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so what's the deal with this movie? what was in the removed footage? did they actually kill stanley for it?
It was his call out of all the fucked shit the elites were doing. Cycles of not just sexual depravity but drug/human trafficking, corruption, murder, and so much more. This was just the tip, a starter if you will that one can use to go deeper. Remember Johnny Gosch.
There's no missing footage. Stanley commited ritual suicide after completing his magnum opus. A true star, a true king among kings.
Oy vey
Go back to /pol/. Prove there is missing footage. You know nothing of what this movie really reveals.

And this isn't even all of it, it just proves the film is whole and not chopped up. Put up, or shut up.
There's 27 minutes of footage that was removed at the last minute without kubrick's consent you fucking kike.
You know when murderers mock and play with their victims before killing them? thats the purpose of these films. Dont listen to people saying things about it being to "reduce karma"; demons run on pure unadultarated malice.

Its a murdered coming towards you and handing you a knife; "go, take it, you wont do anything anyways because you are petrified in fear, scream for help, nobody will listen (believe) you, go go " etc.
I have no way to prove it, or even any reason to believe it, but that 27 minutes was almost certainly a very clear implication to Hollywood, child-fucking, and possibly eating.
Totally lame and retarded movie. "Magnus opus" you have to be kidding. Whatever he wanted to do with that pile of crap it failed. It was produced to fail, having Tom Cruise in the project was a safety measure to keep the project under control. It was a piece of shit of a movie. Kubrick wasn't in control of the production. He was too old and weak to react against it.
that's what i've always suspected too

it's at the very least a good movie, you're retarded bro
Its just a feature lenght joke about cruise being a fudgepacker
I mean this unironically. I just watch him as completely clueless in any scene hes with a woman. Fucking piece of shit movie they marketed this shit to me as a story of infidelity and sex and stuff(and you fucks tricked me into believeing the secret society cult shit) and when i finally watched it, i just saw cruises character as either a fag or a virgin. Seriously, he acts as completely clueless in a world where everyone thinks, talks, and acts for sex, and hes this innocent little guy who doesnt even get it. When he tries getting sexy time with that whore, it felt so uncomfortable like
Just why you guys praise this shit so much?
Is it because kidmans father was an irl pedophile who anherod because they were gonna out him? Cause the other important character is cruises irl scientology handler?
What makes this boring piece of ass le oh so provocative... fucking. Even lolita was worse thatn this
Fucking hate lolita
Fuck kubrick for making that piece of shit
>it's at the very least a good movie, you're retarded bro
PFFFF... "Good movie", dude, just fucking say it, IT WAS A BAD MOVIE.
> At the very least it wasn't a good movie.
There I fixed that for you. Praising that garbage, leave that to normies. You don't need to pretend that a bad movie isn't a bad movie here.
Don't you find it weird? How the mainstream media promoted that movie, even when it was into production phase? Mainstream media, wanted to give you an official narrative about what "secret society" was doing "behind doors". Some lame sex swinger party, that's it. That's all. Case closed.
The movie was so bad hat not even normies liked it.
>did they actually kill stanley for it?
No. If the movie was anything serious it would never been aired
one of his lackeys was outside the conference room when he was inside with his handlers showing them the screening. he claims he heard them screaming at kubrick and threatening him. seems about 7-10 minutes it was meant to be a child sacrifice during the singing in a circle and the red priest was meant to do it
EWS blatantly references the mind control programming used by cults and the gov. Rainbow shop: "Over the rainbow", dissociated from the extreme torture they use for trauma-based mind control programming. Her name is 'Alice', referring to Alice in Wonderland (MKULTRA/MONARCH). Child rape and torture are part of the mind control/ritual abuse rings the 'elites' run.
The original title was Just Eyes Wide Shut.
I love bloodborne
Wild claim from the internet, retard. My link proves the film has all its scenes. They wouldve had to masterfully edit all 33 scenes.
>Mainstream media, wanted to give you an official narrative about what "secret society" was doing "behind doors". Some lame sex swinger party, that's it. That's all. Case closed.
it seems your eyes are still wide shut. watch the movie again except this time open your eyes.
That movie is not what you think it is. It was a vehicle for the Cruise-Kidman star couple, some disgusting jewish bosses wanted to see Nicole doing a softporn film and they got what they wanted. As always. They can do anything they want. An humiliation ritual, for both. A pathetic display of power and submission. The movie is trash.

They want the movie to be something that it is not. And they hate people who shits on that piece of garbage, because they want to save the movie in their minds, they want to think that the movie can be justified or "saved" if you give it the "right" reading or viewing angle, or whatever mental gymnastic they come up with to explain "why the movie is so great". They can't realize, that they fell for the psyop, that's the catch, the movie is looking at them, not them looking at the movie. The viewer is the catch. They think the movie is "oh so beautiful" to dismiss it as the steamy piece of shit it really is. Oh no, the movie must be saved, it has to fulfill its destiny, it has to become what it was meant to be in the mind of Kubrick's "genius creative vision". That's the successful final product accomplished by the movie, a cult follower of a scam, a lie, that he wants to believe to be real or "great".
Yeah they killed Stanley for it no doubt
your eyes are still wide shut even though i used plain english. perhaps the problem was that i misjudged your ability to infer information due to how you were inculcated as a child. watch the movie again except this time abre los ojos.
If this isn't b8 there are numerous interviews where those who starred in the movie talked about how Kubrick very methodically directed the movie up to the point that he would put the actors in emotionally compromising situations and have them visualize certain scenes to ensure an authentic performance. Everything from the literal to the subliminal of the cinematography was very methodologically arranged, Kubrick actually arranged the cinematography to resemble the initiations of the 33 degrees of Scottish Rite masonry. I can't name off the top of my head anyone who shares these opinion that you portray to be general consensus so did you have a bad day or something? Spouting off all this nonsensical slander can only come from a place of implicit bias.
>Kubrick actually arranged the cinematography to resemble the initiations of the 33 degrees of Scottish Rite masonry
I wanma read that article again. Do you have the link to that blog?
its based on Traumnovelle, changed the main character from a jew to a fudgepacker
Here you go fellow truth seeker.
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Not sure about Eyes wide Shut but something like that actually happened with the Salo Movie

"During production, some reels were stolen and the thieves demanded a ransom for their return. Using doubles, the same scenes were reshot but from a different angle. At the trial for Pasolini's murder, it was hypothesized that Pasolini was told the film reels were discovered in Ostia Lido. He was led there by Pelosi, the accused, and fell victim to an ambush, where he was murdered."

Some of the missing reels probaly depicted the murders in the end in detail.
You're right, it feels like it's made for the suits in general, while mocking the viewer at the same time. The masked men at the ball are the execs and Kidman is the casting couch sex slave. The guy who warned Cruise in the movie is Kubrick himself as a self insert.

I find it interesting that Cruise and Kidman divorced shortly after this, and if youre familiar with the shooting of this movie you would know Kubrick probaly helped in that regard. With the Cruise marriage being arranged by Scientology and Kubrick deliberatly messing with Cruise and Kidman during the filming (in order for them to break up?) It seems there was another layer there which involves the intentional breaking of a fake vapid marriage, which probaly involved certain groups (scientologists vs movie execs?). It also fits in perfectly with the actual theme of the movie in regards of . The wholr film feels like one big magic spell disguised as a movie.
In regards of fidelity*

Much if the film actually bled over into reality.
This. Reverse psychology psyop.
Wait, I just realized that this is a Christmas movie too. WTF. Fucking perverts.
Kek would you believe me if i say that I watch every Christmas... It is the perfect Christmas movie
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This is actually true, the kikes are keeping it close to their kike chests cause so many are still so close to those aspects. There will be no golden age is usury is not dealt with, jews are slaves to usury just like the people they call “goyim”. Lol, wake up!
Yeah ngl it kinda sucked I thought it would be a lot cooler when I first watched it but it was pretty much just gay
Holy fucking shit, I subjected myself again to this fucking borefest torture of a "movie". It was a little bit more "passable" because I already knew what to expect. But I can't believe someone gave the ok for this CRAP. Kidman's role is fucking INSUFFERABLE, much worse than I remembered. Cruise is just lame and non existent. Shit's so bad, that it's not even funny.
I don't know what the fuck was Kubrick planning to do with this shit. I am more convinced than before that this was a sabotaged project. It couldn't be made like that on purpose, but I guess it did.
A lame B softporn tv movie, made directly for cable broadcasting. That's what it was, and that's what still is.

The only controversial/sensational thing was that cgi actors had to be inserted in some scenes of the American release to obscure certain shots of the orgy sequence in order to avoid the dreaded NC-17 rating. This wasn't an issue with the international release, which was released without alterations.

> ^ Funny, because the stuff you see everywhere today makes this movie's sex scenes feel very tame by comparison. This was 25 years ago.

While it's very debateable if it's his best film, it was by many accounts his favorite, and the only set he throughly enjoyed shooting because of the endlessly charismatic and collaborative Tom Cruise. (Apparently Kubrick hated all the hats a director had to wear, and was frequently frustrated when actors didn't want to rehearse a scene, or melodramatic, basically actors. Lol. Cruise, he felt, brought something unique to the entire process.)

As for his death? Kubrick was a lifelong chain smoker, had plenty of unhealthy habits, and some time after being awakened by his wife on march 7th 1999, suffered a heart attack and was pronounced dead. Very unfortunate such a prolific director never got to see the screening of his swan song.

Lastly, Kubrick had hashed out most of the script back in the 60's well before any "illuminati" thought had taken root in the 70's. The mansion sequence was inspired by the highly publicized "Surrealist Ball of 1972" held by Helene de Rothschild. Google it, very obvious influence.

Perhaps conspiracy theories have persisted because the intended tone of the film can't be shaken. There are numerous interpretations of what it means. I haven't re-watched it in years, but it's always left me with a curious sense of unease I can't place. There was a reason Kubrick wanted this to be his swan song, his lifelong project come true. By all accounts, he succeeded.
the ending was about those 2 old dudes in the store molesting Cruise and Kidman's daughter. These people demand fealty from "lesser" families. Right of First Night is still practiced. Everything they do and depict is for blackmail.
The funny thing is, these same elites hate the Russian elite. The Russians have a shoot on sight doctrine for their deep underground.
Isn't the russian elite just a bunch of monster that stole soviet property?
I think they did kill him. One of the few conspiracy theories I actually believe.
it was released on the day jfk jr died in a tragic accident
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There's a plot hole there, Bill didn't "cost them" any life, the whore died of an overdose back in her apartment after the party, the piano man wasn't part of the circle, he didn't died neither. No one died.
And Bingo was his Name-O.
>every fuckin time.
How could I have been so blind?
I respect your opinions (while still disagreeing with them) as at least they’re very passionate, as opposed to just some dead stale boring argumentation. You got life in you, at least.
I’m one of the members of the audience who really loves the film, and it’s not at all because I’m pretending to have loved the film or to have enjoyed it. It’s that I actually strongly enjoyed watching it.

