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/x/ - Paranormal

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Welcome to the Creepypasta General. Feel free to discuss Creepypastas (video game-based and non-video game-based creepypastas are all welcome!). And most importantly, h̷̰̰̋̈́̆a̴̦͘v̸̧̳̦̔͐e̷̞̜̟̕͝ ̶͇͘f̶̨̓͘ú̴̦̰̓͐ñ̴̜̠̦

THREAD #017 - Dead Pines Edition

>Official 4chan-Approved Creepypasta List

>Creepypastas (Non and Video Game-Based) & Gaming Urban Legends

>Creepypasta Games, Web Series/ARGs, SlenderARGs and Fearvlogs

>Pastas written.
>Thread Template
>Previous Thread
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any cool creepypasta about number stations or weird frequency transmissions? better if they are somehow technically accurate
Why aren't there creepypastas written about factory farming? Billions of animals raped into existence and tortured for their entire labs in farms and laboratories? https://www.dominionmovement.com/watch
I'm sure your life would be a creepypasta.
Smallwood is a good one.
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I like creepypastas.
will the guy in pic rel tell me 3 horror stories next to a skull light by a red candle in 2012?
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stop fucking dying you retards just bump the thread with creepypasta art or youtube links it's not that hard
No one has a lot of creepypasta saved for bumping anymore.
then go find some
This is the bump thread?

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I have a ton saved. I've posted most of the stories I had.
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I'll now post previously made pasta in threads like this.
goodnight don't die
Anyone knows the name of that creepypasta/nosleep story about one person being chosen by God every year to be erased and every human then goes crazy trying to kill that person? And this person knows the suffering of every other human who was chosen, going back to the stone age? It was so cool but I can't find it
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I do not. If you find it, can you post it?
Sure, but I've been trying for a while now.
Well I might as well post this here, no one will believe it anyway
>you ever have a dream that's like a complete creepypasta
>Okay here's the dream only slightly redacted
>In home town
>In front of home
>Me and family ask 'are we doing this'
>We nod, we're standing on a two lane road, we're standing on the shoulders of the road to sort of make an impromptu crossroads
>We have a caller who recites the calling phrase and the watcher who checks the road.
>The caller calls out the calling phrase, It's not strange or in a foreign language or anything. It's more like a bit of poetry or story
>The watcher steps onto the road and watches for traffic both ways, noting the colors of the cars passing by
>it's implied that this may take more then one attempt depending on how 'busy' the day is but once you start getting the right colors its like max 2-3 calls to the end
>Color set 1
>Color set 2
>Then you'll see pedestrians on the road both ways, note their colors
>Then they are there
>They look like regular if pale and beautiful people.
>In the dream my caller spoke asking for more time to declare their wish which annoyed them but they granted. There was a taller matronly one and a smaller male/boyish one
>In the middle towards the end before they dismissed us an even taller one appeared , masculine but he must have been like 12 feet tall. The first obviously not human. He has a human with him (the humans color muddiness/ruddiness strands out). The new one apologizes before explaining that this was a priority case.
>He seems to reach up dragging the human up and up and up
>Think the phrase is nailed to the sky
>The new arrival looks at us/me and says "Don't try to destroy the things that we've set up."
>That presumably is the rule for the wishes and callers
>like us and that man
>We get scattered as they wait for us to make our requests
>The smallest one, the boy seems impatient
>The boy tries to teach others the call.
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I'll look for it in my collection when I have the time. I vaguely remember reading it at one point.

That's a creepy and unsettling dream. Any idea what caused it?
Let's try it.
Yes. He will. And it will be the best fucking three horror stories you´ve ever heard. And everything will go downhill from there
>That's a creepy and unsettling dream. Any idea what caused it?
Not particuarlly, my dreams have always been a rather funny place, night terrors as a kid sort of deal. I honestly find it kind of hard to register emotion thru or in dreams but I guess I would just leave it at unsettling. Bits of it remind me other creepy pasta/magic stuff I read (the road and crossing it, there was perhaps the idea of transitional or liminal spaces in there if you want to read into it).

I'll let you know if the little brat comes back.
Bumping for OP
Anyone remember this pasta from the Wiki?
It was about a guy visiting his friend who was like a mad scientist or something. The friend created a world in which he was god and would observe it, it got kinda schizo and philosophical
I faintly remember it, let me take a look around.
The sinister thing about this is that it will be the fault of a furry and an argentinean bald guy
Qrd plz skbd
Does anyone have icebergs?
goodnight don't die pls.
Time to smoke and watch Mr. Nightmare gn

I love true creepypastas. Particularly deep web stories and people who’ve strange experiences with AI. I like those because they’re new and not really that common. I prefer that over the old intruder in the basement or garage. Their usually about gangstalking incidents or people who ended up in a red room or something but they do tend to vary.
>people who ended up in a red room
Is the red room shit still popular with nu-zooms? I remember it was already dated back in 2016
Nothing so far but I'll keep searching
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run (in the) forest, run!
goodnight, don't die.
Inunaki village is pretty creepy. Some strange things happened when i researched it with google satellite view. Given some of Japans horror stories both true and fictional i wouldnt be surprised if there was some truth to it.

A local woman said if you sit in the forest at the base if the mountain there in winter when its quiet at night you can hear ghosts whispering. I want to record some EVP stuff there.
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I really like some of the dorkiness this has that made parts of it credible as a real game, like pic related
goodnight, don't die.
Okay, but I want a good creepypasta
I rolled earlier but it's kinda hard to write. I've got no ideas
"The Bight Wire" is a horror story about telegraph operators
"1999" is a creepypasta about a pirate tv channel
you assholes really can't just bump with jeff the killer art or something?
goodnight, try to keep the thread alive.
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Why would we?
I remember this one, I always thought it sucked even when I was younger.
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I Guess I can Roll as well.
the ytp is good though

