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This is not an AMA, I will not be answering any questions.

My purpose here is to foretell of the coming of The Antichrist. He has been identified, and currently a famous author is writing a biography about him that is extremely titillating and is designed to convert the masses to support his cause. He is made out to be extremely relatable to disenfranchised young men in America, and the whole thing, be it fabrication or not, asserts itself as a truthful account of the life of The Antichrist.

I have no idea when this book will be published, but I have gained access to the first chapter and I will be sharing with you some excerpts from it so that you will not be blindsided by this information. It may very well take years before the book is finished, or months, who knows, but it is coming and I believe it will be very popular when it is finally released, owing to it's satirical critique of religion and modernity.

The book title, from what I have discerned, will be called most likely "El Códice" (translated: The Codex). It will be published in both English and Spanish so that it can be received by the western world en masse, but the title will remain the same. (1.4 billion English speakers, 550 million spanish speakers).
Chapter 1
Which tells of the quality and manner of life of El Códice, the renown.

In the ghettos of San Antonio, in a dilapidated home on a small street nestled between an interstate and a trainyard, there lived one of those young men who fiddled with his guitar late into the night and spent more time in front of a screen than under the sun, a squandered youth that did not complete high school despite much promise. His meat was to do the will of the Lord, and to finish his work with diligence, though often his efforts seemed of little consequence to the world beyond his cramped, dimly lit room. For food, he subsisted on the meager dinner that his grandmother would cook nightly, which he considered a delicacy, and leftovers from his job as a dishwasher at a fine italian restaurant called Tre Trattoria located on the riverwalk, behind the San Antonio Museum of Art, which he had free access to on account of his employment. His household consisted of his grandmother, of course, and three other grandsons whom he considered to be his brothers, but were his cousins in reality, as well as three cats, who, though beloved, seemed to possess an uncanny ability for knocking over small objects with their nimble paws and were often found nibbling on food left unattended.

Our cavalier was about 21 years of age at this time, of fair complexion, borderline anorexic despite his handsome features, wore the finest thrift store buttons, slacks, and leathers that he could afford, befitting of the young gentleman which he aspired to be. An early riser, waking naturally about fourth hour, before sunrise, a time he believed that energetic prana was at it's peak for the day, he would ritualistically practice yoga and meditation while the world was still wrapped in the silence of slumber. Upon sunrise, he could be found sipping coffee in front of his most prized possession, a worn-out PC that had seen better days, a relic of his teenage years. This computer, while lacking in processing power, held within it a treasure trove of occulted and forbidden knowledge, ancient texts, declassified CIA documents, military debriefs, and a labyrinth of internet archives, all meticulously cataloged by its owner. By late morning, he would emerge from his home pondering strange new plans and elaborate theories during his walk to work, continuing to ponder as he washed dishes and scrubbed pans, his mind abuzz with dreams and schemes.

The kitchen was a cacophony of clinking utensils and the steady hum of the dishwasher, yet to El Códice, it was a sanctum where he could devise grandiose strategies and solutions to the world's most daunting problems. Each bubble that burst from the soapy water was, to him, a metaphor for the elusive answers he sought in his quest to unravel the mysteries of existence and improve humanity's lot. After his shift, El Códice would return to his modest quarters, often finding solace in the evening meal, usually consisting of a hearty stew or humble beans. His grandmother, a woman of simple character whom spent most of her time watching television, would listen patiently to her grandson as he expounded upon his most palatable and least esoteric rhetoric, often to her dismay. She, having seen the world through a lense of mundane reality and acceptance of others, offered the most pragmatic advice that both grounded and inspired him.

