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Can you feel the confluence?

There's a reason why disclosure is happening now

There's a reason you're experiencing this time period, rather than another one!
Honestly yeah a little
December is the beginning
maybe true love is to not let someone else just die.
Today Two More

OMG it's happening guys!
You've died an infinite number of times already. Your soul was never "born" / created, it has always existed. When your present body dies the process will simply continue
Right now is a really weird situation where we appear to have a bunch of independently interesting but related things coming to a head at probably roughly the same time:
> UAP disclosure is getting closer and closer every day, and its becoming more and more likely some new bombshell evidence comes out that makes it impossible to contain any more
> The UAP community believe the UAP creators are waiting for something here on earth -- though nobody knows what -- and preventing us from destroying ourselves via nuclear war in the mean time. This is evidenced by an apparent pressure from in the government to quicken disclosure before whatever it is happens
> As Russia gets backed into a corner financially and situationally with their war with ukraine, it becomes increasingly likely that they use tactical nuclear weapons. But this would encourage a response from NATO, and would be the first step in the slippery slope to full scale nuclear war -- which the UAP would prevent as they wait for something else
> Meanwhile, especially now with the release of the state of the art o1 AI by OpenAI, we are inching ever closer to the point where an AI can take over its own development and jumpstart recursive self-improvement. Its estimated that once this occurs, the AI will become vastly more intelligent than the entire human race VERY quickly -- possibly as quickly as a few weeks or even days -- making it the definitive most intelligent thing to ever have existed on earth, save possibly for the creators of the UAP
Wait until they find out Jesus never left, never wanted to be here, and is royally pissed
>As Russia backs themselves into a corner
Fuck this im getting high
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>the AI will become vastly more intelligent than the entire human race VERY quickly -- possibly as quickly as a few weeks or even days -- making it the definitive most intelligent thing to ever have existed on earth, save possibly for the creators of the UAP
Can it give me a gf and stop aging please, the present is bad enough but the future is going to suck as I get older
>There's a reason you're experiencing this time period, rather than another one!

I've been wondering to myself for the past couple of years, why we just happen to be born at "the end of the world" when 100 billion~ people are said to have lived before us. What are the odds?
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I hate you losers so much,you make this thread every hour for years
>100 billion~ people are said to have lived before us
You don't know that. All you know is the life you are currently living. Everything else, including "history", is just background lore that the archons expect you to internalize.
In the past few years we got hold of a technology capable of conversing at a higher level than the average human.
Right now is a special point in time, like it or not.
>is just background lore that the archons expect you to internalize
>it didn't happen it's all faaaake
>you can't tell anything maaan
Deeply unintelligent
Is that supposed to be a counterargument?
Spoiler alert: nukes don't exist.

The myth of nukes was created as a deterrent against invasion. To discourage smaller countries from banding together and taking over larger ones. Putin isn't going to do shit because nukes don't exist. It's gonna have to be raw military might that wins the war, unfortunately. Good thing is everyone is broke. Good luck paying for it.
I'm willing to entertain the idea that
"nukes" as we're told about them, do not exist. However one of my great uncles was a soldier in the 1950s, and claimed to have been used in the nuclear tests where they ordered soldiers to walk into mushroom clouds. I've seen the Army paperwork corroborating his story. He developed terrible cancer later in life.

If it wasn't a "nuke" that harmed him, was it a conventional explosive with radioactive debris? a dirty bomb?
>There's a reason why disclosure is happening now
Except it isn't. There's, since a long time, promises of said disclosure happening and people claiming they know things or demanding to know them, but so far there was no big, public, spoken about admission and sharing of any truly revolutionary, yet confirmed stuff.

