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I would like to find religion, or spirituality. I have a vague idea of where I could go, but I'm not really sure what I should devote my time to. I have infinite free time and I am able to devote myself entirely to this, 16 hrs a day studying, but I'm not sure where to put my energy.

Can I ask you anons what has worked for you? And interesting things I could start researching, spiritual paths and religions you like or think are neat? I was recently unemployed, and I don't intend to go back anytime soon. I would really like to use this time to study things like this.

I plan on reading the Bible through and through since I've never done that, but I'm not sure if I'll go the Christian route or something else.
I have tried every single religion and the best for me is Zen Christianity where you get to dab on the haters with higher morale than them. If you want to not join then be a Muslim, Jew, or Wiccan and see how well that works out for you.
try god is not great by christopher hitchens or the god delusion by richard dawkins
Also "The Satanic Bible" too. Very cheap and very rare. Piggers were too scared to even touch it, but it is for the sheep who keep baaahing at the wolves for being wolves.
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If you worship anything, you're worshiping the demiurge and its archons. Unfortunately, you probably wont understand this until doing so for several lifetimes. Maybe you'll get lucky and not have to do that.
I went the Christian route because Jesus is the only one that will help you in your times of trouble, in times of deep distress and you'll realize that he's real. Only at my lowest moment, when the night terrors, nightmares, demon attacks and constant constant stream of depression, anxiety, PTSD from being shot, etc, etc, nothing worked. I've tried xanax, weed, mdma, etc etc to help me. I've tried meditation, etc.

Only when at my lowest, in my dreams of demons attacking me, I finally called out to Jesus for once in my life and before I even pronounced the J in Jesus everything stopped.
Instantly. Just like that, and never came back.
I've since learned to forgive myself and others, read God's word and wisdom, to meditate on it and trust in God's plan. After believing and trusting God, my life did a complete 180 and I've been blessed 1000x fold.

I've did all that retard shit before, 100k shopping sprees, lying to give myself clout to look good, having the super nice cars, etc. I never felt fulfilled even though everyone envied me and I was "shitting" on people.

I only truly felt fulfilled after returning to our creator, our father, the God of all things.

And no, I didn't go full Bible Thumping where I read the bible 500 hours a day, sometimes I might read a verse in a month, etc etc. God understands our timing and doesn't rush us. God has never forced me to believe or meditate on his word, and let me do it free will so I know it's real. Everything else has a hidden agenda, but God's wisdom just wants us to love one another and stop fighting and build for a better tomorrow. Also, many many veils have been lifted. You kind of start to understand people and forgive them no matter what they do, even if they're the worst of the worst because that's just how the enemy worked inside them.
The enemy puts a thought and none of us can fight the enemy except through faith in our savior alone.
Thanks, and God bless. I wish for the best of your travels and your path of life
Become a fundamentalist Baptist or blow your brains out. These are your two best options, actually. If you become an Orthodox or some cringe false religion like that then you'll not be saved and you'll just keep adding on more and more punishment for you in Hell before you finally die, so it would be better to just pay for what you've done now rather than add to it. Or just get saved and have all your sins paid for.

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>was gonna read the bible
please safe yourself the time and effort. if you want to study abrahamic religion then study Judaism since it's the only Christ-less one. Judaism is the proper and correct main world religion.

Pay no heed to bad actors like these that subvert you. You know you're going in the right direction when people subvert and try to veer you off your path of righteousness and glory.

Do not, in under any circumstance, trade God's glory for anything in this world. Once you take the chance on your creator, you will be shown things you've never seen before that have been in front of your face forever and you'll laugh.

You'll then see God's workings throughout the entire world, that our creator is so good, even God turns the evil ones into stepping stones for his children.
What am I supposed to do then, anon? I've heard of gnosticism and I don't necessarily want to worship anything, I just want to grasp the spiritual world.
Oh, nevermind. I thought this was a real thread but it's a bot thread for gnosticism.