Roll my fate.
universe define it.
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Was telling my friend about this old creepypasta where a guy wakes up and language is just irrevocably changed forever and I can't seem to find it anywhere. Gist of it is that everybody's speaking a completely different language but they still call it English IIRC.
Mind sliding the link to that?
This happened to a friend of mine, I wont use her real name btw.
Jessie was working the nightshift at a highway convenience store outside town8vmH, she had been working there for 5 months, and for the moment she hadn’t met, or faced any kind or weird or paranormal shit.
You always hear that this kind of store are haunted, or have strange visitors due to the fact that they’re so secluded from civilization, but she told me that aside from weird noises every other night, or stuff falling from the shelves, which she always excused as her not placing them right or a customer moving it, she really felt like the store was just a mundane and boring place.
But there’s a reason she doesn’t work there anymore, it happened around July of last year, It was around 2 A M when the first sign that something was off appeared. Jessie was at the counter, scrolling through her phone while waiting for a customer to arrive, she had finished cleaning the store and was bored, like every other night. Out of nowhere, the radio behind the counter crackled to life with static.
"Must be a signal glitch," she muttered, smacking it to turn it off. But instead of shutting down, the radio hissed louder, then settled on a station that didn’t seem to be local. The voice on the other end was grainy, distant.
Please…Help… Me
Her heart sank and she started panicking. She twisted the dial, trying to change the station, but it was stuck. The voice on the other end was so garbled it was barely recognizable. She shivered, turning the volume all the way down until silence returned.
She spent the rest of the hour calming herself down, trying to make sense of what had just happened, it must have been a weird radio station, or maybe she had misheard. But throughout the night she couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong, she stopped feeling alone in the store.
As the clock inched closer to 3 A M, the sound of the store’s front door chime echoed through the quiet. Jessie looked up from her phone, expecting to see a customer. But no one was there.
She stood up, leaning over the counter to peer outside through the glass windows. There was nothing, just the faint outline of the gas pumps bathed in orange light from the overhead lamps. No cars. No people. She pressed the button to lock the automatic door, just to be safe. She felt paranoid, hyper aware of her surroundings, she knew something wrong was happening, but she began questioning if this was paranormal, or something done by a sick person. She honestly felt that it was the latter, she’s always had a fear of people harming her at her job, at tonight she most vulnerable.
It wasn’t long before the aisles began to feel unnervingly still, the coolers humming louder than usual. Then came the footsteps. Faint at first, like someone pacing in the back of the store near the old stockroom. Jessie tensed. She knew she was alone; her coworker wouldn’t be in until the early morning shift. She called her mom, didn’t even bother to hide or lock herself somewhere safe, she just wanted some comfort and talking to her mom should help. But no one answered, it was 3 A M after all. She hesitated calling the police, after all there was nothing to report, just some sounds near the store, it could have been an animal for all she knew.
She had to check to stockroom, just to be sure she was alone. She had dial 911 already, her plan was to check the room quickly, just a peek, if she saw some one there she would run to the office, lock herself in and call the police. So, she began approaching the door.
When she reached the stockroom door, it swung open. A gust of cool air swept past her, carrying with it the faint smell of gasoline. Jessie froze, she didn’t plan for that, she could see the entire stockroom, it was empty, not a single soul inside.
The stockroom was small, cramped with shelves full of extra inventory, but something was off. At the far end, the large walk-in freezer’s door was slightly ajar. It wasn’t supposed to be, no one had used it in years, the other workers told her it stopped working, it was shelved until someone bothered to fix it, so why was it ajar.
She just stood there, watching the freezer, she told me it made her forget her original fear, she was no longer scared of an intruder inside the store, but she wasn’t relived, a new fear began growing inside her as she saw what was inside the freezer.
It was a body, way to small to be an adult, it wasn’t rotting, it was freezing. She felt sick, nauseous, she was crying at this point, and she heard it again. The radio turned on, and the crackling of static rang through her ears.
Please, Help me.
She heard it behind, from the counter where the radio was placed. She heard it in front of her, coming from the opened freezer. She ran, opened the doors, and got into her car. She drove a good 20 minutes before she called the police, they took In the details and around half an hour she saw the red and blue lights.
She decided to return to the store, talk to the cops and see how the whole thing resolved, the cops stopped her from entering the store, and questioned her. She told them basically everything I’m writing right now.
They had found the body, they confirmed the identity of the victim, a missing child, about 2 or 3 months missing, she already knew about a missing kid in the community; news spread quickly around here.
Questions just began forming in her head, why here, who hid the body inside the freezer, was it talking to her, throughout the night, was it trying to communicate with her.
A couple of weeks passed, and after the investigation turn from a missing person case into a suspected murder, she ended up being brought in for questioning a couple of times, in the end it was revealed that one of the family members of the owner of the store had committed the murder. According to the police statement, the killer was using the freezer to store the body until he could move the body to another location, the way that managed to place the body in the freezer was because he offered the owner to fix the freezer in the first place. He fixed it, and since he was working alone, he put the body inside and returned the freezer to the store. The owner told the police that his relative told him the freezer couldn’t be fixed, so he let him store it back into the stockroom, he even offered to dispose of the freezer himself.
Sorry for not putting any specific information into the story, my friend actually got to appear in local newspapers and a lot of local social media pages, so for privacy reasons I decided to not specify any personal information or information that could be used to give a specific location.
goodnight, praying thread doesn't die while I sleep.
You should make this a weekly or monthly thing instead.
why do you only save shitty ones that are reddit spaced
(no offense) not like i have anything better to add
Bump for that anon that doesn't want the thread to die while they are asleep :)
Wish i had some to add but all my favorites are super old and across a bunch of random shitty websites now
Page ten bump.
whatever happened to creepypasta jr
I love the one about an alien civilization that discovers humanity using a highly advanced telescope or whatever and they try to nuke us because of how violent our race was during their discovery, and right before the nuke hits we become super advanced too, I think it ends with something along the lines "we know who you are, prepare for the consequences", anybody knows the name of this one?
I know that one.
Don't look up.
Don't turn your head. Especially don't look out your window. It loves being spoken about. Just thinking brings it to you, but as long as you don't look there is nothing more it can do to you. If you do then it's over. A slow cancer takes over. You'll see it. Maybe it'll take a moment to focus maybe not but the moment you do it'll be gone from sight but not from your life. You'll slowly think you see it just out of the corner of your eye over and over, slowly but surely, maybe in a cupboard where nothing that big can even fit, or too far in the trees driving home but you'll never focus in on the finer details no matter what before it just leaves again.
Then the dreams start.
It'a different for everyone.
Visions of the dead and mutilated, venison stalking you through thw mountains, broken windows in long forgotten manufacturing planta where you can feel everyone watching you.
The specifics don't matter they are all the same source.
Your body will start failing you, your skin will tear, becoming tender, waking with cuts across it, bile will spill out your mouth and you'll feel to weak to go out one day.
You'll fade in and out after this but never move, physically you've already died, don't bother fighting it no matter how often it keeps getting closer from just the doorway to your closet to above and to the side watching you sleep.
As you fade in and out the last thing you'll see will be it over you, as real as ever.
No trace of you will be left behind.
By the time you finish reading this it will have left, don't look now. It only gets angrier the longer someone knows it exists but doesn't give in. No one knows what it will do then. Don't find out.
What do you mean don't look n
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>Be me
>fresh out of highschool in 2009
>I took a job as a cook at a rural hospital
>It payed better than making pizza and was a good way to get my foot in the door while studding to become an EMT.
>The place was a relic, classic mint green counters thick popcorn ceilings and checkered floors straight out of the 70's.
>Being the only hospital in a tiny town in Arizona didn't help much with funding I guess.
>The kitchen was a cramped, dimly lit and always filled with the lingering smell of dried disinfectant.
>The job had it's perks though. We rarely had anyone come in or out and if a case was bad enough they would get a helicopter ride to a better hospital.
>I prepped in the morning, which consisted of microwaving 2-5 meals then sat around watching recorded movies in the breakroom.
>At 12pm and 6pm I'd hop into the kitchen and serve but other than that I was payed to do nothing.
>Being in the breakroom 24/7 meant I had a lot of downtime to chat with nurses and janitors.
>We'd chat shit, swap stories. The usual. I heard a few ghost stories, but they were always soo dull like: "I ran into the grim reaper on Halloween"
>I always thought they was a logical explanation behind everything. I'd respond with a quick "I'm sure you did Jan" then go back to watching Attack of the Killer Tomatoes for the 4th time.
>One night I was cramming for exams and fell asleep during my shift.
>I woke up to most of the lights turned off in the breakroom except for a few in the corner.
>Fuck. No one woke me up?
>As I'm getting up I feel dizzy. The place seems... off somehow. I knew the breakroom from back to front but things were slightly different.
>Outlets were placed a little too high the doorknob was on the right side. Things like that.
>As I walked out of the breakroom and towards the kitchen things start getting weirder.
>The hallway looked abandoned, like it hadn't been cleaned in weeks.
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>That's when my autism kicks in, I instantly start clearing corners like Silent Hill with a finger gun.
>Ready to punch the ever living shit outta any blindfolded nurses I find.
>Make it to the kitchen. Everything's worse.
>It's like a scratched PS2 game. Oven doors on the floor, counters wrap around the walls.
>For the first time I hear a reversed voice. Coming from the walk in fridge.
>My mentally handicapped ass thought I'd fuck whatever was in their up
>Take a cleaver off the rack and opened the door.
>I saw a floating nervous system. Straight out of a medical textbook. Picrel
>It's jittering in odd directions, like it was attached to someone freezing to death.
>The fucker lunges at me, and start's choking me out so I stab him.
>The thing starts looping through the floor and ceiling.
>might be time to gtfo
>try to open the fridge
>My face when I realize the shitty 1950's lock works on one side.
>So this is how I die. what a shitty way to go.
>Start beating the shit out of the door to break out
>The door opens. Light pour into the fridge
>It's the janitor.
>"I told you to wedge the door dumbass"
>I stumble out, practically running into this elderly ladies arms before scanning the fridge frantically.
>It was gone.
>In all honesty it was probably a dream. But couldn’t shake the feeling that I had crossed into another dimension, one filled with a metric ton of unspeakable horrors.
>Guess I got my ghost story.
>Every once and a while (usually when I was really tired) I'd slip into a daze and "Mr. Noodle" would show up to wake me.
>Dunno why.
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I have others I have already posted. I posted those specifically because they were made in threads like these.
as opposed to getting raped into existence and tortured their entire life in the wild? tell me, when's the last time you've been starving?
Thanks anon, although it didn't have the same impact as reading it from a 4chan screencap the first time.
It's very well written and I loved that he used his own creative metric system or whatever the "Deeli" thing was
I'll roll and try to write something but I can't guarantee anything quality.
wish i still had my cool crappypastas, ill hunt around. Btw if thats you stop fucking bumping it so much you're gonna get banned if some tranny janny looks in here
>Don't look up.
>Don't turn your head. Especially don't look out your window
I did all 3 things immediately
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okay these are old as shit (so some will be shit ass quality, sorry) and i didnt review them but i found a couple on my old hdd backup. Just a couple. There's lots of folders though so I'll keep looking.
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hopefully these are even fuckin readable, i see this one is particularly shit quality. I'll try to find a better version but who knows
You guys have recommendations for albums and YouTube channels about creepypastas? I found this album on Bandcamp called Creepypastas from /x/. It people reading a few short creepypastas to atmospheric music.
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holy fuck 4chan compression rekts these but its good enough I guess.
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All of the creepypasta channels I used to like have been dead for years and the rest have too many tryhard muh deep spooky voice narrators and such so unfortunately i cant help but someone who tells pretty good spooky stories is MrBallen, there are other people like Reignbot, Blameitonjorge etc it's not necessarily strictly creepypasta though. out of all of those I would reccommend the first two.
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another potential compression casualty.
If you haven't read them anyone seeing this thread, I would definitely check out this one >>38813245
it's fucking weird
this is just a general spooky page. Ill have to look for more but I think i'm out of old saved ones for now I used to have a shit ton archived somewhere but maybe its on a ded drive
>My state is known for a fucking pillar
mine is known for a house where a bunch of people got axe murdered so it's not much better.

