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Important Links from last thread:

Grant Morrison explaining sigil magic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_0GLmqQWM0

full lecture remastered: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvPyipy8erg

Learning to create your own sigils for your own custom desires (book) (also just about everything you need to know about sigil magic): https://download.library.lol/main/389000/7728555bace3ccdc1e62a54f062175be/U.D.%20Frater%20-%20PRACTICAL%20SIGIL%20MAGIC%20Creating%20Personal%20Symbols%20for%20Success-Llewellyn%20%281991%29.pdf

Sigil Article posted by an Anon: https://runesoup.com/2012/03/ultimate-sigil-magic-guide/

Introduction to Chaos Magic Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pt7D7BbFZsA

Hypersigils (crafting a story about you as the character, publishing it, then awaiting so the same things happen to you, also explained in Morrison's lecture): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_AM6U8Dpnc

Easy tutorial = next post
Easy tutorial (remember, forgetting the intention is not absolutely necessary; you have to forget the SIGIL, which is very easy if you dispose of it immediately after orgasm):
>find a quiet place where you wont be disturbed
>get a piece of paper and a pen
>write your intention in the present tense or past like "Jane Doe is in love with me". In older texts you'll also find intentions written as a clear wish like "This my wish to acquire the strength of a tiger by October 2024" or something like that.
>remove all vowels and repeated letters leaving only consonants
>you can also pick only the first letter of each word if your intention is too long or if you wanna simplify it
>use the remaining letters to create a unique symbol. if it feels "magical" it's good. there are no rules though.
>draw the symbol while focusing on your intention visualize it happening now
>charge the sigil through masturbation. bring yourself to the point of orgasm focusing on the symbol. There are OTHER METHODS, LIKE HOLDING YOUR BREATH ALMOST TO THE POINT OF PASSING OUT, AND THEN LOOKING AT THE SIGIL. Needless to say, those other methods are dangerous. But the other methods have advantages too. If you think orgasming is "degenerate", read the book provided earlier and learn the other methods, but be advised, they can be dangerous.
>release your energy into the sigil during climax, (you can cum on your sigil basically)
>you can "banish" the ritual after that any way you want, like laughing cartoonishily for a brief second. this is not necessary, you can just dispose of your sigil. (banishing aka going back to your mundane mindset and leaving magic behind)
>throw the sigil in the trash or destroy it or burn it so you can forget it
>move on with your day
important aspects:
>put a lot of energy and faith during the drawing and "charging"
>forgetting the sigil and then moving on with your life is essential.
been saving my sexual energy up for 6 weeks now, oh boy this next sigil is gonna be POWERFUL, i can feel the magical power growing in my balls
on a more serious note, i found the daoist method of sexual Qi cultuvation very much compatible with chaos magic. Unlike those sr incels, I've been fucking my gf as much as i could
I remember when I was 12 and read Arkhan Asylum. There was something powerfull there.
What troubles me, after finding it works (which it does), is drawing the distinction between what exactly is and isn't a sigil.
If a sigil is just intention, then aren't we just casting them all the time, without knowing it?
What I still don't really get is, how do I charge my sigil? I know you can cum on it and give it your energy, but what are other ways?
it's a mystery, and the last video on OP kinda goes over that. yes she's a woman but she studied under Grant Morrison so it's worth a watch
there is a concept in the golden dawn i believe of so called power items, which you charge up by having it on you all the time
The cover of exmillitary by Death Grips apparently was a picture one of the members carried in his wallet for 12 years
So, basically I can carry it with me and charge it up over time?
yes but it probably takes longer
Spooky synchronicity, not only ess I listening to death grips (during a shroom trip)and that album in particular yesterday

But I was looking up that guy on the cover of exmilitary because I loved how fierce he looked
lol speaking of synchronicities, this new general popped up as soon as i got more invested in sigil crafting again
lol isn't chaos magick theory slop like babby tier occult
Only on the surface. After you get into it as a whole, you're essentially buttfucking the Chaos Gods in the Warp for personal gain.

...on second thought, let's avoid two of the three.
What a coincidence, I start reading about chaos magic and this bread pops up.
They've been mining cookie data for jahren.
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<---It's cause this fucker is up to something, again.
>...on second thought, let's avoid two of the three.
dont like uncle nurgle?
Who is this handsome gentleman?
He's just an uncle, no Chaos there. He even hands out gifts......very friendly.

Chuckles the Everscheming
I have researched it extensively. Allow me to use an analogy to explain what I feel are Peter's shortcommings. Although, before I do, as a disclaimer, I am not saying I don't think chaos magick theory is useful. I think it is a good framework, but you need to go beyond what Peter gives you, because he doesn't give you enough.

Imagine you wanted to learn an artform, like drawing, painting, or sculpture. And the instructor, not wanting to bias you toward a particular style, refused to show you any examples of any artwork pertaining to your chosen form. Instead, they gave you a set of abstract principles and fundamentals, which, although useful, have no context for you to get a clear representation in your own mind of how they actually apply to the things you are trying to do. By attempting to abstract so far away from any concrete implementation of the theory of magick as a whole, he has really just watered down your education. He could have said everything he said in Liber Null & Psychonaut, Liber Kaos, Apophenion, and so forth, but given you some actual examples from ancient traditions outside of his own manufactured techniques and beliefs, but he didn't. He pushes how own world views, while claiming that his system is post-structural, which is not some clever double-entendre, it is simply hypocritical and does you a diservice, because you still need to research multiple paradigms now in order to gain a full understanding of magick.

