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Be VERY fucking careful about theory rabbit holes because some could actually get you killed if you look too deep


watch the video, and remember if you go looking you'll find something you shouldn't, for instance, politics and the discourse for division of the masses is 100% fabrication at first then it snowballs into reality and then takes on a life of its own, after a few seeds of gaslighting we are reaping what we sow currently, look at the world around you, most of what you watch is illusion, it's not until you go out in the public you'll see reality for what it is, even then there are sprinkles of psyops everywhere, agents of chaos seeding doubt and fear around every corner hoping you get snared to keep you down and dependent on the system for protection.

your minds are washed with the content you consume, your view of the world carefully curated to walk you down a pre built path, you're being herded like cattle as we speak.
It's too much and too far.

Don't make them aware that you know so quickly. You don't understand the consequences.
They shall become better at camuflage.
our present world has been prophesied for thousands of years but okay anon
Fucking kill yourself SAGE
>look at the world around you, most of what you watch is illusion, it's not until you go out in the public you'll see reality for what it is, even then there are sprinkles of psyops everywhere, agents of chaos seeding doubt and fear around every corner hoping you get snared to keep you down and dependent on the system for protection.
This is why the demoralization ops won't break me around here. I'm probably susceptible to some ops, but not the typical demoralizing shills. One foot is still in normieville. When some freak is telling me I'm deprived and starving and trying to break my spirit all while irl I'm sitting in front of a nice meal, it's not going to do much good.
planting seeds for the time those good meals and normieville is swallowed up by the corruption and shadows

You will understand the relationsship sooner or later.
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>planting seeds for the time those good meals and normieville is swallowed up by the corruption and shadows
God loves me. I don't know why, but he does. The shadows have no power here.
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So now it's just sock puppet AIs getting past bot detection algorithms through machine learning to fraud identities to give an illusion of consensus or importance.
Got it.
checked satan, but just think about it, the majority of the population are borderline retards and boomers, when this gets through to the infrastructure and law making and other things like health plans and insurance which i think it it, also giving orders to pigs to arrest people this is going to be a fucking shit show.
What do fictional villains have in common with eceleb faggots?
Meant for:
The background music is freaking me out. I'm home alone and kinda drunk and it's 22:16 I'm a bit uneassy rn
oddly enough there was a person is asmongold's chat who said the exact same thing
NtA, but do you thing about it?

The AI fake technology becomes better and better...
AI was actually started in the 70’s and the stuff we’re seeing now is a neutered version of it. Even still they delete and control modern ai a lot because they don’t want t people to have access to real ai.
Lmao that wasn't me I don't use Twitch but this adds to the unnerving aura of the video
we are being hunter real time, our attention is being harvested not by our own will anymore but by our conditioning, now THAT is terrifying. We have been fed content for so long we have become obvious to a point of hilarity by the ones pushing the buttons, see a video that you agree with? perhaps it's organic or perhaps it's a funnel gateway that you have been conditioned to follow and consume, there are many paths but they all lead to the same place, slavery of some shape or form
BOONTZ. Toodeley deest
w/e tf that means
Yes this is true but it's worse because 50% of people irl aren't even real. We literally live in The Matrix
who is this retarded looking jesus fella? He look stinky. what the fuck is wrong with his eyebrows?
I saw this when it originally happened Live, on Destiny's channel. It was immediately after he got banned on some platform for making fun of the guy who was killed at Trump's rally. I think this may have been an outlet for resultant paranoia.
I have a theory that us real ones are the nodes that the simulation runs off of, and the NPCs are incomplete aspects of the various real ones, so you may run into an instance where you are literally raging at your own mirror. What say you?
>raging at your own mirror
reminds me of reading about organic portals and how they just reflect those with souls back onto them. kinda not related but have you ever experienced meeting the similar copies of people in your life but in different settings and times? like lets say you had a friend growing up in school that had a certain type of girlfriend and dog and then later on in your working life you get a coworker with a girlfriend and dog that are similar? what is this called? is this a trope/archetype? its weird how I see copies of people ive known several times in life and end up talking to them for whatever reason, making them not a "background" character.
>*frog picture* everything is fake bro, i'm actually a 33 degree mason and we sacr...
>ye also the space
>noooooooooo! not the space! that's real!!! check the nasa photos NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you conspiracy theorist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I didn't have an instance of that per se, but at one time, I was interested in a woman who had very similar interests to me, she even kinda looked like me if I happened to be a woman. Nothing ever came of it, but i still had slight feelings for her. So several years later I had tried to make make contact after getting over my own bullshit and all hell broke loose. Suddenly I had weird demonic telepathy, strange core images of her being in like the worst bukkage porn scene you could think of, and was psychically harassed for about 3 months. During this weird Truman Show esque period, one of the random people who seemed to be able to read my mind and relay messages on Twitter said 'are you sure this person is even real?' and that kind of stuck with me. I don't think this person was even real. Like that Vermillion song by Slipknot