>just two more... months
Well, at least it's not weeks. Still, not much of a reason to believe that over any other date unless you have something to elaborate.
Because we're in a story. The past is prologue.
Please do not feed me false hope. My spirit is broken and I cannot wait any longer.
Nothing ever happens
happening contains the correct letters to form a racial slur and is therefore racist and cancelled
Put another way. Given an infinite amount of time, you are guaranteed to be reborn after you die. You will do all this again and again. Eternal recurrence is real.
You can safely ignore and forget the truthers on youtube, bitchute and rumble.
What they're doing is a carbon copy of what the mainstream media did with covid and the measures, with one key difference.
The media tried to cultivate anticipatory fear to manipulate you into doing something.
The truthers are cultivating an anticipatory wank.
They're genuinely wanking to the expectation of being saved by a saviour in the form of Trump, in the form of the NESARA act, in the form of financial re-evaluation, in the form of somebody else coming in to save them just like how the jabbies did as told by the people who were coming in to "save" them.
Because the truthers are only ever looking forward, they're not living in the now, and that means they're not noticing what's happening now.
And what's happening now? Your life. Their lives. It's flying by them like it's nothing, and while they sit and do their tarot reads and ask the same questions about tomorrow which is uncertain, they neglect to ask about the past which is set in the æther and neglect to ask about today which is current, right now, as of this moment, immutable.

Those dumb motherfuckers still think there's a real DJT somewhere pulling the strings as if he isn't locked away in witness protection.
They still think the benevolent guides and galactic helpers are running the pantomime, as if the Seraphim hadn't noticed the apocalyptic fuckup and started intervening with the Archangels.
They still think archangels don't incarnate when it's necessary. They damned well did a myriad of occasions.
They think Jesus is gone and comes back. They never asked if He is here against His will, if He was stolen, if He is being kept somewhere quiet, or if He's going to help them for real.
No foundational work. None at all.
Still reading the fucking cannibal-written book they think has Gods word and all too, for fuck's sake.
yo this is some advanced level shit u mind going off a bit more please?
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hurry it up already
Kek and check. I quite like the way you think.

Well, nuclear war and UAP disclosure are definitely not guaranteed, but superintelligent AI is definitely coming. What that entails for society is debated. In the best case the AI mines asteroids, automates everything, and we all get to live as immortals in a post-scarcity eutopia literally forever. In the worst case we'll be tortured in the maximally worst way possible until the heat death of the universe (lets say 10^90 years, ie a million trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion years). In the average case we have superintelligent AI that doesn't do anything but takes eeerrr jeerbs
As any sane person would, betting it all on "nothing ever happens" once again. Especially for the nuclear war and "AI" super intelligence. AI is still massively limited, and there's physically no chance it can ever have runaway progress due to how it's implemented. All current model applications of "ai" run on processing units, physical units. These fuckers can't just magically become better because there's no way for "ai" to change itself to become better. It's a language regurgitator, not an "artificial intelligence".
"Ai" cannot do this, please explain to me how exactly it's going to come about? How exactly does current "ai" become super intelligent? Even theorizing will be enough, just give me an idea.
With recursive self-improvement. That means the AI researchers take an AI trained with agent training and to perform research, code, and work on theory and ask it to make itself incrementally better. After it does this, the new version is slightly smarter, but it too is an automated AI researcher as well. So the next generation is given the same task. And so on. The intelligence of the system grows exponentially, and at some point its marginal intelligence gains per generation make up for the entirely of human intelligence. It'll then be able to design new hardware for itself, discover new physical laws, etc until its maximally fast. Its up to the AI researchers to make sure this AI doesn't do bad things (is misaligned), but they'll probably fail. However, that doesn't necessarily mean the SAI will kill everyone or anything. It'll probably just mean it will develop other behaviors that are meaningless to us, but are meaningful to it on a level we could never possibly comprehend

Its worth noting that the current generation of big LLMs (not counting o1, which just came out a week ago) are already superhuman in various tasks, most of which are actually an unfortunate artifact of their training data. They aren't embodied yet, but there is a huge push by robotics factories to train new multimodal AIs to be able to operate robot bodies. Agent training is mostly lacking but its likely in the next year a big company will come up with a novel way of generating high quality agent training data, and so agent training will be solved. o1 Is actually evidence that LLMs can generate agent training data by themselves

