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Why is there so much conflicting info on the structure of it and how it works and how it interacts with the mental, emotional and physical.
It's tactile hallucinations all the way down
You mean it's fake and the meaning of what the sensations are is projected by the person?
Which body?
I wish to have total, complete conscious control over all of my bodies.
People aren't imagining the sensations but they're not energy. It's the tactile equivalent of staring at a wall until your vision becomes wavy and weird. You're not dissolving the wall with your eye lasers, the brain just isn't good at interpreting sensory inputs that don't change for a while
Can you elaborate more on that? I had a few experiences where it felt like I had an anxiety in my stomach but when I tried to touch it I realised that it was a tension in my brain and not my abdomen, but it was as if it was projected on there.
Isn't that normal? The brain is anxious and tells some nerves in the stomach to activate which leads to the feeling of anxiety
The Crown
Arm of the law
Foot the bill
You have been metaphysically arrested
Did Wilhelm Reich write something on this?
I'm trying to say that the anxiety wasn't even at the spot at all, it was just a projection made by the brain to make it seem as though the anxiety was at the abdomen instead of the brain. With normal anxiety usually you can clearly tell that it's in your abdomen, if you try to touch the spot where the anxiety is it doesn't instantly evaporate.
Yeah because everyone feels different things, uses different minds to think about the things they feel, and then uses different manners of communication to describe the things they feel. All throughout the process you have opportunity for miscommunication which means we don't know shit about anything.

Very important you just try things that work for you when messing with this topic. If you read something and it resonates with you, try it! But also try some other shit too.
I notice every system has some stuff right and some stuff wrong by meditating on my own first a lot and then reading about it. The indians got it right a lot with ida pingala and you actually have like 108 chakras besides the main 7 big ones. I seen no evidence for an extra chakra above the head yet but i did find the amrit chakra and smaller chakras are like elbows knees. You do have a dantien as well but it might be called different names. The basic type of chi energy is what you feel when you have asmr but there are other types. Some people can get energy from fire and heat from the sun or going barefoot in their garden (called earthing) or feng shui. These are different elements. Im a wind or air person mainly.
>muh energy
What type of energy?
>muh teamweareone
No dyad, no monad. Simple as that.
>muh disguised christian drivel
And mathfag nowhere to be seem.
There is electrical energy in your nerves and mind is quantum to say the least
Because they don't conflict and nobody who responded to you understands what it is or how it operates. Each system which is sourced in the ancient past should be considered it's own technology with many overlapping for what I hope is soon to be obvious reasons

>7 Chakra correlate to each organ going up the spine because it's literally your organs and their health. Each organ or associated centers than have an emotional and mental component. Just as the stomach has neurons and the heart. Why? Because your FUCKING SPINE flows down your back and connects to all of these in major bundles. But more importantly the Vagus nerve which goes from the back of your head, down your throat, flows around the heart into the intestines. The Vagus nerve is activated via deep breathing

>Kabbala and the 10 sepherot which like chakra correlate to specific organs, but also to colors, planetary bodies, and psychological aspects the health and balance of spheres correlates to mental and spiritual well-being. Which is the goal of alchemy (lead to gold) or malkuth to keter yada yada

Essentially. These are practices that first require you to understand the mundane aspect first. Work out that. Then you can get into the esoteric aspects which is just metaphysics.

I would not be playing around with the sympathetic nervous system trying to build a dantian or activate the heart chakra or whatever. You'll be fine sure but creating a tactile feedback loop and then fearing it by accident or developing self made delusional psychosis is a risk

Long story short the vibratory body is made healthier the more balanced all these parts of you are. You can balance these parts of you with deliberate effort and good living and mental transmutation.

Ironically this is also why manifestation chads tend to fail so often as they have shit vessels and minds infested with inferior thought loops. The health of the vibrational body directly correlates to external manifestation though this can be overcome
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Alchemy is not the transmutation of rocks into metals it's the transmutation of the lower man into the higher man.

In both kabbalaistic traditions and Hindu/taoists traditions the goal of achieving a higher state via the deliberate work upon the lower aspects into the higher aspects is pretty much the same. There are paths and philosophies to be sure but even the colors of each center align more or less. Because both systems are working off direct observation and a primary source hidden deep in the past that connects them both.

Please read books. Please read the oldest books and look to books and videos that connect these sources together. become a master of the mysteries and seek the deepest knowledge from them all
Read Robert Bruce desu
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It will take some time for science to catch up.

No man-made machine can compare to the engineering of the human body. Our instruments are not advanced enough to detect subtle "psychic" energies. However, it is possible to train your psychic nervous system to become more sensitive. Everyone has varying degrees of sensitivity. https://youtu.be/FkXlKQS5Elo?si=viPN_We612Fvee7k
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