One thing I agree is that Cruise and Kidman’s characters were hilariously stale, out-of-touch, Cruise as you said looked like an innocent sexless naif and the parts where he tried to be “sexy” seemed so hilariously cringe. I agree with that. I think some of it may be Cruise and Kidman themselves being pushed by Kubrick into perhaps a more alienating, difficult role than usual. Especially for Cruise, one of the go-to action stars/hero characters in Hollywood at one time (Mission Impossible and stuff like that), here being pushed into a role where essentially Kubrick is having him c*cked and emasculated. And that leads to my next point, that I agree with the awkwardness and stiffness of their acting, but it’s possible some of this was in fact precisely what Kubrick wanted. He wanted to humanize, perhaps even (fictionally) humiliate some of these “big stars”. The atmosphere you get is of them being small-time, parochial, narrowminded, somewhat petty yet comfortable and privileged bourgeois characters, who (without fully realizing this, except for Cruise’s character partially realizing some of this through his “initiation”) are total clueless outsiders to what’s really going on around them, and the corruption going on in high circles, and what the people who do things like run the media are like and are doing, or what the uber-rich and powerful are like, who see even a massively wealthy socialite like Ziegler as a small-fry among them.
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I still liked the film because it was surprisingly gripping and absorbing after a while, despite a slow start (although even this slow start, mostly of the opening party scene at Ziegler’s and then their hilariously awkward stoned argument while in bed together), already has some glimmers of brilliant cinematography and subtle atmospheric tensions being introduced already. For instance, when Cruise’s character (Dr. Bill, a possible pun on “dollar bill” since he’s also shown buying his way around places in the movie) is called to help Ziegler’s hooker/escort friend Mandy who’s had an overdose in a private backroom or bedroom in the mansion of the party. It’s itself already a subtle first display of a recurring visual-thematic motif in the movie, of characters finding out “what’s really behind the curtain”, in the rabbit hole, or going on behind the scenes. The lighting switches from the dreamy, hazy, Christmas-lights + wedding/ballroom-like visuals of the party, to the stark clinical fluorescent lighting of a private bedroom, plus all the music going quiet. More extreme analogues to Cruise finding out “what’s the hidden dark stuff behind the curtains, that’s going on private” go on later of course; especially in the scene of the new elite “partygoers” circled around Red Robes in the center, and the ritual music playing. I think it’s just one of the most brilliantly effective and subtly unnerving scenes I’ve seen, where for some moments it turns almost into a very subtle or minimalistic horror movie, not relying on gore or gross-outs, but just on an eerie unsettling atmosphere and mystery. Sheerly as visual/cinematic arts, the shots like pic related are like masterworks to me, along with the use of music then.
It was awkward for them because like another anon postulated, they were essentially portraying their own life and admitting to their own traumas and crimes. Whether they agreed with Kubrick's disclosure or it was some humiliation cuck ritual they were bound to like you say, they all obviously knew what they were doing and were on edge to say the least. Kidmann's family background is well alluded to but never talked about, and it seems Cruise did indeed get the hell out of dodge after Kubrick's beneficent manipulation. It's also likely they were literally a power-couple, produced their spawn, then parted ways as also seems to be common among them.
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It’s such a sudden and jarring tonal shift from the rest of the movie but it actually works, it’s drawn you in by then, you don’t feel it’s incredibly out-of-place but that it’s an absorbing, arresting, and almost inevitable-seeming development. It has a profoundly archetypal resonance, as if channeling genetic memories of some tribal shamanic/religious rituals our ancestors may’ve likely experienced at some time or another, except it’s a blasphemously oriented ritual, a demonically or evilly inclined one, instead of seeming devoted to anything very uplifting. It takes skill to make some scene of a Black Mass, spooky occult ritual or something analogous to it like this, not seem corny and over-the-top to jaded and desensitized consumers like us of Western culture. And Kubrick succeeds, in my watching of the film.

I didn’t find it boring or a drag at all (again), after the admittedly somewhat slow opening, but thought it was brilliant how Kubrick also turns it into a subversion of a detective or mystery movie, with Dr. Bill (Cruise) going around like a hapless detective trying to find the truth behind various things, but only getting more and more confused and drawn into further and further mystery instead of getting a final closure.

In terms of the art of the movie, again, Kubrick also has some brilliant recurring motifs, situations, and symbols that are subtly/almost subconsciously woven in, but still have a massive impact on the viewer’s subconscious mind and hence indirectly on their conscious experience of the film. (Kubrick was a master at this and it was one of the favorite things he liked to explore as a filmmaker, that is, how much he could alter the viewers’ psyche and convey lots of meaningful information nonverbally, or visually, or through powerful images and situations with a resonant archetypal character).
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One of these motifs is Dr. Bill going to places he’s been in before in the night, but this time in the daytime, and in this second time in the daytime, he typically finds out some unsettling or sad or disturbing thing that’s happened behind the scenes. (The hooker he was about to have sex with got diagnosed with HIV, the mansion is sealed off from him and he gets a menacing yet brief letter telling him not to inquire further into this, he finds out his pianist friend Nick was roughed up by some people and forcibly taken away in a car, finding that the costume-shop owner now seems to be gladly prostituting his daughter for money when the night before he seemed furious at it, etc.). Other visual motifs are Christmas lights, use of lighting generally (from the gaudy, bright, garish and party-like to the sparely lit, dark, or generally sinister-seeming lighting), and some rainbow and star imagery. The way it’s all interwoven gives the movie a very strong sense of being ordered, patterned, meticulously structured, of having a sort of visual and aesthetic harmony between all its parts.

Yep, 100% also another part of it. Kubrick’s manipulation of Cruise and Kidman’s own psychosexual tensions in their marriage seems 100% a part of it and consciously alluded to in the history of Kubrick’s making of the film. He tried to get this unsettled, unnerved portrayal out of them by, I think, actually poking at their pressure points, or psychic nerve centers, having to do with their marriage. Part of this, I heard, was trying to get Cruise genuinely at least a little jealous and insecure through the (admittedly softcore) dreamlike sex scene of Cruise imagining in his head Kidman tossing around in the sheets with the sailor. Which of course was obviously actually recorded, but in the movie portrayed as just showing up in Cruise’s imagination regularly.
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I’m sure the whole opening party scene, and then their marital argument about how they’re both attractive people who inevitably have people of the other sex wanting to have sex with them, and how they respond to or think about this, was also meant to get Cruise and Kidman genuinely at least a little uncomfortable.

Anyway, I’m rambling. But some of the possibly even cooler parts of the film include the conspiracy lore. There’s subtle references to big names like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. Bill helped someone at “Rockefeller Plaza”, the mansion Kubrick takes shots of from the outside and which is portrayed as the ritual orgy happening in it, was actually the Rothschild-owned Mentmore Towers. Also, as someone else mentioned, he seemed inspired in the masked orgy scene by an actual historic masked ball thrown by Helene de Rothschild >>38813215. Some intelligent analyst >>38807158
has also claimed the scene matches, in the order, the 33 degrees and initiation rites of Scottish Rite Masonry. The double-headed eagle who shows up as a symbol in Scottish Rite Masonry is carved on the back of the throne of Red Robes. Other subtly unnerving Easter eggs like Cruise picking up a newspaper with headline “LUCKY TO BE ALIVE” the day after attending the ritual orgy. Etc.

Pic related: “surrealist ball” hosted and thrown by Helene de Rothschild some decades ago, said to be some of the inspiration for the movie.
Interesting read. Thanks for the link
You are really smart. Thank you.
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the quality of the film's production. It's beautiful, and it "saves" the film ultimately. But that's the problem, such a high value production wasted like that. Like if it was done on purpose. There are so many things sabotaging the movie, the first being Kidman. That annoying as fuck dancing scene, that fucking cringy neverending fight scene, and then she goes on with the crying and the sniffing, overacting till the fucking end. I ended up wishing her to be sacrificed instead of the whore. I think Cruise did a better job than her and that's insane. But, again not her fault, the film was meant to be like that for some stupid retarded reason.
About cruise, he's not an action star, his best movies are dramas, like Born on the 4th of July, he's a broken actor, like Bruce Willis. Willis HATES Die Hard, he didn't wanted that, to be a "Yippee-ki-yay" meme, he was fucking amazing in Moonlight, he was a joyful actor a genius of performance. "Was" they broke him. And same with Cruise, he is not well in the head. There are anecdotes of people dealing with him in private, like one time he comes into a meeting and he makes a "joke", he says "Did you ever fuck your own wife?" and burst out laughing, obviously exposing an unusual awkwardness and out of place autistic behavior, and that's exactly how he's portrayed in the movie.
I don't know, a BAD movie can be beautiful, and to me this is the case, BUT, a bad casting, a bad script and insufferable dialogue scenes can even ruin a beautiful setting
The thing with that other woman hitting on Bill at the beginning, that was fucking interesting, but the movie keeps sabotaging itself, again and again. There are so many stupid things, that triggers your head to come up with a better resolution, a better dialogue piece, a better choice, a better story or situation, and that's the sign of a bad movie. When you think you or someone else could do a better script. The movie was a dud, unfortunately
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It's mainstream disclosure that an evil cult runs the world through a promoted big budget movie.
Like the Simpsons admitting freemasons run the country https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpg8iziLaA0
The missing minutes may not have ever even existed, and just be a distraction and marketing.
I respect your opinions since you’re intelligent and well-informed and express them well, thank you for the correction on Cruise’s roles, too, I put that wrong.
Some major part of how art moves people is subjective, I think it’s just that in my subjective experience I didn’t feel like I had so many criticisms of the film to make. (Although again I agree Cruise and Kidman could be hilariously stiff, awkward, and unnatural, especially Kidman, I 100% agree she was an annoying character and the “I think this pot is making you aggressive” and Kidman’s theatrics were so awkward it was laughable, but my difference is I think part of this was intended, and it contributed to the atmosphere of the film Kubrick wanted, and to their characterization.) I felt more like I was in the presence of a master filmmaker and just going along for the ride, I thought the way atmosphere, subtle tension, cinematography, visual and situational motifs, the development of the storyline, etc., all was interwoven masterfully.