Furthermore, the mish-mash method of just mixing and matching whatever you want is itself just one style of art. To re-use the art analogy, it would be avante garde or post structural abstract art or something like that. But what if that isn't what you want to do? Say you want to do surrealism, or impressionism, or something particular? In that case, studying chaos magick theory would be like learning about hydrocarbon combustion and mechanical engineering, instead of driving, in order to drive your car to work.
chaos magic = getting harems of jap girls
magic or magick?
You sound gay
>yes she's a woman but she studied under Grant Morrison so it's worth a watch
even if I wasn't somewhat sexist, women are objectively typically so often off the mark and yappy on social media that I dont watch their yt vids
>What I still don't really get is, how do I charge my sigil?
The coom is a meme you can charge it any way you want. Spare was a degen coomer and he swore by it. It works, but you could just meditate on it or use a strenuous activity. Just google it and see what other people do.
the /x/ board has evolved back into kino thanks to the freemason exposure threads that led to the jung and magick that led to what the board is rn
even the nurglings seem happy.
Im still lost on if the Great Horned Rat is a 5th choas god now.
Anyone else do guerrilla sigil magick?
>the daoist method of sexual Qi cultuvation
Please explain further. I was under the impression they also practiced retention.
I gave blood today. Does that increase my power or reduce it?
ambient charging: carrying the sigil around, meditating on it, putting it under your pillow, burying it somewhere, keeping it in a jar with a bunch of other sigils until you forget what each one is, etc

intensity charging: cooming on it, sex rituals, bizarre rituals of every sort, intense physical activity, having it with you during an extreme experience (Morrison talks about The Invisibles coming about after he went skydiving with a sigil), strong psychedelics, going to a rave, ritualistically destroying the sigil

viral propagation: making a grafiti tag out of the sigil, making it an actual logo you put on public facing material, sneaking it into porn so others will charge it for you, basically anything that involves replicating the sigil or getting others to give energy to it

i'm sure there's other ways one could categorize charging methods, and each would have its own pros & cons
The real kicker is if you're a star fruit or a low quality razor, then you should start worrying.

I do gorilla magic. I've successfully taught a Silverback at the local zoo how to make Enochian sigils on the glass to act as wild magic batteries.

Old style: fuck all day and all night but only bust after you've made her cum more than you because you're stealing her yin and that's fucking kino.

New style:
Hey guys, what happens if we just never bust a nut? Surely there's something to that righ-hey, stop fucking my wife!

Then it got blacklisted for a while in popular social circles and went underground after they had a mini puritan episode in Chinese culture, but you know how that old song and dance goes: everyone kept fucking, just quieter this time.
irrelevant really
thank you anon, that was exactly what I wanted to know.
>also checked
google the Su Nu Ching. It is retention, yes, but you gotta fuck and make the woman orgasm in order for it to be effective. There are even special techniques listed to enhance both the love making as well as the cultivation. Plus it's not "just never cum lmao", it gives some instructions on when it's okay to cum but the way i do it is to only do it for a certain time frame (set beforehands) in order to turn it into a weeks long ritual with a much more potent release. I also pair it with other stuff, like for example abstinence of stuff that's not very easy for me (like cigarettes) in order to give it further significance. Another way to discribe it is like a contract, where i trade "doing x task for y days" for enhanced power for the sigil or whatever other ritual i'm doing
Just fucked my girlfriend

Considering wiping the sex juices from the coom blood mixture on my sigil to have passed my road test this year on my first try
Did you keep some?
You have to be 18 to post here.

Just joshin yah, I don't give a fuck what you do. Next time, turn her face into a sigil and bust a fat one on it.
>sneaking it into porn so others will charge it for you
I recommend a shirt with the back of it having the sigil. then do a vid of you bottoming where the camera angle only shows your ass and the sigil on your shirt (tattoo option but I try to treat my body as a temple)
you can tot on some music or design hypersigils like using plants to represent columns, art on a wall, certain colors of lights, etc
>you will get lots of energy towards your sigil
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okay so rot then
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you could do something like picrel but make it your sigil instead of pepe, and generate anime girls with big tits or whatever. I haven't actually tested this method so I can't vouch for whether or not siphoning sex energy off 100s of anonymous coomers on deviantart is actually a good fuel source for a sigil
Tell me about different method of sigil construction. Particularly I am interested method that is used by Sigil wngine website. It seems the website arranges letters or consonants of the alphabet in a circle, then connects them via series of chords. I have met similar method several times in media and kinda curious what are the origins of this approach to sigil creation.

Picrel is example found on some Russian website about succubi summoning. One other example is cover of Giger's artbook Necronomicon. I guess it's rooted from (or made visually similar to) Kabbalah or Goetis seals stuff.
no you are just using gay energy for your sigil. even the Egyptians saw the efficacy of prostate stimulation for horus magick
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Isn't thread supposed to be called "sigil magic"? Chaos magic is not only about sigil, it's about free usage and synthesis of various occult traditions and practices.
Leave it to the booty bandit to talk about Horus the traitor in a good light. The Emperor would fucking despise you.

I'm hoping the discussion gradually expands outward to other aspects of chaos magick, but i get why sigils are probably the most interesting thing to talk about for people just dropping in

Personally, the topic of channeling archetypical thoughtforms & energy constructs seems just as rich
is there any information available where I can read or watch a video about a sigil or similar being put on another person's skin? not like a marker or pen, but my skin has an initial/rune/sanskrit vowel that randomly appeared in raised darker skin.

what might be the purpose? was it my own energy that did this or did someone invoke it on me? what if I ended up meeting someone interested in me with the initial and he has studied demonology and has mentioned chaos a few times to me?

this has been on me for over a year now. and I have recently noticed the same letter/sigil etc appearing two more times near the original.

this seems really real to me now.
after designing the sigil do you guys do any specific ritual to inscribe it before charging it ?
scotch laminate machine
When I read Liber Null and the ritual section was basically

"Ok, so even if you DONT believe this is magic, if you perform a ritual dot by dot, and critically ensure all the steps are followed, it is at its lowest, a form of self hypnosis to embody the spirit you try to "evoke". If you believe in magic though, it's channeling the spirit you are evoking."