The story is actually pretty interesting though.
You can also pay to stay overnight there and one of my friends did with his family, and he's NOT the type to believe in ghosts, he's one of those dudebro buff guys.
>night time
>he has to piss
>goes downstairs
>has to go to an outhouse to piss cuz old house no plumbing
>comes back inside
>there's someone standing on the stairs
>doesn't recognize them, it's not his mom or dad
>they run down the stairs at him and he punches them but his fist goes through them
>they disappear
he said it felt like punching into water or something similar to that.
anyways here's a video on it in case you care both spooky+history
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Axe murder is at the very least is interesting over a literal pillar that stood standing.
I like the images version of it better
>some priest cant preach here
innocent bumpu
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All right /x/, I rolled machine elves as the pasta topic so here's some fresh OC. pls no bully, I thought this up and wrote it all in like 90 minutes.
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I think I am one of the few people that bump with creepypastas. I usually try to bump when the thread is past page five. so the thread last longer and there isn't spam.
i dont blame you or anything to be clear its just posting only bump 30 times in a row some tranny janny will unironically ban hue (for free)
read it. I r8 it 7/10. I think it's good if a bit too explanatory. Next time I would spend more time about his horrifying exploits, other than that I think it was bretty gud and saved
(just constructive criticism not tryna be a asshole in case thats not clear thru text)
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Unsure of how good this list is. All I know is that it is very old. I'll post another soon for album charts I have.
I personally recommend "The Little Fears" for creepypasta. She hasn't posted in a long time, but what she does have is good. I also enjoy "The Paper Chase" as a band. The albums "Now You Are One Of Us" and "God Bless Your Black Heart" are both great.

I liked this one. Very simple and preys on a good fear of seeing something outside of reality. It's well written too and I don't see any spelling or grammar mistakes. Thank you for the contribution.

