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the time has come. It fucking works and there's nothing you can do about it. Corporations use it. Donald Trump used it to get elected in 2016, and has admitted to using a form of Chaos Magick during his whole life (no he's not aware this is magic). The Democrats used it. They printed a 50-page document describing the 2020 election as a work of fiction, and everything happened literally as they described. The Titanic was caused by an author who 10 years prior wrote a story that perfectly described the actual incident, and it came to pass.

Grant Morrison created "himself" as a character on his comics The Invisibles. The character was captured and his lungs were collapsed. A few months later, Morrison himself in real life suffered injuries that collapsed his lungs.
He then decided to write positively about his character, giving him a hot redhead girlfriend, and making him drive supercars. Surely enough, it happened to Morrison quite soon after that.

When you create symbols to represent desires and real life events, and charge them in a state of gnosis, these events will come to pass. Good or evil, it doesn't matter. You have the power to choose.

Don't summon demons and entities, you don't know where they've been. And you don't need them.

You have the power. A simplified tutorial will be given in the next post.

Grant Morrison explaining sigil magic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_0GLmqQWM0
full lecture remastered: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvPyipy8erg

Learning to create your own sigils for your own custom desires (book) (also just about everything you need to know about sigil magic): https://download.library.lol/main/389000/7728555bace3ccdc1e62a54f062175be/U.D.%20Frater%20-%20PRACTICAL%20SIGIL%20MAGIC%20Creating%20Personal%20Symbols%20for%20Success-Llewellyn%20%281991%29.pdf
easy tutorial
>find a quiet place where you wont be disturbed
>get a piece of paper and a pen
>write your intention in the present tense or past like "Jane Doe is in love with me". In older texts you'll also find intentions written as a clear wish like "This my wish to acquire the strength of a tiger by October 2024" or something like that.
>remove all vowels and repeated letters leaving only consonants
>you can also pick only the first letter of each word if your intention is too long or if you wanna simplify it
>use the remaining letters to create a unique symbol. if it feels "magical" it's good. there are no rules though.
>draw the symbol while focusing on your intention visualize it happening now
>charge the sigil through masturbation. bring yourself to the point of orgasm focusing on the symbol. There are OTHER METHODS, LIKE HOLDING YOUR BREATH ALMOST TO THE POINT OF PASSING OUT, AND THEN LOOKING AT THE SIGIL. Needless to say, those other methods are dangerous. But the other methods have advantages too. If you think orgasming is "degenerate", read the book provided earlier and learn the other methods, but be advised, they can be dangerous.
>release your energy into the sigil during climax, (you can cum on your sigil basically)
>you can "banish" the ritual after that any way you want, like laughing cartoonishily for a brief second. this is not necessary, you can just dispose of your sigil. (banishing aka going back to your mundane mindset and leaving magic behind)
>throw the sigil in the trash or destroy it or burn it so you can forget it
>move on with your day
important aspects:
>put a lot of energy and faith during the drawing and "charging"
>forgetting the sigil and then moving on with your life is essential.
It definitely works and we all need to do it
It's literally called marketing and for that you don't have to meet up with 15 adults in made up robes playing pretend in a circle of a rented yoga retreat room.
Can this make my foreskin regrow over night?
I’ll be praying for you brother
> forgetting the sigil and then moving on with your life is essential.
I think I’ve seen people with sigil tattoos. So that must be another type of magic or what bc they obviously aren’t forgetting that sigil that’s tatted on their arm

Also thanks for your posts.
the world has too many symbols... you shoot enough buckshot your bound to hit something
And so have I
Ask if u must
1. Impress the mind. And overexcite it.
2. Solidify your desire, don't be desirefluid.
3. Maek sigil in impressive paper, can be artistic, make it looking arcane.
4. Add blood/menstruation/semen.
5. Burn believing the burning sends the spell and you have already what you want.
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i started reading liber null. fuck divination. I aint doing that shit.

tell us a success story since you are preaching.
Needed smokes, made a quick sigil, got the smokes.
I'm >>38761214
Ask while I'm here, 16 years exp.
i'm not gonna cum on a squiggle drawing, that's fucking retarded
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is there a limit on how many sigils you should create in a time frame?

Is there a best method for vanquishing the sigil? I am in Budapest right now, and something tells me casting them into the Danube is good.
That depends entirely in how much of your energy/blood/semen you invest
can you be more thorough? i'm not sure what part you are even responding too.
It's important to energize the sigil.
Make it "magical" so the mind is impressed.
i feel kinda impressed by the sigil as it is without any bodily fluids, i wonder if that might be enough
there are no rules to chaos magick, but usually one of the main principles is achieving a state of gnosis when looking at the sigil, then dropping the intention and forgetting the sigil.

going by the words you're using, I'm not sure being "impressed" is enough. You have to impress the subconscious, and achieving a state of gnosis thru orgasm or other methods is usually recommended.
You have to understand something, I'm speaking from a vantage point, lots of meditation and advanced yogic practice on my back.
So I've trained, so to speak, and what you're doing might defeat your magick.
No lazy allowed anon, give it 100% of your dedication and testicular power.
Very based thread anon, thank you for the book!
>meet up with 15 adults in made up robes playing pretend in a circle of a rented yoga retreat room
Now that sounds fun, where can I sign up for that?
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ok, i busted my first nut on a sigil today, and I threw it in the danube. congrats.

how long should I wait between making sigils? also, how brief do I need to keep it, how specific?
specific enough to get what you want without any surprises, but broad enough to allow the universe and the forces of nature to bring you what you want.

as for how long you should wait between making sigils, I guess it depends on how much sexual energy you have. it's all about feeling. if you wanna orgasm 5 times in one day for 5 different desires you can do that, if you wanna wait it's up to you.

no set rules in chaos magick. it's all about desire, intention, and reaching the state of gnosis (in this case basically orgasming) and imprinting your subconscious with the sigil while the conscious forgets it.
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so how much of gnosis is getting the body head orgasm when meditating and focusing on the third eye? I've started meditating again, and can reach brief moments where my entire body feels like it's having an orgasm. my balls literally tingle, and it feels like my forehead is cumming. I can only hold it for a fraction of a second. maybe a second.

someone on a podcast talked about a tactic for astral projecting, where you lie in bed, imagine yourself leaving your body and walk to the side of the bed, then you look at yourself. the minute I look at myself I get the body orgasm thing. I'm not sure if this is dangerous or not, because I don't want to astral project. I don't think it's safe. I've read Robert Monroe's first book and I have no idea why anyone would want to astral project.
Btw cooming or making a blood sacrifice is the "quick and easy" way to charge sigils, and more often than not leads to bad karma.
You can enter gnosis through meditation with enough focus, and you don't run the risk of burning out doing it.
THAT BEING SAID, sacrifices give charges proportional to the sacrifice made, so they do work if you want to make a big spell work fast, and can't be bothered to mantain a ritual/hypersigil.
>reach brief moments where my entire body feels like it's having an orgasm
there's a similar method in the book.

but I don't see a reason to be so against the orgasm method.

chaos magick is about ignoring dogma and superstition. "bad karma" is not a thing in chaos magic.
Based based.
Disagree on summoning demons though, that's the best part.
I tried to use will power and mostly postive interaction reinforcement to make someone like me and parts of it worked...just tried to be human nothing special but I ended up having really intense paranormal experiences with her... I think jesus himself is cursing us that's why we're not together... but I didnt use magic that much just psychology... we have an inuyasha spider that appeared... and I found out my blood is older than sesshomarus... so I tried to give her a little sesshomaru plush
I don't mind being the bad mofo naraku but I don't know where all this stuff came from and it's been real scary... but I said no regrets cause my heart is gold
Wait did the original have Fauci as a rat? Woah buddy, shut it down!
I found a bunch of white magic gematria codes that jesus apparently wrote about us but I'm not sure how to deal with something like that it's really disrupting our love
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This, the orgasmic charging is fun but limited. Gordon White used to teach people to "shoal" sigils, making a dozen or so at a time (including a control sigil for something you absolutely know you're going to do or will happen); the sheer number of them makes it easier to forget what symbol connects to what intention. Nobody has enough cum for that. I used to charge them by staring intently at each sigil by candlelight while in trance. Dancing to exhaustion is safer way to reach chaotic "gnosis" than suffocating yourself btw.
ESP messages can be communicated through almost any representation. Basing them off of frames of reference that the subject knows and enjoys helps them learn.
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Time to jailbreak your mind. If you dare. That’s what a lot of magic is. Harnessing powers inherently available in anybody’s mind but closed off for “safety reasons”. You could be sent to a psych ward for doing this. Or end up rich. I don’t know and I don’t take responsibility for actions decided on a Mongolian basket weaving forum and anime coomer site.
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Tarot bullshit. Or maybe it isn’t. Up to you to decide. Remember to kill your servitors.
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Ok last post. There’s a lot more in this shit tier comic book but this is enough to start.
Yeah I want her to have peace above all cause this wasn't fair to us apparently just me finding "healing music" is what I'm supposed to do...
it fucking works holy shit. "this my wish an asian girl dressed in red messages me"

it happened in 5 days. chills down my spine.
i use it.
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this seems kind of fucked. how much of chaos magic is about having no morality, and summing augoeides?
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sorry, this the part that is fucked.
Sorry, but none of this feels very Christ-like.
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Yeah you were speaking some truth until the cumming on paper bullshit. Don't say platitudes about not summoning demons and then say that. Chaos and Sigil magic are both real, but not synonymous. Don't learn your magick from Tiktok witches like img related
It does work, I've been doing it unconsciously all my life.