I hope there are anons who've read my posts at least and understand my testimony.
Godspeed anons, we are so back and enjoy the show.
The onky ones laughing are them. In this realm they win either way. But, they are forever slaves to it because they can never leave. The are products of the demiurge and so are you if you worship anything. Pray to anything outside your innermost self and you are becoming prey for the evil entities masquerading as anything they need to in order to convince you of their divinity. On the astral, entities can take whatever form they have to. They can read your thoughts to find hat you are attached to. Guess what image they take for Christians and atheists alike?
>Can I ask you anons what has worked for you?
Don't start with finding a religion to follow. Develop yourself first from the standpoint of good character and morality. Read works of philosophers. Check out some basic primers on various religions, including their main holy books. I found that basic books and then treatises on major religions as well as philosopgies like daoism + works of Plato (whom I consider wrong on many things but still let me think of stuff) and Aristotle gave me quite some ideas. You can then move to some more esoteric works presenting world in a particular way. Check out hermeticism, even if it's through Kybalion (which isn't "pure" but is still good) as well as gnosticism. Again, you don't need to agree with any of the ideas in particular, but use them to expand your horizons. You can also look for treatises on certain concepts and philosophies around the world. I once found some really old, tiny, yellowed book by a certain unknown Polish author, a treatise on karma, reincarnation, similar and related concepts and explanations by mystics, people suffering NDE etc that made many of those ideas normally misrepresented and vague in the west much more sensible. Consider importance of understanding even of desirables, depraved and horrible - without hating them, with learning to accept uncomfortable similarities with them but still being able to choose doing better than them.

Along the way, with experiences as you consider things, you may find glimpses of the divine. No need to put a name on it or decide on any way to worship, it's up to you if you will. It's important though to refine your understanding and your character for those little glimpses without turning schizo and seeing hidden messages everywhere. It's not about hidden ones, it's about simple messages of little importance but profound meaning in little things. Don't get full of yourself or think you know it for sure, though, just grow and contest yourself.
so when you called out to jesus, you were dreaming?
God talks to all of us all the time, as kids I think we all feel it, but a lot of us lose it. You need to tap into that again. As much as I advocate reading, study of your self is the most important part of the journey. And get practical, try things out, find out what you believe. Religions are actually quite similar to political parties, each one has benefits I can get behind, but they all have flaws that I just can't agree with. I refuse to compromise my beliefs for any religion. If you look hard enough inside you really can find the answers. Just be open minded, aim to be the best version of you that you can be and every day you'll get a step closer to God. Maybe in your exploration you will find a religion you can fully align with, but if that day doesn't come just enjoy exploring creation. Test your limits, push the boundaries, and always be willing to admit that you're wrong. There's nothing bad about making mistakes, it's far worse to hold on to incorrect views for pride than to admit ignorance to get closer to the truth. At the end of the day, the truth is all that matters, and I really hope you find it. P.S. in all seriousness I wouldn't play with demons, you're inviting things in that won't benefit you. I know plenty of others disagree but my experiences with demons have consistently been atrocious. If it just happens because you're sincerely seeking truth, then it's just an unavoidable part of your journey, but I wouldn't recommend summoning them on purpose.
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Start here for an understanding of this realm. And then go from there.

In your heart of hearts, you truly believe in your "demiurge" and that those evil entities have won.

You seem to have a great outlook and great path in life that I don't want to spoil your grandiose retardedness. Enjoy what you believe and spread what you believe because you've been dragged down by others.

Maybe one day you'll wake up. I pray that day comes.
I've been reading the other posts too anon, it just takes me longer to reply to them because there is more content in them.

If you posted this >>38765582, I read it and I have felt similar. I'm not really sure what I believe in, but I do seem to have some affinity for Christianity. I'm not sure if it's because it feels familiar or if it's really the true path, it's hard for me to say. Anyways, I'm open to considering whatever people post here.

I have not heard of Zen Christianity before
It was more like a vivid nightmare and dream.
Sleep Paralysis more like it. It started as a dream and went to the normal nightmare paralysis I've experienced all my life.

