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What if I told you that God doesn't look like a human?
Surprised, I am not.
I would say that you consume a lot of secular media and it influences the way you interpret scripture that was written over two thousand years ago by a bunch of middle easterners who obviously would not want God to be nor would have considered him to be an edgy Lovecraft space abomination.
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My God is YHWH who made Adam in his image.
"We are made in God's image" doesn't mean what you think it means.
We are made inside of God's image.
this, people take the "made in god's image" thing too literally when it's metaphorical, photographs didn't exist when the bible was written, we have something that resemble what god has, it doesn't mean we actually look like him
perhaps what makes us in god's image is not how we look like, but maybe it's our freewill or our ability to innovate and create, which none of his other creations have
I'd tell you you're wrong, since the book of Hebrews teaches us the Jesus Christ was the express image of the Father's person.
God made humanity in their own image.

>Male and female
>light and dark
>ocean goes in and out
>day and night
>hot and cold
>on and off
>when a person is born they open their eyes and breath in
>when a person dies of old age they close their eyes and breath out
>male anatomy is extra matter
>female anatomy is space for extra matter
>male anatomy goes in and out of female anatomy
>the heart beats, stops, and beats again
>everything is a balance of push and pull, give and take, expansion and contraction, on an off, start and stop
>many things in nature represent yin and yang, or duality, but duality is just aspects of the wholeness, the completeness of God
>everyone and everything is a reflection of aspects of God
>1 = penis
>0 = vagina
>1's and 0's
>we're all philosophically/metaphorically/conceptually in "the matrix"
>the matrix translates to WOMB
>both male and female aspects are required for CREATION

What does this all mean?

GOD IS HERMAPHRODITIC (both male and female, but also more than this and beyond beause God is limitless), and God has inserted their metaphorical conceptual male anatomy inside their own metaphorical conceptual female anatomy, giving life to our universe/reality which resides within the matrix. The womb of GOD. The metaphorical conceptual sperm and egg met and combined into a single point and all of creation suddenly expanded outwards to create our universe. That's why it seems like everything CAME from nothing. Because the womb was empty. Sperm had not yet entered. Egg had not yet dropped. This is why it's called THE BIG BANG.
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>I'd tell you you're wrong, since the book of Hebrews teaches us the Jesus Christ was the express image of the Father's person.

If something is said to be divine and true and perfect, it should be flawless, self evident, and leave no room for interpretation or confusion or fear or doubt.
If the truth can be misunderstood or misinterpreted, it's not the truth.
If the truth leaves you with even the smallest amount of doubt, it's not the truth.
If the truth leaves you with no answers, and only more questions, it's not the truth.
If the truth contradicts itself, it is hypocrisy, and it is not the truth.
If the truth can not answer all questions, it is not the truth.
If the truth requires effort to learn, or effort to convince, it was never really true.
Nothing that is true must constantly and desperately try with great difficulty to convince everyone that it is the truth.
If the truth needs to shame or persecute over a failure to learn or accept, it's not the truth.
If a truth demands blind obedience or is easily disassembled by critical thought, it's a dogma.
If a truth uses fear to convince you it's the truth, it's not the truth.
If the truth can not exist on its own, it's not true.
If the truth needs to be repeated over and over, it's not true.
If a truth cannot stand the test of time, it is not eternal or divine.
The truth should give itself freely without riddles or difficulty or mystery or effort or struggle, and should be known instantly, and the truth should be universal regardless of language barriers or beliefs, because it is the truth.
If the truth excludes anyone or anything, it's not the truth.
You're braindead.
Image of the deity's mind not his body. God is incorporeal.
Why are you so mad?
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Does he look like a freen scaley penus but the head is a cat with a furry hat?
Like inside his butt?
I'm not mad. I'm simply suggesting practical solutions to real world problems.
You don't understand God, he is everything, he is both corporeal and incorporeal, he is both tangible and intangible, both physical and spiritual
Nope, wrong again. The Bible says he has a face, hands, a back, etc. Jesus looked like what the Father look likes.
That could mean so many different things. I think most monotheists would agree that God is infinite/boundless in form and nothing like a human with eyebrows and appendices and belly buttons.
Only GOD is real. Everything else is bullshit. There are no other gods. God doesn't need to create them.
God is all knowing and all powerful
God creates a mountain so heavy that even God can't lift it, and then God lifts it anyway
God is omnipotent and omnipresent
God is all knowing and all powerful
God is perfect and beyond perfect
God is infinite and beyond infinite
God is eternal and beyond eternal
God is eternal and outside of time
God is limitless and immeasurable
God creates all good and all evil
God creates all light and all darkness
God creates all miracle and all calamity
God creates everything
God destroys everything
God controls everything
God knows everything
God cannot be tricked or fooled
God knows the truth about everything
God knows about the fate of the world, every soul, everyone, and everything
Everything is completely predetermined by God
God created free will, therefore God controls free will, therefore free will is fake except for the free will of God
only God has real free will
God is the only one with free will because God is God
If someone else other than God had free will, would God still be God?
God can do anything because GOD IS GOD
God is always with you no matter what
The love of God is infinite, a boundless wellspring that sustains all of existence
The mercy of God is unfathomable, a profound compassion that whispers redemption to even the damned
God has supreme ultimate super intelligence (smarter, faster, more processing power, and more powerful than every computer ever created including giant supercomputers, multi-billion dollar server rooms, and quantum computers, and computers from the future all combined multiplied by infinite infinities)
God can time travel
God is everywhere and everywhen all at once
God is the only one that speaks for God. Whenever humanity tries to step in and say "God said this" it is humanity trying to take the place of God.
>God is the only one that speaks for God.
And He speaks to us through the King James Bible. What's with the spammy line breaks, retard?
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The church hijqcked the story of jesus. The good jesus had nothing to do with the demiurge. The true god cannot be contemplated from inside the kenoma false realm. The descriptions of god in the bible pertain to the demiurge false god. Every "savior" is a false savior or antichrist because no one can save you but yourself as no one can be taken out of this realm by another because it would violate the free will outside this realm.
>I'd tell you you're wrong, since the book of Hebrews teaches us the Jesus Christ was the express image of the Father's person.
>Nope, wrong again. The Bible says he has a face, hands, a back, etc. Jesus looked like what the Father look likes.

