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Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

Your assumptions right now decide how long that will take for you.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

> Can I manifest ___?
Yes! Creation is finished.

> Curious? Do the Ladder Experiment

> The Simple Technique

> Who is Neville Goddard?
Neville was a mystic who taught the Bible as a parable of the human psyche — a great psychological drama — and not a record of historical events.

Recommendations for beginners:
> How to manifest your desires (Core 5 Lessons & Radio Talks)

> Neville's Feeling is the Secret
>> Audiobook
http://youtu.be/ffNWoefuwPM [Embed]

>> Audiobook
http://youtu.be/_UoGV6LBwds [Embed]

—/ Extra resources /—
>Master Index

> Universal Line

> Library

>Previous Thread
I made this thread because the other had 404'd and I wanted to ask a question:

I'm reading different Neville books, and twice now I have come across a passage where he talks about man being entombed in his skull (or Golgotha). He talks about pushing on the base of the skull until you are literally reborn into the body of a new born baby... he then talks about what you see when you look back to the skull you just emerged from, but it's a different sight each time.

What the fuck does this even mean? What is Neville talking about here? Anybody who can shed some light on this concept or suggest further reading? The passages I'm talking about come from 'He Breaks the Shell' and 'Resurrection'.
>I set an intention then stimulate myself sexually while I use my imagination to eroticise my aim. For instance to manifest a new home I might imagine myself inside it: my bare feet against the floor, naked on the new sofa and something erotic happening there. When I reach orgasm the energy is released into the universe where it begins to attract the ideal place. Thanks to my technique I have manifested some incredible things, such as profesional opportunities, holidays, even love. I hardly recognise my life now. It doesn't always work but at least I enjoy the process.
Reminder that all you need to do to know if this is fake or not is to test for yourself. Write out a list of ten significant life-changing things you intend to manifest before the weekend, apply the given methods, and then review your list on the weekend.

Reminder that Marvel intends on releasing several movies every year for the forseeable future and so no, you did not manifest the most recent marvel movie/trailer.

Reminder that you did not manifest your mother bringing home McDonald's. This is not a rare or significant occurance. She often suprises you with McDonald's.

Reminder that pussy is not rare.
>I have manifested some incredible things, such as profesional opportunities, holidays, even love
Not incredible. Every one of your ancestors had a job and access to pussy
Literally demonic. Lord Jesus please send workers to your fields amen
Day 738 going to bed in the end of having won the lottery
>Reminder that pussy is not rare.
However, pussy with specific characteristics can be. Men get laid all the time, but not all men do so with a girl who looks just like prime Monica Belluci. Obviously, you'll run into problems when it comes to proving this kind of thing on an egyptian hieroglyphic-painting board, so don't feel like you *have* to prove anything to this general.
I successfully managed to increase height by a small amount - I tried once before when I was younger but I was insecure as shit so loa never gave me any results. Now I have more of a „fine with it, fine without it” approach to things as well as not obsessing over techniques and simply trusting the process. I just imagined my eye level being a bit higher, not even in a particular scene - just random moments and sure enough, I woke up 1-2cm taller. Definitely not a regular fluctuation as I don’t recall a certain object in the house ever being at my eye level before and I had to set my chair up a little higher for a more comfortable sitting position. I also haven’t grown in years and growth plates were closed last I checked.

A big struggle for me when manifesting has been intrusive/doubtful thoughts so I also started to consciously dismiss those with a phrase like “regardless of thoughts like this, I will achieve xyz” and that has made the process less stressful. I think you just need whatever works for you, as simple or complicated it may be - as long as you actually believe it rather than going through the motions. I personally also practice SR, do cold showers and Wim Hof breathing before bed and feeling the best I have in years, huge recommend and WAGMI.
Who are you quoting?
Incel how can sex be demonic retarded christcuck.
Based i been trying to get taller and increase my dick size.
I didn't do the ladder experiment or any of those i just started doing sats cause i fully believe in LoA
Who are you quoting?
Venus O'Hara
>I'd love to hear thoughts from either of you or any anons about it.
It's more in line with the silva mind control system where instead of belief or intention to manifest yiu use you're mind as a constructive medium to alter your reality. This is done through psychic powers and telepathy.

It's a very good book because it's exercise after exercise where you build in the belief that pychic mind power is all you need to get things in life.

The really cool exercise is where he makes you build a room inside your mind with a sunroof that beams down light into 2 chairs. You use the mind room to summon peoples spirits or other entities to sit on the chair. Yiu sit on the opposite chair and make them either change for you or gather information.

It's like a mental holodeck from star trek.

All the exercises are fun and he makes you go into SATS before doing them. Except he doesn't call it SATS and it's all straight forward in the book.

For some odd reason retards here think SATS is some sort of mystical technique that they're fucking up.

When you get to cloud busting you'll just chop up clouds with your finger. Some anon mentioned that clouds disperse on there own but you be able to slice em up like pizza.

Hope that helps
Good luck anon.
Why do I always mess up linking old threads. Kek
I'm doing UL session for 1 desire and SATS for 2nd desire. I'm more able to detach this way and have a higher success rate. Anyone doing something similar like this, multiple techniques?
No. I tried. UL But. Sats works better for me ul gives me nothing nada
Neville beleives the Bible is essentially a psycho drama for awakening consciousness. Those books are full of Bible quotes followed by Neville explaining how it's all code for awakening from your mind.

When it comes to the Bible Neville was a grade A retard. He wasn't a biblical scholor so you can skip whenever he brings it up.

If you want more info look up. Neville Goddard The Bible – Your Biography and you'll get his concept of what the Bible is.
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I read the first book too and based on what it sounds like with resurrection is almost the same thing. This is post promise Neville, I think its along the lines of "dying" to become a new person. Like letting your old state become crucified to become resurrected with I AM? Im curious but what I do know we all go through a process of resurrection

I was actually about to ask the same thing too on here, I might check 'Freedom For All' soon and see if theres any connection. I find it strange Neville doesn't say how, unless we have to be ready...
>manifested job and some money
>manifested drugs
>manifested material stuff
>now its all for naught since all that never brought me happiness anyways
Now my horizon is broadened. I need to go further and reach better places. Just wanna go to nature fr fr. Some beach house surrounded by wood. I never went to the beach man, i'm in a gray city, its all skyscrapers cars and noises.

Please refresh my faith, i'm crawling on the floor and closing my fists with all my might.
>When it comes to the Bible Neville was a grade A retard. He wasn't a biblical scholor so you can skip whenever he brings it up.
Im so glad someone else thinks this. I really, really like the guy but much of his perspective on scripture is dumb.
It is done.
You're taller when you wake up. Are you sure you're permanently taller?
Anyone here have dreams about your goals often? I keep having dreams about my goal after doing SATS or meditating on my desire. The dreams are way more in depth too, for example I visualize laying in bed with a girl I like, and in my dream I'm living out the perfect scenario with that girl (IE doing something together, or maybe her demeanor towards me is how I want it to be), and often I did not even consciously know that I wanted that scenario before the dream. I had one today, and in the dream I was even thinking how "this is my perfect scenario, I can't believe it worked out" etc. I keep waking up in despair that it was all a dream.

It's as if God/my mind/the universe or whatever is telling me that the only way I'll have what I want is in my dreams.
Any way to make it stop?
There are no Xtian Mysteries anymore! The Xtian know-it-alls have given them all away!
>It's as if God/my mind/the universe or whatever is telling me that the only way I'll have what I want is in my dreams.
Keep telling yourself that BS and it'll keep reflecting in your life. You are doing things right, just calm the heck down about it and stop being so negatively affected by good dreams. Consider them a sign you are on the right track instead of getting all woe is me.
>I keep waking up in despair that it was all a dream.

>It's as if God/my mind/the universe or whatever is telling me that the only way I'll have what I want is in my dreams.

Don't allow your dreams to trigger you. Your interpretation of what the dream means (god is telling you that you'll only have it in your dreams) is an act of creation. If you can learn to change the way you think about the dream, you can theoretically succeed and manifest this for real. Assign a positive meaning to the dream, not a negative meaning. Read mind-lines: lines for changing minds by L Michael Hall and Bobby Bodenhamer.

Are you allowing the outer reality to control your inner world, or is your inner world controlling your outer reality?

Women are better at this because they allow their emotions to dictate their beliefs. They're frequently much less reasonable than men, too. That's why you can read success stories from women that seem too easy. Their power comes with a con, though. If they can't hold onto their new state, what they want will leave them again, easily. Women will often consciously manifest their own breakups, knowing the whole time they're acting out of control.
While it isn't a guarantee that if you work hard you'll attain to great things, it is almost guaranteed that if you don't you're not going to attain to anything. Magical thinking, daydreaming and wishing is more appealing than working hard and facing reality, isn't it?
This is a belief that the universe doesn’t give you something that wasn’t meant for you. Like what if you’re manifesting something but the universe didn’t give it to you. Would that means the universe wanted something better version of the thing you’re manifesting? Like a divine timing?
To the guys who have read Neville. Has he talked about manifesting sex?
Seems like he only yaps about getting a raise or a better job,travel,marrying and pretty materialistic stuff. Really trying to appeal the common boomer back then.
Has he talked about hobos ? Cause i doubt incel or neets existed back then
>To the guys who have read Neville. Has he talked about manifesting sex?
>Has he talked about manifesting sex?
Never directly as why would a member of the Silent Generation do that, anon? They aren't known for their sexual openness. Neville definitely fucked around but he was a good-looking, confident tall guy so it wasn't exactly supernatural. You manifest sex the same way you manifest anything else just get your shit together and decide on a scene
The law isn't for the weak. It is for strong white men.
Doubt he actually believes most of that stuff. He knew convincing people they were god would help the most. Dude was trying to introduce this stuff to complete normies, so he couldn't include any doubt.

>Seems like he only yaps about getting a raise or a better job,travel,marrying and pretty materialistic stuff.
Those are just examples he brings up, even if he did what matters is (You) applying the law to yourself
Threadly reminder that Neville more or less preached Christian mysticism (i.e. Truth) but these threads for some reason are about anons trying to manifest ladders or other minute mundanities instead of LIVING IN THE END (best achieved by way of faith)
I never did the ladder experiment.? I just believed it worked with no proof
State your most unprobabilistic manifestation. Dream about it. Maintain focus. Don't care too much. Live it. You will have it.

>The Main Concepts:
>> Imagination creates Reality
>> Assumptions harden into fact
>> Consciousness is the only Reality
>> Feeling is the Secret
>> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish >Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
>> You are the Operant Power
>> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
>> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

>> Can I manifest ___?
Yes! Creation is finished.
This is all that is needed. Just believe
The ladder experiment was proposed by Neville Goddard.

