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It's really just us, huh?
With how large the universe is, it is arrogant to think we are all that is.
>We had to win a series of infinite lotteries to exist without intelligent design.
Why is this a rational way of thought?
No. That "scientist" and "journalist" are quite literally about as retarded as it gets.
It's much more likely they're too dumb to grasp scale than it is that intelligent life is a one-off fluke. It's the pinnacle of arrogance to think we're unique and special.
Because they're too dumb to realize that they projected Earthbound life parameters on a near infinite (multiverse) universe. It's almost shockingly stupid something like this came from Oxford.
Intelligent life in america is also extremely unlikely to find, that doesn't mean there is no one there
It's whatever God decides for there to be.
If humans are alone then why are there animals?
Checkmate, Christians and Atheists.
>He's looking for NHI''s on other planets
>ancient and verifiable ancient texts that literally prove God
>trust the s0-yence
which way white man?
It’s Rothschild and Rockefeller funded scientists that repeat this BS
Scientists spent 100 years fighting “miracles” as the reason, now they’re coming to the same conclusion
This. Even if the odds are a trillionth of a 1% chance thats still good odds.
The known Universe is far too large for us to be the only life here. Maybe we're the most advanced, maybe we're all too far away. Maybe they trancended to another dimension who really knows?
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nobody knows if there's other intelligent life in the universe, these ‘scientists’ are just speculating using very narrow viewpoints.
>scientists conclude that it took a miracle for life to exist
>a reporter asks, "so, mr scientist, what was the cause of this miracle??"
Fucking. Told. You. R.E.T.A.R.D., I hope your body pillows and shitposting fill you up.

Oh, and e n j o y tribulation.
There isn't, it's just us, forever and ever. It started with man, it ends with man. The universe is an ever collapsing crescendo that revolves songs is. The harder science looks the more and more apparent it becomes that everything revolves around us. We are it.
>Oxford researchers theorise
A lot of people theorize shit.
I theorize there's an intelligent force designing everything and making scientists say these things
>It's really just us, huh?
Yes, "aliens" are interdimensional entities otherwise known as "angels" and "demons"
Extraterrestrial life is extremely basic

Low IQ takes
We are capable of detecting extrasolar planets as well as their compositions without us even being capable of traveling beyond the moon
If a civilization only a few thousand years more advanced than us existed it would already know of our existence.
If an extraterrestrial civilization a hundred thousand years more advanced existed they'd already be here and have been shitting out all sorts of noise into the universe.
Occam's razor, retards - they aren't here and we don't detect them because they don't exist.
Nothing new, we are the actual aliens that scifi writers like to boast about
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>If a civilization only a few thousand years more advanced than us existed it would already know of our existence.
If an extraterrestrial civilization a hundred thousand years more advanced existed they'd already be here and have been shitting out all sorts of noise into the universe.
What would be your response to the dark forest theory?
the thing I dont get about looking deep into space is that even nasa admits that theres some weird field surrounding our solar system
so with that, how are we even to believe that the field isn't fucking up with their equipment?
what if its all like a big lens reflecting light?