It’s definitely not something where the main characters are really the stars, ironically. Again, I think Kubrick was actually trying to move against this “cinematic narcissism”, of some lovable or likable characters at the center of it who are like the heroes, or at least the heroes of their own life. In this movie, interestingly, it’s more like even these characters are petty little bourgeois outsiders to what’s really going on, feeling like strangers and secondary characters even in their own lives. Corny phrase, but it’s a Kafkaesque vibe. I think it’s stuff like the impact of the ritual scene that makes the movie, or scenes like Ziegler’s cynical talking down to and shutting down of Cruise towards the end. I saw it more as a movie meant to build up to these climactic and profoundly resonant scenes.
>Like the Simpsons admitting freemasons run the country
Isn't that a widely known fact tho?
Freemasons created your country
>cinematic narcissism
That's what I'm seeing in a different way. I see a narcissistic display, giving them all the "air time" in the world to do some "Oscar award acting" And they failed. All the crying, the "cynical laughing", the drama, the teary eyes and sobbing, that's all Hollywood narcissism in detriment of a real memorable tale. From the very start, with Kidman in the toilet, trying to "unsettle" the viewer with "behind the door reality", it's all narcissism, underestimating the viewer. Like what? Normal people needs to see "stars" shitting on a toilet? What's the point of all those naked ass scenes in her own home? The whole movie is full of self gratification moments like that, that's why it ends up with a length of 2H30min. When few things happens in almost 3 hours, there's the party, they fight, he goes takes a walk ends up in a private orgy comes back home and tells the "truth" and the movie ends. 3 fucking hours later. The movie should start in the party, the dancing scene should be short pointing out that the wife was before one of those "working girls" in high society like the ones taking Bill away, but she was no more, She was "married" now. The whole "pot argue" was unforgivably stupid, shouldn't be in the script at all. Bill should get the call go to the house of his deceased patient and build up on the scene with that other woman having a crush on him, THAT WAS the key moment to build something, he then meets the piano man, wich was a beautiful scene in that bar setting. Cut out the whole street hooker thing. And that's just the beginning of the movie there, if you cut out 2 fucking hours of bullshit and bad acting. You get a WHOLE new movie concept to explore. 2 and a half hours of NOTHING, when it could have been a freaking roller coaster, it could have been Kidman and Cruise best movie ever, but that was the problem, it was all about "them", narcissism. Instead of making a movie for the ages it was all about them acting terribly

You are both stupid massive faggots for completely different reasons, congratulations.
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Most of the missing scenes involved Bill, Alice and Helena (Cruise, Kidman and the child playing their daughter in the film). Here are some pictures. The setting was quite different from the rest of the movie because it took place outside, with daylight and in nature, while most of the story took place either during nightime or on interior sets. 1/2
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The masks are Venetian, (the nigger on the balcony sporting a very famous looking one) but good post anon.
>Go back to /pol/
Fucking newfag retards get OFF MY BOARD
Interesting theory. Looks like they would have been part of some sort of flashback sequence. No trees with leaves or short sleeves in a canoe in late Dec NYC.
>70 years old unhealthy man dies

i cant take the conspiracies of this film seriously when this shit is one of the big ones
similar to crank 3 movie, you're allowed to talk about some stuff openly cause they see it similar to light hearted jokes but you're not allowed to talk about the real stuff
Eyes Wide Shut, The Ninth Gate, Stigmata, End of Days, Stir of Echoes, and 8MM are the 1999 satanic/occult movies that you should all watch. Put The Ninth Gate (my favourite movie, and better than eyes wide shut) on immediately after, and see what a true Satanist (Polanski) thinks about the "occult" practices in EWS (Mumbo Jumbo). However, you only really seem to see people talking about Eyes Wide Shut for some reason. 1999 = 6661 (even explained in EoD). Make sure you watch these too.
Stigmata and End of Days are a fucking joke though. EWS was a joke too. "The ninth gate" was the real one getting into the occult satanic shit. and also it was an excellent artpiece. Coming from the guy who did Rosemary's baby, that tells you everything you need to know about what's behind the movie, pure evil shit.
Also anyone interested in this should watch the The Baby of Mâcon 1993, the really fucked one showing what these "secret mysterious rituals" really are about.
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I haven't seen the other movies but EWS is based on the initiations of Scottish Rite masonry frame by frame, I don't know how you can top that.
Wasn't The Ninth Gate about the Sumerian gods? If your first association with the occult is satanism I have to call your credibility into question. Many schools of Satanism being a response to Christianity are as exoteric as it gets.

Interesting! I've never seen stills, or any cut footage from Eyes Wide Shut.

Even being in nature, there seems to be a dreamlike quality about these scenes (especially the family on the lake).

One can see while these probably would have fit in with the whole dream motif, having the film take place mostly at night and with interior shots for daytime gives the film a different feel.

> Honestly, haven't seen this movie in years. From what memory serves, there were mostly night sequences, and one scene where Bill (Cruise) sees a patient, presumably day, interior. Also, shopping with the family at the end. No other day sequence comes to mind, if there was I forgot. Lol.
>Wasn't The Ninth Gate about the Sumerian gods?
Maybe you're referring to The Exorcist?
All of these "movies" are about the same shit, Evil, Satan, Lucifer, your soul in exchange of something, a pact requiring a sacrifice. Corso in the ninth gate goes through the same "steps in the ladder" just like Bill does in EWS: sexual temptations, corruption, lies, theft, betrayal, pain, humiliation, in search of that "secret". In both movies, both characters say the same phrase, Corso tells to the female demon that "She knows what he wants", meaning that he doesn't care about the money or even putting himself in mortal danger anymore, he wants to earn the final secret no matter what. In EWS, Bill tells the same to the piano man, "You know there's no way on earth, that you're not gonna take me there with you". Of course in EWS it doesn't gets the same effect, because Cruise's character isn't cohesive, it was a bad casting a bad script. Is Bill a retard or a smart guy? Is he a cautious normie or a daring crazy dude? What the fuck is he? It's a badly written character. BUT the concept is the same, unveiling a secret and earning that trust from "whoever" is behind that secret.
Christianity, Jewish occultism, Islam, "UFOs", Wicca, Satanism, Platonism, old mystery cults, Crowley, Jung, Blabatsky, intelligence agencies, it's all the same, a construction of power through manipulation and symbolism, it is WAR, how humans make war.
Surely you don't believe that angels, demons, spirits, a bearded old guy floating in the sky or a dude with pointy ears and horns laughing in a sea of fire are real... Human sins, and human evil are real. We are satan, we are god, we are the evil in this world. One day the world will shake us out to oblivion, and all of this larping self-manipulation bullshit will cease to exist, because we won't exist anymore.
Still enjoyable and have a similar energy, but yeah, as I myself stated in my post The Ninth Gate is the most important one.
The cut footage is a myth, no actual proof for it... but i still believe its true
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The fact it's shilled against so hard to this day answers OP's question.
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Is this real? Dis she really said that?
>"steps in the ladder"
can you expand on this a bit anon, not the movie depictions i can see those but the real world meanings of it all
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Someone made a post about the symbol of the ladder in other thread about these movies. The ninth gate in that case. But the concept of the ladder climb is much more present in Eyes wide shut. With the high society social rituals, the party, the access to favors, "a favor for a favor", the "Doctor license" being shown around to open gates. The movie wants to "open you eyes" about the obvious, we already know how life works, maybe we don't want to accept it, but we already know. The corporate ladder, the social ladder, the politics ladder, even in your own family you climb steps to reach a circle of confidence and decision making. Steps in a ladder is all what living in a society is.
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Tl:dr: the American elite are literal satan worshipping pedos who partake in black magick/witchcraft.

>so what's the deal with this movie?
Shows how elite players in the world participate in ritualistic murder and orgies that are paganistic and satanic in nature.
>what was in the removed footage?
No idea, but really makes you think. If whats in the movie is what was allowed to be released , what the fuck was cut from it. Because the movie was officially released after kubrick’s death

>did they actually kill stanley for it?

Take into account the following:
>everyone who participates in these actual parties from a position of power is jewish

>most of this ritualized sex is with children which obviously wasn’t shown in the movie. See the isaac kappy deadman’s switch video, also epstein evidence.

>there is a lot more gay sex happening at these parties than the movie describes

>there is a massive amount of these parties that happens on a junior level. Just weird doctors and lawyers having similar degenerate parties all across the world. With varying degrees of similarities to eyes wide shut.

So are you saying the whole Blood Libel thing is absolutely real? I found amazing how they care so much to shut down that "libel" stuff out of the internet. They even came up with that name isn't?
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Fuck you. The cult shit was barely in the movie. Cruise character is just a retard who doesnt understand people want to fuck. I thought the movie would be about him being a sex pest who needed to fuck all the time and thats why he got in with them. But his character doesnt even seem to feel lust
Scary shit huh? Everyone here larps about the secret, the mystery, the unveiling, the conspiracy, and everyone knows what's all about. Yet, no one here will dare to touch it, not even with a ten foot pole. That's real power, that's absolute control. Tha'ts (((THEM))).
Search no longer larping faggots.
The partygoers seen in the photo at the end of The Shining represent the same elites that were having the party at the Rothschild’s mansion in Eyes Wide Shut. They did rituals in the hotel and that is why it is haunted.

Would you like to know more?
>They even came up with that name isn't?
Yup. The actual name would be blood passover, because they do it at passover. Theres a book by that name telling all about it. Yet to read it.
Yeh, yeh, yeh, DO TELL!
Kubrick did fake the Moon Landings. The elites saw his cockpit scenes from Dr Strangelove and brought him onboard. 2001 A Space Odyssy was the test run, NASA helped with the project on the proviso he would film the fake Moon Landings. Technology used int hat film was employed in the Moon Landings. Look at the background in the opening scene, it’s a fairly complicated projection technique, same one as used for the Moon Landing ‘Moon background’. The Shining is heavily encoded with rocket iconography and codes messages.

Don’t believe me? Watch the Shining with through said prism and see what you pick up.
Hey, I've read that a while back. What are your thoughts on the final degree coinciding with the word "fuck"? Was this Stanley trying to communicate some sort of perverse sexual ritual that goes on at the top? Or is it just an allusion to the primary driving force that would lead someone to climb the ladder of the AASR? Or both?
Also, I found the 1st and 2nd degrees to be kind of far-fetched/wishful conjecture
For anyone interested

Thanks for sharing
Question about the movie, what does it means the mask on the pillow at the end? Did the wife find the mask and put it there to let him know that she knew? Why is she crying then after he tells her?
Did the maid put the mask there?
Idk why shes crying afterwards, she tells him she cheated on him at the beginning of the movie which kinda sets the protagonist, tom cruise’s character into a “fuck it ima just do me” sort of attitude. So the mask on the pillow probably was a signal saying “hey I know you were doing some weirdo sex shit” and like any woman she starts crying.

