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For reference: https://files.catbox.moe/q4agf7.pdf#page157

Anyone else here worm-pilled? Doing gut-cleansing deworming methods?

>three weeks into my half assed detox.
>been drinking 30 drops of wormwood tincture three times a day, and drinking one tablespoon of diatomaceous earth once a day.
>been smoking one or two cigarettes every day (ive quit weed a month ago)
>been steadily shitting more which is a good sign
>shits have been blacker than normal
>havent had any breakthrough moments yet where you fully shit out a worm
>i am still eating meat and lots of starch, noodles and butter so thags probably the issue
>I should probably do the 72 hour water fast like the .pdf suggests is the silver bullet for deworming but im afraid, I haven’t fasted for that long, not even close, only about 16 hour fast.
sorry, but if you keep eating, the dose gets diluted and they just laugh at you while they retire to their comfy mucoid plaque home stuck on your gut wall
You have to know Neigong/alchemical methods to fully destroy these things, otherwise you're just putting on a bandaid. These are spiritual parasites living within the gut, heart and brain. I don't believe the shitting out worms is real, not one piece of evidence has ever been given on this board for it.
I believe I have found an individual in mainland China who knows an actual method for removing the worms, but I have to go at his pace. Bigu is a final attack but it's worth noting unless your diet is healthy (low-gi foods, nothing processed) no tincture or medicine you take is gonna do much.
Thank you. Im so down bad. Eating fast food and fapping porn of heavily tattooed brazilian whores. The kike worms have mounted me since george w bush was president. No cap.
I did wormwood + black nut shell + whatsit two droppers each night, plus oregano oil and NAC + Vit C for about three months (taking one week rests every two weeks) and was shitting larvae for a very long time. Black shits too. I got noticeably debloated (without losing any significant weight) and bouts of depression lowly disappeared.
You don't need to do it perfect, just persist (and take the necessary breaks/dosages because some of this shit can wreck you).
Funny thing with the wormwood + blacknut shell + clove + oregano oil, the few first weeks I had recurrent abstract nightmares and woke up often thinking that if I continued I would actually die. The gut-brain connection is real, and the fuckers breeding inside of you are intelligent.
Have been taking 2 big tablespoons of zeolite every day in the morning in a glass of water and also only eating in the evening (one big meal). It has worked wonders so far, been shitting out parasite NEST after NEST every fucking day man. Intrusive thoughts are down by like 60% and it just keeps getting better. Honestly life changing.
bots talking to bots in this sort of bizarre echo chamber
This sadly is true. I’m trying to fast more because it makes the anti parasitic stuff way more effective
I’ve ehit out worms. These people need to shrink their biofilm for their supplements to be more effective. That’s why sodium bicarbonate and magnesium sulfate first and then hit them with caprylic acid and. A binder like diatomaceous earth, bentonite clay, or activated charcoal. The acid kills them and the binders brings them out. Activated charcoal makes it easier to see them because it’s black and the worms are white
This. The parasites will fight you every step of the way
As much as I don't want to see it, I need a pic or this is bullshit

I've been fighting them, I worked on biolfilms via NAC protocol for the better part of 6 months then performed a 48 hour fast with wormwood tincture.

I would say that I immediately gained a lot of ground, but it's been difficult to maintain as I re-enter my usual workflow of 60- hour workweeks.

I'm definitely better than I was before, but I feel like I'm backsliding some days. I would guess doing some sort of colon cleanse at the beginning of your fast might make it more effective
>did you take a picture of your poop
No I’m not a sicko and never thought someone should ask to see my poop. You don’t have to believe me. It’s a common medical issue documented in every country.
How stupid are you? I mean this in a nice way
The worms I saw were tiny white ones that looked like pictures of pinworms online. Just for reference
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If it helps, theres more than a few pictures of worms anons have posted in the pdf i linked in the OP.
Keep up the good fight anon. Dont give in to these parasitic worms
>It’s a common medical issue documented in every country.
Not if we're discussing what's in the PDF, surely you aren't claiming this is all just regular pinworms?

