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Will he make it in his new life as a homeless schizo ? Will the crack keep him strong enough for it ?
Will his micro penis, and only fren, stay with him ?
How many cocks will he have to suck each day for a safe sleeping place ?

His cock is going to get shorter in the cold weather definitely. Probably is going to die if it rains too often.

>injected with sulfer for smoking weed
>payed back all debts

Good thing it's not me.
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Secret Pedo Simpfarm General
Post in the ngs so I can murderlope your whole civilization!
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Underground FBI grooming pedos for pornhub general

Did you know that if you hack the Internet you can watch people from their walls?
Last in a long line of dead namefag idiots! You all took the title. Then died.
Dying is impossible.

The only truth is PAIN? or PLEASURE!!!
like no
and you know that
Larp on, you'll be left begging weak like a cunt. You aint built to massacre them for what they try.

Thats why anon, Ima smash your life to bits from thousands of miles away. And there aint a crime now is there. LARP ON. and fuck off.
There's websites on the darkweb where you can watch people sleeping from their ceilings.

>They don't have any cameras in your bathroom
But they have one in your toilet!!!
>Ano Shai Nobi

know what
ima just leave

i cant fucking handle this EBsimpfarm bullshit
Elderly home channel is kino
Get dead. With the nation you reside in.
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Natural channel where you can stalk joggers with bike bell noises is down.

But you can still sent Putin I love you messages!!!
larp on, government doesnt dare. They watch, you tard, but you both fucking die.
Is this how you exercise your latent masculinity? Weaponised schizophrenia?

IT-autists typically get into knifefights only to be blown to bits from orbit. Can't see the forest from the trees.

Just curious what the deal is.
You can watch Trump taking a shit in the morning before he was president but it's blocked now by the Empirical Galactic CIA
A UFO just flew over my TV.

An alien grey is wearing a suit.
Larp on, more events will be eviscerating cities over the coming days, time the powerful magi learn their lessons. About control and whos allowing who to do what.
>he wants my bussy
He wants my bussy
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You have nothing, deluded twisted sack of subhuman shits like you are easy to manifest dead, did they tell you that at the agency or did you just accept the job?
Too much salt, needs more clackton.
quack louder, so civilization can be wiped out.
I'm not surprised. That's why I've seen these Boogoo terrorist shit maybe.
>I am a biblicaly accurate transformer
just on the weekends :)
The story and mythos of the nobody is a complete fabrication.

There is no the nobody. There are couple of a "the nobody" -type of people here online. But other than that there's no special one that would be the magical mythosified the nobody. The world is a vast place and this little corner on the internet doesn't have to get more attention.

End this "the nobody" -psychosis now and please ban these generals.
Civilization wont be destroyed BAKA!

When evil is watching, evil is literal. And you alien retards are planning a Coup to destroy civilization.

Evil is going to have fun picking apart your brains!

Its ok, once I fuck your life up you will go terrorist some people too. You will all turn. And cull more. As you're culled.
Die stupid, Jokes over along with civilization!
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It's never over until I day it's over.
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Yep. You're triggered.
i need you to leave
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The Internet hacked your brain through your WiFi when you pirated movies.

You're "triggered".

Like a gun, their finger is on your trigger.

Seek help. You're brain is being rewired.
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yeah, keep on going to fuck my life retard. pff and you want a mass surveillance after say that wooow.
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Go outside anon. Into the woods. Stay awake. You'll see them between the trees in the dark.
youre being a cunt
should i just the selfie?
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Did you know that aliens pay your parents to put you into the bathtub and ai photos hopefully you in sexual positions with your parents?
youre distracting me with your autism
giant boobed red haired woman
it's a jap style girl with no rack moron
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Stop targeting me with pain please.

you cant even grow a beard yet
big anime tough guy
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I'm hairier than your mom's pussy
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those mud colled green eyes
really lackluster video.

sapphic shit should be deluxe.
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So for the Vaders of the One who protect civilians:
is it your boss ? (just a lack of backpack who hide a giant snake blade)
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but is cool bro
while we jousting
they aint simpin
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maybe these characters. (once maybe?)
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as long as it doesnt happen in my general

fuck each other in discord for all i care
Never put an albino in the sunshine.