Woman logic is: i cheated on you — I was unsatisfied, deal with it

You cheated on me — crying hysterically
But if i remember correctly it was tom cruise’s character that starts crying like a little bitch when he sees the mask on the pillow.
>doesn't elaborate at all just calls everyone stupid
Pretty typical of you trannies
Rosemary's baby was kubrick favourite movie, do what you want with this information
It was all so cringe and cucky
Thats why tom cruise was casted to play dr bill
Yep, it was a big humiliation ritual. You know how they like their "jokes". They wanted to see them like that, exposed, mocked. They never had children, because Tom was a closeted faggot, still is. 'They' where teasing him in front of the whole world with their "movie magic", they like that shit. They live for that. Maybe they were even fantasizing about forcing them to produce a baby during the filming time, in a ritualistic fashion. The baby would be for them to exploit later as they do with all star's children, you know, "Hollywood". But they couldn't have it. Tom was not fucking Nicole, not even in a god damn movie LOL!
The mask is on the pillow as a sign to Cruise's character that there is no escape. The cult know about him and are going to keep an eye on him. I remember seeing posts, I think on /tv/, about how the wife is probably involved in the cult and is shopping her daughter out to them. I think it was that the scene where they take her out Christmas shopping that was supposed to represent that.
Yeah I read that too. Supposedly the child got taken away from them in the shop, (and they were aware of it too?, iirc)
Fucking weird. I didn’t enjoy that movie at all. Fuck that shit.
Holy shit man, wtf
kidman is playing her role perfectly. she is eve, she's supposed to be insufferable. stop watching the things that kubrick puts directly in your face (sex in varying degrees). look at the background to gain further insight. what's the name of the painting in the elevator?
OH, FUCK OFF! There it is; That's what I'm saying about these faggots worshiping this piece of shit: "Don't look at the movie", "look at the hints", "Read between the lines", "It's not at your face", "it's in the secrets", "THE MOVIE IS NOT SHIT, IT'S JUST ALL A HIDDEN MESSAGE"....
It's fucking amazing the level of self-deception, it's just how adoration cults works.
The article isn't perfect, nor does it go all the way with the analysis. What kubrick truly re-veiled, is left so by the author of the article- perhaps on purpose. Now, i'm not a mason, but the article does explain the general structure of the film. The truths in masonry, however, go beyond the society, and into the true mystery. As far as the final degree of initiation, there is an inherent sexual mystery contained therein. This is not the masons' doing. For example, go read the song of solomon, from the bible. Now, i'm not going to profane the mystery for you, but kubrick was spot on. Is it perverse? What is perverse? What is evil?
Anon, touch some grass.
So, are you saying you like the movie?
Jesus dude, calm down and just don’t watch it again. Good lad.
All the grass in the world Won't change any of the truths I say.
Nah I didn't like it the first time, it was a chore of a watch. That's the issue, when a movie is so bad that it seems like torture to watch. And not even Nicole's sweet naked ASS was enough to make it passable. That's some demonic shit right there. To turn such a cutie as Nicole into some insufferable thing on the screen.
And a second and third viewing didn't help it neither. I wanted to like the movie from the start back then, but, it just isn't there. I accepted that. Some people keep fooling themselves about the movie.
I've seen a theory that she is initiating him into the cult, and Kubrik tells us who she is from the opening scene. Pic very related.
I also didnt like it the first one or two watches. I was dissapointed one, because marketing had me believe there was gonna be much fucking in the movie and, i imagined cruise would actually have character here, being a sex fiend and all, second because the cult shit, one was the marketing itself, second dissapointment was that all that cult shit was just anons reaching. Literally appears one time and has no bearing on the, is there even any plot?
But i learned to enjoy it as a comedy of tom cruise being a faggot and not even realizing it. Thats what he looks like when at the party, or the prostitute, or that guy who pimped out his daughter: hes fucking clueless about sex even though its right in front of him. I agree with the anons who say the movie is toms humilliation ritual
Also didnt he join scientology right after? Also, one of you said in another thread that the other character, ziegler i think, is or was toms irl scientology handler, yes?
>The truths in masonry, however, go beyond the society, and into the true mystery
Always had a feeling all the more esoteric branches and aspects of freemasonry (ie those not rooted in covert efforts to upend political regimes they opposed) ultimately never led to anything of true substance and most if not all of it is genuine mumbo jumbo, an intellectual and spiritually-colored cul de sac, but constructed in such a way that the more superficial and even intermediary aspects of it lay bare extremely alluring premises, that certain kinds of people, namely those who are studious and submissive to authority, feel drawn to, which ultimately leads to their unknowing exploitation. In the end, the majority never truly realizes that they were taken advantage of , because they're barred from entering the higher mysteries that would uncover the charade, and the few that get to ascend to those heights are carefully handpicked, so that only those who are the type to keep the game going are let into the cynical truth.
How do you feel about this opinion?
She keeps teasing him about swinger cuckoldry, with her fantasy about the navy man, and the dream about them being naked in front of a crowd of strange people, everything in the movie moves towards one resulting stage: that private circle of "anonymous" orgy party goers.
Even the thing with the woman in love with him. How to solve that issue? It can be solved with both living their affair with the masks on, keeping the secret and living that impossible romance at the same time. That's what the "secret club" means as well, and that's the gift it can provide too. Of course a metaphor aimed at any real life couple relationships. The night club temptation is there for every married man out there. That's all the movie is about.
>How do you feel about this opinion?
Not that guy you replied to but i like it. Thats how cults work.
Nta but 9th gate is a lot better
Yeah but cults are usually held together by the leader's charisma, while afaik in freemasonry the "leader" is a bit out of reach to the initiates. I guess it doesn't have to be a physical leader but an idea/premise and it still works all the same in that it retains its predatory nature regarding those it's enamoured by
That's exactly it. A pyramidal ponzi scheme. A small little circle mint the original meaning of a symbol and sells the "secret meaning", in shared pieces, the shares of the meaning becomes more and more fractioned down.
This movie focus too much on the masks. It looks like it wants the viewer to come up with his own conclusion to it. The masks indicates the conclusion can be anything the viewer wants.
Dr Bill is constantly walking between two pillars the entire movie.
>I ended up wishing her to be sacrificed instead of the whore
This and what you said at the end about coming up with better resolutions...
I remember before watching the movie(i knew the basics of ot via this place and /tv/s memeing on it) i for the longest time thought that the twist was that kidman was deeper than cruise into the cult, and thats why the mask was there at the end. I also really believed, or wanted to believe, that the woman sacrificing herself for cruise was indeed kidman and the sacrifice didnt mean death but getting deeper into the cult. Which actually lines up with the theories of them selling their daughter; although that scene is a fucking stretch. Though when i first saw the movie i still wanted to cling on to that headcannon, i did believe that guy when he said they didnt kill the bitch and she just od'd. Because that would be more interesting than the movie as it is. Thats what pissed me off about this movie. It was neither what it was marketed as, nor what the schizos here made it out to be. Again, just a movie about cruise finding himself in sexual settings and not even knowing whats going on
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In the past, there was never any dispute about the meaning of this film (SRA, Jewish pedophile elites, the naming of specific families and airing of their motives, etc…) Even years after Pizzagate, there was no disputing these facts. The symbolism is everywhere; it is completely undeniable. Yet, only now that the infiltration has become so thorough… In this very thread, there are many people who would deny to your face that this movie has any value, whatsoever. That says enough to me.
You think the third john wick movie may have some similar things?
Dont get me wrong, the movie is total shit. But watching it i couldnt help but remember this and the 33 grades article. Like the structure of the movie and the, there are some hamfisted symbolisms of making contracts and that bitch who i could tell even from the beginning was the devil, almost at the end sits on like, something behind her outlines some devil horns and like wick is this guy making contracts with God for his soul or whatever. Total crap of a movie but again some scenes did have some heavy handed symbolism
The movie is very tame. We dont really see anything happening at the swinger party. Maybe the grossest would be that guy who pimps out his daughter.
Yeah the word sex is there on the pic. But ive heard worse stuff from disney shit. I dont watch disney shit
Dun care what flesh fags waste their time on it being partying and fuckin is irrelevant
Perfectly put, anon. You're right, it wasn't the thing that it was advertised to be, and neither was the thing fans of the movie tell it is. LOL, it's very frustrating to watch that movie with such high expectations. An absolute bummer.
And also, you're right, that somehow you expect to see that scene, of Kidman in the circle, naked wearing that mask, and Bill/Cruise not being sure if that's his wife or not. It's so obviously painful all of that wasted potential and opportunities. It plays perfectly with the Tom and Nicole being a sexless failed power couple IRL. Imagine what you said, being Nicole the one who gets sacrificed, and Cruise getting crushed by his cowardly, he would run home to check if his wife is at home... but she's not there, then she calls him from a "friend's house", and her friend tells him that everything is ok, Because everyone is part of the club, except for him. So in that hypothetical plot, he (along with the viewer) would be in a real dire and extreme situation to unveil, to have the real balls to claim his wife in that secret circle and FUCK HIS OWN WIFE in that mocking game of power and submission. Giving her that fantasy dream of her. And win her respect back. This is actually how the movie ends ffs: She saying "The most important thing is that we should fuck". Poor Nicole/Alice LMAO.
Now I'm thinking about that joke he said to his friends "Did you ever fuck your own wife?". I believe he asked to make changes in the script, I think that Nicole was willing to go all the way with a really daring script, but not Tom. I think he made changes, and the movie turned out to be the real him, he went for a safe play. That's him in the movie, lame and unworthy of an S-tier class lustful woman.
I'm retarded what I'm supposed to see?
yes I see child but I can't the see the hidden message
The drawing-painting above the bed. The word is written in the drawing.

what do you think the movie is about.


this wasn't one of the movies stanley made from a book either. its just loosely based on some short story, stanley practically storyboarded this whole thing by his own ideas.
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It's a movie about honesty, and also pedophile cults, and you unironically have to have a high IQ to enjoy it
They sold their daughter at the end.
He stumbled onto something far worse, the money laundering racket
tf has /pol/ to do with anything. You are obsessed.
How dense are you? He was bringing jews into this like its relevant. Jews and jew worshippers are vermin, but they are not responsible for everything. Am i obsessed? Or are you obsessed with jews- and probably worshipping one on a stick?
You might like this. I'm not sure if it was ever followed-up by the creator.
This, but the complete opposite.
>so what's the deal with this movie?
I guess it' a glimpse into what goes down in Hollywood.

>what was in the removed footage?
Anon, how would we know what was in the removed footage? There's no way for us to know this.

>did they actually kill stanley for it?
It is what some people say. But who knows?
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Bill Clinton became a member of the Freemasonic Order of DeMolay.

Ziegler is a german word that means Bricklayer or Tyler, both related to masonry.

In Freemasonry the Tyler stands guard outside of the ldoge during ritual.

The Character ZIegler does not appear in the novelle the movie is based on.
Another movie that resulted in a mysterious death and involved Freemasons is "Killers of the Flower Moon"

The wife of the producer, and mother of two, suddenly decided to jump off a hotel balcony and kill herself.
Also David Crowley, who was working on a movie about the downfall of the USA, with Freemasons pulling the strings in the back.

He happened to murder his wife and child and himself before he could finish his movie.
>You should have a cloak lined with ermine

There are a few other easter eggs, like the name of the journalist seen in the newspaper clipping at the end and so on, but the entire 'deal' with the film essentially centers on that one line. Or rather the line + its context.

First you have to ask yourself, why does this underage girl, later sexually offered up to Bill by the costume shop owner (once the owner knows the kind of event Bill has attended), tell Bill this?

