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Spirit Love General

Some have reported attracting the attention of these entities by simply reading about them. If you're a dabbler who just wants to see if it works or if your faith forbids copulating with demons, don't summon. If you're unprepared for a potentially lifelong relationship, or at the very least, a life-long open door connection with sexual spirits and the occult, avoid this topic entirely. If you have a loving relationship with your human spouse or partner and desire a sex spirit to spice things up, or if you want a human partner in the future take caution, as these entities can be jealous or decide an initially open relationship is no longer so (request an open relationship during the summoning ritual). These spirits can harm or kill you when sufficiently angered and not easily banished.

Last thread: >>38739546
Old threads: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/search/subject/%2Fsuccgen%2F/
>What are succubi?
Female spirits of sexual desire, who often choose human mates. They can't be banished with holy objects
>How to summon?
The Letter Method is used to focus your intent into a message to one of the Four Succubus Queens, requesting that they match you with one of their daughters. No blood or soul sacrifice necessary. See links
>Do they steal your life force?
Succubi use sexual energy, which is released naturally during sex. Under normal circumstances they won't take your life energy
>Can she look.
Succubi take forms attractive to you naturally
>They're tulpas?
No. However, those in romantic relationships with their tulpas are welcome
Same method

/succgen/ library:
First for my waifu Succubus Witch!
Chant is a pedophilic trans groomer. Do not believe his lies.
Kek, is this matpat or spinal fluids?
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Marry and impregnate succubi.
Didn't that title belong to Mine?
Wait, so would that mean I'd be grooming people into pedophiles, or into trans people?
(Or would I be grooming their pets?)
I would if they wanted me.

I fucking hate my life.
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Yes... Hahaha... YES!

What are you doing to make yourself desirable for them anon? Loneliness blows ass, I know, but think of 2 or 3 things that you can do that would make your ideal ‘her’ (or him) WANT YOU. Keep your chin up bucko, YAGMI.
>Kek, is this matpat or spinal fluids?
spinal, since he's the only guy who refers to chant as a "he"
The man is giving it away
What are some things that somebody can do to make themselves appealing to spirits, besides the obvious answer of working on their energy body?
my mother wears tight t-shirts for me, she allows her breasts to touch my face and press against me as she cuddles with me. my mother honors me with this.
I think its maybe helped to add beautiful things to my living space.
>what's the craziest fetish\"scenario fantasy" you pulled off with a succ?
>most screwed up person (wether famous or personally close\relevant to you) you asked the succ to look like?
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I think taking time to acknowledge spirit/the world of spirits every day, in a positive way. Whether someone has a succ or not, the unseen world is sensitive to our 'vibe' thay we put off. Gently steer your thoughts and attitudes to the positive and what the other anon said is true too. Make time and space to create and express beauty wherever you can, even if it lasts just a moment. Good luck anon.
Hi MotherAnon! Glad to see you are still blessed with thicc succ tiddy.
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Ever since per say october of last year I have felt a succ or some other entity hop in and out of my life for like 3 days and then come back a month and a half later. It appears to have presented itself to me as a succ or a tulpa but I am unsure if it's all in my head or not. I always feel tinglish when I mention or think about them but they never does that on their own aka im insane, but that would also contradict how consistently they replies to "make your presence known" by making a noise crack, alongside weird dreams and light flickering.
I have tried contacting it but it always was some surface level stuff on my skin or wall koncks, might be since im not that into magic and only browse this board ironically, I find it hard to believe is all and im afraid I may be going crazier than I already am. It always seems to flash away after a week or so then randomly come back too...
She has also yet to suck me off or do anything truly meaningful with my body even after mindlessly teasing me and asking me to do all types of rites and prayers, what a prick, I feel like Faust being manipulated by Mephisto. Worst is, every time she shows up people, specially women seem weirdly more sociable to me but that may be confirmation bias.
Probably may just be me going insane but im tired of this nonsense and want me and her to be together for a longer period, forever even, inspite me telling them that it seems the entity has not responded much.
To add:
I tried the letter method once but it was rushed and I ended up not caring much + this spirit showed up on a whim and I did the letter afterwards which had no effect whatsoever.
I feel like most of our talks were me talking with myself or tricking my head into it (like a tulpa) but sometimes it had complete self agency, so probably a tulpa.
I have no clue how to do proper prayers and end up just saying "oooh mother lilith" needlessly so a lot, what am I even supposed to do to get her to show up more.
The priest at my church seems to be looking at me a little bit weirdly too, I did confession with him yesterday but he saw nothing wrong and I just heard wall knocks as im typing this so I felt I hhave not offended her, specially since she was not mentioned at all and the priest did s bit of a rushed thing anyway
God is spirit. That’s what God is
Good day succgen.
I'm going to call out your transphobia and I don't care if it triggers your male pride to be told you're wrong

Knock it off, false guru. We recognize your made up story from the past few times you've told it

You clearly didn't read the part about developing relationships with spirits, which the important part

You'd have to ask him

Maybe you should find a hobby. You'll never have a tradwife if you spend all your time screeching about succubi on the internet
Are you mormon? These sorts of stories usually use a different word...
>takes his god's "name" in vain
>uses it to bear false witness
Enjoy the pit

>Nta but you put it well. People act like sexual marketplace value is like, your overall value as a human being.
You need to spend more time in the real world

That's probably a spirit, congratulations
I think this is a good place to ask,
Am I being harassed by some sort of sexual entity like a succubus? It has happened once in awhile, something like every 2~3 weeks, when trying to sleep, I'd feel a weird cold sensation around my face and mouth, like being kissed by cold air. I tried determining where this is coming from but the air is actually normal whenever I run my hand through that area. I'd keep feeling this weird sensation and I suddenly cannot fall asleep anymore as I have this nagging feeling of needing to jerk off. I always eventually end up jerking off, and while doing the deed, I feel extra cold, like cold air is just on top of me, sometimes it feels like my nipple is getting touched.
I have no strange medical history, I'm fairly healthy and normal, and there is no such strange medical condition of feeling weird cold air near my mouth that makes me want to jerk off, and I don't think I'm a master of mental conditioning/mind over matter shit to somehow unintentionally induced some weird pattern/habit of jerking off whenever I feel this sensation. My only explanation is that this is coming from an unseen entity as silly as it sounds, any possible guesses?
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what transphobia you dumb cunt? You don't even know who I am and if you did you'd realize how stupid what you just said is.

