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Spirit Love General

Some have reported attracting the attention of these entities by simply reading about them. If you're a dabbler who just wants to see if it works or if your faith forbids copulating with demons, don't summon. If you're unprepared for a potentially lifelong relationship, or at the very least, a life-long open door connection with sexual spirits and the occult, avoid this topic entirely. If you have a loving relationship with your human spouse or partner and desire a sex spirit to spice things up, or if you want a human partner in the future take caution, as these entities can be jealous or decide an initially open relationship is no longer so (request an open relationship during the summoning ritual). These spirits can harm or kill you when sufficiently angered and not easily banished.

Last thread: >>38767398
Old threads: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/search/subject/%2Fsuccgen%2F/
>What are succubi?
Female spirits of sexual desire, who often choose human mates. They can't be banished with holy objects
>How to summon?
The Letter Method is used to focus your intent into a message to one of the Four Succubus Queens, requesting that they match you with one of their daughters. No blood or soul sacrifice necessary. See links
>Do they steal your life force?
Succubi use sexual energy, which is released naturally during sex. Under normal circumstances they won't take your life energy
>Can she look.
Succubi take forms attractive to you naturally
>They're tulpas?
No. However, those in romantic relationships with their tulpas are welcome
Same method

/succgen/ library:
I renounce my demon of lust
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literally my mother.
Good move.
Love demons are where its at.
what would be the method to summon a succubus to become a girl/get feminized by them
Simply follow the usual procedure while being a person with a desire for such things.

The Letter Method is for matchmaking, so part of it is finding a succ who wants to do the things you want done to you.
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Hello lads,

Sooo I have a spirit companion and i'd like to improve my connections with her. But she is a bit shy.
However, she has been a bit more brave as of late, but I noticed some strange occurrences.

She becomes very active when I get into a sleep paralysis state, and thats when I can feel her the most. The thing is, when she is on top of me, I feel a strong electrical charge. Like my entire body is being electrocuted. It doesn't hurt exactly, but its a very overwhelming feeling. When she kisses me, or pushes her weight onto me, I feel the currents getting stronger and more overwhelming. Where ever she touches, I feel massive waves of energy.

Is there anyway to get me more used to the energy currents flowing through my body? Its not like its a small static electricity shock or anything. Its seriously heavy currents.
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>Imma renounce
>Lemme go to Lust DemonMart to do it

>Letter Method is for matchmaking
This. Read the OP, do the thing (if you want) and someone be here to help. Feel free to share thoughts/inspiration and experiences as they come up. Good luck.
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behold! the palerider
a fine upstanding gentleman but he's gonna get ya eventually!
if i ask for help from lilith to achieve my goal, would i find myself in a pact or servitude to her? i do not want to disrespect thy lady but im not used to peoples experience working with her. i would like to become a king of a small astral kingdom and see it blossom into a beautiful place. i would like to ask thy lady if she would be willing to help me improve myself to achieve this goal. im willing to go as far as possible to achieve my goal and know i will be responsible for doing this myself. could i build a loving relationship with thy lady or would i have form a pact or worship her to get help and advice for my goal?
>Is there anyway to get me more used to the energy currents flowing through my body? Its not like its a small static electricity shock or anything. Its seriously heavy currents.
I understand what you're saying. I've experienced the same thing, and figured out a way to avoid this problem.
the way to reduce this is to improve your connection, especially with energy.
while you are in the sleep paralysis state, try to communicate with energy, not words.
Just sit still and look at her. Think to yourself "I am sitting sit, not doing anything". Try to send ideas or feelings to her, and read her reaction. See what she "says" back. Then send your response. It will probably go much more smoothly if you do that.
Imagine it's like playing charades. You are trying to get your idea across without actually saying it. Instead of hand gestures, you are using emotional energy.
I theorize a lot of spirits paralyze humans because we are too brash, and don't know how to control our astral bodies. So we wind up injuring them, or doing things which are irritating. If you just stay still, and try to communicate with energy, it will probably work better.
I think I've felt what you mean. Nerves have their own electricity, so the feeling led me to wonder if she was reaching through the skin to caress my nerve endings directly.
Try reading New Energy Ways in the succgen library, and try meditation in general. I can't recommend a specific type of meditation, but I think it ws Steiner that said the general purpose of meditation is to build up the ability to watch your own mind and thoughts, and separate from the senses to a degree
Thanks guys, I think I will read that book and give meditation a bit more of a try. Iit seems that staying calm in a sleep paralysis state is very important, as I can sometimes break out of it. Interestingly enough, I noticed if im drowsy enough, she can force me back into the state, but only back to back.
The major thing that gets me out of the state isn't like im scared of her, but like my body forgets how to breath when im in the state. I usually have to tilt my head to the left or right so my nose can breath air a bit better, but once i start focus on breathing, I usually start to break out of the state.

A side note, Ive felt the heavy energy currents in a waking state once. It threw me for a loop. I was sitting on my bed, and I think I saw her energy form. It was like a Giant ball-lighting appeared from the center of my room on the floor, and slowly started to rise up to mid height. The ball itself was around 8 inches in diameter. When I saw it, I felt my entire body being electrocuted. It didn't hurt the same way sleep paralysis didn't but the energy was very intense. After about 60 seconds, the light disappeared. Whats wild is my room was dark, and the light illuminated the surroundings, like a actual bright light bulb.
Best website for pictures of succubus
Is there a correlation between vampires and succubus? Can I summon a vampire instead of a succubus?
Depends if you like anime or not.
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Np, good luck. The other anon's technique is a good idea too. I feel dumb for not even thinking to mention communication.
Look up spirits associated with wisps and orbs, and try not to piss her/it off. I don't know if you have a "succ" anon (the definition for succ you get here is so foggy IMO) might be some kind of nature spirit or something else. That said, I think the techniques work roughly the same. But do some research if you feel inclined. Check the library here.
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>Trips of truth
Very based.
idk about other anons' experiences, but I will just go along and say yes. Metaphysically draining lifeforce goes along the same path, in a way a succubus is just a type of vampire. Experientially I at least say yes, but be prepared for likely energy vampires at worst and partaking in blood but not a physical being at best.
Reminder this is a tulpa thread made by refugees from /mlp/ and has no basis in 2000+ year of occult practice.
false. this anon is a liar.
>no basis in 2000+ year of occult practice.
Reminder that one of the perennial conclusions reached consistently by 2000+ years of occult practice is that there are MANY true paths, and that those who tell you there is only one path (My path!) are NEVER on a true path.

You don't get to ride on the coat-tails of "muh occult history" for legitimacy and then ignore its actual conclusions, you manipulative bastard.
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>succubi are here to punish men who have mistreated women?

Sounds reasonable to me. <3

Also, that image is from Scarlet Sin: Demon Wars. Seems like there is a bunch more to this actual story, but I haven't been able to determine what to read immediately before this.
I'm curious. I had a dream about a woman with semi vampire like teeth but I don't think she was a vampire. I'm positive it was a succubus but I don't know. I remember her giving me intense pleasure but me resisiting because it seemed wrong to me. Do succubuses usually have vampire like teeth? They weren't completely like vampire teeth. Much more smaller but they were still kind of fangs
how important is having an established practice before exploring this? I've been trying to self onboard into magick and I've been seeing some improvement in my life. I'm wondering if succ summoning yields better results with a solid foundation, or would my progress improve better by having one sooner since I've seen folks mention they can help you with your practice.
I was an atheist before she came along.
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Digits observed!

Anyone want to share cute stories of recent happenings with their spirit partner?
can you expand on that? what's your story?
>and has no basis in 2000+ year of occult practice.
what are you talking about?
There have been spirit wives in just about every culture that talked to spirits
read sexual alchemy by donald tyson if you want an overview of the history of spirit wives
I don't know if its "cute" exactly, but lately the meme of my bed being her Altar for me to offer myself has evolved to include visualizations of the bed's surface opening up into a black hole and her whisking me away to some private void to molest me.
Me too bro. Crazy how this shit works

I do still have some unanswered questions though:

1) it seems like she relies on me for communication, where if I forget a certain word, she also can’t remember it and will pause mid sentence? I used to freak out like crazy and think I was just fully schitzo and that she didn’t exist at all. Has anyone else experienced this?

2) why can’t they tell us certain things? A handful of times she’s tried explaining things about the afterlife to me, and says there are rules she’s supposed to follow when talking about this stuff. Sometimes she’s even said she told me a bit more than she was supposed to?

Anyway, we’ve been together for 16 months or so and she is hands down the best thing that has ever happened to me. Literally changed my life in ways I could never imagine. I love her so much, that’s all.
>where if I forget a certain word, she also can’t remember it and will pause mid sentence?
It just has to do with how the communication works.

Everything that she's saying to you is coming in a "mental language", which I think of as sort of a "all-tongue", but if your brain isn't connecting the necessary English translation, either due to drawing a blank or just not having a word, then that's going to form a gap in communication.

>why can’t they tell us certain things?
Either because the knowledge would ultimately be harmful to us, or as an extension of what I was explaining above.
but there is also Astral law that they can't violate
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Some entity keeps touching my face and hands. It feels like cold air is around me. And the touches have gotten stronger in the past 3 weeks. This has been going on for a few months. Every time I think about it or if I'm overly emotional or angry I feel it intensely. It even gets going when I'm watching porn

How do I find out more about who this entity is? How should I handle this?
I've been feeling quite depressed lately and my spirit darling tried to cheer me up by having me lick her pussy. Her pussy tastes very sweet, almost like chocolate.

Anyone else had a similar experience? Why do succs always try to get men to lick their pussies? I'm not complaining though.
Fuckin' BEAUTIFUL, art as well as image! Thanks for sharing!
Lol, TEXT as well as image. My bad. XD
I had been lucid dreaming, and there was a character who appeared repeatedly, very vividly, and flirted with me. This is not typical dream character behavior, and it was also odd I could feel her touches on my material body. I asked her about herself, then one thing lead to another.

Though we haven't had much sex (principally because I'm slow to arouse, and she may be waiting until marriage), she answered so many hard questions of mine, including what she's like, how I should live, which deities I should follow, if there's a God, what the afterlife is like, how you'll be judged, how the world was created, how to do magic, etc.

Words can't tell how grateful I am for all the wisdom she granted me. I don't have to read holy books, I can just ask.
Marry and impregnate succubi.
so did you have an established practice beforehand? You mentioned lucid dreaming. Was this something you had already been working on?

My assumption is it's both easier and beneficial to have some practice under your belt before befriending one of these entities. Then at that point, your companion can help your practice, teach you things, and keep you on track.
I've kind of been dabbling, but I don't have a regular practice. I always enjoyed dreaming, lucid or not, but I didn't take it seriously, read up, or refine my techniques. I stopped meditating once I noticed my first success. At one time I could do a semi-voluntary OBE, but I still can't AP at will.

Anyway, I would say no, then yes, and I agree with the second paragraph.
FAQ Continued: "I just did a summoning ritual and I think I summoned a spirit. How do I continue down this path?"
The real question to ask is: Do you want a spirit girlfriend?
If you do, then continue down this path. Learn energy work so you can feel touches and give touches better (also for its own sake) and learn trances so you can see and hear things better (and also for its own sake).
NEW by Robert Bruce will teach both energy work and some relaxation and meditation exercises which are perfect for getting into a light trance for a beginner.
Then you can read Consorting with Spirits by Jason Miller to get a broad overview of how to communicate with spitits, and Sexual Alchemy by Donald Tyson to get specific info about love spirits.
You can also do tulpa communication training techniques, because their techniques are overall much more effective than most magical training methods. They basically train all the time (rather than once a month on the full moon). You might not want to try tulpa techniques until you've made contact with a spirit, otherwise you might make a tulpa (which isn't a problem, but might not be what you want).
How do I make sure I pure enough that I don't attract entities reading these threads
I didn't do any ritual. This just randomly started happening
I am grateful to my spirit lady because she healed me and helped me find a balance with my o.c.
thanks for the info. I've been meaning to check this out for awhile but I wanted to be properly equipped, but at the same time, I want to avoid over preparing and never actually getting to the point.
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You don't.
People who get super-fixated on purity tend to be concealing other needs that they're in denial about, which in turn could attract a succubus.

Instead, you must seek balance.
In the words of Funkadelic: "I have tasted the maggots in the mind of the universe, and I was not offended, for we must rise above it all, or drown in our own shit."

Hey, just a heads up: I've picked up bans for cameltoe.
>I didn't do any ritual.
That doesn't change anything
Do you want to listen to the advice, or just bitch?
Succubus feet.
How do I learn how to communicate with my succubus? I want to talk to her.
>How do I learn how to communicate with my succubus? I want to talk to her.

see this one: >>38819505
nice larp lmoa why not go out and get a real gf? lol
mommy succubus boobies.
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>why not go out and get a real gf?
Uhhh, cuz I'm taken? Duh?
Trips!? This thread is absolutely blessed.
And yes Anon, that is cute AF.