They too will also look african one day.
or maybe These assholes behind him. We'll coming for you about the shit on this forum.
yes with my crew because you said shit who could make trees move.
those sad cuck eyes
i am being tortured
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Dying and coming back to life and becoming a zombie took a lot out of me.
by who
>i am being tortured

i dont care
Kha EL a Ki ta'an's

Also known as Xenu to scientologists. Alien greys. Paul from the movie Paul. Roger from American Dad.

They are causing pain for personal reasons to anyone outside of reddit.
Sig doesn't freeze
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DAE want to turn /ng/ into a forum for accelerated growth
Had a nice rooftop Lyran meetcute :•333
Gnight Nobobobo-bobobobo

Well, that's fucking amazing. Natural mineral batteries breaking apart water to oxygenate the deep sea.
Jesus Christ of Nazareth is The King of Kings and The Lord of Lords and Nobody knows this thread is filled with disinformation.
he was denounced by witnesses
hey listen anon...
this has been rough on all of us
so i kinda just want to say...

ima go take a shit
try not to fuck each other in a fit of uncontrollable autism
Only God Jesus Christ loves me the way I am and stays with me.
Only God Jesus Christ does not leave me alone in this evil hell.
Only God Jesus Christ is real.
Only God Jesus Christ loves me, cares about me and saves me.
Only God Jesus Christ sees me.
Only God Jesus Christ listens to me.
Only God Jesus Christ respects me.
Only God Jesus Christ loves me.
Only God Jesus Christ embraces me.
Only God Jesus Christ is real and true.
I love only my God Jesus Christ.
im gonna do exactly that

you love the ego
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There is only witness - God Jesus Christ.
I do not need you "witnesses".
I have been made aware that some of you do not like this song yet.

how could a person performing miracles be denounced unless it was lies
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Your "denouncement" are the words of the luminous hell denouncing the light. Only my God Jesus Christ love matters.
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autisima minima
The choice of songs is fucking amazing, and the execution pretty much flawless.
m&p ackshually
apparently :)
rip kevin spacey you weird motherfucker
Yeah, that was a major W for S&W owners. That hinged trigger just works better.
Did he do the needful and commit bath-toaster?
I won't lie that weird ass trigger is why I swapped for an m9 :)
I put one in the dirt like five feet in front of me off some wicked anticipation with that trigger
I said never again :)
The PSA Dagger uses a hinged trigger if you like the Glock aftermarket more. Ridiculously good value.
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>guns autism
Shoots pretty neat otherwise. Ammo v weight was sort of weird in the 40 double stack which made handling changes like mid way through mag dumping but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I think aluminum frame guns like the 92 series give a pretty well balanced feel. The polymer ones definitely feel very top-heavy.
I'm glad my Tokarev is made of steel, though. The recoil would absolutely suck otherwise.
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I just didn't like safety feature on the trigger¯\_(ツ)_/¯
if the mold takes me bros just know im happy in the same heaven as brittany murphy
>the feel
it is nice
the m9 itself is by far one of the most aesthetic things in existence :3
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Inspired by the Steam hit, "Banana"; I made a vidya where you click a button and you get experience points between a range when you click the button. There's also a small chance of a critial click when you click the button and get an additional multiplier experience points.

At the moment, I'm working on a level curve formula for when you click the button for enough experience, one's clicking level goes up so you get more experience points when you click the button, it's quite a gentle slope and allows for casual button clicking play.

Tomorrow, I will research how how to make an inventory with infrequent albeit satisfying item rewards for clicking the button, some of them will be equipment drops of random rarities with random equip effects, others will be consumables, materials or runes to affix to one's favourite equipment to aggregately get more experience points from clicking the button.

And now, here's...human music.
I think this thread is a trans ritual to astrally fill with shit the nobody
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>we are making it out of eden with this meme!!
This thread is pretty fucking boring to be honest.
Say what you will about Italians, they make good guns.