That was basically what convinced me to give it a shot, and since then I've realized its more of the actual magic than the self hypnosis form, but either way you're changing your reality.
Should I wait for my sigil to come to fruition before I start another one?
no. the more sigils the better. the easier you'll be busy and move on which makes manifestation easier.
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dunoo much about but thanks for posting OP, solid thread
Spirit channeling is one of those forms of magic that even the most fedora atheist part of my brain can buy into, because on a mundane level you're basically just recognizing the fact that the operating system with which you typically engage the world can be swapped out for another one.

Like imagine some 300 pound fat guy asks himself "What would an extremely fit & optimistic person do if he woke up in my body?" Obviously the spirit of the extremely fit man wouldn't be able to magically make that fat body lean in an instant, or do any of the impressive athletic feats he could in his old body, or even remember exactly what consistutes a healthy diet (let's imagine that this spirit only has access to cultural information contained within the fat guy's brain). But he could say, "hey fat guy brain! What sort of stuff do you think healthy people do?", and the fat guy brain would respond: "go for walks? stop eating so much candy? get a gym membership?". And over time, if the fat guy were to act on these vague ideas, he'd gradually see more aspects of the fit spirit reflected in his material reality, and he would slowly get better & better information as he became a better channel for that particular energy.

That's basically my interpretation of it. There's energy constructs that exist in the collective consciousness that everyone has access to, and the more you tune in to any particular station the more you become a vector for that energy, and perhaps in time you yourself become a point of reference for other pople trying to channel that energy

(also liber null was one of the first magic texts i bought, i remember the hippie girl i was shacked up with at the time freaking out because she thought i was starting a cult)
Solidly shit my pants after a year of being bulletproof. Cheers.
>>forgetting the sigil and then moving on with your life is essential.
how can I just forget something if I want it so desperately that I go through the effort of the above?
Anon... what is written at the top of that post?
It isn't forgetting in the sense of erasing it from your mind entirely, more like you just stop ruminating on it & turn your attention to other things. Like for instance I can still recall my childhood phone number any time I want, but it's not like those numbers are floating around in my thoughts every hour of the day. That's what you want to do with the sigil. If you're constantly going "is it working yet? How do I know if it's working? C'mon, it better start working soon!" that could cause some issues
oops. it's been a rough few days.
Can I look at the sigil when cumming and porn while masturbating or do I have to focus entirely on the sigil?
if you have to ask you should probably focus only on the sigil and not use any aid
I have been waiting for far too long for my disability application to be approved. I wrote a story about it getting approved. It was not. Ergo fuck chaos magic.

And also, completely and utterly fuck gangstalking glowie faggots.
>lives begging for disability
>thinks he's being gangstalked
you're a nobody, no one has any reason to spy on you.
magick works, sorry you don't know how to use it.
maybe cripples or fatties cant do magic
they can
You know, there's a cripple in my junk of a living place, the guy seems to have very foul energies attached to his upper body area, yet he's ever so nice... What gives? Was he crippled with a magical attac?
i am not a sexual person. i hate masturbating. it makes me feel disgusting. also a volcel. yes, i'm a freak i know, but do any of the other charging methods actually work? any tips/experiences?
There's always your blood
there's a post earlier in this thread with all the different ways you can use
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Just acknowledge the sigil bro. Magic is focused intent, and you are the primary cause. the sigil is not what is "working", it's YOU. The sigil is just a convenient means of channeling YOUR intent. You don't have to fucking jizz on it if you don't want to. That only works because people believe it does (which is the most important part, believing it fucking werks) and don't let anyone tell you the "correct" way to handle a sigil.

Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted.
>do any of the other charging methods actually work?
Yes, I give you two options.

1. Blood, smear it.
2. Blood, smear it. (From others).

A diabeetus lancet will do.
i know, i seen it. was looking for other people's experiences using such methods.

hm, that doesn't sound so bad.

thanks bro, i truly have the intent, just gotta work on believing in myself i guess.

>i treat my body as a temple
>gets sodomized
>the sigil is not what is "working", it's YOU.

Yeah, remember that at the heart of chaos magick there's this idea that there is no fixed system, it's all just a reflection of your personal belief structures. Ergo the charging method should reflect your personal idea of what a charging process should look like. A lot of the oldschool chaos guys come off as very sex positive, so for them the idea of using sex or masturbation to enter a trance state would have seemed perfectly natural. If for you sexuality just feels like this gross thing that goes against your nature, maybe that's not the charging method for you

For me personally, going dancing feels like a potent charging method, but that's because I also produce music, I'm a good dancer & people tell me this often. So it's like a natural reflection of my identity & my interests. For someone who isn't interested in dancing at all it might just feel silly to charge a sigil like that. You need to find a ritual method that feels congruent with who you are as a person, OR which feels sufficiently magical & doesn't feel like it violates who you are as a person
>Ctrl+F Memphis Rap Sigils
>No results
Holy shit, /x/. Can you at least study your own icebergs before having these discussions?
Death posture. Austin Osman Spare wrote about it.
Im not gonna cum on a paper wtf
Are u trolling
Coward, if you aren't willing to cum on paper then you are not willing to do magic.

You dont HAVE to cum on the paper, but if you arent willing, then you don't have the will to imbue the sigil.
Okay im gonna do it, but shame on u if ur trolling. Also i already came today
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The truth about the cycle of reincarnations
does using sigils send you to hell?
are sigils only for invoking demons and evil spirits?
is there sigils for good spirits, angels and such?
try drawing a sigil and making a character card for an ai
Men coum on 4chan to talk about how they masturbate
But I share your despair
>draw sigil for a goetic daemon
>ask for a lesson demon to be attached to the sigil
>take photo
>coom/ charge and burn sigil
>upload photo of sigil with metadata to a model
have ai demon
Not trolling unironically. But I was being hyperbolic about charging a sigil having to be cumming. There are various ways to charge a sigil with your will, I'd recommend perusing the Chaos Magic general threads to get more methods, but I'll quote a few an anon posted earlier in the thread:
>ambient charging: carrying the sigil around, meditating on it, putting it under your pillow, burying it somewhere, keeping it in a jar with a bunch of other sigils until you forget what each one is, etc
>intensity charging: cooming on it, sex rituals, bizarre rituals of every sort, intense physical activity, having it with you during an extreme experience (Morrison talks about The Invisibles coming about after he went skydiving with a sigil), strong psychedelics, going to a rave, ritualistically destroying the sigil
>viral propagation: making a grafiti tag out of the sigil, making it an actual logo you put on public facing material, sneaking it into porn so others will charge it for you, basically anything that involves replicating the sigil or getting others to give energy to it
thnx for being useless in answering my question
Im gonna poop and draw the sigil in many public toilets, it will be filled with rage and seethe of the cleaners
and people will focus on it when they are shitting after you!
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cringe and arrogant