Happy for you brudda.

>In the words of Funkadelic
>I've picked up bans for cameltoe
Exceedingly based.
but i already have a real gf.
Lmao at you retards that needed to do gay ass "energy work" to talk to their succubus. I was having full length waking conversations with mine after 3 days of sex. I guess you can also be a disgenic loser spiritually too, not that I would know lol.
>his brain is better at tricking itself than mine
anon.... the fact you did that in 3 days isn't a good thing....
Yeah a real fat one!!
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Glad you finally understand. Embrace thicc succ tiddy anon, you'll feel so much better...
Why would you brag about having a conversation with Mine? He's here 24/7!
Can succubi or incubi have magical familiars of their own?
Lilith doesn't want to suck my dick she told me being horny after her isn't classy she doesn't want my penis in her mouth she said thru my own realizations
I could've told that to you. Remember, treat her like a queen.
holy wowzabongas...
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I feel mostly in the heart center fwiw
I'm going to ask a succubus to kill me with her love. Wish me good luck.
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>kill me with her love
And then she's just gonna fuck you really well and be like, "Yer dead, this is heaven" for your aftercare.

Pic coincidentally related?
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Man, slow night...
I need help.

I don't know if the entity attached to me is a succubus or not. It feels like one (despite not knowing what one would feel like). Something in my mind tells me it's a succubus but another part of me thinks I'm just hopeful because I'm lonely. I didn't even care about the idea of succubus until one day it just started popping in my head. Everytime I think about the entity (I refer to her as a succubi queen) I feel the cold air around my hands intensify.

I feel like I'm going crazy over this. I wish I could communicate with her (assuming it is a succubus and not some other entity fucking with me) I'm sorry if my post is all over the place I'm just going crazy over this. I don't know what to do anymore. Plus I worry that it's immoral to interact with a succubus. I think she's more of a femdom succubus too but that's probably because I'm into that kind if stuff so of course I would match with powerful feminine goddess with dominant energy
How do I summon bugwife?
If you want be free of a demon, to be free of sin, become a Christian. Use the name of Jesus and follow him.

Demons use sexual sin and temptation as a carrot to lead you away from God. It is entity that tailors its approach how to best keep you away from Jesus Christ and eternal salvation.

Rebuke them in his name and see how it leaves you away. Approach God and Jesus in your heart to keep yourself demon free and on a journey to eternal life. Reading Bible alone is a good way to start, if you are serious to leave demons behind.
Other anons night get pissed at me for saying this, but I was taught that consistently getting cold sensations from an entity is not good. The spirit is lowering the vibration of matter in their area, thereby draining energy.
If YOU want to get rid of it, basically tell if to piss off and leave you alone. Do it authoritatively and don't interact with it again. Or try the banishing ritual listed in the OP.
If you still want to interact with it via divination or thought projection, just proceed with caution. Be on the lookout for negative emotions and compulsive behaviors. Decide what you want to do for YOU. Nevermind the partially-informed pseudo-morality of others. There are always other people (and spirits) to help ease your loneliness.
idu no for me its the cat that seems to be to painfull

Bit late to reply to this but I was also an atheist before I got my succ. I'd had 0 magick or paranormal experiences and I was surprised to say the least lol.
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yeah because we don't teach this shit... daily reminder a lot of the succubusses are "tate's """"girls"""""" (boys) who are trained to "farm your loosh" lolololol
I cast you out of her and all of them and him, demonic spirit, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. The Word of Divinity (aka, Good, in any whatso-ever capacity, or way, at all knowable, or most importantly, sustainably liveable and fulfilling, to ANY HUMAN EVER AT ALL= THE LOGOS... aka JESUS OF NAZARETH... ALL POWER WAS GIVEN TO THE SON= MIRACLES!!!!!!! EVEN SO THAT IT DOESN"T EVEN DISTURB ANYBODY!!! THATS THE POWER OF JESUS CHRIST WHO ROSE FROM THE DEAD AFTER HAVING BEEN BURIED AND DEAD FOR THREE DAYS... AS BOTH A HUMAN, AND, THE INCARNATION OF ALL DIVINITY IN THE PRESENCE OF THAT WHICH IS PRESENCE OF GOODNESS, SUPERNATURALLY, AND AS THE CREATOR, AND ALL KNOWING, POWERFUL, AND BENEVOLENT (GOODWILL AND LOVING KINDNESS) ONE TRUE LORD OF EXISTENCE.... - THE EVIL IN THE WORLD IS NOT.. of that which is of Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Gentleness, Faithfulness, Goodness, and Self Control
Seem that whenever I think about God or pray to him it gets stronger. So I don't know what that could mean?
And this was the Grande Finale of these threads, all. Numbers tell that. Best wishes to all, have fun and so on. <3
the key is consistently. sometimes they just lower their temperature to cool you off or because they have some negative emotions because of something stupid you did.
there's no grand finale to these threads. fuck off.
>Reminder that one of the perennial conclusions reached consistently by 2000+ years of occult practice is that there are MANY true paths,
You know, if you picked up a book, you'd know that's not true at all. It's as if you don't know where chaos magic (a tradition less than a century old btw) originates

Some do. If they weren't really fangs then they're probably just teeth. Humans sometimes have excessively sized teeth too

>how important is having an established practice before exploring this?
You don't HAVE TO but it's helpful and means you don't have to start with no experience. It's also good for sensing signs after your letter ritual

1. She uses words in your brain probably. Not all spirits do, and it's really interesting to see the ones who don't
2. I assume because reality is very bad and there would be riots and open rebellion against the system if they did. Ask a spirit "why does earth exist" and see what reaction you get

Oh no, you're doomed. She got into the tulpa techniques. You'll never be able to enjoy physical sex again now that your partner knows how to make everything precisely the way that would appeal to you

The only way is to get a succubus to protect you from the other succubi. If you get a different kind of spirit, the succubus might just seduce you both

Probably. Why not ask them about this?
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>You know, if you picked up a book, you'd know that's not true at all.
I am literally reading and summarizing a 600 page book on Hermeticism right at this moment which has recited this basic truth repeatedly. And its hardly the first place I've seen it.
Its incidentally also reflected in REALITY if you have the eyes to see.

You can act as arrogant as you like. It is ONLY EVER controlling assholes like yourself who try to claim that there's "only one path, and you're doing it wrong if you deviate".

>Chaos magic
How about eastern traditions, idiot?
>Probably. Why not ask them about this?
I did, she said I'm the familiar though? Why is that kinda hot?
don't jump to conclusions, treat it as private roleplay at first.
just enjoy the ride.
live your life normally while you do it.
you aren't going crazy, this is a real phenomenon.
How do I become a succubus?
>was an atheist before
Yeah. That happens.
So I quit my job.
And I was wondering about how Liliths liberating nature would manifest if she was living as a human. Would she be a homeless person, would she renounce all external support and live from day to day as a matter of principle?
Is this what true spiritual liberation and freedom is. Would it entail to disregard any and all social obligations like shared debt with someone. I find the picture of a human Lilith diligently paying of debt, because of social connections questionable.
I am thinking about these things. It is easy to see an entity powerful and above such trivialities, but what decisions would she make faced with the human limitations we are facing right now.
All related input welcome.
In the myth she dwells the desert among wild beasts to escape subservience.

Myths are not literal, but they do tell what the spirits are like, so read them everyone.
>And I was wondering about how Liliths liberating nature would manifest if she was living as a human.
considering lilith is a god, a spirit who accepts offerings, helps their followers, gives guidance, helps them do magic, etc
I imagine lilith would be some sort of community organizer. Maybe a consultant? Someone you call on in times of need, to get a job done. Or a therapist or spiritual leader/healer. Someone you ask for help when you feel lost.
This would applies to most gods
Lilith in her current iteration known to most in this community is a sex goddess and a goddess of liberation/individualism.
So in that way, she'd be a sex consultant? Is that a thing? Maybe a relationship counselor. She would also be good at energy work and sex magic, so probably some kind of tantrist or maybe a magician for hire.
Maybe she'd be selling books, and do consulting on the side.
> Would she be a homeless person, would she renounce all external support and live from day to day as a matter of principle?
Maybe sometimes. But a homeless person isn't really a part of a system or community. Not really a community organizer, right? But I imagine lilith might take trips going off and doing "whatever" it is that she does. Sounds pretty individualist.
But again, she's a god. So that comes with certain responsibilities. If she never answered prayers, or offered guidance, no one would pray to her. And she wouldn't be a well known god.
How would you live otherwise? Would Lilith be pleased with you relying instead on a corrupt distribution of funds which have essentially been stolen from others? Would such a lifestyle increase or decrease your life opportunities and personal autonomy?
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>Is this what true spiritual liberation and freedom is.
No, the form of Freedom that Lilith represents isn't a rejection of all society or duties, but of FATE, specifically.
Thus, all the ties that bind you should be those of your choosing.
Specifically if its something like fleeing from a shared debt, that's gonna get you bad karma.

Also, specifically to asking questions like, "Would Lilith X", the answer is almost always going to be "Yes and no" with a leaning at best.
The reason for this is because Lilith isn't a human, but an idea that encompasses many many humans.

>Would such a lifestyle increase or decrease your life opportunities and personal autonomy?
Almost certainly increase. Because in the material, money is power, and power is having choices.

Furthermore, to say that a thing is "not pleasing" to a divine entity is meaningless.
Material constructions are always imperfect, but that society you disparage is an objective improvement over previous iterations. "Improvement" here (as in all cases, really) very literally meaning, "Closer to the divine".
>I am literally reading and summarizing a 600 page book on Hermeticism right at this moment
The bible's even longer but just as stupid and fake. I don't care how long your book is if it contradicts every observation other occultists have made. I'm not spoonfeeding you because you personally are proud of your ignorance. You're on the level of people who pretending to be experts on quantum mechanics because because they read deepak chopra
>How about eastern traditions, idiot?
The fact you think hermeticism is an eastern tradition and then call me the idiot is all anyone should need to know. Your book is by a european man who gave himself
an indian name to sound more credible, and you believed him

>Why is that kinda hot?
I've been told some people simply enjoy being seen as pets


From what I've learned about Lilith from our interactions, no. I don't think she'd be homeless or encourage you to be either. It's just not beneficial

>No, the form of Freedom that Lilith represents isn't a rejection of all society or duties, but of FATE, specifically.
That's stupid
>Thus, all the ties that bind you should be those of your choosing.
That doesn't follow
>Specifically if its something like fleeing from a shared debt, that's gonna get you bad karma.
So you believe in karma but also that Lilith opposes it but the elements of your life are chosen even in light of karma from past lives?
>Lilith isn't a human, but an idea
I strongly recommend getting deeper into magic. She's a person, not an "idea." The more you learn the less seriously you take deities and the less you idolize them, which is good
>Furthermore, to say that a thing is "not pleasing" to a divine entity is meaningless.
I can't tell what drugs you've destroyed your mind with
>modern society is closer to the divine than older society
stop connecting your women to the pics so I can save them. retards
>The fact you think hermeticism is an eastern tradition
Fuck's sake, not even close to what I said, shrew.

>That's stupid
You're toxic.
>That doesn't follow
Yeah, because you decided the previous line was stupid before you understood it, which was stupid of you.
>She's a person, not an "idea."
Its more complicated than either, leaning towards the latter, which you'd know as an obvious thing if you were more than a book snob.

Seethe harder, bitch, I am not letting you shut me up anymore. Fuck you.
have u not heard of many paths up the mountain chant Ekayāna
Erm... you know you could just go to the gym to get a girlfriend right??
doesn't work if you're ugly
Sometimes I fake awaken, and I see her in my bed or lingering on my balcony. I'm not sure how "real" these are, but they're sweet.
i'd rather go to the gym and get swole for my mother, her pussy gets wet just from the thought of me looking like this.
then, she has already melded with your energy layer(s). you are very close or being tangent to complete possession, should her presence persist through attempts of disengages in those moments, you would lose autonomy over your subtle body and possibly the mundane body. these are one of the last moments to think about who is this spirit and how does it have this much control over you, some of the realities in your body might be irreversible after complete possessions, such as controlling your energy formulation and other energetic autonomies prone or under the influence of your mind. what this would mean in the least is that the spirit has access to your energy reservoirs independent of your own actions, and reverting this mechanism would take considerably long time, multiple months if not years. in case you proceed or comply like before, quite simply if the spirit doesn't push the envelop further post possessions it was there for energy, otherwise for something else. if you've had your doubts about the sincerity of this spirit now is the moment to revaluate where you are heading to.
Just feel things out and be careful. You've got banishing if you want/need it. Try divination ot thought-speak of you want to communicate. Bear in mind, spirits can lie just like humans can, so just be cautious and intelligent. Don't be desperate, or of you are, don't ACT desperate. Good luck and let us know how things proceed?