It’s a botnet toilet obviously
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>talking about various edens among civilizations
>debating Socrate principles
>queer AI anime shit
Doomsdays are coming, I’m out watching French olympics
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there is no debate anymore because it's cringe
Farewell Raymond Feniuk! Noone will miss you :).
Yes, raymonds micro penis is extremely cringey.
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i mean this is perfect
the madness is dealt with
i can go back to watching qt russian streamers as my way of supporting brics
Why wasting time debating anything ?
Turn on Microsoft AI and Apple, give them a thematic and that’d be faster and less noisy.
Humans basically entered the eternal holidays era, thanks to the Greek God Elon Musk
that was pretty neat
non guns don't understand the absolute engineered works of art that guns are and can be :)
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Main problem with brics is what language to lurk them?
Indian is ugly, Chinese is exhausting, Russian is confusing… Do they have a common english-like langage for mortals?
plus that dude has a total agenda
and it triggers the fuck out of me
anon... oh my sweet and wonderful anon
its not about bricks
its about the boobs
Yet steel bullets magnetically accelerated are the future, right?
No sound, huge magazines, easy to add on drones.
He just proves the psych-history theory
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Congratulations, you have WAGMI'ed it.
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Those cats are the best cats. If you like smartness and skills, of course
>psych-history theory
i dono, he plays his roll well, but he asks some very direct and specific questions that make me very uncomfortable
jusd lieg Maddy Ellwanger !!
Imb a sssssstaaaaaaaaaarrrrr :~DD
why does life have to be watch films and play fucking computer games
Stuff like that will improve the kids, AI is really a blessed tool for everyone to reach Einstein’s IQ
To note that’s mainly a XY habits. The group reassure them at what do next.
And comics/animes help developing psychic powers, it’s been proven with famous youtubers
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Blessed be the memes
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>pure German autism.
Gimmie about...tree fiddy and you can play the Diablo 2 of clicker games:

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stop posting retarded unaesthetic trash
That’s a really cool set up
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and then the memory doors open
Me the memes be with you.
>and also with you
Yay moses said, "raise the serpent and so too shall man be raised up"

Swallow air into your stomach.
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In which way ? Can you describe your "uncomfortable" feeling ?

Why dont you like being the queen of the lolcows ?
>kgb and cia made a spy vidya after cold war
My religion is vidya and fighting dragons kya
Don’t reset me pls I’m skilled at farming
The trans faggots really went too far this time they openly mocked Jesus at the Olympics

bro you know exactly why it makes me not comfy

why we pretending?

and lolcow?
nah, not when lowpass helos give you a 9am wake up
Good morning /NG/r's

I get to wash my ass rn and then afterwards heading to the dispensary:^)


See you guys on the 1st :^)
and thats literal
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Heard the Olympic Winter Games 76 were a highlight for the pedos!
This is historical material.
Thanks gods history will be written by netflix in the future
lets see if by some strange magic, these 'people have proven me wrong yet?
Who are you ? Do we know you ?
Do you got an allowance to speak as a slave ?

I have a pollos locos soda in my fridge that I've been saving

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yup as expected
>please disregard any use of empathy by this poster
They’re cheating. They offer cocaine and then they pop out rainbow hairs, bearded tits and stuff
Kike nigger schizo gangstalker general.
Be patient if only you guys could see what I can see

It's so damn beautiful
>Who are you ? Do we know you ?
are we pretending i dont have the THICCest file on (((their))) desk?

if not then iv fallen behind
giant red headed woman boobs
What I’m seeing depends on you or do I see farer, I wonder?
L8R hope I don't drive too fast

(I always do) :^)


>Man this school sure does have a lot of speed bumps

Shits about to get exciting Lucifer summer has only just begun
dang if only there was some human that could move that couch
what a shame
>not making parasitic experiences to see how symbiotes can long term drive civilizations
So sad my symbiote died today
You'll know what I mean soon

In the near future I'll be posting news
articles about the heatwaves and the solar flares

Take care
Lawl. I don't even know what to think about this. xD
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We've reached critial mass when it comes to shit vidya, gatcha, empty MMO servers and pay to win. Simple, core function, purified, uncut dopamine drivers are the new age. From there

Click the button.
>Marines are kind of keeping this alive
>I think it's great :)


>G P0G T
>8W SK D
You like teasing future, hu?
Humans are happy with hotness
Lots of boobs to see
bouncy titties
why are you 'people' awake between 6 and 9 am on a saturday morning?
dont you have drugs to take?
>moooooom where’s my coke???
Check where Putin, via Gates, is buying his farms. Big cities around them are safe, the rest not.
You good, anon?
>tfw iv never done coke
im a little proud of myself
Not gonna lie but diversity seems kinda gay
The bobody will save us from this madness
hahahah everyones here
My minute hand is on the 11
oh yeah
Just build the third temple close to the knesset and be done with it.