Anyway, I'm around ladders all the time. What's something else I could try with which is more rare but can be visualized in a similar way?
>This is all that is needed. Just believe
It's something else. Great things in my life which I've been super insecure about, doubtful, anxious, yet came to be. Belief is not the opperant power.
Instead of a ladder picture a pregnant woman and touching her big belly
>What the fuck does this even mean?
Neville had a strong awakening to his godhood. It came to him in the form of bible symbology, so he believed it was all about that at that point.

It's not bible dependent though, you interpret the experience based on how your filters work at the time. That was Neville's mistake, his experience was so moving that he forgot that it all comes from him and got lost in second causes for awhile.

In the long run it didn't matter- as soon as you -know- you are the Creator, you are no longer part of the reincarnation cycle. The only way forward is up.

TL;DR: Neville manifested his divine awakening and thought it was Biblical
I am irresistible and captivating to every woman I desire. My charm and allure are so compelling that those I find attractive are inevitably drawn to me and fall under my spell. Their affection and admiration are mine to command, as I wield my influence with power and precision. I am a force to be reckoned with, and their love for me is an unbreakable reality that I control and relish. I am an unstoppable force of seduction and desire. My presence is magnetic, compelling all those I wish to entice into a whirlwind of passion. Every touch and word I deliver is a masterstroke of pleasure, leaving them yearning for more. My allure is a powerful weapon, shaping their desires and ensuring that their cravings for me are relentless and absolute. I command their deepest fantasies and control their most intimate responses with unchallenged authority.
Thank you.
"Women love me"
There you go anon, that's it. Stop affirming to us, it's corny and does little for you
How do I stop feeling like a schizophrenic loser? There's a voice in the back of my mind saying that manifestation doesn't work, and i can't seem to make it shut up.
what is it then?
>There's a voice in the back of my mind saying that manifestation doesn't work, and i can't seem to make it shut up
"Where did I learn this?"

Remember that beliefs are just thoughts held with conviction. Anything going on in your head is just a thought, and can be changed.

"I manifest perfectly..."
It's belief. He's claiming to know how a Law works without actually studying it. Belief does not have to be 100% to manifest, even small belief is fine as long as you aren't aggressively getting in your own way.
LOA makes me sad because people so desperately want to change their condition, particularly the things they can’t easily change (height, status, mental health).
when I achieve things I previously had a really strong intent of getting or achieving, I feel nothing, totally empty. I had been wanting one thing for years and when I got it I was like "oh ok cool, whatever tbqh" Is this good? how can I use this to manifest?
I guess I should reframe how I see the dreams, thanks for the comments. I'll check the book out, sounds useful.
So as long as i dont become obsessive over my belief it should come to be?
Affirm to it to yourself alone retard. No one needs to hear your shit.
> It's belief. He's claiming to know how a Law works without actually studying it
I've read all of Neville Goddard's books, as well as others. I've practiced with the law for years. I am highly successful. It is not belief.
> Belief does not have to be 100% to manifest, even small belief is fine as long as you aren't aggressively getting in your own way.
You are wrong. If one only has an iota of belief towards something, and vast belief against it (or you could frame it as belief towards the former's opposite), and if belief were the opperant power, that'd imply the latter vast belief would win out. I am telling you that this in my experience has not been the case. I have been for much of my life highly anxious, and highly insecure. Anything I believed I might be capable of, would soon be countered by overwelming doubt, that is, belief that I was not capable, that I was not deserving. And yet, I have always been highly successful. More often than not I have succeeded in getting what I want.
Accidentally read this and it manifested noelw my aunt had sex with me thanks i guess and try to keep it to yourself next time pal
I'm not certain. I believe that feeling/determination plays a role, as well as desire (even to the extent of framing it as a need). In the two greatest examples I have, I got it into my head that life would not be worth living without A, and then B. I literally set a date on which I would kill myself if A didn't occur. And it did, before the date (some two months ahead). The second time I was again sure I'd end up killing myself, but I didn't set a date - I was more ambiguous. B occured that week. These were both life-changing events, as in my everyday life changed completely. The first wasn't extremely specific, the second was as specific as it gets. So intensity of feelings, or desire seems to play a role, or perhaps it is simply attention, along with the significance you give something. My hypothesis is basically that things you consider significant need lots of attention directed towards them in order for them to occur, whereas smaller less significant things need little. I am certain it isn't belief however. I have been suprised both positively and negatively many times, completely baffled even. I have believed things that turned out not to be true, and disbelieve in things which have turned out to be true. So, not belief.
feeling is so important, but thats also much harder to change than your thoughts. like yeah I can say something a hundred times a day but if I don't believe or feel it it doesnt happen. I guess I will start to believe it more if I say it and affirm it more.
You're on the right track.

1. You are always manifesting. Everything in your life you successfully manifested.
2. If it's not in your life, you are not allowing it.
3. You may or may not have a good reason for why you are not allowing specific things in your life. Figuring out why may be worthwhile.
4. You can still manifest to override your internal objection whether you know why you are resisting it or not.

Many Anons allow themselves to be dismayed that they do not have their one thing without realizing how many other wonderful(and terrible) things they manifested already. Remember that, and persevere- by committing to the goal you have already made it.
>I've read all of Neville Goddard's books, as well as others. I've practiced with the law for years.
Why are you referencing Neville Goddard when that was the entire point of his lectures

>I am highly successful.
At leveraging the Law?

>It is not belief.

>You are wrong. If one only has an iota of belief towards something, and vast belief against it (or you could frame it as belief towards the former's opposite), and if belief were the opperant power, that'd imply the latter vast belief would win out.
This tells me you don't understand how this works. You have a sliver of belief and a "vast" belief against it? How could it be a "vast" belief if you are willing to entertain the idea that you could achieve your aim somehow?

>I am telling you that this in my experience has not been the case. I have been for much of my life highly anxious, and highly insecure.
So? You still manifested everything in your life, including the anxiety and insecurity. Congratulations.

>Anything I believed I might be capable of, would soon be countered by overwelming doubt, that is, belief that I was not capable, that I was not deserving.
So? You only need to believe for a moment that something is possible and the ball starts rolling. That's one of the things the ladder is supposed to teach you. Did you skip that?

>And yet, I have always been highly successful. More often than not I have succeeded in getting what I want.
Congratulations again. You do not doubt yourself as much as you think you do. What aren't you succeeding in that you want? Do you know why?
>it's not belief
>ok so what is it then?
>it's not belief bla bla bla
>hello so what is it then?
>it's not belief bla bla bla
>I'm insecure
>I'm anxious
Very dumb and annoying
The placebo effect is very real. So is apophenia, which is considered to lead to schizophrenia given the right circumstances.
I'm glad somebody else thinks this because I'm also skeptical that belief is solely responsible for manifesting. I made a post in the last thread about how our desires have these complex mental constructs associated that are comprised of all sorts of inputs, belief being maybe one of them. God know what they all are though.

I kinda see it like muscle building: people will say it's volume or progressive overload or this or that and some of it works for some and some for others, but ultimately it's a combination of inputs thats unique to every situation. And in the manigestation sphere we don't even have a solid consensus on all these variables.
>>ok so what is it then?
He didn't ask that though. Somebody else did, and if you'll look above at >>38829620 you will see that I answered. Keep up, sweetie.
>The placebo effect is very real
It's real because of? Reminder that you're half as smart as you think you are.
Ok let's see:
>be obsessive
>make into a need
Exactly the things you are told not to do. Exactly the things that everyone not getting what they want is already doing 100x over. You are a retard, sweetie
Placebo effect is real but it is minimal. So if placebo = LOA, this isn't a very powerful tool.
Worked for me
Daily reminder to ignore useless retards. These are some very stupid people. This >>38829761 is a good example of a useless retard
If i were you guys, I'd stop trying to understand this shit so hard. If it werks, it werks. There's no real need to keep debating yourselves into corners every thread! If you could figure it out, you would have already.
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Take your own advice.
>I'd stop trying to understand this shit so hard. If it werks, it werks
It's ego. When something doesn't work and an Anon is "sure" it should be, then the first thing they think of is "maybe I need to do more" instead of "maybe I missed something."
Reminder that the powerball jackpot is at $165,000,000. All you have to do is go out and buy a ticket, post it here immediately, and then tomorrow when we look back at this thread we will see the ultimate proof that the LOA works.
I think SATS is a lot more flexible than people think. A couple times I felt it while simply doing something that I like and zoning out in a way. And the it's done feeling was very much there and authentic. So the fall asleep part as effective as it is might not be necessary at all.
>So as long as i dont become obsessive over my belief it should come to be?
It can be obsessive. 'Obsessivety' as a term does not accurately describe what is actually happening.
Trust yourself
As someone that is beyond obsessive...
The term 'manifestation' is often used far too liberally. The irony behind it is that regardless of what you believe... it becomes a reality.
>I think SATS is a lot more flexible than people think
It is, the Anons who tout it like a superpowered ritual where absolutely everything must be done to the letter don't realize that you can do it lounging on your couch or simply daydreaming. State Akin To Sleep. Drowsy. Relaxed. Conscious mind is not fighting the idea as hard.
What have you manifested Anon?
>do not be terrified; do not be afraid of them. The lord your god, who is going before you, will fight for you, as he did for you in Egypt, before your very eyes, and in the wilderness. There you saw how the lord your god carried you, as a father carries his son, all the way you went until you reached this place
I want to be friends with everyone. It's my childhood dream. Consider this a diary entry. Most of the time I consider why even bother... Seek and you shall find. 'Reality jumping' is a more accurate term to describe what is happening under the misnomer 'Law Of Attraction'
Do the fucking work instead of posting shit here every day
Check the archives. I've manifested more things than I haven't, from free food to personal growth to paranormal experiences.
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>free food
I'm still looking for an explanation for these bible verses. James 2:14-26 how do they support LoA? Do they contradict the idea that you don't need to lift a finger?
Sounds like depression. There may be things you do deeply want which you've told yourself are unattainable for whatever reason or which you feel would conflict with something else in your life.
>Is this good?
That's for you to decide
>how can I use this to manifest?
You already know the answer
nothing more is required than your faith.
You manifest that lottery winning, house, "fucking awesome" gaming PC, or your mom fucking you, yet?
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Reminder that you do it for free.
>You already know the answer
I don't actually
Merely speaking in platitudes will get you nowhere. Focus your attention towards what you want. I say this not just for you but for all of us.
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The book has several methods and takes your hand onto using them and getting your proofs. Is fun.
The main "method" from the book is creating (visualizing) a special room in your imagination and doing "things" on it, again, visualizing, to get what you want.
If you want to heal someone, you invite him to that room and you fix the problem however you like, like removing the problem with your hands, doing a "surgery", giving him miraculous medicine, imposing hands, etc. and them visualizing him being fine and grateful for being healed.
If you have a problem with someone, you can invite them and sit with him and explain your arguments so you can convince them.
I did the one where you invite the "mosquito chieftain" to make a truce when I was 15-16 years old and I haven't been bitten by any mosquito since, more than 20 years mosquito free even in places where they're "unavoidable".
If you say so
Can I use that special room method to heal myself?
>Can I-
>>Yes! Creation is finished
Why don’t you succeed? You saying this makes it seem like faith is worthless.
>4. You can still manifest to override your internal objection whether you know why you are resisting it or not.
How? Wasn't the main mechanism behind this the need to impress your subconscious mind?
no, it's a bullshit cope
but uhhh it's your fault uhhhh you're doubting that an anon could do this, so no anon will do it!1 also, they have nothing to prove to you
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>Has he talked about hobos

Acts 3:6 lecture and the unemployed man. In one of his lectures

Shit works if you have faith I was poor as fuck starving. Had to do a lot of new stuff but my goal was to earn a specific number in my first paycheck

Earned above it. 4 248,50 United States Dollar

My goal was 2 832,33

Now I'm just living frugally again and doing what I was doing before but with a lot of more money. Will just go more into what you already are if you get more money.