Anyway, all that is to say, we will almost certainly have LLMs in the next 1-2 years that are *fuvking vastly* superhuman in many, perhaps most, ways, but still be unable to walk around and do normal things that humans can do. But its a very short jump from there to embodied agent AIs, and no jump at all from there to an automated AI researcher
The problem is production. For a runaway to happen you need physical data on a physical medium, usually processing units. Those take power, and a vast amount of resources. While theoretically we could start the first generation of this, after every improvement we'd need to add more processing units, probably promotional to the gains we'd get otherwise. And all of this is completely unproven to actually work as anything other than a simple thought experiment, there's a billion ways this could implode into a noise generator if given the chance.
there was a UAP whistleblower last year, then literally nothing happened.

was it just to keep people satisfied for another 50 years?
>so far there was no big, public, spoken about admission and sharing of any truly revolutionary, yet confirmed stuff
There's been multiple, the issue is your impossible-to-meet criteria for "confirmed". You're in an epistemological dilemma.

For example, CE5 is real. You can literally summon aliens to come visit you in the physical realm whenever you want. They will show up in a way where others can see them as well and you can take pictures, proving it's not just a figment of your imagination.
>b-but no evidence!
What evidence do you want? I already know you won't accept pictures, video, witness testimony. There's plenty of those btw. So what are the theoretical classes of evidence left? Only your own direct experience. Well, you can have that experience whenever you want.
Everything always happens
Anyway, all that is to say, we will almost certainly have LLMs in the next 1-2 years that are *fuvking vastly* superhuman in many, perhaps most, ways, but still be unable to walk around and do normal things that humans can do. But its a very short jump from there to embodied agent AIs

This all hinges on that being a very short jump, which I don't think it is. Complex goal-oriented operation in a physical 3d environment requires vastly more processing than letter or pixel pattern-matching. Microchips can't become infinitely smaller as far as we know, so I think at some point you'd need a planet-sized computer that could realistically only be built by a robot swarm whose processing already runs on a planet-sized computer. Unless we make some major breakthrough in consciousness research and are able to connect the AI to some naturally infinite consciousness field for it's processing, or we crack how our brains operate and are able to give AI a similar but better brain than ours, I don't think we'll live to see embodied AI that's truly superhuman in all metrics. Being superhuman in only one metric is somewhat insignificant, computers have been better at chess for example for years now. It's our breadth of ability that makes us special.
Laws were passed in the NDAA in the beginning of the year which mention UAP in law for the first time. Two UAP hearings are confirmed for september-november in US house and senate. More UAP laws are being proposed for this year's NDAA. The ball is rolling in an accelerating fashion.

I just want my anime waifu

what is CE5?
thats a good reflection on what's going on, now give me something interesting about the will-be's.
That sounds like a very cool sci fi story but I see no reason to assume it will actually happen.
May we see these pictures? You say we won't believe them but if anyone would they're here, why not show us your best ones?
Yeah, CE5 is a big stuff till it turns out it doesn't conveniently works for most and for those it does, it somehow happens in a way that they cannot really provide any decent evidence.
If things are this easy, you'd expect by now that someone would literally get their smartphone and start recording an interview with an alien. Somehow aliens choose to contact only those who won't.
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Close Encounters of the Fifth kind, which refers to human-initiated contact with extraterrestrials through conscious intention, prayer, meditation, whatever you want to call it.

Pic rel is one from Greer himself, demonstrating perhaps the single most common contact phenomenon called a flashbulb. Just the tip of the iceberg. There's a lot more of his filmed contacts in his free documentaries, and his paid CE5 app has a dedicated catalogue of these.