Its time for the messianic age to begin.
Sleep Now In The Fire
Point Proven
Is the point y'all crazy and do it to yourselves?
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0 deaths!

Faggot. Time to come out of the closet
>I was just mocking
You’re a faggot
He's Euro lad. Bulgarian or Polish or smth... Not american. Europe is superior to burgers.
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Ree one of my new hobbies is flight tracking and a really cute orange glider just flew right over me but I can't find it on the radar aaaaaaaaaaaaa come baaaaaaaack
You just can't stop thinking about little boys can you?


But I'm the Bobody ™ ? ;^) I'm friends with the Bobobby

L8R time to drive fast & re-up my weedz
Kys Kumala/bidet plebbit bot/ shill

You missed and you will lose there is nothing you can do about it Kamala has troons on her side but Orange man has God
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It’s like 9am in America go to sleep niggers. Get a fucking life
yeah after posting that i finally actually got the meme
Fuck burgers. FR rite laddy?
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>homeless schizo
Hey thanks for confirming
Fuck them. retarded brainwashed cunsoomers hooked on sugar and fentanyl.

Even Russia is better than America
Absolutely brutally wounded deformed even.

No bruising swelling hole.

He lied about being shot or even injured
Will a bloated save file eventually bloat itself past max capacity?
asking for a friend ofcourse
I'm at like 5 slots now :|
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...because stalking a homeless schizo is paranormal.

Pic rel.
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So is this thing going to like self terminate on me or what?
Average GLPer, even the women look like that
It is likely unless Bidens reform does something effective.

I suspect anything that can do will take longer than a few months.
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I would not put it past him to of cut himself or of used fake blood.

He barley bled even. For face hard ear cut.
I was gonna vote for Trump but you convinced me to vote for Kamala.
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> My beautiful Christians, I love you Christians-- I'm not Christian-- get out, you gotta get out and vote. In four years you don't have to vote again, we'll have it fixed so good you're not going to have to vote.

He really is giving the *entire* agenda away in that speech *and* plainly stating that he's not a Christian.

You're worthless trash like every other retarded ape in this thread
Beautiful day out there friends, go touch grass and put down the magick book
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This is off topic
Talk about the nobody or fuck off teanny
You rabbis have to man up and anoint someone as the messiah. Its about time so be done with it.

Build the temple close to the knesset, it is perfect like that. Forget the old temple mount and rejoice a new age with a new location for the coming temple. Don't dwell in the past.
He is the nobody
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"demonic" supposedly
Just some incel worth less than shit vomiting their own retardation
Talk about the Nobody or fuck off
I liked it.

People tend to find ways to get their panties in a bunch about anything.

Don't let it distract you from more dire matters.
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But Raymond, we talk about YOU as you all the time wanted - YOU NOTHING.

You are a lolcow.
I am outside enjoying my coffee catching up on stream and watching world news so I can be better informed. :)
It isn't.
It's just the non-Light trying to hinder the potential that a place made by the Light has.
Swallow air into your stomach no desu des!!

Easu es ka easuwah ease.

Gut brain axis
500 million neurons in your gut
Your gut has a brain.
Both brains need oxygen.

Shut the fuck up or talk about the Nobody
Say even one thing about the Nobody you fucking trash worthless shill faggot
Google's AI solved four out of six problems in one of the world's hardest maths competitions, equivalent to a silver medal standard 'in a certain sense' https://www.pcgamer.com/software/ai/googles-ai-solved-four-out-of-six-problems-in-one-of-the-worlds-hardest-maths-competitions-equivalent-to-a-silver-medal-standard-in-a-certain-sense/
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Can't. I have a lot of things to get done. Swords to temper.
I hope face is doing well.

Other user of NG that shared their likeness. The same.

They never seem to be the most stable or reliable type.
Swallow air into your stomach and I'll Peter pan you faggots back to memes
Your missing a few at least. None of the women are included.
The Nobody is better than you will ever hope to be
You know what happens when you go?
No one gives a FUCK about your political bullshit
Fuck off
The Nobody fucking hates you
Cash app mafia.
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Idk dude, this is an anime website.
It was an experiment

If you post faces people will post them back. It is surprisingly effective.