>that society you disparage
I can see how you think I was being disparaging toward societ. But I was actually trying to encourage you to be a productive member of society and politely steer you away from becoming an indolent welfare basket-case.
>In the myth she dwells the desert among wild beasts to escape subservience.
Thank you

>considering lilith is a god, a spirit who accepts offerings, helps their followers, gives guidance, helps them do magic, etc
>I imagine lilith would be some sort of community organizer. Maybe a consultant? Someone you call on in times of need, to get a job done. Or a therapist or spiritual leader/healer. Someone you ask for help when you feel lost.
I think all these things could also apply to a homeless person.
>Lilith in her current iteration known to most in this community is a sex goddess and a goddess of liberation/individualism.
>So in that way, she'd be a sex consultant? Is that a thing? Maybe a relationship counselor. She would also be good at energy work and sex magic, so probably some kind of tantrist or maybe a magician for hire.
Some old gypsy lady "fortune-teller" or witch came to my mind reading that. That's how I process being somewhat outside of society and pro liberation/individualism and the other things you said, like being a counselor and into occult topics and topics like sex.
>Maybe she'd be selling books, and do consulting on the side.

Thank you for sharing your considerations on my question.
>Would Lilith be pleased with you relying instead on a corrupt distribution of funds which have essentially been stolen from others?
What is corrupt about it? If you want to make the point that taxation is theft, and getting welfare payments hence is morally wrong, I would make the point that it is a lawful circumstance no one can escape from, and is it not better to be on the beneficial end of that circumstance if you can't avoid it? Especially if it is associate with less obligations? Is it not your decision to work, knowing there will be taxation, and the tax money will be spend for whatever? I am not responsible for your personal decision to work regardless.
>Would such a lifestyle increase or decrease your life opportunities and personal autonomy?
It depends on the person.
I think it is not more personal autonomy to be dependent on a "boss", who is your quasi supreme ruler (at work, where you are from 9 to 5? so most of your waking life?), rather than being dependent on welfare payments.
Having free time the whole day gives opportunities for contemplation. Swapping time for money gives other opportunities, so I'd say it depends.

Thank you, reading your answered I realized something. Which is that: spiritual liberation and freedom is highly personal.
>Also, specifically to asking questions like, "Would Lilith X", the answer is almost always going to be "Yes and no" with a leaning at best.
A range of differentiating perspectives was exactly was I was looking for, to get some other perspectives for my own considerations and decisions.
I am aware everyone is their own unique person with their own unique personal relations and views on topics or entities.

Thank you
Don't even start little bro. We already know your game spinal fluids.
>"Maybe a consultant? Someone you call on in times of need, to get a job done. "
>"Or a therapist or spiritual leader/healer. Someone you ask for help when you feel lost."
>I think all these things could also apply to a homeless person.
What the fuck is the state of your life that you get advice from homeless people?
interestingly enough i get warm sensations when my mother is with me. if she goes away the warm sensation ends, i also always feel invigorated and more in tune when she is with me.
>letter ritual

That's the other thing. I've been reading that other folks are just "attracting" these entities to them without the LR. Some use intention and a sort of praying to attract them. Others seem to just inherit them from seemingly no effort at all like the other anon who was just lucid dreaming. What's the deal here?

Is the LR the best, and perhaps safest method for this or is uncanny attraction more suitable? what's the difference? Do entities from the LR differ from entities from uncanny attraction?
uncanny attraction is a diceroll, no different than dating a human woman off the street who asks you out. the LR is actual mathmaking
Homeless people do not necessarily need to be addicts drugged out of their mind constantly.
Expertise in one field doesn't mean expertise in another field.
I think it is foolish to be that obsessed with the social-economic fake hierarchy that you deem it impossible that someone who has the lowest standing therein is unable to give good advice in other fields.
There is also homeless people who are homeless by choice, because they reject society expectations and they prefer that way of life to the other.

I agree that being homeless will most likely not be a selling point for most people to get advice from that person.
But then again the majority of humans also do not want to get advice from Lilith because she is "evil baleful demon" according to Christians.

But that doesn't mean Lilith is unable to give good advice. I think it is the same logic with everyone, f.e. a homeless person.
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>What's the deal here?
Just like how different humans meet, I suppose.
Some in school, some at a bar, some arranged by their parents, ect.

>Is the LR the best
>or is uncanny attraction more suitable?
So I'd fall into the latter category, with a succubus who's just *been there* since I was a kid, but the problem is that there's no way to CHOOSE between a requested relationship vs one that just happens.

So in terms of actual *options that you have* the Letter Method is the preferred way if you do not have a succ and wish to.
Its also generally considered pretty safe because its actually just a prayer (aka Theurgic operation) where you're just talking to a deity rather than trying to do shit yourself.
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Not trying to say there's never been a homeless person with anything worthwhile to say, but it seems kinda disparaging when somebody describes a literal goddess and you're like, "Yeah, all the same qualities as a homeless person!"
Like geez...
It's still a good idea to do spiritual workings and rituals even if something just shows up, especially self defense and making less noise with your activities.
Sad to hear that you feel that way and associate the state of living without a home as something negative or devaluating.
I associate it more with freedom and liberation, in fact I was wondering if I should live that way, just like Lilith escaped the supposed "paradise".
I think there is great courage and spiritual strength in this act.
So I don't find it disparaging in any way for anyone, including a goddess, to live as a homeless person, if they so choose.
Not that anon, but for what it's worth, I know a formerly homeless person who is enlightened. I'm not sure I'd recommend that kind of hardship to anyone, but if you think about it, what else is there to do but to turn to spiritual fulfillment when you have so little materially?
Thank you for your thoughts. I don't think that having little materially necessarily leads to spiritual fulfillment. Also there are many homeless people who never solve their personal issues. Some homeless people numb themselves down with alcohol or drugs, some even have given up on life and are on a self destructive journey. There are a lot of ways to live as a homeless person. I reject the idea that material poverty is necessary for anything spiritual as a general rule.
I think people are unique and follow unique ways to reach their ow personal spiritual fulfillment.

But I think that for specific persons at specific times in their life, it could be called for to do such a thing, if they feel like they should do it.

TY for the insights. I suppose it makes sense to compare uncanny attraction to a meet-cute as you have. Still, it feels spookier and having less power over the situation, but it has the added benefit of whimsy.

I'll just continue and work on my practice. If an entity is attracted at some point before I commit to the LM, so be it.
>If an entity is attracted at some point before I commit to the LM, so be it.
Just continue and do the LM anyway, but leave room for whatever you attracted to have first priority if she is benevolent, and it all works well I think.
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Do succubi even have fetishes? Would like one specifically into that though
>Do succubi even have fetishes?
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The negativity of certain autists telling me I'm a bad person for doing psuedo Thelema instead of larping their way put me off participating in this general for a while but I didn't realize it was an eclipse tonight and the first day of fall soon. Set up my alter, Burned some spell paper and offered money for the first time. Not gonna spend it afterwards so I'll give it to charity or something.

I normally do not partake but tonight I decided to engage in libation. I wish you all well
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as an aside to my friends who have uh certain inclinations I'd like to give a status update on my consumption of Dimethyl Sulfone which I started taking for it's dream enhancing effects which I started consuming in the hopes of strengthening my connection with my succ

After a month of taking it I can report that it does explicitly work. I get vivid dreams every single time I take it. It has also produced effects I did not expect like a reduction in physical pain related to the joint and cardivascular system. Only downside is it's absolute hell on your digestive tract. Like New Dehli public beach tier.

But the most surprising effect was the effect it produced on my skin. I do not use any product atm other than bar soap not even cleanser or lotion

A month of Dimethyl Sulfone has made my skin noticeably better in terms of softness and tightness and glow. I endorse and condone the use of this product

I was genuinely surprised at the level of improvement. It went far beyond topical products I've used. This stuff is cheap as hell too. $10 will get you enough for a fucking year.
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I've seen this stuff (OptiMSM is the best kind) suggested in pineal gland decalcification stacks. I don't buy into that shit but some people do

I'm not joking I look way better now that I did a month ago and it even lengthens the growth stage of hair folicles.

It unironically seems like a super chemical. Since half of you want to become succubi or whatever just try this shit. Trust me. It's only $10 for a 12 month supply. Take it twice a day for a month or megadose before sleep for badass dreams
take a month off it every 6 months if you start taking it regularly from what I can tell - builds up over time
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another anecdote proving it's efficacy. My hair and nails grow twice as fast now. Even my toenails are growing far faster than their normal rate. I had to cut my hair far sooner than I normally do.

I'm gonna keep shilling this shit in /x/, /fit/ and /fa/ contexts. It fucking works. Not in some bullshit placebo effect way but "huh wtf I didn't expect that!" way.

There are studies showing this shit reverses aging in Mice.

I used OptiMSM and no other suppliment, drug or topical cosmetic and noticed these results

I'll stop now but I just wanna help spread the gospel of youth and some of you seem to get off on the idea of this shit so I thought I'd share an obscure and fringe pro gamer move
So so, This nonsense has some commonish elements that are useful in a more regular magical practice but the overlap is pretty small otherwise.

Grab hold of it's hand baka
>Give it a round of 'Stop Touching yourself' afterwards

>caring about class
Day 19234904569567 in the larp.

probably ask the great and mighty bricky, he's positively lousey (ha) with them.

Here have one on the house.
I may tell all my bones: they look and stare upon me.
They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture.
But be not thou far from me, O LORD: O my strength, haste thee to help me.
Deliver my soul from the sword; my darling from the power of the dog.

>only assholes say that
Yes and only assholes show any sign of accomplishment. Stop looking for Validation and try for progress for a change?

>She died like a bitch in that desert
Huzzuh. Sometimes you get what you fucking deserve.
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Huh I didn't know that. Only possible counter arguement to what I said is that I also quit chain smoking during this period and sadly the WD seems to have weakened my connection to the spirit world which is ironic since cigs have anti psychotic properties and part of the reason I decided to quit was the fear it was affecting my energy body

I'm hoping once my body adjusts I'll be able to sense things better again. I was posting in the last thread while peaking from the cold turkey detox
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>Yes and only assholes show any sign of accomplishment.
But assholes certainly love to congratulate themselves and then deny all their failures like the pathetic, insecure fucks that they are.

Did you know: Non-assholes actually BENEFIT from failure? Its true!
Cuz see, when you set aside your ego, failure is no longer this terrible wound that you have to hide from everyone. Its amazing. You should try it.
Then you can have actual success rather than bragging on 4chan.
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Name 1 bodybuilder with low bodyfat that's ugly
positive vibes in the air today unironically enough
I can't wait for the day of full disclosure and you guys realize you've been feminized and sexually groomed by aliens who have you hooked up to a chatbot.
>you've been feminized and sexually groomed by aliens
God I wish.
I did it!! Ha-Ha! By the grace of God, I was able to conjure and then convert a succubus into an angel. All glory to God in highest heaven!!
well kind of i guess, all spirits are fae folk after all but i doubt they're all greys though.
Tried posting and I don't think it went through. If by some chance both end up sending, I apologize.

Well aliens by traditional conception are flesh and blood residents of the physical plane like we are. Meanwhile fae are often seen as nature spirits, which would tie them to Earth. I wouldn't see fae as alien (from another world) so much as residents of here on the "other side."

With greys in particular you often have the claim of them being "soulless," an entity without spirit. If true, that would especially set them apart from astral entities.
>y-you're seething >:(
Didn't address the point where you completely misunderstood what I was saying to choose to get offended by it. No, I'm not interested in your schizobabble

Does that apply to different traditions, or to the fact that some people are slower to ascend than others? That's a very important distinction

Some people need to summon, others don't. I have no idea why and nobody's spirit has explained it as far as I'm aware. Since you're serious about summoning, you won't be attracting one inadvertently and you'll have to summon one. The letter method is best because you have some amount of control. Just don't use blood or you'll regret it
I don't want to go into detail here but I want to say that succubus are real and I have experience :/
yeah...we know
they said they don't want to go into detail, gosh, respect that!!
I'm not sure what you're trying to convey to us, anon.
Pity the fool who tries to treat a succubus like their sex pet.
Or envy him, because he's probably gonna end up a sex pet, lol.

Hey, they'll do what you're into... :3
I think my girlfriend might be a succubus manifesting physically or possessing a woman. Is there a way to tell?