for all we know, we are inside of an insects eye ball. wouldn't that be odd? lol.
This is the actual retard take quite literally.
You don't seem to grasp how big the universe is and how insanely limited we are.
This is one of the biggest potato brain arguments I've ever seen. Go back to school.
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>calling other people retarded while believing that outer space is real
lol. lmao.
Yeah you really got me there!
Get out of here, clown. No one has time to play make believe with you.
His take isn't a retard take. It is a fundamentally midwit take. He has a very narrow comprehension of the unfathomably vast scope of the possibilities of intelligent life. Most midwits who only watch TV and movies think this way; that intelligent life MUST resemble humanity because their brains can't fathom anything more abstract than that.
You may also note that midwits tend to be the most confident in their assertions.
God you’re dumb
>It's really just us, huh?
Nope, not there yet.
>Why is this a rational way of thought?
It's implied by the multiverse. If life were abundant and simple we would have already been wiped out by something, because this isn't a very old galaxy. If you take the route that "all possible combinations of things happen" those string of near-impossible events obviously happen somewhere, in fact everywhere, but so far removed in the multiverse that they don't overlap. There's arguments that might stem from that about people learning to travel across parallel worldlines or time travel (the latter of which is basically the former in a round-about way and is itself already proven through all models of physics we have in various ways, the easiest of which might just be flying between two black holes with overlapping ergoregions, so entirely possible with modern tech [costs aside] if we got lucky and had a pair or more of black holes rotating in close proximity to eachother in our galaxy,) since that basically gets back to the original issue of aliens wiping eachother out, but we also happen to be situated in the middle of the largest void space in the visible universe, the KBC Void, and since time is linked by essentially entropy in our subset of "all possible combinations of things" which happens to carry with it physical proximity, it's unlikely that any alien would give enough of a shit to attempt to wipe out some pre-time-travel-primitive species, and even if they did there would still be at least one worldline that's empty because there's only the set of "all possible things" and time is still a sort-order across every combination of them. So basically aliens won't exist until neither us or them will ever across all future time annihilate the other, or at least until we figure out time travel in a practical manner.
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Yes. This. The universe is too big to not have anything. There are also other dimensions and multiverses. There are other forms of life. The universe is old.
Your faith is misplaced.
>Christian larpers already assuming they are gonna see new converts
40 porn tabs open innit?
There's at least 11 civilizations more with lots of tech too and human like
>multiverse cope
I thought a lack of faith was required for Atheism?
>he attacks Christianity despite anyone mentioning the jew on a stick
You are their biggest validation
>That "scientist" and "journalist"
WHAT scientist and journalist?
OP is just words that vaguely look like a news title.
Why is /x/ so stupid to fall for this?
At least wait until an actual paper is provided.
Why not?
We all know what is being preached without disimulation.

How come all gods all over esrth religions:
-Have holy writs.
-Are concerned about one single people.
-We are blessed, they are cursed.

Well? Even zorohindus are a better example because the demons of one religion are the gods of the other
There is absolutely zero hard physical evidence for life anywhere outside of our own planet.
you are wrong
You goobers, even if we can detect exoplanets with our current technology it doesn't mean we can discern whether intelligent life is on them. It's like trying to convey the entire King James bible flawlessly via a pair of tin cans and a string; the current method of detection is super low resolution.
This thread makes no sense. There are no coincidences. The position of the moon and sun make the eclipse, only on side of the moon we can see. This alone should signal we aren't an accident. Whatever accident even means, cause we cannot define the notion. The ratio is 108 and that is the number of degrees of the large angle in the Fibonacci 108, 36, 36 triangle.
Oh, Big Intelligence says there's no other intelligences? Coincidence?
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'they' are from earth.
108 is the number of rudraksha seeds on a hindu mala (rosary).
>Miracles are only possible here.
This is your brain on Science/Christianity.

Rip Sean Price
is he? :(

other life is unlikely because of miracles, science says
Nothing about any part of physics implies a lack of God, quite the opposite, you just have to actually follow it all the way through to actually see God there and most people are too incompetent to get that far.
What a load of horseshit.
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>Low IQ take
>Btw Aliens are actually demons like in my faggot book
>they are spiritual
>they are under the ocean and under the ground
pick one
spiritual = not located within physical space
this dude is talking nonsense
dark forest is extremely likely.
"Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying."
- Some famous dude
First there was geocentrism, then heliocentrism & now Anthropocentrism.

Complete lack of self awareness.
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>noooo heckin aliens are really from mars and drive space-cars!
>spiritual = not located within physical space

yes, because "spiritual" beings totally have to follow the rules some retard on /x/ set for them.
its not a field
its an event horizon
weve all been inside a black hole
one of the dumbest comments I've seen this week

sorry, you are an actual retard and were called out.