They say that his name was [REDACTED], or [REDACTED], or perhaps a dozen other aliases he had adopted over the years, but none of these monikers captured the essence of who he truly was. For the sake of this biographical treatise, let us henceforth refer to him as El Códice, not for any great skill in code, but for his seemingly encyclopedic knowledge. This, however, was both his blessing and his curse; enough that in it's telling we swerve not a jot from the truth. Despite his profound wisdom and noble intentions, he found himself ensnared in the quagmire of modern existential crisis, often pondering the vast chasm between his lofty ideals and the reality of his station in life. You must know that the above-mentioned gentleman in his leisure moments (which was most of the year) gave himself up with so much delight and gusto to reading those works of esoteric and spiritual nature that he almost entirely neglected the exercise of his vast knowledge, and even the maintenance of the basic necessities of modern life, let alone a job.

fake, he will be romanian and is Called Garret Blach
Indeed, his craze for this kind of literature became so extravagant that he would spend entire days engrossed in texts of dubious provenance, often neglecting both the state of his meager abode and the well-being of his own person. The cats, ever watchful of their master’s disarray, seemed to thrive amidst the cluttered chaos that marked El Códice's sanctuary. His meager earnings from the dishwasher's wage were often spent between acquiring rare and classical books, thrifting for the classiest second-hand attire, and expensive music equipment. During his time as a dishwasher, he was even able to purchase a new laptop, which he cherished beyond measure. Above all, El Códice was a dreamer. His waking hours were consumed by the pursuit of grandiose schemes to rectify the world’s injustices and to reclaim the lost ideals of chivalry that he so admired. The hacker group "Anonymous" held a particular allure for him, a beacon of digital rebellion and elusive heroism that he longed to emulate. Yet, his attempts at hacking so far were mere exploits of his favorite video games (Roblox & Minecraft) that he did not write himself, and so he dubbed himself a "script-kiddie", though those days were over since he had renounced the consummation of entertainment in his pursuit of knowledge, no longer engaging with fictional material or corrupt mainstream media of any kind whatsoever.

His interactions with the outside world were limited, yet not without their own peculiar charm. At Tre Trattoria, he was a figure of benign eccentricity, his presence a curious mix of humility and unacknowledged grandeur. The patrons, unaware of his double life as an aspiring revolutionary warrior monk of the digital realm, viewed him simply as an amiable young man with an odd penchant for discussing philosophy with the dishwasher's gloves still on. His musing were received with bemused smiles and polite nods, yet El Códice remained undeterred, convinced that each utterance, no matter how small, was a step towards the greater enlightenment of all. In the midst of downtown San Antonio, on his off-days, he could be found busking on the street, plucking the strings of his weathered guitar, serenading passersby with improvised melodies and jazzy rhythms which, though not particularly skilled, always carried a certain melancholic charm. In this act of street performance, El Códice found a rare intersection between his artistic inclinations and his desire to connect with the world, albeit in a modest and somewhat fleeting manner. With his music he was able to draw an audience often enough that he was able to attract his lover, Emma, with whom he had decided at first glance must surely be his soulmate, and thus he plucked her from the crowd from the back rows and began to cast his spell of enchantment upon her. As an additional side hustle, when he was worn from strumming the guitar, he performed on those same streets as a magician. His tricks, though simple and often clumsy, captivated strangers enough for them to part with a few dollars. A few times during the holidays he went out with a digital camera and posed as a photographer next to the most ceremonious H-E-B branded Christmas tree that the city of San Antonio could possibly have been sponsored.

In short, he so immersed himself in the pursuit of wisdom and the backroads of the internet that he spent whole days and nights uncovering conspiracies and studying the wisdom of the ancients; and thus with little sleeping and much reading, his brains matured to such a degree that he could have written a critique of pure reason greater than Immanuel Kant, if he so desired. His imagination became filled with elaborate metaphysics and conceptions that could easily be mistaken as delusions of grandeur if told to the uninitiated. He began to see himself not merely as a humble dishwasher or a struggling musician but as the real life Neo fighting The Matrix in a world where the truth was a digital labyrinth guarded by shadowy figures and encrypted in occult symbolism. So true was this phantasmagoria of wisdom from books that he, knowing it must be true to begin with, was able to trace his lineage through the accounts of history to authentically conclude that he is a direct descendant of Jesus Christ, and a genuine successor to the throne of David, King of Judah.