Now I'm mostly drinking and staring into a wall doing degenerate shit
Waiting for something or the feeling I had before

>Now I'm mostly drinking and staring into a wall doing degenerate shit
You seem like a fresh new take on the LoA guru.
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I'm not guru though

Gonna take the time to go through them all again the wierd mystics.my autism discover something new but can't explain it with sounding schizo


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How about this: the first thing you should manifest is a better abilitiy to manifest.

Believe you are a masterful adept and your abilities are beyond question. Then, use your new improved ability to manifest an even higher ability.

And so on, until you literally turn into a wizard who can bend reality at his will.
I mean I get it you are happy at first but normality soon becomes.

From what I know it's just part of the process to be happy with what you have, be grateful but there is nothing wrong with desiring new things.
we just want it to work in a more direct manner
in a more controlled way

if I think about a certain car it's nice to end up with a toy of that model and color in hand, it's nice to see that car in the street or parked next to you. it's nice to see a poster. it's nice to see it in a movie. it sparks interest in the law but ultimately I want to own and drive that car.
this, had a million of these occurrences where I can't help but think that there's something to this, but when trying to apply it to stuff that matters it ends up being extremely unreliable
Kinda important when you don't have enough to eat. I had trouble manifesting money at the time but through free food, inside deal on housing cost and bartering for services I was able to survive.

I find it amusing that you can't relate to struggle. It's probably why you suck at LOA.
>It’s a Lilanon fought hard to get where he is episode.
Sometimes he couldn’t eat.
Sometimes he had to barter just to survive
>sad violin music plays
This is a good episode. You can feel the energy,
SATS or other techniques. This is the core point of the thread- you are in your own way on something and the techniques provide a way to suppress or overcome the resistance.

>Wasn't the main mechanism behind this the need to impress your subconscious mind?
That's how they phrase it, but it's misleading. After I did sacred marriage I realized the subconscious wants to give you everything, immediately. Your subconscious loves you unconditionally and wants you to have everything.

There is no "impressing," just communicating. Where that gets weird is when you are not sure of what you are asking for or you don't believe you should have it. Safety mechanism.
Glad you like it :)

I had to fight hard/work hard to realize it isn't necessary to. Believe the right things and everything is possible.

“Stop trying to change the world since it is only the mirror. Man’s attempt to change the world by force is as fruitless as breaking a mirror in the hope of changing his face. Leave the mirror and change your face. Leave the world alone and change your conceptions of yourself. The reflection then will be satisfactory.”

Neville Goddard
Your true desire is complete inner peace—a state where you are free from mental, emotional, and physical anxieties, where your mind is quiet, your emotions are balanced, and your body experiences calm acceptance of all sensations. In this state, you live fully in the present, unburdened by the past or future, deeply connected to yourself, your purpose, and your relationships.

Now, let’s make this more specific so you can focus on manifesting this state.
Visualizing Your Fulfilled State of Peace:

Mental Peace (Mind Without Chatter):
Specific Feeling: Imagine waking up and the moment your eyes open, you notice complete stillness in your mind. There is no mental chatter, no racing thoughts. Your mind is clear, like a calm lake—still and peaceful. You feel fully present in this moment.
Specific Visualization: Picture yourself walking through your morning routine, with a deep sense of clarity—no distractions, no nagging worries. As you make breakfast or sip your coffee, your mind remains calm, and your thoughts flow effortlessly without spiraling into anxiety or regret. Every decision you make feels aligned and peaceful.

Emotional Peace (Freedom from Anxiety and Fear):
Specific Feeling: Feel the sensation of being completely free from fear or anxiety. Your chest feels open and light, as though a heavy weight has been lifted. You know that no matter what happens today, you are at peace. There is no fear of failure, no worry about the future.
Specific Visualization: Picture yourself encountering a situation that used to trigger anxiety—perhaps a conversation with a difficult person, or a stressful task. Now, in your realized state, you move through it effortlessly. Your emotions stay grounded, calm, and steady. You smile, speak clearly, and feel unshaken by any external circumstances.

Physical Peace (Calm Acceptance of Pain Without Distress):
Specific Feeling: Picture yourself feeling physical discomfort or pain, but rather than reacting with alarm or fear, you acknowledge it calmly. The pain is present, but it’s as if you’ve separated the sensation from your emotional response. There’s no panic, just calm observation. You continue with your day undisturbed.
Specific Visualization: Visualize yourself in a moment where you might feel discomfort—whether it’s physical pain or tiredness—and instead of resisting, you breathe deeply and feel a wave of calm acceptance wash over you. You continue your activities, perhaps walking outside or sitting quietly, and the pain no longer has power over your thoughts or actions.

Present-Moment Awareness (Living in the Now):
Specific Feeling: Imagine experiencing the present moment fully, with all of your senses heightened. You hear the subtle sounds around you, feel the warmth of the sun on your skin, notice the colors and details of the world as if for the first time. You are completely in the now—no thoughts pulling you into the past or future.
Specific Visualization: Picture yourself sitting in your favorite spot—perhaps outside, feeling the breeze or watching the sun rise. Your mind is still, and you are fully engaged in the present. Time seems to slow down, and every moment feels vivid and alive. There’s no rush, no lingering thoughts about what comes next—just a deep sense of being.

Confidence in Your Purpose (Knowing, or Accepting No Grand Purpose):
Specific Feeling: You walk through life with a quiet, unshakeable confidence. You may know your purpose clearly, or you may be at peace with not having a grand purpose, but either way, you feel secure. You no longer question your place or your worth.
Specific Visualization: Imagine standing in front of a mirror, looking at yourself with complete assurance. There’s no doubt in your eyes—just a sense of deep inner knowing. You feel grounded and confident, knowing that you are living exactly as you are meant to, and no external opinion or setback can disturb this sense of purpose.

Relationships of Love and Peace (Cherishing Connections):
Specific Feeling: Every interaction you have with loved ones feels rich, peaceful, and meaningful. You’re no longer distracted by petty worries or ego-driven concerns. You cherish these moments, knowing how precious and fleeting they are.
Specific Visualization: Picture yourself talking with a close friend or family member. The conversation flows naturally, and you feel a deep sense of love and appreciation for the connection you share. You are fully present with them—listening deeply, sharing openly, and feeling immense gratitude for their presence in your life.

The All-Encompassing Desire (Manifestation Statement):

"I desire to live in a state of profound and effortless peace—where my mind is calm and clear, free from mental chatter and anxiety, where I feel fully present in the now, where physical discomfort no longer causes distress, and where I live with deep confidence in myself and my purpose. In this state, I cherish my relationships and engage with the world from a place of gratitude, peace, and love. I am free, at peace, and fully alive."
>Your true desire is complete inner peace
wrong, it's boatloads of cash and sick motorcycles and cars, afforded by the aforementioned boatloads of cash
Just want to retire early and be able to not work one single day in my life man.
problem I see with this is it can also manifest as NEET lifestyle and that's what I'm trying to avoid.
Yes, but I literally was not made for the wageslave life. Every day death seems to be more and more tempting.
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Lets step away from the bible anon.

back when LOA stuff was created it was normal to have an ACTIVE lifestyle. People would mingle, talk to each other go to events together. They would know people in their community and interact with strangers all the time. They're lives were more active and full of more interaction with their surroundings.

During the late 90's and 00's there was a change in manifestation guru's message . they began to start selling INSTANT MANIFESTION!!! and NO NEED TO LIFT A FINGER!!! in order to lure in brain dead retards. The kicker is that guru's didn't need to interact with the retards in order to rob them blind.

it's like the anime industry when they figured out that they could make a shitload of money making anime for insane adult man children instead of for actual children. It ended up fucking up the industry. kek.

You should already be doing something in your fucking life if you want manifestation to work. You should already have a job, a Girlfriend, friends, a hobby and an active social life. Anything other than gooning in your room or taking care of your cats.

I hate to bring up heart math, but if you look at this video you're all radiating signals from your mind, heart and gut. when you go out and interact with other people in different places then your manifestation power expands exponentially because your pinging off of other people's energetic fields.

That's why in magic they tell you that you can go Solo, but magic works better in groups (covens, networks, circles etc). Also i only referenced that heartmath video so you can visually see what happens when people interact with each other. Heart math isn't something you should get into.

tldr: You don't have to lift a finger to manifest if you're an active member of society.

hope that helps
Good luck anon
>. they began to start selling INSTANT MANIFESTION!!! and NO NEED TO LIFT A FINGER!!! in order to lure in brain dead retards
>Doesn't realize this is actually how it works
>Can I use that special room method to heal myself?
it depends on the illness anon. In manifestation you're using mental images to imprint a commands or thought form into your subconscious mind. this alters reality or creates objects to appear in your reality.

the magic of psychotronic power is based on the silva mind control system. The silva mind control method is different in that jose silva taught that you have psychic, telepathic and other mental powers that you have 100% access too. You can use them to "influence" reality rather than alter it.

in the magic of psychotronic power if you have a disease he makes you locate the disease and build a mental construct of it that you can alter. You're mind will understand the command and begin to change the disease or illness.

You can use the room you create to do anything you want. I mainly use it for influence. I summon the spirit of someone i want to influence into the room. Have a conversation with them about how i want them to act and why it's in their best interest and then i send them back into their body. it works.

hope that helps
good luck anon
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Bought and read 'Power of Awareness' for the first time a couple weeks ago.

Today I bought an unrelated poetry book from a used book store, and found this bookmark inside it when I got home.