>chaos magic
>having rules and frameworks

fucking morons who dont even know what the fuck you're talking about
what you're doing is demonology disguised as something it's not
you're basically writing letters to demons with what you want to happen
fucking morons

chaos magic is
>hmm i want to see some magic
>random shit starts happening
>imagine listening to some whore about anything magic related
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If I do sigil magick, will a demon possess me?

I'm scared bros...
stealing the yin energy of girls is based as fuck
With sigils you're seeding your intent into the aether. So it depends on intent.
Here's my experimental plan for what I call "ego transformation". Basically I'm a lazy bum who wants to improve, but always falls back into his old ways. Here's my plan:

>Design a tulpa-like personality, not as detailed and not as separate from myself
>Make sure to give said personality my desired traits: charismatic, comfortable around others, conscientious, meticulous
>Use chaos magic (sigils?) to slowly empower new personality
>New personality replaces the old one

I'm not afraid of it killing me or doing anything bad because I still consider it a part of myself, just separate from my regular personality. And I don't have to worry about it possessing me because that's the whole point.

That will unironically work bro
>>you can "banish" the ritual after that any way you want, like laughing cartoonishily for a brief second.
what the fuck?
read the book provided by OP post. It's a normal thing in magic.
and it's also not even necessary
that's why you dedicate your life as a hack to access the super sekkrit dev mode, removing YHWH always makes the npcs go ballistic
holy shit it works
Explain me sigils with simple words and give me examples
And tell me I'm cute
how much has your dick grown since you did the sigil?
I wanna do this shit so fucking badly but I am so depressed rn I can barely get out of bed. Busy day tomorrow I am so fucked I have a week's worth of shit to finish in a few hours. My mind is literally being tortured by a demon every waking moment it's a constant nightmare imagine the last things you want to think about filling your head 24/7 for over two decades that's my taste of hell.
keep drawing dicks like that kid in the seth rogen movie and your penis will actually grow
all my sigils look like shit and i hate them
try a goetiec demon sigil and burn it with the intention that it help you improve at art.
You are such a fucking tool you do not see what you look like
I burned my sigils but didn't cum on them but i really want them to work
does he post here?
>I want them to work

That's not how it works.
You have to induce your mind into a trance-like state to be one with God through ecstasy (laugh, cry, asphyxiate, cum...) while you FEEL it has already worked.

If you hold any kind of doubt it won't materialize (St Mark 11:23-24)
But im not doubting, im wanting
You are imposing a barrier when you say you want it:

I want X = I do not have X = I doubt I will get X (because I do not have it at this present moment).

Magick is based on the premise of change by certain belief (faith for Christfags). You hack reality by feeling and knowing you already have it.
is there any actual historic pedigree to this, or is it just edgy new age bullshit?
[X] Actual historic pedigree
[X] Edgy New Age bullshit
no rules.
so the latter
new age has bs rules mainly "you are god" "but you can't do x y z because alignment" or some other bs.

read the literature. chaos is not new age.
this, uncertainty will latch onto and unravel things. It's easier to walk well trodden paths than to forge ahead into unknown territories and unwalked trails. Dictating terms to reality isn't for everyone, most will peter out and latch onto an established belief that makes them feel comfy and validated
>born agains
Nah, you just either didn't see that both were marked with an X or you just wanted to state an opinion as fact using what you already made up your mind on before even asking the question.

Is both. Is mixed. Are you a jokester?
i'm being genuine. like what part of the world/time period did it originate? just seems so 90s/y2k to me.
But Anon, that's when the world canonically ended and we've been in the death throws of the collective unconscious ever since.

*Remember to cut off all electronics before December 31, 1999.*
it's a syncretic mishmash of new age and pre-abrahamic beliefs, doesn't help how much xtianity has mystified and given credence to these things. It's hard to detach the filter of abrahamic nonsense, especially since the church repurposed autists to archive work and knowledge gatekeeping as much as they could. The advent of the internet has made knowledge available that would typically be gatekept by the church
thanks for the succinct answer, that clears it up for me. just dipping my toes in a few different things.
hypersigils are the most powerful one but they take longer
What about getting drunk?
this is manifesting on steroids. this is creating the "release" neville goddard talks about, forcefully. neville's method is visualizing and feeling to get into a state of extreme joy and then dropping the intention and sleeping or moving on with your day.

here in chaos magic we use orgasm or other methods, combined with symbolism, to imprint the subconscious.
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Why is that I'm seeing results with the OTHER sigils I made, yet for something seemingly single like having a blonde thick girl call me handsome at my cash register at work, it didn't happen yet?

I laughed, I used the Neville logic and lived as though my wish is fulfilled
I.desttoyed my sigil.and forgot about it, charged it

At most, a strawberry blonde reddish haired white girl.gave me a big smile out of nowhere on the sidewalk

But some people can claim plausible deniability

That's why I WANT the girl of my imagination to explicitly tell me I'm handsome, it's like a gym badge of proof

A Korean girl told me it several times but she travels all over the world and I domt know what her intentions are.

