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/x/ - Paranormal

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The meat in McDonald's and Burger King hamburgers is partially human, Coca-Cola and several brands of chocolate contain human bone dust.
how else is the government going to dispose of political dissidents?
Luciferians and Satanists put human remains into some foods and other products ('natural flavoring', bones in flour, etc) sometimes. There are satanic ritual abuse/mind control survivors that have witnessed this happening at the factory level. More likely with fast food shit in my opinion. Cali Shai Bergandi witnessed this, some other survivors too
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Why tf would you eat outside your house? Do you trust some low iq frustrated retard worker handing your food, let alone those bigass profiteering corpo? Prepare your own meals everyday. It takes like an hour. Don't eat nonsense shit like Coca-Cola or anything. Water is perfectly fine.
I have an omnivorous diet where I eat very little meat and only consume natural products
What really goes on in the ghost kitchens?
If there was human meat, MANY more people would be having symptoms. Even if you clean it, your body knows what you are eating.
Yeah even if, it's just a glitch anyway. How could millions of people not notice lol it's impossible. Literally everyone could tell immediately and McDonalds would get shut down out of business so fast lol
There's a very old theory that KFC uses genetically engineered glob chickens.

Not related to the food itself, but the reason McDonalds ice cream machines are always down is because of a deal corporate has with the manufacturers to rip off the store owners.
>contain human bone dust
Why do you think this, and can you make us think or consider this too?
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Food fraud is common with imported and big chain food
You mean like the huge spike in diseases we've collectively been experiencing for decades? Asking for a friend
>expert cannibal
Tell us more about your studies on human meat consumption
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we need more cross-board threads like this.
>/xfit/ picrel
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>official thread image
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anyone else pearpilled?
I love a good pear but it's gotta be ripe I don't need any dry mealy pears.
Pears like an apple that someone rubbed sand in
No this is exactly what I'm talking about you just had a bad pear experience, get yourself a real pear next time.
Waiting for /gdx/
>Please help me hide more secret society symbols, sigils, and hidden wisdom in my local bowling club logo
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this guy knows bout the pears
see >>38736460 I'm sorry you were robbed of a proper pear experience
Audiophile nonsense is essentially the same as people who think they can summon demons and talk to spirits.
anon human meat contamination causes very very specific conditions, mostly prior diseases, things we would be seeing, but I doubt you're retard ass even knows what a prion is
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Mexican street taco meat is made from the flesh of torture and sacrificed victims to the Aztec g*d's.
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All of the taco stands? How many bodies do they have
Work performance AI?
They get them from the cartels. The cartels kill thousands, anyone they can get their hands on. They're an Aztec cult.
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terry davis is the ultimate fusion of /x/ and /g/
Pink slime time
Care to discuss it over a glass of Poire Williams?
People know about the avocado cartel, but that's just a distraction for the mango cartels of Mexico and India
That's a consequence of increasing toxin exposure and nutrient deficiencies through food sabotage as well as brainwashing about which foods we should be eating. The medical industry causes most disease, and the food industry tries to ensure that we lack the means to prevent and cure disease (nutrients).
>human meat contamination causes very very specific conditions
Yeah, according to people who lie about literally every facet of reality; and especially the subjects of food and health. I'll believe it when I experience it myself
Prions are misfolded proteins. Kuru is a prion disease caught exclusively through cannibalism.
Not enough attention is given to autoimmune disorders as a possible root cause of many of the diseases of the modern man
That is but one prong of the multi-pronged attack being waged against the body, soul, and spirit of Man
>water is perfectly fine
it turns frogs gay
post links
>you're retard ass
But the cartels are mostly of Spanish descent.
Gingers are Celtic but they still worship allah
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>he’s not growing strawberries in jars
I refuse to eat human chicky nuggies anymore
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A lot of the "weridness" from Americans is just side effects from way too much corn consumption.

Corn can create physical specimens, but it also creates the obese, diabetics, schizophrenics, the gender confused, etc.