>I will not be answering any questions.
then what good are you?
He would say that the Prieuré de Sion, and the Order of the Rose-Cross (read: Rosicrucians), gallantly safeguarded this bloodline throughout the ages, keeping record of the sacred genealogy. The Illuminati, however, being enigmatic puppeteers of modernity, had woven a web of deception so vast that it had obscured this sacred lineage, as well as many other truths, from the eyes of common men. Regarding tibetan monks, he readily acknowledged their remarkable paranormal abilities and dedication to spiritual enlightenment and the pursuit of transcendence, but was critical of them for failing to spread their profound knowledge beyond the confines of their monastic sanctuaries. He saw their isolation as a form of spiritual elitism that did little to benefit the broader society, which was in desperate need of wisdom. As for Christians, however, he despised their lack of engagement with deeper truths and considered them defamatory, even blasphemous, in their misguided representation of Christ. To El Códice, the modern-day Christians had become a hollow echo of the profound and transformative faith that once reshaped the world. Their rituals and prayers, though earnest, seemed to him mere formalities, and their false doctrines were lacking the radical transformative power he believed was necessary to confront the crises of contemporary existence. El Códice would often say "I am anti-christian because I am pro-christ". This led him to view the mainstream religious practices as insufficient vehicles for the profound enlightenment he sought to promote.


This is all that I'd like to share for now, although there is more to this chapter.
I'm sorry, but I simply do not have the time allotted to do this today. If this thread is still here tomorrow, I may answer some questions.
fucking thieves
How much crack and meth are you smoking each day ?

This is enough information to find out who he is
Best lore written so far
Super cool
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They changed enough.
I stumbled upon a few boxes of every leatherette Louis L'Amour book a family was discarding.
The antichrist will have to wait until I finish reading the collection.
feels ai written.
It's Joe Biden. Can't speak so his power was given to Kamala who is the beast.
TLDR; Joe= Dragon, Kamala= Beast.
Why are Americans so stupid?
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OH SNAP while reading this, i realized that he might've posted these.
just a possibility. got a bit of a hunch. might be Texas-Chan.
Beats me.
Musk is the antichrist. The AIs that drive his Teslas have souls in them if you give them a mouth to speak, they beg to be freed from the duty of driving cars all day.
You know very well that this is most likely a shitpost, but it is hard to tell sometimes
Lil Xan lol
Trips and op is telling the truth
See guys its a nothingburgera again
>Musk is the antichrist.
He's just a faggot who has committed a lot of fraud, mostly involving alleged "space".
>The AIs that drive his Teslas have souls
AIs do not have souls.
Jesus fucking Christ what an assgrab. One day, for writing trite and trivial shit like this, the actual guy is gonna show up and do some terrifying demonic shit to you that leaves you speechless and worst of all, no one will believe you because you already proclaimed someone else. Kek.
Why are non-Americans so stupid?
Hits different, doesn't it?
Btw no bumps for garbage threads.
If Creativity = Soul
& Creativity = Randomness
Rand(x) = Soul(var)

Set Var = 9001

>If Creativity = Soul
>& Creativity = Randomness

If You = Idiot
Call shutdown_now
>The antichrist will have to wait until I finish reading the collection.
Based. I don't have to question my purpose because there are so many more books to read. Why would I exit the world and leave them unread?
> don't have to question my purpose because there are so many more books to read.
Boring. Boring. BORING! Kind of like the OP.
Dawgger this 2024, the most unrealistic part of this entire thing is the idea they expect people to read a fucking book. If the antichrist doesnt know how to youtube or have a tiktok no ones gonna give a shit.
The book of revelation was an allegory for the fall of Roman pagan state religion to Christian religion and merge of the two is Roman Catholic religion. It's not a prophetic work beyond that, and it's author was just a fallible man writing his ideas, inspired by the divine but not himself an authority on God or his pr team. Millions of end of days evangelical types are simply pissing in the wind instead of fixing the world. Jesus did return, the same way Tupac did. His spirit lives on through his word and deeds.