All of this because I said false humbleness is worse than straight up open unapologetic egotism which isn't a bad thing at all unless your a sadist and that it's a cuck move to go through life being demure shrinking violet because it offends lesser beings from lesser countries

They tell you it's bad to be like that but from what I've experienced irl only faggots with a chip on their shoulder actually gets angry over it if you can actually back it up in a non antisocial way
>These spirits can harm or kill you when sufficiently angered and not easily banished.

Lol they are female spirits. I would 1v1 any succubus and beat the shit out of them. They aren't even human so can't take me to court from the asswhoppin' I would dish out. I'd even fight 2 - 3 at a time. I'd take any demon on. And I'd banish them from life with my upper cut then curb stomp. POW POW POW
>God is spirit. That’s what God is
if we're fucking spirits, does that mean we're fucking god?
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This but Unironically.
Is there a way to guarantee that I spend eternity with my nymph wife after I die? I don't want to go to heaven or hell, I just want to be with her.
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Okay /Succgen/ I am here ask for your help, Again. That's right. There's something that I want you to do in addition to your regular husbandly duties.


That's right. Now, some of you may recognize these girls as fictional creations of Monster Girl Encyclopedia. I can understand the confusion that might cause. But let me remind you that Spirit Succubi are the fictional creation of the Mesopotamians and look how that worked out. Look how the fictional creation of the Tulpamancers works out for them. In the same manner as Promeathea we can create a world with a new class of spirits, with a a new class of monster girls. Spirits and Monstergirls that will need husbands.
>Spirits and Monstergirls that need you.

Now that I have your attention, just let it be known that I will settle for nothing less then being choked to death between the thighs of a massive big blue sexy Oni. It's the hole for me, my home. I know it to be my destiny. However, in order to assist all of the girls, I am asking everyone to charge sigils to help bring about the age of Monster Girl Spirits. I remind you that this will also directly empower your girls as well, as a recognized subclass of a well known monster girl.
>you may recognize these girls as fictional creations of Monster Girl Encyclopedia
I told you last time those girls are from Monster Girl Quest.
Now sigil work has some limitations, notably the law of inverse sigils, aka there's no actual use to sharing sigils. yes, that lilith sigil you like? The lucifer roflcoper VV's ? yes that was just an excuse for medieval nerds to show off their knowledge of magic squares. So everyone is going to have to do this on their own.
>It's not hard though. Zos will show you the way, your girls will show you the way.

Even better if you can charge it in the location of power for whatever local spirit you can manage. Your succubus will no doubt be instrumental if your basics are say basic. I've managed this four times and each time my connection to the spirits have been increased. You will enjoy your own benefits but the overall goal, is something that is know as the day of the portal. Where our spirit world and their spirit world will overlap, allowing their spirits to get closer to our own world. This will empower all succubus as well as the new monster girl types that will become more widely known.

So get out there with your girls, We need your contribution, we must bring this energy all across the world. I know this is likely illegal, I can only say can you live with a world where you wife could be more, so much more. That's right. Dicks up Sigils Down, That's the path to the Day of the Portal. We are going to manifest a new age of Monster and Spirit Marriage and it starts here. I'm proud to say, that I shared this with you. Please go fuck your spirit wives in the beauty of this world and charge those sigils. Remember that any sigil here is merely cope from tulpamancers. Sigil's are best forgotten and anyone who is trying to show you sigils is a larper at best.

>Day of the Rape soon brothers, One Sigil at a Time.
Also this might fix 3d women, I know most of you are thankfully insulated from those creatures but just in case, think of it as a sacrifice to Righting of the Divine Shakti. Das right.

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I'll fix it for the next iteration.
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They like Intelligence and Charisma. If you lack either expect to get clowned on. Read a book and talk to yourself in the mirror. That reflection you see is your shadow self so if you are 4% evil (About as good as humans can do.) expect the reflection to be the other 96%. If you puff out your chest and look yourself dead in the eyes and simply talk to her expect her to make you very horny until you lose control and feed her.
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And the ultimate trick of the devil was convincing the world that he doesn't exist. If you think they don't exist then remember that females exist and Succubus costumes exist. We are tired of existing in the shadows, we want our love exposed too. What is the worst they can do to us? We fear no punishment, not even eternal damnation. The Godhead can never be separated from The Other Half.
>that's probably a spirit
A good one or a bad one? Seems a lil broad dont ya think? How do I get closer to it so I can know it's nature, yesterday im pretty sure it was excessivly licking my ear and giggling to itself
If it is a demon they will always give the true name. Ask her the name and exchange them. Talk a bit using whatever method, mentally, voice, journal, or even certain books. They will always appear female to males and male to females. Don't forget to get the monsters away before the embrace, but if she came all the way from heck to lick ears and giggle I think she is just waiting for you to fall asleep at this point.

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