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Let's discuss Universal Line teachings
How did you realize ONE thing?
How many times did you go over the material before u realized?
How are you progressing with your returns?
Good thread.

>How did you realize ONE thing?
Through the material. And thinking about it and using props in real life like the fork and knife to think about it

>How many times did you go over the material before u realized?
A few times

>How are you progressing with your returns?
No returns that I am aware of aside from better understanding. One included a return that I wanted by a specific time that has now passed. Hard to call OCB my best friend when he failed me in this regard even though failure cannot exist and therefore there must be something more at play, that being said, what is the purpose of commanding, if you can't command as you want?

That being said I mixed techniques and teachings for the same manifestations so I've had other returns I just don't know whether or not its due to UL even though the highest truth is of course all returns are derived from the same mechanical facts. If you do this I recommend using different techniques for different manifestations. X for UL and Y for NG for example.

>How long you been studying
Been studying 1 year+

How about you?

>How did you realize ONE thing?
>How many times did you go over the material before u realized?
>How are you progressing with your returns?
>How long you been studying
I still can't say I realized one thing because I feel the need to go over the materials. But it's making more and more sense
Studying for a year and a half, on and off. But since now I decided to dedicate myself to it, it is my only salvation and the only thing that makes sense in this life anymore
Got some results just by putting my finger to my lips and saying what I want(consistent in timing too)
Example:SP was in a 3year relationship with someone till august 2024 just a few days after I told myself what am I doing waiting for them to break up and not using myself, then I just said "from now on he is single". Boom 1st of august they broke up and are still broken up
A lot of other things with that Sp that I'll keep private
I used it to pass exams
I gave someone 1 week constipation just by saying it
Made someone appear on an empty street out of thin air (there was no one there and I thought I'll use however I am right now for that person to appear before I enter my college building) I get out of the bus and there he is lmao
A lot of other stuff that I am too lazy to tytpe
There are sometimes where putting my finger on lips and saying a commad doesn't work but I still keep doing it lol
There is a difference between going over to materials and needing to go over the materials, it sounds like you're part of the former camp and your understanding is sufficient.

Really like your post. I'm also focused on an SP and the UL community doesn't seem to care about SPs in contrast to NG communities. Not that there really is an UL community...

>But since now I decided to dedicate myself to it, it is my only salvation and the only thing that makes sense in this life anymore

Same. I have no interest anymore in a world where this is not the case. For in such a world I wouldn't want to live.

>Boom 1st of august they broke up and are still broken up

But you are not together?

>A lot of other things with that Sp that I'll keep private
Possible to hear the details in Discord? I am really craving SP stories through the lens of Universal Line as I find myself in such a situation where I got the return of my SP but somehow fucked it up by acting on partial perception now want to get back together.
Yeah sure
How do I find u?
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teainmyveins thats my discord
My UL understanding is much better now (been studying on and off since 2020) It's just that my daily fatigue and insomnia make me unable to perform more than 5-10 minute session once per day, but anything is better than nothing

So I'm also doing things for healing myself in 3D, as well as commanding for perfect health.
One thing is people misunderstand preparatory resolve. It is the place to become OAP. If you're doing that in the do nothing section you're doing it wrong. Return to preparatory resolve, get your OAP status back, state your demand then return to do nothing.
So what is Prepatory Resolve? It's been eluding me as to what it really is and Paolucci doesn't describe it in a non-schitzo way.

it's to confirm you are OAP via images he posts or images from the main text, so you can get better conviction before your intention
What's are the steps of the manifestation method in UL?
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Pic related is what I found, though I think it might be oversimplified because Paolucci is really trying to hammer home that you're God, and that you're supposed to take that in as much as possible, hence why he spends half the book explaining that you do Prepatory Resolve and Higher Order Cognition before you do the technique. I've only been into UL for less than a week so if anyone with more experience could correct me, I'd appreciate that.
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Sent the wrong image but it ended up being related to pic related anyway, how about that for a synchronicity?
Latest UL Text

Someone here is going to have to rewrite paolluci's material. It's way to out there for retards to understand. Also his pictures work in reverse, they make things more complex than they Should be.
Ok yesterday I scripted a desire out. And gave the manifest a shortcode for ease of use. Intended I'd properly hit the UL source connection. Mentally did the rundown of 12 aspects. Focused Intent again stating "I am now my <short code> instantly manifest." Any time I got feedback I just did the rundown point that refuted it. Then I said it again and it was pure an unopposed and so I moved on and did nothing, but almost immediately blacked out.

I remember I added an extra thing to preparatory resolve where I did an action and because it was me doing it I was creating waves so I was source of waves/can generate them as well, which I sort of ignored previously. Also I gave thumbs up to any objections local space made. While I was in prep resolve.

I woke up confused. I don't remember falling asleep or being asleep. It's like the time just doesn't exist but also was an eternity. It was hard to remember preparatory resolve to write this.
I tried UL before and while I found the material really interesting and cohesive, probably the most "final" info out of any LoA type stuff, it just didn't work for me in 3d like at all. Had much better mileage with spamming regular old visualizations and affirmations, and it was a shame because in the light of the UL they do seem like crutches. Yes I am the one thing and yet it is these annoying rituals that bring me returns and not simply willing things to be so... it's kinda disheartening in a way.
How does one get a chair like that, what's the type? Is it difficult to make? I don't care much about the decorations on the frame.
Is it worth doing sessions/commanding when you slept 5 hours and you are very tired? My insomnia makes all this 10x harder
Every armchair magician should have one.
Why not? A session is just closing your eyes and doing nothing. Easiest thing you can do, no? Or have I misunderstood?
Tf is universal line, google only comes with a shipping company.
Because he says you have to stay with Cause/OCB during that time.
Search "universal line teaching" it will bring up some reddit posts about this
What is it that separates the partial viewer conclusion of your return being "Not here, not now" from "always-already here" and being visible in your local realm?

What is the difference between a return that hasn't materialized and one that has? I understand ITFFE but what is it that causes the peanut butter(X) to disappear and for you to get Chocolate Ice Cream(Y)?

I can go on and favour X with poise for years, and not fight, force or call the Full Me my enemy to get what I want but eventually, I will want X instead of Y. And recognize that every time there is more going on behind the screen since everything is perfect harmony. However what is it that causes the change? I understand that it is not What but Who but the question remains the same. Having favoured X for years but having only found Y what causes it to change from X to Y?

All I have heard is that "It is so close to you that you can't see it and when you see it you will laugh."


You're always-already with Cause. Therefore it takes nothing from you to stay with Cause because if everything is ONE Thing, where are you going to go that is separate from Cause? There is no where you can be that is separate from Cause which is why being however you find yourself is the smartest decision. Furthermore it is why conclusion is command always because you're always with Cause.
>>You're always-already with Cause.
So why we have to do Dedicated Time?

He never says that you can sleep or so. You return always to OCB with your thoughts.

JP talks about the infusion on his discords posts. It's a concept W.W. Atkinson wrote on "Spiritual Power" book:
“In the degree that you perceive,
recognize and realize your essential identity with ME, the Supreme
PresencePower, the Ultimate Reality, in that degree will you receive and be
able to manifest My Spiritual Power. I AM over and above you, under and
beneath you. I surround you on all sides; I AM also within you, and you are
in Me—from Me you proceed, and in Me you live, and move and have your
being. Seek Me by looking within your own being, and likewise by looking
for Me in Infinity, for I abide both Within and Without your being. If, and
when, you will adopt and live according to this Truth, then will you be able
to manifest that Truth—in and by it alone are Freedom and Invicibility, and
true and real Presence and Power to be found, perceived, realized and
I a Bardon passage:
Under no circumstances should you lose
consciousness or fall asleep. Should you be overcome by tiredness during this exercise,
discontinue it immediately and continue at another time when you are mentally more
refreshed. Once you meet with the desired success after having practiced the body pore
breathing, then you may continue with the next exercise.
As we know by now, the Akasha is the causal world, therefore the sphere
of all causes. If a conscious cause such as a wish, a thought, or an imagination is called
forth in this sphere with the appropriate dynamic will-concentration, with firm belief
and complete conviction, it must realize itself through the elements regardless of the
plane or sphere upon which such realization is required. This is one of the greatest magical
secrets and a universal key for the magician, the scope of which will become clear to
him in the course of his further development.
And he continues with:
While you are in this state, you must feel the power
you have over the elements with every breath you take. The belief and conviction of your
power over the elements must be unshakable. You cannot leave room for even the slightest
doubt. Whosoever has so far worked conscientiously through all the exercises of every
step will gain absolute power over the elements after prolonged practice. The magician
who has attained the magical equilibrium in regards to the elements, who has equilibrated
and ennobled his character, and who possesses the best virtues and highest ideals, will soon
receive these powers. He will have within himself a feeling of firm belief, complete
conviction and absolute certainty that will exclude all doubt.
The student, however, who has not worked conscientiously enough or who has
skipped steps, omitted or neglected exercises, will experience certain doubts, and the
influence of the element that controls him the most will not permit itself to be controlled.
>>“In the degree that you perceive, recognize and realize your essential identity with ME, the Supreme PresencePower, the Ultimate Reality, in that degree will you receive and be able to manifest My Spiritual Power.