>no gf for 2 years
>jack off to jap panty and bj vids
>visualize asian gf doing it to me as I orgasim
>2 months ago get delivery late at night
>cute chinese girl. Says my apartment is nice.
>invite her in and bang her
>comes round next few weekends
>get her to dress up in cosplay just like the jav vids
Have you even read the fucking book? What OP described is straight from literature. He's talking specifically about Chaos Sigil Magick, not implying sigils are necessarily chaos magick. Sigils are part of any form of magic

Also the orgasm method is literally the best method to charge a sigil in chaos magic without resorting to altars, candles and other boring shit. But certainly not the ONLY method, and op and the book made it clear
>The Titanic was caused by an author who 10 years prior wrote a story that perfectly described the actual incident, and it came to pass.
>>the whole world is inkheart
nicholas cage, plz send some enlightenment my way
my prayers too. gonna try
sigils are placed in a lot of pornography
I spend time with my sigils
sometimes I'll anchor an object like a cigar to the sigil mentally.
>for a few days, I think about the connection between the two.
>I'll then think of a place I want to burn the sigil
>I will do whatever makes me feel entranced to do magic-- usually focused intention with me doing a reading of something (I actually inflect and add personality as if I had an audience)
then I just assume that I attracted an audience and entertained them and wait
no cummies
Its magic bro. Cmon...cum on it dude
you do not have to 'sacrifice children'
Do you for too long and you burn out and that's a fact. Your not the same person after ever burn out. It works but it's got self inflicting damage on yourself and everyone knows that.
>you burn out and that's a fact
or... you just build harems and live happy. nothing wrong with manipulating the forces of nature.

also, you are using magic anyways whether you like it or not. whenever you think negatively of yourself and engage in those thoughts, you're creating misery for yourself.

might as well give on the "muh suffering" Jordan Cuckeron / cuckservative religious "responsibility as a man" and live a life full of fun, and sex.
most important thread heree by far
forgetting the sigil is the most important thing. aa for the intention try to abandon the lust for results but don't obsess over it
Forgetting is the most important thing? I thought the most important thing was charging it so I draw something and put it all over town in places where hundreds, thousands of people see it. Typically I meditate on the first one I draw and then burn that one. I then draw it a few times and place it in crowded places.
Is there an easy servitor method
index youtube. I've seen them
Christ didn't use sigils, he used a secret word or barbarous name:
figure of speech. stop worrying too much, this is chaos magick. the method is very simple, there's nothing else to that. you guys are just creating more problems. calm down and do the simple ritual and that's it. don't stress. there are no dogmas in chaos magic
you can get your deepest desires easily with sigil chaos magic
angela is a rare case of a based female occultist who actually studies the literature
me too
good vibes to you brother
don't summon demons, but do chaos magic
What if it not your character but evil one subconscious invade your space and blame character that is unrelated what if you are in wrong head and head you are in DOES NOT interpret things the way you ordinarily would.

Then it would not be character from story it would be DELUSIONAL FROM MAN BODY WHO CANT READ AND DO DARVO

Man like that should be greatful that his subconscious went somewhere else it caused some people to realise paying 500 per week for their evil lazy adult son was a waste of time and they divorced due to going bankrupt from that

Perhaps they should apologise to someone else's family for their relatives literally dying.

No they won't. Because that little ars goetia arsehole is never wrong us he?

Tiny dick.
WE heard that pricks scam was documented by the USSF and his physical body, not where his subconscious content appeared, got arrested for being a member of a terrorist group.

most rich people do chaos magick dude
also when you get to those top levels, you don't even use money.

you think bill clinton uses money for anything at all?
Name author of chaos magic who isn't successful
Can I draw the sigil on my hand and just jerk off ?
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why is everyone ignoring the fact the father of Chaos magic, Peter Carrol, talks about going insane from innovating Augoeides? The spirit of knowledge that is intended to show us our true meaning?

Did Peter Carrol go insane himself?
Only if the sigil is shaped like a banana that way it's sympathetic magic which is for wankers who don't appreciate that symbolism isn't the same for everyone.
You might not get your own you might get someone else's. In which case, get a master's in psychology first enter into a state of gnosis while sober and check for others fucking with you and decide nothing at all until they're completely gone. At that point, you won't need to do sigils.
No I don't cum on magic, I just do nofap till I explode with sexual energy and then fap on some bullshit and feel bad
what are your thoughts on physical changes such as height increase? I believe they can work but I would love to hear your opinion, since you seem more experienced.
If you've experimented with it, how long until results arrive. Also, what was your mindset regarding said changes?
4 and 5 are just tools to get the mind doing the thing, you can charge and send without either.


And simply doing the actions without the correct state of mind will exactly zero.

But y'know, whatever works. :P
>”Trust me anon, you have to give up your spiritual wholeness to obtain material possessions.”
Archon claws made this thread.
Sure, do whatever you want
Does that mean people are doing subtle chaos Magick all the time because they dream stuff and forget it?
I did the cum sigil once and I did meet her under odd circumstances, but I didn't get to fuck her nor date her and she got pregnant some months later by another man.
you weren't specific enough desu

magic requires intent and imagination. dreaming and daydreaming is automatic and nonwilling
Where'd you hear this?
I do it with cummies magic
These unwholesome activities will not lead to good rebirths anons. If you can train your concentration to achieve unification of mind you can interrogate the nature of your belief that you need these crass material things to be happy. Stay safe out there
morals are meaningless in chaos magic
Funny how I have a totally different interpretation of what chaos magic is even is or does. I guess thats how it goes.
The only magic you need is self suggestion. Sit down in comfortable position. Learn to not think, then learn to visualize with complete fidelity. Visualaize, hear, smell, taste, and touch your future. Repeat 40 times the change you wish produce in yourself, in the present tense, without breaking concentration. ie dont say "I want to quit smoking" say "I do not smoke".

Then perform a ritual of your choosing so long as it is psychologically significant it will work.

I saved you hours and hours of reading books and practicing, if you just do what I said you can produce virtually any change within yourself.
Why cant i find a podcast about this shit on youtube? I just want to passively listen an gain an understanding while I play a video game and jewtube is censoring my searches or some shit because i cant find it and there have to be hundreds of them
By LoA logic can I just do something like snap my fingers and say/think "I want a cute redhead to run up to me and give me $50 for free", laugh, and forget about it?

Isn't the activating action something you believe in?

I'd do a sigil but the last time I did that my gf got an abortion (I domt think it's relayed but still) and the time before that I got hit by a car (survived though, broke no bones but my right knee don't feel quite the same, should I do a medical follow up.and report the guy?)

>I should also note that I SKIMMED through the invisibles the day after my birthday on July, after I read somewhere else that reading the Invisibles affects your life. The day after I got hit by that car on a bike on my way to work (the kicker is that the driver was shopping there at that same location earlier thst day.)