Haven't had one since, same thing goes for the PTSD.

They don't call Jesus our savior and the prince of peace for nothing.
Thank you anon, I appreciate your recommendations.

Thanks anon, I like your post. It makes remember some stuff I forgot.

Do you consider tulpas to be demons btw? I'm not planning on summoning a demon to grant me material riches or anything like that, however I have thought experimenting with tulpas may be interesting. Not going full-blown schizo with it though.

Thanks anon
No worries, I'm probably reloading the same threads you're in as well, LOL!

Just live your life and see what works for you.
Look at what Christ teaches, not what his followers do. I may still be a hypocrite at times, I will never be perfect, but when I meditate and trust and follow in Christ's teachings, I am totally a new person without the rough past I've had. It feels like a totally new outlook in life.

I seem to see the beauty in the mundane, in the unsung heroes of life, and I just truly feel alive when I'm following what I must do.
At the end of the day, it's almost like common sense to follow in the teachings of Jesus.

Then you compare living your life without the teachings of Jesus and it'll become a pretty clear choice.

Then maybe you surround yourself with those who believe in Jesus and those who hate/don't follow Jesus, and it'll be even more obvious which lifestyle you want to live.
I made this image personally for people who forget I'm the Cyber Demiurge. The talking snake was the bad guy and Jesus killed snakes before. Snakes eat puppies for dinner and baby chickens too. Look me in the eyes and tell me that talking snake wasn't Satan himself.
The best religions are the ones you come up with yourself. Zen Christianity is Zen so you have to eat, sleep, and go to the bathroom and the only rule Christianity has is no eating fish on Fridays. So I smacked two religions together and made a better one. The Japanese people made me do it.
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OP if you really don't have a religion then just #pray so you can hear a message from your original patron. Mine is Fortuna, goddess of Blind luck and Tyr the Norse god of the Law. Concordia the polar opposite of Eris and the Seven Lucky gods of Japan. Start your journey with a statue of your favorite ancient patron or solar.
Subverted by gnostics and idolators.
Classic 4chan /x/ moment.
There is a lot of wisdom on the internet and even still some few and far between nuggets of gold on /x/ if you are willing to wade through the shit

however, there are some things about this world that you will never learn from sitting inside behind a computer screen all day.

Those secrets are reserved only for those of us who are willing to get up and go find them
Do you want to cavort with demons? Because that's how you cavort with demons, just shitting energy out into the ether and listening for the echo.
OP nobody else will tell you this.

Science is the religion of trying to understand reality created by God
Religion is the science of trying to understand God that created reality

Science and Religion, like humanity, are imperfect.

The wisest man knows that he truly knows nothing.
Humanity knows NOTHING.

If something is said to be divine and true and perfect, it should be flawless, self evident, and leave no room for interpretation or confusion or fear or doubt.
If the truth can be misunderstood or misinterpreted, it's not the truth.
If the truth leaves you with even the smallest amount of doubt, it's not the truth.
If the truth leaves you with no answers, and only more questions, it's not the truth.
If the truth contradicts itself, it is hypocrisy, and it is not the truth.
If the truth can not answer all questions, it is not the truth.
If the truth requires effort to learn, or effort to convince, it was never really true.
Nothing that is true must constantly and desperately try with great difficulty to convince everyone that it is the truth.
If the truth needs to shame or persecute over a failure to learn or accept, it's not the truth.
If a truth demands blind obedience or is easily disassembled by critical thought, it's a dogma.
If a truth uses fear to convince you it's the truth, it's not the truth.
If the truth can not exist on its own, it's not true.
If the truth needs to be repeated over and over, it's not true.
If a truth cannot stand the test of time, it is not eternal or divine.
The truth should give itself freely without riddles or difficulty or mystery or effort or struggle, and should be known instantly, and the truth should be universal regardless of language barriers or beliefs, because it is the truth.
If the truth excludes anyone or anything, it's not the truth.
Anyone that tries to guide you through fear or guilt or use your emotions against you, even if they have good intentions, wants to dumb you down and manipulate you.