>Matthew 27:46
>46 About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli,[a] lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”).
If jesus was God, then it would make no sense for jesus to ask God why God has forsaken jesus.

>Luke 18:18-20
>18 A ruler asked Jesus, `Good Teacher, what must I do so that I will live for ever?'
>19 Jesus answered him, `Why do you call me good? Only one is good, and that is God.
"Why do you call me good? Only God is good"
So jesus isn't good...? Only God is good, so jesus can't be God.
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>And He speaks to us through the King James Bible.
Is the bible perfect, and the word of God?
God took the appearance of Jesus to make himself approachable to humans, his true appearance is absolutely not human-looking.
Whether you think Jesus is God or not (he is) is irrelevant. He was still made in the express image of the Father, as per Romans 1. God the Father showed Moses his back parts, saying that no man could see his face and live. Perhaps you shouldn't comment on the Bible if you've none done the basic required reading. Just a thought.

Hebrews 1* not Romans, my bad
That's not what the Bible teaches.
>And He speaks to us through the King James Bible.
>Is the bible perfect, and the word of God?

If the bible is perfect and the word of God then God tells us clearly that jesus is not God.
I'm not interested in arguing with you. You're wrong, and very stupid. John 1:1, 1 John 5:7. Clear teachings of the Trinity. Don't reply to this.
No argument because you have no idea what you are talking about. It's obvious to everyone.
i would tell you that you reached a truth that is rare to acknowledge
>What if I told you that God doesn't look like a human?
God can look like whatever they want whenever they want
God isn't real.
>God isn't real.
God is also real too

God is all of the real, and all of the unreal.
First Adam And Eve were not human, Adam was 14 feet tall and his wife about 13 ft and a life expectancy of houndreds of years. And of course he glowed with what could be considered an energy sourse, made in the image of god, think biblical burning bush, omni peasant.
>First Adam And Eve were not human, Adam was 14 feet tall and his wife about 13 ft and a life expectancy of houndreds of years. And of course he glowed with what could be considered an energy sourse, made in the image of god, think biblical burning bush, omni peasant.
Proof? Evidence?
>Adam was a glowie
Peak 4chinz/x/
God looks like a human. The demiurge doesn't.
Corporeal things are limited. God is not limited.

These are symbolic terms referring to aspects of consciousness.
>These are symbolic terms
No, they are not.
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It would not match my experiences
It's like those mandlebrot set videos, consciousness is all the same thing resembling the complete structure no matter how close you zoom in.
What makes you think that God looks like anything less than everything?
What do you think the world is made of?
Is Spider Man real too? I read it in the good comic of Spider Man.
What if I told you I didn't either?
>What if I told you I didn't either?
anon that is so spooky 10/10 post no sarcasm very creative
The last man on Earth heard a knock at the door.
What part of....
>Let us make man in our image, after our likeness
don't you understand?

Genesis 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

Humans are created in the image of God
My dying Grandma gave me a letter that said Ezekiel 23:20 Padre. Could you recite it so I know what it means?
I suspect it means we are made with boundless potentiality.
Only retards think God looks like a human. God is the infinite, do you think that has an actual look?
what if i told you God is a turbo kike who uses satan and the elite as puppets to do literally whatever the fuck he wants and make this planet a shithole for his "plan"
to save us from his own minions so he can "glorfiy" himself

imagine believing in christianity or any external God lol
thats weird anon if hes omnipotent and good
how come reality is a hellish nightmare for good people
and literal paradise for npcs and bad people
its almost like gods evil.....
Idk, maybe try reading the Bible sometime?
why do you think i hate your stupid religion i read it back to back
you are probably a pedophile as 99% of christians like to fuck little boys
when i was in jail every single rat fuck child molester was a christian lmao
thats just the kind of people who believe in God after seeing the reality we live in :/
God wears a million masks Anon. I'm God, you're God, and every sentient being is God. Welcome to divinity Anon.
Well like I said Pedophilia is the attraction to someone younger than you so just fuck someone older than you to be safe. Child Sex Abuse is a real crime instead of that bullshit CIA entrapment scheme they use on everyone. I'm alive, more than can be said about a lot of glowniggers who keep running into traps only to reincarnate and do it all again. Short fuses for short lives. Not only will I outlive them I get to have more morale since I'm not a Crow. Fly on back to your own Hellhole you Crows.
>and every sentient being is God
The infinite is not just limited to the sentient
My belief is that all objects are sentient. Like I said God is everything and God is nothing.
No shit retard
>made in his image
Is metaphorical retard. Kys

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