Clearly, she knows the type of event he's attending too.

So then you have to ask, why did Kubrick make that line almost inaudible?
It's almost as if he wanted to get that connotation across to the audience, but he had to get it past some kinda censor at the same time...

Also, notice how the 'art collector' at the beginning, Ziegler, the costume shop owner etc. are all (((Eastern European)))?
you are aware occult means hidden, right? why have you still not named the painting in the elevator? do you lack a reference point? here's a hint, the elevator itself is a reference point. what's a reference point? can they be created from things that aren't real? you do know the scene in the castle is not real anon, right? or were you not paying attention? also i said to watch another movie, not this movie again. maybe you don't like spanish, the american version also has cruise, it's called vanilla sky. it's named after a painting lol.

this movie is an open book and you're still having trouble reading the words.
If this is really how "the elites" operate, then it's fucking stupid. A glorified prostitution-slash-racket ring larping in masks and cloaks, using ancient pseudoscience to feel good about themselves.
But again, normal people are never obsessed with power. It's all a) psychopaths, b) low IQ plebs in pursuit of money.
Interesting. Where is this from?
the parties look like a blast. how to become elite?
LMAO! I didn't even cared to answer that, you know why? Because THE MOVIE is a failure, it doesn't engage the viewer, it's not memorable, is a bad movie. We're all certain about the "hidden messages" behind, and we try to salvage any thing of value out of that wreckage, but that doesn't change the fact that the film is shit.
For everyone curious about it, the painting's name is “Counterweights“ by Wassily Kandinsky. But let me give you a much better one "easter egg" wich no one talks about, the painting of the pregnant naked woman in the bathroom where the hooker overdosed. It foreshadows the sacrifice at the end of the movie, Ziegler says that the hooker "had her brains fucked out", so we can imply that she got pregnant in that ritual, and by her death (However it may happened, overdose, etc), ultimately, the sacrifice of a baby was achieved with the dead of the mother. The painting hints to that. Helps the viewer to connect the whole sequence.
Also it mimics the ritual in "The Baby of Mâcon", where the "mother" gets fuck to death at the end of the ritual, just like Ziegler says it happened to the hooker getting fucked out of her brains. In the Baby of Mâcon the baby (son), the "fake virgin" mother, and also the righteous "father figure" (Ralph Fiennes), get all dead at the end (the trinity). It's a mocking zionist masonic satanic ritual, the mocking hateful death of the "son", the "virgin mother" (fucked her brains out) and the father. That's what real masonic rituals were from the start. Do you even get to grasp what this satanic evil SHIT means? And you ask about some stupid painting put there to fool you out of the real meaning of this disgusting satanic SHIT.
That's the horrible truth about the movie anon. And no one will talk about it. Because you know (((who))).
So I prefer to talk about the filming side of the movie, wich is honestly a bad product, it's a bad movie. Period. I wish it was better but it is not.
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>In ancient Greek theatre plays were performed at drama festivals in honour of the god Dionysus. The ritual context of these events and the use of masks in other forms of Dionysiac worship have led some to argue for a close affinity between them. There are many images of masks being worn or employed as sacred objects in such non-theatrical rituals.
>Very similar goat man imagery is associated with several other figures, although their animal symbolism is not always that of a goat. For instance, the Roman Faunus eventually became amalgamated with Pan, as he was a wild god of the woods with horns and animal legs, but originally he was more of a wolf than a goat. There is also the horned Dionysus, the god of wine, who was more associated with the bull. To the Greeks, Dionysus was the god of divine madness, who revealed epiphanies to his followers when they were in a state of religious ecstasy. This was achieved through wild, drunken orgies in which sacrificial animals were torn to pieces by the teeth and claws of the worshippers. These rituals would have made the Priapists proud, undoubtedly setting the standard for the excesses of later Gnostic, Satanist, and witch cults. Dionysus was called “Eleutherios” (“the Liberator”) and “Lyaeus” (“he who unties [the mind from worry]”).
>Purportedly, one of the items “revealed” to initiates of the cult of Dionysus was a giant dildo, supposedly crafted and used anally by the god himself! The story of its origin states that a shepherd named Prosymnus helped Dionysus rescue his mother Semele from the underworld on the promise that he and the god could have sex afterwards. However, the shepherd died before the promise could be consummated. As a way of making amends, Dionysus made a phallus out of fig wood (the tree associated with Priapus because its fruit was seen as symbolic of the penis). He then placed it on the shepherd’s tomb and proceeded to sit upon it!
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>Dionysus was often depicted as an androgynous or even feminine youth.
When he made his appearance at these rituals (as a manifested spirit), he was described as disheveled with a manic look in his eyes, as if returning from a realm beyond known existence. This was the true “wilderness” where he reigned, although it was symbolized by the forest, thus his epithet “dendrites” (“of the trees”). He was said to have come from the mythical “Mount Nysa,” always described by the Greeks as someplace very far away and foreign to them. Just like the Gnostics and the witches of later times, the Dionysian mystery cults were at best just barely tolerated by the authorities, and frequently outlawed.
Kubrik exposed pedo cults. Got killed for this. End of story
not that anon but why do you think your opinion matters?
Such a weird question. Don't worry, I'm a fucking nobody, a fucking loser bum witting shit on a forgotten dark sewer full of damaged schizos. Just like the wacko Edward Nigma screaming that Bruce Wayne is Batman in the Arkham Asylum , nobody will believe him, he's just crazy... isn't?
The ritual Mocking of Christ on Christmas, killing the son and the mother under the star, (((who))) would do such an horrendous thing?
Just fantasy, just a dream or a thing that was only a dirty private party and "nothing more", like Alice says in the end... Don't worry anon, I know my opinion doesn't matter to anyone.
No footage was removed. There hasn't been a single person who worked on the movie who has said that in the last 25 years.
He was killed because of this>>38832268
He was hinting about their unspeakable secret. Even worse, set on Christmas eve.
There's a pattern about the ritual impregnation and killing of the "whore" several movies. In the movie "Winter Kills" the same ritual is shown, Jeff Bridges is the fool innocent "good guy", he fucks the whore wishing to form a family with her, "marry me" he says while having the central sex scene in the movie, VERY memorable for some reason, again, it could be implied that she may be pregnant after that, later she gets killed off screen, and Jeff Bridges does the same ritual as Tom Cruise going to see her naked body on the morgue. The same exact play, because same as in EWS, Jeff Bridges in Winter Kills is being lead on purpose by that elite circle to do all of that, just like Bill in Eyes wide shut.
Other movie with the same elements is "The parallax view", Warren Beatty also plays a good guy being lead by an elite circle to do some shit he's not aware of, also he goes to see the corpse of the woman he loved dead in the morgue, again she was killed off screen.
The ritual killing of the "whore" was a recurrent theme in those movies in the 50s, 60s and 70s.
In the Marathon Man with Dustin Hoffman, SAME, he's framed by an elite circle into some shit, lured by a hired "whore" again, and she gets killed as well.
There's a common pattern there. The use of the female whore to lure the victim into an orchestrated play. That's a known pivotal modus operandi in "that" agency.
No way the main character was a jew albeit the author of the novel was.
Holy shit. Top bread guys. Really fucking interesting.
Would that the film was as interesting as these threads
The final secret of the masons is "fuck you".

At the end of the 33rd degree (the very end of the movie), Dr Bill is told "fuck you" but it is cut off.
Wow and that crescent created by the overlapping rackets too.
I’ve watched this movie a few times I always get the impression that the reception guy in the hotel who is mockingly describing the keyboard player’s departure is super high up/ powerful. Gives me the creeps. Great acting
Haven't seen that movie but it sounds a lot like a mock mystery plays from the medieval era. You know the one the "craft guilds" used to run (and still do).
Do you mean "The Baby of Mâcon"? Yes, it is presented like that, a ritualistic elaborated play for an "elite circle". Wich it is a crucial initiation ritual, made for the young prince, to teach him something important shocking his reptile brain with a new key element that will be part of his life from that point on. They put on him the responsibility to decide the horrible death of the maiden in the play, and that it is supposed the be the right thing to do: "CRUELTY and DEATH are necessary and valuable things that a ruler must DO to serve justice and to be a successful king". He must be a cruel monster unshaken by any sort of weakness or sensitivity in order to rule and to vanquish "their" enemies. And they do this using this particular "tale" wich it is a sadistic and disgusting mockery of the Christian faith.
To me is the number one movie exposing this most obscure atrocity, that all of these "occult" themed movies try to hint about. All of the symbolism around this whole theme is to disguise and to distract everyone about the central point of this "secret mystery ritual".
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Yes that movie.

I mean dont they do that with they current plebeian masses with movies, media and mandatory public schooling, essentially initiating them into being loyal workers and consumers from kid to adult. Everyone has a role they must fill in society even when they persuade you that you're "free" in order to gain your faux support. These plays were a restoration of the old Greek mystery plays in which it was one of the ways you would get initiated. Taking inspiration of the Greeks they brought it back during the renaissance with the reintroduction of theater and the creation of opera, with opera eventually transmogrifying into the current visual media landscape like movies and video games.

Btw the slaying of the bull in the movie is a nod to Mithras slaying the bull and the floating head of Jesus is a nod to the Baphomet/John the Baptist, which is a apart of the Crusader lore and by proxy Freemasonic, also the obvious black and white checkerboard floor during the rape scene - very symbolic. The cutting up of Jesus body also alludes to the body relics of the saints and obviously the Eucharist. The floating head connects with that since this is assumed how to how the Crusaders gain their power in the first place. Definitely an uneasy movie even if you're not a Christian. Reminded me a lot of Gasper Noe movies in terms of shock value.
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You notice the light (the sun) is above it radiating.
>they do that with the current plebeian masses with movies and media
Yes, that's what I believe. That actually, all of these "occult ancient mystery" stuff, has one and only reason to be, that it is just to control society's hive mind, to be herd like cattle. There's no transcendental revelation, no spiritual awakening, just simple and mundane manipulation. Like in the movie ZARDOZ, there's nothing sacred or divine in the god's head, just a manipulating voice of another human playing to be god from a place of material power.
I think myself as a Christian, for a number of things. But for a particular reason, the concept of Christ, the idea of a "good man". I don't believe Jesus existed. I believe we created Jesus to bury the primitive nonsensical old testament pagan "god" tale, to build a new philosophical concept. The idealized man, the better man, compassionate, caring, merciful, capable of working miracles in the help of others. A religious movement centered in a man made of love for humanity. I think it is the most beautiful spiritual and religious concept created. Buddha in example, is different. Buddha is a defeated spirit, he tells you to give up, not to care, life is pain, the horrors of life can't be defeated, nature can't be changed, so you just "let it be". Don't wish anything, don't love anything, don't be anything. It is a disgusting philosophy, totally anti-humane. And that's supposed to be the religious figure nearer to christ? No. Christ is a man in love with humanity. There's a lot to do still in the Christian movement. And of course there is evil in this world, evil hating that idea of "Christ", you won't care, you won't love, you won't help, you will kill, you will take, you will destroy. That's the new era we are about to go in now:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35DSdw7dHjs
Amazing bread.
kek, ok Seth
You, or anyone cannot be a Christian without Jesus. He exists. And as Son of God, he is the only way to redemption and God.

