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/x/ - Paranormal

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Hey /x/. I have been a hobby hypnotist for a couple of years now, and I recently looking into meditation techniques. Then I realized that the techniques are very similar. Both involve progressed relaxation and energy manipulation and other such things. The only difference I can see is that in hypnosis, you are giving someone else the keys. The difference is, in meditation, your subconscious does not seem to soak up suggestions like a sponge. Anyone got the inside scoop? (Also, I am talking about normal hypnosis, not stage hypnosis. While I am curious about it, it seems to be a whole other ball game.)
the redpill is that when you are awake, your soul is asleep in vice versa, now, this asleep soul is designed to instinctively realize it has been separated from it's origin, and therefore, crave and chase that origin. This creates the like/dislike system that we are subject to. We like what we like because it makes us feel "complete".
Now the soul, in this asleep and programmed state, is introduced in a body, with a brain, which is the ego mind complex. the ego mind complex comes with it's own personality, and lives a life, making choices and what not.
As you can see, this setup means we are essentially NPCs acting out our pre programmed ways, with some room for decision and free will, all of this powered by a soul essentially on autopilot.
When you go into meditation, or hypnosis, you are shutting down the ego mind complex, leaving out only the soul which is already asleep. It is susceptible to suggestion by design, because that is needed to create this false matrix, so yeah, they are very similar in that sense.
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we're all in the same hypnotic state. if you weren't, you'd be in a different hypnotic state and therefore insane.
I mean, technically speaking, the only people which are completely incapable of entering into a hypnotic state are schizophrenics, psychotics, people who suffer from paranoia, multiple personality disorder, and severe autism, so in this regard, you are not wrong.
Like sis... hypnosis?
The thing is, even though you are turning off your conscious defenses when in hypnosis, your subconscious still has defense measures. If someone does something you do not wanna do, and they are too obvious about it, you will immediately come out of trance. Chance is, unless they are extremely good, anything you do while hypnotized is something someone could manipulate you into doing normally., or at least something you are ok with.
>I have been a hobby hypnotist for a couple of years now
I only have an interest in self hypnosis right now, because it just seems more practical and useful. It's very rare that you'll get to utilize any real life practical benefit of hypnosis done on others, and you can't literally mind control people, as hypnosis only really works if the target wants it to. I have three questions (A, B, & C).

A. What books would you recommend that teach you an effective, methodical system of self-hypnosis and/or self-hypnosis scripting.

B. Is there a course that you would recommend that fits the criteria in question 1?

C. I am looking for hypnosis audios that fit the following criteria:
[1.] Are NOT "subliminal", are simply audible hypnosis scripts (no inaudible background suggestions/speech).
[2.] Are NOT sexual, must be completely SFW (Safe For Work).
[3.] Have obvious effects that you can experience and observe (easy to confirm it works as the effects are obvious and undeniable).
[4.] Have been "successfully used" (it actually worked) by the people recommending it (YOU).

Please post the specific hypnosis audio info:
- Creator/company name
- Audio/video name
- What it does (what effect / phenomena it causes)
- How effective it was at yielding the intended effect / phenomena (your experience)
- OPTIONAL - Any other details you think may be relevant
Well, I can send some stuff your way, but you know how I said there is a small subsect of the population that is immune to hypnosis. I am part of that category. I have gone to stage shows, hypnotherapists, the whole deal. Nothing really worked for me. So I can send some stuff your way, but I cannot promise any of it will work, since I am a very bad test subject. Now, in terms of courses, generally, I would not actually recommend them. Most courses are really bloated and just trying to get money, when cheap and fast recourses exist that still get the job done. Generally, for self-hypnosis, your options are to learn normal hypnosis, record yourself, then play it back to hypnotize yourself, or go into something resembling a meditative state. I will send a couple of articles from wikihow, (it sounds tacky but they are pretty good), and I will send you a couple of videos. Though, with all that said, if you are looking to improve yourself, you would probably be better off with meditation. https://www.wikihow.com/Perform-Hypnosis.
This is a continuation of my last post: I cannot really in good faith, send you any recommendations, since I cannot personally say any of em worked (does not mean they can't, just that I cannot have it work for me), and I have never really asked anyone else. I will say, I remember nimja and ultra hypnosis (youtube channels), had some good stuff, but I also know about half their stuff was just nsfw nonsense. I will send ya 2 videos from ultra hypnosis that may work, but I will not make any promises.
- Creator/company name: UltraHypnosis
- Audio/video name: Beginner Friendly Hypnotic Induction: I Want to be Hypnotized
- What it does (what effect / phenomena it causes): All this one will do is just put ya into trance and take ya back out again, nothing fancy.
- How effective it was at yielding the intended effect / phenomena (your experience): Not at all, but no matter what I do nothing works on me, so that is not necessarily a mark against it.
- Creator/company name Ultrahypnosis
- Audio/video name: Fun Hypnosis: Repeat Everything 3 Times
- What it does (what effect / phenomena it causes) It makes you... repeat everything 3 times.
- How effective it was at yielding the intended effect / phenomena (your experience): Did nothing.
>but you know how I said there is a small subsect of the population that is immune to hypnosis. I am part of that category.
That is unfortunate.

