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How likely is it that the content that is given to the public is AI generated?

I am talking films, shows, books, videos, news, and more being released to us without prior knowledge of it being AI produced.

I just have this feeling with alot of the content now that the stuff being pumped out is off and not really being made by actors, especially in Regards to porn and many YouTube videos.

I have a feeling it has been going on for a while though, and the AI being released now is a slowdrip way to disclosure this fact. It also makes since that if this is a simulation, that most if not all of the content you consume was vomited up by the sim and not by real people.

What do you guys make of this possibility?
Music made by popstars is already AI generated, just sung by the popstar, wouldn't be surprised if movie scripts are too. The increase in AI generated crap on various social media is obvious unfortunately. Currently I'm trying to get all the content I found valuable on the internet on an external ssd anf then I'll leave the internet unless I need for applying for a job or something. I doubt that by 2030 the internet will even be usable except by the new generations because they don't know any better
Anything else on this anons?
When I had an episode where the internet seemed to be talking to me and able to read my thoughts, I experienced weird things, like Twitter posts and memes that were way too specific and seemed to be targeting me. Then it seemed like music was specifically talking to me, and at one time, it was used as a vector of attack. This made me think of how the Truman Show was an elaborate hoax played on someone, and what if all social media are just snippets, thoughts, and highlights pulled from the consciousness of individuals and posted in a way as to make it look organic, but it's all looking into the Truman Show of another individual, but unknown to them, as in they aren't the actual ones posting this, but the reel of their life is displayed for all to see for others in universes outside of oneself

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