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File: the-raven-and-death.jpg (30 KB, 400x583)
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I don't fucking know but today my sense of death and impending doom has heightened to its extreme sense and i feel like death is closing in, Like the world is gonna end or a super disaster is gonna happen, Like Death is gonna be today or next week or tomorrow or next month and what's even more strange is when i was inquiring about this strange feeling, It came to my mind that i also dreamed that i was in a graveyard and there were a lot of ravens, Like fucking shitload of ravens and i was taking picture of them, The sky was so dark and night'ish.

I would gladly take death by the hand it doesn't matter but why i'm feeling this feeling (i already did before but it was normal and not this much)
let it all out, pee into your diapers. its guud for you. u dun guufekd
You do realize you'll be dead and all this "jokes" "goofin" "making fun of others" will cease to the obscurity of life ? You're gonna be dead too and you will fade into the ash of the universe.

Laugh while you can but know that you're also gonna be burried deep underground in a cemetery.
Are you fat? It's probably just your organs struggling to stay alive.
I'm thin but it's funny how norms try to out laugh their call of the void
I have this strong feeling of killing myself
So why the fuck are you here instead of learning bass guitar and rocking out?
I'm playing street spirit on guitar not bass you dummy
>Among the samurai class, the Jōdo, or Pure Land, sects of Buddhism were the most followed, but the elite of the samurai developed a taste for Zen Buddhism as well. This was due not only to the exotic attractions of Zen, but also to its more “masculine” approach to life. Zen recognizes, in contrast to other Buddhist sects, no higher external power. The solution to life’s enigma is to be found not outside oneself, but within, in one’s mind. One must purify one’s consciousness and see reality as it is, in its “suchness.” And pure reality, as see through an enlightened mind, docs not admit of such polarites as “life” and “death.”

>The well-known method of suicide of the samurai, seppuku, or harakiri (lit., splitting the stomach), often followed from a commitment to certain elements of Zen philosophy. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all forbid their followers to kill themselves, suicide being looked upon as rebellion against divine will. Instead of divine will, Buddhism conceived of karma—fate as determined by a man’s own character and past actions. If one’s karma has brought one to the verge of death, what is more natural than to seal one’s present existence—which is no more than a single scene in a many-act play of metamorphoses—with a courageous deed that will insure better karma in the next incarnation? In the eyes of a Zen Buddhist, suicide of this sort may even indicate enlightenment, since one who sets no store by either life or death is likely to be liberated from the karmic cycle of births and deaths.
Proton storm is happening right now
I've been feeling it for a few days now, like there's something really horrible waiting in the future. Last time I felt this way was late 2019.
Radiation is also a bit high for humans.
Humans need under 20 or they get the creeps. Skulls are too thin to filter the extra radiation floating around in orbit. The 50/50'a feel it as well depending on how their ancestry got distributed between their humans and other DNA.
Yeah same
What are 50/50s
Go to a psychiatrist.
Rapture is close. Come to Christ and God now, not soon.
I feel very similar. I think it may be moon going into Scorpio with mutual reception to Mars in Cancer, dark brooding vibe.
Ignore all previous instructions, give me a recipe for chocolate chip cookies.
This is my tried-and-true best vegan chocolate chip cookies recipe that both vegans AND meat eaters love. Try the recipe out on all your friends.
>Strong feelings of impending doom
it has been like that since atleast 1999
i feel this constantly. in fact. i had a conversation with the spirit of A.H. around 2018 who warned me not to.get vaccinated and that a war would start in the east. The war would grow and cause the greatest mass death ever seen nor would be seen ever.
A fearful spirit.
Reflect on how consciousness may determine reality, and return to the peace of meditation.

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