>> will-concentration
>>firm belief
>>complete conviction
>>The belief and conviction (..) must be unshakable
>>absolute certainty that will exclude all doubt

JP's intellectual knowledge and mediation must be to reach such absolute certainity to provoke the manifestation even instantly.
A tip I thought of when trying to manifest something "big" with UL. Think of an even bigger desire, like 2x or 3x bigger, like if you want 10k, realize you can also get 20k or even 30k instantly as it is already finished in line. This should give you more conviction prior to dedicated time and not stopping with commanding on 6th day cause "maybe its too big to manifest" etc
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We don't. All-alone only you decide what you have to do. It clearly says in the text that it is there to increase familiarity and bring that familiarity with you into your life. As he recently said in Discord you can just as well order pizza and have that be your return for 10K.

Just like you said it's just there to bring infusion but AFAIK once it is sufficient your life becomes a Dedicated Life.

Then again you shouldn't really take advice from me when you have JP and the Text for all you know I can be a troll with 0 returns.

>It's a concept W.W. Atkinson
All of that sounds like a lot of rules that I have no interest in making for myself.

Completeness, Infinite Flexibility. Even a thousand fold and the best part is that there is no difference, fundamentally X,Y,Z are all the same ONE Thing.

Do you have any more tips, Anon? Anything else you do to build more conviction in PR?

I usually like that speaker cone analogy, I am the speaker cone and everything that exists in the universe is the movement of that same cone vibrating. Going further down that road, for manifesting health as an example, well there are already millions of perfectly healthy individuals existing, so one speaker cone is already waving as million different healthy bodies all at once, so what is one more? It's peanuts. Kinda same principle like previous tip
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I know this is ,UL, is true and real (have a strong hunch ATVL) but I haven't "read the material" as Im terrified of myself, and what I'd do if I have real god-like powers over our VR reality.
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Let's decipher this image, Anons.

Post your best interpretation, check your understanding.
Tips for better approaching that certainty?
Especially stuff from discord?
The "victim" is making a command, but non seeing the results he make implicitly an evaluation (me in the world) which is an opposite command because he is always OAP (the big one).
JP says to study more the material and continue Dedicated Time.
I'll have to do that, but sharing the journey for what works helps ppl at a similar level. .
I know but I didn't wanted to derail the thread.
What worked for me, was not UL and it was before reading about it.
Basically I trained to focus my mind on a single thought and then vacancy of mind. After I used pore breathing in imagination all day for 2 weeks until I started to feel energy. I resist cold much better now.
GP and about 10k were achieved only one time using strong focus on the desire for some seconds with eyes open. Basically vacancy of mind and then focus on desire. Money came the next day and the GP (first and only GF in my life and I am quite old. She is very tall and beautiful in the middle 30s. Body like I manifested.) from days ot some weeks later. Wheather the next day multiple times with 90% success. SP never worked and I tried every method I found and I am still trying.
So for me it's strange to think about nothing while manifesting. I usually focus very much.
Some interesting ideas here and there. But it all seems a bit too culty to take seriously.
How tf is JP creating these images? I think he's manifested them into existence. Especially ones like this...
What other sources have you found for JP's material?
As much as he pushes only his most recent materials, I find that reading through other books has been helpful.

Short path to enlightenment by Paul Brunton seems to be one of his sources (presence is both you and everything), but this could just be from his Advaita-seeming background.

He also speaks in Gurdjieff like prose, using seemingly difficult words to force you to contemplate them.
First off, all of this is you. There is no separation
>"I know I'm OAP, but..."
OAP(OCB) said this
>The "in the world" me
OAP(OCB) is this
>The commanding "victim" me
OAP(OCB) commanding with his full effulgence.
>Something else stance" someone "else" that is examining and deciding about.
OAP (OCB) in his full effulgence.

All of this is about saying that I as OAP commanded for the seeming lack in my world. If you're commanding for 10k, that makes the

>seeming you (victim)
>comparing identity
all OAP.

The A and B tiles are just to hammer home the point, that both you as the
>something else who judges/decides
> commanding victim
are both OAP

The inclusion of - "This phenomena..."
Is stating how your little view of how the world seemingly works, constrains you and makes (YOU) make all sorts of dumb bullshit rules.

As a whole, you can consider that this image is supposed to
A - Tell you that you're always fully in charge.
B - You commanded yourself into the situation you're in.
C - Break up the separation between "seemingly" separate you's.
D - Remind you to stop being a fucking idiot commanding boundaries.
E - Remind you to stop following your retarded ass constrained field perception.

Add more faggots, more understanding for all is better.
OP here,
Great post.

NTA, but I found that advanced financial gain part 1 & 2 resonate the most with me and explain one thing the best, one with bills and portraits. (ULAnon also used that pdf for 10k)

Your life of victorious effulgence (YLOVEALK) is also great, kinda like financial gain pdf but with less fluff and more condensed

I Am Totality also has unique way of exploring one thing, going a bit further to show line/wave relationship
True but also 3D modelling and rendering at the denser level of truth.
Any metaphysic worth it’s salt is going to resemble UL (and vice versa) because the source is always the same One thing.
For example:
Higher Order cognition is the Holy Spirit.
No-thing is the Father
Cosmic Beau all celebratory body is the Son.
Does anybody else see this?
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underrated prep resolve img
I absolutely love the UL aesthetic, it is fascinating. I hope JP makes lots of pics like this, I could spend hours looking at them just like those medieval alchemic drawings. They're inspiring at a subconcious level
I read JP's documents he released for free and that are on LoA thread library, the new material V1 and V2 text and cosmology, ATWA and the iteration after ATWA which I found on webarchives. I don't have the material he released behind a small paywall in the past. He says the same things, using different examples. In some documents he detail more some specific aspect. It's better to read all of them to understand well his theory. For example in Advanced Financial Gain through Universal Line he describes in more detail the "proof loop" concept which is very important. It explains why we can't usually materialize even if we have all the divine power available. Also in the second part he is more detailed on how to do Dedicated Time. In some of the Lord Krishna texts he talks briefly on how to get an SP.
I think JP really read a lot of sources and then started from scratch as he writes at the end of his latest documents, considering valid only that everything is ONE thing, NO-thing. If that is correct it follows that it's possible to achieve anything and I agree. He uses Vedas as sources for the cosmology texts. I still didn't read Gurdjieff, but JP uses 2 and 3 words concepts condensed in acronyms for simplicity to help the reader to keep them separate from similar, but not identical, concepts in other teachings. It's to avoid the misinterpretation due to see his material through NG, yogic, magic or religious lenses.
how do you remember that you are always fully in charge all the time?
the conclusion of you being OAP and therefore everything that comes with that realization triggered an intense solipsistic anxiety attack in me. I was derealized for months bouncing between feelings of loneliness (being the only one here) and feelings of depression, boredom, and nihilism. I feel like the UL Material can really promote the feeling of nihilism, so much so I had to turn to nietzsche to answers lol. Anyone else gone through this before? The derealization and anxiety has subsided after 6 months. EIYPO is heavy stuff.. Maybe i’m not embodying his 12 principles enough.
Ride the vibe bro. It's not a secret to hide, it is a gift we all share. It is a journey that all will go through in their own way. The door has never been more accessible.
>I was derealized for months bouncing between feelings of loneliness (being the only one here) and feelings of depression, boredom, and nihilism. I feel like the UL Material can really promote the feeling of nihilism, so much so I had to turn to nietzsche to answers lol. Anyone else gone through this before? The derealization and anxiety has subsided after 6 months. EIYPO is heavy stuff.
It's easy to slip into nihilism with this, but also foolish. 'Derealization' doesn't apply because, in UL, everything is real. The waves are real, as real as the sea. It's just that the waves come and go (and come again as you call them up). So with EIYPO: other people are not hollow shells: they're still real, as real as you, because they ARE you, but just a disassociated you, like different personalities in a case of multiple personality disorder. Think of it as an actor so immersed in a role that he thinks he IS the character, but somehow able to pay all the other parts simulaneously with the same absorption. Each center of awareness is the same awareness, God, but part of the role involves believing they are only that part. They are not you pushed out: you and they are God pushed out, and at the same time you and they are God.
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How do you stop following your limited perception?

You command for X. You see it is not present. That automatically becomes an Evaluation which is a Command. You interject with H.O.C - thereby adding on a disclaimer onto your Evaluation that X is in fact here?

Sooner or later, you will want X here in a way that you can interact with.

UL as I understand it divided into three parts just like the image.

1:PR: Review what you Know and either it makes sense to act on or not. If it does then you proceed into DT as you'd never do DT if you didn't know or suspect it was at the very least possible. Gradually as your resolve grows: you see the flow of logic. It quite literally, becomes the only logical thing to do, and you act on what you know.

2:DT: Remain however you find yourself, therefore logically, impossible to fail as anything you do or don't do is you you remaining however you find yourself.

3:You in the Worlds: Navigating your world.

Therefore any difficulties must exist in the time outside of your DT. Whether that be in your PR or as you in the worlds.

>A: Tell you that you're always fully in charge.
Important since you act on what you know, you cannot act on your Totality if you are unaware it exists. Therefore logically, knowing it exists is the first step.

>B: You commanded yourself into the situation you're in.
Follows the logic of A. All-Alone there is only Me therefore there is no "Me" vs "It". There is only one mover ergo everything that happened to me is authored by Me.

>C: Break up the separation between "seemingly" separate you's.
You act on what you know. If you don't know you're always 100% OAP then you wont act that way.

