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This is a true story.

Groveanon, KnifeWieldingBird, and NTG were an unlikely trio, brought together by their shared belief in the existence of real vampires. They had each spent years researching and investigating, determined to uncover the truth and prove their theories right. Together, they spent countless hours posting and discussing vampire threads, searching for any clues or evidence that could lead them to the elusive creatures.

But as they delved deeper into the dark world of vampires, they soon realized that their mission was more dangerous than they had ever imagined. Groveanon, a seasoned hunter, led the group with his sharp instincts and knowledge of vampire lore. KnifeWieldingBird, a skilled fighter, was always ready for a battle. And NTG, a brilliant scientist, used her expertise to analyze evidence and track down leads. Together, they traveled to remote villages, explored abandoned castles, and braved the underground vampire lairs. But with every new discovery, their fears grew stronger. The vampires were more cunning and powerful than they could have ever imagined.

In their final quest, the trio came face to face with the powerful vampire clan that had been terrorizing the countryside. They fought fiercely, but only Groveanon emerged victorious. KnifeWieldingBird and NTG had sacrificed themselves to save him. As he stood among the remains of his fallen friends, Groveanon realized the bitter truth. They had been right all along. Real vampires did exist, and he had found them. But at what cost? He could never celebrate his victory, knowing that his friends had paid the ultimate price. From that day on, Groveanon roamed the earth alone, haunted by the memories of his brave companions. He had succeeded in his mission, but it had come at a great cost. And he knew that the world would never be the same without KnifeWieldingBird and NTG by his side, fighting alongside him in the never-ending battle against the creatures of the night. And 4chan was left with one less vampire thread.
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come on, anon
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Vampires are real. Grove will find and slay you.
Psychic vampires are real. Not sure about biological ones in the sense that they drink blood to stay alive and youthful.
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Would you kindly stick your neck out? I need a sip to quench my thirst.
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Why do you think Vampire threads in specific are so heavily trolled? There's clearly a concerted effort to de-rail and fill them with disinformation.

It can't just be because Grove is/was a funny target for harassment; it was the same even before his time and he became a lolcow.

Almost makes you think there's a presence out there that actively wants to stifle any conversation about Vampires. I wonder why.

There's plenty of garbage and worthless threads on /x/ -- the usual schizophrenics, Christian luddites, druggie morons who think that taking shrooms lets you see God or genuinely believe in "The DMT Angels" or that if you think hard enough to can manifest psychic powers or that anyone cares enough to ""gangstalk"" them.

All fine, but mention 'vampire' and it's almost like a bunch of algorithms crawl from the floor boards to ruin the thread as soon as possible.
>All fine
Almost every thread receives ridicule
hey Cindy (your favorite troon) here
This really happened..
silly anon

At WORST there's a random, reply-less post that says "meds" or something in that vein early on in a thread, MAYBE two at MAXIMIUM. Which is a far cry from the obvious effort and attention vampire threads receive.
are the efforts and attention in the thread with us right now, anon?
haha I find this amusing and no there are unfortanetley no vampires. none to amuse you all, just the industrial complex reality we all created for you.

*cracks whip

now get back to work wage cucks, the veil is not coming this year or anytime soon. there will be no apacolypse. nothing to see here.
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I’m the one who derailed most of groveanons first threads. I sort of supported him up until he decided to make the discord. Then I labeled him a faggot and went after him. I did it in several ways and had help from other anons. They weren’t coordinated. It was just too funny to pass up and other could see that too so we all piled on him. Grove’s reactions were Chris Chan esque. He overreacted to bait and pasta. I was drunk half the time I did it to him. The introduction of other namefags like bitten and Cindy made it even more of a reason to destroy and delegitimize the threads. I couldn’t see any more gay generals shitting up /x/. And his discord is still being monitored.
This is correct. They go off topic especially fast if anyone has any kind of plausible theories that involve science and can be tested. You will never get a discussion off the ground because the thread will be spammed with nonsense
As a matter of fact, retard, yes, they are.
true guys I'm a chosen one my soul and blood is very tempting and thrilling to vampires I can always tell some weird shit is going on in here..
Same thing always happens. Someone mentions something they’ve seen or sees a pattern, perhaps something political. Or makes a scientific observation. Watch how quick the threads get bombed with spam and people screaming schizo or making sarcastic remarks. The biggest issue I’m seeing isn’t so much that people deny vampires exist as they refuse to agree on what a vampire actually is. You see a lot on here talking about energy vampires but there’s no way of testing it. Tons of humans seem to derive energy from making others miserable. They really seem to feed off it somehow. Are they paranormal creatures? No. They’re just sadistic narcissists.
>now let’s assume we talk about possibilities that vampires or vampire-like traits could be created through certain medical procedures, infections or genetic engineering (possibly from an alien interference even). Literally anything we can actually test and gain hard evidence for. You’ll see the thread gets buried in spam then deleted absurdly quickly. It’s pretty funny. Just shows it’s a subject that’s considered dangerous. Same thing happens when different people make the same or similar observations. As soon as there’s potential for people to see patterns it gets hushed. You don’t see succubus threads getting shut down, so why vampire ones? I rest my case.
true brother amen
It begins.
The only two likely reasons are:
>vampires/vampire like creatures exist and don’t want to be discovered
>if people find out vampires are real and they could be turned, the world would probably plunge into chaos as people try to achieved immortality/extended lifespans or super powers.

