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/x/ - Paranormal

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Can we get a group of 4channers to go down to newswabiland and report back. We need to send a search party for Dallas Thompson, original copies of his book, “Cosmic Manuscript” has become worth over 6 figures
How do you even get there? I don't think any flights will take you, or are even "allowed" by the "authorities".
You go to Argentina and catch a boat to Mc Murdo
Bevin, you need serious security clearance to set foot there or have bars/stars on your lapel.

>they no say, you no go
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stop being a faggot... there's a better place to invade. why go to cold ass volcano land when you can take out the true leviathan???!!!
You may go an explore almost any country on this planet, but Antartica - a frozen wasteland? That's a no go. Sorry
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The only way you could possible do that is taking a propeller based plane from argentina and piloting it as low as possible to not get caught by radar and avoid subsequently being shot down.
They have a lot of ways to make your death over Antarctica seem like an "accident" if there are too much witnesses to silence.
Most likely some anons did reach agartha, but those that did are sure as shit not bothering wasting their time in our world, they are in a better place being better people.
I just meditated and attempted communication while giving my grievances to the agarthans today, is this thread a symptom of a psychic link?
>Can we get a group of 4channers to go down to newswabiland
too funny, it's a rare /x/phile that is willing to leave their basement for any reason
Even the most autistic man can get enough courage just because of simple curiosity.
And there are probably autists that have succeeded, its just that there is no communication allowed once you get on the other side.
The only reasons the agarthans haven't invaded and fixed our situation is because we are basically like nigs to them, its up to us to fix our own situation, for all we know the great filter may be our final test of whether we are worth integrating imo.
Why? Because media and consumer tropes said so?
Isn't it funny the things people imagine in order to dismiss and look down on others?

They got rid of the peaceful sounding hyperborean music

>thread theme
>“Cosmic Manuscript” has become worth over 6 figures
Original copies?
You can't even find a PDF of this book. Even a digital copy simply doesn't exist. I've looked for any form of digital version for years with zero luck.
It's a shame as I'm endlessly curious about its contents.
It's insanely weird how searching for this book digitally is unlike any other book I've EVER seen.

That's not an exaggeration either. Most rare books just simply can't be found. Like little to nothing shows up I mean. This one is the exact opposite!
Instead, you'll find countless links to "downloads" that are very clearly trojans and shit. When there aren't downloads, there's fake PDF files in broken English like they were auto-generated that are completely and roughly 1 page long.

I'm honestly a bit perplexed as I've never encountered something like this while searching for any book before.
Anyone know the contents of the book at least?
Would they let you bring guns or other invasion equipment or are we gonna just do the naruto run all the way to the south pole
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Told you already bud, unless you get a crappy biplane and leeroy jenkins your way under the radar you will most likely be intercepted.
Either that or find a buddy that owns a submarine.
Its very suicidal but if you pass the "barrier" you're basically under agarthan airspace and the burger faggot flyers will pussy out under the threat of total annihilation
There are most likely feds specifically hand picked to observe and watch people like us and adapt to our tactics.
Its a very dangerous thing, a continent inside of the earth belonging to a powerful aryan/alien civilization way ahead of us in everything.
There is a reason why only elites and pussy whipped eggheads are allowed to go there.
He basically crashed his car and temporarily lost his vision somehow getting into a meditative state and seeing hyperborea.
He visited the place frequently and led other people to it.
I think is a 50/50 because he ran an expensive ass tour which cost around 12k in 2008 to visit hyperborea MAYBE
Also its kind of suspicious that most of the accesible books to this day are under a paywall, by this point someone would have bought it and reposted it on the internet archive.
Be careful of the blood river.
>Also its kind of suspicious that most of the accesible books to this day are under a paywall, by this point someone would have bought it and reposted it on the internet archive.
NTA. But, right?
I challenge anyone to actually seek out a copy and see what I said here: >>38833846

I'm pretty cautious in how far I allow my schizo brain to wander. It's easy to believe all sorts of weird shit and let the mind go to dumb places.
But I get the distinct impression that's NOT what this is. It's not an exaggeration to say that thousands of 1 page PDF files have been created titled "Cosmic Manuscript" and posted online -- especially places like Internet Archive.
They're all completely incoherent and attempt to get people to download malware and trojans and shit. I've never seen anything like that related to any book ever. That in itself is incredibly strange and worthy of question.
These PDF's are all unique, too. As if they were randomly generated, but even with that, they're all pretty much the same exact thing. They're also hosted by countless different "websites" which look like burner URL's.
People should go look to see what I mean.
See here:

Then, there's the point that you made about you would think there would be copies floating around 22 years after publishing. Especially since digital copies already existed from distribution and it was a well-documented "Best Seller."
Yet there's not even one? Not even a partial? This, on top of the very strange circumstances surrounding Dallas Thompson himself and the things he frequently said?