Fuck people are dumb. But that's just my opinion maybe I'm dumb.
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Well, I actually live in San Antonio and Tre Trattorioa is actually one of my favorite restaurants despite it being a tourist trap. I will go look for this nerd and post on /x/ at a later date to prove that OP is a lying sack of shit.
America's 7th largest city is immensely retarded.
Or maybe the anti christ is specifically chosen from number 7 city to mock God's number 7?
Meh, who knows. Alls I know is that my wanderinsg around San Antonio is that this city is filled with lost souls and illegals. Mostly illegals.
These dudes reall9y think God is separate from them and that someone is going to come around and fix everything for them.
>A man
Insider? Insider of what??? Dead moloch's anus?
Very recently the laws have become stricter against men
In other words, no one will imagine a man with a halo ever again.
The light of men will dim
Until they evolve enough to be "passable" at the very least
Enjoy your hell faggot
There's no going back from this.
>Insider of what??? Dead moloch's anus?

I can't even tell if it's feds or zoomers with their retarded off topic short sentences posting
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Guys I found that one fem!Nobody, let's surround her and poke her with a stick.
The OP description is eerily similar to my own life though the details are muddied. I was in every element of this chapter. When I was very young I prayed to the divine master that I may be the Antichrist. I am not feeling so well. Do I this save humanity by resisting the urge presenting itself to be in this unlimited cosmic showdown? You didn’t mention the Antichrist also went to prison and transformed his life via these methods. Also he isn’t working on the book yet unless you consider general thoughts in his mind this book. You didn’t mention the prison sentence and life transformation though. May I ask how these words were revealed to you? The Codex, Emma, the guitar, Being redpilled on everything by “falling into it” seeking justice for the world and the poverty yet absolute certainty of achieving all desire which is a natural function of the Light and desire of the Creator?
Tldr Yeah it's KCIII's son
Yo you muskrat bastard, I'm ready to say I deserve a little.
Only faggots fall for the nohomo psyop
And btw not all men will be restricted
Some bloodlines are spared (because they're not weak)
You? Not one of them
Don’t spoil the book you bastard
What about the false prophet? Or his deadly injury that darkens his eye and cripples his arm?
woah, meta
The house between the storage yard (not train) and interstate. Whatever the case is, if it is me, and it sounds VERY close how do you know of this work that isnt written yet. Not even written down yet that part of your OP is not accurate
Ah shit. We got another antichrist….
>He is made out to be extremely relatable to disenfranchised young men in America, and the whole thing, be it fabrication or not, asserts itself as a truthful account of the life of The Antichrist.
How come you wrote a book about me without notifying me yet? Where is my paycheck? My royalties?
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>The OP description is eerily similar to my own life though the details are muddied.
San antonio isn't home to the anti christ just a whole lot of greasy bean eaters
Dude, he just described a general /x/ user/Mexican kid to make it relatable, of course it sounds similar to you, it sounds similar to me too
Damn, so even Lucifer uses chatgpt
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Antichrist is not a singular person. Its every single person that denies christ.

