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This one goes deeper than muh Jews.

According to this dude it goes so deep that just mentioning their name gets you banned. Is it roman royalty?
It's the.
They are basically a cudgell of the illuminati to control the market from within corporate ownership stakes. They extert the illuminati will on companies to shape the future. Like how Labour Unions exist only to control (shut down, at will) entire sectors, for economic manipulation.
>blackrock owned by Merrill Lynch owned by BOA owned by Berkshire
Yeah it makes sense. Wasn’t Warren dumping a bunch of BOA stock recently? Maybe I’m wrong and I’m sure he still holds a ton but what female is he refusing to name?
is it one of those god damn medicis?
> Like how Labour Unions exist only to control (shut down, at will) entire sectors, for economic manipulation.
That’s not the only reason unions exist faggot. They can be manipulated like any group but they were started by workers wanting better treatment and pay. You sound like Bezos’ bitch
Larry Fink
I own it
They claim they're Roman but they're just Italian Jews who don't know how to wear watches properly.
it's rude to call romeros jews, for all parties involved.
99% of unions don’t do that
Most of them never strike
I was thinking Rockefeller based on the era and banking, they’re basically an atm of the Rothschilds, who I’ve always expected were an arm of the Medici
Could it have something to do woth a certain man from Romania?
Why did the Roman’s let the Jews pick the religion then?
Did Rome have usury?
what do you mean by pick? do you mean the time they destroyed the temple and sent all the jews to babylon? or when they destroyed the second temple and created the diaspora throughout europe?
oh and yes, it varied, but yes.
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Is one of these guys the link?
Startup green or blue or pink or something crystal
A scientific study did seriously suggest that someones selfhood name can change their facial features over their lifetime
Do you think...?
Is it a case of old money infecting new money?
>started by workers wanting better treatment and pay
that's the disguise you goof
Rome owns everything, as usual. Jews are middle managers and scapegoats. Above the pope is Satan himself, who the masses worship as 'God'. The one you call the 'devil', he's the liberator. All in good fun, of course, because duality is an illusion of maya.
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Second time today I've heard Medici
Surgery is abhorrent and obselete
>zigger seething about brits BTFOing puccia for centuries with a thin veneer of conspiracy pasted over the top
>ancient money
You got it
Orra E. Monnette
Jews are the fall guy, and they don't realize it. Everyone thinks its the "globalists" or "jews" etc etc but the reality is, the truth of who rules the world is well hidden, and masked with layers upon layers of falsehood that we (as a society) will likely never find out.
They're not Khazars though.
They're still Pharisaic Canaanites, incorporated into the Cappadocian melting pot of Greeks, Persians and Hittites.
New black site co-ords dropped:
43.54ºN 96.3487ºE
A demonhost of satan himself i guess.
Payseur family
Holy Roman Empire?
>hello fellow guys, you know who's way more sussy than my peo- I mean, uh, the Jews? Those pesky romans!
You capitalized the wrong names, chaim.
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>roman catholic church kills as many jews as possible for 2000 years. attempts to steal entire religion and rewrite themselves in.
>Jews are middle managers
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Oh, what a surprise.
This guy I think
I’d assume that aristocracy and royal money is tied up in blackrock and vanguard etc.
committee of 300 states that one of the goals was to abolish property ownership, so you’d guess they’d start purchasing everything they could before their boot comes down on everyone.
Infact all of their goals iirc were exactly the same as the communist goals/protocols.
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do you now why we have a weekend?
not six 12-hour days like china?
Jew squared satanic elite bloodlines
Thing is there's no guarantees that these restrictions wouldn't encroach on higher classes in time.
It wasn't the poor who created the Magna Carta, it was the wealthy landowners and noblemen
Lary Fink, pusher of ESG (why you have to put up with Indians and blacks): JEW
Practically all of the relativist thinkers (why you are told that beauty is cultural): JEWS
Epstein, Maxwell, Wexner, and other arms of Mossad stealing children and blackmailing your politicians: JEWS
The "scholars" writing endless books about the economic and social benefits of flooding Europe with browns (e.g. Barbara Lerner Spectre): JEWS
Over half of the management of the organisations chartering boats for migrants into Europe: JEWS
Pushers of circumcision (why you or someone you know has a mutilated penis): JEWS
The fomenters of wars for Israel: JEWS
The corrupters of your congressmen (such as AIPAC): JEWS
The international assassins that will go after lone dissenters of this system: JEWS
Maybe you don't want there to be a simple answer, maybe you think there is a way to intellectualise it, to play word games to show your sophistication. Maybe you benefit from it. But if you are honest, it is clear to see who and what is responsible.
Go back to pol with your bbc threads 0you nigger. It’s way deeper and more complex than just jews
Kek, you are not even able to tell how so. You are just like, ah not my jewrinooooos, they cannot be bad, they are supposed to be the good guys, for they are gods chosen ppl. Faggot.

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