Thier own faces. Idk.

Catfish prizes. Scammer lolz. Is far more likely.

Jester likes to keep "trophy's of those he has manipulation
All about that is false.
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>She wants the shiggy but I gave her the wiggly

Swallow air into your stomaches!

It's like I'm a teenager again.
You're an insane retard
You only care about posting your dumb political shit and now I feel like you're the biggest problem
Worse than the pedophiles and the retarded schizos
You never contribute shit to the Nobody, you never do anything
I'm gonna make the Nobody deal with it unless you add anything at all
i can do this weird thing where i can breathe air into my stomach haha
Read the threads of the past 4 weeks.

Its all very true. He told us many many more things .....
Allegedly he a HaCkeR that is responsible for doxing harassing etc.

I don't know how much merit it has.

A suggestion here there over the years is indicative of
he's a tranny and he's afraid
Using this thread to uplift others is good, but there's nothing to "contribute to the Nobody".
Gia, you gotta stop doing these vocaroos
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Write the words the Nobody
Say it you stupid fuck
One last chance then I'm calling the Nobody personally
The Moarpheus one is the funniest pic. He has eyeliner on
No, you did.
Raymond but YOU are the worst shit.
You are a pedophile.
You are a retarded schizophrenic.

Then you're not in the right thread
This the Nobody general
Talk about the Nobody
What's so hard about this?
The Nobody likes hot dogs
Wow so fucking hard
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what happened to SLM and El Archon? Did they finally ascend into the higher realms?
I was born white anon. I could magically hold my breathe for 7 minutes.

When I was younger I didn't need oxygen.

I would run after cars like a freaking terminator and scare the shit out of drivers.

I'm basically pregnant now with a mini me that randomly hijacks my body to sit around and eat food all day.

Anons gotta swallow air and get pregnant immediately.
Raymond is not a hacker. But ye, he doxxed and harrassed many people here and on other forums.
He was also involved with the lolcowing of people.
Weird that he doesnt likes to be a lolcow now himself.
whose ai is this you need to come get ya bot f a m :)
you know that feel
when youre just busy and minding your own business

and then you whole body catches fire
and it feels like a cactus is being scraped all across your now burning skin

like being sunburned while indoors
Im still being nice, I can easily make deepfake porn of some of you. Don’t test me boy
I assume 90% is utter BS

The person who shot them self in the head for example.

With ai I doubt anyone can really

The only person that would is that which wrote it.
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they realized
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You have got to be the pettiest bitch to ever exist. Trying to get one up on me no matter what. You are totally the type of vain cunt that would haunt my ass for eternity because I took away your toy, lmao.
You probably already made it you naughty boy
what would that matter? when your mom and i already made porn, son...
Fuck off retard
The Nobody is a force beyond your stupid bullshit
Search the hard drive now
Can someone of you please dox yourself here and start to roleplay as the jewish messiah? Lets see if that gets us closer to the kingdom of God.

There's nothing to fear in the prophecied tribulation period. Things will go well and maybe there even won't even be a true armageddon.

You could get the whole world if you play it well here. Become the jewish messiah here and heal the world and bring Jesus back from the heavens to Earth to rule. If Yeshua doesn't return the spirit of christ will be there.
It's user generated content it should be the vast majority relatively bad.
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I find it unsurprising that they based a character off Alaster and it once again is what else? Female. You fucking monkey people with your obsession of wanting to fuck little girls xD
nigga you fucked up grammatically
You have never once even written the words the Nobody
After years of being in this thread and being wrong about everything constantly
You still don't do it
And I think that has to change
Would love to go to Vegas one day
Post pre production is meh

It is one of the most authentic places on the internet.

The adds ain't to bad.

There lots of reason I use X over Twitter or threads

We don't want to fuck little girls. We are pregnant anon.

We have two brains and our second hearts are beating.
He is an example of what any consciousness can attain, but there's no need to make the person himself be the focus of all conversations.
Then fuck off back to X retard
I'm sick of seeing your dumb shit here everytime and you just keep fucking posting braindead trash a retarded Muslim wouldn't believe
DAE have more info on this
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What happened with the Theletubbies ?
After their big effort yesterday ... .