Not the guy you're replying to, but why would you even bother coming and debating about this? You don't seem like you're genuinely curious about the questions you're asking, or like you're concerned for the people in this thread - but I could be wrong here.
Not all intestinal parasites are pinworms dummy. Why is this so hard for you to understand? You can research pinworms, tapeworms, candida, roundworms, and other forms of intestinal parasites if you want to understand more. Your parents should’ve taught you about this
Fasting is good, but also don’t forget that prayer+fasting is the key. It’s the spirit of God that actually -leads- us to fast, and gives us the strength to resist temptation enough to complete it. It’s a physical and spiritual union, clearing the worms out physically while clearing the demons out spiritually. Good luck
Here’s something that has worked for me.
I take a glass of water and I put some form of crystals in it, sea salt, baking soda, or even epsom salt. Then I raise the glass and I bless the crystals for healing with positive intentions.
I find that super charges my healing and takes away my fungal symptoms like sweating everytime I eat bad food
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Did you get permission from your wife’s boyfriend first?
My wife is lesbian thank you very much
Take the 3 day fast anon
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Im five hours in senpai. Im currently unemployed so i figure now is the best time.
you’ll make it
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We’re all gonna make it bro.
Except the worms
Total parasite death
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A funny thing happened to me last night.
I've been going deep on the wormpill the last two weeks. Last night I was at a gathering for a birthday party and took some mushrooms. Everyone wanted to go out to celebrate, being on mushrooms me and a few others decided to walk to the spot.
At one point we cross a park and notice graffiti on the ground. We bend down to read it.
"I want your brain" is spray painted on the ground and next to it what look like long stringy worms.
Cosmic synchronicity. I'll start my fast next week and get to work on the protocols once that's done.
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Nice anon. They DO want out brains!!!! Starve and flush them fuckers out!!!!!
Once they have your brain, they take your cravings
Too based
Who’s zog?
u got this
don’t let them win
Zionist occupied government
24 hours in. Two days to gooo!
fuck yes. you got this. the demons will not find a home in your temple
Thanks! Clocking in at 30 hours. About to go to sleep. Only been drinking tea and black coffee and seltzer water. Feel great. Feel much calmer this day than the previous day.
you’re my hero anon
I’m gonna be joining you soon
Are you the OG wormpill guy?
>parasite protocol
Was any research done on this potentially affecting testosterone levels ?
Genuine question
It should help clear microplastics from the gut
Thx for posting fren
I just woke up. Slept in, 46 hours in. Gotta get through today, then tomorrow at noon I will be done.

No but im the OP
That’s fucking awesome and your timing is perfect. Tonight’s a full moon and apparently they breed and are easier to kill during a full moon

>According to various sources, parasites are more active and reproductive during the full moon phase. This increased activity is attributed to the body’s circadian rhythm responding to the moon’s cycle. Here are some key points:

Parasite reproduction: During the full moon, parasites detach from the walls of organs and intestinal linings to breed and lay eggs, making it an ideal time for parasite cleansing.
Melatonin and serotonin levels: The full moon is associated with lower melatonin levels (which regulate sleep and immune function) and higher serotonin levels (which parasites feed on). This combination allows parasites to thrive and multiply.
Immune system suppression: With lower melatonin levels, the immune system is less effective in combating parasites, allowing them to gain a stronger foothold in the body.
Symptoms: Some individuals may experience increased symptoms, such as anxiety, lethargy, or difficulty sleeping, during the full moon due to parasite activity.
Cleansing protocols: Practitioners recommend using the full moon as a time for parasite cleansing, as parasites are more vulnerable during this phase. This can involve supplement protocols, such as Para Kits, and other detox methods.
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Parasites feed on serotonin?
I got this from the brave AI so I would take it with a grain of salt but the moon thing I’ve heard multiple places
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OP again, Thanks for this info. Also I haven’t eaten pork in at least four years. The supplements ive been taking are black walnut wormwood and diatomaceous earth.

During this fast I have been taking the supplements indiscriminately, but normally I take 30 drops of wormwood tincture three times a day, and one tablespoon of diatomaceous earth once a day.
So yeah more than halfway through, fuck yeah.
What is always left out is boron. You should literally be drinking borax, sodium borate or tetraborate. Dissolve 1/8 - 1/4 tsp in a quart of water per day.