>if I get a bunch of synchronicities should I continue chaos magick?
just curious
what is your interpretation ?
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its from the book liber null. did you read the images dipshit?
I have difficulty forgetting when i do this, I just did this but it still on my mind an hour later, how do I completely forget?

it's not the intention you have to forget, just the sigil. and also don't lust for results

if you have a hard time forgetting an abstract symbol you doodled in 2min and looked at for 3min then something's wrong with you
oh no i forgot the sigil i just can't forget about the intention.
>you weren't specific enough desu
Pretty sure I was. I went the extra mile and did other things also to make her mine.
If everyone is doing it then it turns to a battle of psychic energy
that's why it's called occultism. it works, but people won't believe it works because the current paradigm (current meaning since the 17th century) doesn't accept as true anything that can't be physically measured in a lab setting and will attribute any deviances to the law of probability.

don't worry, 99.5% of people won't even read and study these topics, and in that 0.5% only a small minority will actually practice chaos magic.
What are the invisibles?
big cock?
foreskin restored?
Some 'doctor' put in your head that you would stop growing
explained it away with 'growth plates' and hormones
do your magic. one's body can control itself. Simply give your body instructions to grow
don't forget to craft hypersigils as well
Sorry meant to reply to >>38769094
Graphic novel by Grant Morrison. Just picked up vol. 1 today.
Bit nervous to read it now after what that other anon said lol
it's only a problem if you believe that it is
if you are a regular on this board, odds are that at least part of your subconscious believes in this type of stuff
good, just use that to your favor
>Donald Trump used it to get elected in 2016
That was done with him, not by him, key distinction.
>has admitted to using a form of Chaos Magick during his whole life (no he's not aware this is magic)
>They printed a 50-page document describing the 2020 election as a work of fiction
>The Titanic was caused by an author who 10 years prior wrote a story that perfectly described the actual incident, and it came to pass.
a) sauce b) The Titanic was a false flag operation by the people who wanted to establish the federal reserve - everyone who was set to vote on it had tickets, everyone who was for it canceled their tickets in the week or two prior. It was, like 9/11, also an insurance scam, the Titanic replaced the Olympic, which is what was actually sank after being called the Titanic.
>When you create symbols to represent desires and real life events, and charge them in a state of gnosis, these events will come to pass. Good or evil, it doesn't matter. You have the power to choose.
True, but that's not chaos-magick specifically.
>Btw cooming or making a blood sacrifice is the "quick and easy" way to charge sigils, and more often than not leads to bad karma.
Orgasm charging works flawlessly if you can properly maintain the visualization and direction of energy, blood doesn't do shit but bind a spell to the person or animal who's blood it is.
>You can enter gnosis through meditation with enough focus, and you don't run the risk of burning out doing it.
If you don't feel just as drained after casting a decently large spell as you would after fucking a chick for hours on end, it didn't work. If you aren't putting the energy out there there's no energy to it unless some spiritual entity is fucking around to see what your reaction is.
>Nobody has enough cum for that.
Checked, but speak for yourself muggle.
>[Trump] has admitted to using a form of Chaos Magick during his whole life (no he's not aware this is magic).
Spill the fucking beans. Link, source, quotes, whatever.
Because their entire system of magick is rolling the dice, chances are if they win and do it again they're going to lose on the next roll.
>most rich people do chaos magick dude
No they don't, they use types which aren't as random for the most part.
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Not so much chaos magic but kabbalah for sure. Although kabbalah has its uses in chaos magic.
That's clearly written by Guy Oseary?
norman vincent deale
I have aphantasia. I just discovered this after looking at this image again. Years ago when I first saw this image I thought that I just hadn't meditated enough or wasn't "getting something" because I could not "activate my third eye" but... my third eye is blind. I have aphantasia.

I cannot visualize things in my mind. It's completely black if I close my eyes in darkness or red (because of blood vessels in my eyelids) if it is bright. I have incredible ocular vision though. I can "imagine" something in my head, but its more of an abstract "knowing" than "seeing." When I read that it was 100% required tech for the rest of the guide, I became very discouraged in my mystical practice because the first images are almost spot on. I had my first transcendental experience while meditating.

Chaos Magic is the best because it boils it down to willpower and belief. If you are a person struggling with activating your third eye, it could be that you are like me and even when "activated" your third eye remains blind. I have a tingling sensation in my forehead ALOT. You don't need anything beyond the ability to meditate properly. Meditation is both the pathway to enlightenment and magic. Learning to quiet your mind at will is the most useful skill anyone can master.

Earthly riches are ultimately pointless. In the near term, they can become a major distraction shifting your focus to sex, money, power, etc. When you die, you cannot take any of these with you. Long term, magic is also pointless. Even if you use it to gain things on Earth, it doesn't matter when you leave. There are two types of meditation: Focus Meditation and Insight Meditation. To perform insight meditation, one must first master focus meditation. As one masters this meditation, two paths open up. One leads to magic and the other enlightenment.

You can do both, but you won't be that motivated to use magic for earthly gains once you have reached enlightenment. Insight is the wiser path to choose.
learn how to read zoomie. for fucks sake. if you have no ability to read and study you will never achieve gnosis.
Phantasia is not a struggle, it's trainable, use your memory
try playing with toys like bop it or simon with your eyes closed to feel and hear where the object is
then you can try holding something like a bowl with your eyes closed and try imagining what the shape would look like while touching it
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It's a good read, for at least half of itti of half least at for read good a It's.
we don't change anything globally. hitler didn't make white race strong as well as trump, they're no better than obongo or hillary, it's all the same. you must stop playing the game at all. you can't win playing in cards with devil.
based. fuck moralism. fuck tradition. including tradition in magic
it fecking werks
Bike anon here

Can anyone answer why that happened to me?
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>You have the power to choose.
I know I do.
I firmly belive aphantasia is not real concept, its just misunderstanding. Same with blue or golden dress case. Diffrent people trying to describe something with diffrent approach and diffrent levels of exxagerations (that goes both ways).

Anon, do you had daydreams in your life? Or regular dreams in that case. If so, you cant have aphantasia, you cant have it both ways, it's impossible. If you sincerely tell me that you had no single visual dream if your entire life then you can skip my reply.

Anon, everyone when closes their eyes see black wall with sprinkles all over it. Noone after closing their eyes see 4kHD movies there, if someone tell you so they are either lying or are dedicating to practice of it, but thats very rare. Most probably lying.

Some people will brag about seeing full apple, some people will yelp about seeing shit, but it's - i belive - same experience for all. Some mixture of dreamy visuals, language, abstract concepts and presentiments. You already got it, right? Now it can vary depending on not only practice and effort, but some basic shit like time of a day, focus, your mental state, mood or even diet. Same people seeing exactly same visuals would point themselfes on diffrent position of this made up scale.

Aphantasia is nothing more than a way for weak minded faggots to subscribe to their new favorite r/aphantasia subreddit and add another layer of identity to their pointless character because it sounds quirky. Dont be someone like that brother.
Yeah I always figured this was the case too. Lots of people confuse visualization with hallucination
>nooo you can't have harems and create genuine lust on women you need muh suffering muh provision muh duty

This is why I love Chaos Magick. it's a middle finger to EVERYTHING.

It's about YOU living for your OWN pleasure and NOTHING else, while everyone seethed and copes and dilates.

because it fucking WORKS and you don't even need candles or other gay shit. just a pen and a paper.
I still wonder if we will ever get the 5th iteration/chapter of the book
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He published bits and pieces of it before going awol. I think it had to do with chakra and the HGA.
I wonder if it was a case of someone having the urge to teach without actually having done the practice and they ran into terminal trouble when messing around with the HGA.
It's because, some nigras, said you learn more by teaching, so unprepared people jump into teaching, or writing books about "X" topic, which is also, experts say, another way to learn.

Of course, this has flooded the market with low quality b8
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What happened to the days of old when we would do magics while smoking a pipe?
>This isn't chaos magick.

Do basic shit but chaos style (do not mix your energies with abrahamic filth) like middle pillar and whatnot -especially the visualizing part-, over time, you'll grow in ability and powur.
>ok now dispose of the sigil and forget about it so it starts working
>oh yeah also keep a record of it on your journal and of the entire ritual and the time of day and date oh and also keep record of if it works or not
>yeah yeah dont focus on it too much

How the fuck am I supposed to forget a sigil if I have to keep a record of them and I keep seeing them when I flip through my journal.
It's strange because I've fired many a sigil successfully by gazing into it using a self-made technique, but not once have I managed to make one work by masturbating.
Shhhh this is OTIII material
by just not focusing on or thinking about it
if you can't help but keeping reading and re-reading your journal just but the sigil itself in a separate folder
>middle pillar
Don't do the Golden Dawn shit. By the admission of their original high ranking members, all the rituals are designed to put you into contact with some cabal of spirits. The banishing rituals don't banish, the middle pillar doesn't do whatever it's supposed to do.

Contacting these spirits might or might not be a good idea in general, but they probably don't want much to do with some random dude who isn't part of the the Golden Dawn hierarchy (not that such a thing exists anymore) and spends time jerking off onto sigils.