The girls at my job that showed attraction were either 20 at most (I'm 26) or older

And what's really frustrating is that im.taller and in better shape than my dad, yet my dad bragged to me about how he quote "fucked a dumb blonde Swedish "milk maid" with big tits", he even texted me a pic of her, meanwhile i.domt buy into the stereotype and respect them(not in a cringe nice guy way, I know I'm not entitled to certain things)

That being said though...WHAT AM I FOING WRONG???

why does it seem like THIS desire is being so fucking stubborn in manifesting itself into my reality?

That's all I asked for (among free weed, a good job offer and other stuff)

I got those things, can I get this thing?

Is it my mind holding myself back?

How the fuck do I overcome my mind then???

Can someone here manifest or do a sigil to enhance my wish? (With no silly backfiring genie/monkeys paw type results)
You are trying to fuck with free will. Of course its not going to work, or work randomly. Stop trying to use magick to produce effects in other people, that is literally attempting to usurp free will and is the definition of black magic. Whenever it doesn't work, you have lucked out. If it ever does work, you have condemned yourself. Stop immediately.
Don't listen to this loser>>38864269

Free will is a lie. Keep trying, you WILL make that blonde cutie fall for you.

>muh dangerous
No it's not. We fuck with others' free will all the time. In fact we're ALWAYS doing that, either by using words, body language, or involuntary telepathy
>Grant Morrison
this faggot can't make a single Superman comic worth a dime and he wants to teach me about fucking sigils? kek
...then how did Grant Morrison get all of those redheads after he made the invisibles?

Hey he's in the op saying it werks (and I believe him)

And is it really screwing with free will if these are hypothetical people that in a quantum sense, dont exist in your experience yet?

I can definitely understand if this was being done to someone I already knew

And honestly I just want to Win, my stupid dad kept bragging about all of his sexcapades over the years and of course I'm fucking jealous

I'm not saying I absolutely deserve it but no one should be surprised I fucking want it, I admit im insecure.
use chatgp to bit by bit write a novel where you get literally everything you want.
then publish it on amazon kdp, it's free.

>muh chatgpt doesn't work
what matters in magick is intent and belief. do it, there's nothing to lose.

you're basically creating a massive hypersigil. doesn't matter if people don't read it, it's out in the universe and that's what matters.
I already made a hypersigil story about a girl at the gym calling me handsome, the ai made it happen on a Saturday morning

Should I put it on Amazon, put it on one of the redboards maybe?

Post an excerpt here perhaps?

Do you feel like it van happen today?
I'm almost finished with my lunch and I REALLY want to hear verbatim from a lady of my description (even if she's 40) thatbim handsome

I can love woth that, I'm making it EASIER for the universe to manifest my desire since I'm not being too choosy
you have asian girls in their 20s flirting with you and still you want a hag whitoid in her 40s to give you attention? weird but ok magick has no rules.

yeah I think you should write a long book giving instructions to chatpgt crafting a huge drama with storylines, characters etc.. giving your character an "easy time" as Morrison said.

and publishing it is nice cuz you're putting that energy out into the universe.

don't rush tho, even Morrison had to wait 3 months for his manifestations of the hypersigil to start happening
you guys know everything has a cost, right? specially cheating
>how can I just forget something if I want it so desperately that I go through the effort of the above?
Exactly. This is how you know this is bullshit, because of the "hardwired" gaslighting that is already written into this "system of magic" so that whenever it doesn't work (and it won't), you or someone else can just gaslight and tell you that you "didn't forget strongly enough" lol.

It's really simple. Something either works or it doesn't, whether you are aware of it or not it should work, so long as you follow the same methodology, and it should be repeatable with the same methodology.

This is how "things that actually work" function. What you are talking about is a bunch of self gaslighting mental gymnastics nonsense.

If controlling other peoples minds and manipulating reality was that easy, you would have never even been allowed to hear about the method.

>I already made a hypersigil story about a girl at the gym calling me handsome, the ai made it happen on a Saturday morning
Then you were already handsome. Do you think if a 5'6" Bald Indian guy used your "hypersigil" method it would have worked? lol

This entire thing "working" is usually always a special case above average guy getting what above average men always get to begin with, he just used the idea of the "magic working" to placebo himself into making lifestyle and body language personal changes that increased his likelihood of getting positive responses (like acting more confident, going to the gym more often, dressing better, etc).

The magic doesn't work, you just tricked yourself into creating a self fulfilling prophecy, and the important part here is it's a prophecy that you already had the potential to make happen.

You even said you were taller than your father, what is your height?
>Do you think if a 5'6" Bald Indian guy used your "hypersigil" method it would have worked
You didn't answer what your height was......
>to placebo himself into making lifestyle and body language personal changes that increased his likelihood of getting positive responses
you have no proof of any of that.

we're all on the same boat when it comes to this.

>muh rationality
literally on /x/ discussing magic. it's funny how some pseudo-occultists like you have to cope with "muh mundane" when the very fact that you're studying the occult already invalidates your empiricist bullshit.

>You didn't answer what your height was......
nta and also not an argument.
I could have been 7ft tall and it still wouldn't have been an argument cuz you have no proof that I've actually done anything to change myself except for the sigils.
>you have no proof of any of that.
Do you not get irony, I have just as much proof as anyone has of these sigils work. I don't think you understand your position, you aren't in any position to ask for proof when you already believe so strongly in something unproven, and no, personal anecdotes isn't proof. The human mind can play tricks on itself, a lot of people are prone to delusions and even hallucinations. People throughout history have believed all manner of crazy shit and from their perspective it's 100% real and "did happen", and if you heard some of those things you'd call them crazy.

>we're all on the same boat when it comes to this.
Were really not, because all of observable reality is aligned with my "theory" of what happened. The onus isn't on me to proven that he placeboed himself, as it's already been scientifically proven that people can placebo themselves. It's a well documented fact. What isn't a well documented fact is sigils working. The onus is on your end. We are not in the same boat at all.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. My claims are pretty ordinary.