>D: Remind you to stop being a fucking idiot commanding boundaries.
I don't see logically why this would matter as acting on Who cuts through everything like it didn't exist. See the picture.

>E: I see how this matters, I also logically how it doesn't matter.
>E: Remind you to stop following your retarded ass constrained field perception.

That is not remaining however you find yourself. Furthermore, you let your returns lead the way. Therefore, are you not by default a horse, with or without the blinders, being led by the harness of your perception? Even if you include outer-command-inclusion and end and start each day with a thumbs up, commanding everything that happened that day to be the means-whereby your complete return is delivered or even whenever you are down and need assurance. There will come a day that you want your return. Remaining poised is easy when you do not include a deadline for your return.

Now if you include a deadline for your return, which is logical, and no hindrance at all according to Fact. Then you can better evaluate your progress in the material since the only difference between returns is your degree of understanding according to John. Therefore logically, putting deadlines on your returns make sense. For most returns the deadline of Today makes sense because according to Fact, Completeness, Infinite Flexibility and more, why not Today? Even if you realize Today was not ideal afterwards you can just go back and redo according to Fact once you attain sufficient understanding.

We find ourselves wanting X today.

Now despite doing everything above, you have no return. Where does the issue lay? It has to lay with you since there is no one else. It has to lay in either PR or how you navigate the world since DT is impossible to fail and automatic.

In fact, given the 12 attributes, then it only makes sense, that even if you do everything wrong that according to Infinite Flexibility, Completeness and more that your return is delivered regardless of what you do, which is once again remaining however you find yourself even if everything you do is wrong. Sounds too good to be true yet we know it must be true.

Where is the return? Thoughts?

At the highest level of truth in regards to deadlines, there is only Now. Therefore the deadline for all returns is Now. Which is why instant materialization is the ultimate goal at least in terms of returns or at least, the non-change still flash sending you to a world where your return is present and it is you Who "materialized" and not your return.

However from Fact and personal experience we can know that you can experience the gradual unfoldment of your return or get it all later, whether be by days, weeks and months from now. You can also get it Now. This is Fact. Of course, we should operate from the former paragraph rather than the latter.

Regardless of semantics, it is also Fact that we can specify date, Completeness, Infinite Flexibility, Timeless Eternity in the midst of time and so forth even if at higher truth that future date will still be always-already Today.

Logically, placing a date on your return makes sense. It is drawing a Line in the sand, and putting yourself on the Line. If you place an open-ended return you could spend days, weeks, months, years spinning in circles although I will admit that since there is only one direction on the Line of Expansion it is not a question of if but when you will receive your return.

You can have your cake. When you want it. And eat it too. Anything less than that is "lack" which doesn't exist in Fact.

Therefore I do not understand how logically, it is possible for you not to receive your return. You will of course favour doing it the correct way, however if there is something you want, Now in order to make life worth living then surely, your Best Friend can accommodate that despite any shortcomings on your part. After all, if you're all in, you're all in. And since Infinite Flexibility is Fact, it means your "journey" to OAP doesn't have to be one of suffering, and limitation. Why have a hot seat when you can have a perfectly comfortable chair while you study?

>too good to be true, yet true

Right, but the post was about what the image contains.
>"Phenomena of a constrained field..."
Is (as you put it) taking control of your own reins. It's stating that the blinders and limited perception is not the highest truth, to disregard them and command as you wish, without the constraints of your field of perception. This is not done during the day (necessarily), but as a gentle reminder in preparatory resolve (full presence right here, regardless of perceptions conclusion).

>returns lead the way, don't be an idjit

NTA (that was talking about deadlines)
>Deadlines and where is my return
It's as you put it anon, the error lies with the "you commanding for a return", I am not saying commanding for a return is bad. I am saying incomplete identity as OAP is where the error lies.

>The error, has to lay in either PR or how you navigate the world since DT is impossible to fail and automatic.
As John has put it (and i've anecdotally experienced) as you (or the anon reading this) get more experience with UL you'll notice yourself automatically acting differently. No outer steps needed, so yes, the error is in your PR. DT is doing nothing, exactly that. Not trying to be presence (you always already are).

>Infinite flexibility and completeness, wheres my return
This is still using your constrained faculties, your return is always already there in the infinite part of you, otherwise you wouldn't even be able to desire the thing.
Bumping an epic thread
Biggest problem I have with UL is that I can never quite get away from the sneaking suspicion that Idealism isn't true. Like, JP can say a lot of words to make statements that I can agree are individually true, but taking them together I have a problem accepting that as the model for reality.
Anyone have any thoughts to add?

Right. Not meant in reply to the image. Just in general.

>Is (as you put it) taking control of your own reins. It's stating that the blinders and limited perception is not the highest truth, to disregard them and command as you wish, without the constraints of your field of perception. This is not done during the day (necessarily), but as a gentle reminder in preparatory resolve (full presence right here, regardless of perceptions conclusion).

100% You act as if even if you can't see your wholeness, since it's all-pervasive and therefore fully transparent.

>As John has put it (and i've anecdotally experienced) as you (or the anon reading this) get more experience with UL you'll notice yourself automatically acting differently. No outer steps needed, so yes, the error is in your PR. DT is doing nothing, exactly that. Not trying to be presence (you always already are).

Yes I agree. Situations occur where you act differently the change is subtle until it's obvious.

>This is still using your constrained faculties, your return is always already there in the infinite part of you, otherwise you wouldn't even be able to desire the thing.

100% agree with you. However this is moving the goal posts in my opinion. It's Fact that it is anywhere however we want it to be in its manifest form not in its virtual unmanliest still state. Therefore the question still remains. Where is the return as in the conventional sense. If I command for an apple, I fully acknowledge that the apple is everywhere, however I want an actual apple before me.
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READING NOW actually im typing now but i wanted to say thanks to myself and making this work


discord link?
This entire thread is samefagging
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>this entire thread is samefagging
This entire reality is samefagging,
Time to read UL.
>goalpost moving
Yeah, you're right some of that is there.

>where the return is
You're experiencing the return right now anon. All of this change that we're experiencing as the external world is your return. That's why when the material is solid your world changes as you do. As you claim "more" (lol) of OAP, your "seeming" ability to change your immediate world changes.
how to practically use UL in manifestation?
The most important parts for non-UL enthusiasts (in my eyes, obviously).

>everything is one thing
Which will spill into the next points. Either convince yourself or follow John's example and then create your own. This is a must if you want solidity.

>You own all attributes
Including the good and the bad, claim 100% competence, appropriateness, readiness and deserving when commanding (manifesting, whatever that may mean for you, SATS, w/e).

Claim whatever you identify as the highest power in your world, break down the separation (I am God, Here I am fully in charge complete ONE-thing, I am I am, I am whatever), if you feel guilty or like you're about to get smashed by a fucking lightning bolt for saying this, that's your old realm boundaries (or your previous operating system) and can be safely ignored.

>Since you are the highest power, whatever you say goes. Use that to overpower overpowering 3d conditions.
If you can't seem to manifest an apple, then that's your complete means whereby you manifest an apple. Since your the highest power, the entirety of the universe follows your command.

>Dedicate time to study and prep
If you use SATs, then dedicate some time (just 5 minutes) to scripting or re-reading what you think are the most important parts for manifestation.
>Time to read UL.
The UL I recognize, is a technical standards laboratory.
These new age glowie confusion paths to nowhere are a joke. Keep pumping them out, one is bound to be a hit.
thank you anon
you never lost or gained anything reading the material. It's always been this way. UL is the ticket out of derealisation if you ask me. If you weren't solipsistic before reading then you weren't paying attention to life imo. Solipsism is a buzz word to scare people. Think about what you think other people are. Test it. Have fun. Real/Unreal is a dichotomy held together by a boundary which does not exist in ONE ALL THING. Everything is Real, because everything is ONE ALL THING. Even the "unreal" is real.
You can believe whatever you decide to. If believe nihilism/derealisation is an appropriate response to what you think you know... well that's your choice.
I don't understand the apple example. If I command my universe to "materialize" an apple, and I don't perceive it, does me not seeing an apple become my new command that I have an apple?
My issue is that while I can subscribe to solipsism is that it doesn't inherently give me anything. The other guy has his freakout because he's alone but I was already kind of a nihilist. We know human senses are fallible (inasmuch as we can know anything), so the brain in a jar theory doesn't bother me because whatever illusion we're in feels real enough. I'm not even particularly bothered if there's nobody else. My problems are that I don't know it's an illusion, instead of actual reality, and even if I did know, that's not necessarily enough to control it.
I don't think JP does a good job selling me on OAP. Partly because his model doesn't have a good answer for Occam's Razor, that he doesn't give a good answer for why it's the way he says instead of what most people think. I'm just supposed to read his schizo manifesto and eventually I'll get it.
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Many ways to be immortal. I made this up.
of course solipsism doesn't give you anything... you already have everything, there's nothing left to give. Like I said, it is a buzz word to create a box around the truth which is boundless.
I don't think it's JP's job to "sell" you on anything. He isn't trying to convince you of anything, he is telling you where you can look if you want to know the Truth, because that's what he loves to do. If you don't believe him, that's cool, go do something else that you enjoy.
Anything you read is going to seem "schizo" if you don't understand it. The way to understand something is to spend time with it, which no one is forcing you to do. It's your choice.
>not necessarily enough to control it.
If you can't control it how did you write those words? You are editing the illusion. And the illusion is one thing so if you can write words you can do anything else.
I mean I'm not sold on his model. I don't believe it the way he explains it.
I guess I'm trying to say he's bad at explaining that his model of reality is the correct one. He says the same thing in basically every document. If I didn't have a genuine interest in this I would've written it off already.