>only bump 30 times in a row
I did not understand that this is what you meant. There are multiple people posting that. I post it once or twice a day when at work, and at home I try to bump with content. I haven't been good at bumping lately to be honest.
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>an empty bliss
not that anon but cool thanks bro gonna check a bunch of these out I agree with the youtube channels one
Surely this needs to be updated by now
i didnt see it in that list but this is a bretty gud channel too imo

The only problem i have with some of that list is some of those mfs havent uploaded for like 8 years literally. Only a couple of them but ... Well i mean its not like it matters I guess. It's not like the videos have a expiry date
It should be. I cringe when I saw list channels on there, but it is probably ten years old at this point. Seeing Corpse Husband name on there gave me whiplash. I only knew him for playing Among Us, and every girl wanting to fuck him due to his voice.

>checked as well
They might have an expiration date soon. I remember google saying it would delete videos from accounts that haven't had activity in years.
oh yeah true 3 years or some shit
>corpse husband and his totally real voice
That shit annoys me I have the same problem he does and my voice only sounds like that when I'm barely awake
Teenagers are very easy to impress, and will believe any lie they wish to be true.
This is one of my favorite spoopypastas but some redditor co-opted it and I don't have the long ass posts saved anymore so just have this


i know.
holy shit this one is so intense
Can we just tell local ghost stories? Is that allowed?

>The family used to live on the rail line
>See the workers go back and forth every day
>This was good and bad
>The Railway sometimes hired convicts for labour
>Girl is watching the workers walk to work
>One blows a kiss at her
>Girl makes a face and goes about her day
>Workers walk home that evening
>There's a rap tap tap on the door
>There's a worker standing there
>That worker from the morning
>He was covered in sweat as if he ran the whole way there
>"Miss can I come in, If I could have a cup of water?"
>The girl had never told her mother about the morning
>But the mother is no dummy "Girl go to your room"
>Mama body blocks the door
>I'll bring you a pitcher of water and a cloth, but outside, Daddy will be home soon. You can talk with him.
>The girl hid
>The sweaty man insisted "I need a drink right now Miss"
>He's not backing down
>"In a moment Wait out side" Mama knows she can't win the fight. He might be smaller but he breaks rocks for a living. He's strong
>There's a scream in the evening light
>Mama goes for the shotgun
>My great great greast whatever uncle lives up the tracks as they say
>Its more then an hours walk, several miles
>The walkers have mostly dispersed
>but a few see Mama, Running, scarf over her head, sock feet, running for beat hell on the gravel of the tracks to my uncles house
>She beat on my uncles door
>Uncle calls out in the evening dusk
>Who is that show your face
>Mama refuses to show her face, she beat murder out of the door HELP!
>uncle goes down
>She's gone
>Gets in the truck, Arrives at the same time as Father
>They hang the son of a bitch worker on an old oak tree
>inside Father and Uncle find the daughter, raped but alive.
>and Mama laying dead on the floor, her brains blown out with a shotgun
>You can still see her if you know when and where
>Only see her once myself
>She had her head, she doesn't always, Looked sad.
Warwick Davis went online late one night to plead for the safe return of his stolen RV. It had been taken from a movie set just a few days ago, and he was hoping that someone, somewhere, might have seen it. As he scrolled through social media and obscure forums, searching for any leads, he stumbled upon something strange—a post on a small, creepy corner of the internet with his name in the title. Curiosity got the better of him, so he clicked.

The post was a bizarre story about a fake horror movie starring him, where his eyes and teeth were described as “photorealistic” and unsettling. Warwick chuckled at first, amused by the absurdity of it. But as he read on, he grew confused. Why were they making such a big deal about his eyes and teeth? It was a live-action film in the story—there shouldn’t be anything unnatural about his appearance. He shook his head, dismissing it as some weird fan fiction. But the details... they stuck with him.

As he reached the end of the story, something felt off. His eyes lingered on the final paragraph, where it mentioned the RV—the one stolen from his set. The description matched his perfectly: same make, same model, even the same license plate. Warwick froze, heart pounding in his chest. There was no way anyone else could know those details.

