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I've noticed that when I fast I still shit, but it's often watery with what seems like sludge balls in it.
Someone told me that it's actually a part of some kind of organism that lives in your gut and feeds off stuff like sugar and that the only way to get rid of it is by fasting as it can live off any substance but makes you crave sugar because that what makes it grow the most
And I fucking believe it because the sludge seems to be entirely alien, it seems to be encapsulated by some membrane that separates it from the water. I haven't taken a piece out of the toilet to further examine it and I'm not going to because I don't have a microscope and just fucking eww no, but I've read here and there about fasting being spiritual. Again and again I hear that fasting purifies the body and I'm really starting to believe it now that I'm doing it.

Anyways feel free to dump about the spiritual benefits of fasting and or schizo theories like the 3 Chinese worms tha are killed by fasting.
That membrane is called a tegument :^)
If you'd like to know more, read the worm pill threads on this board.
Good job on the fasting! More will be revealed.
Thats called diarrhea and the thing that lives in your stomach is called a gut microbial biome
It's not diarrhea, diarrhea is because of something you eat, not because you don't eat
No it’s not glowtards. It’s more likely candida ropes or biofilm. It’s important to shrink the biofilm when treating infections
Keep going anon
>Entirely alien
It's a fungus. Its symbiotic and performs necessary functions but modern diet is beyond shit and most people have overgrowth of it. When it's out of balance with the rest of your gut flora it can cause all kinds of damage and health issues. Keep fasting anon.
You’re not the first person to say this. I think there’s something to the huge amount of candida infections in my country and alien control. I wouldn’t be surprised if the fungus/smart dust/oort cloud schizos are right. I think that’s becoming my favorite theory of human control by aliens
Jesus fasted for 40 days before returning to Galilee to start his ministry.
it's spooky because it's real
Demons hated Jesus because he was parasite free
Satan tried to convince Jesus three times to stop fasting. These are called "the temptations of Christ".

1: Satan said to Jesus "just have a snack bro, it's OK. You can keep fasting, but maybe have a little snack" - Jesus said nah, son. Imma keep fasting.
2: Satan said to Jesus "if you don't eat you're gonna die. Do you think God will protect you? Lol if you're so sure of that why don't you jump off a cliff. Do it fgt. God will protect you, right? So prove it, jump off a cliff." - Jesus said "You can't scare me, I'm not listening to you anymore."
3: Satan said "ok look. Now you know how I control people. Now you understand how people can be manipulated. You and me together, with this secret knowledge, we can control the world! Work with me, and I'll make you rich and powerful beyond all imagination! You can rule over all the earth and get all the money and women! It will be AWESOME, just stop fasting." - and Jesus said "no thanks, I'm not interested in your money. Get out."

And after rebuking Satan's temptations for 40 days, Satan departed from Jesus's body.
And Christ began his ministry.

Tldr: satan is a parasite
must be something to it.
I seriously can't fast that long. I have a quick metabolism.
would a 7 day fast kill me?
I had several colenoscopies. Asked doctor to explain me everything in my guts. Didn't saw anything weird and everything was clean. Unless those little fags hide deeply in guts lining or deeper which would cause fistulas.
Ascaris (roundworm) eggs are microscopic- 50 nanometres. Small enough to pass through the gut wall and enter the bloodstream.
Then they travel to the lungs, and the eggs hatch into larvae. They swim in the mucosa until they end up being swallowed, and then they enter the gut, where they grow into adult worms, and multiply and lay hundreds of thousands of eggs, which then enter the bloodstream, and the circle of life continues!
It's beautiful, in a way *sniff*
>candida ropes
wtf, I don't even want to search this.
Most likely not but certain medications can be deadly to kick
Some fast for 40 days
Your colon isn’t your intestines. Why are you guys so dense on shit likevthis?
That’s not even 1/10 of your intestines.
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ur intestines have pounds of shit in em, also fungi/parasites u name it.
when i fast i stop shitting sludge at day 4-5 after that its just liquid.