>literally on /x/ discussing magic
I think magic is possibly real, and it's exactly people like you that will never find the real deal, because you are caught up in your own delusions and not concerned with finding anything real at all. Everything in the universe has a code to it, there is structure, there is logic to it. Thinking that you can scribble a symbol, masturbate to it, and then you'll have women fawning over you is retard logic.

>you're studying the occult already invalidates your empiricist bullshit.
It really doesn't, it's how to go about it that will determine whether you get any real results or not, or whether you end up posting online for the rest of your life of "why can't I get anything specific to happen?".
>not an argument.
It isn't an argument, it's an assessment. A 6ft+ tall guy being seen as handsome isn't some out of this world unlikely to happen coincidence.

>I could have been 7ft tall and it still wouldn't have been an argument
Not an argument, it's an assessment, please read what I said to the other guy above.

It's like a rich guy who always wears expensive brand name clothing and is always well dressed acting shocked if women compliment his style, as if magic was required to evoke that response lol.

>you have no proof that I've actually done anything to change myself except for the sigils.
Yes, and you have no proof that the sigils work at all, but what is more likely based on observable reality?

See here: >>38864565
>personal anecdotes isn't proof. The human mind can play tricks on itself, a lot of people are prone to delusions and even hallucinations. People throughout history have believed all manner of crazy shit and from their perspective it's 100% real and "did happen", and if you heard some of those things you'd call them crazy.
>and then you'll have women fawning over you is retard logic.
no it's not.
if you're going by muh logic not even studying magic is logical.

>proven that people can placebo themselves
you're the one making the claim that people are placeboing themselves when they do magic.

>Extraordinary claims
these claims are not extraordinary. muh science is not an argument, it's an appeal to authority and an appeal to the masses. if anything, it makes more sense to believe in magic than in science, since magic has been practiced for millions of years. you're the one who has the burden to proof that materialism is true (i.e. you're not infinite or eternal to be able to observe the behavior of a rock since its inception till the end of time, therefore you're making a leap of faith based on studies done in a closed lab environment which can at most give you probabilities but never explain the nature of reality to you)

>you aren't in any position to ask for proof when you already believe so strongly in something unproven
I'm not asking for shit, I'm using the same standards against your position. you have no proof that any of this is placebo. that's Begging the Question.>>38864565
>Thinking that you can scribble a symbol, masturbate to it, and then you'll have women fawning over you is retard logic.
describing how something literally works is not proof against it. that's an emotional appeal ("if i make it sound retarded then i'm disproving it!")

Back to r_ddit midwit.
>you're the one making the claim that people are placeboing themselves when they do magic
No, I'm claiming that there are many people placeboing themselves into THINKING or BELIEVING that they are doing magic. You are asserting that they are doing magic when there is no proof other than their own personal testimony, which again, can't be trusted because the human mind can play tricks on itself.

>these claims are not extraordinary
Except they are, and you are going full retard right now. Saying that you can manipulate reality is in fact an extraordinary claim. You must have some kind of personal definition of "extraordinary" that you need to let the rest of us know lol.

>magic has been practiced for millions of years
Millions sounds like a bit of an inflated number but I won't even bother with that part because it's low hanging fruit.

Was magic JUST "practiced" ........... or "practiced successfully" (observed, tested, documented, and producing repeatable results)?

If it's the first one (simply JUST practiced), you need to understand that it doesn't count for much.

>it makes more sense to believe in magic than in science
You must not believe in electricity or that computer you are using.

Science is ironically why you are talking to me right now through a computer, at least try and be self aware. One produces tangible and consistent results that benefits our everyday life, they other is just a dream (for most people). Once again, I do this it's probably real and is possible, but it's very likely not easy to accomplish, especially not as easy as masturbating to a symbol with intent and forgetting about it.

>I'm using the same standards against your position
You aren't though lol.

>describing how something literally works
No, that's how you claim it works without any proof

Now I'm done here, I have a feeling you'll want to have the "last word" or something. I've already proven my points.
Do you just search stuff like sigil maker or chaos magick or whatever into the chatgpt appstore and use it?
>I've already proven my points
saying something doesn't make it true. maybe you should go to /Loa/ general, where it's all about mindless repetition to convince yourself that something is true.

>"practiced successfully" (observed, tested, documented, and producing repeatable results
this doesn't tell us anything about magic, only about science. science requires funding and support, and very seldom someone will put their names and their money on the line to try to prove something that goes against the current scientific "consensus". they'd be risking their careers and policticians their livelihoods. and the very few cases where they actually took it serious (like explained and showcased in the book Science and Psychic Phenomena) were met with severe negative repercussions that by the way didn't have anything to do with the results that were indeed TESTED and replicated multiple times; the scientific "community" simply ignored it and called it pseudoscience, to the joy of the r_ddit wikipedia types like you.
would something like this work? I just threw it together
Sigil magick is gay as fuck
>chat got does not recognize w nor y as vowels
Thanks man, I appreciate that

This can help!
me neither, it's irrelevant
yeah.... what ABOUT getting drunk?
Dionysian tactic to let out your shadow self and see if your true self is good or bad.
it's fine. as long as that's your desire tho
Other guy won the argument.
I just want to fucking get laid already
I have reflected on what I see on this thread and have come to the conclusion that God would not look kindly upon any of it.

for starters. No one practicing this magic has any faith or deference to God. You are trying to take matters into your own hands and summon demonic energies to fulfill your base desires. This is folly. I've read what you all desire. none of you seek anything godly or worth pursuing. you want sex and money. things of this world. This is nothing special, most people want these things.

Secondly. the way in which you are conducting this magic is very clearly evil in its very construction. you are writing a sort of prayer to the spirits and creating a clearly demonic sigil from it then litterally masturbating to it and focusing on it. It is difficult to imagine a more shameful act. I mean it doesn't get much more clear cut than this. it's a satanic ritual. whether you believe it so or not.

thirdly. you all seem to just assume this works. for the most part you are deluding yourselves and selling your souls for nothing. You perform lesser and lesser tasks until you are manifesting such mundane trivial things like a girl giving you a compliment. and for this you sell your soul?