Tell me more about what spiritual beings can and cant do LOLOLOLOLOL
we're talking about the definition of a word, genius. if the beings are spiritual, they are by definition not located in physical space; if they're located in physical space, they have physical bodies and therefore by definition are not spiritual.
Mason psyop
>Your All alone goy stay enslaved by Saturn

Oldest lizard psyop ever.
Inb4 cope
Later, virgins
series of miracles, holy shit pleb atheist ideologues and demagogues have finally admitted defeat in order to answer their own arrogant centrist bullshit...no one else exists, just us? why? because we are divined to be special by inexplicably incredible events

starting to love this timeline we are in lol
lol bullshit faggot you're still conjecturing based purely on philosophical mental gymnastics. "They aren't here because they haven't done exactly what I THINK they should have already done or presumed that they SHOULD, simply because you believe it"

tautological horseshit...anyone can speculate that they also don't give a shit about us, could be monitoring this tiny insignificant fucken planet...why come down to a people who are grossly inferior and ruled by a repulsive demiurge, could it be the evil forces of this world at large have prevented contact, made us a rival foe of these ascended races. There's not just galaxies with millions of planets, but clusters of galaxies where in hundreds of galactic systems are present across the universe. You're gonna bullshit yourself and everyone that you somehow fucken "know" that there are no other humanoids?

you're a self-aggrandizing cockwad
low IQ takes hahahahahahahaha
posts the lowest IQ prickwad take imaginable...like the most pompous atheists you assume your fucken assumptions are right by default. shit heads like you are not only stupid as fuck but egotistical at the same time it blows my mind lmao
hahahah do you even listen to your own retarded thoughts before you post or are trying to be the dumbest fucken fool imaginable? "hurrre durrrrrrr I'm a rotten cuck of a psyche possessing cretin, o-outer space is le hallucination produced by illusory shadow masters. fuck off
Nah... There's lots of zoos and farms out there. We are still in Zoo category because our creators don't really like the way we behave.
How would you even begin to look for a form of life that we have never seen or known?
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I wish I was mentally like a 7 yo me or something. I wouldn't have to bother my brain with this bullshit.
space is fake, evolution is fake, God is real, we are not floating bald space purposeless and souless monkeys.
iq is fake, atheism is satanism, internet is dead
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so theyre saying we do have a creator, just not a jewish one
I do:
Then Jesus spoke to the multitudes and to His disciples, saying:
“The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat.
Therefore whatever they tell you to observe, that observe and do, but do not do according to their works; for they say, and do not do.
For they bind heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on men’s shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers.
But all their works they do to be seen by men. They make their phylacteries broad and enlarge the borders of their garments.
They love the best places at feasts, the best seats in the synagogues, greetings in the marketplaces, and to be called by men, ‘Rabbi, Rabbi.’
“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Because you build the tombs of the prophets and adorn the monuments of the righteous, and say, ‘If we had lived in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets.’

“Therefore you are witnesses against yourselves that you are sons of those who murdered the prophets. Fill up, then, the measure of your fathers’ guilt.

Serpents, brood of vipers! How can you escape the condemnation of hell?
Therefore, indeed, I send you prophets, wise men, and scribes: some of them you will kill and crucify, and some of them you will scourge in your synagogues and persecute from city to city, that on you may come all the righteous blood shed on the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah, son of Berechiah, whom you murdered between the temple and the altar.