I think I might actually be losing my mind.
Things are wonderful. My family easily helps everyone in need now and receives endless abundance in return. Things are better than ever and they continue to improve daily. Everyone who has ever helped me or my family is incredibly blessed and happy to see the immense wealth and endless happiness and success my family now enjoys
> I summon the spirit of someone i want to influence into the room.
This is some magick type shenanigans. Not really LoA but whatever.
This is a good post. I disagree with Lilanon’s assessment of it.
>I disagree with Lilanon’s assessment of it.
Feel free to, but the common pasta here of "get out there and get things cooking" is not LOA. LOA is you set your reality and then it's there for you. If you want to go out and find it, no one is stopping you from doing so, but it really is instant and not based on the motions you go through after it's set- it's done.
…the bookmark is also unrelated fren
The issue is you're retarded and can't manifest jack.
So for a majority of people on this board, they should just go outside.

Yeh okay cool, just a coincidence that they look so similar then. Why are you posting here?
How do I become invincible?
Like I can't focus on not getting hit.
How do I construct a good scene for SATS? I want to manifest the ability to astral project whenever I want but I am struggling to make the scene.
If I wanted to astral project whenever I wake up then I would make a sense of me being in shock while sitting on my bed after waking up. However, for being able to do it anytime I want, I am completely out of ideas. Please help bros.
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Yes. Pretty sure it is in the book, but you would do the same as you would do with another person, you invite "yourself" and treat that "yourself" the same way you would do if you wanted to help any other person.
You visualize your room, a yourself coming in there and then you do your procedure on that yourself. You visualize using your hands to dissolve things or using rays, scalpels, medicine, healing energy, etc. The method doesn't matter but the result. At the end you will visualize that yourself healed, filled with vitality and perfect health and how grateful he is for being healthy.
Thining about it, you could imagine using a camera or a mirror and do the procedure on yourself, but I always use the "invite yourself" approach. I will test that mirror approach next time I need it.
It's been one month plus a few days and my dick still isn't 20cm fully erect...
Should i keep visualizing? And doing SATS
Choose a normal, menial starting scenario. Like you're sit on a public bench or in front your desk at work, etc. Then casually feel the need to know or see something and use astral projecting to check that and go back, knowing that you did check whatever you wanted to check and you can do it again if you need too.
I've said it before, I'll say it again. This anon shills for methods he doesn't use, has never told us any of his successes, and desperately wants to be seen as one of the big tripfag teachers despite being a ceremonialist who thinks LoA and Chaos magic teach the same thing.
Thank you for the idea.
didn't Neville P.B.U.H. say that signs follow, they do not precede?
can you do activities with the people in the room, besides talking?
like playing chess with bobby fisher ,or guitar jamming with jimi hendrix?
Just read something that might help someone. You never attract that what you want,You attract that which you're conscious of being.
To help you to find that feel You must focus on yourself what you are right now? Are you a dumb person or a smart person? Hoe do you feel being conscious of that ? Who told you to believe that you are that? Why do you think you are?
Now that you know how you feel being such. You can imagine how to feel being that which you want to be
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I don't believe in the "Law of the hard work" or having to anything at all to get your returns. Needing to do that is how you see reality and how you do things and there is nothing wrong with thinking like that if that helps you.
But you have a point and is a hard to eat pill for some anons, that is, LoA is about change.
You change inside and become the being you want to be and that sometimes implies you have to change in the outside too.
There is nothing wrong about living taking care of your cats or plants or even gooning from time to time. The thing is, if you're just gooning all the time, there is something wrong in your life, and is not an attack for whoever reads this and lives like that, You're trying to fill a void, a need, a whatever you need with those routines and they make you feel secure. They're hiding your fear and your fead doesn't let you advance, in LoA and in life.
If you want a GF and you really belive and Know and get her using LoA, you will need to get out and do other things with her because you won't be having sex all the time and unless she is has the same strong fixations you have, she will want to do other things and even if she is a neet too, she will want to do other things because that's how women are.
Same with money. Scared of having a job, how do you know your jobs will be boring? What if it even better than your life right now?
I can say it because I'm living the dream. I have a sexy, overachiever girl boss wife that pays for everything and paid for things like our wedding or our house.
Do I do nothing? Obviously no, even when I'm pretty sure I could. I have (ans LOVE) to cook for her 5 days a week. I have to be the man of the house even if I don't bring the money. I have to keep her safe, "wrestle" the big rottweiler that may scare her. I have to get out with her, fix things at home, take decisions and fuck her as hard and often as she desires.
If you play evading change, you will have a bad time doing this.
>just believe
>just go to your I AM
>it is done
>you are not telling your story
>you don't have to do anything
>you have to do more
>just visualize
>just affirm
>just assume

I don't understand how having a social life is going to help me grow a fat futa cock and massive tiddies
>I manifest C reaching out to me with Love
Cleetus here. I feel the same way Shelley.
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I love you. Like the Cross.
If your first order of business is not to manifest a greater ability to manifest, then growing exponentially into a powerful wizard, then turn away from me, I never knew ye sayeth Neville.
>Your true desire is complete inner peace
Wrong. If that was my desire I would already have it.
When you manifest something, does it appear in physical reality or metaphysical, imaginary reality?
How do you even visualize that?
At least with other manifestations, once you get them in 3d it reinforces your faith, but thise one is very abstract.
Physical(If there is such a thing). I manifest and it is suddenly there after a delay where I let go.
>but thise one is very abstract.
Yo lil quick questions

I think the guy has a point when he told you not to revise your past, while I didn't speak with him on this topic I was missing the point of something

I was considering revision for some time but I don't know the implications of the change that'll happen as a result of it, like there's something I need to realize internally to learn my lesson or else I'll keep finding in my situation

If anything I think this pain and suffering is all an illusion and something I'm creating, the fact I live in fear and misery seems to be an indication I'm making this all up and I'm unintentionally *giving* myself these issues (prolly explains the puppet master vision)

I'm curious to see what you did moving forward after what the guy said, like how was it like to just have the old man stare in your face when its dead. What's your trick to preserving in the face of uncertainty and what EVERYTHING seems to be against you?

I believe my own perception of things is the reason why I feel stuck, did you ever realize the true meaning of a situation you once deemed horrible to be something much more important than it seems? How did you change your perspective to reach that point of acceptance?
>I think the guy has a point when he told you not to revise your past
>like there's something I need to realize internally to learn my lesson or else I'll keep finding in my situation
TM and I have a similar stance on this. When I did revise my past by accident, I have no way to know how much of my experiences that changed, which means not only am I a different person, there are lessons I may have learned that are no longer there for me. Overall gaining that immunity seems to have been a benefit for me, I seem less "weighed down" than I was before. Hopeful, more positive about things turning out well.

>If anything I think this pain and suffering is all an illusion and something I'm creating
Bingo. When you are no longer incarnated, things like pain and fear are abstracts. This is all temporary. It's a ride.

>I'm curious to see what you did moving forward after what the guy said
After he told me he was not the one keeping me here, I had to take responsibility for that. It was also empowering though- up until that point I had believed I was subject to forces greater than myself. For him to tell me that I was the reason I was not dead? To know that I could leave at any time for Heaven? Regardless of his intentions, he gave me an amazing gift that day.

>What's your trick to preserving in the face of uncertainty and what EVERYTHING seems to be against you?
Truth. The 3d seems so overwhelming, so suffocating, so all-encompassing...but it's not even real. It's like a bad dream you wake up from. The truth is that it is fake, and you are I AM. You are capable of anything and everything. You are no "mere human." Neville says that confidence in yourself is faith in God. Live it :)

>I believe my own perception of things is the reason why I feel stuck,
Absolutely. You have to change that. It seems impossible when you are deep in it, but when you step back, it literally is just changing your mind.
I hate the life I live.I need to start anew
>there are lessons I may have learned that are no longer there for me.
This right here is why I was on the fence about revising, I don't want all that suffering to be all for nothing however I know it has made make better decisions for myself and others. The guy prolly helped me get here but I dont think he needed to do more since he knew what was going to happen, I should thank him even regardless on how much he helped or spoke to me

>This is all temporary. It's a ride.
He prolly was hinting at it when he told you not to revise, it all makes sense especially how you escaped death countless times. Almost like someone so ambitious in achieving something to the point where death can't stop them, maybe in the your search for the truth around your Uni days (if I recall correctly) is the reason why you couldn't die. Your intentions being strong enough to withstand all of that, you just weren't aware of it

>Neville says that confidence in yourself is faith in God. Live it :)
After the last post I wrote I took time to myself to make this all make sense to me, I was running away from alot of the issues and suppressing them. Adding extra weight than I need to. I'll admit it, I have a lot of fears and they have to do with my ego trying to make sure this is something I can commit to. I doubt my shadow or inner child is holding me back entirely, I think the thing holding me back is literally my own state of consciousness. I'm the motherfucker making my own choices and no other being can be my own savior like Jesus other than me

I can't blame my shadow or inner child, its all me and not them making these choices. With the fact I am even aware of these issues, it is a consciousness problem.
Bruh if i had a GF and a good life I wouldn't be here in the first place.
>it literally is just changing your mind.
Here is why I reached out today to get insight, its not you who can change my mind because its all me. I stopped trying to set manifests while I'm awake for the sake of reducing pressure on myself, too much mental chatter and activity going all at once could be the reason why I can never seem to allow it.

I actually just had a thought came to me, if I knew something was up with my faith that could be an indicator im not confident in myself. I spend more time worrying and focusing what I don't want instead of working on the much needed trait I should have. When you said the 3d is like a bad dream, it seems too much to comprehend but I'm not in full denial of that statement. I just think its true but im in the midst of determining whether or not it is or isn't, after all isn't manifesting just choosing?

I feel like I need more time to think this out, I'll reach out later today if I come up with something. However I need to change my mind or else I'll keep living this life I desperately hate

Oh and I remembered, it sucks the book of revelations won't happen as the way its interpreted. It's all a metaphor for man finds out the Christ within him
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I just noticed that Transpeople give attention to people denying that they are women.

They literally break down when someone tells them that.

Their belief is so fragile, their faith so lacking, they can't even deal with the slightest hint of something denying their beliefs.

I don't they think they even want to be women.
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You are wrong.

When you have doubts when arguing with someone, what do you do?

You refute them.

Think of Christ when he fasted in the Desert for 40 days and 40 nights.

He refused the Devils temptation.

He ignored the Devils frustration.

He refuted the Devils manifestation.

You alone are God my son.

You manifest all, for all is self. That is the way.

It always was. The Trinity is not separate.

You are the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

>Their belief is so fragile, their faith so lacking, they can't even deal with the slightest hint of something denying their beliefs.
This is common, and why I laugh when Anons here assert that people they don't know have 100% faith in whatever they are trying to disprove. It's very rare to find someone who has 100% faith, yet it gets thrown around as if it was as common as warts.
>To the guys who have read Neville. Has he talked about manifesting sex?
He imagined his wife sleeping next to him, no sex involved. He has mentioned this verse as an example of the Bible's use of heart and imagination
>But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.
“With your desire defined, quietly go within and shut the door behind you. Lose yourself in your desire; feel yourself to be one with it; remain in this fixation until you have absorbed the life and name by claiming and feeling yourself to be and to have that which you desired. When you emerge from the hour of prayer you must do so conscious of being and possessing that which you heretofore desired.”