Native Americans are so tall from years of *occassional* corn consumption. But its power is fickle and misleading. It is seemingly indigestable yet the side effects can't be denied. "Whispers in corn" media trope. Corn maze (maize), corn palace, corny, corn chips, on the cob, popcorn, cornpop, corndog, high fructose, ethanol. An otherworldly plant like cannabis.
It’s not too much corn it’s the glyphosate and chemicals we spray on corn and grain that do do much damage to our guts
Corn syrup is the big issue because we seeeten our sodas and desserts with it
I trust them
its less sensational. It's more likely by region an amalgamation of meats that may be banned in other regions. Horse meat, insects, wood pulp etc
HFCS is the only sugar metabolized by the liver, likely the culprit for a lot of illnesses. However, managing insulin spikes is more important for any human to maintain their fitness levels.
Only for fat diabetic fucks
My body regulates my blood sugar just fine. You people eat too much
It’s starting
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2% f hot dogs have human dna
Most of them actually labeled vegetarian
God I love pears, I'm going to the store now. thanks for putting pears back in my consciousness anon.
Captcha: RRWYKG
shoutout to all the PEAR
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some anon was talking about how there's a war on milk
We know what foods are healthy and not. We just release fake articles to get people to change their tastes to economically convenient options.
Milk really fucks me up. I love it but I wasn’t designed to handle 500 pound beast baby food
I’m European descent as well

*blorp* >citizen, pick up that can *blorp*
Redpill me on corn
I don't eat it but sometimes I feel like I'm missing on an important plant. You can't have something grow alongside humans for so long, without it having developed some benefits
How do you manage insulin spikes? Eat before working out or eat AFTER working out? What about fasting? How should one break fast and what to do after?
it is a meme plant
Yeah I know this keeps repeated constantly, but I've not seen any evidence of this actually happening
What car is this?
dgaf still gonna eat it lmao
Chinese restaurants using cat/dog meat.
Please, tell me more.
Is there a way to verify this??
The people have to know!!!

I cant find the meme now but yes, rabbhi finkelstein the prince of satan said so in an interview, the jews kidnap about 400.000 kids just in the US, rape them then drink their blood and then dispose of their bodies in mcdonalds and the likes.

It makes me so sick to my stomach.
Also thanks alot for telling me about the coca cola i did not know that.
Is other lemonade, like from smaller breweries that arent run by the kikes safe to drink?
Semtex hek is a food flavouring product made of aborted babies
I agree with you or they out something in that shit because people defend that garbage like it's a religion,I had it as a sugar carb addicted fat kid and then in my 20s when I moved in the UK,I still don't fucking get what's the fuss
Smyptoms like what? Kuru? That only happens if you eat like a full on human brain, what symptoms would people be having?
Could these symptoma be explained away with a "spike" in a disease?
Lmao, i came here after getting banned from /pol/

Dont forget the cave dwellr is a jewish cannibal
The lack of Buttergate on this chart is a red flag
Bro take some sweet mealy pears then dry them at 60°C for like 18 hours.
Try it
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Is this what happens to people murdered by cartels?
Yes but kuru comes from eating brains only. Thats why in these south sea niggers it was discovered in only the elderly who were given the brains to eat had it.
Btw, whenever these subhumans went out to hunt other island niggers they would keep a baby alive then raise it as their own within the community and the fucking eat it when turned 15 years old.
>if only you knew how bad things really are

I read a story somewhere whete a h&s controller shut down this one chinese restaurant because he was keeping chickens in the ceiling and the chicken shit dripped down into the food
>cave dweller
>/xout/ or /outx/
>Had to scroll down to the bottom of the thread to find the first mention of HEK
They tell me I am "intolerant" but I tolerate it just fine, luv me dairy. It's everyone else can't tolerate a little whiff of how powerful my exhaust fumes get when I'm running on the good stuff. Quite white too, I thought we weren't supposed to get the rumbles but eh, that's my luck.
Can you pls give me more info on it? Jewgle doesnt help at all
Like dementia and neurological diseases like Parkinson's and palsy?
Dude butvhering his own chicken on site? I don't think I'd mind much for chicken that fresh. And still cleaner and better conditions for the chicken than Monsanto. Just gotta eat a little chicken poo, which the only harm really is knowing that it's there, or should be. If you are so lowly as to be defeated by a chicken shit, what does that even make you? What is weaker than a chickenshit?
Most types of dementia are alzheimers dementia.
If refined, easily digestable sugar is digested and your body cant make enouhh insulin for it it spills over into the blodsteam and then into the brain where it caramellizes the brain.
1/8 th are reversible and most can be significantly imrpoved.

We should start health threads where we can discuss these things and come up with proper protocols, since we xannot trust (((doctors))) anymorw after the vaxxx
Spirit cooking
Dairy doesn’t do that to me. Milk will literally make me throw up and cereal with milk tightens my chest and turns my lips numb. I get pains in my stomach but at least no gas. I have legit allergic reactions to milk since I was 3 years old and raw milk is even worse for some reason. I can handle ultra pasteurized milk much better which pisses off my hippie family. My symptoms are pretty noticeable and get worse depending on how much I eat.

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