Assuredly, I say to you, all these things will come upon this generation.
"Kike" means a Christ denier. (You) are the kike.
It comes from the word kikel, which is Yiddish for circle. The immigration officers in America joked that Jewish immigrants hated crosses and were so superstitious about them that they'd put "O" marks instead of "X" marks on their papers. "O" for kikel/circle.
That is you. No different than the rabbis you supposedly hate. Losing your mind at anything resembling Christ.
And you steal a Christian meme to try to insult Christians at that. You need to go back. Every one of you who says "kike" at Christians must be ESL foreigners and have no clue what you're saying. You just regurgitate things that you think will make you fit in.
That you know of. Our modern science is not the culmination of human knowledge. Science today is heavily regulated and moderated. Scientific facts about stuff is not what we know but rather what they wish for us to know. There could be hard evidence for aliens hell there could be hard evidence of God. That information is not available to the common people however.
If you believe this headline you are terminally brain dead. The leaps of logic and ignorance of evidence to reach this conclusion is unfathomable. You need to go back to pol
have you actually been to space? if outer space is literally everywhere, how come we can't go? how come nobody can say "ok this is outer space"
Jesus was a kike as well. You're a delusional Christcuck with brainwashed little mind of a boy.
>Jesus was a kike as well
/pol/fag seethes when reality doesn't line up with their narrative
I'm stupid? You can't even use a fucking search engine.
I'm looking at the article and the paper right now, you lazy faggot.
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A sandcastle won't form itself.

Entropy doesn't work that way.

We were created.

The laws of the universe were written.
Whether or not a position seems “arrogant” isn’t really the best filter for truth, is it?
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saying confidently there is no life in the universe is pretty silly. its just simply too big beyond reasonable comprehension to make any statement regarding possibilities of life. no life in our galaxy however is quite possible.
It’s kinda like the ‘ol “unstoppable force vs. immovable object”‘paradox.

On one hand, you’ve got a humongous universe where it seems like there HAS to be life SOMEWHERE else, right? It’s just too damn big to be completely dead except for us, right?

But on the other hand, “intelligent life” is fucking amazing. It’s intricate and complex and something like consciousness is just not likely to pop up without a series of utterly improbable conditions.

This question is the unstoppable force of “universe size” vs the immovable object of “intelligence rarity,” and I’m not sure which one wins.

Because to me, it’s “obvious” that there’s intelligent life elsewhere because the universe is so damn big. But it’s also “obvious” that’s there’s NO intelligent life elsewhere because it’s so damn complex.
>Because they're too dumb to realize that they projected Earthbound life parameters on a near infinite (multiverse) universe
Almost like the parameters came first and we evolved to meet them or something.
"Other" life is already on this planet and in our oceans.
Our oceans make up 75% of the planet. It's the larger "territory" by a huge amount. On top of that, they also have access to the moon -- and likely other similar places.
We know more about our solar system than we do the depths of our own oceans. I really wouldn't be surprised if they had some sort of "outpost" in the middle of Antarctica either. The only ones I'm really confident about, though, is the oceans and moon. We are more assuredly not alone. I suspect that "other" is more likely from a different time, rather than planet.
>It’s kinda like the ‘ol “unstoppable force vs. immovable object”‘paradox
Well that's been solved, at least. There is nothing that is "immovable". The word doesn't even make sense in absolute terms. Even if the object is not moving, if everything else is moving, there is no difference than if the object is moving.
So there is nothing completely immovable, but there ARE unstoppable forces: like time
Who cares, honestly.
If there ARE aliens among us, what are we gonna do?
>Should just avoid them.
NTA, Speaking of "evolved to meet them," isn't it really strange how horribly adapted to our environment humans are?
We don't seem to actually have a natural habitat on this planet that we can easily thrive in without assistance. I'm too high to think of a lot of examples, though. lol
We die of exposure and our night vision is fucking awful compared to other animals.