I believe Hollywood has been used as a tool to confuse the public and create misconceptions. So with this in mind, yes vampires as we imagine them are fake. However the real vampires are definitely there and it’s likely they are essentially humans with slight biological differences - I would suggest they are “tuned” more for combat and are generally superior while vulnerable to poor health if they are unable to consume blood. I would assume they look normal but have immense strength relative to their physique coupled with genius intelligence and maybe a slightly different air that makes people feel like there’s something strange they can’t quite pinpoint. Ultimately you’ll never know unless they show you or you’re right place, right time but it’s highly probable the human race is full of specimens who have traces of vampiric DNA but some have significantly more of it than others. It may only manifest once every hundred years. It’s like how on rare occasions a black parent can have a white child. There’s no guarantee the defining traits of a vampire won’t show up in the next generation.
>Of course it could also be a genetic weakness that gets exploited by pathogens. I have sometimes wondered if the covid vaccines were related to vampirism in some way. I guess we will never know
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Porphyria and haemophilia aside, what about "psychic" vampires? Incorporeal vampires? Do they count or are these threads only about Lugosi vampires?
t. unkissed by a vamplore
I think they’re a myth. As far as humans go there are some who get a kick out of making others feel depressed. That mental kick gives them a boost. You can’t prove the existence of intangible entities very easily. They could be real but it seems unlikely. I prefer to stick with what we can actually test and measure
Now continuing on. Let’s consider the possibility that vampires are created through an infection. We know two things.

>peoples eating habits are absolutely influenced by the gut biome.
>any transformation process would cause a powerful immunoresponse similar to what transplant patients get.

What causes autoimmune diseases?
>poor diet

What if the huge amounts of vaccination programs we’ve had over the past 50 or so years have been scientists trying to find a way to “let the virus in” without entirely disabling the immune system and ending up with a HIV AIDS scenario? I’m sure there are many evil people out there who would be happy to throw billions and sacrifice thousands of lives at it for a shot at immortality. In the mean time their big pharma investments make trillions off of government contracts.
>having said all this you watch how fast the thread disappears. It’s far too close to the bone
That's a laudable rational approach.
I never seen a corporeal bloodsucker (unless my memory was wiped lel), but I am permanently low on iron AND sun doesn't do me good. There were times when I experienced cravings which made me contemplate going to feed on dogs in a nearby park.
That being said, I don't think I am a vampire.
Besides that, all my other experiences were incorporeal chance encounters and thus impossible to measure, much less to reproduce.
This is exactly the point. You’ve been told your whole life vampires don’t exist. How do you know you aren’t a kind of hybrid? If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck.. you could be partially altered and have no idea due to society’s incessant insistence it’s a myth
> vax
Carriers in mRNA Covid vaccines concentrate in gonads and reverse transcriptases are a thing https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35723296/ (first result, haven't checked but look for keywords for further research).
> gut biome
Don't forget glyphosate etc. Coeliac disease is rising in prevalence like never before. That leads to poor nutrient uptake. Think Tarrare.