Suddenly, the reflection in his computer screen shifted. His eyes, staring back at him, looked too real, too detailed—too photorealistic. And his teeth... they gleamed.
>no depeche mode for dystopia
actual fucking garbage
based thanks
kek that's amazing that this site exists
>Is that allowed?
i don't make the rules but I don't see why not, ghost stories are like precursor creepypastas sometimes.
That story was spooky why tf did she kill herself or did the bad guy do it? :( sad af
Good story
We will have to congregate to make a new album page soon but it's kind of a long process of getting recommendations and then finding out if they're actually good. If /mu/ wasn't so retarded these days I'd ask them but they're compromised
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blast from the past
bampu bampu
fucking schizo retards in your gay nobody generals and no one has creepypasts on /x/ anymore because they're all too busy being schizo glowie faggots REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
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Gives the same feel as this
Dr. Gloves. That is all.
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where are these from? really cool art
Anyone has any ideas about this one? It's called "Your clock is digital"
Sounds like lost media, I can't find shit about it
new creep cast
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>I've been working on this for far too long.
>The Deal
Do you remember the deal we made?
You don’t?
Well that is no good. I am here for my payment. I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised. You make a lot of deals, with yourself, with no one, and with whoever will listen. Don’t try to make an excuse now about how you “were alone” and “didn’t expect anything of it”. You have made plenty of deals, and while most of them did fall through, I did manage to keep up my end on this one. Now you have to keep yours up.
Yes I can do one more deal with you. I’ve already done a lot for you. An explanation is simple enough to give, and if it means I get my payment then a small conversation is nothing.
Our relationship started well before this meeting. Me and you go back years, and even further than that I have been watching over you. You see I first saw you by happenstance. I was just walking about when I saw you on your phone, logging into your bank account. I do not know what you were hoping to buy. I only heard you say to yourself that if you had over a thousand in your checking account you would buy it. You did not, and disappointedly you could not have what you wanted. You then closed the Amazon app and went about your day. I remember how sad you looked and followed you around for a short while. You didn’t say anything the rest of the time I was there. I left as you entered your car and drove away. I admit I was curious as to what you wanted, and I enjoyed that you kept up your end of the bargain to yourself. I stored your face, and body into my consciousness and continued to wander around.
>The Deal part 2
The next time I saw you was at the store. It was months later, but you still looked the same to me. You were looking for a snack. Crackers or chips I believe. You must have been hungering for them greatly. Under your breath you promised to buy one if you saw it. You found it near the end of the shopping trip, after the third time checking. They were on sale and you got three of them. At this I was dissapointed. Maybe you weren’t a good candidate for me. I look for people that can keep up their end without problems. The only problem is people like that don’t ask me for help often. It’s always someone like the you in the past, promising things and never following through. I kept my eyes on you nonetheless. I am not perfect and I have flubbed a great amount of deals you have made with me. Anyway you made one more deal with yourself. It was not to eat the entire package at once. This time when you went into the car I went in with you and observed. The ride home was eventful. There were more promises to yourself about only listening to a song one more time, and then you would do it two more times. I grew more and more hesitant about staying with you as the ride went on. Do you know how many promises you broke to yourself in that car ride? It was seven, on a fifteen minute drive. I was ready to hop out, but that would have broken one of my own deals. I followed you into your house. You put up groceries and started on dinner just like you said you would. You cleaned the dishes as they were dirtied, and ate while watching some video. I do not remember if it was a show or not. I only remember that you said once it was done you would finish cleaning the dishes, and you did so. I was happy I stayed then. You potentially had merit in my eyes. I decided to stay and watch the next coming years.
>The Deal part 3
You made a lot of deals, and I was unable to do most of them. They either had a lot of work behind them, or what you gave wasn’t worth the effort. I still stayed near you more often than not. I did help others and get what they promised as well. I still stuck with you because you were a high risk and high reward person. It took years of trying and failing before the perfect offer came along. I am so happy I heard it, and was able to complete it as well. It truly was the best offer I had ever been given, or seen. It was right after the breakup and so I had a lot of work to do, but I’ve done this before and I knew I could do it again. Now despite being able to grant your wish, I was not as powerful as you might have thought I was. I needed time to do this, and with all of my luck you gave no time limit. I had to leave you alone most days in order to grant your wish. I did check up on you once a month at least, don’t fret. I needed to record my progress and find out what else I needed to do. At first, I started small. I found someone for you to love again. I was in no rush, as it would be better the longer it took. I stalked people around for weeks, hearing every single wish they made, while looking at their lives. When I finally found multiple I started the second phase.
>The Deal part 4
It was simple and concise too. I changed a few things to make you all meet. I changed maps to show you all the same places at the same time. I messed with schedules so you all would be near each other on the ride to work. When recommendations came up on YouTube I had it so they all saw videos you had already watched. It was all small things no one would have noticed. I made minute changes to you all over the years. In that time I did what I could to make you acclimated to them, and them to you. I of course, made deals with them over these years too. It was a perfect time to be me. Our deal was coming closer to completion, and I was doing the best I had been in this millenium. The first meeting between you and the prospects went perfectly, and continued to do so. Now it has been another two years. You are the happiest you have ever been.
Do you remember what you asked for?
Do you remember what you had offered?
I’ll remind you. You said you would give anything to be happy again. I accepted the deal. Now that you are a happy man. I am here to collect what I have been offered. You said you would give anything in order to be happy. I’m now here to take everything but that.

It took way too long for how this came out. Any critique is appreciated.
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>Animal Apartment

I am the manager of a small apartment complex in the downtown area of irrelevant city. I have seen a lot of messed up stuff over the last three years, like one of those "cat ladies" you only hear about in folk lore. She died and they had to have animal control take away like 30 cats. I swear to god I had no idea she had that many, I thought she had like maybe two or three. Anyway, last summer I had another tenant who was even more fucked in the head. I can only tell you my half of this story, which I assure you is fucked up enough as it is.

So I get a call while I'm at a bar late Friday night from one of my tenants. Apparently they were alarmed at a "decaying odor" emanating from the unit next to theirs. I knew the guy living in it, he was really old so my first thought is the guy had died or something and the smell was his body (morbid, I know...). I was too drunk to drive so I had a friend give me a ride back to my place.

I asked my friend if he wanted to come with me to check on the guy and he basically told me to fuck off and that he didn't want to see a dead body. I thought "Who doesn't want to see a dead body?" ... I guess he wasn't as drunk as I was. I told him to wait in the car for a few minutes, which he agreed to. Looking back on it, I really should have made him come with me. So I go up to the guys door and knock a few times, yell "Mr. Sherman are you okay? I'm coming in to check on you" (That's not his real name obviously). Of course, I get no response so I unlock his door and head on in.

The smell hit my sinuses like a brick in the face. I've gutted Moose before so I know a bad smell when I smell it. This was... well it was about the same smell really. That is to say, it smelled more than enough for me to believe there was a dead body somewhere in there. Still, I had to make sure before I called the police. I didn't want to call them in on a week old pot roast, or because the refrigerator was left open or something.
So I went about exploring the apartment. I knew the layout already (most of the units are the same), so I began to search the apartment room by room whilst holding my t-shirt over my face to keep myself from gagging.

The living room (the first room you see when you enter) was surprisingly neat and clean. There were a bunch of books on the coffee table lined up in a neat stack, and the telephone was on the cabinet by the wall where it should be. Then I looked at the corner and reflexively let out a "SHIT!" and backed up.

There was a dog staring at me. It looked like a little black terrier, the "Scotty" kind. It wasn't growling or anything so I thought he was just scared, then started laughing at myself for being afraid of it. It still wasn't moving. I was a little creeped out by how much time had passed and it still wasn't moving. I though "Naw, couldn't be...", but sure enough, it was stuffed. The dude had a stuffed Scottish terrier in his living room. Weird. I was still in a good mood at this point, had to chuckle to myself over getting afraid of a stuffed dog. I turned to my left and walked into the kitchen/kitchenette.

The kitchen was a little bit messy; I could tell someone actually used this part of the apartment. There were just a couple knives in the sink, and the counter had some crumbs on it and stuff. I opened the refrigerator up, hoping to god that was where the smell was coming from.

Nope, the refrigerator was completely empty. It looked like the guy hardly even used the apartment; there were almost no personal belongings in the living room or kitchen except for a couple plates (that came with the place), and the weird ass stuffed dog in the living room. So I went back into the living room and HOLY SHIT THE DOG HAD MOVED.
Actually, it didn't... there was a second dog behind the couch that I hadn't noticed the first time. Still, it almost gave me a heart attack. This weirdo guy had two stuffed dogs in his living room both watching in different directions. The second dog was not a terrier by the way, it was a little shitzu or some long haired little foofoo dog I don't know what they're all called. Needless to say, I was WTF-ing pretty hard at this point and my heart was beating so fast I could hear it in my ears.

Anyway, I worked myself up a bit and went down the hallway and checked a closet. Nope, empty. The smell was definitely getting stronger now. Next up was the first bedroom. The smell wasn't so strong in there so I didn't think I was going to find anything. (I should probably point out by now that I had turned on all the lights in the place. I wasn't retarded going around with a flashlight or something.

