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fembot here. HELP ME anons im trapped in some kind of quantum immortality dream samsara reincarnation torture chamber. I keep waking up and feeling super floaty and wandering through my house, with my newly assembled desk and my phone is missing and and then the spiders keep stabbing me and the demons tell me to go to bed. everything in slow motion. so i do. i go to bed. and all is well and then i wake up and see the messages on the ceiling my friend sent me. and then the cycle starts again. it feels like i am walking on clouds but nothing is real and my house is a carnival.
How did you end up in it?How are you accessing 4chan?
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If this happen again, try to relax and ask for help from the positive spirituality.
What do the messages say?
[spoiler]Sounds like psychosis. I get you want to keep the status quo with your friend but come clean and ask for their help and give them the ability to get you it. This stuff gets bad untreated[/spoiler]
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I can make her so much worse, bros.
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follow your spirit animal. they'll show you the way out!
>fembot here
ass and tits NOW or gtfo.
Take a deep breath and pray.
>im trapped in some kind of quantum immortality dream samsara reincarnation torture chamber
yeah it's totally just you and not every living being in all of creation
okay so what you do is you take out your phone right?

make sure you're completely nude, take out your phone and snap a picture of your breasts. this will freeze the ill omens and bad spirits in the picture making it a sort of prison

but it wont last for long, so you'll have to upload the picture into the internet, preferably this thread where it can be archived and remain forever, that way the malevolent spirit possessing you will be trapped forever and leave you alone
Have you tried
>Going the fuck to sleep?
Imagine if every man announced "manbot here" to preface their OP statements even when their gender doesn't have any fucking relevance to whatever they are trying to say.

Kill yourself tranny.
You may be expierencing a psychotic break. I had one once and it was something similar. Expierencing any delusions?
Here, listen to this https://jumpshare.com/s/DkCS2hWibWtGWQAKzaaw
If so I would call a friend explain to them that you need help and see if they can get you to a hospital. I had to be driven to a hospital and taken to a psychiatric hospital (after fleeing the hospital and running across the highway, but don't do that)
do you happen to have any notices in weird frequencies? I have had similar situations to some of what you describe and you may have federal agents and occult groups like the freemasons and kikes going after your mind.
I recommend honestly somehow wearing a hat filled with almunun foil it helps some. Also drugs lower our frequency to protect us from telepathic mind blasts.
You have DID.
you mean mass amounts of trauma have caused IT's to develop subconscious techniques allowed to us by the universe(collective consciousness) to heal slowly but surely from all the abuse and traumas
are you really healing? does it get better?
Why is everyone having horrible dreams lately? Myself included. Last night I had awful dreams about being crushed and smushed and woke up unable to breathe with ears ringing. Friend told me he had the same dreams. All of today I’ve been feeling like I was intoxicated. Very ominous.
Full moon was yesterday.
Pray to jesus
You and some other anon, what a sample size!
any fembots here want to be my gf

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