Kek, no. I don't want to be a vampire.
I would kill for a piece of British black pudding though.
I would suggest most if not all of us know that one guy or girl who’s a bit… different. Even though we can never figure out what it actually is. We still sense something is wrong all the same. The odds are vampires and other such creatures from legends have been intermingling with humans for millennia. Some may even have interbred (assuming they are capable of reproduction in the same way humans are) with people. You’d never know. 5 generations could pass before the vampire genes pop up again. You’d have no way of knowing. Either way the fact every culture on earth seems to have some kind of human-like blood sucker stories seems to indicate something very strange has been happening for a very long time
The interesting thing is that the covid vaccine is a form of gene therapy. I’ve heard rumours gene doping was being experimented on Olympic athletes. All I know is I keep seeing tons of links between vaccinations and immune issues. Apart from mass depopulation what would scientists have to gain from such experiments? I would assume they want to crack immortality. It’s a similar story with CERN
The usual suspects - greed for money and power. Money links are plainly visible. Power of TPTB got boosted massively - almost everyone unthinkingly obeyed.
Beyond that, depopulation of higher IQ population is a realistic motive.
I don't think that TPTB did covid to crack immorality. These things are better researched in a lab. Even using billions of people to search for interesting mutation caused by vax would require collection of massive amounts of data.
Hm, like "covid" PCR testing... that would presume another round of mass genetic data collection in a year or two. Will we see another "pandemic" like that in a timeframe sufficient for mutations to express themselves? And, how would they know which mutations are viable? One can't detect longevity purely from DNA if one doesn't know how would it look like in genes.
Vampirism though, that's another thing. Every "vampire" would get caught and could be studied.
I don't like where this is going. Are there any uptick in vampire reports since vax?
I don’t know about vampires specifically but there’s been a surge in autoimmune - which as I outlined earlier - if a virus slowly changes people it would trigger an autoimmune response. Which in turn results in nasty problems like diabetes and arthritis or hair loss. Other issues as well can stem from it. The trash being? The body will recognise the transformed areas as foreign and reject it. So if my theory about immune issues being linked to vampirism is correct then they are trying to mass infect us or make us vulnerable to infection so they can crack the formula they are looking for. I could be entirely wrong but i don’t see why they’d care if they want to depopulate anyway. They can likely find out what they need from the frequent blood tests you get when on certain medications
I think the bigger issue at hand is definitely that innocent people, whether human or not, are probably being used as lab rats without them even knowing. The reason humans are so fascinated is primarily because we wish to evolve into something superior. It’s exactly the same story with space aliens. You can be sure if they exist the government will try to exploit them even if it risks earth being annihilated.
>it’s funny that in Blade 2 the guy working for the vampire overlord guy is a big noise in the UN. It’s widely understood that vampirism is associated superhuman capabilities and at bare minimum an extended lifespan. The elites will stop at nothing to get at it.

