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/x/ - Paranormal

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Why would i ever want to escape Samsara?
I don't want to stop being.
You should have made him the blue variant.
I absolutely want to stop existing. Why would I want to continue being abused in this retarded hell world for eternity?
Don't worry, you'll never stop existing.
You as a person you see yourself as will die anyway, so whoever you recognize as you are now will stop being, samsara or not. With exceptions of certain spiritual practices that help integrate and preserve more of you rhan random pieces picked up during reincarnation, but even then you will have to move on from this existence at some point.
Escaping samsara at least allows that greatest part behind you the current meat puppet to be free and experience greater reality freely.
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Cause life may not be too horrible right now until you become one of those people that makes you think "thank god that isnt me". Like the people being tortured by the cartel, being burnt alive, being fully paralyzed from birth, being eaten slowly by a bear that doesnt care about killing me, being a wageslave, having my jaw fall off from radiation poisoning, becoming zombie salmon (fun stuff), being consumed by parasitic worms and basically everything else you ever see happening to any living creature.

Knowing that i WILL experience all that eventually tests my sanity every single day
My life is already horrible, it's already a life that I wish wasn't me
You won't stop being, that's the whole point. To escape to a better reality where we can just be anf don't have to deal with bs.
That's not what nirvana is according to buddhism
Samadhi is only good insofar as you are a manifest being, the monistic consciousness wishes to express itself dualistically
There is no consensus in Buddhism on what nirvana is.

According to Mahayana at least, Buddhas exist eternally
>I don't want to stop being.
You won't. Karma and Samsara aren't real. Buddhism is a false teaching that appeals to prideful atheistic nihilists. Same as most forms of Gnosticism. Not surprising both are popular on /x/.
You lack imagination
Shut the fuck up christcuck
Dial 8, Venerable Sir.
Samsara is not "being", it is "becoming", that is to say, perpetual flux and change.
>Gita 8.16: From the highest planet in the material world down to the lowest, all are places of misery wherein repeated birth and death take place. But one who attains to My abode, O son of Kuntī, never takes birth again.
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Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through samsara, son.
Ok you stupid fuck dont do nothing then
You can't make me do shit lol. seethe some more.
>you want to escape samsara, so I'm staying lol
Absolute state of contrarian fags.
i want to start existing, i want to have a full connection with this world and see and experience everything that is beautiful here.
So just continue being a retarded faggot. What is the point of this thread?
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that's my boy

The ego who is me sure may think human suffrage is not worth staying attached to, but the spirit beyond most certainly appreciates the majesty of life even when it is a miserable one.

Such is the way. Experience until complete, and there sure is a lot to experience. Good, bad, all subjective states of being, zoom out and it is quite something.
>you can't escape Sam Sarah

who is this Sam Sarah guy, and why does he seem like such an asshole?
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I love living and orgies so much
>I don't want to stop being.
What is "I"
>Why would i ever want to escape Samsara?
Who is "I"
Sam is a nickname, and its a woman. Her real name is Kay
Kay Sarah Sarah.
She is whatever will be.
I savour every moment here
the doldrums of eternal perfected oneness grows old after a few aeons
I made this fuckin world atom by atom
might as well have some fun with it
I defines who and what. The questions do not apply.
which ending is this
>I don't want to stop being.
Liberation from Samsara is not annihilationism. Clinging to becoming or to not becoming are both wrong attitudes according to the Buddha.

>Why would i ever want to escape Samsara?
To emancipate from the suffering that comes with clinging to false identities.
Teachings of Siddhartha Gautama were too advanced for humanity at thiis time. First you need to accept God in your heart, and only then can you apply those techniquies. If you do so, you'll understand; if you refuse to do so, you'll remain ignorant.

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