I don't trust the validity of online profiles now, since so much of it is already fake
Feels like my theory, it's very solipsistic desu, I am a god and I notice patters when I do certain things for a period of time and other times it's testing me to see if i'm ready for the next iteration of the test, if i pass it society changes, the happenings speed up and new things align with my wishes like less humans on earth, now we have population decline, mass suicides, mass drug over doses, vax deaths, a % bump in all kinds of death to empty the world going hand in hand with my wish, every time I complete a synchronicity and follow them to the next one i am rewarded each and every time.
Thats very interesting. I do feel like I had a test last year, and I failed with flying colors. Tried to manifest someone coming into my life, but I think I was show that these people were very wrong for me, and the more I tried to hold on, since I heard sometimes the universe likes stubborn people, the more I suffered. Also tried to start a side business up, but was under such heavy psychic attack I couldn't think straight, and then had randos on Twitter, who supposedly could see everything I'm doing, say I didn't deserved my manifestation. So the takeaway I got from it, is that it's a solitary, lonely journey and that there are no outside saviors. Picking up the pieces since then since under the influence of my own delusions and weird voyeurs of the Truman Show, decided to implode my own world
Is this video just him tripping over sock puppet accounts? We used to make those on Myspace 15 years ago. I do think the bot problem is a lot worse than people imagine though. And that Elon decided to use it to his advantage (advertising $) on Twitter/X after originally trying to fight it.
>politics and the discourse for division of the masses is 100% fabrication
This is true though. Only it's created at the highest level, not by plebs.
damn anon are you me?
illusion is the only magic that humans actually have and are very good at
I may be, I don't even know anymore man. I'm doing better now, I hope you are doing better as well
Did you only ever meet this woman online? Also wdym by demonic telepathy?
that's good anon, much peace to you for many days and nights.
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what the FUCK is this shit
it's an ai video, listen to the voice and the head movements are in the same pattern over and over the mouth movements have lag and blurring, she isn't real.
> like lets say you had a friend growing up in school that had a certain type of girlfriend and dog and then later on in your working life you get a coworker with a girlfriend and dog that are similar? what is this called? is this a trope/archetype?

I personally call them "template people" and their social roles can be archetypical or mundane. I've picked upon this phenomena in various ways. Especially prevalent when traveling to different 12 step meeting areas. The Chad and Stacy recovery power couple, the wise old biker, the girl that was a junkie in her 20's but got clean and started a nursing career in her 30's. A lot of these people have the same body types and charisma value. In addition to these well defined characters, there's lots of minor role look alike's. I've even met a couple celebrity doppelgangers. I've seen templates/replicants of my parents too. Very scary. IDK what to make of all this to be honest and I have to wonder if there are other "me's" out there.

One thing I consider is something like overlapping over souls. Like if you curl your fingers and drew faces on each fingertip and did a puppet show between them as if they were separate characters but in reality they are attached to the same hand. Some characters (fingers) in your life may be an aspect of your own self (hand) working out dramas. Further complicating this is that there are other hands. The "all is one" is a cognitive bypass for the uncomfortability when truly realizing a soul connection to a few.
I used to be friends with her awhile back, but had a falling out. Would occasionally look at her profile and would notice that she would mention stuff that would seem oddly specific, like knowing stuff about me that no one should really know, and almost doing stuff that was like mimicry. What made it more confusing is that I heard that woman will usually mimic the persona of someone they like. But in my case, I think it was a full blown 'open portal' fake human. I never met this person irl. When I talk about demonic telepathy, I initially thought I was talking to her through my head, but I'm pretty sure it was entirely a demon, because it took a very dark and sinister tone, with eventually showing forced 'core images' or visions that were of this person being a whole, but to an exaggerated, worst porn scene you could imagine, type of visions. So I don't think this was telepathy between humans in a traditional sense. Unless this person is a master class troll, with the ability to Astral project and have other psychic abilities, I think I ran into a walk in soul, like an Agent Smith character popping into a random person
lol i think the most of you are forgetting the whole thing about this thread, the OP is saying that everything is BS, nothing is real it's all made up garbage, a fabrication by others to push something on us as a whole, it means nothing. go touch grass
In the First Book of Jeu, Jesus introduces the concept of "ranks," entities that have twelve emanations each with its own identity... and then later says that the twelve disciples are such a group mind.
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Space is real and full of giants.
as the sun goes down people become more unhinged and ease up as the sun comes up, aka lunatics
Some anon posted this AI video the other night, it's pretty good, quality wise
not that good if i noticed it's uncanny valley
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The thread is archived, so it didn't work. Here, I saved it
odds and sumt
odds and iaag
odds and mtww
That's a nice reference..thanks!
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>fake political shit
The Earth is flat and stationary with a dome.
God exists.

Aliens don't exist.
Space isn't real.
Gravity doesn't exist.
Never went to the moon.
Solar Flares are a meme.
Asteroids don't exist.
UFOs are a psyop.
Nukes don't exist.
Evolution is a lie.
Germ Theory is a lie.

The world is ruled by secret societies that worship the Demiurge. Jews/Jesuits/Freemasons/Illuminati are Gnostics and Kabbalists. Masters at deception. One satanic philosophy is inverting reality.

They make you think you live on a spinning ball.
They make you think you're just an animal.
They make you think there's a deadly virus out there.
They make you think there are gay space niggers from outer space out there.
They make you think there are giant rocks hurtling through the vacuum heading towards our ball earth.
They make you think the sun is about to fart and eject some fake corona.
They make you think the poles are about to take a massive shit.
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why should i care if everythings fake anyway. fuck it all. kill me, what do i or anyone else care. do it for science.
The world you have created in your mind and heart is valid. I know that you know what love feels like. That warm feeling that starts in your chest and floods across your entire body. It doesn't stop at your body. It radiates into your reality. It is a free resource that you can bring up at any time.
Explain the massive aurora this year

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