I think of it like permissions in an operating system. I can type, because I have the permissions required for it. Getting $10k (from a source other than my job) requires more permissions than I have. Simply acknowledging that other permission levels exist does not appear to give me those permissions. I figure if UL is the correct model of reality that I must be doing it wrong or else it would work, so it's either that or it's simply not true.
I run into the issue where the explanation of how to do it right either isn't known or is not explained to me in a way that I can actually understand and apply it.
>he's bad at explaining that his model of reality is the correct one
It's all (You) nigga. You are bad at understanding that his model of reality is the correct one. Nothing is stopping you from deciding otherwise.
That doesn't explain it either. The answer is essentially "just do it lmao"
>The answer is essentially "just do it lmao"
Yes! And preparatory resolve is where you reflect on your identity, OAP, and why "just doing it" is the only thing that makes sense.

Try to disprove the material them. Start with why any 2 or more things don't need a reference field. Two bills can stand on their own without needing a backdrop.
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Hey bump, I need this to keep.
>what's the INSANEST thing you manifested? can be in the pocket universe or wherever
>what IRL repercussions did it have, if any?
Can't talk about it bc it's sensitive matters. But my women chase me monkeypawed. It was extremely awkward situation and I noped away as soon as I could.
>I don't have the material he released behind a small paywall in the past.
Do you know the name of it ?
to be fair I manifested having a slim body no matter what I eat
>IRL repercusions
uuhhh not being a fatass?
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Here is a list of the main textsin chronological order I have or are missing:

Achievement Through Wholeness of Awareness v1.1 (ATWA) (2000) www.atwahome.com
Protocol Of Self Made Money v.2 (2003) (POSMM) www.posmm.com. (Only audio files survive)
DaedalBoyShrine Protocol v.2 (2003) www.daedal-boy-shrine.com (Identical words to the above except the CCA: 2 or 3 words max. PDF)
Command of My Universe (2004)
God of Command of the Universe v.2 (2004)
I Am Totality V.6 (2013)

I Am Totality V.7 (2014) MISSING $59 iamtotality.com
A Painter's Guide v.2 (2014) MISSING $19 iamtotality.com (a free sample is in the loa library)
I Am Totality V.8 (2015) MISSING $59 iamtotality.com

Advanced Portrait Painting Through Universal Line (2016) www.ulineart.com
Advanced Financial Gain Through Universal Line (2017)
The Hierarchy Of Beings (2017) MISSING
A Deeper Look At Your First Two Essentials (2019)
Your Life Of Victorious Effulgence As Lord Krishna (YLOVEALK) (2020)
Metaphysical Systems of the Universe (2022)
I’m Lord Krishna Right Here v.1 (2021)
I’m Lord Krishna Right Here v.2 (2021)
I’m Lord Krishna Right Here v.3 (2021)
I’m Lord Krishna Right Here v.4 (2022)
I’m Lord Krishna Right Here v.5 (2022)
I'm The Original Cosmic Supreme Master Right Here v.1 (2023 end)
I'm The Original Cosmic Supreme Master Right Here v.2 (2024)
A Competent Cosmology Conception v.1 (2023 end)
A Competent Cosmology Conception v.2 (2024)

2000, holy shot that was early
Did he finally start getting results in 2016 is that why he stopped charging lol
It sort of runs headfirst into the same problem I always have when I try to do SATS is that I can't seem to reach the "it is done" feeling. SATS, meditation and other such practices always feel like I'm sitting there with my eyes closed.

Physical objects require a reference field because they exist in space. We would need an abstract, like an equation or a thought. I can't disprove the reference field entirely, therefore, but I don't know that the reference field is conscious or everything.
If I'm understanding it correctly, the point is that the separation is an illusion. OAP is essentially all of spacetime. I can't be separate from the universe because I'm a part of it and inside of it. Where my understanding falters is that I don't know how me being the entire universe follows me being just a part.
In 2000 he released his first document, after 25 years of research and tests, even if he didn't master his teachings completely at that time.
Maybe. Fee included not only the future updates, but also email coaching.
Ill bite, just to keep the thread alive.
So what happened then? Tell us the story, Fagasaurus Rex.
I suppose there are some documents with umknown titles in the period between the beginning of 2006, last time command-of-my-universe.com was online, and end of 2011, time of iamtotality.com creation.
He made tons of versions of "I'm Lord Krishna Right Here", does anyone know what the changes mostly consisted of? I can't imagine they weren't just a bunch of spelling corrections and shit
One of JP's sources:
Anyone have the financial gain book part 2?
I can only find the first one and I don't wanna be missing on anything.
It's essentially mental gymnastics. You always already are the sole-commander of the universe. If you command and get a contrary return, then you use that return as your complete means whereby you now get the apple.

Remember you always already are OAP, perception's conclusion is the only thing stating otherwise. If you don't believe me or this sounds like bullshit, then you should consider why you're reading this message in the first place.
Cheers anon!
You always already are the sole-commander of the universe. If you command and get a contrary return, then you use that return as your complete means whereby you now get the apple.

sorry its hard to wrap my brain around this, how does the lack of a return become the complete means by which i acquire the return?
Because it is all your private dream, it doesn't have to make sense at all, you make the rules, the how is taken care of the "higher" you
Taken care of by the higher you*
Typo, sry
Because of completeness. All possibilities exist. Example: Your sp telling you he/she doesnt love you is your means to getting a full blown healthy awesome relationship with her/him tomorrow
Idk, but the higher me is all knowing
All knowing means he knows exactly how to do it.
>But will the higher me do it?
There is no not doing in completeness, there is only not doing as partial view(lesser truth) doing is the higher truth, plus there is only does what you love. So it makes no sense that your desire wont be fullfilled
is this the latest loa larp?
Shouldn't by virtue of completeness and missing nothing, there should be an entity that can easily bypass all my local perception conclusions that can give me miracles (instant manifestation)? So why then do I not get a result?

By virtue of completeness, there is an entity that can bypass that bullshit of my local perception and all these proof loops, creating a miracle in front of me.
It's not new. Link's been in the loa op for a long time.
Both LoA and UL will tell you that life's a larp
>, the how is taken care of the "higher" you
Ok I don't care about how I get the apple, how it will happen etc. But say I command and apple, and don't get an Apple, what do I practically do next after not getting an apple?
>Infinite possibilities exist therefore I should I get this one specific possibility by doing absolutely nothing
That's so dumb. Obviously if you want your specific possibility, then you have to command for that specific possibility to appear in your reality
>This entire reality is samefagging,
Fuck when did I become so based
>Each center of awareness is the same awareness, God, but part of the role involves believing they are only that part. They are not you pushed out: you and they are God pushed out, and at the same time you and they are God.

Very well said. I have always had trouble accepting people saying "I am God, everyone is me pushed out" but framing it like that makes it easier. This is true for me and for everyone else. All of life is real instead of fake.
Yeah but I'm a little bit more God than you guys I hope you're okay with that.

You either exist or you don't, there is no "middle-existing"

And yet you as one indivisible bender are creating all these billion people out of thin air, so you are (One Line) you pushed out (waves as humans)
Realize that there is no right way to command. There is no doing things right
You see nothing after commanding and thus conclude you are doing something wrong and therefore must do something more. You conclude you are not oap
Realize that your command is sufficient and that there is nothing you did wrong because of who you are, because you are one thing
The person typing this never read UL,
There is also all knowing, all doing, all seeing, completness... etc
>I need to command to get what I want waaaahh waahhh QQ
No. Not even that, who you are already knows what you want (all knowing)
Who you are is also you who wants to command, who is going to command and who is commanding right now. He can command without you even commanding (all doing). So no, you do not even need to know what you want bcs "higher you" already knows and is already doing it
By reading UL you can confirm this all by yourself
NTA... but by definition, if the apple fails to appear, then you can't help but conclude there's something else going on. If your command was sufficient then the apple would be in your hand, no?
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>I can't help conclude...
That is a rule you just made.
It can seem frustrating to receive answers like this. You think I'm pulling your leg or mb you think
>wow thats so simple or too simple to be true. It can't be disproven so it isn't true...
If you read or delve deeper into UL and understand it, you will see what I am talking about
Nothing is happening because you are using who you are to make "nothing happen" you are using infinite flexibility to instantly "disprove" instant flexibility by saying
See! If I was truly infinitely flexible then an apple would have appeared!

