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Rise up TI Chads.

Expose the glowies and help other TI's by posting what is happening to you and what they are doing to you.




Consider the following:

>A targeted individual is a person who has been singled out because of his or her activism, whistle-blowing, or political/ideological dissent.
>Gangstalking usually happens when a person that has commited no crimes is defamed in some way.
>Neighborhood watch and other untrained opinionated vigilantes are the obvious offenders of gangstalking, including official or unofficial political groups etc.

Tactics used include:

1. illegal surveillance (bugs placed in home, work, vehicle)
2. illegal wiretapping
3. illegal investigation of all personal and private documents including medical and financial records
4. waves of criminal activity including vandalism, poisoning, break-ins, theft and sexual assault
5. hacking of all electronic devices
6. harassing phone calls, texts & emails
7. redirects to gang-stalkers when the target calls for help or assistance
8. organized harassment & stalking (by law enforcement, private security firms and ordinary citizens)
9. being ostracized by entire communities based on slander and rumors (usually outright lies said about that person)

Previous thread: >>38823715
Doesn't that create an endless cycle where you are never sure who the real narcissist is tho
Dont narcissists love themselves? Isnt that the whole point of being a narcissist? If they had any flaws, they would convince themselves that its somehow a good quality
That image sounds like its describing someone with a really fragile ego rather than a narcissist
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This is what you are glowies, this is what you have been doing to me for years.

>the crime of illegally following and watching someone over a period of time

>someone who follows people in order to harm them or commit a crime against them

>someone who treats another person in a cruel, violent, or unfair way

Psychological abuse
>Psychological or emotional abuse involves threats of harm, bulling and harassment and other behaviours or acts of coercive control which deliberately try to scare, humiliate, isolate or ignore an older person. Such abuse can also relate to acts that may contravene the human rights of older people, such as the restriction or prevention of older people meeting their religious or cultural needs.
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>me when I notice glowies
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Gaslightingis a major clue. I trolled a bunch of narcs who were sexyal perverted towards women in live chars and they followed me here, ive convinced a few of them they were the nobody such as lucifer.
Sure you did schizo.
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We've talked enough about the victims, any other gangstalkers here?

Do you guys have any particular tricks that are unique to you? I do the normal shit like making noises and spewing insults from a range/volume where they can't tell if they're actually hearing it or not, or moving things around inside of their house so they lose them. Most targets for some reason don't lock their windows but even if they do you can unlock lots of windows/doors easily with a simple magnet. My target rn has been really bitchy and hostile and honestly I think I'm gonna make a big leap and have him flagged as a pedophile, his computer pin is only 4 digits so it was easy to figure it out.
You forgot to put your name on
No it's there.
They are still being dicks on my course.

Imagine putting someone on an evening course at 6pm-9pm just so you can do dumb theater to them.

This is the state of glowies, all I'm trying to do is learn and better myself and they just fuck with me.

I've been studying for several hours a day in my own time doing studying and doing 1 course. And in the evening I'm att2the course and learning more stuff. On top of that I've also been messing around with VMs and Linux to learn those as well.

I haven't even played any vidya for almost two weeks now.

And still they fuck with me.
Gangstalking isn't real. You're all paranoid schizophrenic
I like to disguise myself as a mailman to scout out locations and gather Intel. I'll take pictures and then tell local store clerks that my target is mentally unwell so I can pry for information. I like to have my friends do drive bys in shifts.

Anyone too dumb to boobie trap deserves it imo
Why even bother showing up you're not gonna pass anyway, take the hint and fuck off or more bad things will happen
Are you part of one of those gangstalking discords?
you already know why we're doing this to you. you deserve it after what you have done. we are not going to stop. be ready it's going to happen soon. we know
Not going to pass? How do you work that one out?

I'm putting in the time and effort to learn. I'm doing practice exams and passing them.
>you deserve it after what you have done.
What have I done?
Gangstalking discords?
you're not SUPPOSED to pass, so its not happening
you know what you have done. tomorrow. it's going to happen tomorrow. be ready
How is it not going to happen? As long as I study and learn what I need then I'm not going to fail.
Whatever idiot, I've not done anything.
lmao i can't believe you're not understanding what i'm saying to you, you're dumb as shit, we might not even have to sabotage you at all
I don't know what you are on about why don't you try explaining?
These are the most egregious offenders
nice try fag
Something about that top one is pulling as fuck. I feel like I've been there before even tho I havent
Trying what? I've not done anything, all I'm doing is going about my days keeping myself to myself.

If you think I've done something tell me what it is.

Here is a 10 minute tempory email you can email me on
Still waiting
keep waiting you're gonna have a lot of free time after we talk to your teachers
Sure, what you going to tell them?

>anon has been sitting at home studying most of the day and attending his course in the evening
Wew scary

I've done nothing, you are the stalkers, you are the predators, you are the abusers. Nothing but a bunch of pussies that have done nothing but bully and harras me for years now. You just don't like the fact that I'm doing good and not the person you try to make me out to be.
Gone quiet now have we big man glowie?
Lol just what I thought, you've got nothing because I've not done anything.
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Apparently I've filmed myself having sex with a 15 year old girl now.

not gonna be laughing when people see those sexts you sent to a 13 year old
Nah, not really, we live in an age of unprecedented narcissism and solipsism. I don't know if this is how our species has always been, but it certainly is how it is now. Most people really are just narcissists with their heads stuck up their own asses.
Never happened, keep making shit up though.
>Never happened
Doesnt matter retard, lmao
You're so focused on what you actually did you dont see what matters, what people BELIEVE you did
We can just make up anything we want to fuck you over dumbass, providing "proof" isnt difficult either
Jesus you really are like sub 90iq
You truly are pathetic, there is no proof.
I've never done anything like that.

That is the person you try to make me out to be but I'm not like that at all.

Where have you gone pussy? Why don't you come get me stalker?
Some stuff that I've posted before
One trick unique to all gangstalkers is that they all hated Jews before 10/7.
Fellow gangstalkers, I want to remind you all of protocol "awesome autumn" which was formerly named project "awesome april" that was postponed due to several instances of the executing body wiritng off the memo regarding the subject as an aprils fools' joke. Keep all interactions with your TIs in line with the code of conduct found in the "positive reinforcement handbook". This message is in accordance to preface II and art. 7 of the protocol.
Just kidding.
Be nice and have a nice day.
>Be nice and have a nice day.
Always do

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