What I did notice that you may find interesting is that there’s been a recent increase in vampire culture in the underground rave party scene. I’m not sure why. For what it’s worth they could be hiding in full view and you wouldn’t know.
>>38823777 checked
Keeping people permanently sick is also conductive to TPTB's money and power motivations.
Google trends for USA and last 5 years shows:
- Slightly increasing trend for "vampire" with several 2x upticks.
- 4x uptick for "vampiric" on 10/2023 and slightly increasing trend.
- No, or at most asymptotal increase for "blood" with no relevant local changes.
Maybe I'm just searching for wrong things.
Wait, there’s been an increase in vampire related searches lately? I don’t see how that can’t be a coincidence. People are suspicious and I’m pretty sure any vampires/hybrids/anomalies or whatever you want to call them out there are worried or trying to find answers to their own questions. I suppose the question is how to find the real deal? I’ve been keeping my eyes open but haven’t really seen much yet. I know 3 people I consider “suspicious” but none of them would hurt a fly and they’re very different in their strangeness
Feel free to recheck my results. I'm a phonefagging ESL and there might be better words to search for, or better sites than google.
The increase I've seen could be explained by the increase of people online in general. IDK how google trends metric works, maybe it is normalised against that and maybe not.
Anecdotal evidence is okay, but measurable facts are always better.
Your appearance is fixed already.
and that's the problem
People don't take what is familiar seriously. Archons and annunaki and drugs seem cool and exotic and mystical because you research them on the internet when you're 19. Vampires, on the other hand, seem silly and cliche because you saw them in a cartoon when you were 6. People fail to realize that there's often a lot more truth in the familiar than the exotic.
Well it’s very interesting all the same. I doubt we will ever get to the bottom of it. There’s been theories that the alleged existence of chemtrails is a plan to allow vampires to go out in the day without being affected by sunlight.
Nah, just the scarlet mist thing back in the day, but that plan backfired. On the plus side, the sale of umbrellas went up.
I don’t know what to say. Just start kidnapping and killing innocent people and cannibalizing them. Pretty quickly you’re be too afraid to even approach the light. The “vampire” that will “turn you” into another “vampire” is the demon that you’ll be conjuring by doing these wicked satanic acts. And the vampire transformation is more like a human who’s become part-demon. Just like the Holy Spirit can only dwell within a pure and soft heart, the unholy spirit that will transform one into a monster only comes to true psychopaths. Vampire… eternally wandering the earth with endless hunger, hiding in the darkness, too paranoid and selfish to ever have friends or family having to “glamour” people to tolerate you. Just why? Why not stop wandering? Settle down into the land God gave to your ancestors? Care for heal and help your neighbors? Come to Jesus and never hunger or thirst again, and live forever in the kingdom of heaven?
Vampires go away!
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Shut up incel.
good to know
fuckin liar, im bitten, me and cindy was never apart of your shit, im a telepath and I can read intentions. your full of shit dude.
If you were Bitten, you'd use your tripname to prove the point, but yeah that poster is a massive cockmongler.
Bro why do these threads keep coming back ffs. One dude trying to tell the "unimaginable horrors of the undead" and then there's some other dude who's like "that one friend or person who always seemed different and you couldn't put your finger on why..." Newsflash chucklenuts it's called being a neurotypical in a world full of autistics. I'm autistic. I get pointed out as "different" or "looming" or you name it... Frankly I wouldn't be surprised if most "vampire" sightings or accusations in past history were towards autistic people just because we don't appear exactly the same as all other "normals" and that's what sounds the alarm bells. I don't know, it all seems a little like these people are projecting and/or still just looking for attention in this whole role play thing. What's next, I'm evil or undead because I'm autistic? I can't wait for someone to bring to my attention that I can blow up heads like the movie Scanners because autism or some shit lmao. (And by the way, yes, I'm the same asshole who derailed this thread last week, you're welcome.)
i have a feeling that vampires were just blood libelists or generally other evil bastards, im probably wrong though but you are spot on retards get caught up in exotica
Fuck off Cindy
The saddest part of the groveanon vampire threads is all the time they kept using VTM lore as if /tg/ isn't a board here.
They never "used" any lore from that at all. They were quick to call people out on when they used it, but what they did do in relation to the VtM stuff is realize it's all based on actual things and people you can find in real life.
Anyone who thinks that never was into VTM, anyone that read the early books knows that is ridiculous. Next you'll be saying Anne Rice is soft disclosure.
No, you retard-people in the lore are based on real people. Locations in the lore are based on real locations. And all these people and locations have things that make you stop and think, like that one cunt in that tower that's a real tower in Chicago with dubious circumstances or that one tarot deck thing they were talking about that had references to actual serial killers, and even that Sébastien tool having a dead body related to him. That's why shit gets covered up, because once you start looking you'll start to find real skeletons in the place of the imagined one's and people don't like that.
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Last time I checked, cucko, I was rotting right alongside you.
Except it's not, because that's Dandelion's thing.
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Groveanon won
Simple as
Have you heard the howl in your head? The pain? Do you feel that burn still? Would you like to meet again? ;)
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He found the source he needed. That source helped him. Then, he found his old friend.
The fear within me is beyond anything your soul can make. You cannot kill me in a way that matters.
My understanding is this, grove anon met cindy but for some reason didn't let her inside his house.
Vampires this human body is done I am done I am done
Cindy or someone being called Cindy tried to snatch open his rear car door in a parking lot and then froze up like a spastic when he asked her what the fuck was going on. Then she got pulled away by some others and everyone left. That's the extent of anyone's knowledge, including his.
Was he inside the car or...?

Were they socially awkward or something? Anyway grove had a chance to ask cindy to bite him...maybe,i didnt think it happened like this at all.
He was sitting in his car late at night while out of town and she tried to snatch it open then got all weird and kept repeating some question to him about if it was a bad time or whatever, then she got pulled away by some randoms she was with and he drove off. Said he didn't realize what they called her until the next morning in the shower and had an "oh shit" moment.
Was it Cindy or somebody else they called that? Nobody knows, not even him, but he said shit was weird mentally for a while. She may have been hiding a knife or something at the time with how her hands were moving, and he went back to find answers and it was all conveniently out of all camera ranges. That's the last I heard of it all from him. Others think Cindy is a guy so it's probly just some chick using the name. Or it really was her.