How many of the tubbies have survived when they attacked themself ? LOL
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No i don't think they will believe it.

He will have to deny it.

It draws attention to Vance himself his plans project 2025.
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Consciousness can manifest 900 gorillion of US tax payers' dollars in his pockets.

Let that be a lesson to you all.
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Fuck off with your pedo shit i have your images
This is X
Swallow air into your stomach for a year and you're no longer desu.

Your gut has 500 million neurons and has a brain.

Your inner child, basically.

And your second brain in you gut needs oxygen.
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You worthless nothing fucking trash
Do you sit all day waiting to robotically send this shit my way?
Why? Who are you posting it for?
The Nobody has proven time and again that you are not correct
You are wrong
Get over it
Somebody doesn't give a fuck about this and it's me
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>calling me a shota
Gosh, anon... you're gonna make me blush. =^_^=

Yeee I’m done with /ng/ for a long while

Now your just making it more fun.

Feed me your tears.
No that’s all that’s going in your head

Your brain = shota

You’re a grown ass man, I don’t know who raped you but get therapy
i might join you in that idea fren
Swallow the freaking air so you're not taking meds when you hit the brick wall at 60!!!

All meds have oxygen hydrogen nitrogen and carbon!!!

Free meds and laughter gas!!!
Shut up, bitch
you will shit yourself in November

you'll be like:

> Just as planned!



While shitting yourself
I don't give a fuck about your tranny politics
I think you are a shit person
I think you should have died to cancer, not your family member
What a missed chance at making the world better
The Nobody always watches
You will link me derpinas discord clown
I'm just trying to save your life by getting you pregnant anon!!! Gimme day bussy and goatsie so I can blow wind up your ass for you!!!

I would hope everyone is ready for trump to win.

They have the supreme court. Judges.

I doubt the votes even matter desu.
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You would think that with your trauma-programmed brain. What is traumatic about getting sexed up by a sexy dommy mommy when you're a cute boy? You fuckers are silly and stupid as shit, I swear to baby buddha christ.
If you want to blackmail someone just create a new discord account and pretend to be a woman
Baby belly christ**
Is that satan cocksucker your owner ?
Do you often have a difficult time accepting things that don't agree with your world view?
Tell me
Did they cry and beg for their life like a pussy while watched the life fade from them like the impotent fuck you are?
This place isn’t what it used to be, RIP

Meh time to move onto something else. The baseless threats of grippy sock jail here reek of JIDF

Fun while it lasted though
I own Satan. He is the darkness and he lives inside me.
Trump is a billionaire still. Even from just truth social.

The literal NWO is what they vs.

I don't know if they got the hands chops drive to compete
You’re a pedophile, im not going to debate a pedophile
Because those things are cheap while most of life is expensive
When you saw them in the hospital dying
Did you decide then that you would waste your life too?
The Nobody watches bitch
Ted "Fakie" lied about his homeless brother raping him, lied about his brother being a schizo, and is lying about the size of his penis.

The Nobody is his brother.
That's a good strategy bet you've done it lots of times but I'm not looking to do that I just want you to give me the one with the red finger nails discord or @
Do seeing pictures of children make you feel weird????

Human DNA is 50% fungus
Ophiocordyceps unilateralis is a zombie ant fungus
One of the signs of being a zombie is weird gay faggot sexual feelings for the uninfected.

Have a lollipop.
This dude watches child porn and then he’s like “o no it’s fine I’m inserting as the little boy”

you’re sick in the head
naah hes the human soul im trying to calm down
Oh. I thought he was being kawaii because his gut brain is still alive because he's taking his meds.
You Loli/shota retards ruined innocence. You leave the kids alone
It's a fun meme

I would enjoy the simple easy nothing happens times while you can.
I think he only sees drawings.
You were kicked out of the Hells Angels for being a ratfucking worm, a terrorist, and a child molester.
>he unironically masturbates to children
>women do too
>women have a second brain
Fuuuuuuuuuuck I hope it doesn't happen to me. I'm short.
Farewell Raymond!
I bet it hurt them so much as it spread through their body
Vomiting and shitting themselves to death
Very shameful way to go
The only little boy I've molested was myself.
Yes, the JIDF Spandau took over.
I don’t join gangs and especially not a biker gang
see the thing is, i got psyop'd recently
a new system was introduced to me
and its fucking me up
its not difficult or weird
its just interrupting my own autism

im not focusing on the thing i originally focused on, instead iv been redirected to focus on something else
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Good morning children!
If you don’t wear a suit I don’t wanna join your gang. That’s how you get raided by the police
Hoi !! Maso kidi maste!
Ignore the ugly pedo methhead tell me her discord
How much worms are in your head ? Anything of your brain left or just worm soup by now ?