Started on herbalism and supplements all the way back in 2012. Did oregano oil, cinnamon bark and leaf oil, several others. NAC for a long time. Nothing worked Boron worked.
try it in an enema. cleans your large intestine up real nice
Drinking it is adequate. You want the crystals dissolved in water and stomach acid. The goal is to destroy biofilms and thus the nano and microplastics they store. It also strengthens all barriers, including intestine.
When it comes to cleansing your gut of parasites and fungi, literally nothing is as effective as food grade diatomaceous earth. It physically shreds up nasty shit lining your gut so it can be pooped out. I recommend a teaspoon a day every other day for a month to start, but possibly even every 3 days when starting out. The reason for this is that the DE will expose any heavy metals in your gut that the candida albicans had grown over. If you expose too much at once, you'll overload your kidneys and trigger a herxheimer reaction which involves feeling like total shit for several days. So take it slow.
If you have worms, why don't you take a deworming agent?
What ivermectin?
Sodium bicarbonate is better at destroying biofilms and isn’t as harsh on the stomach as boron
Diatomaceous earth is cheap as fuck too
can I give diatomaceous earth to my dogs? I think one might have a worm issue that won't go away he's had digestive issues and more since we got him. how would I administer it?
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I think that's actually part of the detox process. Had that too while i was on a shitload of detoxing tinctures. When you take parasite detox your bloodstream will be littered with filth and poison that is released all within a short time, you should take enough rest in between detoxing so you can actually have some proper sleep, sleep is pretty much the most important part of having a well working immune system. Besides that your health is 90% what you eat instead of what you do. For me going for some running helps a lot. Cleanses the lymphatic nodes and by doing that you help your body get rid of a lot of toxins.

Eating healthy / working out for once / twice a week will get you far in just a few months. My sleep has been way better, i've been feeling happy again and the colour in my face is better too.

Don't overdo fast sugars, too much high heated oil (i'm highly sensitive and that shit messes with me so i'll add that to the list) and too much salt. I'm sure too much salt irritates the lymphatic nodes as well.
I think you could mix it in with his water, but definitely do some internet searches before giving it to your pets.
>Sodium bicarbonate
Nullified by stomach acid. What makes it through is mostly sodium, which simply flushes the gut, and then you may as well be just doing regular vitamin-c / sodium ascorbate flushes.

No, you want boron. It's really that simple. A certain type of person simply will not get better without it.
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48 hours in. 24 hours to go.
tea and some kinds of alcoholic drinks contain tannins which act as antihelminthic/antiparasitic chemicals - if you do not have an infestation this could reduce the odds that one starts up again without needing to take expensive supplements, drugs or experimental plants/chemicals
Even better, chai.
Most of the spices used in a typical Indian chai masala - cloves, cinnamon, fennel, star anise, nutmeg - are classified as "krimighna" in Ayurvedic medicine. Krimighna means "worm-killing".
You will see these spices included in many parasite cleanse products.
So please do the needful and drink spicy chai! It helps keep you free from the krimi! (worms)
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Final stage here. Clocking in right now at 54 hours. Really feeling it now. The kike worms are protesting. It’s eviction time for them.
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can someone give a newfag an explanation on the worm? i migrated from /tv/ because it's getting too gay and i want some spook for october.
there are worms in your organs
fast for 72 hours drink only water with a little salt
also the worms are demons
take it easy
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Tl;dr you have worms in your brain and gut that are causing you all kinds of problems. Humans and animals alike have been doing different holistic treatments to treat this.