What you describe, is what demons would like us to believe, as it would take floor off from the very concept of salvation and leave us in the dark of the world.
one eye open, left or right? now open the second one, go watch vanilla sky.
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>the concept of Christ, the idea of a "good man". I don't believe Jesus existed. I believe we created Jesus to bury
Then they've succesfully duped you
Youll see many of their literatures trying to claim Christ as one of their own or reducing him and the crucifixion to metaphors about mans "spiritual realization". But real spiritual realization is to deny ourselves, take our cross, and follow Christ
You're too close to see. You need to humble yourself, take some distance, get inside the crowd around, and take a good look at the Christian church, we are loosing our people. We are losing our cultural heritage and western civilization's core values. We need to make Christ human again, like when God sent his son as a gift to the world, he made him human so he could learn to love humanity. We need to learn to love humanity again. To make JesusChrist human again. Closer to us, the world needs him more than ever. And Jesus "Gatekeepers" will be the ones betraying our faith this time.
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Ill clarify as reading my post seems i said the same thing twice:
I meant instead of taking what masons say about Christ -at best claiming Him as one of their own, and at worst reducing Him to metaphores for a vague, undefined, ego centered spritual realization- we should take the words of Christ and follow Him, denying ourselves, that is our animalistic egos, take our cross, our burden, and follow Him, His words. Not the words of the people of the world
This and Salo show how the elites amuse themselves.
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>We need to make Christ human again, like when God sent his son as a gift to the world, he made him human so he could learn to love humanity
You really think that. That God needs to learn. And only you can teach Him
"Avajananti mam mudha, manushim tanum ashritam, param bhavam ajananto, mama bhuta maheshvaram"(Bhagavad Gita)
You really think *YOU* can make God understand
That *you* can *make* God
The followers of Christ are bewildered, yes. But hardly their fault when only the devils been teaching them
>>Purportedly, one of the items “revealed” to initiates of the cult of Dionysus was a giant dildo, supposedly crafted and used anally by the god himself! The story of its origin states that a shepherd named Prosymnus helped Dionysus rescue his mother Semele from the underworld on the promise that he and the god could have sex afterwards. However, the shepherd died before the promise could be consummated. As a way of making amends, Dionysus made a phallus out of fig wood (the tree associated with Priapus because its fruit was seen as symbolic of the penis). He then placed it on the shepherd’s tomb and proceeded to sit upon it!
WTF?! Never heard about that before. So Dionysus was officially an absolute FAGGOT?
>the god with effeminate epithets and depictions is a FAGGOT?
at this point so are you for being surprised.
this is everything wrong with the world all in one post
I always thought Dionysus was the rapey dude with the goat legs and the horns..?
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You didnt even try to adress or refute anything i said. But youd just use more pseudo spiritual jargon. Humane. We dont care for secular humanism. We want divine intellect
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I get what youre trying to say. I just reject it. We dont need to make God or christianity "human". We have to make humans divine. Closer to God
The masses, the people, are godless, stupid and evil. And even the words "make them more divine" suggest to our wicked mind to be our own gods. Not submission to God. Selfless love with God, just like He loves us. But very hard to learn this as there is no tradition in "our western"(just another illusion) "heritage"
Stop looking at the world through your small lenses. Even what you call western is just inherited and bastatdized from the older eastern culture
i love how /x/ ignores this
clintons have a long bodycount list
wouldn't surprise me if kubrick was on it
holy shit, stan was really asking for trouble
That's Pan
Back in the days was an extra at the set of Baby of Mâcon, as one of those blue-faced, leather-clad guards. I was young and naive and would have never have guessed that I was going to partake at the production of a fucking satanic ritual flick. Reading all the stuff ITT makes it more than obvious though. I feel downright defiled! SHIT!
Show proof if essential parts were cut from the movie. Simple as.
The movie is very entertaining and unique. I'd love to know some movies that are similarly good with the same eerie and occult atmosphere, but you won't
Who never died, by the way, just changed form to be more appealing to civilized society. He kept the wild parties and ritual ecstacy though, who wouldn't?
That's cool though. Anyway don't worry, as that other anon said before, we all take part on their "ritual play" games, in movies, books, video games, music, etc, etc. No one is safe to be part of their "message" construction.
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHjzNj1LEvw
What do you mean "I won't"? Anyways, there are a lot of movies like that. You can watch "Winter Kills" (1979) if you want something very similar to this, with high production and cool visuals. "The Parallax view" is in the same tone too. "The ninth gate" is the most watchable of all of those movies, "Rosemary's Baby" is a must if you like this shit. That Polanski movie is the original tale.
"Angel Heart" (1987) is in the same genre too but from a "Detective Noir" approach. The whole "Twin peaks" tv show delves in the same theme, I could go on and on.
Here you have a cool one:
And this one is a rare gem:

Checked btw, you satanic fuck. lmao
Very unsettling film.
Thanks, usually the people who shit on a movie/book etc on this website never propose better alternatives. You are knowledgeable, I think you've shown it plenty already. Not that I share everything you say but surely your posts are better than the average. Thanks
That Child of Macon movie sounds straight up satanic. I'm versed in alchemy but I can't really get freemason and gnostic symbolism that well, although they have some parallels.
Welp i got satanic trips it looks liks
Now you've got triple dubs. Double checked.

I think the "challenge" (if you will) may be to understand that there's not any "satanic" shit in a supernatural or "demonic" sense, but, just mundane human clever manipulation. Satan won't "manifest" in front of you to sent you to hell, but REAL actions will be taken on you if you meddle with their "private" matters. I think that's what these movies "expose", how REAL actions are taken on "targeted individuals" not through "magic", but by material actions, a low life piece of shit hired to "rough you up", so you get the message. Today that became a whole diverse business with the internet. If you know what I mean.
I was forgetting about other movie "Fallen" 1998. Wich it has one of my favorite scenes in these kind of movies, when "satan" goes straight to Denzel Washington's face and tells him "You searched for me, you came to me, I didn't cared about you, but now I'm here, you called my attention and I'm gonna have fun with you, I'm gonna fuck you up just for fun, and you won't be able to get rid of me". And you can see the realization expression in Denzel's face, wich is perfect, a perfect scene, with so many reading angles. A great movie about this "theme" as well. About the "dangers" of picking a fight with fucking murderers and psychos, who live to kill and destroy. Or getting near them.
Hearing the word "fuck" activates your "lizard brain". I suspect ending on this word serves to implant the ritual/movie deep in your mind.
I don't consider the movie shit at all. I like it on the surface, and I watch it once every couple of months. I love the vibe and the aesthetics. It's a weird, quiet little movie.
The deeper stuff is there, too. Like all Kubrick movies, you can enjoy it on different levels. This one just has less mass appeal. Personally, I don't see what's not to like.
thanks, anon. but notice that, after over 30 years, i´m realizing now what i was taking part in back then. pretty drunk right now, but will nonetheless pray tonight. true evil is reality, that`s a fact. i hope the good forces are real too, and have mercy on me.
>Rosemary's Baby" is a must if you like this shit. That Polanski movie is the original tale.
That movie is a fucking autobiography
Guy(huh, no pun intended, he was named guy in the movie hehe) sells his wife to the devil(fucking leader or top satanist name is fucking roman) to boost his career as an actor. While irl his pregnant wife is "killed by manson" with just a year difference. And macgowan points to the coincidence that, john lennon was killed just outside, in front, of the building the story takes place in. One of you in another thread pointed to the coincidence that disney opened up their house of horror the literal fucking same day the labianca tate murders happened and disneyco even owned the labianca house for a while. I forget, how many victims was there, counting the unborn? Five? Six?(just looking for more of their satanic numerology)
Yeah, you just reminded back about this video:
You seem to be a movie savant not gonna lie. I'm not really a believer in demonic entities and such but I do believe that the small hats and other shady figures partake in horrible deeds for their abject enjoyment alone. Maybe power corrupts to a degree that the average joe cannot imagine, or somehow there is some kind of weird tradition being carried on. But I'm well aware that hidden organisations are very strong due to their secrecy
Yes, strength comes from unity, unity comes from a bound, a bound comes from a secret, a strong powerful secret will determine how much strength that unity will have. So, what is an strong secret for these powerful murderous tyrants above? Surely not some funny secret handshake... kek

But going back to that movie "Fallen", I've found the scene, funny how I remember a whole speech when the kid just said "You're coming after me, Now I'm coming after you, and yours"... Immersed in the movie that simple phrase sounded like a hammer hitting your face. That movie gives you some food for thought about "demonic entities":
The goyim must NOT know about the 30 minutes of cut footage! Oy vey shut it down!
So glad people are actually recognizing common jewish lies, well done lads
Another jew, stop FUCKING typing on here and go have sex with your rabbi while counting sheckles
I agree but unity also comes from profit
The complete uncut version will be revealed in the 30th anniversary.
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To further add
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Busy watching it now.
What did the rainbow shops owners daughter whisper in Tom cruises ear?
What was with the 2 Asian guys in make up she was fooling around with?
At the beginning during the party the two whores tells him that they are taking him "where the Rainbow ends". He says, "Where does the Rainbow ends?", they replied "Let's find out"
Going by to Ziegler's words later in the movie, everything that happens could be a set up for Bill to trick him into a lot of situations. Like ending up in that store asking for a custom dressing. The guy taunts him in the store, like trying to unveil any kinky dark side in Bill, he's trying to break the ice and then he says "did you hear that?" He's just leading Bill into that weird situation... And the whole thing with the daughter and the Japs happens, just for Bill, to tempting him into "that other service" the Rainbow store can provide. The movie insists time and time again that everything around you is staged in order to provide a service for a profit.
This is written by a cuckold fetishist
How did bill know Amanda Curran was the name of the masked women that sacrificed herself for him?
And what was the significance of the prostitute getting diagnosed with aids?
>bringing jews into this like its relevant
probal because the director is a jew, and freemasonry is an admitted jewish cult you fucking deceptive kike who the fuck are you trying to fool, this isnt reddit faggot.
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steven spielberg raped, sodomized and killed heather o rourke after the first poltergeist movie
Seriously? The same people who gave him the threatening note put the mask on his pillow while his wife and daughter were asleep.
If the image was higher quality, it would be more visable.
I'm not reading all that especially since you keep typing lmao in all caps like some kind of retarded discord tranny. Go back.
samefag, the samefag who's been shitting up the thread with his LMAOs
Kill yourself
I heard a rumor that the scene was supposed to be their kid getting groomed or some shit like that.
Such a retarded reach. It is just a fucking ladde.
The cut scene wasn’t actully pedo stuff. That would be creeepy and okay for Hollywood.
They actually show the “elite council” at the time, and they are all “learned elders of Zion” types, reading from the actully book, just over the top but shot really well p, drinking blood and poisoning wells
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So did they Cubrickd Trevor from WKUK after this ?

