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What are the spiritual implications of circumcision? It seems odd that two religions (Judaism and Islam) specifically *mandate* it, while another goes out of its way to specify that you *don't* need to do it (Christianity), while yet another *prohibits* it (Sikhism).
Peenus is rod of god however juden and Mehmet had this crazy idea for men to not waste their seed by jacking off all day and be productive. It had nothing to do with cleaning as you can simply clean your dick by pissing into your foreskin.
Based sikhs. I didn't know about it.
You cant fap without the foreskin. That's why.
Nothing spiritual about it, unless you believe in semen retention.
The foreskin is to the male what the hymen is to the female.
One gives pleasure, the other ensures purity.
okay so less smegma? then surely we should cut off parts of girls' genitals too since they get more smegma than boys.

>making masturbation difficult is good
then surely let us do the same to girls yes?
Both the porn industry and semen retention are jewish in origin.
this is wrong
It's done by gods to limit the ability and understanding of its followers or slaves.
Its to limit them in the opposite direction of lust
If you know the alchemist phrase "as below so above" is about opposites, then you can understand a lower of something (in this case the feeling of lust) allows for a higher end in the other direction

its a nefarious control mechanism
Why is semen retention jewish?
What? Stop being schizo
t. guy everyone calls schizo
You can masturbate, it’s just much better with a foreskin

Take back what’s rightfully yours and do restoration. It will literally make your dick bigger, flaccid and erect, while restoring function. Remember, when the time comes, the people who do this ritual are not hard to find.

I don't know about the why all I know is God used it as a sign of the covenant made with the Israelites. Seeing as we now have a new covenant (Jesus death and resurrection) we no longer need circumcision.

My son was born two weeks ago and he's never getting cut, or vaccinated in any way.
Wild that only non-whites had issues with their "Men" jacking off all day.
It’s a brand to tell his cattle apart when they abduct them for the breeding program
it's for hygiene and so you wouldn't masturbate
masturbating really fucks you up and makes you a psychopath
knowledge of god came from the sacred mushroom. lest ye forget.
Good goys not welcome.
see >>38842658
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Yes saucenao, you certainly do need our help.
how many times are you white incel freaks going to post the same thread
Until those who took our foreskins are dead or have given us mutilated men each millions of dollars as compensation.
The spiritual implications of circumcision? How about this - if you disfigure infant genitals, or consent to have part of your child's genitals amputated, then you have no soul or humanity. There is absolutely NOTHING you won't do if your society tells you to do it, if you willingly participate in mutilating the genitals of a child. Every day I'm amazed that this isn't obvious.

I sincerely hope every son of a Jew, Muslim, or American/Korean/Filipino has a horrible complication from the circumcision and goes on to murder their parents in revenge.
It's a blood sacrifice to Yahweh that binds you to him somehow, read the story of Zipporah at the inn.
Picture was found here:
>white incel freaks
doesn't genital mutilation seem like adequate trauma to produce such a person? you seem to be implicitly acknowledging it.
>Until those who took our foreskins are dead or have given us mutilated men each millions of dollars as compensation.
And where's that money going to come from? Only the first clause of your little fantasy is actually feasible, but even to speak of it is explicitly legally inadmissible. Cutting up boys is very hush-hush.
I am very happily circumcised. I don’t know if it’s because I have a BWC or they did my circumcision correctly or what, but there is not a single thing that people with a foreskin can do that I can’t. This includes using the skin of my shaft to jerkoff rather than lotion. This is not a psyop or seethe or whatever, I’m VERY happily circumcised. All this talk about not having a soul over getting your kids circumcisized or having trauma from circumcision and stuff is, frankly, pure seethe, but I’m not going to use that word because honestly it’s a rude word to use. I think it is more of If you seek trauma, you will find trauma guys. I’m truly trying to understand your point of view here but I’m having a hard time because I’ve been blessed apparently. Now, obviously, I feel for men that have had injuries and deformities due to circumcision. But as you people have a deep hate for circumcision, know that I have a deep hate for people who want to take this from me, because for me my cock is perfect.
the issue is that it should not be trauma a newborn faces nor is it a decision that a parent or physician should make for the living being
>I am very happily circumcised.
I mean, you kind of HAVE to be happy with it Mr. Ron Mexico. It's not really a choice.
>there is not a single thing that people with a foreskin can do that I can’t

inb4 docking and clit flogging
makes me lose a lot of respect for my dad I'll say that much
They gave him vit k hep b and erythromycin ointment before he left the hospital. Hes already got autism
Most people really only realize that their dick is fucked once they start having sex. Anyways, these threads should continue to be posted until something is done about it. Sorry people want to talk about an actual worldwide conspiracy that involves torturing infant boys on a conspiracy board.
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>I am very happily circumcised
>there is not a single thing that people with a foreskin can do that I can’t
>I’m VERY happily circumcised
>my cock is perfect
read this: https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1464-410X.2006.06685.x

>having trauma from circumcision and stuff is, frankly, pure seethe
watch a video of a baby being circumcised. they're easily accessible on youtube.
guys I'm beginning to see a pattern

To offer one's firstborn to Moloch, circumcision is a tenet of kabalistic faith and among the rites of the cult of Moloch one sacrifices the firstborn in exchange for favor, wealth and power. By brainwashing the world into accepting circumcision they have in essence converted the world to their faith without their explicit acknowledgment. If you parents circumcised you, they willingly committed your spirit to the sacrifice altar for the benefit of the parasite caste.
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People who circumcise should be shot by the state for child abuse. The Romans were absolutely justified.
Yeah hence why Quakers mandated it to all americans back in the day, right?
Makes peepee look like jaldabaoth
what happens to you after this happens, spiritually speaking? what are the effects?
white people didn't circumcise until the mid-1800's, and it was supposedly for "medical" reasons.
A demon named Allah tricked them (he is the best of deceivers, quoth the quran), and now they suffer and allah will not help them. And when they are burning in hell, allah will not help them.

Allah is a demon that lives in the cube of Saturn. And it sucks the life from the brainwashed fools who circle around the cube, giving him their energy. They are brainwashed by the book of lies, in the book are many contradictions, the book was written in blood and spread by the sword. It contains many curses and witchcrafting spells to brainwash anyone who reads it and is not pure of heart.

The book was cursed to hurt anyone who destroys the book.

They really don't seem very painful, better done while young
Babies cry about everything. They cry when theyre hungry just as hard as when theyre being circumcised
Circumcision is by definition an injury and deformation
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Higher species would call it nerve stapling, reducing a part of the population's ability to experience, therefore ensuring their stunted development.

It began as a slave practice.
How do you think most live now?

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