while u fast ur body ejects, water/fat/toxins and other shit. If i havent fasted a while and been eating like shit i get cold sweats too n crap.
after 4th day snake juice is needed or am ded.
>Someone told me that it's actually a part of some kind of organism that lives in your gut and feeds off stuff like sugar and that the only way to get rid of it is by fasting as it can live off any substance but makes you crave sugar because that what makes it grow the most
Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. My dad thought he had it and that it caused him to be angry or anxious all the time but I'm pretty sure he was just depressed. He started eating a carnivore diet and became a full-on health food cultist but he's drastically better than he was before.
He’s right SIBO will make you depressed and miserable. Cutting out grains is the key just like with fungal infections
75% of the bread in the US has glyphosate in it
It’s hard for me to get passed the 48 hour mark the last few years
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>I’ve had many men stick cameras up my ass
>so I know it’s clean
anon, I…
>I had several colenoscopies
Banging them out like a champ. I bet your doctor loves it when you walk in. How old are you by the way?
You can always stop if things get rough.
Fasting causes ketosis.. that is a keto cold.
Is ketosis good?
Neem leaf capsules are great for sibo
Why so many? Have you ever had colon cancer or a family history of it?
Is this common?
The real hidden redpill is dry fasting. Orthodox monks teach it.
No food
No water
No intake
For how long?
Depends. On the short term, yes, especially for type 2 diabetics. On ketosis your body works by burning up fat instead of carbs and sugar. However, not in the long term. Then your body starts converting protein (eg. your muscles) into sugar (gluconeogenesis). Ketosis is an adaptation for when starches or fruits are not available.

Your body needs some fruit or starch for optimal functioning. Those carbs take you out of ketosis, but you get vitamins and shit, plus carb-based metabolism (when functioning properly) is much faster and energy-efficient than fat (ketone) based metabolism. That's why you're generally warmer when eating fruits or starches than only meat.

So yeah, it can help ameliorate a lot of chronic conditions, and I'd say dedicated people can stay on keto (meat/fat based, low to zero carb) diets for around a year or so before encountering any problems, but it's not a panacea. Fruits are good bro, despite what keto purists may say.
Try until 4pm every Friday at first
Then you'll see and it will be revealed
Jesus was based af.
Rev 3:9 warns us of a synagogue for some reason
Always spit loonies that you hawk up
than ye shall die
Fuck. I never thought of that. Loogie hawkers are probably spitting worms.
How come you keep having colonoscopies?
>x is obsessed with demons, worms and fasting
This is how it was always supposed to be
How come you're not more into doing drugs, flat earth, or summoning succubusses?
That was last decade, we’ve matured and found the real important problem
It’s brain controlling worms that want me to drink and eat grains
That's what the jews want you to believe. Fungus in your body is always bad.
he has arthritis in his elbows
Not at all, my personal fast record is nearly 10 days. My doctor told me not to do that again, but given how unreliable he has been I think it was probably a good thing.
This may sound like a silly question, but how do you guys fast while doing anything in public? I have a lot of experience fasting but only in private spaces. I find myself extremely irritable and prone to giddy mirth when fasting, neither of which are good for social reputation and doing your job properly.
You have a worm in your guts.
Bacteria and galde
I’ve experienced the same. What helps is a fiber rich diet, complete and total abstinence from sugars in conjunction with fasting/meditation/prayer. I believe these parasites are inorganic and manufactured in the food we consume to hijack our consciousness. Take into account that the majority of our mental wellbeing comes from a healthy gut. We’re constantly receiving signals from down there. A week ago I shat out a long tendril and took a pic for posterity but won’t share it here unless asked to do so. This is very real hence why humans have practiced fasting for millennia. Also, mixing one teaspoon of turmeric into a hot tea or coffee beverage will help in clearing these things out. A turmeric mouth rinse will also aid in preventing harmful bacteria from forming on your teeth. Avoid all chemical crap.

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