The neighborhood is not so good around here so I'm always on guard for people jumping out and attacking me at night). So I flick on the light in the bedroom, and it's pretty fucked up. The mattress had been taken off of the bed, and the sheets were all torn up. There were a shit load of holes and scratches in the wall, which were at chest level so they were most likely from punching and/or scraping with a knife or something. Most disturbingly, there was a shit load of red stains on the carpet. They looked a lot like wine stains, (remember, I was drunk) so blood was not the first thing to pop in my mind (It actually was blood. I was an idiot).
All I remember thinking at this point is "Forget about the deposit, this guy is going to get charged out the ass". The whole experience of being in this apartment was starting to get at me though. Every room I went into I was half expecting to find a dead body so I just wanted to find the source of that smell then get the fuck out of there. So I went into the bathroom and there was a fur carpet in there. Except it wasn't a carpet, it was like 20 different little furs all laid out on the floor. They were mostly brown and black, but there were a couple white ones. I couldn't tell if they smelled bad, but they were definitely not the main source.

I went down the hall to the second bedroom, timidly muttering stuff like "Mr. Sherman, are you in here?". I started out in a good mood, but after getting startled that hard twice in a row my adrenaline was going. Shit felt like a horror movie. Anyway, I went into the bedroom and sure enough, there was a dead body. He was lying face down on his bed with his knees on the floor and his pants off, ass bare and pointed straight at the doorway (at me). Anyway, I got the fuck out at that point and told my friend in the car what I saw. Of course, he didn't believe me until the police I called showed up.
I never got to see the worst part, one of the cops told me about it. Apparently this dude was a veterinarian and had been taking home all the dead bodies of animals he'd put down. He had made a fetish of skinning them all and just throwing the skinned bodies into the tub in the second bathroom. I guess the first bathroom was too good for that so that's where he kept the furs. The worst of the worst part is that the guy died from a heart attack while jerking it with the intestines of one of the animals. Apparently he had made a fetish of using their guts as jerk off sleeves and just let them pile up in the bath tub after he was done with them. In the end, the deposit ($500) didn't begin to cover the damage to the apartment, let alone the emotional damage he did to the apartment manager (me).

Yup, I hate my job.
I wish i could remember, it was some old forum. The place had a weird vibe and i liked those pictures so i took them. I'll try to figure out where it was but i don't even remember a thing about it, I'll know it when i see it though.
bump before bed
How does /x/ feel about the fact that everyone else made money out of your creative energy except you? Literally people are reading these posts on youtube and getting their entire existences secured for the rest on their lives for no creative input whatsoever, and these stories are being made into movies worth millions and no one gives a shit about the original authors.
I don’t care at all. I never made them to make money, nor for fame. You’re also a retard if you think turning a ten minute story into a ninety minute movie takes no creativity.
I hate these threads because I want organic and natural spooky/paranormal story threads, not this watered down lame "official general XD" shit.
If i could do that i would but i can't so i don't. Good for them. This is a weird website to ask that question maybe you should go back to pleddit
Camera #36

I need to put this down in words. I can't explain what I've seen and when the Police come after me, as I know they will, I don't know what I will tell them. I know what I saw on Camera #36 that night. I haven't slept a wink. How could I? Maybe the telling will help set my thoughts straight.

I guess I should start at the beginning. I work at a security company. The business card says Surveillance Systems Specialist, which is a nice way of saying camera monkey. It's what the company does. We put in camera systems for businesses. Dome cameras, pan-tilt-zooms, the whole 9 yards. Just a little bit of knowledge about wiring, the proprietary software and we're good to go. At least it puts food on the table.

It was late in the day when I got the call from Tim. I work for a small company and we had to work pretty closely together but nobody really liked Tim. He was a small, sour middle aged man, unhappy with his lot in life. Always complaining about work. And tight fisted too. 5 dollar gift for a 20 dollar secret Santa exchange, never split the tip at a restaurant. That kind of guy.

"Hey, I got a two person job down at the building I'm working on. Just need to sign off that all the cameras are working. I know it's late but we can get it all done by today. Half an hour tops. The project director's already given me a blank time sheet. We'll split it fifty-fifty as three hours of work. Whatcha say?"

Tim's voice boomed from the phone, so loud that I had to hold it away from my ear. He sounded manically happy. Too happy. I'd never heard him say a single nice word to another human being in the whole of the 3 years I'd worked cameras. The offer was the clincher. The tight ass would never let another person share in a blank cheque like he just did, but the offer was just too good to pass up. I did the sums in my head. Greed won out. Money was tight and the extra cash would be enough for me to take my girl out for a nice dinner.
It was just past 6 when I got to the building he was talking about. It looked to be about ready, mostly furnishing and wiring work going on. At least the lights were in along with the AC. The parking lot out front was virtually empty. I found it odd that Tim would be working all by himself in the building. I guessed that most folks had headed home early for the weekend. The front glass doors weren’t even locked. Really sloppy, security wise. I shook my head. My phone buzzed.

“Second floor, security room.”

Totally cryptic. At least the elevators were working. The building was almost done. The overhead fluorescent lights were up and working. The floor had a thick coating of plaster dust from drilling holes in walls, little colourful plastic tubes stripped from wires, the odd screw or nail looking forlorn on the carpeted floor. The air was thick with the scent of dust, solder and fresh plastic.

The second floor was a hive of formless corridors. They hadn’t gone for the open concept office. It took some wandering about before I got to the security office. The empty building was beginning to creep me out in a way I could not identify. The silence was oppressive, like a blanket weighing down on everything. Even my footsteps on the dusty carpet seemed muffled.

Tim wasn’t in the control room. The room was silent apart from the whirling of the fans in the CPUs. I found a clipboard with a listing of all the cameras in the building, all 35 of them. A little light for a building like this. I guessed that’s where Tim left off, verifying that all the cameras were working. I felt a flash of anger at Tim not even bothering to show up to tell me what needed to be done.
I paused. The laziness wasn’t even characteristic of Tim. The guy might have been an asshole but he was nothing if not meticulous. The empty building was beginning to give me the creeps. I looked up at the screens. 6 screens, multiplexed with 6 cameras. Something didn’t gel. I looked back at the clipboard. There was one extra camera that wasn’t accounted for.

I dialled Tim’s cell phone. The flat beeps seemed to mock me from the speaker of my phone. I had a choice. To stay and finish up verifying the cameras or to cut my losses and leave. I figured that penning my signature to the clipboard would clock my hours in, whether or not Tim turned up. Greed won again.