Neville Goddard
I am.
Man what a ride i am 1 month into this all my suicidal thoughts have gone and i feel better but my head hurts a lot and it never did. Is it my mind rearranging itself from all the depressive shit i thought before? I also felt bored again i haven't been bored since i was a teen it was all depression and videogames and sleep. Now i dream a lot. Haven't manifested yet just little changes but the Law changed my life.
Powerball is now at $176,000,000. Any challengers?
But you said just yesterday that you don't need to believe 100%
Schizophrenia is quite common among the homeless
Did it actually work?
My dog is having some wounds because of excessive licking and we've been using lotions prescribed by the vet but we weren't seeing much improvement, all of a sudden I had a thought to manifest it yesterday night and today it's gotten so much better it's insane.
You don't need to believe 100% but it helps, but you need to NOT be retarded 100%.
The classic of those examples of that lack of belief or better said, putting your attention on the wrong thing is the "if X does Y (related to Z) all the time and thinks about Z all the time, why don't X have Z?".
A common one is coomers as X, masturbating as Y and sex as Z. Yes, they goon a lot and yes, they think about sex and gooning a lot but that means nothing if you're pulling your willy watching others have what you want and cooming while thinking "I wish I had what they're having", very different from "I HAVE what they're having.
You can be 100% sure that the stronger the feeling of lack and needing, the harder they coom and get themselves in the "no sex" ride.
i like the shut the door part a lot
What about people who look naturally androgynous
What should I do to be less of a do-er and focus on being? That effortless being, can't I argue people who are doers are those who are in the process of setting it?

You got any suggestions for me to stay in my imagination rather than just doing it once. What about fleshing it out in more detail instead of having appear in like cut in frames (choppy)

Funny enough the guy spoke to me again, he is quite the tough love type of personality. Plus the show by hand is clear, though again it was just a comment he said
>Think of Christ when he fasted in the Desert for 40 days and 40 nights.
Sounds like a good verse to check out

>When you have doubts when arguing with someone, what do you do?
I see your point

>You are the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Yeah I'm just refusing to believe but I gotta change that around since I see some proving that to be true

Thanks G!
Looking forward to the end of this current Bible thumping fad here.
>b-but Neville used the Bible
Not generically like this. And so what if he did?
You might as well go start a generic prayer thread.
Neville used the bible extensively in his work and he was inspired by it. if anything this general should have way more bible study.
Your opinion almost always means the opposite is true.
noooo LoA isn't about the lottery it's about seeing yellow cars and tennis balls and feeling at peace
>What should I do to be less of a do-er and focus on being?
It's a mindset change. You believe(d) that doing things made things happen. Ergo, you do more to try and fix it. You know the truth now- being is how we get things. It will feel weird for a bit, perhaps "new age'y" but it's our natural state. You've just been taught to do it wrong because slaves need to be kept working so they don't have time to believe in better states.

>That effortless being, can't I argue people who are doers are those who are in the process of setting it?
You can make that argument, but you already know you are rationalizing to keep your old state. It's a toxic state, is it not?

>You got any suggestions for me to stay in my imagination rather than just doing it once
Have fun with it. Imagine all the cool things you are going to do and have with your new state. Fantasize, but believe it as strongly as you can as you do.

>Funny enough the guy spoke to me again
Nice :)

>he is quite the tough love type of personality
He is, I thought he was harsh and merciless until I figured that out. He does love and care, but...

>Plus the show by hand is clear, though again it was just a comment he said
I hope it was helpful.

"Let that shit go."
should someone who has manifested before but atm is feeling like what may be a block do the ladder experiment? what should I do? im so confused so I have to constantly put my attention on me believing I have my desire?
"Lets suppose that you were able every night to dream any dream you wanted to dream, and you would naturally as you began on this adventure of dreams, you would fulfill all your wishes. You would have every kind of pleasure, you see, and after several nights you would say, well that was pretty great, but now lets have a surprise, lets have a dream which isn't under control. Well something is going to happen to me that i don't know what it's gonna be. Then you would get more and more adventurous, and you would make further and further out gambles as to what you would dream, and finally you would dream where you are now." - Alan Watts

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>he then talks about what you see when you look back to the skull you just emerged from, but it's a different sight each time.
>What the fuck does this even mean? What is Neville talking about here?
Neville Goddard believed two things:
(1) There is only consciousness, there is no external material world, nor could we even perceive one if there were--we can only perceive what we perceive. Our perceptions make up our world: therefore, if we change our perceptions, the world we perceive around us will change too.
(2) Consciousness is one. Since there is no objective time or space, there can be no objective separation: thus, the sum total of all possible perceptions is an entity we can call God, for "all things are made through him and without him there is nothing made that is made." Since all imaginable things are possible, one of those possibilities is this Entity imagining smaller more limited versions of Himself experiencing limited groups of perceptions--imagining creatures like us embedded in the world we imagine. This God is like Sir Lawrence Olivier, an incredibly skilled actor who plays all the parts in an epic all the time, and who immerses himself in the role so well that he thinks he's really the character and the world on the stage is real. Eventually the story comes to an end, however, and Sir Laurence remembers who he really is and goes on to perrform other dramas.
Now early Neville got the conscious part right: he realized that if you consciously and wholeheartedly made an effort to experience a particular desired set of experiences, they would come about, because experience is all there is. This was the Law.
Late Goddard, however, believed that eventually we would tire of the Law and instead decide we would want to return to this greater consciousness. Despite the constant use of Christian symbolism, this is very close to Advaita Vedanta and Yogacara Buddhism.
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The fact remains, Neville was saturated in Christian language and symbols and tried to put these processes into Christian terms--not aways very well, IMHO. He also--I am speculating--never quite dealt with the problem of the unconscious generating spontaneous hallucinatory material. Put another way, he liked to hit the bottle and fall asleep, and while asleep he would dream of other worlds, meeting the dead, and, I suppose, waking up in his own skull.
During his Law years, his practice consisted of taking the apparent world as it is, and only making minor conscious modifications to it, ie trips to Barbados.
During his Promise years, he would dream/hallucinate all sorts of things that just did not gel with the everyday world, and so he came to grips with it by concluding that for all of us the everyday world would simply fall away and we would enter this new stage of extraordinary realities. 'Rebirth from your skull' was the way Neville personally experienced, or rather dressed up, this process.
From the point of view of practice, however, what the Promise is is the business of how (and if) we want to deal with impossible, non-congruous, spontaneously bizarre perceptions. You can imagine an SP, and get one. But if you imagine your feet turning into 7-headed dragons, it's less likely to come about. In terms of Neville's metaphysics, it's not impossible. The question is, how do you deal with it? Most of us just dismiss the incongruent. Late Neville embraced it. Whether he was wise to do so, I don't know.
>should someone who has manifested before but atm is feeling like what may be a block do the ladder experiment?
It doesn't hurt- I would either take a break and go do some leisure activities or manifest something else that is usually easy for you to clear your head. It can be stressful and demoralizing when you work and work at a manifest and it's not taking.

>im so confused so I have to constantly put my attention on me believing I have my desire?
Ease your mind into believing you can/do have what you want. Believe it is easy, natural, this is yours.
>Neville was saturated in Christian language and symbols and tried to put these processes into Christian terms--not aways very well, IMHO
100% this. In the Law and the Promise, you also get some odd other mystical influences he was under, "The Divine Society" he references when he is experiencing aspects of the Creator.

> waking up in his own skull.
This one was not as weird to me. He saw the imagination/god as being in his head. Where else would he resurrect from? For me, it was my center(solar plexus), probably because I am a delver, dig to the deepest point to find the hidden things.

>During his Promise years, he would dream/hallucinate all sorts of things that just did not gel with the everyday world, and so he came to grips with it by concluding that for all of us the everyday world would simply fall away
It does. Any limitations you may have entertained previously are absurd when you experience yourself as infinite. I haven't fully taken advantage of this state but in a few of my manifestations right after I decided to do some "absurd" things and when I had an internal resistance to it I simply reminded myself of the state and that I had no limits. Done.

>From the point of view of practice, however, what the Promise is is the business of how (and if) we want to deal with impossible, non-congruous, spontaneously bizarre perceptions.
It's a bit more than that. It's you realizing on a fundamental level that you are not the limited being you think you are. You can "know" it, and Neville did before he got The Promise, but when he actually received his birthright, it rocked his world. It totally rocked mine because I had no context for it.
manifest away old age. Why believe it?
No one who has written about LoA or taught it has ever managed this. So it can’t be done.
but I thought that
> Can I manifest ___?
Yes! Creation is finished.
are you calling OP a liar?
Because reincarnation is real
this is a limiting belief.
>The Power of Awareness
>Chapter 1: 'I AM'

Lo, the "LIGHT" is verily consciousness. And consciousness is one, yea, it doth manifest itself in a multitude of forms and in diverse degrees of awareness.

Forsooth, there is none among men who is not encompassed in all that is, for consciousness, though it be shown forth in an endless array of degrees, remaineth undivided. No breach nor cleaving doth exist in the whole of consciousness.

I AM cannot be severed nor parted asunder. Though I may imagine myself as a man of wealth, or of poverty, a beggar or a knave, yet the core of mine own being changeth not, though the thought of myself may alter.

In the midst of all creation, there is but one I AM, which doth reveal itself in innumerable forms and likenesses, and verily doth proclaim, 'I am that I am'.

I AM is the very utterance of the Absolute, the firmament upon which all things are founded. I AM is the first cause, the very substance of being. Yea, I AM is the name whereby God doth declare Himself.

>I AM hath sent me unto you. [Exodus 3:14]

>I AM THAT I AM. [Exodus 3:14]

>Be still and know that I AM God. [Psalm 46:10]

I AM is the eternal sensation of unceasing awareness. Yea, at the very heart of consciousness dwelleth the feeling of I AM. Though I may forget mine own name, or place, or station, yet I cannot forsake the knowing that I AM. The remembrance of being abideth still, notwithstanding the depth of mine own forgetfulness of who, where, or what I am.

I AM is that which, among the host of all created forms, changeth not, but remaineth forever one and the same.

This mighty revelation of cause doth unveil unto man, whether in good or in evil, that he is indeed the master of his own destiny. For it is the image he holdeth of himself that doth fashion the world wherein he sojourneth, yea, even his image of himself, which is naught but his manner of response to the affairs of life.

Verily, if thou art beset by sickness, knowing this truth of cause, thou canst not lay the blame upon aught else but the ordering of that primordial cause-substance. Such an arrangement hath arisen from thine own response to the courses of life, and is borne out in thine own thought, 'I am unwell.'