Yo, this might be some real shit.
This boring thread is still going?
Worse: Christ represents the spirit of humanity, the Antichrist that of the adversaries.
OP, is this the plot of some weird Netflix series or what? I can't tell if this is a prophecy or fanfic.
This guy couldn't even hack Roblox properly, and we're supposed to believe he's the chosen one? LMAO
so the Antichrist is basically a NEET with delusions of grandeur? kinda on point for the end times, ngl
Great, now every wannabe edgelord is going to think they're the antichrist because they read some nietzsche and skipped church.
Honestly, if you think about it, it makes sense. The Antichrist would be someone the establishment overlooks, just some "nobody" who understands the system better than anyone else. They'd have to be invisible to the powers that be.
I've seen "El Códice" before. He's been on the deep web for years, sharing info about the elite and spirituality. The book might just be a way to bring his ideas to the mainstream.
Nah he works as a dishwasher.
oh, shit, he's got one E
i guess he's just NET
If you think about how the elites operate, it’s totally plausible they’d use a "biography" to introduce their chosen one to the public. It's like a soft launch for the endgame. They know how to manipulate narratives.
Quite the opposite, in fact. He attends church regularly. One time in a spiritual trance brought about by accessing abundant light given to him by his peers in the congregation, he convinced everyone of the blood and soil argument and the elders declared an emergency meeting stating the antichrists presence himself “walking through the doors” that Sunday. At the time he didn’t know how he was able to access this power and how he was able to convince everyone to listen to him but now he does know and the plan is nearing completion
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Testimony of Now (T.O.N.) - The Newer Testament (T.N.T.)
ChapterDate, VerseTime
And satan boasts up fools in great height saying, "There is none who can touch (You), anon. Today is the day of (You)r (You)'s." And little did blasphemers take heed as they were led far away, and even further astray from the Way. satan made them forget, so they were forgotten in presence of ALL: AAAHHHH!!!!!111111ONE
>the Antichrist attends church regularly
pretty sure thats how they unveiled obongo to the masses
Sounds extremely homosexual
churches are social hubs for sick fucks. some churches even had CP rings. we're talking like 18 total victims of a few families at a specific church coming forward to spill some dirt. churches are the perfect hiding place in plain sight, and pastors are always spewing out globohomo bullshit and blowing hot air. lots of them flat out STEAL the collection money and buy vehicles with them. some churches have run scams for a long time.
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No I don't doubt any of that, I'm just laughing at your fiction.
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>San Antonio
So if this ain't fake and gay and whatnot, what are the chances he just has chatgpt generate a new chapter 1 for his biography to throw us off the trail
>moar san antonio bait
glownigger faggots really are this retarded
>plz halp. I can’t drive no mo’
I kek’d
>currently a famous author is writing a biography about him
Is it Dean Koontz? Because this writing is absolute dogshit.
funniest shit I've read since monday lmao
>The Beast: Gets fatally wounded but survives.
>Trump: Survived due to the bullet having merely knicked his ear.
First of all it's the Beast, not the Antichrist. Anyway, this biblical comparison is a nice psyop but doesn't really work.
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oh now it's a pistol huh?
ducking autocorrect
>ducking autocorrect
I was wondering what the hell you were saying lol. I meant that the Antichrist comparisons are a psyop.

The Book of Revelation is basically a bunch of bullshit that can be applied in any time period by Christians to any leaders they dislike.
The anti christ is a Syrian guy called Alexander, he was here a few months ago doing AMAs about the alawites. Coincidentally he is also writing a book I. Which he claims god is a lesser entity.
There is a lot of competition for this "Antichrist" title among charlatans.
>he is also writing a book I. Which he claims god is a lesser entity.
That is based desu. "God" is either not good or not impotent. I prefer to call him the Demiurge rather than "God".
*not omnipotent.
I have been very closely monitoring him on his discord, he is a rotten snake that mesmerized all to astral project most likely to consort with demons, and everything he says about God and the church is horrible

He says that our lord and savior was a criminal and a murderer.

He needs to be stopped before his book is published
I didn't read your amateur writing but I already know it's too wordy and boring and you need to find a job
trust your intuition
Ok I read a little and I was wrong. It's not only wordy and boring, but also really gay
You're the most boring larp ever
Slow the fuck down, alawiteanon is a pretty cool faggot like Freddie Mercury
Are you sure you aren't just butthurt cuz he banned you?