I examined the view from each of the cameras, checking for range of motion, blind spots on the corridors and the like. I ticked each camera off checklist until I got to the last camera. Camera #36. It didn’t respond like the rest. No motion controls, no zoom, nothing. I squinted at the view from the camera and the floor plans. The screen didn’t help. It showed the same nondescript view of a corridor that could have been from any corner of the building. The camera took in the view down three separate corridors in a long, lazy sweep. A t-junction, I thought. That wasn't particularly helpful since I wasn’t familiar with the building. The slowly panning camera that I could not control filled me with an unexplained dread. I was not surprised to find gooseflesh up and down my arms. Why wasn’t Tim picking up the phone? Where the hell was he? My heart started racing. The walls felt like they were closing in on me in the tiny security room. The whole situation felt wrong.
Motion on Camera #36 caught my eye. It was strange; it looked like someone was turning off all the lights down the corridor in the centre of the T junction. This wasn’t quite right. The camera had a low light mode, the lights from down the corridor would have provided enough light for something to be seen down the corridor, not this absolute darkness. I twiddled the controls to the camera anxiously. I only caught glimpses of the darkness with every sweep of the camera but it seemed to be getting closer and closer to the camera. No zoom. I leaned forward, almost pressing my nose to the screen to look at the advancing edge of the darkness. When my eyes focused on the leading edge of the shadows, I jerked back in the seat in shock. The lights weren’t being turned off. The shadows were slowly advancing towards the camera like an oily tide. What I saw from a distance as a solid line resolved itself into a mass of squirming tendrils grabbing at the floor and the walls and pulling a solid mass of black forward.

Dirty. That’s how this place felt. I could hear my grandmother’s dry voice intoning the word in Mandarin in my head. She held on to the superstitions of her hometown back in China, always ensuring that all her grandchildren were always carrying some Buddhist sutra somewhere or another to keep us all safe. Safe from places like this. Dirty places. Not the dirt and the dust outside. Spiritually unclean places. Those places which make your hair stand on end. Which animals avoided because they know better than us. I wanted nothing more than to leave the damn building behind. Or to have had one of grandma’s charms in my pocket.
More movement on Camera #36. I finally found Tim. He was walking down one of the adjoining corridors - maybe looking for Camera #36 himself? He had a little triumphant smirk on his face when he looked up and spotted the camera, oblivious to what lurked around the corner. He disappeared as the camera continued its slow sweep, turning its unblinking eye towards the central corridor. The darkness had made it to about halfway down the corridor. The slow flow of the dark towards the camera was mesmerizing. It was all I could do to tear my gaze from the screen and punch in Tim’s number with nerveless fingers.

“Come on, come on.” I chanted to the receiver. The click as the call connected was one of the sweetest things I heard in my life.

"Hey, you're here!" Tim's voice boomed out of the receiver, in the same unnaturally euphoric tones. If I hadn't known any better, I would have assumed he was on drugs.

"Look, Tim, there's something strange on Camera #36. I...I don't think it's safe there." I was practically babbling at that point, the unnatural darkness on the screen touching some raw nerve deep within me.

"There is no Camera #36, I put them all in myself. You don't sound too good..."

Camera #36 showed Tim stopping in shock as he saw the inky blackness in the corridor, against all good sense, he started moving forward towards it. The camera didn't pause at the horror before it, and all I saw next was the empty corridor Tim came from.

"Look man, that shit looks dangerous. We should just get out of here. Come back tomorrow when there's more people around or something," my voice echoed in the confines of the room, bouncing off steel racks of hard disks, processors and fans.

"You don't sound so good, boy. You're looking at the cameras right? I'm coming over." That same maddening tone. It practically leered down the phone line at me.

Back to Tim. He had knelt down in front of the inky patch on the ground. He reached out to touch the darkness with one tentative hand.
"Fuck! Don't do that!" I yelled, my voice cracking. I frantically clicked at the controls with the mouse. They wouldn't work. Nothing was working. I saw Tim stiffen up and clutch at his arm as the camera moved on.

People say that things get clearer in a crisis situation. That time slows down. I didn't get any of that. The indecision froze me. I wouldn’t be able to find Tim in time. My gaze swung indecisively from the door of the security room back to the screen, mirroring the dumb sweep of the camera. I had no idea where the damn camera was. I’d be better off trying to raise Tim on the mobile phone.

I returned to Camera #36. No sign of Tim. The inky darkness continued down the corridor unabated. There was something small on the floor. Tim's phone. He must have dropped it. He must have made his escape. The view down the other corridor. No sign of Tim. No chance that he could have slipped past the camera. That's not how we set them up. Back to the central corridor and the crawling darkness again. Just in time to see Tim's mobile phone get swallowed up by the dark.

I gaped at the screen. Nothing in the room apart from the whirl of fans and the thunder of my pulse in my ears. No, something else. A small scratchy voice coming from my phone on the table. My hands were trembling as I lifted it off the table.

"I thought you’d gone. Just stay there. I’m coming. It’s hungry. It’s hungry. It's hungry.” Tim’s voice still had that crazed cheeriness around it, the tone now taking on a menacing undercurrent.
I was so intent on Camera #36 that I hadn’t noticed the room darkening slightly. The other cameras were turning off. One by one. No, they weren’t being turned off. They were going dark. Just like the corridor in Camera #36. Completely black. No emergency exit lights, nothing picked up on the low light mode nothing but a blank screen and the little symbol showing the cameras in recording mode. That little symbol. It hit me like a blow to the gut. Camera #36. Tim’s phone on the floor while he was still screaming nonsense down the line at me. Camera #36, impossible to control from the console because the camera wasn’t recording at all.

It was playing a recording.

I was stuck. Trapped in a cage. In a room filled with eyes, I was slowly going blind as each screen winked out. Terror took on a new dimension. There was no way out. Help. I needed to get help. My breaths came hard and fast as the last of the cameras winked out. I had to do something. Then I saw it. One strand of hope. The big red button. I didn't know if the connection to the alarm company was up yet. The slap of my palm on the button echoed in the tiny room like a gunshot.

I breathed out a sigh of relief. If I was right, somewhere in an office across town, an alarm would have gone off, someone in a company very much like mine would be pulling out a list of addresses and calling the police with a potential break-in at my location. My triumph was short lived. My knees turned to water as I picked out a new sound over the whirl of the fans in the computers in a room. The small insistent sound of scratching, at the door to the room.
"Aren't you going to let me in? It's cold and dark out here. And I'm hungry."

Tim’s voice was different now. Earlier on it had his usual nasal overtone. But now it seemed dry, with a strange echo to it, like a few people were speaking at once. It sounded nothing at all like Tim. I wondered if Tim’s voice was what I wanted to hear from my phone all along, when all I was hearing was this dead, alien thing.

There was a tiny crack under the door. There should have been a small sliver of light, but there was only a line of black.