I have *very* bad experiences with mixing jizzing on scribles with ritual magic stuff. I'd almost advise people to stay away from Western esoteric stuff entirely, it's so hopelessly muddled.
No, ENERGIZE yourself but not with their stuff. Something self made.
more power to you, chaos magic has no set rules or dogma
Man, I remember one of his long vlogs in South America where he lost his shit at the incompetence of his translator (a cute young boy) in the most "privileged white man" possible. Well, technically white, because he's of Jewish ascent, but he's quite the first world. He cut the video there, but I don't understand why he left that part. His whole "good leftist" persona fell apart then and there. I doubt you can find the video nowadays.
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>jizzing on scribles with ritual magic
the absolute state of civilization
I like the Gnostic pentagram ritual, the one that uses the vowels (IEAOU) instead of Hebrew god names. It's very beautiful and primal and just works.
this is better than herbal life
Mediation and self hypnosis are the keys to success. You should probably learn these basic skills before trying more advanced stuff.
this. and as more people realize this itll become more powerful
if you recorded the sigil in a notebook like that with other notes then it means others should be able to use the sigil but you need to stop focusing on it
I'll stick to my own method that doesn't involve losing the precious life force. I'm sure the bald guys' method works since it's all essentially the same thing with ultimately unecessary additional steps that may help at first if your belief and knowledge about the subconscious aren't strong enough.
id love to smell her hair and lick her eyeballs
for me I just want many to know this is real and to break free from the maze of their life they are trapped in
The problem with "self made" energizing practices is that if they work, they can fuck you up real bad.
It is what it is. The more I get into the esoterics the more I wish I never even started.
Do qigong then
Yep, that's what I've ended up doing.
her accent is cute lol

This shit doesn’t work. I did a magick love / sex ritual on a girl and never got her lmao
If you don't believe chaos magick is true you will phase into a universe where chaos magick seems completely impotent, where all the people who wrote on this subject ended up as sad failures, where clearly a person has no possibility of influencing their own fate through personal strength of will. If you do believe chaos magick is true you will phase into a universe where magic seems to be everywhere, weird synchronisities happen all the time, anyone who denies it seems completely deluded. but if you've been in one modality for a long time it'll take a while to make the shift, generally speaking.
you did it wrong desu
there's no way it doesn't work
Can I do this while a previous one hasn't come true yet?
absolutely, that's even better cuz the more sigils you make the less likely it'll be for you to remember them
What do chaos magick practitioners believe about the afterlife?
You don't believe you're going to hell for doing witchcraft, do you? But you're also not materialists, I would think.

And what's a good method for changing some very deep-level things at the root of who I am? Such as bad personality traits that seem to be either inborn or instilled in me at a very young age.
I drew a cartoon of a big dick and some titties.
wrote the word paizuri next to it
lets see what it do
>What do chaos magick practitioners believe about the afterlife?

Well, true to the spirit of chaos magick, there isn't any sort of consistent dogma. "What you believe becomes your reality" is a common theme, though, so a person who believed they were going to hell would eventually create a hellworld for themselves to inhabit. As to the fundamental nature of this reality you get all sorts of interpretations - that this is just some kind of game that the All-Consciousness is playing with itself, that you're some kind of higher dimensional being giving itself the experience of linear time (perhaps across many lifetimes) to develop, that there are complex energetic exchanges happening at other levels of reality that are reflected here etc. Chaos magicians draw freely from all sorts of belief systems & their own intuition, so there isn't going to be a ton of consistency beyong the general idea of becoming the creative engineer of all aspects of your existence.

>what's a good method for changing some very deep-level things at the root of who I am?

i feel like this would vary from person to person. In my own case, I've always been a very stubborn person with a deep distrust of authority figures. So things like formal academia & organized religion were always suspect for me. For better or worse I've only ever had that sense of making progress when I'm taking matters into my own hands, experimenting, coming up with my own methods of evaluating results etc. Whereas for another kind of person, maybe they need that feeling of following an established doctrine that's been refined over centuries
Dunno about all that, but a friend once pontificated about an axiom that occurred to him: "Through confusion, comes cash."

Funnily his proclamation has proven to contain some merit in terms of my own life. I have a very sketchy 'career' history ( worked forty-plus different jobs over twenty five years) and have essentially lived my life in an alcoholic stupor... playing music... doing drugs... hedonistic pursuits... and yet, somehow the money is always there when I absolutely need it, and oftentimes I don't even think about finances until it's a matter of urgency - like meeting a credit card deadline or having enough in the checking account to cover auto insurance. Having inherited a property was like, "Okay, gotta grow-up now," but evidently I didn't really. I just stick with the same old routine and enjoy a comfortable lifestyle. Losing a job is never the end of the world because I have a tremendous amount of assets, very little debt, and enjoy selling shit online. My symbol would be a pair of sevens back-to-back.
>anon discovers privilege, entitlement, and is completely unaware of the actual world
>fap to haphazard digital sigil I made while manifesting that a blonde white girl who looks like ruffnut from those Dragon movies whispers to me that I'm sexy and that she'll pay me to suck her tits
>see synchronicities on my way to work
>see a girl that looks like her today (but she was with BF)
I fuching FEEL IT
It's happened, thr universe knows it wants me to fuck it in the form I described

I KNOW it's working
This is the best succinct description of chaos magick and also reality tunnels (a concept every chaote needs to grok)
>What do chaos magick practitioners believe about the afterlife
if Liber Null is any standard, that the afterlife is best skipped by brute-forcing yourself back into incarnation with memory of previous life intact
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> What are chaos magic sigils.
> Whoa okay just drawn representations of things to pass.
> Wait that sounds like Daoist talismans now don't they???
you can believe anything and be in chaos magic
Bear in mind -differences considered- tao magick is a bit like chaos magick, picking what worked and discarding the rest.

(Yes, its very different)
>blonde white girl who looks like ruffnut from those Dragon movies whispers to me that I'm sexy and that she'll pay me to suck her tits

A man of culture I see

I hope your wish comes true for you
easy easy getting laid is easy with sigils
What are the theoretical limits to this?
Absolutely none
the reason people don't talk about chaos sigil magic is because it doesn't cost a penny to try it

there's no courses to sell, you don't even need a book to learn how to draw a sigil and masturbate to it.

all it takes is your energy, intention, prn and paper.
No, don't.
I said to avoid the hebrew stuff you recite.
I do as follows for middle pillar: white light is switches for Green and black light, the hebrew names are now all: Om mani padme hum, this has the meaning "Om the jewel in the lotus" and is Avalokitesvara mantra, yet you can change meaning, to me, the jewel is Gnosis and the lotus Consciousness.

Thus the original rite (attracts archons) is reverse engineered to bring gnostic energies.

I didnt mention this because I didnt wanna push my beliefs.
we are 138
the beatles came back thrice, https://youtu.be/-Fre2qx8u70?feature=shared
Iv been thinking.. we got ouija boards n shit and people contacting spirits and shit and getting strange phenomenon happen.. I haven't seen one person ever try to contact Jesus.
But what if I want to produce change in the outside world?
I'll try this. Made me realize I don't even fully know what I want to change TO, just what I want to change FROM.
it fucking works. theee are no rules
Well, that's interesting and I suppose Avalokiteshvara is both used to being called forth by all kinds of weird rituals and very merciful... How long have you been doing this and what have the results been like?
>Made me realize I don't even fully know what I want to change TO, just what I want to change FROM.
"If freedom means doing what I want, then that means I've got to know what that is, not just what it isn't"

Congrats anon, you've just taken the first step toward true wisdom.
What do you suppose is next?
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so what are women to do? rub their clit with a sigil?
>What do you suppose is next?
Dunno. Consult your pineal gland.
I wrote your name and you appeared. I had an odd experience where I had a teacher that adored me in her classroom because she thought I looked like you did in Peggy Sue Got Married
try sending instructions to your body thru your pineal gland to instigate growth to become a Nephilim
they just masturbate looking at it, same way. it's about the sexual energy not fluids
What about "conflicting" sigils? What if I make two sigils with contradicting intents, or similar but not same about the same subject?
Dunno, never tried it. Let us know how it goes.
its chaos. let it rip!
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this shit fucking works and it's scary as fuck. i got laid so easily lmao went from an incel to having girls throw themselves at me. you can make yourself irresistible, the way women said hi to me is a way i never heard before
Congratulations friend! You self improved and transformed yourself into the greatest version of yourself. May I ask what methods you use to make women horny for you and approached you for sex and other things currently improving myself and need guidance to help me.
Yeah I'm a little scared of forgetting that I made a sigil for something and then making another one for the same thing with slightly different intentions kek.
You guys crazy lol.
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I, the Skerakhan, formerly known as Napoleone & Adolf now Ash, am the greatest chaos magician of all time. I am the great Khan of terror, and I will drag you all down to Shambala with me, so we may come up to my marvelous marble palace, in Xanadu...