I dunno..... when look at history and seeing there were at the very least over 21 different human-like hominid species, then comparing that to global mythologies, particularly mythologies surrounding the great flood, it almost feels like we were "selected" while the rest.... weren't.
Not really, there’s no evidence otherwise. Man is the center of the universe because the universe is simply a projection of consciousness. Imagine thinking space and time are “real”. Matter isn’t even real
No one cares. Go act smug somewhere else. You're not the holder of some ancient wisdom. Just a narcissistic nerd with a superiority complex.
>Proxima B City Lights
What is this one?
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>scientists say
Fuck I hate scientists always lying and making me pissed.
>Why am I certain there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe even if we are unlikely to ever see,learn or predict it? What else in this whole fucking universe has happened once and only once? And that's just he observable universe, god knows how big and chaotic the rest is.
>It could only happen once and it was us aren't we lucky
I fucking hate scientists so much. We literally are the proof of concept, the idea that this will only happen once whether it's by gods hand, or entropy's hand, chaos's hand, emergent properties hand? I fucking hate on the goddamn christians for the big book of multiple choice but people's inability to accurately map principles like 'everything appears redolently in the unvierse from shapes to structures, etc or what you might call the 'no miracles' rule, no one off events never to happen again' and say this fucking innane shit, thinking they are being smart
>Teehee unlikely
It's unlikely those researchers have ever understood the grace or majesty of the universe, the telos of history, the spirit of man or the touch of a woman (and just as eternal recall demands, it will happen again and again and again).

>its durr unlikely durr
you have literally one datapoint worth looking at (us) and a universe that is purposefully hidden from you. if you think you hate scientists enough you don't . You just don't. The entire once noble profession has been taken over by retards with iphones who think if they just nudge their values that N will tell them the secrets of the universe instead of their lack of scruples and reproducibility.
>It's the pinnacle of arrogance to think we're unique and special.
If those sacred scriptures are truth then yes we are. We are living images of the living God because we were created at His image and likeness, something like that.

I don't think t's arrogant to think that we are unique and especial because we are. Tell me another life form that can do what we are doing right now. Look all we have created. Regular animals don't do that. We are especial.

If the sacred scriptures are real Jesus died for us this means we are especial. God gave His own son for us. Why would He do that? They say it's because He loves us and this is what makes us especial because God fucking love us.

If the sacred scriptures are real.
Each animal is unique for example, a tiger is unique, a monkey is unique, a mouse is unique, a human being is unique. But there will be more than one animal inside those creatures. There is more than one tiger, there is more than one monkey, there is more than one rat, there is more than one human being. So while we are uniques creatures among all the others when we look to our own kind then we won't be so unique because we all share the same design. All normal humans beings will have the same five senses, a body, a brain, organs, and so on. So in this way we are all the same.

And you are especial for someone. You are not especial to me because I don't know you, but I'm pretty sure you matter for someone. There must be someone out there who cares for you making you especial at their eyes.