Thus it is written, 'Let the weak say, I am strong' (Joel 3:10), for by his declaration and faith, the cause-substance – yea, even I AM – is reformed. And verily, it shall bring forth in the outward world that which its new ordering doth confirm.

This law doth govern all the paths of thy life, whether in thy dealings with men, in the matter of riches, in the pursuits of the mind, or in the yearnings of the spirit.
Find me someone who teaches this that has not aged or died. There is not one.
The OP is packed with info from those who have died or aged.
What has that got to do with ageing? Nothing.
I don't limit my belief by the experience of others.

Mark 11:23-24
That’s because you can’t read the Bible or do LoA.
Mark is dead
The translator of the inaccurate translation you read is dead.
You are ageing and you can say Mark all fucking day and it won’t do shit. For anything.
Mark refers to prayer to God and not LoA as other anions have said.
I'm not persuaded by your attempt to take away my faith.
>yes, I'm ageless/immortal and I'm gonna reveal it to everyone so a retarded faggot can discredit me in another way on an anime basketweaving forum.
applies to any age and to any kind of "forum"
I’m not persuaded by your efforts to say that you can’t age because Mark.
I’m not persuaded by your attempts to say Mark is related to LoA. It says prayer. To God.
One of us can present arguments. All the other can do is say Mark a lot.
If you aren’t willing to think at all then that’s an issue that you can deal with by writing a Mark quote on a piece of paper and shoving it up your ass. It is done.
>Lilanon literally does this a lot
>he was an immortal vampire.
>No one who has written about LoA or taught it has ever managed this
And you know this how? I've managed approximately half speed aging. Non-aging or reversal should not be out of bounds.
>I predicted this right here
Everyone else got older or died. Every single one that has taught LoA. Every source in the OP has aged or died. That’s how I know.
You can claim you are the exception but as you can’t share photos or anything else it’s just a random claim like that time you were undead.

nobody liked my Neville Goddard King James Version ? ;_;
>No one who has written about LoA or taught it has ever managed this [beating old age]. So it can’t be done.
You think so. Yet I remember a Star Trek episode abut a Roman soldier born with a genetic deformity that prevents him from aging. He spends the next 2,000 years switching identities because he doesn't want to be a freak or be burned at the stake or end up under the scalpel in some lab.
We know that the mind's influence on the body is such that it can extend life span. We don't know if it can do so indefinitely because virtually no one has ever tried. This is just another of the many assumed limitations we hold. Better to experiment.
>I predicted this right here
How would have have "predicted" it- I've already posted about it previously. Your declaration that nobody has managed to alter aging is ridiculous, there are always those people that are more youthful than they should be, and there is that horrible genetic disorder that rapidly ages kids.

You didn't do any research on the topic, you simply declared and made a fool of yourself.

>That’s how I know (nothing)
Obviously I am BTFO because there is zero way I can argue against a Star Trek episode which is the cornerstone of LoA proof and even better than anything in the OP.
We should just replace the OP with a Star Trek script to guarantee ageless immortality, live long and prosper.
Lmao you are losing it today.
Find me someone who didn’t age or die. You have everyone to choose from. Go and find me one,
I posted that claim 30 seconds before you posted. Proof I am psychic I guess. Actually I do not have to guess. I’m just that powerful.
> there are always those people that are more youthful than they should be
They are ageing.
>horrible genetic disorder that rapidly ages kids.
>you simply declared and made a fool of yourself.
Everyone you ever met or loved has either died or is dying. Happens to everyone. Go find me someone from 200 years ago who is still walking around.
This isn’t even controversial my bread manifesting buddy.
>the cornerstone of LoA proof
Your existence is the cornerstone proof of LOA. The fact that you think this is a magic trick is cute, but so far off base to be laughable.

>We should just replace the OP with a Star Trek script to guarantee ageless immortality, live long and prosper.
The one we have sums it up perfectly:

>> Can I manifest ___?
>Yes! Creation is finished.

The fact that you think you can't do Star Trek with that is even funnier. Enjoy your limitations.
weird that I literally just bought Paramount + today in order to watch all the Star Treks, and then my comment about manifesting Old age:


Led to Star Trek being mentioned.
what is going on?
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>>Neville was saturated in Christian language and symbols and tried to put these processes into Christian terms--not aways very well, IMHO
>100% this. In the Law and the Promise, you also get some odd other mystical influences he was under
True. There was his Rosicrucian phase for instance, and his Blake reading. I can't believe he lived through the Sixties and knew Aldous Huxley but never heard of Alan Watts or Vedanta.
>> waking up in his own skull.
Pretty obviously metaphorical. AI notes that "The place of the skull, also known as Golgotha, is the site where Jesus was crucified in ancient Jerusalem. The name comes from the Greek word cranon, which means "cranium" or "upper part of the skull".
> Where else would he resurrect from?
Indeed. The problem is that Neville fans don't realize it was his own unique imagined simulation; they think that if Neville resurrected from his skull then everyone has to.
>>During his Promise years, he would dream/hallucinate all sorts of things that just did not gel with the everyday world, and so he came to grips with it by concluding that for all of us the everyday world would simply fall away
> Any limitations you may have entertained previously are absurd when you experience yourself as infinite... I simply reminded myself of the state and that I had no limits.
With respect, Lil, you are treading on dangerous ground. When you experience yourself as infinite, you cease to experience yourself as finite--become everything and you become no one particular thing. The distinction between that and nothing is thin.
>>It's you realizing on a fundamental level that you are not the limited being you think you are.
It's you realizing that you are a less limited being, not an unlimited one. Jesus got it right when he said he and the father were one, but the father was greater than himself. He identified with God but held on to his human identity without dissolving. Drowning in God's a nice way to go, but you're still dead.
youtube be something wonderful has been mentioning it
I don't watch that guy, haven't watched him for a long while.
This is mockery, and not a refutation of anything, much less Loa. There are Giant Sequoias that have lived over 7,000 years. Why can't we? Scientists say it's because of our genetic make-up. But we're already working on altering that, and with a good deal of success. It's not at all impossible that aging will be eliminated in the future.
And what's this got to do with Loa? Well, let's say that one of the anons here--Lilanon, to freak the usual skeptics out--announces that he's decided not to age. Universal hilarity ensues. Then some Chinese geneticist in Wuhan announces he's found a way to extend telomeres indefinitely. No more age!
Neville people will say, "This proves The Bridge of Incidents is real!" Neville skeptics will go, "Bullshit!" Neither confirms nor refutes the thesis that awareness influences reality. It'll take more rigorous thinking than that.
But not balding. They fix their hairline.
>what is going on?
(Also, Check'd.)
(Also, nuTrek sucks. Re-watch Voyager for free, dude.)
Does this mean we should stay away from everything that reinforces feelings of lack? But what if the thing causing you to feel lack is also the thing necessayfor your success?

For example, I want pussy but going on Tinder with 0 matches just reinforces the feelings if lack, even if that's my only option to meet women.
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everybody skips this anon's post, but he's on the right track.

that's a synchronicity bro. You can follow signs to greater insights. It can also lead down schizo road.

since you might be going down the christian path i'll save you years of study. You essentially understand that GOD is your supply and not external things like jobs and business or people. God sends "supply energy" through things towards you and you cycle the energy by spending it. this repeats until you are what you consider weallthy

This "god is my supply" idea is where the "money is an energy" concept comes from. I'll make a picture later if you don't understand what i'm talking about. you can also read or go to youtube to go through these material

Joel Goldsmith's Invisible Supply
The Abundance Book by John Randolph Price
All of the books written by Florence scovel shin

>I've said it before, I'll say it again.
please do :) . In fact you should be more active in this endeavor.
i did post my manifestations minus the trip, avatars and signatures. You're the only one that wants them, so finding them is up to you retard. kek

You can do whatever you want. Napolean hill would summon a whole group of people into his mental room, talk to them and used the information to get filthy rich. Unfortunately he never manifested an accountant and lost it all.

Weather you consider your outer reality an illusion/hologram or actual reality. we're surrounded by an energy field. This energy field gives us access to any and all information. It's on you, whether or not you can tap into it.

The mental room is a technique that lets you tap into that field. It works. If you want to jam with hendrix, perform psychic surgery, gain esoteric knowledge or influence people, Whatever happens in the Room is up to you.

hope that helps
Good luck anon
It is awe inspiring what just a few moments of quiet away from being 'plugged in' can do.

just for a few minutes maybe even less I meditated on a word from an Orthodox priest who talked about how he believes that people are living in glorified states today. And when I got up, my hands felt like they were radiating.

When I pet my dog he curled up with a lot of comfort. My hands were radiating as if they were tuning forks that had just been hit.
>Find me someone who didn’t age or die. You have everyone to choose from. Go and find me one,
Onus is on you- you claimed 100% that such a thing is impossible. Gather your evidence. I'll be waiting.

>I posted that claim 30 seconds before you posted. Proof I am...
Yes, you posted something that is well-know in this thread. The word you are looking for is "clueless" or "incompetent."

>They are ageing.
Did you flunk out of science class? Variations indicate that a conclusion is flawed. You pose aging as an absolute when, in fact, it may be a genetic abnormality.

>Everyone you ever met or loved has either died or is dying
That's an assumption on your part. Funny, you assume, and it happens in your world. It's almost like a Law or something...it sounds so familiar...
>Indeed. The problem is that Neville fans don't realize it was his own unique imagined simulation; they think that if Neville resurrected from his skull then everyone has to.
This was Promise Anon's problem. It doesn't help that Neville flat says this even though he also says it's very personal. I could not blame Promise Anon for going word for word there, but Neville was making the mistakes he advised others to avoid- chasing second causes and appearances. That's how I know he fell off the wagon for a bit.

>With respect, Lil, you are treading on dangerous ground.
I know, but not only do I have a shocking disregard for my safety, in testing the waters for this any sort of fetter will do to keep you anchored here. For me, it was concern for others.

>When you experience yourself as infinite, you cease to experience yourself as finite--become everything and you become no one particular thing. The distinction between that and nothing is thin.
Yep. I don't fear becoming "nothing," but that would be impossible- everything exists all at once. Information is never destroyed, only ignored.

>It's you realizing that you are a less limited being, not an unlimited one
No, it's the whole kit and caboodle. You are the Creator, because the Creator cannot cut off parts of itself. It IS. You ARE. We are all One.

That was huge to take in the first time. I thought I was just some misfit nobody, not the dreamer dreamed in form.

>He identified with God but held on to his human identity without dissolving
Pretending :)

>Drowning in God's a nice way to go, but you're still dead.
"You" don't exist. The essence within you never dies. Absolute love at the end. Non-Differentiation.