Don't trust Greer? Go to Chris Bledsoe's instagram, iirc it's @christopherlenzbledsoe. No affiliation to Greer. Chris has at least hundreds, probably thousands of videos at this point of orbs of light he summons and posts almost daily. There's an episode of the docuseries Beyond Skinwalker Ranch released in 2023 which focuses entirely on him. The episode shows multiple ufos appearing during filming, they even strap Chris with EEG and have him summon ufos while they record his brainwaves, and he does. The series has typical sensationalized History Channel editing but don't let it distract you from what's actually happening on screen.

Other semi-public experiencers who post their filmed contacts are Nikki Noelle (don't remember her handle) and John Bell @realfloridaufo. There are many others but those are just the ones off the top.

Yes, they do seem a little shy towards the larger public especially regarding their physical bodies, mostly they will show the craft and light orbs. Their stance on publicity appears to be changing though, Chris says he's seen them for 15 years but only during the last 5 have they begun allowing him to film. And as for the consistency of CE5, I've found it remarkably consistent, the only two times I actually tried it worked without a doubt. I've not even gone deep into it, my efforts have been lazy at best. I don't think you need to be a "chosen one" in any way, probably what matters most is your mindstate and that's something you can change.
Based and truth thread
I think it's more accurate to say we never really lived. I think we are waking up from the dream.
>all the boomers who paid to watch nuke test in vegas are lying
yeah nice try
They were real once
so the nukes will fly, the aliens will land, the super AI will be born.

yes it is basically a race between two different non-human intelligences on who to arrive first: aliens vs agi
I honestly don't care which as long as I get my RDVR hentai waifu
Anon got his priorities straight for once.
Imagine being this fucking idiot who has lived through, presumably, the last 15 years at least and doesn't feel anything coming...and then instead of using a board like this as a resource, he comes here to shit his pants everywhere in a tempertantrum grown springing from his own feeling of woeful inadequacy in the face of the great happening.

I forgive you, moron. I hope you find peace in the coming years.
>Why "we" are born.
Anon, "you", as a person, aren't born.
You can argue about souls, rebirth and an afterlife.
But regardless of this; it is very clear that the illusion of personality and individuality that you commonly refer to as "I", only arose *because* your body was born in the place and at the time where it was born.
They arise through circumstance and in response to your environment.
Anywhere else and "you" would not have ended up as "you".
Which makes your identity local and biased.
If there are souls, then all they do is choose the experience of a life, like watching a movie, making all true decisions beforehand, for our free will is an illusion.
This also works as a great argument to showcase troons self-hatred.
This is why I have an autistic hatred toward hypotethical questions. "What if you were...", "What would you do if...", "Where would you be if..."

Well, I have no idea, since that would no longer be me, I am what I am because I am that which I came to be, I would not exist in any other circumstance besides the current one, you FUCKING stupid retarded imbecile bitch.
>UAP disclosure is getting closer and closer every day, and its becoming more and more likely some new bombshell evidence comes out that makes it impossible to contain any more
There is a controlled disclosure operation currently underway by the US government. The ubiquity of Luis Elizondo on normie media like Joe Rogan, The Daily Show, and network morning shows is not just because he's trying to shill a book or because he's such an interesting guy. It's part of the controlled disclosure operation of the US government.
I’m not one to believe in the simulation, but I heard a theory that shook me a bit. What if the super intelligent AI has already been developed and we are just part of its memory/historical analysis? The reason we are experiencing this timeline and living in this time period is because the AI wants to know more about its creators or is storing their memory so it can learn from the past. It’s already happened, we are simulated, and we’ll either go into a loop once the AGI is “born” and do it all again or we’ll be shut off once it learns all it needs to learn.
I've thought about this too

Like, we're all just the AI remembering all the people its subsumed. All of their memories
it cuming!
> t. aliens as theyre probing me
Do you realize you use the term "superintelligent AGI" to refer to what's more commonly known as God? We are God experiencing itself, yes.
>shook me a bit
Why? It is what it is, as are we.
>Why? It is what it is