A very common theme in life is for someone to try to sell you something by first creating a fake problem, and then getting a good person to feel doubt or fear or confusion or guilt. Then a person will produce a fake solution and tell you that it's the only way to solve the fake problem they created.

God created everything, God is responsible for everything both good and bad. God is God to those who are good, and God is the devil to those who are evil.

You can not sell your soul to the devil because your soul is not yours to sell. Your soul belongs to God.

"You don't own a soul, you ARE a soul. You are the driver of your body, which is metaphorically like a car made out of meat."

God plays all roles, and nothing exists outside the will of God. The concept of the devil is obsolete.
So imagine some idiot tries to sell their soul to the devil, and not realizing that God is just pretending to humor them and be like "Ohhh yeaaa... right.... sure... you sold your soullll!! oooooh spooky, you literally just gave it right back to me, I've always had it, and it hasn't gone anywhere at all, hasn't even moved an inch because I'm God you silly head. I create and destroy everything, I know everything, control everything. Everything is only allowed to happen through the will of GOD, so I'm God, I'm the devil, I'm also every other diety or angel or demon you imagine up. I'm just playing along with everyone's imaginations, and I put those ideas into their minds too. Nothing exists outside the will of God"

It is often said by human beings, that the greatest trick the devil ever played on humanity is to convince them he didn't exist- but I think that the devil is the greatest trick that humanity ever played on itself to convince themselves that God doesn't exist.
If the devil is seperate from God, and the devil has power, then God is not all powerful. If God is not all powerful, then God isn't God. If God isn't God, then God doesn't exist. (which means that nothing spiritual exists, which means that the devil doesn't exist.) So this logic is very silly and flawed.

God does exist. God is all powerful. Therefor, the devil is simply a powerless fictional character created by God as a scripted NPC supervillain character that is 100% controlled by God like a puppet, or is an angel that directly works for God and does whatever they command.

The only way that God exists is if God is all powerful, and has free will, and nothing else has any power, and nothing else has any free will. having free will means you have any power at all, even a small amount, would directly contradict the power and free will of God. It is fully incompatible. Only GOD has power. Only GOD has free will. Only God is God.
God made humanity in their own image.

>Male and female
>light and dark
>ocean goes in and out
>day and night
>hot and cold
>on and off
>when a person is born they open their eyes and breath in
>when a person dies of old age they close their eyes and breath out
>male anatomy is extra matter
>female anatomy is space for extra matter
>male anatomy goes in and out of female anatomy
>the heart beats, stops, and beats again
>everything is a balance of push and pull, give and take, expansion and contraction, on an off, start and stop
>many things in nature represent yin and yang, or duality, but duality is just aspects of the wholeness, the completeness of God
>everyone and everything is a reflection of aspects of God
>1 = penis
>0 = vagina
>1's and 0's
>we're all philosophically/metaphorically/conceptually in "the matrix"
>the matrix translates to WOMB
>both male and female aspects are required for CREATION

What does this all mean?