You won't want that until everything gets boring though. Until then, we play :)
any opinion on this or info whether it has some merit or not?
Test it yourself
Sounds like egotard mumbo jumbo and a free ticket to limiting-beliefs-land to me.
It was just an example on why saying "why X don't have Y if he only thinks about Y" is a retarded take. Another one, poor people have their attention on money but in how to make it last, how much are their debts, etc.
>Does this mean we should stay away from everything that reinforces feelings of lack?
You should stop giving attention to whatever you don't want in your life, as much as you can without avoiding to live your life because being sheltered and afraid of "reality" is bad.
First, I don't know what are your living conditions but Tinder is not your only option. Forget that way of thinking because is limited and is shit. Is like telling yourself "you can only eat from THIS specific bucket and if the bucket is empty you HAVE to starve".
Leaving that aside, if is your tool, don't feel lack for it not working as it should. You know that shit is veeeery rigged, even if you're a paypig. Zero matches means nothing because you want pussy, not "matches" or "a number on a screen". Is like believing absolutely no women in the world wants you because the first one you asked said no. So stop giving so much attention to what a glass slate tells you. Remember, being weak is a choice.
Looks and sounds AI generated
There's still time to go out, buy your ticket, and post it here. Should be super easy to visualize this one.
>Ergo, you do more to try and fix it
I would say this is where I can find myself feeling like I "need" to do more or often times feeling like this is all work with tension

>It will feel weird for a bit, perhaps "new age'y" but it's our natural state. You've just been taught to do it wrong because slaves need to be kept working so they don't have time to believe in better states.
Two things: One I am fully convinced of your statement that things stick around because you *believe* it should be there. I found out the nasty truth after I replied to you, with this in mind it leads me to the second part. I'm quite focused on returning to my former state rather than building up my foundation, counterproductive if you ask me. Despite the "old man" dying in my dreams, I think his 3d counterpart is trying to stay alive with whatever doubts and fears that still appear.

Now that I think about it, I'm choosing this old state over the new one. Not only that but I might be seeing what *giving* myself things or states might look and feel like. Hold the fuck up...I think I'm just afraid to let go of whats not and why I often focus too much on what I don't want, plus the countless times I regressed back to this lower state of consciousness. Huh, this could be the confidence in myself is the confidence in God, your thoughts? I feel like I'm nearing another truth

>I hope it was helpful.
Seems like he knows what I am doing, he was just commenting on one of the thoughts I had. I think him and I know something about myself and with that comment he gave me last night proves it.
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affirmations made my dick longer
no shill/sceptic can hurt me as I dickmog 99.99999999% of living males.
now time to give myself few cm of height, change eye color and get more symmetrical face
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Currently reading 2 Esdras (4 Ezra). If there is a book of the bible more suited to being read through the lens of LoA/Neville then I haven't found it yet.

6:6 Then it was that I had my thought, and the world was created through me and through me alone

4:39 Can it be because of us, because of the sins of mankind, that the harvest and the reward of the just are delayed?

4:43 Then you will be shown all you wish to see.

5:44 Creation may not proceed faster than the Creator

7:16 Why have you not turned your mind from the present to the future?
Wouldn't it have made more sense to start with the things people see like height or face?
Either way good job anon, keep us posted.
plenty of tall men out there, but it doesn't matter as I know for A FACT that I have a longer shlong lol
and height is not even that important if you are already 6foot tall, anything taller than 6ft2 would be a nuisance and having to suddenly buy longer pants would also be a nuisance so I'll wait with height for some free time when I can go shopping.
> Felt like smoking a Marlboro Red
>Random guy approached me asking for a lighter
>I lent it to him and noticed he was smoking a Marlboro Red too
>I asked him for one, and he gave it to me
Feels good man. How do apply it to other shit?
manifest burger
then whatever you want like having a longer dick or something
Why do the ppl who have normie lives that haven't manifested shit try and share their faggot armchair advice?

Neville's family has a billion dollar net worth. All you guys have is ladders and bread at the bread store.

Neville is worth reading. (You) Are not
don't care still longer penis than (you)
I managed to get clearvoyance tier shit.
Now too move onto teleportation.
you described it perfectly. merely feeling like something or wondering about something is enough. usually we have this stuff naturally. you felt like doing it but you would also be ok without it.

daydream, SATS, say it in your mind, continue your day.
You're free to hide those post, faggot. I'm not gonna do your job, lazy retard.
The Mithraic cult with the son of light is based on this
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IF reality shifting or Universal Line ,etc are real: Do you it's possible to "pick and choose" \recruit any set of people, a group of 8 or up to 20 maybe, whether alive or long dead, and then -if they all consent to being in the group and being Universal-Line'd- ask them to visit different epoch-places of History for different activities?
my non-sex*al fantasy is recruiting the most Devout and Pious of the pro-Nazi faction of Dual Seedline Christian Identity (aryan nations) and together visit the real-life Slavery South and Nazi Germany, possibly becoming card-carrying Nazi Party members and doing visiting tours, "inspections" to the actively-ongoing Holocaust.
>what Team would you put together? what Quests would you take on with them?

So how many affirms did you do for penis? What were they?

I wanna try and manifest health as I got some chronic conditions. How would you go about affs for health?
What did you use?
I want money I don't want specific things. I want a bank account so full of money I never have to worry about working or eating again.
So why do we keep calling it manifestation if most of us that have time doing and reading about this know that this world/reality is a simulation or not real world.
Wouldn't calling it projection of thoughts be better or projection of desires.
Cause we project what we imagine and believe. We don't manifest cause we don't act
>silva mind control system
do you think a particular edition is worth reading over another?
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I still don't get it. I notice small "coincidences' and opportunities but never the actual thing.
Do you know where the simulation is simulated from tho?
Our collective consciousness,My Imagination,Dreams, no one knows
>manifest perfect girl
>she ends up dating my friend
>he doesn't even like her back
>she blindly in love
wtf is wrong with me???
We'll reach out to you once you do your first creation
im feeling down, i feel torn, i feel like only a gf will make me happy and make life worth living, but on the other side, i feel like thats not true, and that i will not find anything that will give me happiness

i also feel like my progress is very very slow, im healing some parts of me psyche and nervous system, and managed to make a few female friends in university, but i dont find them very attractive and 1 has a bf

i tried reconnecting with a girl i treated badly but she seems to have moved on, im happy for her but sad that she doesnt want to see me

maybe i was not born to feel happiness and fulfillment, just to feel other emotions
why do i have to wait 60 seconds to post
you might want to take a look at this, the advice isn't /loa/ related but i thought it might give you something to believe in and inspire you.

I don't have a problem with conversations, its just that i cant start the conversation with a stranger on the street, on IG is very difficult and on videogames the girls I met were not very pretty, on uni I need to find an excuse to start the conversation, its crazy because I know I'm good looking but I feel like that puts more pressure on me, like i cannot get rejected and if I do my worth as a person is very low, the few times I asked a girl for her ig or number or tried to make friends at uni it always worked out in the moment, like nobody rejected my friendship xd, so I don't know why it is still hard for me.

the girl I fumbled helped me get to know myself more and why I acted with so much fear (disorganized attachment) but she was mid, and a bit annoying at times, and I feel bad because I KNOW that the only reason I spoke to her today and couldn't forget her was because I didn't meet anyone new/better

anyways I feel like a weight is lifted of my shoulders because I wanted to talk to her for a while, just to know where was she at emotionally and to kinda apologize myself. so I can close that chapter, I deleted the conversations, I didn't want to because she was so cute in the beginning, but i think it is needed to get that over with.
i have the exact same problem as well, most of the women i used to know went their own ways and probably have forgotten about me already. the few that are still here are usually busy with their jobs when i actually see them,

idk maybe i should just brave up and ask them for contact info, some of them still seems to like me after all this time.
Not LoA.
Provide evidence you became a vampire.
Provide evidence you age at half speed.
Provide evidence you manifest bread.
Provide evidence you redid some of your life.
You can’t. So you didn’t and that’s your argument,
Yet everyone around you aged or died and everyone you’ve read about or heard about from the past has aged or died. This stuff is obvious. You are simply a liar or a schizo. Maybe both.
saying "not loa" is not loa.
It’s discussing what is relevant to this thread.
>I am a loser but I should go tame talk to some women but they hate me waaaaaa.
That’s a loser blogging on the subject of being a loser.
meta discussion doesn't belong here.

not an evidence thread.
Off topic blogging definitely doesn’t;
Lilanon asked for evidence so complain to him. You can’t read.
Also if this is a no evidence thread then why do you provide constant and irrefutable evidence of your failures?
How about shutting the fuck up?
there is no evidence of my "failures" it's just your own opinion that you choose to project onto me.
>how many
I didn't count
>what were they
>my dick is x long and y thick (x and y being the numbers which I wanted)
>my dick is enormous
>my dick is humongeous
>women love my huge dick
and some visualisations of women commenting that my dick is gigantic
I am irresistible and captivating to every woman I desire. My charm and allure are so compelling that those I find attractive are inevitably drawn to me and fall under my spell. Their affection and admiration are mine to command, as I wield my influence with power and precision. I am a force to be reckoned with, and their love for me is an unbreakable reality that I control and relish. I am an unstoppable force of seduction and desire. My presence is magnetic, compelling all those I wish to entice into a whirlwind of passion. Every touch and word I deliver is a masterstroke of pleasure, leaving them yearning for more. My allure is a powerful weapon, shaping their desires and ensuring that their cravings for me are relentless and absolute. I command their deepest fantasies and control their most intimate responses with unchallenged authority.
Why do you post you will win the lottery then you don’t win it and then say you never wanted it anyway? You do it most threads. Meds.
Hey Larpman.
Been a while.
i haven't done that most of threads and whose to say i wont win the next game? you can only say i failed to win the lottery once lottery is well and truly gone, meaning that there are no games where you can win large quantities of money in the world.
Each lottery is an individual game with a different set of winning numbers for that draw.
You’ve failed every time to win the jackpot.
How many times have you played? Your success rate at winning that jackpot is zero.
This demonstrates that your ability to use LoA successfully is zero. You have a 100% fail rate. This is the same for everything you post.
You are single-handedly doing more to disprove LoA than any skeptic because you provide actual direct evidence of a 100% failure rate.
You are the funniest poster here. The ultimate clown who doesn’t even realize he is a clown,
More like watch LilAnon become more and more mentally unhinged general
Have you manifested winning the lottery, owning a house, a "really fucking awesome gaming PC" or your mom fucking you, yet?
He’s really out of this time.
If Lilanon ages at half speed it means everything his body does must be at half speed.
This is the dark side of LoA.
The 2nd book of Ezra

4:43 Then you will be shown all you wish to see.