Somebody else got beat up in their group a week before on the same day and was in the hospital for a month or some shit, so they say. So yeah. Go wild with larp or whatever, we all got nothing on that happening.
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The vampires were more cunning and powerful than they could have ever imagined. Proceeds to find nothing. Kek
Cindy was lolvampire, another vampire tripfag and a male at that. They used some exact phrases that no one else used, which the archive confirmed. And the whole Cindy thing was way too male-brained anyway... she was a super beautiful eternally 14 year old looking pale skin ice blue eyes beautiful vampire immortal queen of the night? Lmao.
Where do you get this info?
I'm one of the people on the discord he spoke to about it. Would use a name, but that's frowned upon here and causes assholes to act like idiots.

So I'll keep that secret for now
it's because a maximum undeath run leads to biological immortality. Just watch Hellsing Ultimate
>I click 4chan but all I get is discord
i still feel the burn in my back all the time as for meeting again, maybe if the cards are drawn that way.

Im sure you have your life to live and are very busy, alltho, would be nice.
I would let her inside, its rude to keep people outside.
no she asked if this was a good time, and one her friends was like cindy what the fuck are you doing. some people react different to different to different situations. she probably wanted to talk to him but couldn't in the circumstances and no, cindy is alright.

I get what happened tho. I could see things from both perspectives and i understand both sides of things.
all he had to do was pretend to be a woman and he got people obsessed with his cindy persona impressive
hey even skittles gots to have his dream of being a woman with fangs right? lol what a troll he was.
It was actually her repeating "Is this a bad time?" over and over again, but only after she tried getting into it, walked to the front of the fender, and then he opened the door just enough to ask her what the fuck was going on. And she kept fiddling with her hands in front. There were 3 of them in total around his vehicle, though only she tried getting in. The other two just sat there out of view and watched until the one drug her away, all the while apologizing about her actions, and then they put her shoulder to shoulder and all 3 walked away as a group.
It wasn't until the next morning that it clicked for him on what they called her.
Odd circumstance, stars aligned, she was willed into existence, they were gangstalking him and played a part, or she was just a trafficking victim with the same name...nobody has a clue. But what did happen is what was described above, only after he admitted to getting a wild hair and trying to change up his routine out of the usual, and then all of that unfolding.
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FtM trannies had vampire hands before they learned to swap hands in the Frankenstein era.
who knows to be honest.
>And 4chan was left with one less vampire thread.
I wish.
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Basically this.
Basically this.
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be nice to Remi!
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she italian.
She Sicilian
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Meds, E
>>comes into thread
>>talks of clocks
>>mongles cocks
Go kick rocks
No you have elephant deeIse it would make you immortal and you will be stuck in that thibg forever a sugen is what you need.
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>>what you just said:
How do I become Remilia?
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YWNBTM(you will never be the Mistress)
>"there are unfortanetley no vampires"
clawed hands mistyped this
>delete the known spam poster
>leave the shitposts about a vampire character that plenty of others have posted long before (you) showed up
>make a post to whine about it instead of posting anything of relevance to the vampire topic relating to what OP asked or about them in general yourself
Would say commit neckrope, but you'd come back as an undead monger. Post fangs.
And yes, I did imply you were a whore.
Sorry, I don't speak Arabic.
these racist /pol/ rats just can't stay in their containment board
Vampires suck
Nah, see that's a myth. Dracula scrape with his fangs, then lick up all the blood.
Like this:
Dracula SCRAPE, Den lick. SCRAPE... Den lick.
Who’s your sire? Tell me. I must find out.
Anybody know anything about a 1000 year old vampire named Adamar?
what use would such information be? it doesn't matter. I will not divulge that information. they do have a vigilante mindset if that helps, and they often go after very bad people in the dark recesses of society.
I think the werewolves are playing 7D chess w/ the vampires while the glowies dive in and do their own thing in these threads all while shitposters like me derail for a giggle.
there are a lot of cross lovers between vampires and wolves and there are a few predijuces on both sides.
What really happened on April 8, 2024?
Look into Dion Fortune's stuff on psychic vampirism.
Even if we were, you could not have a chance at killing vampires


Is this the body cam footage?
The fact you think you stand a chance is fucking hilarious
>vampires are totally real
>They're just completely indistinguishable from regular humans but maybe they're stronger or something I dunno
>they may or may not have any possible traits, just so you can't disprove anything I said
Thrilling research you've done here
ha, half demons can take on 9 people with ease, and im speaking of the family here. one took on a whole bar of 30 people at once.
what do you want to know?
Why do you want to know, gayboy
Meds now
>You are feeling emasculated by my feats and you are projecting on me.