You can look at the link in the OP for a full .pdf on symptoms, effects, cures and testimonies from de-worming. There’s also another active deworming thread currently on /x/ with more replies than this one.
Anyone have experience with tonsil stones? Cannot find the culprit but feel it’s candida related
Decalcify your body
Sodium thiosulfate or EDTA (calcium disodium)
This stuff is scary but seems important. Im a bit scared of the acidic stuff like oregano oil, is just food grade diatomaceous earth a good start?
Reminds me, I am fully convinced anytime I do psyche’s I’m picking up on other peoples parasites and their hive mind mentality after having done the protocol for the past 2 years. First time I learned of this I could feel several locations in my gut where they were active and used castor oil capsules to flush them out with pine gum terpentine. Only good trips I have anymore are when I’m isolated in nature with no electronics
DE is effective but like the other anon said, it can be a little TOO effective in disrupting biofilm and releasing heavy metals and toxins. I had some moderate issues with this, so I started taking chlorella with the DE. Chlorella binds to heavy metals and toxins, and is also a binder in general which helps eliminate waste from the gut. It's kind of like fiber, but more "magnetic", if that makes sense.
Actually I have a green super food smoothie mix with chlorella, spirulina and wheatgrass. Tastes funny but it does the job. I only use DE occasionally, mostly I stick to my herbs.
where are yall getting worms from? eating infected scat? playing in tapeworm-egged litterbox sand on the playground? eating raw meat like dumbasses? it boggles my mind how many wormpill threads get posted, yet no real explanation of their origin. so i safely assume dumbasses are playing in litterboxes, eating infected dog fleas, or gargling dirt.
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Yes diatomaceous earth food grade is not a bad place to start. Personally, when I started taking wormwood everyday, 30 drops, three times a day, I shit out a lot of feces that were black. And a lot of shit, suggesting that the wormwood was doing a big part in initially shitting out a lot of bad stuff out of me.

Ivermectin is also popular but never tried it personally.

Fasting for up to 72 hours seems to be the most effective method.

But everyone is different to YMMV
De-worming is resetting your body. You naturally pick up bad shit going through life regardless of how health conscious your diet or lifestyle is.

George St Pierre says he does a 72 hour fast, four times a year. And that guy life a super healthy lifestyle. Also humans have been doing deworming methods for centuries way before the advent of vaccines and processed foods.
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>where are yall getting worms from?
Boring answer:
Eating sushi, eating fast food pork, eating food prepared by unhygienic people from poorer countries where worms are endemic who have emigrated here, and now cook and deliver our slop. Yay globalism.

/x/ schizo answer:
so it's mostly the undercooked bacon? what about canned fish, such as normal tuna in water? i get stomach flu every time i eat a tuna sub from jimmy john's or even prepare it nicely for a tuna casserole. i never had problems with canned fish until i finally pinned the culprit after different sandwich joints and regular shit from grocery stores--either i developed an allergy, or there is some sort of bad handling of fish and contamination. fish fillets are all fine. i hope the fish don't all have parasites or im gonna have to consider this strange fasting. but i think consuming alcohol should be kikling shit off before it spreads.
Hardest part is over, you'll find it a lot easier now
You’ve never lived with children or pets? If you have, you have parasites dumbass
Wormwood oil? I tried clove oil, worked well
Parasites are more than worms too
Eating a diet of bread and beer constantly will give you a fungal infection
Women everywhere know about candida and men get it just as bad
12 hours left.
.PDF link isnt working for me whats the title?
I’m a beginner and going to start on a watermelon fast since that and coffee are all I’ve eaten the last 24 hours.
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thanks lads. I will investigate my worm. can it be killed with alcohol?
just got to the section on alcohol. so that doesn't work and is making them stronger? I actually regularly fast but I'll drink vodka throughout the fast as well because I always figured it should kill anything unwanted and wanted inside of me
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3 hours left
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Nice. There you go, you’re a third of the way there already.
what do you do after the worms are dead and gone?
Enjoy improved health and mental clarity. Explore new potentials. Strive to improve your life, accomplish goals you thought unrealistic before. Hopefully live longer and with a higher quality of life.
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I like this board. I'm off next week and can probably attempt a worm fast then. I need a break from booze anyway I have liver damage and now I have an excuse. probably need to lurk moar though my only /x/ knowledge comes from X Files
You already are infested
Wait until you hear about tartaria
I'm just going to pretend that's a gross french dish in my head for now
>gf is a nurse
>touches filthy people all day for a living
>cooks me dinner when she gets home
do I have to convince her to deworm as well? I don't know if I'm comfortable spiking her with epsom salts
If you have a girlfriend who will cook you dinner after a shift being a nurse you have a good woman.
I'm an alcoholic as well so maybe I'm free of worms already? I don't seem to exhibit any of the symptoms listed other than brain fog but that's only when I'm hungover. a few days off the pop and I go back to normal.
Nah he's a bum
And his days are numbered with her
>t. worm
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got to say, there's enough testimony in the pdf that I'm willing to go to a pharmacist and ask for dewormer and go on a fast to see what comes out of my ass
Alcohol can help or hurt certain worms depending on mostly how biofilm they have to protect them from it. The problem with alcohol is it feeds fungus which will make you sweat and smell funny
I made it /x/files eating right now.
yeah I do sweat in bed, probably acute withdrawal, and it stinks. I have to wash my sheets every few days, which again should be killing worms at least even if it's gross. read the nicotine section as well. I'm a heavy smoker, was hoping that would be a worm killer but apparently not.
I'm going to be finishing my 72 hour fast tomorrow morning. What are the best foods to reintroduce with so that I can kill parasites?
Pumpkin seeds, leafy greens, cilantro, parsley, garlic, quinoa instead of grains or rice
I'm speaking purely from a perspective of empty stomach problems and french onion soup or a nice chicken broth soup are super fucking tasty when your stomach is aching from being hungry but too sensitive for harder sustenance. no idea how worms may respond to those foods.
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>vampire channel
Would anyone with knowledge on that please care to elaborate?
it looks like a proboscis
Very astute of you. I know in what thread I'm in but, just for the shits and giggles, details from a spiritual perspective.
I'm the newfag. all this conspiracy stuff is semi-new to me. I'm looking forward to hopefully shitting some worms out in the next week or so though.
Sweet, thank you. I think I'm gonna make a big bowl of pico de gallo and just load the fucker up with cilantro. I remember hearing that you should avoid nightshades (tomatoes) if you're dealing with parasites though. Is that bullshit or factual?
not sure but neither of my soups involve tomatoes so you should be safe on that front
No worries my newfag fren. Seems the source explains things nicely