And even when we at ourselves you are still unique because nobody thinks the same way you do. Nobody has the same mentality in everything. There are things that make you you so you ara unique and especial even thou there are billions of us.
This is such a boring and asinine argument at this point. Let these Rick and Morty viewers who do web development for a “science company” live their lives. There’s no convincing people who are pozzed by soience and refuse to see their dogmatic worldview questioned.
>occams razor
>in an infinitely vast universe which spans inconceivably far we are the only ones existing, because we just are okay?
Rename it to retards razor because it’s almost always used incorrectly
All evidence so far has pointed to NO life on any other planet. If you still refuse the evidence, you're placing your faith purely in the ayys.
Jesus is a more reliable source than non existent ayys
So basically humans are just demons in physical form. Well aiiight then
Jesus please forgive me
You're completely twisting the conversation in an intellectually dishonest and manipulative way.
It's more than apparent what the context of the conversation is, so you're either borderline retarded and can't follow the plot (entirely possible) or you're purposely attempting to derail the conversation and thread to make some pseudo-intellectual point about something no one was discussing.
Maybe the reddit spacing provides the answer?
Go ahead and denounce the Talmud and Torah and maybe people will believe you're sincere.
i vehemently denounce the Talmud and any filthy kikes corrupting the word of God and denying Christ. The Torah is required for context.
The government alr knows and works with other races, planets etc. When we can handle being told about other civilizations like us, then it'll happen.
Ok you pass. I'm sure you understand with how things are lately.
Bro, academics are retarded. You trust institutions that want you to believe anonymous surveys produce reliable datapoints and a system of proof-verification that starts with one person submitting whatever the fuck sounds good and three strangers in their field not calling bullshit.
If we're the best intelligent life has to offer, I don't trust those morons to figure it out.
>muh miracles
Thats not how science works
Some of the gods but the Jewish carpenter isn't amongst them.
>108 and that is the number of degrees of the large angle in the Fibonacci 108, 36, 36 triangle.
ayyy it's also the 108 stars of destiny
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Almighty Dyus, known to the greeks as Zeus, later named Deus by the Roman, the mighty Thunderer of old, subverted by the kikes he spited and the wiles of Dionysus as told by the gnostics, is my only liege.
Oh my Science!!!
>le it's soo arrogant to say we are the only ones in the universe
>the universe is simply TOO BIG
anyone else tired if these lines?
If a civilization that's a few thousand years ahead of us it wouldn't matter as if it's more than like 80 lightyears away then there would be no proof of our existence at all.
>feels superior to all
>is unable to look up during nightime
Nah the bloop one makes sense. Everyone listens to the stupid sped up recording and makes their theories off of that. Listen to the original and then imagine what a giant iceberg snapping off of a continent and falling into the ocean would sound like. Also it was recorded again in 2005 and coincided with another iceberg breaking off of Antarctica. There are so many real mysteries such as the wow signal that you mentioned. The bloop does just make sense though especially if you actually listen to the original recording.
headline for normies & sheeps
>The aliens can't be from other planets
You mean the planets that are actually confirmed to exist
>the aliens can't have space ships
We literally have rockets
You'd have to start with an open mind and half of the earth defines themselves as conservative. So we'd have to change some shit probably.
Yeah, how do we get liberals to recognize that the universe doesn't end in their backyard? Reminder that when asked to describe the other's viewpoints, Conservatives could accurately model liberal positions but Liberals could not communicate Conservative ones.
Bonus points if you stick your head in the sand and mention Conservatives being irrational instead of demonstrating any self-awareness.
You really think people that can't handle two dudes kissing are gonna be chill with bug people? Cause one of those I feel like is way easier to comprehend than the other.
I do, sincerely. Being eusocial, those bug people probably have a homogenous, high-trust community that looks down on asocial behaviors like homosexuality as a sign of illness or parasitism that should be shunned for the good of the hive.
With how large the universe is and how slow things move in it. We're the only meaningful intelligence around. Sorry charlie.
I have a theory that we are unlucky enough to live far away from any kind of sentient life. That's why we haven't made direct contact with any aliens yet.
You know not all bugs are hive types right? They'd probably actually find that statement to be pretty racist. But other than like ants, termites, bees, wasps, and hornets there aren't really any other hive insects in that way. Also if the aliens were insectoid they'd probably end up being beetle like more than anything as the vast majority of animals on earth are Beatles, and Beatles aren't hive based.
Also we're facing overpopulation and homosexuality is objectively a solution to that. Whether you like it or not I am right.
Exactly they're UK based
it's really not that large lol
"facing overpopulation" who the fuck is we, pal, we need to improve our birthrates
So you're going to quibble with me about assuming they're hive-types only to turn around and assume they're whiny? I think they'd eat you first.
>japan is dying
>south korea is dying
>whites will probably be wiped out in the next 100 years in europe and usa

Fucking gnomes
>he doesn't know about the Oppenheimer court transcripts

Lmao, never change retards
Whites will be wiped out?
What are you, a fucking retard?

Shut the fuck up and stop sucking off your black/indian/arab boyfriend, it's clearly messing with your perception of reality.
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The earth is flat and stationary with a dome. Outer space is a complete meme. The current world is about 7000 years old according to official data.
Yeah do you know why all these places are dying, because there was too big of a boom of people that all refused to die and now oh look the entire fucking world is on fire. Gee maybe there's too many of us, maybe that's why there isn't enough of anything to go around.
Or maybe they eat leaves and vegetation like most Beatles
Damn do you have any of that "official data" or is it lost like any sense of logic you may or may not have once had
please just kill yourself, flatnigger. youre beyond cooked and I hope nobody else wastes their time trying to talk you out of it.
>Trusting scientists (people who have never seen aliens) to tell you that they know 100% for sure there are no aliens.