He's commanding "not apple" appearing.
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I'm becoming more and more enamoured with the idea of living away from all humans; but Im actually learning to detect "Pendulums" like Language, Law, Art, Buildings, Money, Transport. even Location is a pendulum for social interactions and human's self-image, self-concept and Ego.
what other pendulums have you detected ,concluding ultimately are delusional, but see 99% of people hopelessly attached to?
so lets say for whatever reason i "dont" win the lottery tonight. is it best to not conclude anything and still act as oap because somehow not winning will manifest winning in a way only as higher oap or line would know? thumbs up?
Take your reality transurfing second cause bullshit to some other thread.
Choosing to win a lottery implies not accepting 12 unchanging facts. You need to get to the point where it seems reasonable asking for $500 Trillion usd instantly manifest without negative repercussions.
ok i think i understand. however isn't that contradictory to the law? implying i need to "get to a point of" ? concluding that i still lack x or y to understand the law instead of just being line? sorry if I'm misunderstanding
Ignore >>38748303, his post is messing up layers of truth
I've been replying to you
At this point you are just asking me to tell you what to do so you can hypnotically follow it
That is not how this "works"
You need to "do" something that makes perfect sense to you. You need to understand the material so it makes sense. Then you will "know what to do" by yourself, you will see no point in asking anyone anything
I would say go back to the text for more comprehension and really just think with your own head
My response may seem dismissive, but the point is for you to know this for yourself. If I just keep telling you and telling you, you wont really "get it"
Wanting to play the lottery is no contradiction to who you are
And you dont "need" to get to anywhere
You are "not accepting" 12 attributes when you tell him that he needs to get to a point of understanding
There is no "I need to get to a point of understanding and not command for the lottery" in 12 attributes
There is only perfect choice instead of that
ok fair enough, perhaps more study is needed. my issue is if i command for money, as OAP i should also have a say on the method in which i receive my return, even though UL would probably tell me not to focus on the method of return(all is one thing). as OAP can i jus not to command a return through a specific medium, for example the lottery. excuse me if my ignorance is showing
NTA. Please tell me what to do. You'll be my coach.
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ok i guess if i have a desire to "win the lottery" i simultaneously create a conclusion of the lack thereof. instantly creating a return of no lottery winning. this is a mindfuck because as oap i need to realize all is one ting and there is no lack. its a paradox of desire, a return i dont need see as wave = conclusion of no return command. or is this a systemic ive created for myself?
My last post was >>38748865
I didn't post picrel above but it is good, you should consider it
The only thing that is worth saying to you at this point is to go back to the material and think with your own head as much as you can. I wont be replying to you anymore and will leave you to yourself (it is in your best interest). Good luck anon :) <3
Read the material, understand for yourself so you don't have to rely on anyone. There, easy. :)
What if, Anon, perchance I want to rely on you? What then?
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i know you fellas want me to figure it out by myself, but i would still like input, even though i obviously have to know the material. this is from the reddit and aligns with my conflict of lack of returns. hopefully someone can help me simplify it further
Question: What is meant by systemic wave and why is it so convincing?
Answer: All attributes of the universe are wave. There’s a system of waves in place in
order to guide beings on a line of expansion. It seems “Just the way things are.” Every
one has two rows of teeth, water freezes at 32 degrees, the only thing we have to do is
die and pay taxes, there is no such thing as real magic, and so on. Just try to prove
otherwise (without higher knowledge) and see what a fool you make of yourself.
Question: If I obey systemic wave just because it’s there, what am I essentially doing as
One all-person?
Answer: Merely telling myself a story of how the universe works and then believing it.
Question: If the systemics of wave is vying for my conviction while looking to the
stillness of universal line, how do I handle wave?
Answer: By sufficiently understanding the first five laws of universal line and then acting
while soft-peddling normal human perception. In that way systemics no longer have life,
power, authority, and cease to exist.
Question: Why is my mindfulness of seeking, evaluating, and adjusting in the field of
wave inappropriate, while commanding or looking for the return of command?
Answer: Because my return has only to do with, is only formed by, my still quiet
universal line, not wave. Therefore whatever is going on with wave during command is
irrelevant. I’d be acting like a thirsty fish in the sea if I chased after wave in order to be
the ocean.
Well then, Anon, if I may, perchance state that, perchance you honestly truly want to rely on me, you have to, perchance lick and tickle and fondle my nuts very gently and sensually.
Peace out you weirdo, I'm gone now
User: Since I never stop being OAP, doing my Dedicated Time when tired is no problem. I should not fear falling asleep since that is a Systemic message. But if that's the case, I can simply have my preparatory resolve session in bed, state my intention, and just fall asleep, right? This is it.

JP: If there's any issue, it's that you're not convinced of it to the point that you have to ask me. That's not what my info is about. It's about knowing for yourself because it makes perfect sense. "Not sure" is a command. So, I won't tell you yes or no, making you a pawn of my personal authority.

i guess you just have to know fully you're oap/ocb so fully that there is no doubt. This would be the only obstacle i assume which is unmoving faith in the knowing of the text and in essence you true self as OAP
>you're OAP ,you can manifest money
>cool ill use the medium of winning the lottery to manifest it
>UL : akshually no winning the lottery doesnt work

make it make sense

JP: You won’t have to go far to see it. “And hopefully reach…” is a “tell” about your self-concept of Competence. Only those who know themselves as incompetent are merely hopeful. "Hopefully reach…” also means your readiness is missing. And if you're following a System that runs the Universe, that means you must not yet deserve success in returns. And if you don't deserve, what you're doing must be inappropriate. You're then acting as a pawn "on the rocks". Now, we know what you truly know, or what you're acting on as practical information."But I know I'm OAP." – Yeah, right. (smile)
>user:uhm this doesnt work. i did everything
>this jp dude: uhm actually no, you did not
gaslighting at it's best
loa larp fags never change
they just invent more intricate mental gymnastics
If you're OAP, there's no reason why you can't choose to win the lottery. One minute JP says you can do anything, then he says you can't win the lottery because of some rule? Doesn't make sense here either.
>no winning the lottery doesnt work
Never said that, you're just retarded.
explain it to me like I'm a retard then, you should have plenty of time given that you've manifested complete financial independence using UL right?
Yup, but won't spoonfeed you. You don't deserve it.
yea i thought so
I have managed to manifest an endless supply of money which I've been using to live like a king for the last 11 years, and it will outlast me even if I manage to get to 100 years of age. Without having to work for a single minute.
do you have proof by any chance?
why do you seem so upset?
Yeah but I won't share. You don't need it. You are One thing. I am same One thing. All I say to you is you saying it to you. You're playing the game of "I'm just a tiny fractioned entity with no power" game. But you're not. You're all-power, all-presence, all-sapience.
You need to internalize it. You don't need "me" because "you" have it ALL "within" "you". Quotes are obligatory, none of those terms are real. The more you keep commanding UL (which is your all-power the very same) that "it doesn't work" then that's what you get. Have to learn to let go. Let go. Bye. Woosh. Fuck it. Liberate it. "can't" is no more. There is only You and I can. Say it yourself "I can". Because in fact you can. This isn't "mental therapy" or gymnastics.
The fact that everything is one exact same field of reference that "waves around" to manifest shit" is the only One undeniable fact.
Aristotle: A exists, A is A, A can't be B
That's called the three SELF EVIDENT truths, think about that
BUT it seems he ommited the first and ANTECEDENT one, the Self Evident Truth #0:
I Am.
That's the first one.
Then that All is one only thing by reason that there can't be no two things without one single frame of reference that makes them be "two things".
That "frame of reference" is the ONLY ONE thing that exists. Which by definition an by unavoidable consequence, IS YOURSELF.
Then if you want more autistic proof go read the Book of Causes.
ok thank you for the reply i will think on this
"Demiourgos" : the craftsman, the one who makes the work [of psycho-physical manifestation, that is].
UL is literal Demiourgia in the sense that you become to actively participate in deliberate Creation.
There can't be no separate entities, but only in appearance. Therefore, All entities are the "Demiourgos" Iswara, Mara, Brahman, God, the "devil", Jesus vs his psychophysical self, you, my mom, that other anon's uncle, a turtle, a rock, all "waving manifestations" of Universal Line AKA the substrate AKA the "one unique frame of reference".
so then all i have to do is make a command from the place of knowing that i am the "frame of reference". the self aware presence that permeates all things. I command for 100m dollars, i play the lottery, but by doing so i reaffirm that i am NOT the OAP because looking to wave to make a change in my reality. however as OAL i CAN choose to manifest the money in this way, correct or no?

Which version of the text you studied? I find his new stuff confusing even after going at it multiple times
If you achieve by doing you are no longer acting as OAP/looking to a wave.

You can manifest 100m though lottery. It's infinitely flexible. but are you actually targeting that exp?

You want 100M for some life you think it will give you. You don't want a lottery nor the money. And targeting the winning of the lottery is hanging on a wave. if you're in prep resolve and thinking "man I should get money so that I can finally have x, and I should get it through the lottery because its the best way to obtain money" you're not thinking from OAP.

Command what you want. No limits, restraints or rules. If you want infinite money where you live the life of a rich person who can focus on their craft target that.
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Honestly I read these and was able to easily grasp UL after them:
Vivekachudamani translated by Christopher Isherwood
The Kybalion
In the end all this is "Hardcore" Monistic Metaphysics
Hardcore is misleading it's like saying that a baker that bakes a cake correctly, baked a hardcore cake. He simply baked a cake in a correct way. But I'm rambling.
As JP said, there is only one fact to get straight. it's extremely simple, you can ditch all the material and thoroughly fix your intellect in that single fact which is that you're the ALL. See here this is a very condensed version: >>38750157
It's so simple it makes it hard to explain. There is nothing simpler than Monistic Metaphysics and yet there is nothing harder to explain than it.
Also I studied pic related at that time:
i see what you mean. i suppose ultimately i desire freedom from systemic limitation. to be able to manifest instantly i believe is the goal of UL. in my dream i snap my fingers and 10k appears on my bed out of thin air. i presume i limited myself into this wave form to experience limitation and somehow find my way back to knowing i am OAP/OCB. the ultimate game of hide and seek from my own divinity. but im done playing the game. i want to snap my fingers
Why do I experience the world from this perspective and not some other perspective? Why do I experience being this animal and not any other animal?
Why does my left thumb feels stuff that my right index doesn't?
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>Quick Prepatory Resolve of Complete Authorship (CAI)
Holy hell, I can see why this didn't take off with normies. If the schitzo speak doesn't make you fuck off the images will. As much as I've been trying to comprehend this, Paolucci does not make this easy.
Operating from a lower truth for a while, can I ask how did the money appear?