A place where nobody dared to go
The love that we came to know
They call it Xanadu (it takes your breath and it'll leave you blind)
And now, open your eyes and see
What we have made is real
We are in Xanadu (you dream of it, we offer you)
A million lights are dancing and there you are, a shooting star
An everlasting world and you're here with me, eternally
Xanadu, Xanadu
(Now we are here) in Xanadu
Xanadu, Xanadu
(Now we are here) in Xanadu
ᠡᠨᠡ ᠤᠳᠠᠭᠠ ᠪᠢ ᠪᠯᠠᠪᠠᠳᠢ ᠳᠤ ᠳᠡᠭᠦᠵᠢᠯᠡᠵᠡᠢ
Our bodies have something called 'homeostasis'
The universe has it too
Let the chaos out, if you make things that conflict, the combined efforts of you wanting to repair+the universe craving homeostasis for its body will mean you prevail in the end always with more insight
People ignore order magic though.
'order' sounds like templar and freemason anal trauma mindcontrol, mk ultra socialization by way of media, dependence on electronics, debt and wage slavery, charades, and lies
mundane improvement didn't work, even though that's what magicians tell you to do initially

i literally did the sigils and in the same week i started getting synchronicities and signs, 3 weeks later i got laid
Laughing my fucking ass off I guess the chaos magic didn’t work for Trump tonight
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Anyone else feel really weirdly exhausted after charging (er I mean, COOMING) to charge their sigils?

When I fuck hard I feel a little tired but energized

After a hard fap session o can feel drained

But this is something different, still drinking a bunch of water, at least I know it meant it works lol, feels fucking good

Magick is Cool
Thanks Grant Morrison, I may forgive yiu for your X-men run
troll or you never did any long term semen retention and knowledge seeking or you just haven't been mindful in your actions and have not retained enough jing that you have qi to do magic with
Please just got to /srg/

There's a whole general for a reason.
You need to drink water.
me too, I sometimes go 3 months or more on semen retention.

charging sigil takes energy.

I will say this however: this is an AMAZING sign. It means it's working, unironically.
because of the whole thing about making it last longer, I flex my whole body to distract myself from the pleasure. I end up feeling like I had an actual workout
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it's not a coincidence he keeps attracting girls that look and think exactly the same.
grant morrison did the same with redheads
he manifested a girl that looks exactly like his ex liz. crazy . you can just manifest your type with magick.
the methodology?
did he write anything down?

Looking back at all the guys i've personally known who were laying serious pipe, they generally fell into three broad categories

The Bottom-Feeder: guys who took anything they could get, ie 4/10 bar slags & overweight single moms
The Explorer: guys who slept with a huge variety of girls, usually all 6/10 or better
The Connoisseur: guys who kept getting with the same kind of girl, same look same age same personality, sometimes even similar names

The first group were usually pretty low IQ & had shit jobs. Their entire shtick was just being extremely extraverted and spending lots of time in hookup environments (ie bars, parties, clubs). Imagine the guy who was a dirtbag chad in 9th grade but now he's 30 and his opener is that he can show you a cool dirtbike trick & he has a bottle of colt 45 in his backpack

The second group were more in line with the stereotype of the player. Guys between the age of 25-60 who came off as at least moderately intelligent, kept in above-average shape for their age, and usually had either a well-paying job or a "cool" job (touring musician, dj, personal trainer, bartender etc). Lifelong bachelors, politically disinterested, good conversationalists but not particularly deep. And yes some of them keep this shit going for decades, i knew a guy in his early 60s who had a houseboat and still regularly got women in their early 40s going through midlife crises

The third group was interesting bc they all had this spiritual side to them, either being really into meditation/yoga, being into the occult, or even just being a super religious tradbro who had a very specific idea of what "The One" looked like (and who found a new "The One" every month). In any case they all seemed to be doing energy work, polarizing themselves & drawing in a specific kind of girl that represented the opposite polarity. and this is the group that a lot of sigil guys seem to fall into
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Anybody else leave sigils around in public places? Like on buildings, under tables of restaurants? Or other people’s beds? If I stay over at a girl’s place I sometimes put a sigil of Lilith under their beds.
>If I stay over at a girl’s place I sometimes put a sigil of Lilith under their beds.
I think it is cruel to something like that without consent. we have to be mindful to stop ourselves from overreaching
if people dont want to fuck with the spirits then the spirits dont fuck with them
A method I want to try:

>draw dozens of sigils every day
>doesn't matter if there's repeats
>keep doing them until it becomes automatic & the design process gets really refined
>have a massive jar of uncharged sigils
>can't remember what any particular one is in reference to anymore
>pick one at random & charge it whenever the mood strikes
>charging doesn't just have to be jacking off, can get creative with it

The goal here would be to engender that semi-conscious flow state that people typically enter when they're making art or channeling. Of course I wouldn't be able to tell if any one particular sigil had worked, but i would definitely know the process in general was working once objects & subjects of my desire started randomly showing up in my life with much increased frequency
you get what you wish for literally
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Not cruel if you understand how the game operates

Everyone is essentially having their own little solipistic choose your own adventure game. But it's true for everyone. Everyone exists in their own subjective state of reality. And there's an infinite number of them. You're interacting with a version of everyone that confirms to your reality. So when you, for instance cast a love spell on a girl, you're not defying her consent, you're calling forth from the aether a version of her that does consent. Yes that girl is as "real" as you are, but she's a version that compatible with your universe.
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I'm so glad that a picture of Dr Angela Puca lead to a successful thread on chaos magic!
she makes a nice living even tho she has a heavy accent
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This is nothing more than metaphysical rape culture.
>I'm gonna impose muh willy on the world!
Also the cult of Kek and "meme warrior" culture was a Russian psyop.
>I'm gonna impose muh willy on the world!

We do that knowingly or not. Glownigger.
Nah, I'll stay put while a floating genie or evil men or even a combination of two, do this very thing.
>It fucking works
It works so well that all the people I've seen claim it works online, are wage slaves with mediocre lives.

>specific enough to get what you want without any surprises, but broad enough to allow the universe and the forces of nature to bring you what you want.
This just sounds like mental gymnastics. Something either works or it doesn't. It seems more like you are leaving enough leeway for a placebo to take effect so that you don't have to have any doubts, and you can keep gaslighting yourself into endlessly trying, until your standards degrade enough that you accept any mundane occurrence as a "result" and proudly proclaim "it worked", when nothing actually happened and it was just a minor coincidence or an everyday occurrence that you are desperate to see more meaning in.
I literally got my dream car for free doing this
>all the people I've seen
Not an argument.
based and chaos blessed
Looks very similar to paper talismans in Arab tradition.

As well as the paper talismans I'd make as a child; before I even knew anything about any occult system, I was just aping Sailor Mars and other anime characters but I pretty much invented my own system of sigil magic before I knew what chaos magic even was. And the funny thing is those talismans really worked.
>Not an argument.
Literally the same argument OP or any of you will use because you don't have any statistical evidence for your claims. Please don't contradict this entire thread because you are stupid.

>I literally got my dream car for free doing this
Sure, totally believe you. You are also leaving out a lot of details.

A woman could say "manifestation works" and that she got her dream car, while at the same time she's hot and enticed a wealthy guy into dating her, and told him what car she liked.

There's too many variables to account for when it's so vague.

Without all the details making such claims are pointless, regardless of the fact that there's no reason to believe random posts on the internet anyways.
>statistical evidence for your claims
Irrelevant. Go back to r_ddit
>A woman could say "manifestation works" and that she got her dream car, while at the same time she's hot and enticed a wealthy guy into dating her, and told him what car she liked.
Yes. She certainly could say that. What's your point?
>This just sounds like mental gymnastics

NTA but yes, a lot of chaos magick and magic more broadly is explicitly a process of learning to manipulate your own belief structures. "Mental gymnastics" is an apt metaphor, in the sense either of attempting to chart a complex movement path around blockages to reach a specific goal point, or of training your brain like a muscle in order to bring out certain attributes. What you go on to describe would be a downward spiral scenario - a person becomes increasingly deluded, increasingly detached from reality in an attempt to convince themselves they really are reshaping reality with their mind (when it's objectively obvious that they aren't).

The magical practritioner would instead envision an upward spiral version of this - you make your first attempts at magic sufficiently low stakes (like loa guys with their ladder experiment, or RAW with his "manifest finding a quarter on the street" thing). It's gotta be something small like that because your mind is still largely locked in that rational headspace, which can only accept magic that it's able to handwave as "total coincidence, happens all the time" & which will block anything more outlandlish than that. But also doing these mundane rituals will strengthen that part of your mind which really does believe magic is real, empowering it to do something more elaborate the next time around. A feedback loop is created. That's how the thinking goes, anyway.