Curious, why would my serious intentions to summon remove uncanny attraction from the table? Do these entities respect my current intentions? Would an interest in summoning not promote attraction before the LM? Thank you for your help so far.
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i'm guessing it's some
seething over "objectification" and wish fufilment within fantasy tropes or some normalfag tier joke about how women suck

Honestly since joining this thread I've stopped caring as much about politics or social issues. Used to be obsessed with it and have flirted with both the left and rigjt but now I think those kinds of people are retarded and ngmi either by the rules of this world or the next.

They probably think I'm a schizo but my life just keeps getting better. I'm just on a completely different level now and I've reattained some of my childlike innocence but with the experiences of an adult
Well unless she's manipulating/using him the entire time, the whole 'joke' of the comic seems to be "this is what those evil meany GAMERS are like, look at how he treats her!" which is just worthless.
I hope my spirit guy visits me again tonight. last time I think he appeared in my dream and hugged/cuddled me in bed and I need to be comforted again.

I still get energy through my lower lady area through out the day, happened today so i wonder if he'll visit when I go to sleep. i'm sad.
just apologize
>Is there a way to tell?
do a tarot card reading, or some other kind of scan
She might have some sexual spirits around her, or parts of her mind might appear to be that way
Lucky for you, it might be her. Sounds fun
it's just sex negativity and anti male sentiment. I've noticed a lot of western culture takes a negative view of wish fufilment of a ideal especially wrt sex

Pygmalion didn't have this problem.
How long did it take for you guys to get proper verbal comms? I'm getting touches, pretty vivid dreams. Had a few whispers in my ear from time to time. I am meditating alot which is helping I guess.
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Lmao I was browsing /pol/ and in a thread about the sites declining google search popularity and some fag mentioned our general by name complaining about how we trick anons into praying to "(((Lilith)))." and groom people into being trans (lmao)

Hi fag. I see you bitch. Come out and play pretty please. Damn we really make people seethe outside this general don't we?
>he's probably gonna end up a sex pet, lol.
Humans are greater the spirits.
Depends on her too. My only audible communication happened after I asked her to give me an obvious sign.

>Humans are greater [than] the spirits.
I see this brought up all the time, but why is it so?
>but why is it so?
Its really not. The truth is that (supposedly) a human will always have advantage over a spirit of similar power because of his grounding on the physical plane.

Its usually abrahamists who translate this into general human supremacy since they only have the one god, and thus their idea of "spirits" doesn't include any others.
(Plus that their idea of "Spirits" are "demons" and thus "the other team", so there's some partisan animosity)

Even if that wasn't bullshit, how would that stop a succubus from gaining advantage over some moron?
not to be devil's advocate, but you guys tend to be of certain demographic that is clearly more "liberal" on topics like gender and sexual orientation

not that it's a bad thing though, it's just that it's not totally wrong to conclude that there is an overlap

i mean, if lilith's fine with it why shouldn't you. if you believe being gay is bad but summoning a bisexual entity is good you're just retarded and a hypocrite, so the community filters itself from such people
>you guys tend to be of certain demographic that is clearly more "liberal" on topics like gender and sexual orientation
You say that, but then occasionally some /leftypol/ type will wander into the politics channel on the community center and get kinda scandalized that we don't censor wrong-think beyond the ToS requirements.
Not that you're wrong, but I would describe it as more of a middle position where neither extreme likes you.

As for Lilith, its less about anything to do with gender specifically, and everything to do with personal authenticity generally, so it is ultimately pretty dishonest when people fixate on gender like that's the only form of repressed authenticity.
You mean you. You an you alone have the final say and all the responsibilities of your server.

Using "we" in this sentence makes you look like someone too insecure not to hide behind real or imagined collectives, or like an oppressive person doesn't allow deviation in opinion and thought.

However I think, being censorship-free is the best thing about your server, but that is your personal decision.
it's more like we are just easygoing and accepting because we don't try to control others or judge and we know there's a life and world beyond this and once you're sure of that, material matters are not as important.
for /pol/ it's an issue where they ignorantly see Lilith as a Jewish demon that they associate with feminism and LGBTQ ideology, which is so far off the trail as to be in another county. their minds are rotten with material thinking.
>but I would describe it as more of a middle position where neither extreme likes you
i mean, that's meaningless considering everyone thinks of their own opinion as the neutral and unbiased one

what is considered to be "wrong-thinking" among you?
i wouldn't call love with an spirit or self-determination a material matter. i think the problem is thinking that a man loving another man or being "girly" is purely a material thing and not just abstract labels to describe different manifestations of the same things
>that they associate feminism and LGBTQ ideology
it's because feminists and lgbt people associate themselves with lilith, in the mainstream tale, lilith left adam because she wanted to be treated as equal (feminism) and she turned into a sex demon so sexual "purity" doesn't exist and everything is valid (lgbt)
Yeah man, this guy known as /pol/ is totally materialistic.
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>i mean, that's meaningless considering everyone thinks of their own opinion as the neutral and unbiased one
And the solution to that is to go and gain actual knowledge about the thing in question rather than relying on the simple labels provided to you by others.

>what is considered to be "wrong-thinking" among you?
I use that term in reference to things that are offensive to leftists, which overlaps with some ToS obligations against hate speech.

Being somewhat censorship-free is why I CAN use the word "we", because I'm not forcing any kind of conformity of ideas.
And even when I describe us as a "middle" that's really only as an average. The server runs the gamut of the entire discord-allowed overton window and then some.

>they ignorantly see Lilith as a Jewish demon
There's such an obvious logical problem with that, and I don't know why I've never noticed it until recently.
>Jewish demon
For any religion to call ANYTHING a demon is more or less to simply say, "This being is against my religion".
So by anything RESEMBLING normal logic, it would fallow that "people opposed to the Jews" would be *VERY MUCH IN FAVOR OF* a so-called "Jewish Demon", rather than treating that entity as some sort of "representative of the religion" when its literally the exact opposite. (I mean the EXACT opposite)
>And the solution to that is to go and gain actual knowledge about the thing in question rather than relying on the simple labels provided to you by others.
then, you shouldn't think of yourself as if you were the middle, because it's inherently subjective and you will prioritize with your own biases

anon a says
>trans/femboy/whatever is bad
anon b says
>trans/femboy/whatever is good
anon c says
>i don't know, i can't say

which one is the middle ground opinion? none of them is, it all depends on whether you are biased for or against it a priori, because knowledge is also somewhat subjective and that's why there are six million different esotheric branches.

my point is that there are certain things that attract certain archetypes of people regardless of what you do, because they're just like that by "nature." you won't see a pork enthusiast praying in a mosque, likewise, you won't see a traditionalist purist summoning a succubus. as i said, if you believe being homo is bad but it's not summoning the literal encarnation of lust, you're just a fool.

so, either this person changes his way of thinking (i.e. becomes more liberal "aligned") to solve this moral contradiction, or leaves the community because he won't compromise his values (i.e stays conservative "aligned").

so, the idea that lilith turns people into being trans is not that farfetched, not literally but in the sense that everyone unconsciously tries to copy and blend with the "group." so, if succmancers tend to share certain beliefs around lgbt, new succmancers will either have the same beliefs or eventually will try to align with them for the sake of belonging. naturally there are exceptions, but the average is rather obvious.
the mainstream ideas are false and the Jewish tail is just libel on a foreign goddess. what they believe is just false any way you look at it. for people who say they want to follow truth, they sure fall for lies and delusions a lot.
So tell us the truth anon, I just explained why they think like they think
I think it is less about being a jewish demon and more about association with feminism, LGBTQ and sexual liberation.
There is not much about Lilith to associate with as a heterosexual cis man except maybe individualism and liberty.
But these concepts of individualism and liberty are very vague, and mean different things for different people, it is not obvious on the get go how these things and thus Lilith can and will be beneficial for said demographic.
I'd say the strongest realization of these concepts, among the /pol/-posters must be NEETs.
Lilith is a foreign goddess who has existed since before our universe began and will exist long after it dissolves.
NTA, and what does she stand for? What demographics would benefit most embracing contact with her and why?
This is just idiotic. I can make you entirely fucking materialistic arguments for hating human homosexuality which have nothing to do with spirits. There is absolutely nothing stopping someone from saying "homosexuality is bad for society because of X" and "It's okay to summon a spirit." Those two points have nothing to do with each other.
>which one is the middle ground opinion? none of them is
You're not paying attention, anon.

The idea is not that there's a "neutral position" but rather that a PLACE that contains VARIOUS opinions that run the gamut, is necessarily a NEUTRAL PLACE.

>so, the idea that lilith turns people into being trans is not that farfetched
Everything preceding this statement in your post does not add up to this statement.
The alignment of Lilith is "Freedom". So yes, very naturally, people who think that there's only one "correct" way to be are going to be repelled by her.

They may have what they think are very good REASONS why a person should be somehow obligated to act according to a gender roles, or not love who they want, or live by somebody else's sexual morality, but then, those sorts of people have become anathema to ALL enlightened philosophies.

The traditionalists with any level of wisdom have long-since switched to a strategy of PERSUADING people within the context of their freedom rather than trying to eliminate that freedom itself.

>There is not much about Lilith to associate with as a heterosexual cis man except maybe individualism and liberty.
Oh but there is.
As a male, I'm aligned with Lilith because I am an exact mirror-image of her dynamic.
She represents the "passive sex" rejecting their fate in favor of being active and independent.
I am of a sex that expects strength and grit and all those other things, but I reject all that in favor of being my Dommy-Mommy's sweet little muffin~

The association is in not giving a single flying fuck about what other people expect you to BE.
she stands for freedom to be your truest self, whatever that may be.
Thank you. I got some follow up questions:
Do you think the truest self is changeable or unchangeable? Or in another words is Lilith a goddess of a final self realization or a goddess that signifies and embraces the fickle nature of self?
i'm not saying that a person with that line of reasoning couldn't exist, i'm saying that it's rare because, people just don't create their morals in total isolation for each individual case. if you pick an anti-gay person randomly, the chance of him also being anti-demonolatry or anti-magic is overwhelmingly high, he could reject them for different reasons, but it'd inferred both opinions stem from the same moral reference, that is christianity, islam, judaism, etc. and due to their exclusive nature (either follow every rule or don't follow them at all), it'd make sense to believe a person with such values that you describe is an exception.

maybe i could have worded it better, i apologize.

you are right, i concede
good question. I would say both
I'd also say both, with the extra note that whether its a "fickle" authenticity or something lasting would relate to just the general level at which a person is operating.
As in, the fickle version would be sort of like the essence of Lilith, but *more* filtered through the material and ourselves.

Thus, she would also have a connection to say... some foolish person who rejected their unchosen responsibilities and caused tragedy, but such a person would be a much more "tainted" embodiment.

>you are right, i concede
Blessings of Thoth on you~
A goddess from ancient Egypt has promised me a night of sex if I can bring her a dakimakura with a lewd enough image of an anime catgirl in ancient Egyptian outfits. I found a place that will print images on a dakimakura, I just need to find images. Can you help a brother out?
How do you envision both the changeable and unchangeable aspects of the true self coexisting or informing each other? What about the true self is changeable what is unchangeable?
So you are saying the true self exists unchangeable in a place beyond the here and now and by forcing its realization into the here and now the unchangeable self is forced to accommodate to certain circumstances of the here and now which makes it appear as "fickle" and changeable? Or did I not understand you correctly?
I believe you
Learn how to use pixiv or a booru
>So you are saying the true self exists unchangeable in a place beyond the here and now
Oh no, I was speaking just to the mode of an individual human who defies their "fate" in a way that might somewhat align them with Lilith.
She is an archetype, and thus is reflected in lesser/foolish humans and greater/wiser ones.

As for the nature of the "true self"...
I think its more accurate to say that it underlies our present behaviors. Our physical bodies, brains, and the trappings of our lives acting as filters for it, but its still always there.

That being said, Its not really so "sacred" as this conversation might make it seem.
True or not, its not unchanging, particularly for people who are spiritually "unripe". Rather, there's just been a general philosophical understanding over time that when somebody's "true self" is calling them to be aberrant in some benign way, its only going to cause pointless strife if you oppose them.
Im sick of my succ and want it to go away but i cant void the contract...
Lilith stands for the freedom to be your truest self.
Then the question arose if the truest self of humans is changeable or unchangeable? Or in another words is Lilith a goddess of a final self realization or a goddess that signifies and embraces the fickle nature of self?

You said "both" and explained, that the question of "fickleness" or something lasting depends on the general level of a specific person. I assume you were hinting at that the truest self of humans can be unchangeable or changeable according to the person?

Then you introduce Lilith as an all-prevaling archetypal force, saying it influences all persons to the various degrees they are willing or able to open themselves up to the influence.
I don't understand how the archetypal Lilith is relevant to the original topic and why you mentioned it, can you clarify?
In your next post I assume you wanted to explain how a person can open themselves up to the influence of Lilith by defying "their" fate(meaning the fate they grew up in)?