Good luck. If you experience severe lack of energy or feel really bad during your fast take some mineral supplements. Drink it with Himalayan Seasalt diluted in water. Works like a charm.
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blessed. thiamine (B1) seems to keep me ticking over but I have to take a lot. supplements alone don't work.
I drink cloves wormwood anise and various herbs tea and ive exploded couple of times in the toilet after a 48h fast.
After your first meal you feel rejuvenated.
Joint cracks and stiffness goes im pretty sure i have shit out worms but i dont want to look because its disgusting.
weird synchronicity is that I joined this thread at the same time as having to take a poo sample into the doctors for examination and I did a little analysis, lol, on the specimen and it does contain some white stringy elements. very intrigued to see if there's more to this worm story
I used to fast every week now its like once a month i have to get back to it i feel like God wants me to be stronger plus my right heel hurts and i have a cyst on my left wrist fasting usually takes care of most of my problems
as I said, I do drink heavily already and fast regularly sometimes unintentionally so I might even be worm free already but it's better safe than sorry. I do have an affinity towards animals but I'm sure that's not worms, it's just because I can talk to them
i've now focused all my energy and every time you do psychedelics from now on, it'll end in a bad trip. You will remember this comment and have all negative thoughts about you dying and people hating you. Additionally, you will have bad thought loops which you will not be able to escape. Your tummy will hurt too.