These two camps are mutually opposed. For someone deep in the rational headspace, any talk of magic being real just sounds like dangerous schizo babble. For someone deep in the magical headspace, rationalist dogma just sounds like another limiting belief structure trying to pull them back down. The two belief structures resist eachother like a virus
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Actually I'm glad you brought up the placebo effect. I think its one of the big reasons why chaos magic works. Your belief can change your physical health (scientifically documented), your belief can change your luck, your belief can trigger synchronicities, and your belief can change your world. The chaos magician finds magic which he can believe in.
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>>>38761001 (OP) #
>>It fucking works
>It works so well that all the people I've seen claim it works online, are wage slaves with mediocre lives.
>>>38762877 #
>>specific enough to get what you want without any surprises, but broad enough to allow the universe and the forces of nature to bring you what you want.
>This just sounds like mental gymnastics. Something either works or it doesn't. It seems more like you are leaving enough leeway for a placebo to take effect so that you don't have to have any doubts, and you can keep gaslighting yourself into endlessly trying, until your standards degrade enough that you accept any mundane occurrence as a "result" and proudly proclaim "it worked", when nothing actually happened and it was just a minor coincidence or an everyday occurrence that you are desperate to see more meaning in.
>Yes. She certainly could say that. What's your point?
She didn't manifest anything, she was just another hot woman selling her sexuality for gain. That's not manifestation, that's just an everyday norm.

You might as well say that every prostitute "manifests" money when they give a guy a blowjob if you are going to ask me what's my point. It's retard logic.

Stop trying to redefine mundane shit as magical.

It's mental gymnastics. It's like saying a guy who trained at the gym and worked hard for years "manifested" his current strongest lift. It discounts all effort and it falls flat in the face of reality.

You are trying to redefine the "natural outcomes of effort" as "manifestation".

If someone wins the lottery I'll call that manifestation, but not a hot woman fucking her way into getting money spent on her, that's just called everyday life shit, that's 100% mundane and not magical in any way.

>a lot of chaos magick and magic more broadly is explicitly a process of learning to manipulate your own belief structures
That's no magic, that's self deception. If you convince yourself that your wage slave income now makes you a millionaire, that isn't magic, you're just retarded, and your spending power hasn't changed, you just used mental gymnastics to lower your standards and convince yourself that normal shit is now special. Trying to call that magic is nothing but lying to yourself.

That's purely scientific and normal though. Nobody is placeboing themselves to grow their dick into being 12 inches or winning the lottery though. You can't actually manipulate reality, and that's what magic is, not the low level shit you guys try to redefine it to be so that you can feel special.

The mundane will never be magic, stop coping.
>It's gotta be something small
I don't even practice chaos magic and I've more or less lost my appetite for "magic" in general...but when I did a ritual to a goddess associated with trade and markets to help me sort out my finances, I literally just expected to become more conscious of prices and maybe find some stuff to sell. Well, that happened, but also the following:
>find a jar of coins among my stuff
>go to a bank to deposit it
>feel weird tension all the way to bank
>in the bank put the coins to one of those automatic coin deposit machines
>feel a weird jolt of energy and the machine stops working
>apologize profusely to the teller who comes to sort it out
>talk with her as she works on it
>there's a paper note (not from me) stuck in the mechanism, she just straight up gives it to me
>I'm fairly sure there were coins from previous people she counted as mine
>there were few coins from a country I was about to visit in a month were in there, so shiny they looked freshly minted
>leave the bank with way more money than expected

It kinda freaked me out, to some extent it could be a "total coincidence" but those foreign coins seem a stretch.

The next day a massage pillow I own turned on by it's own. Soon after that I started seeing random flashes of light in my apartement for a while.

Shit is real and it's spooky. I don't know how people deal with the random after-effects and magic cops that show up.
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>>38794902 #
>>Yes. She certainly could say that. What's your point?
>She didn't manifest anything, she was just another hot woman selling her sexuality for gain. That's not manifestation, that's just an everyday norm.
>You might as well say that every prostitute "manifests" money when they give a guy a blowjob if you are going to ask me what's my point. It's retard logic.
>Stop trying to redefine mundane shit as magical.
>It's mental gymnastics. It's like saying a guy who trained at the gym and worked hard for years "manifested" his current strongest lift. It discounts all effort and it falls flat in the face of reality.
>You are trying to redefine the "natural outcomes of effort" as "manifestation".
>If someone wins the lottery I'll call that manifestation, but not a hot woman fucking her way into getting money spent on her, that's just called everyday life shit, that's 100% mundane and not magical in any way.
>>>38794956 #
>>a lot of chaos magick and magic more broadly is explicitly a process of learning to manipulate your own belief structures
>That's no magic, that's self deception. If you convince yourself that your wage slave income now makes you a millionaire, that isn't magic, you're just retarded, and your spending power hasn't changed, you just used mental gymnastics to lower your standards and convince yourself that normal shit is now special. Trying to call that magic is nothing but lying to yourself.
>>>38794990 #
>That's purely scientific and normal though. Nobody is placeboing themselves to grow their dick into being 12 inches or winning the lottery though. You can't actually manipulate reality, and that's what magic is, not the low level shit you guys try to redefine it to be so that you can feel special.
>The mundane will never be magic, stop coping
Yeah no
>that's what magic is, not the low level shit you guys try to redefine it to be

Not really bro. You are the one using a redefiend conception of what magic is. You have been exposed to harry potter and crazy shit. The actual magic users of history were never know to shoot fireballs and shit. At worst they could put some kind of curse on you and give you the evil eye.
>You have been exposed to harry potter and crazy shit.
Nope, don't need to shoot fireballs from your hand, just need to be able to produce tangible and significant results in life that make you exceptional among your peers, and that you didn't have to "work hard" for it (how else will you be able to test and see if it was the magic or your hard work?)

People like you are the reason why there are legit people in the LoA General talking about "manifesting" bread in the grocery aisle and they are not fucking joking or memeing.

People like you have such low and delusional standards that you've convinced yourself that mundane shit is magic, it's sad honestly.

It's really simple. Exceptional people produce exceptional results.

People who have a 170+ IQ often perform very well academically and end up being higher earners.

Men that are 6ft or taller often perform very well in the dating market and end up having sex with a lot of women

Etc, etc, etc.

If someone has the ability to literally manipulate and alter reality, I except to see results that are relatively as significant as this.

So no, I do not believe that the cashier at the local mini mart that claims to be witch has any real magic abilities, they are clearly delusional. They have no results in life. Having magic abilities (real magic abilities) is more of a cheat code advantage that being born a genius (170+ IQ), so your result in life should be on par or better than someone who is that gifted.

Everything else is an excuse. At best one can argue they have the power but they are just so naturally incompetent that they can't utilize it lol.
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>magical practitioners don't have results
I think people don't know what they're really doing here, you're basically offering your life energy for an abstract concept, you're like a prostitute for energy parasites.

Theres nothing magical about this, and human history literally warns you about shit like this, see jinn and specifically the genie of the lamp
>magical practitioners don't have results
>celebrities that throw up their "in-crowd" version of gang sign "have results"
Also, nobody posting online claiming to have occult abilities is a celebrity, so you are proving my point even more lol.

If magic is what's making these people celebrities, why are most of you guys claiming to have magic powers mediocre wage slaves?

I don't think you really thought this through.
All you're gonna get are essentially testimonials, which of course you are not going to believe in. I've heard of people accumulating hundreds of millions of dollars with magic. People manipulating stock markets with magic. I've also heard of people who tried to get 100k$ with magic. The end result was their house burning down and the insurance money rounding out to that.

There are an enormous amount of good reasons why accomplished practitioners might want to steer clear of too ambitious goals, or then stay quiet. Some of the possibilities sound completely schizo to you. Consider that if magic really works, it also means that people are gonna use it to kill other people. Jealous mages could go after other mages who are too public about it.

If magic really works, you might be living in a world where all the shit about elites sacrificing babies for power really, actually, truly works. And presumably they wouldn't want competition.

There's also something about this all that seems to like to elevate people, only to drag them down. Alexander Dugin is a great example. Obviously engaged with occult shit. Got into the upper echelons of Russian society, became influential only to be pushed out when he got too ambitious. Not only that, his daughter got killed. He treated it as a kind of a fucked up necessary sacrifice.

You can find possible cases that aren't as openly occult if you start looking for them. Epstein comes to mind. Weinstein is another.

But none of this matters in the end because you are here to just argue for your own enjoyment. You've made your mind. Because if you hadn't, you would experiment with this and then dismiss it if it didn't work. And in the end, even if the LoA and chaos magic people living "mid" lives, whatever that means, were delusional, they at least seem more satisfied with their lives than you are. The wagie part is probably projection from you anyway. I sincerely hope you find something better to do with your spare time.
>She didn't manifest anything, she was just another hot woman selling her sexuality for gain. That's not manifestation, that's just an everyday norm.
It's called having charisma, and it's obviously your dump stat. Cry about it, nerd.
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>Sure, totally believe you. You are also leaving out a lot of details.