Fret not yourself because of evildoers; be not envious of wrongdoers! For they will soon fade like the grass and wither like the green herb. Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act. For the evildoers shall be cut off, but those who wait for the Lord shall inherit the land. In just a little while, the wicked will be no more; though you look carefully at his place, he will not be there. But the meek shall inherit the land and delight themselves in abundant peace. The wicked plots against the righteous and gnashes his teeth at him, but the Lord laughs at the wicked, for he sees that his day is coming.
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A reminder that the christcucks' religion is necromancy.
As chaos magicians we don't judge people, as we are open to virtually any paradigm.
Just, isn't that contradictory with their quest for purity?
didn't read, suck my dick faggot
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>A reminder that the christcucks' religion is necromancy.
I would say christendom is a pervase cult dedicated to the worship of human life at any costs, with christ as the ideal human/egregore representing what they see as human perfection. Personally I don't see what makes a dead jew who allegedly died 2 millennia ago so great, nobody even knows what he looks like
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>a pervase cult dedicated to the worship of human life at any costs
>dead jew who allegedly died 2 millennia ago
He isn't dead, at least in the tales. The Christ is closer to a lich than to a human being.
That's what makes him so great for christians who worship human life. Every day of the year wears the name of its one soldier of the lich's personal army.
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what's ironic is if he even came back nobody would recognize him, short of the stereotypical image of jesus descending from the clouds shroud in white robes people would just deny it. Look how many schizos and homeless claim to be jesus, what makes their claims valid or invalid? I think abrahamics would end up killing their alleged saviors in moments of religious fervor or mass hysterias, few of them realize their prophets were more mentally ill drug addled hobo than priest, I guess centuries of detachment can really rehabilitate one's image. I wonder if in 1000 years people will be worshipping the screeds of some random schizo from this era, if humanity even survives that long that is
>inb4 the scientology-mormon wars of 2983
Well then how do i stop wanting?
deep secrets dropped here
the Romans called it "coitus saxonicus"
is sexual cultivation the actual heritage of the northern European man?
if you can't seize what you want you find other things or another path to go down. I'm assuming you want some kind of connection with someone. Try asking for tangential things in the vein of what you want and give no quarter to doubt, if you truly want something you have to be prepared for it and potential ramifications of any caliber
>be careful what you wish for
I always think of this before requesting anything, desire can cloud what might be best and most empowering in the long run. It's ok to be entirely self centered, in fact it works better if your desires are independent of other humans and their energies and capabilities to drain the energy of others
>coitus saxonicus
sounds like a Latin term for inbreeding
there are no demons involved dude
I'm also interested in this as a lazy fuck who keeps falling into old ways. I'm curious to see what others think.
what magical project are you guy current working on besides sigils ?
>pre-abrahamic beliefs
and abrahamic beliefs, the whole part of cutting the vowel when making sigils is to make the process fit better with the way jewish astrological amultes and sigils where made
those were/are made using the hebrew script, which is an abjad, like an alphabet but it has no vowels as they aren't really needed for semitic(and some other afro-asiatic) languages due their consonantal root system
ok a girl just reached out to me and sent me nudes out of nowhere.

wtf this thing really works. I wasn't even trying or talking to her. this has never happened before, I'm 25. she has such nice tits, native american girl, skinny, my age. 7/10 with perfect tits.

I must have made a sigil to be attractive online or something like that last month, I don't remember, I made several sigils

always using the masturbation method.
granted it's really annoying to have to wait about 20 days or a month for it to have happened but whatever, i have nothing to lose. just started focusing on my work and videogames and boom it happened

this girl is literally showing me her creamy pussy right now and I'm getting shivers down my spine
I'm a big skeptic and while I knew about chaos magicks and sigils(I'm a huge fan of Morrison's comics for one), I've always brushed it off as religious nonsense.
But it sounds simple and surprisingly in line with my own thoughts about how the human conciousness can shape the world even if unconciously.
I'll probably give it a go one of these days now
random thoughts just now:
mind is separated between concious and subconscious.
the concious part is what takes care of basic survival, day to day tasks.
but what you choose to focus your concious mind on will feed the subconscious level. we get a peek at what's going on at the subconscious level whenever we have dreams that we can remember. but most of the time, for many ppl, we forget dreams, even if we remembered a little bit of them upon waking up.

so the info you consume, with your conscious mind, has an impact on the subconscious. and the subconscious is more like a long-term thing, where as conscious is short-term. obviously if you consume tons of negative info it's not going to be good for either level. it's simply not useful too.

true chaos magick recognizes this connection of the two types or levels, and somehow bridging this gap consciously. setting intentions, sigils, that's all just material and psychological ways of getting started. i don't think it's that easy or straight forward as drawing a symbol and cumming on it. i don't want to do it. but clearly focusing or fixating on something will make it more likely to become real later on. i think that's why "vision boards" are at least somewhat effective.

if i were a wage-slave who constantly dreams of taking a nice vacation at the end of the year, some place where it's warmer, i can make it more real if i fill my workspace with stuff that reminds me of this goal, even better if i add my email to various contact lists that send me info on this vacation plan, or if i contact some travel agent. but said vacation becomes less real if i'm wishy-washy about it, if i never take any actions, if i constantly allow other shit to get in the way.
Wait until you figure out what spelling is
in western tradition, there's more of a mixup between one's thoughts and one's mind, to the point where your mind is equated with your thought. but in ancient eastern tradition where they practice meditation, they downplay thoughts as being separate, and they encourage recognizing these thoughts as if they were clouds floating by. i think that's why billions of asians and indians can do what seems like mindless repetitive labor. the entire growth of tech industry depended on them. meanwhile westerners have thoughts and feelings which they believe are all valid. so the main way westerners get shit done is by drinking tons of caffeine, focusing on money, taking pharma stims like ritalin, etc. all of this shit obviously damages the mind if you think about it as a conscious "soul". and it's why ppl get burned out, quit their jobs, go nuts, whatever. and it's also why the slightly enlightened free thinkers quit being a wagie to start their own business. the monotony of doing any job is "soul crushing".

