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>marines in Indonesian forest see unidentifiable contractors loading containers onto UAP
>UAP is circular octagon shape with lights on each curved edge
>vanta black UAP hovering 40 meters above ground with a monotone humming slowly rotating clockwise
>multiple trucks with containers thought to be drugs actually exposed to be people
>contractors scan the marines with hand held bio scanners that look like today's phones, this is in 2009
>contractors threaten to kill the marines
>hovers above the tree line and shoots left at thousands of mph creating a black blur
>leaves trees undisturbed
>this was on the coastline so it probably went underwater
>marine encounters someone "official" that threatens him with imprisonment and says he could be killed
>"official" had no name badge and later turns out these spooks are able to act as almost any high ranking official they want to get information out of people
>more are coming out about what they saw
>government is flying blackhawks over marine's house
why is the american government trafficking people in UAPs? Are they giving these people to aliens? Are they selling them the same way they sell drugs and guns? The UAP is probably man made but obviously reverse engineered from technology we dont have, what's their goal anon
Space Force breeding program
Sounds like this.
Ive heard of the theory theyve been breeding with humans to make hybrids, if that is true Im guessing they dont use kidnap humans themselves anymore they use the governement to do so
FYI Shawn Ryan is cia and that guy he's interviewing is a Freemason.
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>guy he's interviewing is a Freemason.
zombie capturing like days gone
by December it will all be known
Devils night sure to fright
seems a joke but the dead will bite
no shambling just rambling
return of the living to this dead space
as the dead get thier fill amongst the living
burn In the 10 directions and find your blessings otherwise take the mark
karma & it's matrix overloading cern portals closing
catastrophe until the fires of annihilation bring forth the one to defeat the beast of the apocalypse get out of these cities as they will be acropolis
Rahu comes down and up as above so below to this material abode.
it might be ash or nuclear snow. pierced glaciers to wipe the dead not the living
I don’t think the secret breakaway govt who sucks nazi dick would do something like that
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Didn’t Eisenhower sign a deal with aliens allowing humans to be slave traded? Thats the official story but the truth is that this planet has always acted like a human farm for extraterrestrials with advanced technology and kinky fetishes. Also we’re a common food source throughout the galaxy.
I don’t mean to be a downer but these are the challenges you chose to incarnate into.
It seems like there’s multiple breeding programs with humans spreading many thousands of years. If not longer. The govt, breakaway civilizations, tall short and medium greys, tall whites, lizards, I’m not sure if the bugs hybridize with us but they’re at least present in abductions have eggs, sperm or fetuses taken.

Women are having babies being absorbed but the aliens are really taking the fetuses around 3 months
Dr David Jacobs wrote the threat about people’s experiences
>ut these are the challenges you chose to incarnate into.
I was born in my mother's womb and came by her womb. no one has power over me and you cannae own land
>Shawn Ryan is cia
he's done more than enough to expose cia, the idea that cia keeps guys like him on a leash is understandable but its clear they dont want anything to do with most guys after they leave. he isnt trying drive any narrative and only asks for more details when theyre telling their side

>we’re a common food source throughout the galaxy.
how do you know this? you're not wrong, that's why there's so many different types of UFOs
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>Son...do you wanna fuck hot space chicks for your country?
Finally, the found a recruitment strategy that works 100% of the time.
That's clearly not an illuminati pin, you yoink, that's obviously the ayys passive aggressive way of informing him that he needs to build them additional pylons.
I honestly hope the antinatalist Alien factions collapse quicker as time goes on
>he's done more than enough to expose cia
I've never once seen this. All I've seen him do his host agents, gatekeepers and limited hangouts.
>he isnt trying drive any narrative
His entire shows exists for establishing/validating/reinforcing narratives.
>His entire shows exists for establishing/validating/reinforcing narratives
name them

>I've never once seen this.
never watched his show
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eat shit glowfag
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>this anon was eaten by the Zerg
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