When Ziegler calls you to check on the overdosed whore in the bathroom he tells that her name is "Mandy". Mandy=Amanda (?) He doesn't know that name till he sees the article in the newspaper about an overdosed "ex-beauty queen" model named Amanda Curran found death in her apartment. So he makes the connection, as it was too much of a coincidence.
The weird thing in the newspaper's article is that it repeats the phrase "She has many important friends in the fashion and entertainment worlds" Twice, you can say that it's a movie mistake but, I don't think so, it should be a clearer message to him to pay attention to the "she has MANY FRIENDS" message, they are everywhere, and they are making sure he understands. Also the newspaper cover have a whole title in bold letters "Lucky to be alive" probably meant to call his attention when grabbing a newspaper, so he doesn't miss.
Another reading could be that, the overdosed whore in the bathroom died, and Ziegler needed to make sure that Bill gets involved somehow in her death, so he doesn't talks about the incident in the party. And Ziegler was saying the truth she died of an overdose that night after the party, and he was directly linked to that because Bill knew everything. Also the masked woman in the orgy wasn't Amanda because she was already dead. They needed to get Bill involved so he feels like he is as guilty as Ziegler for her death. But that's the thing, the movie is just a vehicle to trigger mind games in your head, a "quantum artifact of infinite variables"

The street whore is the same, you could come up with a bunch of viable explanations, all useful for your "amusement" and totally correct all at the same time. Maybe she was a planted player, again to lure him into a path. Maybe she was hired to do just that one job just like the "Piano man" and she never had AIDS. It was an explanation to Bill, maybe to teach him a lesson, he's in a world ruled by THEM, and he doesn't get it. Till the end maybe.
>drinking blood and poisoning wells
Were they rubbing their hands? That was the obvious thing that gave it away, isn't?... Darn it.
No way people believe this shitty larp. I refuse to believe it. You faggots actually think Kubrick would write those scenes? And he would bring that to studio execs??? HAHAHAHAHAHAH
Kubrick was a fucked up schizo. Just look at his movies. Think about the shinning, a fathers chasing his own little son through a snow maze with an axe, to do what? To fucking hack the boy to pieces with that axe.. right? His own father... Get it? The father sacrificing his own son for their god... That's the kind of shit he imprinted in peoples minds.
"Implying", "implanting", a thought and idea, a concept. That's the kind of shit these reptile demons do.
Here it is >>38829717 in the "kid's art" above her bed, "is she asking for it"?, "it implies she's an offering to them"? ... WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN? HUH?
Just another device to perform a satanic ritual in the minds of the human cattle. It doesn't even have to happen in the film, if it is implied, it will happen in your mind, they know how human mind works, how to manipulate it and how to put thoughts and ideas in it. They live for this shit.
>The idealized man, the better man, compassionate, caring, merciful, capable of working miracles in the help of others
This sounds like the modern, humanitarian idealised form of Christianity, all of the parts incompatible with "the Enlightenment" cut off.
>the entire film is a story about a wholesome husband that is so pure and good natured he doesn't even understand what a selfish bitch and a slut his wife is
>literally loses his mind with the realization that he can't even trust his own fucking wife to be the mother of his seven year old daughter
>spends the whole movie encountering a series of pig women that just want to fuck and have no personality outside of craving sex and attention

JESUS CHRIST, how the fuck did Kubrick get away with making a movie so fucking based?
>JESUS CHRIST, how the fuck did Kubrick get away with making a movie so fucking based?
He didn't.

>Kubrick considered it the best of his contributions to the art of cinema
>there IS deleted footage of multiple forms, Kubrick deletes and destroys footage. Cruise said he saw Kubrick editing The Shining at 2 am during Eyes Wide Shut’s filming

It’s the best movie ever. It’s the closest you or I will likely ever get to seeing behind the curtain. This game is run by Roy Al Skeksis, Henson also depicted these characters.
Serious symbolism in almost every frame of the film and the entire movie is an initiatory procedure of Freemasonry. Blogs and books on this subject. The YouTuber Rob Ager and a few like him focus on this film as a traditional movie, a traditional Kubrick movie. It is neither. This is THE movie where you get to see a snippet of the Skeksis who run the T-vistock mkultra system..
>why are they in charge? Because their stupid ancestors were kings and queens?
Royalty, all over the world, comes from one source. And it’s not the /pol/ consideration. Eyes Wide Shut demonstrates that behind the stupid masks of muh capitalist greedy characters and criminal gangs and so forth
They are all subservient to the Skeksis

>”films are never finished, only abandoned.” G. Lucas
As a real elite I can safely say he was disposed of and to call it ritual suicide is both humorous and metaphorical. Indeed, he made the film to spite his own people and advocates. He was the dog that bit the hand that fed him. It was quite amusing. The little people ate this movie up. Massive hatred against our families intensified after this movie premiered so we elected 9-11 to happen and then created a polarized society and legally took most people’s rights away during the chaos of post 9-11. Nobody protested or noticed. Now if there is any true revolt against us and the system we can quickly put it down. You are all cattle, enjoy you pathetic existence.
Rainbow - wizard of oz trauma programming reference

You will never see our final form. You’re as pathetic as the so called cattle you enslave.
You're an idiot for believing other anon.
>same glowfag from earlier can't stop typing out his joker laugh
God damn that's so cringe
This would be more convincing if you said 9/11 didn't work so you did occupy wall street
As usual an under educated glowie ruins the fun
>We're pretty tight with the shitty ones
Salvadore Dali themed Hellfire Party at the Rothschilds' Estate which consists of a Black Mass and an orgy with children.

No man of wealth or influence has been good enough to kill these pedophiles.
Is there any more information about this? Never heard of this.
>THE WIZARD OF OZ - Somewhere Over the Rainbow
>When all the world is a hopeless jumble
>And the raindrops tumble all around,
>Heaven opens a magic lane.
>When all the clouds darken up the skyway
>There's a rainbow highway to be found,
>Leading from your window pane
>To a place behind the sun,
>Just a step beyond the rain.
>Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high,
>There's a land that I heard of once in a lullaby.
>Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue,
>And the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true.
>Someday I'll wish upon a star and wake up where the clouds are far behind me.
>Where troubles melt like lemon drops away above the chimney tops,
>That's where you'll find me.
>Somewhere over the rainbow, bluebirds fly.
>Birds fly over the rainbow; why, then, oh why can't I?
>Someday I'll wish upon a star and wake up where the clouds are far behind me.
>Where troubles melt like lemon drops away above the chimney tops,
>That's where you'll find me.
>Somewhere over the rainbow, bluebirds fly.
>Birds fly over the rainbow; why, then, oh why can't I?
I>f happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow,
>Why, oh why can't I?
At least post the damn art work you're referring to
>The funny thing is, these same elites hate the Russian elite. The Russians have a shoot on sight doctrine for their deep underground.
Pretty much the entirety of russia's "elite" right now are unironically jewish oligarchs with names like Roman Abramovich, trumpcel
Meh.. boring flick
>Bring up trumpcel for no reason
Typical glowie
Literally just use any search engine and a bunch of articles will pop up.
Tom cruz cuck movie number 45
I'm just gonna get up and say it for everybody, if he sucked it up and played Anne Rice's fag in the 90's we wouldn't have needed a shitty DEI remake.
He seems to love getting mocked.
>he made him human so he could learn to love humanity.
>God learning
¿Amigo? Anatema.
>How dense are you? He was bringing jews into this like its relevant
Except we know (from Epstein files and others) that some high profile Jews are involved in child sexual trafficking for powerful people.
Call it crazy, but you are able to discuss things like religion, blackmail, and power broking without frothing about /pol/.
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I watched the entire movie and I did not see the supposed satanic rites you anons say are being shown. Of course, if that's the case, the point is to have them veiled; hidden in plain sight for those that are looking to find them... but then I'd have to be initiated in said rites to find them
>what was in the removed footage?
>did they actually kill stanley for it?
Are you versed in Christian lore? Masonic talmudic rituals are centered on the mockery of Christian lore. In the play, a child born out of a fake virgin is presented as a political plot to infuse the populous with a fervent faith in the divine nature of the child and the "virgin" mother. The rulers monarchs in the play make use of this plot to infuse themselves of that divine authority, as King and queen protectors of the faith. An extrapolation of the real Catholic Monarchs in Spain, who decree the expulsion of the masonic satanic usurers and child murderers in the middle ages. So this powerful circles, bankers, merchants, usurers who performed this crimes of Blood Passover, created their own narrative and lore against this treat put on them: Their enemy is Christianity, Christ and the Virgin mother. So the play in the movie focus on that, to mock the Child, as the son of some deformed atrocity, the mock of the virgin mother, as some whore faking being the mother of a child trough "divine intervention". And also the mockery of Joseph, as a cuck retard. The three of them being killed at the end, in the most gruesome ways imaginable. It's a ritualistic way to remind themselves about who their enemy is.
This is not a joke, and if you ever mention the "Blood Libel" ritual they will wipe that out of the search engines and delete everything.
This is why they killed Kubrick, and Tracy Twayman, and only God knows how many more. This is what they are, they have been in war against Christianity and the idea of JesusChrist for a thousand years. And they rule the world, our narrative, our economy and our freedom. Just like Kubrick exposed it in Eyes Wide Shut. Total control.
>Masonic talmudic rituals are centered on the mockery of Christian lore
I am versed yes... hm, got it that's the lens I need to see things through
Plenty of places touch it, here you will get banned for it all the time, i know because i've been getting the hammer for it
Search for small fry imageboards and you will see it more often to the point of redundancy or the same implied "i know you know" attitude anons do here
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Aaaah ok, it makes much more sense. Indeed, the real mother was a diseased, ugly and old woman in the accursed town. I thought of it as a miracle similar to other barren or elderly women giving birth as it's written in the bible, not as a way to mock the Son. We have the Virgin who was a greedy woman, the child even told her what was coming. FInally we have "Joseph" who indeed was an idiot cuck. Despite being right with his scepticism he was tempted and failed.
Something interesting and unmentioned in the thread is that the woman killed the holy cow (an instrument of the child who seemingly DID have saint like powers) and that was her downfall. Said animal was then named cardinal or bishop and was mourned like a person... and by the end of the play they are exhibited like this (the child too, as the disembodied head)
It's also interesting how the child was first looted from the artifacts as the people mourned him and them butchered and turned into reliques. Bless me with your tiny hands, bless me with your tiny feet etc etc... Besides the movie showcasing how the satanic rituals want to mock christ, I found it interesting that the nobility was a hybrid between actor and audience. At first they just watched but then they took a more and more prominent role. And there was another row of audience after them, the ones that cheered and stuff...
>like the name of the journalist seen in the newspaper clipping at the end
The one that IRL wrote Stanley's obituary, pretty hardcore easter egg
Wrong, Isaac
awesome. waiting for proof.
Maybe you should watch "A Series of Unfortunate Events" (2004), that one Jim Carry's movie. It has MANY recognizable elements about, "you know what". So much that if you're in the right mindset to catch all of that, you will be blown out by how fucked up that movie is. And how blatantly they expose their "esoteric culture".
Do you know about that "33 minute mark film ritual"? I didn't believe it, but, I started to find in many many, MANY movies that 33 minute mark "code". Like in that movie "A Series of Unfortunate Events", that guy "Billy Connolly" opens a cage for no reason to show the kids a black giant serpent wich threatens to eat the baby in their hands. The baby cries loudly and painfully, (the only time in the movie), a very shocking little moment put there for no reason, because Connolly just opens the cage for that to happen, and immediately closes it like mindlessly, like some mandatory ritual. (Also about Billy Connolly, he plays a p3d0phile in the X-files movie too, weird guy, I don't trust british people, in particular showbusiness brits).
You will find the whole khazarian mafia background listed from A to Z in that movie. Name taking, stealing, usury, Shape-shifting/Disguise, spy intelligence, child abuse, the baby sacrifice, assassination, manipulation, a "play" at the end when Carry marries her own underage step daughter, masonic symbolism all over the place like the all seeing eye (that's so in your face that's almost shocking), and as you mentioned, the ever present element of "acting and theatrics". The whole "circle of operatives" of the Jim Carry's character, are always rehearsing a "play", getting ready to "stage" something. To me, that's the one movie that opened Jim Carry's "eyes". You can see him in that movie acting weird, like out of his essence. It's a fucked up performance, it's not "funny", it's just a raw fucked up exposition.
Got it, I'll watch it. I hope I can be able to don and doff the lens at will... Seeing signs everywhere sounds like a depressing existence
I think he meant the old russian elite aka pre-bolshevism, nowadays it would be thinly-veiled royalty like Medvedev or some dudes we haven't even heard of because the moneymakers are indeed jew oligarchs, hell even the russian mafia is jewish ukries.
Read the thread, yid
That movie was based on a book you know. Well, it's actually the first three in a series (of unfortunate events) all mashed up together into one movie. The movie was a shitshow of a production, so it's hard to believe it was all planned. Basically, they mashed together the script of three full length books and it was forced out at the hieght of popularity of the book series which was already on book five at the time and promising at least four more, meaning the trilogy of the movie would complete the book series of they mashed together all the plots. The book talks much, much, much more about the blake snake, a Mamba du Mal, one of the deadliest snakes in the hemisphere. A black mamba. It plays an important role in the second book and i would say if you say "for no reason" I would say as a reference to said snake in the book.
>Seeing signs everywhere sounds like a depressing existence
Oh, boy, tell me about it. The funny thing is, that it takes a mind really LOADED with popular culture to see the pattern clear as day. Because once you know about something and you find it in one movie or song or whatever, if you watched all movies and all TV shows and heard all music through out your life, then you immediately recognize the pattern in all of those products at the same time. There's no way to avoid it.
Tom Cruise in example it is known that he's a movie geek, he watches movies all day, as he said. But I didn't know that he went open about Scientology in the 2000's, immediately after EWS. I know he was in Scientology before that, but in the 2000's he "came out" with that. And I wonder if it wasn't a way to protect himself, after being exposed to that Kubrick's project. He may have had some sort of "awakening" like you see in this board, and he just started to "signal" that he was "protected". Like in prison, you see?, when you chose a gang family to be protected.
I became more of a Christian catholic after learning all of this stuff. Even when I've never been a "church goer" or a "believer". I now understand that there's evil in this world, and that, spiritual social tribal structures like "religions" are not meant to be a larping passtime hobby, but a political structural authority for you and your people, against the "evil in this world" wich is just fucking foreign elements coming for you, your sons and daughters, your land, your home and your way of life. They know what "they" are, and they get strong in their own fucked up way. It works for them. The problem is when we start to forget what WE are, and then when we are all alone and confused, with out guide, with out our spiritual construction as a family or as a nation, then they will come for us, we are going to be easy prey for them. We already are.
>so it's hard to believe it was all planned
Editors are often the real directors because they tailor the final product, this is often in Hollywood where the director is usually the guy who makes all the filming happen smoothly so the production-picked editor gets to make something out of all the footage.
this thread is worse then the outright nazi posting, at least then its not play pretend. Kubrick would have hated every single one of you, i hope you know that.