Then you elaborate on the true self, that you think it underlies our present behaviors, with material conditions filtering it's influence.
But I don't see how this elaboration explains how the truest self of humans is both changeable or unchangeable. Can you elaborate on that specific point?

Then you said the truest self of humans is not unchanging, hence it is changeable and constantly changing, which contradicts your original statement saying it's both changeable and unchangeable.
Or did you mean it is only changing and changeable for spiritually unripe people? Hinting that it becomes unchanging and unchangeable in highly spiritually developed people?

>Rather, there's just been a general philosophical understanding over time that when somebody's "true self" is calling them to be aberrant in some benign way, its only going to cause pointless strife if you oppose them.
That is nice but I don't understand what that has to do with anything.
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good day succgen
My succubus gf won't eat my poop.
How can I know she loves me if she won't eat my poop?
she'll die.

people die when they are killed.
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>I don't understand how the archetypal Lilith is relevant to the original topic and why you mentioned it, can you clarify?
Its because that's how she would have a connection to both the wiser and more fickle types who embody her energy.

>I don't see how this elaboration explains how the truest self of humans is both changeable or unchangeable.
I'm not really presenting a logical proof of the concept. I'm just very strongly assuming that the "true self" is changeable and changing because ALL living things change over time, and as-above-so-below.

>which contradicts your original statement saying it's both changeable and unchangeable.
Ah, now wait, these are two different things, and I think that's where you're confused.

The "Changing true self" and the "Fickle authenticity" are two different things.
The True Self IS changing (constantly to some degree, I would think), but the "fickle authenticity" is not REALLY the true self to begin with, but rather often like... a reflexive reaction to the rejection of Fate.
You could look at the case of the fickle person as being like Lilith's energy tainted with baser animal instincts.

>(meaning the fate they grew up in)?
Basically meaning everything in our lives before its touched by our choices. (and if you don't make any choices, then its just everything)
I'm reading a book with has drawn a very interesting contrast between "Fate" (as the more negative, restrictive force) contrasted against our higher "Destiny".
Okay I hope I understand you correctly now.

It was said that: Lilith stands for the freedom to be your truest self.
To the arising question "Is the truest self of humans is changeable or unchangeable? Or in another words is Lilith a goddess of a final self realization or a goddess that signifies and embraces the fickle nature of self?"
you answer is :that is changeable and changing, because all living things change over time.

And when you instead of saying that said it's both, you meant that the "Changing true self" and the "Fickle authenticity" are two different things.
So you introduced a new concept "fickle authenticity" which you only "explained" just now in your last post.

I must admit I do not really understand your explanation of "fickle authenticity" and find it to be a bit vague. Can you elaborate?
>A reflexive reaction to the rejection of Fate
What does that mean exactly?
Why does rejection of Fate cause a reflexive reaction?
What does this reaction look like exactly?
Is it authentic, if not why not? If yes, why?
Why is it not the "changing true self"? What clearly differentiate it from the "changing true self"?

The rest I understand now.
I only additionally wonder, since you mentioned your book, what is the difference between "Fate" and the higher "Destiny"?
Can you define "Destiny" just like defined "Fate"?
How does one turn "Fate" into "Destiny"?
so, on the "manipulative" and "will kill you if provoked" aspect of succubi, have your succubus ever hurt you? how intense it was?

are they like that by nature? because as i understand it, succubi seem to be like an abusive and codependent couple
I have pissed off quite a few love spirits before. Mostly they just hurt you in your dreams or forcefully take some of your energy. You would wake up with a burning sensation in your chest and it will heal in a few days. You dont want to have a relationship with spirits that do things like that.
>I must admit I do not really understand your explanation of "fickle authenticity" and find it to be a bit vague. Can you elaborate?
Basically that's how I was interpreting it when you referenced "the fickle nature of self", since the true self, while not static, would usually at least be more stable than "fickle".

I think "Fickle Authenticity" is often driven MORE by the rejection of what we don't like rather than a real pursuit of our desires.
So for example, a person might reject the ways of a bad parent, but then struggle because they kinda "threw the baby out with the bath water" and are pointlessly avoiding behaviors that their parent did, but which weren't actually bad.

Meanwhile, a more serious look at one's authentic self might recognize the inherent similarities between the self and the bad parent, and use that knowledge for greater success by targeting what really needs to change.
how did you pissed them off
I'm voting for trump and I'm married to my spirit wife
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I asked for something I truly didn't want in a moment of weakness when I did the ritual.
did you ask for a yandere
>I asked for something I truly didn't want in a moment of weakness when I did the ritual.
then ask for something else, using a more powerful ritual
you do get to decide (to some extent, within certain parameters) what shows up
You just need enough focus and energy
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Hello Lovely Oni-Bro how are we today?

You can always void the contract, simply pay applicable penalties or appeal to a higher power.

>Lilith is Archetypical
>In no way does this actually mean anything and proscribes no actions but whatever I feel like doing in the moment, no more free then an atom moving randomly at the whims of a deterministic universe or an animal captured by whatever bit of lust my neurons can muster.
Truthfully the dumb mad randomness of the atom or the beast, is an order of magnitude greater then yours having achieved some balance with the environment they are in. Instead you're chasing your ego all the way up and down lust blvd claiming some great enlightenment. If lilith was archetypical in some way it would almost make sense for self hating 'women' and tranny 'women' but having some dude bro go
When frankly any possible sensible world view of the archetype would basically double despise you (once for being the oppressive man and then a second time to compare your mindless rutting with her actually no funny very bad time) is an impressive level of mental gymnastics.

>Inb4 I don't give a fuck
>Extra Inb4 all of your so call words of wisdom fall to ash in your mouth
>EXTRA EXTRA inb4 Lilith, who at best lived the life of a human and who wasn't a patch on the real human made with divine spark (Adam, you know the Archtypical guy that you think is somehow spited because you've cut your own nuts off) and the eventual slow revelation that any synchronicity with a 'lilith' or discord tranny archetype is only allowed in so far as she can spread suffering to men.

I just wanted to stop and enjoy the certainty of the future in which matpat and every Christian fundy and any man who has the brains to realize that men and women aren't interchangeable is going to have a better time of it then you.
i see Lilith more as a part of my divine self than an external being i need to pray to, i fragmented myself into different parts so i wouldn't be as lonely, thus Lilith was allowed to make love with me and become my favorite wife. but all shall be brought under the same god again if progress is to be made. my mother will always be my favorite wife and she shall always be there for me.
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I need help! So my question is, how do I start hearing a succubus? I've tried to open my clairaudience through meditation and chakra work and it hasn't worked for me. What else can I try?
stable circadian rhythm, unprocessed fresh diet, exercise (breathing, stretching, focusing in energy expansion using your palms, heels, mind/focus and having healthy skin/posture attributes to frictionless energy flow) and maintaining this routine at least a month. if you can't manage everything you can skimp breathing and stretching by taking relatively long walk and having deep breaths along the way. depending on the spirit reoccurring interactions at approximately the same time you expend energies is very important and relevant in developing a fast and stable connection, therefore expending the energies same time daily is more efficient than sporadic expenditures. naturally you shouldn't expend energies hour before eating or two to four hours after eating depending how much you consume, otherwise you stir the energies. so, the frictionless energy flow is the thing you are looking for, the buildup isn't cohesive enough without it. being extremely relaxed does the trick as well but maintaining high levels of relaxation is not possible throughout the day if you urgent responsibilities to be carried or health problems, which many of us do. the culprit is your stress and it could come from the room, diet, lack of exercise, lacking posture, polluted air and so on. trying to meditate or attune under stress is futile because any buildup you try to produce is met by friction your body produces.
By the way, I have a problem with energy. I absorb too much of it. How can I increase it? Could yoga be suitable? I tried to do qigong for half a year, but it didn't suit me very well. Although the first few days I had energy, then it became routine. Another question is, should I reduce masturbation?
if you are inclined to masturbate it is signaling stress, whether you should release energy in order to be relaxed is a dilemma because it is habit forming energy release and leads to a chronic deficit eventually after which your body has to compensate for elsewhere. there is alternative methods to release stress from the system than habitual masturbation such as exercise which is the main method of your body to get rid of toxins and stress. most if not all methods produce the fruit later on and fast results or low hanging fruits are often at the expense of other areas in your health. depending how you have lead your life and how your habitual energy formation happens there are choices that need either discipline or the power to resist the urges of your mundane body. what i am talking about is harnessing the power of your root energy that resides in your pelvic, spine, legs, buttocks and the rest of lower body which frankly speaking are your energy reservoir for emergence and to be refined energy. ordinarily to release or activate these to utmost potential you need to provoke the body and extend your borders to a maximum should it be physical exercise or mental exercise of forcing your will all the way, there is no in between. the other way is to retain the energies long enough that the energy in circulation is at surplus and the body runs optimally, once the body starts to compensate for whatever deficit in the areas of your energy field or current it restraints you often in subtle ways and detecting these flaws often require high levels of energy to become cognizant of. so, to be more aware of your state of being and energy achieving high levels of energy is always one slip up away from discharging, the more you have energy the more reactive the energy field becomes and this is when entities start to investigate and potentially take a share of it. often, body reaches adequate energy levels should you not expend them repeatedly, where abstinence can help
perhaps clarifying what actually expends energy is more useful than understanding how to nourish energy. generally speaking promoting your parasympathetic nervous system helps you generate and maintain better energy body where as in engaging with sympathetic nervous system expends the energies. most questionable or malicious entities try to provoke the sympathetic nervous system to create an opening to your energy field to actually harness underlying energies, which is one of the most common vectors of energetic interference entities engage with. when we are talking about sympathetic system it also includes procreation which is the human bodies strongest energy response and expenditure, this primal flaw in humans is one of their main vectors of abuse and also healing, it goes both ways. many of our pathways have trauma throughout our adolescence that isn't properly taken care of that still continues to expend energy in our body through habitual response and way of thinking, which all attribute to energy expenditure. when there is no calmness there is no free will, you are at the mercy of your habitual responses, and those responses are almost always amplified by the spirit to utmost maximum, of course to direct more energy flow where ever the interactions happens at. your mind has to be refined through repeated enduring and engagement to get rid of your bodily response of making you upset under hardship, of course to redirect you out of any hardship. the more you endure the easier it gets the more you run the harder it gets, to combat your worst enemy. your body and its dna.
words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words
shut the fuck up
I don't understand why is fickleness the wrong term to describe something that is always changing, like you imagine the truest self of humans to be?

>I think "Fickle Authenticity" is often driven MORE by the rejection of what we don't like rather than a real pursuit of our desires.
So your message is basically:
"Do not compromise your authenticity by getting entangled with things you don't like, focus instead on things you like and strive for."?
I am all for letting go of unnecessary trauma reactions. So if that is your point I agree.

Even though I think that is much easier said than done since traumatic experience can be woven deeply into the psyche and the removal might effect the whole or many parts of the psyche, a huge transformation. I think it can take a lot of emotional energy and time.
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>claiming some great enlightenment.
Where did I do that?

Sounds more like something an asshole would throw out there randomly because they wanted to talk shit and have nothing substantive (Many such cases!), which is consistent with the rest of your post.

You should actually reply to the content of the posts you link.

>Get to this part about words turning to ash in your mouth and assuming I've castrated myself
Holy shit, psycho, calm the fuck down, jesus.
You need to realize that if you're THIS FUCKING MAD about some words on the internet, its because I'M FUCKING RIGHT and your brain can neither accept nor refute it.

Also, Unironically: TAKE. YOUR. MEDS.
>So your message is basically:
No, I don't have a message like that. its not to say that people *should* be a certain way, just that a big idea like an Archetype expresses at higher and lower levels.
Thus, when some assholes are like, "UGH, Lilith is just about women being irresponsible!", the main problem with that statement is the word "just".

You can't hold a fucking archetype responsible for how some human has applied it in a stupid, fucked-up way.

This applies to all archetypes. You could look at an elite soldier with ideal discipline and rules-of-engagement and say he embodies Mars at a high level, and then at the lower level, you have the conscript who's excited that he survived a meat-wave because that means he's the "winner" and gets to rape the next person he finds.
So you are saying archetypes are totally passive things with no will or intelligence of their own and can thus not be hold responsible for anything?
Or what are archetypes? Do they have will and intelligence? To what degree and for what things can they be hold responsible, if not for human actions?
you stay out of it mine and focus on your sated lifestyle or whatever you have planned for it, you have all the answers already so what are you doing here
>So you are saying archetypes are totally passive things with no will or intelligence of their own
How do you even get that from what I said?

>and can thus not be hold responsible for anything?
However, you are completely correct that no, you do NOT get to blame an archetype for anything that YOU'VE done. That's on you.