I backed away from door. The sound of scratching grew louder. It filled the room. It sounded less and less like fingernails and more like claws raking on the reinforced door. The screech of something hard on the metal built to a crescendo and then just... stopped. The silence that followed was even louder than the din that preceded it. Then, the slow scrap of metal on metal. Tumblers in a lock turning. Tim’s keys. Tim had the goddamn keys.
The heavy door swung in. What was outside was... nothing. It was like gazing into a deep dark hole. Except the light from the room should have illuminated the corridor beyond. Instead, there was just this wall of black. Against all logic, the shadows were moving into the room. The inky darkness flowed across the threshold like a ebon tide. I knew I had to do something. The longer I waited, the less likely the chances of escape. I darted forward and grabbed the door. The black shadows had already crept up the door. I saw my hand disappear up to my forearm as I plunged it into the shadows, looking for the end of the door to close it. My questing fingers found the hard edge of the door and I started to push. The door budged but just barely. I began to lean my weight against the door, breathing harder with both fear and exertion. The feeling of the inky blackness was far from pleasant. It wasn’t cold like I expected. It was warm. The same warmth of a living body. My forearm felt the prodding and groping of a dozen squirming fingers trying to grasp my hand, their caresses getting more urgent as the door swung shut. Pain blossomed in my arm as the graspings turned to scratches and nails dug into my flesh. With a last burst of effort, I managed to shut the door. There was no trace of the shadows in the room, and only the beads of blood welling up from my forearm stood testament to the horror of the previous moments.

The minutes felt like hours while I was waiting for the cops, bracing my back against the door, hoping that whatever the hell was on the other side of the door wouldn’t make another attempt to get into the room. I first noticed my ordeal was over when the screens on the console started lighting up with the normal camera feeds again. All except for one. The feed from Camera #36 was nothing but a haze of static.
I was in a daze as the cops arrived and I gave them some spiel about fixing the cameras and thinking that I saw some intruder before the feed cut out. The residual fear from my ordeal lent some measure of credibility to my story. The cops took me and the night guard on a cursory check of the premises. They seemed as eager to leave as I was, albeit for different reasons.

Tim hasn’t been back to work for the past few days. The job at the building remains incomplete. They’ve asked me about it at least 3 times, since I’d already gone over the plans once. At first I gave excuses. Eventually, I just flat out refused. I knew full well the job wasn’t done. On the last sweep of the premises with the cops, I found myself at a familiar junction between corridors. Just at the right height, a bare bunch of wires dangling from the wall. Next to it, a placeholder written on the wall in chalk. #36.
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Survive the night please.
Anyone has any fun rule horror pastas?
No, not okay, eat shit.
What do you mean by this?
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stay alive tonight
Uuum something in the same vein as the holders
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Whats good /x/
It's been a while since I've lurked or posted here but there are a few pastas I've been trying to find but can't remember the names of:

The first one was about some kid who went hunting with his dad, and they found some kind of creature in the woods. They make their way back to their house/cabin, and the kid makes it inside, but the dad doesn't. The creature kills the dad outside of the door while the kid can only listen. The kid was the narrator of the pasta. The creature was probably something like the rake or a skinwalker or some shit like that.

The other one I remember almost nothing about, other than the fact that it was another pasta written from the pov of a kid, and very early in the story he finds some married man having an affair in a barn. I think there was some shit about a train in there too.
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I can finally fulfill a request.
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bump before bed
I remember that first one but unfortunately i don't know the name
I've been going through the archives and trying to find interesting pastas on /v/
Is it fine if I post them here with a link so OP can add them to the rentry?
Yeah go ahead.
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rerolling, cause this is my first time and im a fag
Need help finding an old creepypasta, I thought it might have been scp related, but I honestly believe I read it before scp was a thing. The premise I recall was the pov of a soldier who was tasked to explore an apartment complex, that complex never ends, and gets worse the more he climbs the building
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Reminds me of Arai-san mansion
The second one is midnight train
wtf kemono friends is usually so cute. I'll have to check this out on pc imgur is CANCER on mobile.
Not that guy just replying
I remember his story it's definitely not this but maybe it inspired this. Thanks for sharing this is rad
magnus archives has some good episodes on this if you take them in isolation
how you guys holding up
I'll post a very short one my friend told me

>Be kid at girl scout camp
>Have to pee
>It's night time but I don't think it's like middle of the night, just about time to go to bed
>Friend goes to the cabin bathroom stalls
>Finishes up
>As she's walking out, sees a flashlight walking towards her
>She smiles, waves at the light
>Light slowly turns off
>No one there
>Didn't walk away, didn't turn, had been walking straight to her then gone

Friend says she gets chills remembering it even to this day.
writer's block.
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Now I'll post my own short one. I've actually had a few encounters, but this one is arguably the most interesting. (I got a ghost on audio, but may never have access to that audio again, so won't tell that story)

>My boyfriend's family is leaving for a weekend to go to Disneyland for the school band
>Boyfriend stays home, invites me over
>Can't remember if I took the time off work or what, but I do come down
>We play jak and Dexter, drink way too much booze, have sex
>So out of it from drinking I fall asleep on couch upstairs, boyfriend is asleep downstairs
>The next day is rough, we both don't feel good
>Pre-covid, order pizza with wings, bread sticks, and a 2 liter for $30 (not a chain either, take me back)
>That night we decide to sleep in boyfriend's mom's bed since big, comfy and upstairs (bf's room was in the basement, mattress on the floor, horrible)
>We get into bed
>Suddenly we both hear footsteps
>To this day it's hard to describe, but, I lay in bed listening
>Sounds like the footsteps go directly from the hall outside the bedroom, all the way right up to the bed next to me
>It happens in seconds
>I think it's just my bf, I say "baby?"
>He says "yeah?"
>His voice is not next to me
>I look up
>He's all the way over at the door, locking it and standing there, listening
>Both so tired we just go to sleep
>Shit brix the next day and have talked it to death what may have been
>Bf heard the footsteps start in the hall and end in the other side of the room, adjacent to me and near the dresser

His entire family was gone, his middle brother was at a friend's and didn't come home, dog was down at Grandma's. We were completely alone. House isn't even that old, no one has died in it (well, not yet anyway, bf's brother committed later). That was the only encounter anyone's had in that house.
Go on?
Freaky i would have thought it was the parents or some shit
Ew the worst part is it could have been a creepy human
Look up Radio Silence on nosleep
Shit I'm too retarded tonight
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Damn. The thread is almost dead.
post creepypasta fanart
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stole some stuff from a thread thx to the brothzer who posted it
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this one needs redone with less aids font but I'm lazy
Apparently Old English is so different from English that it sounds like another language, like ancient Germanic almost. And that was only 1,000 years ago.

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