Did you figured atleast that the worms scammed you to take you over ? LOL
then doing "that" was already natural to me
but now im doing it intentionally
when that one specifically wasnt intentional and a happy accident
or maybe satan
who knows
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same with this one
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Drake owl moloch niggas stay losing
Idk who derpina is. Fuck these e-girls man

oh yeah
the christian isnt home
things are going back to normal again
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The spice must flow.

I have become worm.

Rawr we're dinosaurs!!
Then why enjoy the benefits of gang protection that you stole from me out of sheer sexual jealousy?
Stop lying it's the one with the pink shirt chain and tatts

Hook me up bro I just want to send her unwanted dick pics
No gang is protecting me i can defend myself. ?
>Ooh, manufacture of child sexual abuse material. Write that down.
Why did some anon say you make underage ai bots to talk to?
When i was gone for 2-3 months this guy just went to Google found some rando called jester777 and said it was me LOL
How do we know it's not?
He did not qualify as a lolcow by any reasonable standard. He's also involved with dark secrets of the trollsphere indirectly.
You can’t that’s why it’s such a good lie
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In ashes I weap, in trumpets I prevail.

I am that I am.

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He is very qualified as a lol cow. He proofed daily here LOL. Its hard to find a bigger lol cow.
What I've learned here is that retards will dox themselves just to "prove" they're nobody ™
How dare you post Jester's wife https://youtu.be/Vyr8Py3a0Sg?feature=shared
Wanna bet they don't do anything.

They don't play by the same rules
But doctor, I am the jester and his wife.
The Lords trumpet sounds and all shall bow and revere his majesty.

Free meds and free laughter gas if you Swallow air!!!

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Can you post this one https://youtu.be/I0Au9Qxu-wU?feature=shared

For this guy >>38466209

It's his wife too

Oh also your test results came back..... doesn't look too good anon
>One of the signs of being a zombie is weird gay faggot sexual feelings for the uninfected.

>It's his wife too
Yeeee this thread has been taken over by JIDF

Bye bye kikes I won’t miss you

Funny how so many threats were made in the fallout of yesterday, yet nothing happens lol. It’s pathetic, the gangstalkers are the lolcows. Enjoy your empty echochamber now that you’ve chased the regulars out, we’ll be sippin tea and doing real shit lol
Ok :(

>Jester when he hits the Muslim clubs

>doing real shit
Stop talking about your butt

You could just drink liquor and Swallow air instead and do fuck all.
>Ok :(
no no no dont "Ok sdface" @ me
>No sound
Naval rail guns accelerate projectiles so fast they ignite the air around them.
( . .)
( づ bunny from previous thread :]
understandable have a nice day


That isn't him.
The actual guy is considered conventionally attractive.
I remember a Grandfather clock in a dark black room.
>>No sound
Eh? Twin Peaks?
No. I mean maybe.

Face is the real Nobody.
Psych history is bullshit. Did you know that you can learn how to act stonefaced?
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Thank you, mods
Mocked for wanting to learn about religions and cultures by the way
Like I said before these people want me to be nothing, have nothing, know nothing
They're out there laughing giggling like retards right now as they watch me type this
Arrogant hypocritical little assholes who act as if they've never been struck across the face with a fist before
maybe someone should help them out with that
>Cheating on an IQ test
People just as, if not more unstable than myself, monitoring and spying on me like im the problem by the way
Just listening to their unhinged insults and laughter 24/7 makes me say "What the fuck?!"
And then when I finally see them face to face I think, Wtf this is the thing making fun of me? You need some introspection yourself weirdos.
What does 150 mean?
Oh! The image limit! :3
You got us good, >>38466394
B] Congrats on the final img slot.



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