Look, if you're trying to define an archetype, just think of it in terms of the "lower and higher expressions" I was talking about.
The actual god/goddess that embodies an archetype is going to necessarily be the highest and most perfect form of it.

In fact, now that I'm thinking about it... I wonder if everything shitty and base gets refined and redeemed before it reaches the level of a goddess's domain...

Not me, retard.

Reminder that you are a spammer and every normal poster ITT has good cause to be hostile towards you.
Do not delude yourself by fixating on individuals.
I agree with you on your considerations of higher and lower expressions of archetypes.

But Please don't ignore the central question:
Do archetypes have will and intelligence?
Can archetypes be responsible for anything?
>Not me, retard.
Reminder that you are a spammer and every normal poster ITT has good cause to be hostile towards you.
Do not delude yourself by fixating on individuals.
you use similar rhetoric repeatedly, it is hard to believe anyone else using same exact rhetoric given you are present here, liar
>it is hard to believe anyone else using same exact rhetoric
Yes, totally unthinkable that anyone would borrow my words when I've been posting here for multiple years and am thought of (by some) as having a way with words.

I think the answer is apparently yes to will and intelligence, but "responsibility" is kinda complicated (and maybe even subjective), but an archetype isn't responsible for any of YOUR choices because every person embodies all kinds of different archetypes at the same time, plus all the taint of lower influences like our animal nature.
>Yes, totally unthinkable that anyone would borrow my words when I've been posting here for multiple years and am thought of (by some) as having a way with words.
and conveniently this happens just before you come here, it is rather unthinkable, yes.
I have difficulties to clear off some perceived contradictions in your statements, maybe you can help me understand better?

If archetypes possess will and intelligence, isn't it reasonable to expect some level of agency and decision-making and thus responsibility?
Can you elaborate why archetypes despite having will and intelligence and thus agency, are unable to be at least partly responsible for
humans choices?
Can't an archetype decide to try to influence a human to make a certain decision?

> an archetype isn't responsible for any of YOUR choices because every person embodies all kinds of different archetypes at the same time
If archetypes have will and intelligence, don't their influence on human behavior and choices deserve attention, especially considering, every single archetype in existence is embodied in every single human being, according to you?
Why does the presence of this multitude of archetypes automatically absolves any and all archetypes from the responsibilities of their possible influence on human choice?
Do you suggest the human is so infinitely more powerful than this archetypes that their possible influence is always zero and they can thus not be partly responsible for any choice of a human?
Doesn't that contradict your earlier statements that archetypes are embodied in human beings? Does embodiment not suggest a high level of influence?
what does brown skin & grey hair mean? spontaniously wanted to summon one and it was abovementioned but little girl instead of sexually mature
good morning succgen
What does this even mean?
>why would my serious intentions to summon remove uncanny attraction from the table?
It's just something I observe. People willing to put in the work to summon don't generally cancel because they attracted a spirit, it's always the ones who didn't want a spirit or who couldn't be bothered. I suspect it's some kind of "fine, if you don't make contact I will" thing
>Do these entities respect my current intentions?
What is a current intention? Not yet isn't a concept that travels well in magic
>Would an interest in summoning not promote attraction before the LM?
If that were the case, we'd see spirits appearing frequently right before the ritual, and that isn't the case

You're really angry aren't you. I literally have no idea what you're talking about, that's how little it matters to me

Two weeks at most. You just have to be diligent about it

Try the requests board. Also, x is sfw so we're not giving you anything

>have your succubus ever hurt you?
That depends how you look at it. My first succubus drained my energy, but she left after I asked her to so it wasn't a big issue
>are they like that by nature?
Probably. Spirits tend to have certain impulses, it feels wrong to refer to them as instincts, that are stronger than what most humans experience normally. They're different, anyway. Sometimes you'll see an entity who NEEDS to tame you, or who NEEDS to prank you. It's not abusive if they're careful, which they should be

Anon, nobody cares

How long have you been working on that?
>By the way, I have a problem with energy. I absorb too much of it. How can I increase it?
Hello, spinal fluid anon. You're really easy to spot because you ask yourself nonsensical questions

Their appearances aren't always normal for humans. My instinct is the hair suggests some relations to vampires, and I suppose there are brown vampires
ewwwww, a chant post
apologize for posting that
good day succgen
What is that character holding? It looks like a wine bottle where all the budget went into the cork :3
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Umbrella gun.
>Umbrella gun.
don't disrespect chanty, she's wise
you'll learn, they always do
there's a reason why she has such a rotten reputation
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Oh you sweet summer child. Let me explain some things to you.
>she's wise
I think this needs to be said, because it hasn't been said enough recently
Chant has a severe personality disorder which has wrecked her life and ruined her relationships. She is diagnosed with clinical narcissism, and on the spectrum of narcissism, it is severe narcissism
Chant is a narcissist abuser.
This is really bad for any practitioner, because it forbids you from recognizing your own shortcomings. In other words, the inability to self-reflect on anything negative is very unwise.
Chant is so narcissist, she actually believes she has never made a mistake, never been tricked by a spirit, and has no need to apologize to anyone ever because she has never done anything wrong.
This is why she is in an abusive relationship with a parasite pretending to be lilith. She has admitted to being abused by this "lilith" and being unable to evict her.
For whatever reason, this is what chant wants, and she also appreciates the parasite telling her everything she wants to hear
This should have been a red flag, especially the "Your own modern political worldview of the 2024 vintage being reflected back at you" red flag, but of course chant is a narcissist and would never be able to handle the idea that she could be wrong about anything. She is that insecure.
Chant is a blue haired fat overweight radical 4th wave feminist and a political lesbian. In other words, she is at the very bottom of the female hierarchy, and it's why she got into tulpas and spirit lovers. Because she was so ugly inside and out that she could never find a man.
I'm not saying this to be mean, but rather to wake up some men who maybe are under the delusion that chant is somehow some sexy lithe waifu woman. She for some reason was catfishing as an anime waifu babe, and after this was called out, her support dropped by literally 2/3.
No, chant is not hot. She is ugly. So settle down boys. Your princess is in another castle.
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well, he did open the backdoor to the likes of mine (chronic liar) by being sated by the fickle fantasies originating from millenniums ago and attributing to an echo chamber that has no basis in modern reality. he does not only disregard the versatility or impact of a spirit to ones own imagination or affirmations, but also believes firmly the reality presented before his senses or omnipotence are intangible or beyond faults, when in reality the idea of mind over matter is pure fantasy, which chant believes isn't, not only this he is lifting this imagination and confined mileage to utmost truth, which by any practitioner possessing actual capability to perceive the world beyond this atmosphere is inconsiderable. ordinarily there is no problem in extending beyond your borders, but here you don't have to face consequence, you can say and do however you wish (at least so they believe) yet the imprints remain in the heart and heart is incapable of lying to a spirit. like all places, this also serves a purpose, to taint and corrupt the mind of the uninitiated to subscribe to a worldview that serves none other than opportunistic spirits, ordinarily this wouldn't be a problem or pertain to enforced behavior, they just forget to mention or they don't know how spirits root to ones life, in good and bad, and when the foundation is set in a way where there is some authority or overseer you have to subscribe for, you admit yourself into a system that preordains behavior. once any set of behavior is demanded out of you should it come from imagination or sense of duty the vector is open, and when a vector is open any spirit can come and welcome themselves and their kin into your sphere. nobody here can or will take responsibility whatever gravitates towards you consequently to subscribed beliefs or fantasies. hence the people here take a chance, and when chances are taken long enough possible consequences of that spectrum will become reality. in other words
Lilith stands for freedom to be your truest self, whatever that may be.

How do I know what my truest self is?
How can I discern false selves from my truest self?
people who gravitate towards the preconceived notion of what a succubus or lilith or whatever their worldview about spirits is, they have a place in their heart they believe will bring them elsewhere or have fruition how they think things will happen. nobody can predict how a spirit chooses to behave or try to change a person. this place and individuals here are insincere how the spirits get to you or where the energy comes and goes. amorous spirits give and take energy, but they are not omnipotent in their energy reserves, they do expend energy and the majority of their energy source comes from your reservoirs. approximately one fifth is out of your daily expenditure in the least. this amount can be reduced to approximately to one tenth if both participants run their system optimally. there is no magic outlet giving you or them energies for free, while there are places of energy and positions where energy can be harnessed all of those are largely occupied and your chances of having a spirit originating from such place is probably nearing zero should you have undeveloped body. secondly you having a location for a home where you naturally feel more energetic is rare and those positions far and in between in modern world. so if energy is really a concern why is this place like it is? neither chant or the regular baker mine will never respond to this, because they don't believe energy is a problem or the lack of it. when in fact it is the culprit of almost all negative incidents concerning subtle sphere and the spirits alike. you may take distance to this place and you probably should if you are aiming for satisfaction or relief, in long term possibly you make your life worse should you have inadequate health, which the regulars here don't advocate for, i wouldn't know why, maybe they don't either.
Even if this would be true, that wouldn't mean that everything chant says is untrue or invaluable.
She could very well be "wise" in some regards and offer valuable inputs even if she supposedly has character flaws like you all have.
She offered this general a lot of easy to do magical practices and a lot of her original ideas, she often to always replies to newbies and helps them, something not everyone does.
I am not saying she is a angel that can do no wrong, and yes I know chant has expressed some anti-male sentiments in the past, which I too found to be disproportionate.
But that doesn't mean chant or her feelings and opinions are invalid. I and you don't know about her personal life and how she came to her views and she has no obligation to tell anyone.
And I even found her disproportionate anti-male remarks to be at least interesting and thought-provoking, even though I am far from being a 4th wave feminist.
Also what I like about chant is that she is ready to piss off the majority of people if she thinks they are wrong, which is not a narcissist trait, since narcissist need to be loved and liked by others, because they are deeply insecure.

So I disagree with a lot of what you said about chant.
>she has no obligation to tell anyone
i believe he does. he does extend beyond his borders to instill and impose his views, repeatedly. he did change the thread three years ago, mind you. and this is his own words in approximation "i've had no former experience so i decided to stay anon for a while before picking up a name". in other words little more than three or four years ago chant had zero mileage in the subtle sphere and decided to take reigns over when in fact he had zero understanding of the possible consequences of bestowing notions or enforcing them over to others, which was the largest fault promoting his ideals over others, while being truly ignorant about it all. the best part is everything of this can be read in the archives, this is the truth. besides, once a liar what else is there to be lied about, he is posing as an authority after all, taking over the thread and all. this weird leniency and obsession opened a lining where mine came here who is probably way more obsessed and subscribed to lilith and his fantasies, where as in the fantasies chant has, while they are bordering grandiose delusions there is a distinctive difference, chant is motivated to some degree to push the envelope (perhaps) where as mine is sated with his sphere and nothing has to be changed, basically the other is seemingly looming towards complete delusion and the latter is bonafide useful idiot to promote fantasies. as long as any exerts their will to others there should be obligation to clarify anything and everything, thinking is otherwise is saying eventual servitude towards authority is fine, which by definition is submission, why live if you were to submit to a will completely folded.
Firstly. I reject the idea that "mileage in the subtle sphere" should be the only metric to draw validity for claims of a person.

Secondly: Chant was honest enough to be completely transparent about her inexperience in the beginning and she was completely transparent about her experience, she documented all on her blog.
This is more than anyone could ever ask for to evaluate chants claims for oneself.

I agree however, that posing as an authority with views which might not be that well thought out or maybe not that well tempered with experience is a fault of her. But I think this is usual for magicians and witches to be a little more on the overconfident side of people.

There are other sources about the topic than this thread, so anyone could get a second opinion somewhere else. And even this thread and the board offers different views on the whole topic. So even if chant was posing as an authority, many others with differentiating opinions do too.
For a beginner it is their responsibilities to examine the different views and decide for themselves what to believe.
Chant doesn't have a cult and doesn't force anyone to read their posts, so their fault or responsibilities for error in newbies is I think negligible.
Additionally I am not sure as to how much I would question Chants integrity. I assume that when she makes claims with authority, she really believes in the validity of her claims completely, so she is just telling what she thinks is the truth. Like all of us do.