Please stop narrating your life to me, homosexual
So are vampire threads just a form of /NG/?
Don't even try that shit, bozo. The only thing that's sprung up around him are people making shit up about him or trying to goad him into coming back here. And if you checked the archives you can see he has a disdain for the whole nobody thing to begin with and conflates it to a meme that took on a life of its own.

And don't post your neovagina-nobody(lel) wants to see that shit.
I can smell it through the thread, biscuit boi.
Just speaking facts, he thinks being able to take on 5 people is a big deal, most well trained fighters are capable of such. Nothing really special about that.
Ok so you lack knowledge of various different tribes,saying half demons is something most understand that an outsider like you wouldnt. One of our tribes can know the secrets of people just through direct eye contact. No matter how hard someone tris to conceal them.
But can they see why kids love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch?
Wht type of glowie shit is that?
> take five guys at once
Sounds painful
The only glowing I do is because in my shitposting I have ascended after embracing the chaos that is this place. Glowies get btfo by hitting them with my batmobile-I just run them over in my pursuits of finding vampires.

Now answer the question or I'm dropping gears. *vroom* *vroom* motherfanger.

It feels good, anon.

Me and NTG btw
>brilliant scientist, used her
I believed everything up until this
That's because the person who made this doesn't know who the actual scientist of the group is.
Hint: even they aren't technically a scientist with how you're imagining it.
Grove is the scientist
NTG is just a cute girl. She ain't no scientist
If you really want to spin anything, he'd be an ad-hoc Occult Detective just without the bitchin' overcoat.
you guys retarded? why are you taking his post serious to discuss who of the tripfags is a scientist he made a joke that women can't be intelligent
First, who are you quoting?
Secondly, who says I was? For all you know, I'm one of the discord members or even Grove himself joining in the shitposting. I imagine even he would get bored after a while, and I think it'd be pretty damn funny desultory.

Is she a pretty girl?
Maybe I am

I think she is beautiful
Can you niggers discuss vampires and not bitches and drama
You know I tried that for months and months but spastic faggot fucks like yourself just kept shitting the place up so I said fuck it and started shitposting too. It's always something with you jackwagons.
How am I spastic do you KNOW ME?
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I know you very well, just like I know over half this topic's usual posters.
Are there any real vampires left here?
get bit
I was the Breslau vampire. Nobody believes me when I mention that at parties.
There is something I can't forgive tho, a female vampire came to me for help, i wasnt aware of her situation, and this asshole rich guy druggie picked her up and put meth in her coffee and her face drooped afterwards, she was so beautiful before but he only did so to try and hurt me.
Vampires aren't affected by drugs.
There is an effect this cult in this area can do with a strange poison like energy that has the bug like parasites that can suppress ability, make people feel.weaker and let them be effected in ways they normally shouldn't. Sounds hard to beleive but their are many investigations into this ongoing right now into some of what's going on around.
>Almost every thread receives ridicule
my negga that is because us millenials have been putting up with this larp since middle school after IWTV hit the mainstream in hollywood in the 90s
fact is Nosfos are real, but they are like 8 feet tall and terrifying, there is no sexy romance.
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There are so many things in this world that can be classified as “vampire”.
Like what?
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I need a Vampire-Mommy GF
Vampires don't stand a chance against me
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Then I am the smartest retard, with an IQ of 69.999999
Who, exactly?
No Grove, you’re beautiful. See ya in NO.
The sun is literally toxic to me and I have a mighty thirst. Nothing feels as good, as euphoric as the taste of blood upon my lips.

For me, I can't chalk that up to coincidence, Especially with how much better I feel after consuming.

Blood is life. It is the closest, physical manifestation of life energy I have ever found. I think vampires would somehow exist on a metaphysical level, literally paranormal and unexplainable by mundane biology.

There are entities that feed on low frequency emotions: fear, anger, suffering. There are also those that feed on high frequency emotions: Joy, resolve, love. It wouldn't be difficult for these entities to hide amongst the flock completely unnoticed
Anecdotal evidence is really good in aggregate for finding patterns. If multiple people claim similar experiences, that's something that shouldn't be ignored
Especially for something that has no hard data
I don't think so. The sun still causes me immense pain and it's only getting worse.

I still need to get one; but they're just so unfashionable >.>

Christcuck detected
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Does becoming a vampire instantly cures all disease? For example, what if someone had HIV, cancer, a neuron disease and allergies. Does the human wake up fully healed over night or is it a process of transformation that takes a month or so?
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the disease needs a living host so we're not bothered by germs
I met a girl who claimed to be a vampire, and I've never been able to explain her or figure her the fuck out all these years later

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