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Realistically how worried should you be if you encounter one of these things?
Depends on where they are living. If it’s in your property accept that you have Gnome neighbors and bring them gifts of honey and Meade. If they’re in your house……. If you find them innawoods best thing to do is be nice and offer the gnome a gift. See if he needs help with anything. They’re kind of anti-fae so as long as you’re not doing a ton of business with the fae you should be alright. Gnomes can fuck you up if you do them wrong though.
Don't eat any gifts they give you. You can, and should give them gifts though:
Leave a snack outside, still in it's packaging (Peanut Butter Biscuits, for example) underneath a glass bowl before you go to bed for the night.
Nothing fancy, just right outside your front door.
If the package is gone in the morning, and the glass is still intact, you may have gnomes. If you find something else in it's place, like berries or mushrooms, you may have gnomes. Take it inside with you, but don't eat it.
If the glass is broken, and the packaging looks ravaged, it's likely just animals. If it's still there, you probably don't have gnomes. If you do, though:
IGNORE TAPPING AT YOUR WINDOWS OR DOORS. Although we associate 'knocking' with a request for entry, gnomes use it as a warning, or threat.
Other than that, we're talking about a benign creature.
...Unless you live in the Americas.
Then, ask the threads more knowledgable about demons, and good luck.
water is the final water , take paddle to ash and forgive the flow from the other side, ensure the tightness fades from view
Realized I didn’t offer any advice about if they’re in your house. If they’re in your house… You’re fucked. Move out immediately and try to hide their presence until you have completed the house sale.
Depends if it is holding a camera-like box or not.

Why would they give you gifts and then threaten you? Are they just douchebags? I don't get it
i saw them on mushrooms
they mooned at me in a mocking manner, made me feel such an ignorant idiot who knows nothing
Gnome portals are sparkly, you can destroy it just by touching it
Considering it has a red cap, you're fucked six ways to Sunday.
not worried at all if you know what to do, just ask the shopkeeper and he will fill you in on all the details , care of , positioning , paint retouching after hard summers. they have some really good advice at my local garden centre
are they actually that big or are these invisible spirits?
I assume this would be a way to put you in debt to them?
Is no one curious about what happened to chip-chan?

Context, chip was a korean shut in who used to post here

She was crazy shut in and had a talent to creep our mods writing sings

When we got in a fight with pol I recruited anyone creepy who was always online

Obviously the crazy korean neet made the cut

Then she died allegedlly after being raped by korean soldiers during our fight with the 8 godesses

Then things happened and well chip was our resident ghost expert
is that you grimble grumble ?

It depends, what's the usecase for worry?
If you pissed them off, tremendously worried. they can sometimes bring good fortune with them, but it ultimately isn't worth it to seek them out for such. Any fae being can easily ruin your life, and they are not easy to make amends with.
wrong board + shitty forced meme
Go lock some keys with shazam or whatever
I would be terrified. I think people severely underestimate how horrifying it would be to truly encounter something eldritch
Was the pic found on a camera recovered in the woods?
If your intentions are peaceful/friendly/hospitable I would not be worried. I would make friends with them by leaving an offering of natural foods. Blueberries are often mentioned here on /x/.
yee ol saint
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David? I met that dude on DMT, he’s chill. When he speaks weird shapes come from his mouth and sounds unlike anything on earth. What a strange place they live at.
>devious intent
Shoo it away into the vast hidden forest where it resides in hills of untouched green
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Gnomes are friends
you WILL die
if you encounter one of those? ur fucked. ur done. doesn't matter if you try to run or scream for help.
They are. They fairies too but don’t piss them off
It's like encountering white trash living in a trailer park. Most just want to be left alone, some gonna yell at you, some are into very weird shit and some are just on crack. So whatever you do NEVER EVER give them crack or give them the impression they could get some from you.
I feel like the gnomes and I have a peaceful relationship. Maybe from a past life
What even ARE gnomes? How can you explain them through science and evolution?
Like I explain ponies
Have you taken shrooms and asked the gnomes?
you're just saying that because you've never had gnomes take you seriously.
Leprechauns, gnomes, elves, etc they’re like cryptids or elementals. They can make you wealthy or also fuck with you hardcore. Or they’re just native tribes ways of describing aliens
Not worried at all, i would commend my spirit to the good lord.
But did they evolve from a common ancestor monkey like humans and branch off? I’m just looking for a natural explanation outside of magic.
There’s been small humanoids even traditional scientists have found.
She is schizophrenic, people should leave her alone
You prefer the sci-enti-fic explanation and yet you think people evolved from monkeys? It's apes and though I'm not, you very well may be.
Kill it with a brick, its that easy
That's clearly molded out of clay and painted. Nice blur to fool the midwits. Next time remove the glare too.
They can heal your soul or fuck you up. Not your choice.
He looks like a happy lil fella. Surely I could find some room in the garden for the guy.
if the glass is broken you should go straight to your nearest church/mosque/temple and ask for forgiveness. The animal may be badly injured if it injested the broken glass. Use a plastic cup next time.

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