5:44 Creation may not proceed faster than the Creator

6:6 Then it was that I had my thought, and the world was created through me and through me alone
God i just want leave my unbearable reality
you can also manifest free coffee, and your ex getting back with you (provided you're a woman that is)
threadly reminder that m*theranon should not be engaged with
>visualize for a certain SP’s attention
>next day insane female attention at the office
>SP approaching me for the first time as if lifelong friends
>turns out I’m terrified of getting female attention
>consider straight up quitting
Fuck my life.
This is true but he is a magnet for replies due to his low quality content and high post count.
>high post count
i barely post here at all.

i find that i need to lower my own vibrations in order to interact with human women which takes away from my relationship with the spirit lady.
What does barely count as?
You are the highest count identifiable poster aside from maybe Lilanon.
That seems significant to me but you will always stand out with a trip.
Why fear? What is there to be afraid of just manifest having no fear
>Lilanon asked for evidence
I find it hilarious that you don't even understand why I asked you for evidence. I find it more hilarious that you don't understand why it's different that you ask me for evidence.

You're completely lost here, but by all means continue- you are providing a good example of how mental diet and poor assumptions can limit you but still lead you to think you are the smartest person in the room.
>>consider straight up quitting
>Fuck my life.
Lol. Things like this happen sometimes when you are manifesting things. First thing, congratulations on your success. Secondly, this is a good opportunity to reevaluate your desire. What do you really want out of it? Does it really bother you to get female attention or are you not used it or some other issue in play?

You made it- now use this to bridge to other accomplishments.
>i barely post here
patently false
lottery is so difficult because it is so intangible, there is only the binary state you either win or you don't. with the job you might get a pay raise, or get promoted or get hired to a better job. you might even receive inheritance or tax returns, so many things are possible but with lottery it's only you either win or you don't. this makes it something that i subconsciously cling to so much, perhaps i should just start believing in other avenues of money.
I did a post not long ago about LoA being about (internal) change and that implies external change and this is one of those situations.
Endure it, brace yourself and reap your win, king. Don't let that shitty fear ruin it for you.
I am honestly so bad at letting go and giving up.
i think u r only supposed to give up when u feel the authenthic it's done feeling which will make you let it go naturally
otherwise u r not there desu
i can't nail that feeling to save my life
Not yet but he accidentally manifested getting gift money to buy a video game he wasn't manifesting.
>you have to supply evidence to Lilanon that people age.
>Lilanon does not have to supply evidence to you that he’s a time travelling, former vampire who ages at half speed.
Seems like you may be utterly insane.
I've reached that state before on this particular thing, but it's never lasted more than a week, and usually things come through for me within 2 days.

I guess I figured actually letting go aand moving on would cause it to trigger, since that's usually a latch for things I struggle with, but I can't keep it out of my thoughts. It's part of my daily life, I can't ignore it.
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maybe we just need to calm the fuck down.
it's all a game anyway.
He's a fucking retard honestly.
Did anyone else suffered from headaches? The first month of using the law my head was hurting a lot and i was never a headache person. Maybe my mind was adjusting
How did that contribute to the overall good of the thread?

I'm not trying to be harsh with you, anon. But look at the spam that ruins these threads. What you wrote is better than the "loa is fake" faggots, yes, but did it contribute anything of substance to the thread?
I "shifted" my dog didn't recognized me and started to bark at me which he never did before.
I feel really glad that it worked
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PLEASE let me talk about what I will do\want to do in The Room (psychotronic magic) ,I need to vent about my goals and fantasies there, have nowhere else to talk about it.
D-don't write me off as a larp.
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Anyone have experience with Reality Transurfing? I have trouble with the traditional methods recommended here so I'm wondering if that's worth a try
is it ever possible to trick yourself that you believe because you don't want to face the quiet and kind of 'checkbox' it in the day to day? Then complain that it doesn't work?
Yeah man you actually don't even have to believe.
You do have to believe.

Mark 11:23-24.
are these guys sent agents to try and poison the well?

I don't see this much negativity in other threads. And the thread isn't even that active.

things like "You don't have to believe"
and instantly attacking anyone who links scripture.

and general downing of LOA.

This is the key, faith. The powers that be probably don't want the common man to realize who he really is. Christ.
loa and semen retention threads are always attacked by shills (except for saturdays)
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>tfw finally "saw" that blue lights that Neville Referenced
Guess im ascending
Should I throw away all my occult shit and just focus on Neville ? I have all these old Eliphas Levi books and stuff but every time I read Neville I feel conviction, it feels like Neville is the final boss and all this other shit is just fluff , has anyone gone through something similar before? Obsessed with magic and occult only to throw it all away for Neville
Mark 11:23-24 has power over all things.
>Should I throw away all my occult shit and just focus on Neville
This is exactly what Neville did. He was a tarot reader and learned that his ability to do so wasn't in the cards themselves but his belief in the cards.
The letting go part is to completely accept that it is already realized
Neville mentions this, he states that it would be better to write a book that you believe is successful or start a business that does well. Of course anything is possible, you could even meet a rich milf who takes care of your needs.
>Should I throw away all my occult shit and just focus on Neville ?
You can keep it for nostalgia value, but this is how it all works. Congratulations, you are indeed at the end.
This is off topic. God is not involved.
Yeah im starting to realize that he said is 100 percent, I experimented recently with psychics as well, tarot readers and other spiritual people that did consulting. Basically I would do mental diet and sats, then ask about an SP I had in mind , the time that I followed Neville and these positive meditations they all said the same thing, that is the one you are twin flames soul mates and you are destined for success in this universe etc, then I did it with a shitty mental diet , and putting myself in low vibration environments like the discord servers shilled on soc. All those people started to say the most negative shit about me. So yeah seems like Neville is the way all this other stuff is trash and a waste of time. It just sucks though since I invested so much money and energy on buying these old antique occult books instead of just living a better life , feels like the veil has been lifted
Have you actually had better tangible results with Neville as opposed to all those other books?
>It just sucks though since I invested so much money and energy on buying these old antique occult books instead of just living a better life , feels like the veil has been lifted
That was part of the process for you to get here. I occulted for a long time in multiple traditions looking for the secret of it all.

The time and money you spent was not wasted, things you learned on the way will continue to help you to the end. Also, it was an experience, wasn't it? Would you have been happier never to have done any of it?
Yes he is, you're just a hater.
>And let none of you imagine evil in your hearts against his neighbour; and love no false oath: for all these are things that I hate, saith the LORD.
Neville is way more practical, you can do it anywhere compared to all this other stuff that requires incenses and candles , also I like that Neville feels more private while in these other areas it feels very invasive with people trying to read your life and spirits, yeah I have more results working with SATS than anything else , and its fucking free you just have to be persistent. The one thing that really made me realize this is real was using it on my ex, all I did was a sats session over and over of me being in bed with her and it got me in contact with her after she hated my guts for months. Before that every time I reached out to her she would leave me on read or tell me the most hurtful stuff you could think of. I did it with money too all I did was look at my bank account rising up from 0 to a couple thousand until it reached 100k, a week went by and I made 16k off some shitcoin. And my credit score too I tried to help some family member out and she ended up fucking me over , my credit went to shit so I just imagined it going up to 777, it’s been going up compared to how it was back then where it just kept tanking and I still havent finished paying off that debt , so yeah Neville feels like the end game.
>So to keep me from becoming conceited because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, a thorn was given me in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to harass me, to keep me from becoming conceited.
>Three times I pleaded with the Lord about this, that it should leave me.
>But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
>For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

God doesn't take kindly to your behavior. Assuming you have this power. you should repent for believing in spell craft.
What sort of traditions did you get into? Man I started to really get red flags diving into all this ancestor worship stuff , tarot cards and magic, the people on these communities suck ass they have huge egos. I know the Neville community sometimes gets shit but it just feels way cleaner doing this as a practice instead of goetia or ancestors worship. And yeah I guess you are right this was a learning experience. My room became such a disgusting mess with all these candles and incense stuff , occult books littered all over the place.
>Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.

>And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

>Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?

>But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God.

>To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

>Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.

>Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

>Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake.

>But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.

>In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Matthew 21:22
If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.

Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

Proverbs 23:26
My son, give me thine heart, and let thine eyes observe my ways.

Psalm 37:4
Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

Psalm 37:5
Commit your way to the LORD; trust in Him, and He will do it.

Mark 9:23
"If You can?" echoed Jesus. "All things are possible to him who believes!"

Mark 11:22
"Have faith in God," Jesus said to them
Mark 11:23-24 is clear.
Don't accuse me of 'spellcraft' when I'm trusting in the power of God for miracles.

You can't link a unique Apostolic case and try to nullify Jesus's words through it.
>Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.

>Say unto them, As truly as I live, saith the LORD, as ye have spoken in mine ears, so will I do to you

>Stand in awe, and sin not: commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still. Selah.

>Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.

>For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.

>I consider that our present sufferings are not comparable to the glory that will be revealed in us.
>What sort of traditions did you get into?
I started with hermetics, not much success there except by accident. Moved on to Necromancy/Thanatos and had better success there. Dabbled in chaos theory and discordianism for a bit which led me to Chaos magick. After I started getting somewhere with that I had my accidental promise experience. Not long after found some peers to hang out with that were doing serious Goetia and Enochian summoning. They encouraged me to keep going with what I was doing even though they were hardcore ceremonials. I was approached by the disciple of Lilith at that point and was told she was sent to teach me what I was looking for. We studied together for about a year and LOA was revealed to us.

Lost it shortly after that, the disciple backstabbed me, but could not lose it completely. I'm here relearning it.
Very interesting back story , especially the Lilith thing I have encountered a few Lilith followers through this website and every time I interacted with them it felt like I was gonna have a heart attack or something. Very weird energy.
God is not a wish granting genie you have control over. This is overtly stated multiple times and always ends bad for the idiot. Your carnal whims have no impact on which gifts he chooses to bestow.

You are misconstruing Mark 11:23-24 in order to mislead. It is not about getting wishes granted by God.
>the people on these communities suck ass they have huge egos
It's true, most mystics are doing it because internally they think they are not good enough. They need the perceived status of being something otherworldly, special.

It's too bad- everyone is special in their own way, they shouldn't need to pander and be able to love themselves. LOA is great for that though :)
>Say unto them, As truly as I live, saith the LORD, as ye have spoken in mine ears, so will I do to you
>every time I interacted with them it felt like I was gonna have a heart attack or something
Do you have that reaction with me? I'm a bit of a special case, I respect her and believe in her but am not a worshiper- I set out to find a teacher that could teach me to the level of my potential and it became an unconscious manifest. After many failouts her disciple came to me and we learned LOA. As far as I can tell, this is it, the end.
Yeah after some dude told me about joining houses or whatever and the members or leaders putting curses on each other , doing black magic to fuck each other up it turned me off

Not here, maybe if it was through discord I could feel it out but its usually through discord one on one dms, also these individuals are usually trannies for some reason, and yeah this does feel like the end , guess its time to start living
>usually trannies
Writes itself
Go back you retarded schizo


SATS only work if you can see things in your mind's eye. I see nothing, tried one scene for 40 days. Tried it many times on so many desires, NOTHING. Now I know it's because I barely see anything in my mind's eye. I wasted a year on SATS with no results

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