It wouldn't matter what details I provide you with. You won't believe me anyway.

>A woman could say "manifestation works" and that she got her dream car, while at the same time she's hot and enticed a wealthy guy into dating her, and told him what car she liked.

That's a way in which manifestation can work, yes.

>There's too many variables to account for when it's so vague.

Faith is the only variable.

>Without all the details making such claims are pointless, regardless of the fact that there's no reason to believe random posts on the internet anyways.

Refer to the top of the post. But if you really want to know how I did it, it's simple. A year ago I opened a word doc and wrote that I had the car and I got it for free. Deleted the doc.

Fast forward a few months ago. My father approaches me and asks if I want to get my dream car as a project for the two of us, the rest is history.

You're not going to believe me anyway, but that's not my problem.
>why are most of you guys claiming to have magic powers mediocre wage slaves

Most people who get gym memberships don't end up looking like Ronnie Coleman. In fact most of them don't even go to the gym past the second week of January. Just because the vast majority of people who attempt a practice fail to get results, that alone doesn't invalidate the practice

(to answer the question more directly though, i've been self-employed for 80% of the last decade & during that entire time i was living on my own/taking care of all my own financial needs. not wealthy by any means but also not a wage slave)
>It's called having charisma
No, that's what men do. Most women don't even have charisma, men are just way more horny. If someone snapped their fingers and magically swapped our libidos, women would start chasing after men more and men would be more sexually reserved. It's simple supply and demand. The male demand and supply for sex is high, the female demand for sex is low even though their supply is high lol. Reverse the supply and demand, and you'd reverse the dynamic.

Women would start approaching and "catcalling" men in this new world.

I remember reading somewhere that the male libido is 10 times stronger than the female libido (on average). It's not even fair odds lol.

Most women aren't funny, expect you to carry the conversation, are boring as hell, etc. Without men being horny as fuck, they honestly wouldn't have a chance in the dating game. Most women have zero charisma and zero "game".
what do you study, subscribe to, or follow?
You are wasting your time. That anon is in at least two other generals engaging in what appears to some pretty serious mental masturbation via debating with retards on practices that he doesn't even intend to ever try. I would hope thay you are replying to some eraserhead sitting in an office room at Eglin right now, or at the very least the chatbot he's babysitting. This isnt the first time he's rolled around, and for my sanity I'm assuming it's not a normal anon.
plz keep a journal
to avoid reminding yourself of sigils you can stop yourself from reading old entries but to make the process repeatable for others, applying the scientific method (be mindful that stupid method you memorized every grade in school is a real ritual)
long term we can try putting together an /x/ chaos grimoire online for newfags to learn from
every reset, Andrew Auremheier will always be the martyr of the meme wars that becomes an ensconced memory that we recall on for our awakening. He taught that meme magic was real
Childish Gambino's handlers couldnt stop him
it is worth smiling when those things happen, expressing a form of graciousness, and then I like to welcome more
those are people to sign themselves to higher magicians
>Also, nobody posting online claiming to have occult abilities is a celebrity
kanye, katy perry, chance the rapper, etc and many more have said things about occult involvement
>kanye, katy perry, chance the rapper, etc and many more have said things about occult involvement
1. I'm talking about the people posting here, or other forums (like reddit).

2. Even if I wasn't talking about the people in point #1, saying you are involved in the occult, and claiming that you can manipulate reality, are two completely different things. I'm talking about the people that claim to have occult abilities (manifestation, astral projection, etc), these people don't have the results that validate having those beliefs.

I'll end it here though, i've spent enough time on 4chan for another few weeks. I have other things to do.
>plz keep a journal

Definitely. That's something I regret not doing during the two other phases of my life where I got heavily into magic, because in both those cases it started off somewhere quite mundane & ended up getting pretty spacey - not in a "i'm going crazy alone in my room" sense, but in the sense of actually travelling great distances, living in strange places, meeting the strangest people i've met in my life, having totally new life experiences etc. Generally speaking, times when i've gone crazy alone in my room were when I was deeply locked in a "the world is cold, logical, and predetermined" mindset....but all that to say, looking back now it's hard to determine how exactly i made the jump, because i didn't leave myself a roadmap (you'd be amazed at just how much you forget, after a chapter of life is complete). And I feel like having some kind of journal would have also served to maintain a certain level of coherency (this is something Deleuze & Guattari talk about a lot, how if you're going to intentionally dissamble your current understanding of the world you should do so very slowly & methodically, like a scientist)
where would you recommend a complete beginner to start ?
>I'm talking about the people that claim to have occult abilities (manifestation, astral projection, etc),
HE KNOWS more than he lets out in stuff like this
I have always heard it in his music since the first time I heard roc boys in the city tonight on jay zs album
be mindful that what you are doing is real. you can use a turned off phone as a scrying glass. only do the parts where you dedicate the altar to saturn and ask for gnosis
then start burning your drawn or written sigils in a bowl on the altar and see what it do
So everytime someone does magic, a lottery is won?
Read this blogpost, or watch this more recently made video guide by the same guy if you have 20 mins to spare:
It fucking works. Ignore that gay faggot.
>muh studies
Studies require funding and approval. Nobody's gonna approve studies that could go against the current materialistic paradigm that was set in the 19th century because they don't wanna get laughed at or cancelled.

And it wouldn't matter anyways, because there ARE studies done by agencies dedicated to the study of the occult, with replicated and peer-reviewed studies, and they get ignored completely. Read the book "Science And Psychic Phenomena" and you'll seethe at reality if you're an atheist who doesn't believe in magic.

It's all about your presuppositions. If you only believe in things that are proven through lab measurements, we could present you proof about the resurrection of Jesus and you still wouldn't yield, resorting back to "well, science can't explain it now but that doesn't mean it won't ever be able to explain it, it's not anything supernatural, it's a physical phenomenon that we don't understand yet but we will one day".
if i do this after doing semen retention for a few months will the effect be increased by the giga strong semen
if you believe it so, yes. but I've practice lots of semen retention and found no difference between waiting vs charging 2 sigils a day
>you'll seethe at reality if you're an atheist who doesn't believe in magic.
1. I'm agnostic
2. I think magic does exist, I just don't believe that you delusional wage slaves are capable of it, and you are all just coping, hence the results you have in life.

Keep coping and trying it out, but you are still going to have to wake up tomorrow and go to work, and the next day, and the next day, on and on it goes so that the owner of whatever place you work for gets a nice quick retirement.

NOW THAT GUY, he can argue he's manifesting lol.

The people who just get to live off of everyone else's work and basically live a "vacation lifestyle", those fuckers can claim they are manifesting, the rest of you are coping.
I don't have to work dude. And it's all thanks to magic. My source of income comes from book editing and I get royalties every 29th of every month. I don't have to work anymore.

And it was thanks to the occult. Just like Styxhexenhammer666
>My source of income comes from book editing
So work?

A landlord can say they don't work

Someone who owns a business and pays others to run it at a profit can say they don't work

You are still working, you literally have a job.

I also just noticed that you said "I don't have to work ANYMORE", why even add in the "anymore"? You aren't working right?

Also there's a lot of details missing, you could just be scraping by and living frugally so that the royalties allow you to "not work".

Either way I wouldn't believe you, but even your response doesn't fit what I was talking about, and even then you aren't most of the people talking about manifesting, most of them are working everyday regular jobs, not book editing.

But yeah, this shit definitely works.....
>I also just noticed that you said "I don't have to work ANYMORE", why even add in the "anymore"? You aren't working right?
Are you fucking retarded?