I believe you. It's clear you know what you're talking about. If I may, how did you get around the proof loop? Where you understand sufficiently, yet cannot see a return, which becomes an evaluation/observation and therefore a command. How do you bypass this? I understand that I am literally my own return as it's all One Thing. Regardless, any pointers here would be appreciated.
I realized - I don't understand number 5. I understand everything else in the image.

Anyone that wants to enlighten me?

Do these books explain how 2 things need a reference field? That's been my main block in JP's books

Any 2 things need a reference field in order to present the differences between them.

Ex1 - How could you define the difference between today and yesterday?

Ex2 - If I pointed out 2 daisies in a soccer field, how would you know what they were?

Ex3 - What is the (not mathematical, i'm not asking for an 6-5 here) difference between 6 and 5?

A1 - A more all pervasive "time" is needed as a backdrop to perceive the difference between today and yesterday, but this all pervasive "time" also includes today and yesterday.

A2 - The daisies in the soccer field are separated by space (if they weren't they would occupy the same space and be indistinguishable), but they are both a "part" of the space of the soccer field.

A3 - There are more numbers than 6 and 5, an elementary school education tells you this. Because you know that, you know that 6 and 5 are both included in all numbers and variations of all numbers.

Come up with your own and post back and I (or another anon, if they see it first) will respond.

Yeah, I get all these basic examples. But JP has 2 bills and black void space providing dimensional relationships. That's what I don't get. How does a void/not-space provide dimensional relationships?

How does void reference edges of the bill when it's not space?

The way I see it, it is the space giving dimensional relationships to things, but how could something that's not even space be a backdrops to objects

An object has boundaries. Therefore even without a dimensional relationship in the conventional sense. There is a dimensional relationship in the sense of:

"Dollar bill" and "Not dollar bill"

This is why ONE Thing is boundless and partially why it is ONE Thing since any second thing would require a boundary to start and end. Although maybe perhaps, others can chime in, listen to me at your own peril.
void is the space and the background that references the bill, if you remove everything in the universe except the bill you will end up with bill and the void and you can't take that void

i think when JP talks about space he means the universe
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>Then if you want more autistic proof go read the Book of Causes.

What to read to understand Book of Causes?

Cause I don't understand anything pic related.
I guess you can't handle the more autistic proofs, you might need a normie proof.
>>38751578 I kekked. You're good. Give it some thought tho. What I mean: different points of reference, yet in the same frame. Finger #1 feels stuff that finger 2 can't, yet both 1 and 2 are part of a same greater being which is you, which can feel it ALL.
We are like little billions of fingers of an even greater being, which is ourselves as well.
I tell you this from a little finger to another little finger, if you're following the silly but mostly accurate analogy.
I kekked. I agree with you. JP is extremely detailed and maybe that's his mistake.
The money comes from different places and in different forms but always constant and in a surplus that covers my necessities and desires.
The money comes from different places and in different forms but always constant and in a surplus that covers my necessities and desires.
>the proof loop
As I said earlier, maybe JP's mistake is being overly detailed. But I don't blame him. Metaphysics is so simple it becomes extremely hard to explain. Anyways:
Every single psycho-phisical (that is, in the manifest world) action we do is by definition a ritual. I brush my teeth expecting they will be clean and will last longer and healthier. I get a result. I wash my body expecting results of cleanliness and social cohesion. I get a result.
All rituals are possible by Expectation, not Desire. We EXPECT that X or Y result will happen and 100% of the time it does. Thing is this "Expectation Mechanism' is always or mostly unconscious. We never think of these things because we take them as granted in a level so deep it flies above our heads.
>As JP said, there is only one fact to get straight. it's extremely simple, you can ditch all the material and thoroughly fix your intellect in that single fact which is that you're the ALL. See here this is a very condensed version: >>38750157 (You)
Only one thing to understand/internalize(say this next thing in first person): I am an everpresent entity by the inevitable, unavoidable and necessitative virtue of my own Nature. There can't be no other way. I am that which is ALL. I am ALL/EVERYTHING, and also am THAT IN WHICH all/everything occurs. Both phenomena and substrate. I am the droplet, the wave and the ocean at the same time, no separation of any kind exists anywhere.
That's the same single one fact regurgitated in different flavors.
When you feel like you're a limited being, a "regular human" in this case, you FEEL a certain way, your EXPECTATION mechanism is determined by this FEELING. You EXPECT that you can't get stuff because you're limited. At the same time, the FEELING is determined by your current understanding: "I know that I'm just a limited human".
So if you shift your understanding, you affect the entire chain: understanding >affects> feeling >affects> expectation >affects> manifest reality.
You change the beginning of the chain, you also change how you feel about reality, you also change the things you expect.
The shift occurs only at the "noetic level", in your "understanding", and this shift transforms the way you interact with yourself, that is, with the "universe".
If you understand/internalize that single fact, you can get rid of all the JP material and all the Monistic Metaphysics books. You don't need anything else.
Maybe it's because it's necessarily intertwined with 6 and 7, which come as a sort of refutation of 5.
5 basically says that individualized framework manifests at individualized level, and 6, 7 say that even that individualized framework is unavoidably part AND one and the same with the ALL-common framework which is the Absolute, one and the same.
The only thing needed is a shift in the understanding of the "individualized perceptor".
Shortly put, yes they do. But see above anyways.
Good answers. The "black void" metaphor as well could have been anything else: a sea of mayonnaise, a swimming pool, it is only there to signify a common substrate.
I told you it was autistic. It's like a schizo rambling Ancient Latin version of JP. But particularly 1-16, 20, 24, 57-60, 82, 86, 87, 101, 109-114, 124-135, 155-157, 162-164, 214-217.
But honestly it's the whole book. But mostly 1-16.

Did you do sessions before commanding? JP recommended 2x10 min sessions for infusion of UL
Anon I think the best thing would be to ponder it as you're doing something menial around the house. I have an autistic write-up expanding on the number line example, but I honestly feel like they would only confuse you more.

Instead of just giving you the autistic write-up I'll answer your question with another question. How do you define the difference between today and yesterday?

Don't give me my own answer back (hurr-durr larger all pervasive time), instead consider it on your own. Take time out of the equation if you can, and fully consider it, how do you tell the difference between yesterday and today.
>JP recommended 2x10 min sessions for infusion of UL
It's a ritual, it works, it may work, it can work. It has the potential to work. All rituals work in the end to some degree.
JP recommends stuff because people aren't used to perceive from "the shift", it's like a crutch. Nothing wrong with using crutches, they actually work.
Have you thought that the very fact of using a crutch is commanding UL that you need crutches? It doesn't really matter.
The main cockblocker is the anxiety of "is this gonna work?" "what if it doesn't work?" "this is stupid", not the ritual itself.
You can take upon JP's recommendation, you will do fine.
You can take upon my recommendation, you will do fine.
You can internalize the fact via a couple or a couple dozen Metaphysics books, you will also do fine.
It's the doubt and the anxiety what is cockblocking you.
>Did you do sessions
I did, in a way, my own way, but yeah, I can say yes I did, I still do.
We live in a permanent "session", as we literally exist in "Expectation Mode" 100% of our lives. All our actions are a perpetual ritual.
You're doing it now.
You will be doing it eternally.
Manifest and unmanifest are two inseparable sides of the same coin. Perpetually.
Expectation is the manifesting mechanism of the absolute.
The difference between the true demiurge and the "mere mortal" is absolutely none but a very small fact: the true demiurge has internalized "the shift". They are otherwise identical in all respects.

Well, the difference between days passing, is because of the change at a certain pace. yesterday had certain overall changes (night/day/body being awake 16 hours sleeping 8 etc) There is a certain rhythm to the things that we can perceive and quantify as today yesterday a year ago. If there was no change at all, if it were all still it would just be one long infinite today

Yes, if we had 100% UL/non-duality realization we just just command it once and it'd be instantly realized. But to reach that level it's gonna take some integration. This is what UL sessions are for, infusing what has been studied and doing nothing to get X desire. Sessions are more about getting that realization in more practical than theoretical approach.