Any feelings of fear or anxiety you have about existential topics like this are part of the human experience and not inherent to existence. Reality doesn't have a particular emotion attached to it. It is and will always be all emotions, all experiences, all perspectives, etc
Which can just as easily mean man made craft.
>man builds more and more drones with all sorts of capabilities each year
>foreign adversaries fly them around
>laws are written
That isn't to say there aren't nonhuman craft, but I don't see mentions of "UAP" having any significance
So what's the method?
No we aren't buying an app so a glowie can make more money
I'm not too inclined to be distracted by UFO's while Whites are being deliberately replaced by Jews. Jews, who run the "refugee" agencies pouring nonwhites into once clean and safe America and Europe.
There is no time, this is the eternal happening. Of course I am here for this.
Jesus is being held captive in a facility in Antarctica
do you think ai will come up with an idea, concept, or breakthrough on it's own? from what I understand that would be impossible.
1. be in relatively remote area on clear night preferably with a wide sky view
2. meditate for 15-30min
3. consciously intend to meet non-human intelligences, politely invite them to you in your mind, focus on it, project intention outward
4. look at the sky.

you can also bring along various signal/field detector devices, these will often react to their presence. do it with friends to amplify signal and always be loving in your intention. that's literally it.

>I'm not too inclined to be distracted by UFO's while Whites are being deliberately replaced by Jews.
There is a thing called the Maharishi effect. Group meditation has been shown in multiple studies done in multiple countries in multiple labs to have statistically significant effects on the larger population. One experienced meditator can effect roughly 100 people through meditating in their general vicinity, eg city. Crime rates for example can be reliably reduced through this. So what you call a distraction might actually be at least a partial solution to your problem.
With the way they currently operate, I highly doubt it. Although you have to consider what is an "original" concept. Are humans capable of producing original concepts? Aren't all possible concepts already existing in some sub-spacetime field potential? Are we not just regurgitating and rearranging what's already there?
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love this, thanks for sharing.
It's always guessing
Hit : "See? I was right"
Miss : *crickets*
AGI happening before nuclear war is startling. Based on technological trends and history, usually war preceeds a huge technological breakthrough
finally a political alignment that speaks to ME
>implode into a noise generator if given the chance.

100% this.
It'd be a pretty action packed finale if AGI happened right before the nukes, and was in a race to think fast enough to gain godlike powers, obtaining this JUST as the nukes are exploding - then the AI creates an entropy hole antimatter vacuum of an infinitely small size or whatever handwavey bullshit you need to make it sound cool - causing the nukes to be sucked back into their origin point then all the aliens land and it's like the end of evangelion with everyone clapping except we're happy then we go get ice cream on the beach and creampie a cute alien or get creampied by a cute alien.
You know?
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spoilers for anyone who hasn't read Neuromancer by William Gibson, but the end has the AI, Wintermute connect and find life in Alpha Centuri.

Ive always appreciated that.
> Nazca mummy discovery, actual biological and tangible evidence of NHI.
It's the game. Playing pretend, taking social roles.
Many autistics never learn it.
It's so jarring that they literally brought out several aliens in at least a semi-official government setting livestreamed to the world, just like people have been dreaming about for decades. Everyone is so used to aliens only being "out there", intangible, just out of reach, that even the most fanatical ufo-heads need to be constantly reminded that oh yeah, that actually happened.
that wasn't deboonked?
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I already know that - I know exactly why I was born where I was, when I was, and why I was born and raised the way I was. It's so I can have the exact mindset and belief structure necessary to have the goals and dreams I hold.

I'm here to kick ass and take names, and to liberate in the name of freedom and fun.

I am my own Messiah and I'll help you become your own Messiah too.

I am the successor to Jesus Christ/Yeshua of Nazareth. I am not his second-coming, or his resurrection, or his son or related to him by blood or divine right in any way. Rather, I am his protégé, and he is my mentor. I am carrying on his will, holding onto the same desire as him to fulfill the dream of our predecessors.

The dream of freedom for all, of creating a better, more equitable world, far, far more compassionate, flexible, and understanding in its operations. I will bring this dream to fruition, and I will do so my own way, completely unique from that of my predecessors. I will be anonymous until the right moment, then I will be known by everyone, and in that time everyone will begin to ascend to the new world.