They don't know. You are not trusting someone who knows. You are trusting someone who 100% does NOT know.

>With how large the universe is, it is arrogant to think we are all that is.
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd there it is.
>Scientists say "we are alone"
>Everyone flips to the opposite and says "OH WELL YOU DON'T KNOW SPACE IS SO BIG
>Now everyone believes in space and globe earth again

It's like multiple layers of reverse psychology overlapping each other
>ancient and verifiable ancient texts that literally prove God
>trust the s0-yence

The scientists that lie to you today are the scientists that wrote the bible thousands of years ago. It's just random human beings tricking and lying to other random human beings for thousands of years to get you to believe in
>cult a
>cult b
>cult c

Science is a cult
Religion is a cult
Governments are a cult
Corporations are a cult
Every relationship is a cult
Every group is a cult

I'm not saying cults are bad, I'm just saying that every group is technically a cult.

A cult has

If you get a Costco membership, you are in a cult, a cult of being able to shop at Costco. Nothing bad at all.
But if you take a shit on the floor like Rick and Morty, you are exiled from the cult of Costco.

Same thing goes for all things.
>You live in a country
>You break the law
>You are exiled to jail
>Jail is also a cult

If I get a girlfriend, our relationship is a cult. If we cheat, we broke the rules, and we are exiled from each other. We break up. Same goes for divorce.

If you do well in school, you get to ascend to the cult of college.

Everything in this world, (which is also a cult) is a huge collection of interwoven and overlapping layers of cults within cults.

It's not bad, it just is the way it is.
Omg not scientists!!!
We invented everything you use including this website
Holy shit what the fuck
What? Is it supposed to mean something?
>species that has barely explored their solar system proclaims "yup, this is it"
>Oppenheimer court transcripts
Don't worry we have a bunch of telescopes, trust your local soience priest
You got alot of malding responses didn't you
>hey aren't here and we don't detect them because they don't exist.
maybe we are space niggers/the never ending mexican party of the galaxy and no one wants to be around us, and we might just not be able to pick out their signals.

or we did already.
Let me explain to all the dumb-dumbs, if the universe where just really small, let's say a couple of solar systems, then logically we could assume that the chance for life to come into being, would be very high, small universe and life would be astronomically unlikely, but if the universe is really really big, then it's more likely that the chance of life existing is just very uncommon, therefor a large universe makes it more unlikely life is common.
>retard logic
Wear a helmet.
Your arbitrary parameters mean nothing and reek of someone simply looking to argue because you have no life.
Look, let me explain:

You have one data points, a set of 8 marbles, 7 are yellow 1 is green. Based on that data points it's like that the random distribution of yellow to green marbles is somewhere around 1 to 7, maybe it's closer to 1 every 3, or maybe it's 1 to every 10, but you get a basic idea.

Now scale that up, 99 yellow marbles and 1 green, odds now go down. Now keep scaling, all we now know there is 1 green marble and a enormously large number of yellow marbles.