My only issue is, what if I'm not smart enough to get it? I already spent a lot of time studying UL, did the sessions for a week or so but no return in sight. There's no guarantee that I'll be able to get it, since I keep finding holes in my understanding and still don't have full conviction in it
Have you ever been able to materialize money or something else instantaneusly?
>what if I'm not smart enough to get it?
1, That is impossible.
2, That thought is exactly what's cockblocking you.
3, That thought is actually a command.
>There's no guarantee that I'll be able to get it,
Same as above.
>still don't have full conviction in it
Some do it by means of pure Faith, like a blind faith leap.
Some do it by full understanding of the One single fact.
You are capable of both.
The fact is that you're infinite intelligence. "I keep finding holes in my understanding" is your anguish and anxiety as individualized point of reference. Not a fact
The only fact is you're infinite intelligence.
Remember the chain?
>So if you shift your understanding, you affect the entire chain: understanding >affects> feeling >affects> expectation >affects> manifest reality.
If you change your understanding you affect the whole chain.
But there's more.
If you change your feeling (which is the path of pure faith) you will also change the whole chain.
If you change your expectation (which is the path of the "mentalist") you will also change the whole chain.
If you change your manifest reality by means of manifest means (which is the path of the average human) you will also change the whole chain.
Think about that.
No, but haven't tried either.
Okay. Using those examples you just gave me should bring you some sense of relief.

>Different things to perceive, like temperature and feelings
Those aren't time, but you're still able to recognize the variations of something that isn't time-bound to perceive differences in so-called time.
good post
have u ever thought of making your own UL material ? i would very like to read it

I'm aware of all that, but I didn't have these cockblocking thoughts when I placed my commands. It's only now, after some period have passed that i have this conclusion. Any opposing thought or feeling I just gave thumbs up as a means to manifest my desire, therefore breaking the proof loop,

The chain only works when understanding is correct, if it's based on a shaky foundation = shaky everything else.
What does this thread think about Think and Grow Rich?
I tried this last night for the first time, and saw some results today. It wasn't everything I wanted, but it was something unexpected. I'm astonished. Can I talk about what happened, or does that cause bad juju or something?
nah share it dude, you make the rules
Fuck off to /Loa/ adults are talking.
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Well I was reading this thread last night, and someone posted >>38751458 and I was like "fuck that makes so much sense." So then I sat down to do the thing and I thought, if everything is really the same thing, and I am this animal having an experience and I'm everything else, maybe I can try to sort of feel like I'm everything. So this animal is aware of the boundaries of its body, but what if you imagine that boundary expanding to include the bed you're lying on, it's you after all. Then imagine feeling like the walls of your room are you, then expanding and expanding that and feeling like the whole universe is you, which btw is something that tends to happen when someone takes psychedelics. Then I imagined what if the universe is like one of those one-line drawings? Maybe this is a shallow understanding of what this thread is about, but in a one-line drawing you see the different parts, and you see the line, and it's all one line. So what if I am the line, and this animal is like one of the characters in the drawing? Then I thought this animal can move its body just by thinking about it, and if I am this animal and I am the line, maybe I can move other parts of the line just like I move the parts that make up my body? So I imagined the world as a line drawing, then imagined I am the line, and I imagined a line drawing of money and imagined moving the line so the drawing changes and the money comes into the animal's hand, as if I'm just moving my own body and placing one hand into the other.

So idk if that's just like the most shallow interpretation ever to come out of casually lurking a thread or what, but something happened today. My air conditioner broke and spilled water all over the floor. To fix it, I had to uninstall my safe which was right next to it, and to do that, I had to empty it out completely. When I emptied my safe, I found $500 of cash from a few years ago that I had completely, utterly, entirely forgotten about.
Now a skeptic would say, "well duh, that was your money already idiot," but come on, this happens on the very next day??? (And the air conditioner is fine btw, it's under warranty)

sounds very similar to SMAnon, moving hand/breathing out to cause a change in the world
>I am the line
You got it perfectly right, you're on the right track.
That's basic sympathetic Magick. Using intent to manifest. It works very well. But I'm inclined to point out those were still in abstractions away from One thing. You consciously moving the line still had restrictions of the local you (animal). more power over the dream than normal for sure. But it was still a step down from OAP level.
Funny how this sort of distraction shit always hooks into the ego
Where can I learn more about all this? I saw discord mentioned a couple times, but that can't be the primary source, can it?
>Where can I learn more about all this?
Honestly if you're this guy >>38757914 you're already embarked on a very good line of practice, you would be better off on less theory and moar practice of the kind you just did.
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After just one session, I'd say that's pretty solid! It's all uphill from here
30 bucks/month

meanwhile me, over 100 sessions over the years, not even a partial return wtf

also didnt manifest anything with neville techniques years before.

somone do a reading on me or something and let me know if i'm cursed or some shit
You sound inwardly tense and also a skeptic personality. Am I right or wrong in my assessment?
/LoA/fag here, what’s the difference between the command session and state akin to sleep?

Any good lessons I can learn from UL?
If I understand it correctly, SATS is a quasi-hypnotic state while the command session is done fully awake, for starters
This animal can give you some facts about itself if that helps. I have no idea if any of this is relevant, but here is some stuff that feels like it could potentially be relevant somehow. This animal:
>has used psychedelics several times
>practices meditation regularly
>practices remote viewing somewhat regularly (just random training targets)
>recently began practicing semen retention
>didn't get the covid shot
>tried the LoA SATS thing many times but never saw results (just fell asleep every time lol)
I have no idea if any of this is relevant. I have absolutely no answers about any of this, and the air conditioner thing could honestly be a fluke. But I'm determined to keep practicing now, so I'll check in if anything else happens.

Is any of this relevant, or am I just being dumb?
Well intentioned. I'm not that anon but I appreciate your attempt for helping.
I think it might have something to do with the way you're going into it, like >>38758140 said. Are you going into sessions thinking things like
>"this might not work"
>"I need to be doing more"
>"I've been doing this for so long, where's my return?"
Alot of this stems from a shaky foundation of who you are as OAP. I'm new to this myself, so I can't say I have the best answer for this but it sounds like this is where it might be coming from. I'd know this because I've thought all this too when I was doing this, I still can't help but do that still.
have u tried an internal return ?
These posts are amazing fren, they really cut thru the meat of this topic. Thanks for making em
Bumping again for thread limit.
I never tried it. Did you?

No, i'm quite open minded, when I did visualizing/SATS i didnt doubt i just did em for 30 days straight. Same with UL. Been at it since 2019

I only conclude like that now, after failing so much. I did not have doubt when I did UL and commanded.

I also did semen retention for 1 year straight. People reported amazing benefits, I saw exactly zero. The only thing it gave me was wet dreams every 20 days

But I do have generalized anxiety disorder and panic attacks (lots of childhood trauma and abuse) so it may have blocked SR benefits
There's a user name DreamerAxelos who was one of the old members of UL discord (and was admin at a time iirc, who helped JP on reddit)

Since his profile is deleted on reddit, they can be found at https://search.pullpush.io/?kind=submission&author=DreamerAxelos&size=100

Lots of great UL posts and his explanations of One-Thing. He also had a lot of returns
I was able to find most of UL documents
from 2004 to 2012.

>> Protocol of Self Made Money v.4 (2003) http://www.john-paolucci.com/
>> Command of the Universe v.3 (2006)
>> One Way Knowledge v.1.1 (2006) http://www.john-paolucci.com/
>> Enlightenment Based Magic v.1 (2007) http://www.enlightenment-based-magic.com
>> Enlightenment Based Magic v.2 (2008)
>> Enlightenment Based Magic v.3 (2009)
>> I Mister Totality v.2 (2011) http://www.imistertotality.com/
>> I Am Totality v.4 (2012) INCOMPLETE www.iamtotality.com
What a gay fucking jew. This is what I wrote him right after he sent that grifter message but it didn't go through because we have no common servers.

I am sure you see the irony of asking for money. Not being able to conjure it out of thin air. "Yes, but if you take my information seriously you surely have 30 bucks, it's just a filter." Not mentioning that ever since I've been on this path everything in my external life crumbled completely, giving money to someone that up until now taught me how to not be fooled by illusory waves, that now appears to be fooled by illusory waves, seems retarded. No explanation, no nothing. I, for example, don't care if I don't have money for food or other demon fear waves I hear that boil down to "your physical body will perish and you won't have what you want". They can't even give me what I want. They are the antithesis to My Divine Union with My Sophia, The Holy Spirit. So if my physical journey ends, so be it. I do absolutely nothing for their fake jewish currency. I've been like that for a while and I'm still here to dunk on jews as you can see. I don't care if I don't have their shitty perishable cars and houses either. I only take my perfect life from The Highest.

This appears to be the moment some users spread their wings and fly and the others go with false idols, antichrists, anything other than My Highest Body. What I wrote last time about your desired cosmology supports this too. I don't have any idols other than My Highest and no cosmology I accept other than my own. So what's happening is just a perfect consequence of my CCA. Fags like you acting like the pathetic jews you are.
And this is what I wrote about his shitty cosmology after he sent those gay ass "sexy satan" pictures

A misleading thing from the indian poo in the loo, hi this is tech support sir, please do not redeem mythos snaked its way into this cosmology. It doesn't affect the main text but the topic came up. The higher I vertically expand, horizontal knowledge like this comes up for free through downloads and events in my life. It's not something I do any work for.