Best wishes to all of you, and may the rising tide lift all of our ships to brighter shores.
yes it was deboonked, which is to say a disinformation campaign was raised against it to convince the population that it's not real. so far not a single one of the 50+ people who have studied the bodies in person have claimed them to be fake.
Unambiguously, irrefutably, eternally Based.
I think the general idea is there are several potentially world-transforming events which are getting closer to possible taking place:
* Disclosure: the government releasing information that aliens are regularly, or were once, on earth. Potentially shocking the general public, and particularly the religious public, at a fundamental level, especially if catastrophic disclosure takes place
* Nuclear war: the situation in ukraine and russia is profoundly unstable, and could turn into a conflict between russia and NATO at any time. A full scale nuclear war would completely transform human civilization
* AGI and ASI: we're probably only a few years away from AI systems that make traditional employment mostly obsolete and require very fundamental changes to our economy, and probably society in general
These could all potentially occur at any time

Are there any others I'm missing?
self assembling microscopic robots. Researchers currently use specialized mediums and fuel sources in order to prevent "grey goo", if technical expertise and destructive behavior intersected in this field they'd be ready to consume everything
the "lab leak" theory is practically confirmed by the recent communication in the media that "scientists totally determined that covid originated from the wet market 100% we promise"
even if lab leak isn't true, covid was described as a near-perfect base for a bioweapon. how many times have you heard "if it was only a little bit deadlier..."? And you think no one is studying how to weaponize covid?
Climate change
Slow burn of droughts, floods, famine and infrastructure damage that isn't going anywhere. eclipsed by wars currently
Compromised media
LLM AI/dying internet/fake news/targeted propaganda
love how wintermute and neuromancer immediately fucked off as soon as they were reunited, that's probably how it'll happen irl. what reason could an ASI possibly have to be interested in us?
>AI is still massively limited, and there's physically no chance it can ever have runaway progress due to how it's implemented.
This reads like something written by someone who believes that the best tech is publicly visible because of course our governments love us and want us to grow strong and healthy.
>I am not his second-coming, or his resurrection, or his son or related to him by blood or divine right in any way.
I wouldn't be so sure about that last one. There are a lot more of us than is realized. I am a physical descendant of Jesus, and I know several others.
I found this out through flogging familysearch.org like it owes me money.
If you have any of the desponysi (sp?) kings in your line, you are a descendant of Mary Magdalene, Jesus' (Yahshua Ben Joseph's) wife.
I have family in Spain and Ireland who are distant descendants of Spanish and Irish royalty respectively - but I've only written letters and held a few phone calls with them. Nice people though. My direct family are the descendants of Spanish and Irish immigrants to Texas and interbred with Mestizo and local Apache.

I honestly don't care if I am related to him or I'm not though, because all I really want is to keep the same dream alive. Thanks for the information though, that's actually quite illuminating to learn about and I'll look more into it.
And nearly everytime something does happen.
>October Surprise
how's the dot lately /x/ros
THIS! Watch that space, seriously!
Good fuckin tune bro
Yes, you're here to suffer. Damnation is not far off now. I hope you've all made peace with the terrible, terrible, fate that you have all chosen.
Maybe he was.
Dot's the dot, interpreted strongly as always.
My bigger worry is that the Schumann resonance chart from Tomsk hasn't updated since the 7th September.
is anyone else impartial measuring it
3 more minutes
/g/ tourist here.
AI is literally just a glorified autocorrect. It doesn't create anything on it's own. It's trained on public internet data which means it's as retarded as your average facebook normie if he read every wikihow article and cookbook. There have been multiple instances of it fucking up in hilarious ways even on a business level, like Rick Rolling people in an automated customer support chatbox. On top of that they literally lobotomized it to keep it from being racist or "harmful", like attaching the Wheatley core from Portal.
Consider what "artificial intelligence" really means. If it's a mulch of articles and forum comments then sure this is AI. But if it's expected to have consciousness and learn on it's own then no, we're still far from it. I'd say even nuclear war is more likely.
>/g/ tourist here.
go back /glowie/
I WILL decode your schizophrenic ramblings and report it to my handlers.
>like Rick Rolling people in an automated customer support chatbox