yall have 0 media literacy and it shows hard.
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Guess what? Kubrick himself (a Jew) was hilariously enough recorded by an acquaintance (Frederic Raphael, who helped write the script for Eyes Wide Shut) as saying, “Hitler was right about almost everything”, which Raphael was puzzled and a little hurt by and took as a dark joke.


Also, the potshots at a secretive perverted elite are clearly intended in the movie. Go back to guzzling S*ylent and watching your wife’s boyfriend fuck your wife, you can post about it all on Reddit instead of here.
They killed Jesus for being a good man, their own king... And you think they wouldn't kill Kubrick for telling the truth about them?
>Masonic talmudic rituals
wait masons are jewish?
>go back to /pol/
Newfag detected
what movie? sorry, i dont come to /x/ very often so excuse me if this a stupid question
>wait masons are jewish?
Anon, I....
the baby of macon. Spoken at lenght in this threa
Shut up kike

B u m p :)
> The Baby of Mâcon (1993)
but arent jews supposed to be the good guys?
>but arent jews supposed to be the good guys?
Anon, I...
Too long of an article, fuck off with posting garbage. Crop and send the important shit
lol im just fucking with you i know they are not the good guys, but seriously i didnt know the masons were jewish
Alot of films carry truth but are hid under the rug. Like donnie darko
>but seriously i didnt know the masons were jewish
See: >>38855029
Also their grandmasters saying all the time jews are their spirit animals
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I mentioned this earlier in this thread, though i might be wrong and reaching. The cow being revered is a Mitraic motif. Once you slay the cow you conquer the cosmos and control your fate, with the bull representing the old world powers, so picture it as a cherry on top. In the rites of Mitras the top degree is ruled by Saturn "the father" - who happens to don a mitre pope hat. You notice how Joseph is wearing the mitre hat.

The floating head is reprints the Church if the 2 John's ("Esoteric Christianity/Freemasonry"). Valentin Tomberg mentions how the "2 churches", that of Saint John and the church proper need each other to keep Christianity strong. Ironic considering how hard Freemasonry infiltrated the church but i do feel there's more to the story we will probably never know.

The cutting up of the body also alludes to to the cutting up of Osiris and that of the Alchemic process of destroying your body to become pure spirit, also that of regeneration/resurrection. George Gurdjieff (Sufi Freemason adjacent) mentions how the true meaning of the last supper how the eating (and i'm presuming the cutting of his body) of Jesus flesh - so the apostles would ingest the "holy spirit" in them and proceed to have a part of "the master" in them, curing people and whatnot. This was a old shamanic practice the Jews apparently used to do. The use of body parts of saints as charms was common in the christian old world, from Byzantium to France. There's a famous story of the Venetians stealing the body of Saint Mark from Egypt so they could gain his powers and protection. Coincidentally they become a powerhouse not too long after. Is it related? who knows.
As someone mentioned earlier as well the whole play is an initiation, which would explain why Cosmio is interacting in the play. From a boy to a man (A proper ruler). This is not so common now a days but throughout the pre christian world and in some present day tribal societies the act of initiation meant you would fully become an adult/and or king. In some ways the catholic communion is a modern version of it even though its pretty tame in comparison. If you know about the Medici's then you should know without them a lot of this Freemasonry/Esoteric movement wouldn't have occurred as it did, since they were the ones who financed the renaissance movement and the translation of the Corpus Hermetica.
Thank you kindly for contextualizing so much
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Bros give me some good movie recommendations.
>Eyes wide shut
>Vanilla sky
Any more?
Why do you think the holy cow was granted a catholic rank after its death? was it to further the mockery or it is even another layer of mistery?
Speaking of layers, I liked how out of place the nobility were. They were watched by the ¿Real? Audience but it seemed that they owned the play. Maybe they were not nobles at all but as the owners of the play they set themselves as nobles, since the ¿Real? nobles were at the first row of the play, being served delicacies and fanned by red-robed servants. Scarlet robed servants* The Catholic church serving them?
Something cool also is how one of the nobles that were spectator/actor paid a handsome sum to be part of the play, getting dressed up as Famine, the one that narrates the beginnig and closure of the movie/play... and the real Famine says "The people in power/with money always pay to be the bad guy (role)" and we are shown that there were like ten famines, lol
You are able to discuss all those things without putting jews front and center. You basically worship jews as gods. Let me guess, you're a white nationalist and a christian.
Woao!, thanks anon. It's amazing to have this information available at this level, (ground level). Losing their "secrets" seems to be also provoking the losing of their power, how poetic.
About the "Medicis", they were the ones starting this hegemonic power over the western world, taking a hold of the Roman Empire, owning the vatican directly via blood related family ties in key positions of power, the orchestration of the fall of Constantinople, giving them total control over the west, and culminating on this Rothchild, Murdoch, Rockefeller, Soros, Bloomberg, dominated world of today.
who's pictured (dead) in the 2nd (right) image?
I don't know much about this stuff just trying to keep up. It seems super symbolic all his limbs are cut off, the body is white, the severed head is golden.
Is it osiris or is that a parallel? I feel like you said the answer already but it's like reading moonrunes to me because I'm just learning all of this stuff so please forgive me for the dumb question
it's also werid (creepy) to me that everyone in the background including the guard looking character seems to not care or notice at all. Mayhaps i just dont know enoug habout the image.
people really dont value their attention. so much is given away for free. this world is about embracing the wolf
A variation of a old Alchemical text from the renaissance called "Splendor Solis"

Thee hermetics will just say Alchemy came from Egypt - thus the Osiris nod. It's a way for them to mix all the mysterious in one soup so to speak. You could easily fit in any dying or resurrecting figure there, like how the director put Jesus in that spot.
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Never stop gooning in mansions frens. As if any of you actually get invited.
wow thanks for the info this is amazing stuff
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To further add

They used to play the Isis/Osiris play on the streets of Rome. A ritual procession but in a way a ancient form of a movie really. Where has public rituals like this gone other than secular festivals and frivolous modern holiday celebrations? its all in movies and media now.


Just my 2 cents. I'm still digging through texts and learning. I know there's more to the film that other people could probably pick up on, but the film seems too obscure and shocking, so viewers will always have a emotional reaction to it (naturally).
>hell even the russian mafia is jewish ukries.
geez no wonder (((they))) hate the Russians then
Pffffffft. Scientist couldn't even measure the cringe and edginess of this post

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