What would be the conclusion we draw from it? Certainly not that life is potentially common, but that it most likely is not. The larger the total number of marbles, the more likely it is that we are just a single green marble in a large set of yellow marbles.
>Nah... There's lots of zoos and farms out there. We are still in Zoo category because our creators don't really like the way we behave.
its their fault we are like that. they failed us.
Honestly, i wouldn't call bunch of normalfags, jews and demons intelligent life.
Yeah, because we've pretty much seen the universe in very granular detail with our telescopes in the past couple centuries.
you really sucked at math huh
the chance of marbles being green increases propotionally with the number of yellow marbles, what you did was saying that the chance to DISCOVER SOMETHING IS HARDER not that THING ACTUALLY EXIST
>the chance of marbles being green increases propotionally with the number of yellow marbles,
Of course they don't, we don't know the ratio of yellow to green marbles, we can only speculate using one data point, we know at least one green marble exists, in a near infinite of yellow marbles, therefor we must assume that the chance of there being just one green marble, increases with the size of the universe.
the universe is too timeless for more than 1 civilization to exist at the same time
this thread is a straight up reddit magnet, every one of them is in here trying to shock everybody with the fact that they heard the galaxy is big. it's not that big. mankind is unique and special and some of mankind is more unique and special than others. you have no evidence otherwise and the statistics are completely against you
>talks about reddit
>thinks one galaxy out of two trillion is the whole universe
>support mainstream media and some academia retards
Go back. You have brain-rot and only serve as a prime example of why the gene pool needs a lifeguard.
whoa did you find this epic comeback on reddit my brostachio? you are gay and i am correct
Your obsession with reddit speaks to your insecurity, potato brain.
Go back and enjoy being wrong.
It'd be cool as fuck to go to an alien planet and some guy made a sci-fi movie or book or videogame set on Earth in the mid-21st century, like from an Astral Projection or Conscious Download or something like that, without him or her even realising what he'd done
>It's really just us, huh?
No, not really.
>In a new paper, Oxford researchers (...)
And that's why those Ivy League universities lost much of the respect and reputation they had even decade ago.

The chances could be even lower than those on Earth, ifnitismall - given the projected size of the universe, it's still nearly guaranteed to happen. And that is if you are adamant on life being as we understand them on the basis of local structures.
You can theoretically as well have space clouds of complex mixtures of gases kept in certain configuration through internal processes or perhaps gravity of local solar bodies - and that could be a sentient intelligence, not that most would recognize it as such.
space is fake

Muh mathemuttical probabullity

They don't know shit, this is the definition of guesswork. They just need to get paid for another useless paper.
Atheists looking for other life... have you uh... tried... ya know... God?
nigga you just reformed your whole argument?????????? or are you baffling about nonsense??? the chance of a constant INCREASES? what?
these are probabilities fella, in statics and maths we call these "chances" VARIABLES
i suggest researching what that means
Agreed, we cant even see the full spectrum of light. Just another human brain telling itself it’s awesome
Point in case... lurk more
The fuck are you doing on /x/?
Ask yourself a better question, why would a galatic civilization that can travel faster than light/teleport would care to make contact with some backwater planet in the middle of nowhere?
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I'm calling it now there will be a bunch of other races out there,

there are 50 sextillion planets in out universe. there are bound to be more out there.
>You're completely twisting the conversation in an intellectually dishonest and manipulative way.

>It's more than apparent what the context of the conversation is, so you're either borderline retarded and can't follow the plot (entirely possible) or you're purposely attempting to derail the conversation and thread to make some pseudo-intellectual point about something no one was discussing.
Ad Hominem. I don't know if you are the OP I replied to, but that OP said very clearly that: "It's the pinnacle of arrogance to think we're unique and special." I was pointing how from certain point of view (christianity), if it's real, each one of us is unique and special.

>Maybe the reddit spacing provides the answer?
Ad Hominem. But just to be clear I don't use reddit.
>"miracles" says scientists
how scientific of them
You can't take scientists serious. I'm glad that science is being challenged just like religion has. People need to wake up and worship God in truth and spirit. Let the truth shine.
Civilization as a whole is a bunch of blowhards who think their opinions matter so much they inflict them upon others through the threat or use of force.
>series of miracles happened here but could never happen elsewhere
Just another episode of soience
>believes that aliens are demons
>also believes that actual aliens are bacterium
Lmao. Pick one or the other you absolute retard
Science wants me to believe in miracles now, heh. I'd rather just believe in god.
>it is arrogant to think we are all that is.
not when you realize it's a simulation

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