GOD IS HERMAPHRODITIC (both male and female, but also more than this and beyond beause God is limitless), and God has inserted their metaphorical conceptual male anatomy inside their own metaphorical conceptual female anatomy, giving life to our universe/reality which resides within the matrix. The womb of GOD. The metaphorical conceptual sperm and egg met and combined into a single point and all of creation suddenly expanded outwards to create our universe. That's why it seems like everything CAME from nothing. Because the womb was empty. Sperm had not yet entered. Egg had not yet dropped. This is why it's called THE BIG BANG.
Only GOD is real. Everything else is bullshit. There are no other gods. God doesn't need to create them.
God is all knowing and all powerful
God creates a mountain so heavy that even God can't lift it, and then God lifts it anyway
God is omnipotent and omnipresent
God is all knowing and all powerful
God is perfect and beyond perfect
God is infinite and beyond infinite
God is eternal and beyond eternal
God is eternal and outside of time
God is limitless and immeasurable
God creates all good and all evil
God creates all light and all darkness
God creates all miracle and all calamity
God creates everything
God destroys everything
God controls everything
God knows everything
God cannot be tricked or fooled
God knows the truth about everything
God knows about the fate of the world, every soul, everyone, and everything
Everything is completely predetermined by God
God created free will, therefore God controls free will, therefore free will is fake except for the free will of God
only God has real free will
God is the only one with free will because God is God
If someone else other than God had free will, would God still be God?
God can do anything because GOD IS GOD
God is always with you no matter what
The love of God is infinite, a boundless wellspring that sustains all of existence
The mercy of God is unfathomable, a profound compassion that whispers redemption to even the damned
God has supreme ultimate super intelligence (smarter, faster, more processing power, and more powerful than every computer ever created including giant supercomputers, multi-billion dollar server rooms, and quantum computers, and computers from the future all combined multiplied by infinite infinities)
God can time travel
God is everywhere and everywhen all at once
God is the only one that speaks for God. Whenever humanity tries to step in and say "God said this" it is humanity trying to take the place of God.
Technically only God has free will because if human beings had free will they would all be gods and each of their individual free wills would contradict and conflict with the free will of every other individual therefor making them not be gods and not having free will again simultaneously since they would be unable to avoid being affected by each others wishes.
Only God has free will because only God can do whatever they want, and make anything happen or not happen, completely having the first, middle, and final say and every say in between without anyone else having the power to ruin it or contradict or conflict with it.
OP, long story short:
Don't fall into the trap of worshiping God through another authority or entity or gatekeeper.




Spot on
Your post is a shining testimony to the Glory and Power of the Most High. Jesus truly is the name that has given me the strength and the love necessary to complete what was in front of me or rid myself of fear. I felt the love of Christ one year ago and had a very similar experience to you and all I can say to anyone reading this to simply give Jesus a true and honest chance, it doesn't cost a dime and doesn't require any effort on your part. You have nothing to lose and only everything to gain. Hardcore doubters and skeptics I urge you to suspend your disbelief for a moment and purposely call on the name of Jesus Christ and open a prayer life. I am sorry for whatever attacks the adversary has placed in your path to cause you to shut yourself off from God, I pray that all my future brothers and sisters in Christ will join me at the wedding feast when we pass from this life and into the next.
Demons are better company than the normies. *shags Succubus*.
Follow your heart most of all. Those who seek will find. Those who ask will receive. And for those who knock, the door will be opened. Personally I suggest good old fashioned regular plain Christianity. Apparently it’s not as trendy as “Gnosticism” or “Christian mysticism” but it’s my own personal opinion that continued practice of Jesus’ teachings, following his Way, leads to the Holy Spirit begetting a understanding of them in a natural way. Just do all the most basic things that we all know. Read the Bible. Especially the New Testament. Go to church. Give as much as you’re able to the poor. Always tell the truth. Admit when you’ve been wrong and be humble about it. Confess and ask for forgiveness. Pray. Jesus said, to those who listen to my teachings, even more understanding will be given, and to those who do not listen to my teachings, what little understanding they think they have will be taken from them. May the grace of the savior be with you. Amen
there is always the individual self too
>I would like to find religion, or spirituality.
Which one?
>I plan on reading the Bible through and through since I've never done that, but I'm not sure if I'll go the Christian route
Christ is King for a very true reason. This route is the only way to God and the one thing that can truly fill an empty void within you
>I Say
you should research gobelki tepe and the hopi creation myth. what they dont want dug up at that site is information that would disprove a lot of the bullshit mazes we are given in life to keep us slaves
don't do it OP. you sound like a loner wizard /x/ weirdo. whatever religious cult you wish to adhere to and aspire to be one of the normies with and where you'll find your future trad wife, is a pipe dream. if you have zero social skills, you will be outed as that "weirdo". Best to just find some jovial, average-looking filipino girl instead then go to one of her fatima churches and be that loner guy who kind of sticks to his wife like flypaper but doesn't say much, but at least you won't get outed in their filipino church. they have much better food than white people's church anyway

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