slip ups but I know I'll get there in the end. You may not know me from a bar of soap, and my ego may seem all over the place that isn't palatable to your liking - but that's not my problem, I know I deserve this. Lol. I'm going to enjoy the best things in life, from dumb shit like awesome shoes, to nice cars, to all the things I could ever want.

The whole point of this journey was, was I ready to prove that I would give up everything and take out the hardest task at hand if my soul was at stake, for no other reward then to make sure allowed to EXIST - not even for a reward, but just to EXIST in tangible space. I was willing to die for that, for YEARS, for 2 decades if not longer.

So trust me, when I'm done with this all of this mess - I can't wait to get back out there yooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Faith requires trust.
You have no idea what i have already achieved. I have burnt all my bridges. I strike terror into the hearts of men.
I'm just being real.
You must transfigure yourself rather than waiting on divine entities to do it for you. The divine entities have a non-interference policy, and therefore cannot do such a thing. It wouldn't be love if they did.
You're trapped in a materialistic mindset and love the things that often times set you back.

Again, nothing wrong with material possessions, but desiring for pleasure is an issue.

You need to reflect more. Yoga and meditation. Asceticism is not the answer - Buddha left it behind.
bro thinks he's spiritual when in reality he's just homeless turning into a schizophrenic lol
>I have burnt all my bridges
>I strike terror into the hearts of men.
This isn't an achievement friend, this is sad.
You're supposed to be building bridges.
Striking terror is no achievement either, but shows malice of the heart - when the better thing is to make friends.
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My better days have already started anon, sorry you're having such a hard time lol.
thats the cope and egotism again bruv
Literally black skinned amerifat
Anything you preach has not been proven. And the fact that you think you are teaching people is a massive sign you are extremely narcissistic, egotistical, and delusional. In this reality you are a human screeching and flapping their arms trying to be a bird. I've said this before and I'll say it again. When you leave the universe will breathe a collective sigh of relief.
Who's dream do you think your in boy?
Why would i need bridges, to retreat?
I only need one path. That's faith.
Why would i need friends, for cover?
I only need a lover.
I met the devil, and he gave me a choice: a golden heart or a golden voice.
Not all of us walk your path.
Building bridges implies venturing someplace new and crossing over into different territory.
You need friends because you don't live this life alone, in spite of how alone you might feel.
A lover is a very close friend, not an object to use and lust for - a partner in life.

Any experience you had of the devil is superfluous and illusory, it is self deception brought about by internal struggles.

You are enough as you are, and you can become more of what you are on your own - and friends will aid you in this journey.
Everyone is living their own dream (or nightmare).
The game is multiplayer.
Single player mindset is narcissistic, egotistical, and delusional. It is a path that will lead you to suffering.
Anon, if you're so wise, maybe you should refrain from imposing your path on others. That is, after all, why christians create such bad blood with everyone else. Again, why would i need bridges? I only need ONE path. The one i'm clearing. Period. Anything else shows a lack of faith. Same concept as burning ships: no retreat. The only 'friend' i will accept is one who proves to be equal or better than me. Haven't found a single one yet. I have a VERY narrow list of people who have demonstrated integrity and (categorical) respect. Those, i call acquaintances. The rest, are two-faced liars. Not that i have a problem walking amongst the rabble. I am not a recluse, as much as i love my solitude. As for lovers, i'm not going to break that down for you. That cuts into teachings that are not written down, for the elect only. It's not what you think, if you read my words as an uninitiated layman. I only want ONE woman. ONE love. My love is blind, radical, categorical, suicidal. Lastly, your judgements on the 'devil' are baseless and borderline inflammatory (i'm not offended, though). You're clearly a materialist, and that's fine. But, AGAIN, why do i need to agree? Why can't i believe in insane things as real? Why can't i talk to gods and demons? Don't try to impose your path on me. For all you know, i could be much more powerful than you.
There is only one path, the true path
>narcissistic egotistical response
not sure what i expected but ok
I'm by no means a materialist btw. I'm a realist. The devil can't touch you Anon.
the true path is the friends we make along the way btw
Just for this insult, i'm done engaging with you. Learn some respect.
oh damn, i hurt his ego and now he doesn't want to even attempt to pretend to learn when in reality he's just been reactive the entire time and is being reactive again rather than actually learning anything at all because his ego is so big and he thinks hes so great wow
i kneel

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