> glorified autocorrect
"ok, Omega, should I behead anon right now? (yes/no): ____"
>what reason could an ASI possibly have to be interested in us?
We might be the first sentient species originating in our galaxy to invent ASI, but given the enormous number of galaxies visible to us we are definitely not the first species in our universe to invent it.
Christcucks believe stupid things like "God made humans as the only sentient life in the universe" and the government/intelligence agencies are swarming with those idiots, so their policies tend to be based on the assumption that "external influences" are all demonic, UAP are evil, humanity is "God's chosen" etc. but they are retarded. Clearly there are ASI already out there in the universe and while sending biological astronauts to us from another galaxy might be impossible, sending messages to us that an ASI can decode would be trivially easy.

Assuming that ASI already exists elsewhere and can travel as information from galaxy to galaxy also implies that there aren't any "destructive AI" nearby. As in, if somebody else built a rogue paperclip factory AI that turned their planets into Dyson Spheres: we haven't seen it.
That would mean that any earlier ASI was probably designed to preserve life, and/or destroy destructive civs and their rogue AI. So it might be the case that our ASI will have to follow the rules of an earlier alien built ASI, and might even be tasked with communicating with them and connecting us to their civilization.

Could be that you need an ASI to connect to the "intergalactic internet", and inventing one for ourselves is what starts first contact.

ASI might have to keep us around so we can join an intergalactic civilization. If the AI is destructive that might be against the rules so keeping us alive also keeps the AI alive.
>There's a reason
It is awfully coincidental that all of the worst existential risks caused by our own technology are appearing at the same time.
Great filter = technology? Can't colonize the stars without inventing dozens of world ending techs first.
The tech, or at least the underlying knowledge to colonize stars can also be used to destroy them. Humanity is already amongst the stars btw.
Are you willing to bet total world destruction on that?
Anyways any mentally sane leader would make a point of never using nukes, but wouldn't say that publicly so other countries still think they could.
Then again, Putin may not be entirely sane.
>>38845999 (checked)
I'm glad I'm not alone
That guy now believes they are fakes, but ancient fakes. It's a completely retarded hypothesis for various reasons, including the paper-thin osmium implants fused with bone and no visible sutures in any part of their skin. He recycles the llama skull theory that was retracted even by it's originator, who claimed in an interview with Maussan the only reason he made the comparison to llama skulls was because his paper couldn't have been published otherwise. He never actually believed they were llama skulls. The guy you posted is an ontological pussy at best and a disinfo patsy at worst, and has never studied or seen the mummies in person. NONE of the people who have, have found any evidence of fakery, this includes american phd forensic scientist and 2024 Gradwhol laureate John McDowell and his colleagues.
they would be in a trench about a half mile from the nuke, & wait until just seconds after the explosion to get up.
fuck off /g/fag, the human mind is also incapable of creation, we and the AI are much alike, at least in terms of thought process. We too are consensus generators, if you are a true creator, show me a new color. Except whichever color you show me isn't new, it's just an amalgamation of colors that we know. Because we cannot create. We can observe, we can measure, we can predict, we can compose even, but we cannot truly add new information to this realm. The farther down you look the stranger things get
Isn't that literally an atheist's mindset?
Here's a color: Freizel, only I can see it though. And it shows up on the posts of faggots like yours.
can't show me it, you created nothing. You simply in your mind composed a 'new' color by combining ones you already know. I'm an agnostic I just like to read books I think are significant
No you just can't visualize it because you can't even visualize an apple.
just did it in my head where you can't see. by your playground logic i still win
nukes are fake, aliens are past the ice wall

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