His last communication was weird enough, but then you add this on top and you have a genuine mystery.
The burners are most likely done by feds, there is one google doc that you can "Request to acccess" most likely also ran by google feds, asked for permission for the heck of it.
I am very certain that you are correct.

I would say he is one of the folks that got to hyperborea while being a "public figure"
I'm building my own Nautilus
I only found one website that had a google doc link, which led to some sort of .rar or .zip, which led to having to put in a password (7827)? Which led to unlocking the folder which then contained?

Conveniently, it was on this random ass website which has a long breakdown of events and the supposed content of the book:

What's weird is it has a pretty detailed breakdown of some of the contents. All of the contents except anything related to catastrophe or Agartha, etc. The website focuses purely on the meditative/spiritual/positivity things of the book.
I don't know, it's just another weird piece of the puzzle. On a MMA dojo website through a hidden part of the site no less?
I don't think it's that easy unless you have the resources, once you reach the continent there's only an endless ice field, that's why lots of people died trying to get to the south pole in the 19th century
What did they say? Waiting your response
Bro Im literally trying to defeat the nazi/jew cabal alliance by myself. Cant argatha send us some help?
It’s a crazy book. You should read it
The what?
Have you been before? Post proof
If I ever win the lottery I'll go and stream the whole thing
Like that guy who found the m cave near Area 51
God bless you anon and I hope you don’t get raped in the inner earth
Qrd on that case?
Yeah? Let us know when you do. Until then, go be goofy somewhere else.
They said nothing as I was complaining that they're no better than us inferiors by refusing to help through direct intervention, I may have hurt their feelings, that being said this is the only agartha thread I have seen on /x/ in past months and it appears a few hours after naming my grievances, I say that there is some psychic work at work.
I felt a certain energy while listing my grievances though so I'm 100% sure the message went through
My assumption is that they are refusing to help which deeply saddens me but I understand it deep down, its our own job to wipe our asses.
If we cannot defeat the elite then it is our fate to be their cattle unless we do what we're supposed to

I think the biggest issue is not the ice field but the potential entrances being a bit more heavily guarded as time passes due to the american military industrial complex being bloated, so even trying to sneak in will prove a challenge to someone that isn't in the loop of standard military procedure on the continent.
That being said the entrance through submarine is the safest bet, that being said a really talented junker flyer probably could find the center of the arctic and fly "in", I doubt its a pure ice sheet as the satellites present, its just too flat, unrealistic even, it would be chunkier if it was the real deal.
Some detective ass shit right there, I'm assuming that there is some heavy work behind that book, almost as if its used as bait either that or its a legitimate piece of information which can be used to access inner earth through meditation
if the content of the book is true then there is nothing new here, it's all shit we already know so what do they want to hide here?
We don't have a copy of the book to know.
Best way out is over the North Pole.
Antartica doesnt exist, its all the North Pole.
south just takes you to the continental interior.

Go straight magnetic north, keep going and going, untill the compass flips and then go towards the new south on the compass which will be the old north.

Thats why so many flights went missing , they didnt realize the compass flips, so then they go south thinking it will take them back but its really taking them farther out.
I need to find that book
The art bell episode was classic
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The central questions for those aware of this subject:
>Why aren't they saving us?
>How do we save ourselves?

For one thing, the fact that they aren't saving us, (though they are killing some hostile craft in the atmosphere) whether rightly or wrongly, means we must save ourselves.

If we try to save ourselves -
>if they do come, we will look impressive and proactive, more likely to be accepted by them.
>if they don't come, we have a chance of winning anyway.

If we don't try to save ourselves, and they never come, we are utterly screwed.

In the Free will Universe, a lack of resistance/opposition connotes consent. picrel

