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I'm cursed. I am the unluckiest person in the world, without exception. My ill fortune is so severe that reality warps and bends to accommodate even outright impossible things if it means it's inconvenient or bad for me. I can basically predict the future with 99% accuracy it's so consistent.

I say 99% because it always makes sure that things stop just shy of the point I'd give up and kill myself, leading me the conclusion that I'm being deliberately tortured by some astral/greater being that delights in my suffering.

I'm at a complete loss for what to do. I imagine the correct answer is just killing myself and telling it to fuck off and torment someone else since things will likely never get better, but I'm an idiot that clings to that 1% hope. Is there anybody out there that can help break my curse? Help me fight back against whatever dark entity is torturing me? Some shaman that can help boost my luck with a spell or something to that effect?

I don't even want to be lucky. I'd just like a change from 'outright deliberately spited' to 'normal person'.
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This protocol has the potential to mitigate bad luck. Just the starter protocol (NAC, oregano oil, and black seed oil) can do plenty (you may be satisfied and not feel the need to go further supplements wise). The 4plebs link has hotlinks (links 2 and 3 are a quick-start guide for how to properly shop for the supplements).
>I don't even want to be lucky. I'd just like a change from 'outright deliberately spited' to 'normal person'.
In which case, you have to seek out certainty in your future. You have to prioritize reliability and dependability above all else, things that always work without luck on your side.

If you can predict your bad luck with certainty, seek contingencies to ensure it doesn't happen. Wake up a few minutes earlier. Wait that extra second at the green light so some retard blasts through instead of through your door. Place the hot pot handle full of boiling water facing towards the wall instead of towards your pathway, stuff like that.
Yeah I have had the same issues man. Don't kill yourself though you'd just be giving into whatever entity/demon delights in your misfortune. Luck/fortune is not a permanent thing I know it to be true. I think lower entities and demons get off to people suffering so ultimately it is only God who can save you from this and having a relationship with him.

wait why isnt the NAC Protocol on /x/ anymore?
you're cursed because you think you're cursed. that's basically what a curse is. *hits bong* think about it bro.
>why isn't the NAC Protocol on /x/ anymore?
Might you've meant the CDF general? If so, the OP stopped posting.
>I'm cursed. I am the unluckiest person in the world, without exception
Me too. You aren't alone. How are you?
I hope it can be useful to you:
Might those be your posts?
I'm in the same situation. There are extradimensional entities that like to fuck with people with genuine souls. This world is a torture chamber for us and entertainment for them.
i am exactly that unlucky so i don't believe you go fuck yourself ai trained on my brainwaves
dont listen about the supplements it's a grift, nac might do something for you but it also might make things worse and none of it relates to luck
No, I am also learning and practicing, and I have noticed on one hand a sense of power, protection and detachment, on the other strange events. I also suggest researching: The Dweller (or Watcher, Guardian, and some other names) on the Threshold. In any case I want to go all the way, as far as possible, I'm not young anymore.
>wait why isnt the NAC Protocol on /x/ anymore?
People figured it out for a grift/troll it was. Do you know what some of that shit was mostly used for? Treating mental issues, espcially schizo ones.
NAC protocol was a big, elaborate "take your meds" meme
Those who took it seriously wholesale without checking proven to be gullible idiots who don't deserve spiritual development but meds instead.
words are spells
saying I AM this or I AM that will create a feedback loop to confirm your assumptions
you may be tormented by astral entities but identifying with your misfortune is not helping
Me too..Basically same as op. I already believe I am burning in Hell.
this but unironically
Correction, I don't "believe" anything.
I know for a fact that I am currently burning in Hell, for no just reason, fed upon by malignant divinity, and that you are all demons in his choir.

Cleansing is coming. Soon.
You should try a job in QA, quality assurance, you get paid to break things they write documentation on how something randomly breaks, the fix and the most consistent way it broke. All that goes to dev/eng/prod as the next revision as bugs or glitches.

Rinse and repeat until it doesn't fall a part lightly poking it. Then it's ready for public use so it doesn't fuck shit up outside the sandbox.
If there is a trick that you don't know about you could loose even if the trick would never work on you..
I have a lot of luck. Is it possible Im absorbing other peoples luck like a vampire?
blessed. i hope i'm 74.

you're incredibly lucky. you just don't it yet.
no, anon. you're not an edgyboy. you're just a man who believes in his luck and are lucky because of it.
Do you?
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change your perspective

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