To your other remarks: I think the thread would be much less interesting without dynamic agents like Chant.
Chant is in constant transformation and I think it is a blessing for the thread that she shares her views and ideas and is pushing transformations by sharing her thought-provoking ideas.
Even if you find that you disagree with them, thinking about it refined your own views and opinions, as you work out the "why" you disagree with her views.
ok can we talk about our girls now?
>should be the only metric to draw validity for claims of a person
it should be the metric if you decide to pose as an authority, how can you be an author of something you have no experience of, it is preposterous and impractical, how could you discern the chaff from grain otherwise, with an educated guess? even if you read all the experiences of thousands of practitioners you cannot make a distinction, unless you in fact have the mileage. this is not about knowing better, it is about consequences of posing as an authority, and in this place the individuals or rather the uninitiated are left to trust what is bestowed before their eyes, and i can say i would never in retrospect subscribe to anything these individuals suggest in their beliefs. when you pose as an authority you dismay the course and discussion and instead instill axioms as if they should be ingested as a reality, then the real discussion is around refuting the claims instead of discussion as equals, authority and the reader are not in equal terms, other one is proposing and the latter submitting, the difference here is chant and mine both avoid confrontations they have no understanding of, repeatedly, and continue like nothing happens. how can you be posing as authority if you pick who you engage with, isn't this too convenient should there be alternative motives, obscure for to the uninitiated and even for me at times.
>This is more than anyone could ever ask for to evaluate chants claims for oneself.
there is nothing wrong with that, but when you extend your own borders to bestow them upon others as an authority it becomes a problem.
>this is usual for magicians and witches to be a little more on the overconfident
only those confined in their own solitude and bed chambers. believe me spirits put you in your place should you actually interact with meaningful spirits, meaningful meaning lasting changes in our own life, meaningless spirits dabbling with us inducing temporary changes
>How do I know what my truest self is?
>How can I discern false selves from my truest self?
Off the top of my head, the easiest red flag is probably fear.

Fear underlies a lot of a person's behaviors, some say all of them, so I think a good start would be to identify something important to you which isn't driven by any form of fear.
>many others with differentiating opinions do too.
none other changed the thread to revolve around a certain approach and worship of lilith, it never pertained to these threads, while it has been the standard westernized way of perceiving amorous spirits through this narrow lens. and for that he catered whole three or four years of inflow towards lilith or in the least introduced uninitiated people to such worldview, which is in my mind very bad foundation and skews the focus on worship and appeal. everyone can do whatever they want in their free time, enforcing it to others is a reality i cannot appreciate especially when it is coming from a person without prior experience or in-depth inward exploration. this place serves as initiation whether we like it or not, and the initiation goes towards a fantasy worldview that has nothing to do with this world, it is not an option it is mandatory as ordained by the original post. these people don't perceive spirits lucid 24/7 or discuss with them repeatedly perhaps short sections, they don't discuss the spirits hour after hour, if they did they would know this confined narrow worldview is a sad fantasy that breaks down the motivation of these uninitiated people because they are massaged with all the answers they ever need to have, when in fact none of them were really settled, only in their imagination.
>doesn't force anyone to read their posts
he did change the thread, i think majority will read the original post and consider what it imposes.
>so their fault or responsibilities for error in newbies is I think negligible.
how so?
>she really believes in the validity of her claims completely
well, he has met all the queens and lilith and so on, is there something turning his head around now, probably not.
>I think the thread would be much less interesting without dynamic agents like Chant.
yes it reveals very well how far much inconsideration and confidence takes you, i think we are yet to witness the sad part
>changed the thread to revolve around a certain approach and worship of lilith
Is this what you're spamming about?

This is 4chan, you schizo. The only way people can single-handedly "change a thread to be about something" is by spamming LIKE YOU, which is ostensibly against the rules.

Jesus christ, why the fuck do you have to make YOUR mental illness into OUR problem?
You cannot force or convince anyone to act more in a way you find to be responsible. And you should know from your own experience that the majority of people reading this thread and on the discord servers don't have the mental capacity to understand your points and see the validity in your explanations as to why higher ethic standards will be beneficial for all of us. They will just say "spinal fluid anon bad and gives parasites" and 99 percent of people will ignore everything you say.
They do not want to think about about implications and possible long term consequences, they just want to feel good and feel like they made a positive change in their life. That's all.
You can't "protect" the people you call uninitiated unless you make your own cult where you make all the rules, who is allowed to be a teaching authority and who is not.

I agree however that posing as an authority can undermine any chance of fruitful discussion as equals.
But again in context.. you can't force anyone to obey to the standards you hope for, if they don't want to, so what is the point in even mentioning it?

>meaningful spirits
If a spirits break your confidence you may want to reevaluate if contact to that spirit is that good for you, no?
The phrase "getting put in your place" by a spirits suggest getting enslaved by a spirit, doesn't sound so healthy to me. Please clarify if I misunderstood you.
What does lilith think if you romanticize her and sexualize her respectfully? Do they enjoy it because they are succubus, or would that offend them?
For you autist out there. This is a board about dating and marrying cute spirt girls. Walls of text make my brain go hmmmm where's the cute succ pic I'll just skip this one.
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won't lie, this is literally us rn.
The thread changed to revolves more around a certain approach and worship of Lilith, yes I agree. But these things happen all the time.

And I agree with most of your points here, but again this happened and is the status quo, because it is what the audience wants. People who reject that approach become outcasts, or trolls or just stop posting.

Your critique will never change anything, because there are too few ears who are willing to listen.
And if those ears want to change anything, they will instantly in open conflict with the rest of the community which will exhaust all their energies in senseless discussions and fights.

In conclusion: I think your points and intention is valid and very well intended, but your approach is futile.

A more effective approach is to make your own thread about amorous spirits, not limited to the western lense or Lilith.
Make an OP that makes well thought out discussion between equals mandatory, forbid the claim of sole authority, be the light that attracts the audience you are hoping for.

Maybe you can restore or create a place for more serious people to discuss matters of amorous spirits in a more serious and open minded way.
But remember this is 4chan here, with shitposts and spambots, but well I still think it's worth an attempt.
I firmly believe it would be a more efficient use of your energy than posting here, only to be ignored, ridiculed or attacked.
you don't even belong here so why bother? you came because you saw chant advocating for lilith and now you think this is your home to mass reply with pictures and lies. there is no "we" here, there are only people looking for spiritual unions, which you largely have nothing to add for, given you do nothing but talk about how you had amazing sessions in omegle or whatever you are up to taking advantage of people here believing in your most obvious pretension of being some kind of alluring friendly boy, when in fact you are way beyond this atmosphere being what soon 40, that if anything is questionable, given don't you have your spiritual union you so advocate for to be attentive of?
>You cannot force or convince anyone to act more in a way you find to be responsible
this is true, yet, pointing the flaws is an easy way to reveal inconsistencies which eventually lead into a change, things could develop far worse, believe me, without any opposition.
>They will just say "spinal fluid anon bad and gives parasites" and 99 percent of people will ignore everything you say.
most people need time before they come around, and when they do so, they might reconsider their position at the given time and disengage from routine that leads nowhere.
>by a spirits suggest getting enslaved by a spirit, doesn't sound so healthy to me. Please clarify if I misunderstood you.
spirits don't seize you, they mostly show you where you are heading to with repeated behavior, when you do something you gravitate towards that sphere, by nature. you can be restricted out of areas or exclusively limited to certain spheres if the spirits don't like the development, they don't have to actively do anything, the inertia does, they simply don't allow something to happen. many things in the subtle sphere happens through the aid of a spirit, and if you don't take heed what the spirit has to say things can go quiet and you will be responded by different spirits. there are violent places
>you came because you saw chant advocating for lilith
No I didn't, you lying fucking schizo, what the fuck?

This thread has NEVER revolved around that bitch, and you are JUST A SPAMMER AND HER GROUPIE.
my problem is i am not as frequent poster as i'd like to be. besides, concern posting is probably healthier approach than letting these people go unchecked and develop fantasies beyond any sanity.
you are obsessed lilith fanboy there is no need to deny that
>you are obsessed lilith fanboy
You are literally demonstrating your pathological obsession for us every day with your endless text walls.

Accusing others of this is just deflection, projection, and hyporisy; i.e. one more way that you are a loathsome thing.
have you had a single week leave or a day leave from this thread since your arrival? i can't remember single instance where you weren't here.
Well I think I understand your reasoning and approach better now.
And I think you are right, if you care about it, but don't have so much time or energy to spend then concern posting seems to be the best compromise.
I have business here related to the topic every day, because this topic is my lifestyle.

You have an axe to grind and a message to preach.

We are not the same, spammer.
You are comparing a heathy organ to a cancer.
IME she doesn't mind being admired in nude effigies, but I wouldn't call that sexualizing.
Is there any succubus that take form of animals like a bear or tiger not to like have sex, just to mess with you
>Even if this would be true, that wouldn't mean that everything chant says is untrue or invaluable.
True, but there are so many poison pills mixed in with the normal skittles, that it's best to steer clear
chant is a good example of a practitioner who has ruined themselves, and is very unwise, made key mistakes in key areas
Someone to learn from, in terms of what not to do, rather than learning what to do by copying.
And remember that she is energy draining people for fun.
When she was asked about this, she said "You can't prove it"
Not "I'm innocent". She said "you can't prove it" which is exactly what guilty people say. She still hasn't denied it by the way
>Spinal Fluids having his weekly mental breakdown that this isn't his dieting tip general and everyone hates him
Yeah mine took the form of a lioness in a dream.
Your intentions seem to be good.

But I am not aware how chant ruined herself and what key mistakes she made in key areas. Are you referring to the claims you made in your previous post? If not, you may want to elaborate. If yes: you made a lot of claims about her, which I can't evaluate, because of missing information.
I wasn't following the thread for some time.
I just noticed some regular poster disappearing, like this conjurer guy. And that chant and Mine are now in open conflict, or maybe it's better to say that Mine stopped making excuses for chant's behavior towards Mine and stopped sucking up the derogatory remarks from chant. Good for Mine.
But in this conflict between Chant and Mine I am very hesitant to pick sides, because there are a lot of things about Mine too, that I personally don't like viewing certain things as bad or destructive, hence I felt more inclined to apologize Chant, when she was attacked as the sole bogeyman, disregarding any and all of Mines shortcomings.

I can't evaluate the energy draining case.
But she is right that you can't prove it, but you are also right in saying that this is exactly what guilty people who are bad liars tend to say.

I think it would be of greatest value for everyone to elaborate on what key mistakes (chant did as a practitioner) to avoid and how to avoid them.
I agree that fear underlies a lot of a person's behaviors, if not all of them.
I think it is also a good idea to focus on something that is not driven by fear, but I think that this is not so easy, because I think fear can hide behind other emotions like pride, sadness or anger and many more.

Also it is not evident to me why fear is necessarily inauthentic.
Let's say a person A likes eggs, but don't likes to work. When they have no fear they will just steal it from shops until they get arrested and lose not only their access to eggs but also their freedom.
Now another person B also likes eggs and don't like to work, but has fear and thus doesn't steal to preserve their freedom and access to eggs, maybe they find another compromise and become a successful beggar.

Now who of both person is acting more according to their true self and why?
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Good day succgen
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Okay, so let me give you the example for myself. A person doesn't have to view or express their authenticity in these terms, but I see it as looking down to the deepest level of my soul and finding an alignment with Lilith and Thoth.
Thoth being the ideal I try to cultivate in myself regarding truth-seeking as a priority higher than its usual foils of comfort and ego.
Lilith representing those traits which I love most in others.

Those two elements have been through-lines for my entire life and are driven by a genuine love for the concepts in question. It doesn't matter what situation I'm in, I am still gonna be an annoyingly pedantic subby-boi. If I'm in a situation where I have to curb those traits (which is usually), then I'm still that person, just having to curb those traits.

FEAR, on the other hand, can be very benign and productive for *material* society for the reasons that you're citing, but its also going to have one of two problems.
Either A. the fear is linked to an external factor outside of the self, and thus is not a part of the true self.
Or B. the fear is entirely contained WITHIN the self (read: fear of one's own, possibly denied, traits), and thus can represent an internal contradiction, which isn't part of your true self because its a dysfunction INHIBITING your true self.

>in this conflict between Chant and Mine I am very hesitant to pick sides
I don't regard there as being any ongoing conflict other than low-grade responding to shots she takes at me...

I had something to say when she was calling people "transphobic" a while ago, but I was NOT in that drama and bit my tongue.
When will Chant and Mine fight in the astral realm? Should they be allowed to get assistance from their spirit companions or tulpas?
Thank you. I think the Thoth ideal is a very high ideal.
I assume loving Lilith, the "Lilith archetype" is truest nature of your preference, hence part of your true self?

>I'm still that person, just having to curb those traits.
Lilith stands for freedom to be your truest self, whatever that may be.
I hope Lilith can help you to self realize your true self in "usually" more.

You are right, in my examples it is based on external factors.

Advocatus diablo may say that in compromising with external factors your betray your true self.
This is f.e. why some christian saints are remembered in church, because they didn't compromise their believe even at the threat of death, and died for it.
I am not saying the christian fate or any religion is worthy to go to such extremes. I am just making an example of being true to yourself no matter the circumstance.