You can not run from this, and all trips will be ruined. get fucked junkie nerd
jerk off and browse 4chan
that's probably semen
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At the same time though?
when you are walking behind a woman at night try to change your pace slightly, cough, drag your feet, laugh under your knows (kinda like scooby doo but with lower tone) and breathe heavily it's super funny prank
if you don't do those two things at the same time as praying and working out whilst you're on a meeting call for work, you're doing it wrong.
you are on a pedophile website
Interesting how quickly this thread was inundated with inane bot nattering.
I mean it’s been up for three days, it’s definitely already ran its course.
As I remove the parasites, my alcohol tolerance goes way down.
Turns out I was drinking not only for myself, but for Legion.
As their numbers diminish, my alcohol intake also falls away.
The 12 step program needs a 13th step.
Step 13: We came to understand it was parasites the whole time, and started to do a parasite cleanse to regain sobriety.
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lmao anon haha you so funny
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>Step 13: We came to understand it was parasites the whole time, and started to do a parasite cleanse to regain sobriety.
what the fug
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>indians bathe in shit and don't wash their hands
>uberjeets and doordash drivers ALL indians
>everyone ordered food delivery during covid lockdowns
I was WFH from start of covid and I ordered takeout once a week, one year into locksowns. Asshole gets real itchy at night. Tried the wormwood and suprise, a 4incher came out. I highly suspect I caught my tapeworm from those dirty fucks.
Tomatoes are fine, especially raw
It’s hard to see the little fucks in your poop too. It helps if you take activated charcoal because the white worms stick out when your poop is all black
Activated charcoal is amazing at cleaning you out too
Yeah but animals carry worms. Pin worms makes dogs run their butts on the carpet. Spreading the microscopic eggs. They get on your hand then your food and now you have pinworms. Or even shake hands with someone who has them or has kids with them etc
wormpilled song
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Curse negated and all negativity dissolved
ascaris (roundworm) eggs are microscopic, and can survive on any surface such as money, fast food packaging, cardboard packaging, napkins, door handles, park benches, elevator buttons and fruit and vegetables for over 12 months, and still remain infective. WHO estimates at least 1.2 billion people are infected worldwide. That's about one out every six people. It used to be mainly the third world, but now the first world imports all these people and their parasites, to drive taxis and cook and deliver our food and handle our money and touch all the surfaces they please with their gross wormy fingers. There is no escape!
Have a wonderful day friend!
We import a lot of our food and health products from those countries too
You just have to fast and pray to God all the time while consuming raw ginger, garlic, cloves, wormwood, apricot seeds and stuff like that.
Also alcohol with wormwood is great because the alcohol gets everywhere and with it the wormwood.
Also breathing exercises are very nice since cancers and parasites hate highly oxygenated environments thats why people that use hyperbaric chambers feel so good.
Also cardio helps a lot since sweating is one of the best way to clean your insides from pretty much anything
Am I allowed to drink water?
Yes. Water, black coffee, seltzer water. Water with lemon. There is a guy on YouTube called snakediet that breaks down what you should drink during a fast. He recommends lime juice and salt water. But watch his video on YouTube because i dont remember exactly.
Thanks anon
Everyone here sounds like they are going to have a clean small intestine. To clean the large intestine and shorten your parasite detox time, sometimes in half, you should be doing enemas as well. They can be done with simple baking soda or epsom salt and they’re extremely safe. Doctors call those saline enemas. Those two working amazing at cleaning out parasites. I think I lost 10 pounds of mucous plaque when I first did one and I weigh 150 pounds and I’m 5’9
You’ll need it to process the toxins
Enemas or colonics are even better at clearing the whole large intestine
>fasted inadvertently for 24 hours because on a booze binge
>ass hole is suddenly very itchy again
>absolutely starving for nutrition
I'm probably going to have to eat something soon so I don't pass out but if I do a proper no alcohol fast will the herbal remedies alone work and how long am I going to have to wait before I see some results? also, if I do start shitting out worms, surely I will have to throw all my towels and bedding into the washer on a boiling temperature to kill any eggs off? I don't want to punish myself fasting to kill the worms only for some faggot larvae to crawl back up into my ass at night in bed
Kill the worms and keep it going for 2 weeks to keep killing the baby worms after the hatch
Brushing your teeth everyday
Washing your hands and phone frequently
anti worm bump. is the gaps diet the best diet for anti worm life?
>i am still eating meat and lots of starch, noodles and butter so thags probably the issue

Intermittent fasting and keto are your friends here. Starve the fucks.
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Shrink the biofilm and then hit them with the antiparasitic
the real mvp right here
Glowies gotta protect the worms
Favendazole works too..i noticed for awhile after covid i had these worm like sperm cells things that would show up while i was meditating, almost always covering up the third eye fire that shows up after about 15 minutes of meditation…did six weeks of ivermectin + fabendazole and on days off i did NAC, oregano oil and a hapf teaspoon of turpentine spirits on a sugar cube to trick the fuckers ..it worked , no longer see any “parasites” while meditating and i did see quite a bit of long worm like strings in my shit
>fabendazole Does it work against fungus too?

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