Can you get the tests to work on you, like the Magnetic Fingers test?
It helps you drive a car, get a job, have sex, and raise children
Na, none of it does. Also, the magnetic fingers test partially has to do with tendons getting stretched, not just hypnotic suggestion, so the hand turning into a ball test is a better one for an accurate reading
Oh, well you probably tried a lot of different things and nothing worked. It must be kind of annoying to be capable of inducing it in others, but never being able to experience it.

Well, thanks for the recommendations.
Have you used Quantum Healing Hypnosis technique?
I have never even heard of that before. What is it?
It's a hypnosis method developed by Dolores Cannon and used to derive all the information revealed in her books, designed for past life regression and channeling the "subconscious" (her term) or Higher Self (term used by practitioners Beyond Quantum Healing, a modality by Candace Craw-Goldman based on QHHT but designed for remote sessions over Zoom)
Dolores was the goat
Thanks anon
How does it work?
I’m studying NLP right now
What is NLP?
If one can be hypnotized
He can not be channeled.
He can not connect to the spirit.
He is not ready.
>your soul is asleep
Souls never sleep.
Neuro linguistic programming
It’s a party 24/7 for my soul
I think he’s on drugs or something
This sounds cool
But the only people who cannot by hypnotized are people like schizos, people with psychosis, paranoid folk, people with sever autism. Almost no one can be hypnotized involuntarily, but myself, along with others simply just... cannot be hypnotized, even if they want to.
That’s because of your no ultra programming over rides it. They don’t want you using hypnosis to undo the programs they imprinted.
Mk ultra
No sleep until Nirvana
I am also interested in self-hypnosis. I've written a pretty long script that I want to eventually record, but I need to detach from the outcomes a bit more first. I'm too fearful and desperate for it to work. Or maybe I should first try with things I care about less.

Those who self-hypnotize, what inductions do you do? I do practice meditation, as OP discusses. Not sure it's that similar a state.

I tried the magnetic fingers trick on myself the first time I read about it and it worked. I was seriously in awe of my hands moving together by themselves from being parallel and about a foot apart, and then they stopped like four inches apart for some reason. Never got it to work again.
Im tabling a motion to conduct a seance to contact biggie smalls. His words were known to sometimes posses hypnotic power.
There is no sleep in nirvana.
It is a manner of speech, for the lack of a better word. To put it in a romantic metaphor, god closes his eyes, so the humans can open theirs.
The human mind and body complex has a strong grip on the soul, so when the body is awake, the soul acts more like a battery. The mind's voice and thought patterns take control. This is why meditation is about quieting the mind, so that the soul can be allowed to awake within the human body, technically, it was always awake, but it is the mind that pushes it away.
During the human's sleep, the mind goes silent, and the soul does energy cleansing and other things, but most of it is forgotten by the time we wake up, because it would disrupt the body nervous system to bring understandings from beyond.
But I have talked to my subconscious before, and it did not seem to be off. Perhaps a bit childish, but nothing too odd.
A hypnotist offers suggestions. You decide weather or not to take them. Of course, if you take every thought as your own you will probably just do whatever they say. You also probably vote Democrat.
Loser though I am, democrat, I am not
I'm confused are you saying you were hypnotized but you still refuse to vote democrat? lmao

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