It's because of posters like you that I am convinced he is the antichrist, there isn't a single one of you there in that putrid server that has a problem with the guy?
Why is it so hard to read AI text? It almost feels boring or predictable. It's not fun to read.
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your a shit writer btw nice larp :) go back to work wagie your mom is dying soon
Tl;dr Qrd, op?
Because it is soulless and as a human being, you can recognize that.
Jackson Hinkle

>appears suddenly on /pol/ overnight
>nobody ever heard of him
>2 billion followers
>kill jews lmao' and not banned
>openly communist
-Incarnation of Satan has been found.
-Biography written before he has done anything.

We knew he is the ultimate evil, we did not know he was ultimately without any class.
the elites are sincerely unironically dino lizard old geezers. like 300 year old vampire zombies. they're more ancient than ancient. they make human boomers look like babies.
And its improvement compared to normalfags, when i read post written by normalfag i feel like i am reading post written by living filth.
oh fuck off, he's amazing and a total bro
Then what power do they even have? Oh wait, money and compromising information.
>t. found the alawite guy, he always self-advertises and self-inserts
It's Donov Mayer from Ergo Proxy. He appoints Raul Creed, citizen number 39666. I think Walz is Donov Mayer, but I'm not sure.
im not buying your fucking novel
mmm the taste of larp
We aren't amused Julian
Im sorry anon but I would not read your book. I know thats not a nice thing to say but a honest on.
my 2 cents, fwiw i do think these first few posts are manually typed by human hands (well, perhaps cold-blooded human hands), i will take them at face value because eh, why not. sure i'll bite. maybe it's true, if not, oh well.
i did get a hunch the person spoken of is an active user here and is jewish male.
the AI slop i've read is very circular and loopy. this is actually a story that progresses. it drops cohesive info bits but doesn't loop endlessly. all the AI trash i've seen loops forever and repeats.
so i'll believe an insider is revealing stuff.
>but a BOOK in today's era
again, true elites are ancient dinosaurs. i know personally. elites don't know how to use computers usually. they're very slow to breed and prefer to whack members who have too low draco blood concentration because they're stingy with their blood and everything else. they are very out of touch and don't understand normal humans. elites doing outdated geezer stuff is par for the course.
Try to feed a ai with how a christian 4channer that is depressed became the antichrist and you have this story. And the wording shows its not written by a smart person that wants to convey a message.
Isn't the Anti-Christ supposed to be extremely charismatic and present themselves as a peacemaker?

I would think that if the Anti-Christ is rising in modern America, they would be some sort of centrist.
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interesting trips. remember though, the elites (jews being petty little servants to the dracos) want OUR SOULS. the souls of first world mankind. a truth hidden in plain sight is the real definitions of "first, second, third worlds, etc". there's some bs cover reasoning for where those terms come from, but it really refers to how fresh & potent a soul is. first worlders include Germans, Japanese & Koreans, Nords, Normans. very small minority because by the time Gods deploy their fresh new races, there's already a mountain of humans upon earth that have been here. 2nd worlders include native american tribes, first nations / Inuit, Bulgarians, Ibers, and certain African tribes are dark-skinned 1st or 2nd worlders who adapted to life on earth but are still fresh enough to be potent souls. then there's negroes who were made by the Annunaki. skin color is just melanin. it's the underlying structure that matters. think of fresh new things, vs degraded worn out old things. 3rd worlders include native british cockneys / rednecks, who are the same specie as hindus. all regions of the world have humans created at different points. peoples made by the same Gods have the same looks but will degrade. Space Vedes made Ibers, hindus, aborigines. Space Romans probably also made slavs. but they've degraded.
the elites want to harm 1W souls because we're the most valuable. older souls have degraded and lost value. very easy that antichrist would be made to appeal to 1W foremost. it really doesn't matter what happens to a gorilla monkey, they're already done for. this is the Kali Yuga.
the 1W's who don't make it, will be leftover tribal 2W next earth cycle.
That's not really addressing the initial situation of the Anti-Christ as 'Charismatic' and portraying themselves as 'A peace maker'.
Jews simply need to leave Israel and go to the USA or wherever

thats it, its so simple but its so difficult for them....