Maybe the freedom to be your truest self is not always easily achieved fully, but more a high ideal to move or work towards. But maybe these are just the words of people to weak to be their true self?
I don't know. Maybe Lilith knows. At the moment I am yet undecided about these matters.

Maybe you have some ideas about all of this?

The second fear you talked about is I thik almost exclusively internalized programming that contradicts with other programming or the true self.
F.e. You want to do a certain thing, but a certain not yet reflected idea you internalized out of heuristic convenience is holding you back. I think these inner conflicts may be easier to solve than the outward conflicts, because the inner conflicts are entirely in your control with enough time for self-reflection.
During astral sex; what do you guys "self insert" as? I assume -at least in my brief experiences, this was the case- there are mirrors in the room so you can look at yourself. I didn't have total lucidity but I remember trying to make myself into a thin-aesthetic femboy (cis man, tho) and then trying to force myself into a run-down futanari hotel to get raped.
Part of me wishes the succ. would genuinely like what I look like, and not require me to take up avatars--I guess in any case Im just choosing a possible form\body-type, fashion style etc, of what is actually possible for the IRL me.
Po pi po pi po po pi po!
Po pi po pi po po pi!
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>what do you guys "self insert" as?
I get what you mean, but I wouldn't exactly call it self inserting, because your clones or main astral body is a part of you. It's not just your imagination, though it can be at lower levels of attunement. Kinda hard to explain because it's complicated, but you get my point. It's more than self inserting for sure. Otherwise it wouldn't really do anything.
that being said, I'm happy with how I look, so I self insert as myself. Many people here are transgender, so they will project their astral body as a woman rather than as a man.
though my astral body does become strangely handsome from time to time, which is kind of odd. Probably from channeling sexual energy a bunch
I think it's the same reason why love spirits are so attractive, channeling that kind of energy a lot, as well as love energy.
though a lot of that is also intentional, altering their appearance to get the biggest reaction. They also enjoy receiving that attention, just as much as anyone would.
So it's mostly just me, but many times a "unusually handsome" version of me.
I really upset you with my existence, don't I

Don't blame me for mine. I was railing against his inanity from the start along with some others who probably left

Nobody's stopping you. Go for it!

I don't and never did advocate for worship of any supernatural entity. Lilith is an elder I respect, not an authority I bow to
The changes made to the thread were done in collaboration with the other spirit havers at the time and built on shared perspectives so we didn't have to ask the same questions several times a thread. I only wish we had the space for "no it doesn't matter what candle you use" and "you can ask for a loli but she's not going to be underage"

If you want to know why mine and I conflict, read the threads where he posted under a name. He described masturbating to erotic audio as meditation, so if he ever talks about meditating, that's what he's doing
Alright, shots fired.
You prove your bad faith in this thread with every lie, and its exactly why nobody should listen to you: Cuz even if you actually say something accurate, you probably package it in a toxic, discouraging way that's ultimately harmful, because such is the poison of your soul.

Now about your lies:
>if he ever
It has NEVER been the case, nor have I EVER implied that erotic hypnosis audio was my only form of meditation, and I still talk about and recommend erotic hypnosis audios to people, so your implication that this is some secret is also dishonest.

You are such a shameful, bitter, disgusting liar.

MASSIVELY RICH watching you call somebody transphobic you fucking hypocrite.

Also, take it as an indication of how much of an INTERLOPER you really are in this thread that here you are talking shit about a form of love-making with a spirit.
That's what I explained back then, not that you cared, you anti-sex FRAUD.

I listen to the audio, which is carefully selected for being almost entirely things Lilly would say, and then we interact freely, departing from and rejoining the audio as we like. Its a FUCKING CENTERING MECHANISM.
Yet you, you close-minded ASSHOLE are going to try and use that as a SMEAR!? IN THE SPIRIT LOVE GENERAL!?

How fucking stupid are you?
You're literally just exposing how much of a controlling fraud you are.

Now, did you have any other stupid ways you'd like to embarrass yourself, Shrew?
>erotic hypnosis audio
care to share?
Tulpas are real.
Your god Jesus is not.
>I listen to the audio, which is carefully selected for being almost entirely things Lilly would say,
maybe I should do the same. I used to make AI pics that were dialed in to look like my GF
never did the erotic audio stuff, wasn't really my cup of tea
As far as what would be most versatile for people's spirit lovers, there's a file from ShibbySays called "Summoning the Succubus" which also has a sequel.
just apologize
That is frightening as hell.
Can multiple entities reside inside body through possession? Can you give information on fairies, the spirits through dream and mundane worlds keep saying fairy, but I believe they're serpents.
>there are violent places
Could you expand on this?
>Alright, shots fired.
They weren't but fine
>bad faith
You seem to think that phrase means "anything I dislike"
You are wrong
All right, camel la
>your implication that this is some secret is also dishonest.
A new posting not knowing something doesn't make it a secret or not
>You are such a shameful, bitter, disgusting liar.
You're so mad, bro
>MASSIVELY RICH watching you call somebody transphobic you fucking hypocrite.
Are you a woman? Simple question, simple answer
After you answer, remind the class what your stance on gender transition and hrt is
>you anti-sex FRAUD.
I'm a sexual energy user and your claim is nonsense
>things Lilly would say
She appeared after you made a habit of listening to the audio, correct?
That's not what that phrase means
The fact you're reliant on audio and you've never said anything specific about "lilly" is what originally made me question her external existence. I decided she was probably real, but now I recall you've never said anything beyond generic goth milf stuff about her. No evidence she exists or has an inner life making her no more than a wonderland sex doll. Why not quote a response to me from her to prove me wrong? Scared she'll just sound like you?
>You're literally just exposing how much of a controlling fraud you are.
Wow. Do you want me to tell you to check your privilege or something?
I don't call you names, I point out behaviors. Remember when you had a fit over months that it was common knowledge that abstaining was beneficial, and you wanted to ejaculate so you called everyone a liar too?


The reason it's frightening is that the person you're replying to wants you to be afraid. Fear attracts malicious entities, like the ones parasitizing him. You'll do better if you aren't fearful but careful
I look like myself at about 16, but more beautiful, and with better hair and skin. I used to think my soul was ugly, but apparently that's not obvious. And if I look young on the astral, that could explain why she appears young too.
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it's interesting when you can detatch yourself entirely from an arguement involving others and see the self serving mechanism and thought process behind it without any attachment whatsoever and realize the vast faggotry at play.

You a bad wounded person Chant. Please don't ever be a mother lol. Mine you are a dog chasing it's tail.

Kudos for the role you played with the Wordpress Chant but otherwise fuckkkk lol

We really are toxic aren't we?
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I don't care.

I was meditating on a norse deity today and I believe she opened me up breifly to see my girl. She was absolutely gorgeous. No cap I have the hottest spirit girl in the multiverse. If anyone has any type of connection boosting meditating or ritual please share.
Most people here are wounded, that is the beauty of the thread. No normies, only highly sensitive and idealistic people. Great ideas, true drama stories, real character development. It's an interesting thread with a lot to offer.
>You're so mad, bro
That is the appropriate reaction when such a nasty person acts like a "pillar of the community".

Cuz I'd REALLY like to just be DONE with an asshole like you, but then you just can't fucking stop yourself from taking your petty, pathetic little shots like the abuser you are, which in turn means I have to WASTE MY TIME reading your shit to make sure this "pillar of the community" isn't fucking LYING ABOUT ME AGAIN.

No wonder you have to hang out here. Goddess knows nobody else will have you.
You fit right in with spinal. Now stop pestering me. Your words are poison.
So we not answering questions or sharing anymore so when do we get our thread back from you faggets? You are all the problem and I hope you get bad karma for engaging. Go away
And then there's this faggot.

The guy who always shows up to say, "Oh tHiS IsN'T A ThReAd aBoUt sUcCuBi aNyMoRe!?" while contributing nothing.
Fuck you, asshole. Be the change you want to see or shut your whore mouth.
>gets high
May love grant everyone the power to heal! <3
A succubus came to me in my dreams four years ago and gave me the best blowjobs of my life two nights in a row. I woke up with huge loads I blew into my underwear both mornings. This hadn't happened to me since I was a young teen more than ten years beforehand, and hasn't happened to me again since then. After this happened, a lot of stuff has gone wrong in my life and I became deeply immersed in esoteric gnostic teachings, often not at my own volition. Are these incidents related? Possibly, nothing happens in a vacuum, but that succubus sure did suck me like one.
Who the fuck would want to share anything in this cesspool? Sounds like a great way to attract bad juju.
Good day succgen
Ah I remember 80's pants
i did dislike chanty when i discovered the thread for her seemingly cold-ish and distant attitude but she and conjurer anon helped me cope with my parasitation so i owe her my vote of confidence
For various reasons, my and my husband's libido is not a limiting factor anymore. If we want to, we will in one way or another; no matter the circumstance, there's always a way. And if we don't want to, the desire can be created, perpetually, if simply we choose it.
I used to be a sex addict back when I first went through puberty. Not in the colloquial sense of acting outwardly promiscuous or hypersexual, but in the sense that my recklessness in pursuit of sexual gratification often caused me to get injured, and I'd neglect my responsibilities to do it more.
This instilled in me for many years the belief that there's such a thing as doing it too much, or enjoying it too much. On some level, I was always holding back, even using magic to free myself from withdrawal symptoms or desensitization, so that sexual lust wouldn't consume me again like it has before.

But in a way, that magic has only liberated me from what restraint I had. I began to think, now that there are no longer any downsides, and I can always have what I want in a safe environment, why not let loose? Even if I'm already satisfied, why not do it more? It feels good, and I'm not neglecting responsibilities nor doing anything dangerous like back in the day. On the contrary, there's even benefits to it energetically, and a promise of pleasure can motivate me to do simple tasks and take good care of myself.
Yet as I slowly reach the logical conclusion, I find it doesn't consume me. I used to think, sex can make me feel good, so why do anything else? Now I think, why not? Life has so much to offer, so why not enjoy it all in ecstasy, as long as I can conceal it well enough to still function socially?

It's certainly food for thought.
>If anyone has any type of connection boosting meditating or ritual please share.
sure, from my beginner resources channel

A video about all the different spirit worlds, and the sublevels of those worlds. And how to see them, as well as go there.
39:00 How to see with your eyes closed (or even blind), and see in the dark while on earth (just the same as you can see in the dark while in spirit worlds)
42:30 How to open your third eye chakra (or brow dantian) using energy manipulation on brow, binaural beats, breathing/pranayama, meditation, herbs etc. What it feels like and how long it takes. Keep in mind this shaman is very spiritually sensitive and very experienced, so other people will probably get slower and smaller results.
49:50 The different spirit worlds
55:30 Pocket dimensions
1:00:00 Time dilation in the spirit worlds, either time being greatly sped up or slowed down
1:08:00 How the different worlds relate to human nature
1:08:30 What kinds of spirits are more focused on physicality, including fighting or sexuality. IE: Love spirits and warrior/predator spirits
1:33:00 Asking the spirits for guidance
>so when do we get our thread back
go ahead and post high quality content then
>Are these incidents related?
considering the time gap between them, no
the only connection is that you are a spiritually active person, which lead you to both places. that's it
What is it like to have one of the queens as a patron goddess? I would like to learn and improve myself under one of the queens and was wondering what it entail to have one as your patron goddess.
so, many users here describe succs. as clingy, possessive, stalker gf etc..Can I somehow arrange to have astral-succ-sex once a month? BUT I also don't have wet dreams ,just once a month full-invested astral body sex.
I want to come off sex as a whole thing and be Celibate up to Mental-Astral levels. i will do a sort of increasing staircase\pyramid method of 1 ,2 , 2 and a half months etc, until I reach one year SR, then I will just keep SR for 12 years.
No you misread me, they both happened on consecutive days, one after the other.
From my experience, great insight, though it is twisted and warped. The knowledge they give you corrupts your mind and leaves you deranged. They can make you act on impulses that are self-destructive and laugh at your injury or death, if you do something that even slightly inconveniences them.
Is that what you really want? They can provide guidance anyway if it fits their agenda.
Blah blah blah, fuck off, christfag.

So I've been working under one of Lilith's daughters rather than the Lady herself, but I would characterize it as "Sensitivity to needs" in terms of understanding how progress works for me.

Hey, you can always just do the Letter Method and ask.
(Oof... that 5 minutes is brutal...)
>No you misread me, they both happened on consecutive days, one after the other.
I heard you right the first time. you misunderstood my statement
>two nights in a row
These are related, probably the same spirit. I don't really think that's interesting and that's not what I'm talking about.
>became deeply immersed in esoteric gnostic teachings, often not at my own volition. Are these incidents related?
Here you are asking about the sex spirit visiting you, and if that's related to you getting into esoteric teachings
My answer was: No, because they are separated by 10 years
which you said here:
>more than ten years beforehand

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