Yes you are. Pointless to engage any further. Keep coping more lmao kek
Someanon is going to have to break through his internal anxiety and OP the next chaos general
what links from this thread should be included in the op?
the book, and the grant morrison lectures
maybe dr angela puca's video on chaos magic too
>what links from this thread should be included in the op?

was pretty dece
the grant morrison lecture in the OP should also be included, if only because it's one of the more iconic sigil videos, and it's full of that late 90s psychedelic raver optimism
him repeating "it fuckin' werks" lives rent-free in my head and it helped me trust the process. it really does work.
On the topic of 90s rave culture, there's probably some interesting sigil-related writings from the CCRU floating around, but i'd have to dig through my archives for relevant links
>retarded commie seething
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Eh maybe there is truth to this. I’m the type of person that literally won’t listen to anybody about anything until I can see for myself the truth in what they say. It has many advantages but it also brings much pain, sometimes often times, deservedly so, (10 years of heroin addiction before I figured that one out).
In regard to what you said at 18 I was 5’11 shoe size 10 1/2 by 25 I was a solid 6’0 shoe size 11, I’m now 30 and pushing 6’1 shoe size 12, my member also went 6.5” -> 7.5” -> 9” I’m not even kidding that thing is a monster now, but it didn’t quite follow the same timeline that one’s more like 16 to 19 to 26. Even at 30 I don’t feel like I’m done growing, I still get hormonal pimples on my face and when zoomies find out my age they start shitting and farting everywhere
I have been exactly 176cm since the beginning of puberty in grade 7 and stayed the exact same height forever
that is the arecibo number
dude I watched this video before bed last night.,
crazy considering it's a rather obscure video.

the signs, man. the signs
I meant to post it yesterday with this >>38767266 but couldnt find it then
because I know in this video or in another one of his he talks about creating a servitor, grabbing it, deciding if you want to let it out or just have it not be part of your body anymore, and releasing it.
>glowniggers invading to prevent people from doing it
"something to do with corporate culture" Morrison, Grant.
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Holy fuck, this thread became retarded as fuck. /x/ tourists fucking go home.

what are the rules for trying to cast the same spell/sigil. Let's say I made a sigil and I didn't charge it enough. Do I create a new sigil with the same words, or slightly change the words?
i want to see her get gangbanged by people in robes in front of a statue moloch.
If the original sigil was I attract wealth you could tweak it to I attract large sums of wealth quickly. This provides a slightly different focus, which might align better with your true desires and allow for stronger emotional energy during charging.

there are no hard rules in chaos magic. if you feel like you should try again you should
>don't need to shoot fireballs from your hand, just need to:
>get result in life on par or better than someone who is gifted (170+ IQ)
>after 145 IQ, it's 0.13% of the population
You sure are a master of self-contradiction, wouldn't wait that from a realist thinker
>LoA General talking about "manifesting" bread in the grocery aisle
Lmao the state of that general. That poster also claimed he became a vampire though. But he gave up being one.
You can use the same sigil.
In his first exercises, Champan proposes you to use a sigil you already made, tricking your brain into believing that this sigil is useful for a different intention. That makes your brain more flexible concerning the use of symbols.
>the state of that general
Pretty much, it's flooded by retards who feel more intelligent by insulting random people on 4chan
Thoughts about Consorting With Spirits? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1sauUwKhxw

also LBRP/Middle Pillar exercise is a must I suppose to recommend for beginnres.

Do summon spirits, just know you have the power over them and can tell them to fuck off lmao.
>Thoughts about Consorting With Spirits?
Not chaos magic. Miller in fact has a pretty low opinion on chaos magic. Book is a mixed bag. Some good advice and very interesting anecdotes. The spirit contact advice probably works. I bought it to troubleshoot a life situation that made the local spirits very visible and interested in me. So I never tried the techniques because I didn't exactly feel like drawing in even more spirits.

The problem is that the book has a hitchiker effect. Not all of it is nefarious, but some of it is. The book references his earlier Protection & Reversal Magic, so when the imps leap out of the book and start hassling you you're of course suddenly very interested in buying a book about getting rid of such things... Miller is obviously a very morally flexible character and very open about using magic for his own enrichment. He's also way too fucking comfortable about telling other people to work with demons.

But there was a friendly, but very weird hitchiker in there too. Something manifested to me as an intrusive visual image of a disembodied floating, glowing head of a black man. He told me in some afro-caribean accent, voice full of concern, that I am "surrounded by illusions" and that I should buy some Florida Water. I bought it and it was useful later on. Thanks, whatever hoodoo spirit you were.
>also LBRP/Middle Pillar
The Golden Dawn derived rituals were, by the admission of high ranking OG GD members, intended to establish a link to some cabal of spirits. They don't do what they supposedly do. The banishment doesn't banish, the Middle Pillar doesn't "energize", it's all to build the hotline to whatever weird spirit entities they were communing with. As a side-effect this shit lights you up to other spirits too. This is why people who use this shit keep on having so weird and bad experiences with all kinds of unwanted entities suddenly coming at them.
>The Golden Dawn derived rituals were, by the admission of high ranking OG GD members, intended to establish a link to some cabal of spirits.
>This is why people who use this shit keep on having so weird and bad experiences with all kinds of unwanted entities suddenly coming at them.
Put more simply, this is what happen when you use pre-made rituals to banish or invoke, center or energize yourself. Your mind becomes paranoid and you can virtually experience anything.
I was ready to buy the it's all in your head bro angle up to the point untill when on of my friends experienced a quite unpleasant apportation while staying over here.

Chaos magic seems to have a rather high casualty rate. Not as high as the people who plunge headfirst into cavorting with demons, but still. It's quite interesting that the author of that instructional comic went AWOL while working on the HGA.

Consorting With Spirits opens up with a testimonial of Miller completing the HGA ritual and making contact with the angel. The angel tells him that he needs to get something to bind demons with. Miller tries to talk back some shit about how angels and demons are nondual entities, but the angel just replies "Oh Jason, it really doesn't matter what you believe in". Miller was fortunate to find the necessary tools before his life went to shit.

I wonder how many people who believe that it's all in our heads and that we make the spirits and thus are on the top of the spiritual food chain are able to change course when the spirits start biting their ass?
>use a sigil you already made, tricking your brain into believing that this sigil is useful for a different intention.
how do you do that if you've already destroyed and forgotten the original sigil? unless you can like, lock it in a box or put it in a folder or something and it'll still work
>Chaos magic seems to have a rather high casualty rate.
>It's quite interesting that the author of that instructional comic went AWOL while working on the HGA.
>I wonder how many people who believe that it's all in our heads and that we make the spirits are able to change course when the spirits start biting their ass?
Chaos magic is starting to get old, and its basic principles are starting to be forgotten. Most current authors are tapping into the stream that chaos magic opened, drowning its principles into their own ideas.
Chaos magic isn't tied to a "it's all in your head" paradigm. You need to be able to look at what happens to you with multiple paradigms at the same time.
Chaos magic has been made by critical thinkers, for critical thinkers. It causes casualties when it is worked by gullible people. Problem is that the information age makes people dumb. Thus, chaos magic has a high casualty rate NOW, in the aeon of internet-made stupidity.
You got destroyed. Shut the fuck up.
What is the destruction sigil?
Reveal it to us.
wtf are you talking about? the fireball jutsu?
Jason Miller is a grifting bastard. His work has only made him famous in a group of lazy autistic retards. Don't pay attention to any of the magical "influencer" crowd. Most of them worship demons and have fuck all to show for it.
the way the book handles spirit magic though is very much like Chaos Magic in theory, just taking what works lol.

Sounds like fun having to deal with little gremlins as a side quest before getting to the main book you want to use, lmao.

Everyone knows that the LBRP etc have hidden intentions, you banish one thing you evoke another.
If they are doing HGA they are probably doing Abramellin which takes 6+ months to accomplish and requires cutting off contact for a long time.
what would you recommend on the topic then that works?
you have to keep secrets to receive secrets.

Thanks for the replies. I have been asking people I know about it over the past few days and I do think it is something that can be overcome now. The universe works in mysterious ways. Had I not asked a certain person, the direction my life is now heading would be completely different. Reading your replies has only reinforced the belief that aphantasia is not real. Thanks!

I remember back when I visited a monastery, I couldn't smoke or drink and our diet didn't have meat. I had the MOST vivid dreams I have ever had in my life after the first week. I'm going to kick my nicotine habit next week and use some chaos magic to help me do it. Nicotine is the only substance I've been addicted to. If you haven't tried it, don't. It's not worth it. Whatever high you get from your first cig will never come close to the next cig. Eventually, you won't even get a buzz. It's like adding an extra resource bar in a survival game.
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care to translate what's that in non-baguette?
>Miller tries to talk back some shit about how angels and demons are nondual entities, but the angel just replies "Oh Jason, it really doesn't matter what you believe in".
Spirits are real BUT you can make spirits
>this is what happen when you use pre-made rituals to banish or invoke, center or energize yourself. Your mind becomes paranoid
No, you energize or not, sure, but you're using specific hebrew names that invoke archons.
>I'm agnostic
What you are is a fucking faggot
Imperial Arts livejournal is great. He put out a few books talking about traditional grimoire magic. Faculty of Abrac really goes into the principles of the whole thing, at least for the spirit model approach.
Don't forget mantric sigils. Same as creating a pictorial sigil, but take the left over letters and turn them into a mantra to repeat in excitatory states or before sleep.
What is supposed to be interesting about that book?
>french & still not getting it
I love this kind of magic. Can go crazy with it, deep like chamanic transe.
>you're using specific hebrew names that invoke archons
I was broadening your observation and you keep it so precise... Are you obsessed or something?
When one doesn't know what they're calling, their mind don't know what to expect and takes the first thing that comes up. Archons would be other things in other paradigms. One gets fucked up by something, that's what's important.
can someone link thread 2

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