Also, the absolute state of our world is excellent propaganda for Neu-Berlin to their own population:
>"follow our system, because the alternative is garbage"
Bingo anon, bingo.
>2002 internet site
Reminds me of my childhood
Art was always a dick to his best guests
Can't you just sail a boat there? Like the ocean is big as fuck, they can't monitor thousands of square miles right?
Nope and they do. They're also allowed to use lethal force should they choose.
We need a sub marine that can go much deeper than we actually need to
someone can’t find this book and photo copy it?
There are both cruises and direct flights for tourists. They're fairly expensive, but the cheapest I've seen is ~$5k to visit the parts of Antarctica lying directly south of Chile, under the Antarctic Circle.
The Drake Passage is one of the roughest seas on Earth, anon. It's doable, but it requires both luck and skill. Even the fuckhuge cruise ships that do Antarctic tourist trips sometimes turn around due to poor sea conditions when attempting to make the crossing, to say nothing of a tiny boat piloted by some anon. Shackleton and his dudes managed it, but I doubt anyone posting in this thread is of their caliber when it comes to seafaring.
We should start schizo expeditions that look for artifacts and inner earth openings. Only way to get disclosure is to put pressure on the controllers
>'primitive' surface civilization is camouflage against Dark Forest super predator aliens
>if the surface word gets too far along, enough to draw attention, it must be scoured
Next level chess
time to smoke these nephilim out of their hollow earth
If you put foot on the ground in Antarctica without authorization you will most likey freeze.
But if you get anywhere close to the important infrastructure, you will be vaporized before you even see it.
Is that a threat? I’ll come down there right now and bust up all your alien frens
You could just apply to become a researcher there and then when you get there exit the labs while you're not being watched. Now you can go out and freeze to death trying to look for something that isn't there because a schizo on a chinese cartoon website told you to, Congrats
we already know they have huge underground bases there that they deny exist so who's to say whats what?
Do you guys think that hollow earth can be reached from the north pole too? Greenland isn't a place impossible to visit
Have you tried cross referencing it with Hopi world disaster myths?
>they brag to us about what they've gotten away with and we're thrilled by it
I get sick being around people who feed into this. we are all guilty of it but sometimes you see something in the news or a movie and you see the way people *consume* it
McMurdo is on the New Zealand side of Antarctica.
Cross-referencing what? I'm not sure what the contents of the book itself are or what the catastrophe he mentions may be specifically. If I remember right, it had something to do with pole shifts maybe?

Are you referring to the Hopi myths surrounding the great flood or some sort of prophetic myths? As far as I remember, their Hopi, Navajo, and other South West tribes had some of the coolest flood myths around. Including "ant people" and people coming down from the heavens in "metal canoes."
Never trust a Kiwi, friend. They're shifty.
My aussie frens taught me to stay away from people from New Zealand
I had a kiwi rugby coach
he was great. I like samoans too.
Its polynesians that dont assimilate
is it any wonder that they were the most authoritarian and tyrannical during covid out of western countries? they even made australia look like it was the land of bliss in comparison and thats saying something.
Kiwis are cannibals dude, look what they export to other countries as food
Do you think Dallas was real or just an art bell psyop
Samoans are the same as Polynesians
Let's build an airship drone with a live video feed and do a loop along the prime meridian pole to pole. That would prove the earth is round or not and also give some good Antarctica data.
This is the goal /x/ should really be pursuing
It would probably be shot down. As far as I know you need special permissions even to fly shit.
Unless you have the money for a satellite that can make a polar orbit and even then you need permission.

Isn't it crazy how much power has simply been taken away from the average person on this planet?

I guess you could make a weather type balloon but good luck getting that shit to go anywhere you want ya know?
I seen a go pro on a balloon get pretty high we need a high altitude balloon and drone attached to better control
You would need a high altitude balloon with an Earth-facing camera that has a solid lens and zooming capabilities.
Then you'd need to figure out a way to get that balloon into a jet-stream that went over Antarctica. It would be really difficult and expensive to accomplish all of those things.
Sounds like a good idea. Somebody should set up a crypto escrow and we can fund the expedition that way. Gotta livestream the whole thing, too.
The entire team would go missing within the first few days.
The only thing they'd find would be one frozen anon mid-jerk with a cumcicle and frozen tears with "fuck glowfags" scribbled in the snow next to him.
That is like saying Moroccans are Africans
Yes they are
I love the way you guys think. Antarctica Expedition Coins ar going to take off and we’ll get a few teams down there
God I wanna do this. I need a boat.
I spent two weeks climbing glaciers on the Antarctic continent and emplacing instruments with scientists there. I arrived by vessel from Ushuaia Argentina and crossed the Drake Passage twice, violently thrown from my bunk at 3 a.m. zulu. There are a limited number of private flights permitted, too. Venturing inland on Antarctica is the reaal deal, nobody is likely to be able to rescue you in time given the remoteness and dangers presented. Also, aside from a few active bases, many are deserted, there's nobody around, period. You will need years of planning and permissions to visit on your own terms, otherwise, you need to work for a government or spend on an authorized tourist company and then not go crazy if the captain denies permission to land due to weather conditions. Good luck, anons.
based sean
being an adventurer would be awesome. too bad glowtards ruined peoples ability to enjoy and explore the world at will in their never ending lust for greed, power and control.
that would actually be epic if a group of people from /x/ invaded antarctica

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