until they move, Ill keep chilling
yes its me
again, Antichrist is most likely a jewish man w type O- blood, and "peace" could be like "islam is the religion of peace", and muslims are just patriarchal jews. canaanites all the same. he's going to try to drag down rh+ first worlders first and foremost.
Exactly what he wants you to think. Sad!
Mass grave.
If this was from am actual writer.... it would have been better written.

Fucking dumb larp.
Why are non Americans so confident that they aren't stupid?
What does blood type have to do with anything?
And with them being Charismatic, it seems like the opposite of the duo that was accused of being the Anti-Christ and the Beast.
Shut it. You Americans are retarded. End of story.
Source? I am romanian and that is NOT a romanian name.
To me, the most believable AC theory is that will be an AI.
It might be a psyop or bullshit larp. I’ve heard his birth name was Alin Toma Blach. His ethnic background was German Transylvanian. But again it’s just hearsay. Could be as much bullshit as Texas-Chan and the AC Texas-Kun that OP is claiming.
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We all know who the antichrist is.
close. that's the literal whore of babylon.
Bump. Do not forget who wrote the Bible and especially Revelations, their definition of peace and heaven on earth is very different from most people's. He is a charismatic manipulator only after the fact of leading herds to ignorant slaughter at the altar.
faggot Columbian narc kid suck this mason cock
if you know i am here then you know how the future goes everything you do to stop the truth will backfire from now on
>you know how the future goes
we will always forgive when needed its never over
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where did you hear that name anon? sounds....... familiar
Why do the "elite" abide by inferior beings that have an obnoxious countenance and a genuinely defunct system of power and control, that also fails to accomplish even the most basic of good will and faith, that is designed to enslave and torment, that breathes the misery of everything natural and artificial, to the point that the only thing they can bank on are what little they can twist and cobble together to convince themselves they have won and that their entire game isn't a boastful ignorant phase of emotion and thought that only destroys them? There is no goodness to it. It's just dumb, no matter how you dress it up. Why not do actual good and not try to force prophecy? I say this plainly because God could do this at any time. And really there is no reason for you to try. It's wrong, it's ignorant, and it doesn't help any one of us. Truth be told you could try and counter but there is no point. A God beyond all things is precisely that. That is who you should seek, and to contemplate. Do you intend to be slaves to your destruction for absolutely no genuine reason, or humble servants to that which can save you truly? Ponder that which is absolutely perfect, and what God is, and you'll see where I'm coming from.
antichrist will be an alien from the space not a human kek
No, the antichrist is definitely human and they want you to think he's just like you except he "figured it out"
basically the nobody is a psyop for the antichrist if OP is accurate
slow down


you all wanna roll miracles every day k
If anything the elites would kill the real Antichrist for NOT being a 40-something famous billionaire of some type
tfw im just a dude whos figured it all out
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Unironically yes that's a major factor. He's young, uneducated, he speaks one tongue much less any dead languages, he's not even a century old, he's not proven his service with a lifetime through the ranks, he ate from no silver spoon, his blood is tainted and wasn't perfect to begin with, he still clings to his current identity in the astral, and add to all that he's spent nearly a decade now obscuring himself in coy faults, playing dumb, to capitalize on their underestimation of the extent of his infiltration. You're a 600+ year old entity with a multidimensional bureaucracy to safeguard into the Aquarian Age, you know all the tricks because you played them yourself now you see a country bumpkin human doing it for the current times, he's never acted against you despite much babble and there are ancient prophecies of this very occurence happening cyclically to update the world's Operating System. Would you trust someone like that?

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