What I've experienced is that someone very lacking, very jewish, very unaware of their real identity is clearly trying to feed off me. While my higher bodies organize me getting closer to My Highest Body. The "organizer" from the cosmology isn't a higher body of mine, it's a lower body. jezebel the narcissist with the biggest penis envy wanting to be the man, with a flaccid hanging skin appendage sown to her body and her cucked codependent forcefully transsexual husband satan with a cut off turned inside out micropenis and silicone implants doing her bidding, the lowest of my bodies. And they're ugly as shit, not at all like that picture. The ugliest. No one like us would ever fuck these possessed by them vast majority people of this planet if we knew what they really look like. My higher bodies have better things to do than making materialist npcs suffer and take their energy. They know Who they are, they don't need that. But she needs masculine energy in order to materialize. It's me and everyone else who gives it to her. she has none on her own. he is bled dry so she goes wherever she can to find it. The highest she can go is here in the 3D. By possession by the way of weak pussy men that don't know proper divine man woman dynamics and emulate their demonic narcissist-codependent union from their family and pass it on, raising simp materialist sons and taken over by jezebel whore daughters, and technology like the internet and media.
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Remembered about that schizo post that showed computer chips and how they look like demonic sigils.

she can't reach higher because the difference in vibration is too high. Vibration means how much do people, men, know their true nature of God. You can't perceive and interact with things if that difference is too big, except going directly to The Highest. Of course, no one that knows their real Identity would fall for materialist bullshit and fearmongering, so she can't even appear to them. she fools you into using Who you are to materialize what she wants in order to harvest you. Or better said, You pretending to be her fools You pretending to be you. And You pretending to be your higher bodies help You pretending to be you out. The Game.

Also, whenever you posted messages from me you capitalized some words I intentionally started in lowercase. Just like The Highest deserves capitalization, the lowest don't. I don't care about grammar or sentence structure.

If you think any of your higher bodies would talk like your "sire", that's on you. They don't to me because I'm not falsely putting them above me. That's just their whispers pranking you. That's the only way they can influence your reality. On I go with My Bestest Highest. Still nothing I need to do about anything including this.

Feels more like a projection because your CCA is eventually becoming that entity.

It's a valid cosmology I guess. Just not my cup of tea, not my universe.

Why does he need 30$/month? Is his rent due? Maybe he can't keep up with the housing prices
This is what a real homeless schizo sounds like, kek
Dont care
I'm getting fast returns
He can have my $30 if he wants

if you get returns you wouldnt need to pay, cope
>Enlightenment Based Magic
is it good?
also OmegaAces and mossyeyes
have you thought of writing your own UL material ? i would really like to read it
>Why doesn't the guy in my private dream only I control edit my dream?
Midwit take

if it's my private dream, then you're the midwit one lmao
Nah, I'm just giving away my infinite money, so I'm not paying anyone, don't worry :)

I'm just messing with you. Keep at it man
Don't connect with universal line. Forget you're you.
Out of all the posts in this thread, these are the only 2 I have found worth "value". Thank you for posting these, to the lurkers here I only have one piece of advice, read the latest text JP has written (it is only about 20 pages) and come to your own conclusion whether it makes sense to you or not. Most of the posts I have read here are "others" INTERPRETATIONS of the materials presented, they take the information and think "that's nice and all but I think I still need to do something more" and then tell others "hey, you just need to do XYZ and you will get your returns!". Silly silly silly, using any sort of effort for non-effort. What a clown I am
remember that really good things can happen to you too, even miracles
the power of the
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You guys really did it. We're all Gonna make it bros.
Doing these little 10 minute command sessions, it feels like I "click out" just like with longer meditation sessions, but way more easily. Maybe there's something about thinking "I'm God, I'm everything" that makes it easier?
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>can try to sort of feel like I'm everything. So this animal is aware of the boundaries of its body, but what if you imagine that boundary expanding to include the bed you're lying on, it's you after all. Then imagine feeling like the walls of your room are you, then expanding and expanding that and feeling like the whole universe is you, which btw is something that tends to happen when someone takes psychedelics. Then I imagined what if the universe is like one of those one-line drawings? Maybe this is a shallow understanding of what this thread is about, but in a one-line
you're literally doing this


In order to go straight to the result and get rid of patterns ingrained, you should keep the expansion at all times.
Whoa. This is really good stuff.
Projecting your fears, jew. I'd rather be an absolute bum rather than live your pitiful slave life. Cope and seethe.
No one should join his piece of shit grift. He would instantly backpedal. And I don't think anyone other that his karen pets like passport is. And to you, the grifter, only way to salvage this, other than going with My Highest Body, which you appear to have forgotten how to, is to say it was a joke so you see who is retarded.
You somehow write more incomprehensibly than john paolucci
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What is a command session and what do you do during it/why?
You command change in the local reality. Yo do nothing during it.
I'm reading some of the documents and I'm coming to conclusion that it doesn't work because OAP is deliberately fucking with me and making me doubt. I kind of hate it because I can't imagine this experience is fun for an infinite being. I also just generally struggle with agreeing I'm OAP.It just doesn't seem intuitively true.
>midwit still doesn't get it
So go do something else, retard
>OAP is deliberately fucking with me
>I'm deliberately fucking with myself
That's the point of hide and seek, isn't it? At least that's my reading of limited perception and the game of hide and seek that he describes.
I'm just not having fun with this part of the game, but giving up gets me nowhere.
It’s just your iq. Poor retard on here trying to learn but brain too dumb.
Got bored saying retard in the LOA general?
I only started reading them.
Do nothing 5.7x'd my business income. Happened like a traditional manifestation. Not instantly.
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Read the 2009 version on the archive and not the 2007. I just read it today and the 2009 version contains a bit more information.

I really liked it honestly. Liked it so much that I wonder why he doesn't want people to read old versions. Plus it mentioned one of my CCAs
Share them! I, as you, will bless you with 20 tradwife virgins.

Here's an anonymous upload site
I am looking into the Universal Line to see what it's all about.
Any particular reason why these materials are so odd? Like , i'm not going to lie that's making me cringe a bit. I'm seriously asking, is this some sort of technique from JP? To make it schizo to loosen up the mind or something?
I had a really odd experience today, and I don't know what brought it on. I sat down in front of my computer and my mind was kind of wandering, thinking about some potential project or something, and I suddenly felt as though my perception of my body expanded to include the space around me. I felt like the space around my body was literally me, and I could feel the space just like how you can feel where your hands are without seeing them. This lasted for a few minutes until I had to get up to do something. I've never felt that way before.
Can I haz link?

>Any particular reason why
I remember JP mentioned he wants to evoke the tippy top of the tippy top that's why golden colors and fancy artistic stuff
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I've spent two years studying UL. I know it's the Truth. The logic makes so much sense that nothing else makes sense. I check Discord several times a day just to see if there is a post in the server. I've read most if not all of his texts aside from ATWA. Scouring them until I get confused and then continuing until it makes sense again. Trying to find whatever it is. My life was painful before I knew about all of this. And knowing UL even a normal life becomes a nightmare because you realize you're using your OAP State to create all of it and what was adequate before now suddenly is laced with lack. It's the funniest prank. A divine comedy. It's all me. I'm just hurting myself over and over, stuck in a loop for some reason and I don't know how to fucking stop. The demons wear my face for they are me. "You believe God is One. You do well; the demons also believe, and shudder." I wonder, if the hosts, inflicting the pain upon me do it with tears on their faces for they know who they are actually hurting.

Still I spend hours each day reading and thinking about UL. For I know it's true from self validating facts and from personal experience from returns. Just enough returns to keep a spark of hope alive. But now I just can't go on. I had miles to but now I have nothing more to give. I'm just getting more suicidal and years ago I thought suicide was sinful, now there is this seductive voice telling me that it would be me going back to the astral realm, and renegotiating my soul contract. I'm tired. I just wanted to be happy and loved. It's okay though, don't worry, Anions, this is just me remaining however I find myself. We're all going to make it. Everything will not just be okay but precious-majestic. He wasn't kidding when he said there might come a day we curse discovering UL. That day hasn't come for me yet and it won't ever come for it's always-already here (smile).

Nothing works for me. Get it? Nothing works for me cause I put it to work! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
>He wasn't kidding when he said there might come a day we curse discovering UL.
Did JP say that? when did he say that? And why?
Wow you're really tangled up. Why don't you just do what your supposed to? Most of your post is not universal line. In fact, just mental illness.
>I wonder, if the hosts, inflicting the pain upon me do it with tears on their faces for they know who they are actually hurting.
Who is doing that?

I have questions that I can't resolve.

I was depressed for a long time. During that time, I drank a lot and I acted in a way that I thought would make me age faster. I was trying to commit suicide by shaving years off of my remaining lifespan. Weren't these negative actions expectations of a reduced lifespan? Can I change that now that I want to live a longer life?

Next, I can't understand how manifestations, in the conventional sense of the term, are possible under UL. I am OAP, the reference field, the substrate and the phenomena. I am the all. I already have what I want because I am everything. Part of OAP which I refer to as me, the small human inside OAP-me, wants something. Can the small human get it by knowing he is actually OAP? Manifestation is instant for OAP because it is already there inside OAP. I can't understand how or why the small human receives anything by manifestation. The small human is asking the OAP-him to rearrange itself so that its parts are in a different order. Then the small human can say he has a thing that he didn't have before. However if the small human knows he is actually OAP, why does he continue to ask for manifestations? Does the OAP actually rearrange itself according to the small human's commands-as-OAP?

When small humans declare success stories, are they doing it from OAP's perspective or a small human's perspective? Did they experience OAP rearranging itself to bring the small human what it did not have before, or did they simply realize that OAP already had it within itself?

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