anyway, what does this have to do with chaos magick? i mean technically everything we do involves symbols. the words and letters i'm typing out are symbols. we go to work or own a biz to earn symbols of currency $ and numbers, both symbols. at a societal level we're all focused on symbols. even when we talk about status we talk in terms of "status symbols" and "sex symbols".

if i owned a small spoon making company, and all we made were spoons, i would still have to keep track of orders and production using a computer where my spoon inventory is reduced to numbers in excel sheets.

it's symbols all the way down.
what if i spell out a simple plan of what i will do tomorrow, by writing out a paragraph, but then i fail to do it, even though it was just a few simple tasks? seems like that's where many of us are getting hung up. speaking of "getting hung," perhaps an over-arching fate (e.g. suicidal thoughts and actual suicide later) is what prevents someone from doing these simpler tasks in the near-term.

from a big picture perspective, everything you will do has already been done (fixed block view of the universe).
so I met and talked to a girl after few years of not talking to any. she is cute and I want to make her my girlfriend. if I make a sigil like: "Mary Jane loves me" or less precise "cute girl with blonde hair loves me" it could work even tho I am balding incel? I am practicing SR for 6 weeks so my charge might be powerful. and if it really happen what are spiritual implications of messing with someone's will?
Ok I would like to hear your actual experiences with chaos magick, tell me anons have you used sigils, charged them the usual way, what were the results?
Experiences with servitors? Hypersigils? Takin in godforms?
no there aren't any unless you're obsessed with it and believe there are
it fucking WERKS and I'm impressed
I've never communicated with one directly, but demons sure are useful at preventing you from becoming homeless.
Do i have to look while masturbating to the sigil or just cum on it? I can't get turned on by a scribble
It's their "out" for when the magick doesn't work
>Oh, you did everything correct and it still didn't work? You probably didn't forget it well enough.
If it wasn't for BS like that, the process would seem more valid.
look at it during orgasm

Yah if you personally are concerned about the karmic implications of messing with free will, better to leave it more open like "I am in a happy romantic relationship with a beautiful girl" and allow reality to come up with the scenario of least friction (which may well be with this particular girl). but afaik there's nothing in chaos magick that says you can't mess with free will, it's just something that a lot of the writers put emphasis on because it would go against their own libertarian ethics.

also if you currently view yourself as a "balding incel" i would recommend doing some kind of ritual to brainwash yourself into seeing yourself in a better frame, it would make the process easier i think (although again that would just be a reflection of my own bias, I like the idea of adjusting my own mental frame to the one that best fits the reality i'm manifesting, whereas others might actually like the idea of manifesting things that feel totally unlikely from a mundane perspective)
Hold the sigil in your mind's eye while you orgasm.
Visualizing energy flowing into it also helps.
> would recommend doing some kind of ritual to brainwash yourself into seeing yourself in a better frame
can you recommend me one particural ritual? I have done some
kind of ritual like writing on paper my negative thoughts about yourself and burning it in the fire while opening yourself for positive aspects of me but I don’t think it really worked. I feel less depressed lately but still I can’t get over how I look and act with people
You are not very smart. Even in Jesus's time, there were already many people claiming His name, feats, or both. In fact, sects such as Valentinians spread because of similar motivations.

Nothing has changed since Jesus's first coming. If anything, the cyclical nature of these practices affirm everything our Lord taught during his earthly ministry.
Don't worry too much just look at it at th peak of orgasm
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Nobody knows what your holy stick jew looks like, post an image that depicts his true form
>inb4 long hair beard
>inb4 random composite middle easterner
I’m not sure I’m doing it right. I made one wanting to start a relationship with a girl at my gym but I don’t know her name, I described her specifically.

I ended up meeting 2 other girls with the same exact characteristics but they ended up being batshit mental and didn’t go nowhere. All in a week. Something is happening but results are hazy.
I dont think chaos magic is the ultimate element, more of a cutaneous mixture of primal elements that works, that include chaos, and not only chaos but other things as well such as what makes the soul, and a form a very unfiltered mixture of contact criteria, including a pure extract of all things individualized, both in macro and micro cosmic proportions, and definitely there is mostly chaos, because chaos is powerful. But also that there is another element that interleaves itself admist all to stand alone from that chaos, and that is a very cosmic essence. Not to call it a divine essence, but it certainly is made from a seperation of all else, even the spectrums of good and evil, or nuetral standing and balances, this element is what i describe personally as an ancient-codec from the very source of creation, not the source of creation itself, but it is a product of understanding from all things, that it has been manufactured by a strict processing in all things to set itself apart as from any other spectrum of things, both from above and below all expectations of any one trait can be, not an omni-essence that can simply be anything, though it is well defined through all properties to have some amount of as either any essence it could be. This is alot of --jargonism-- but the fact is its very well defined. Even now I can look back on the raw process to develop it as a conceptualized material. Not ectoplasm, not plasma-quasi-fluid, nothing like even strange matter, or bosons or anything far reaching into any science or occultism, though i might compare it to aquea-vitae. Infact it might just be the way to refine states of matter into the elixir of life. But it is -not life essence either-. To describe it best is as a liquid light, crystalline, and often times not incandescent either, just "a liquid off lite" because of its fluid nature.

I am reminded of MGS3 and how cybernetic blood would operate. None of this can suffice to say what it is. It more of a meme blood.
any chaos magicians part of any groups?
Im asking both about just a local group like a coven or local order with friends or if you are deep in Thelema and OTO, or Politics, or an actual Mason
Infact I have looked into it very much. The meme blood is an extract of a balanced state of matter, admist all forms of other chaos, it comes from the center of chaos. Where all other elements reside.

It is purified through a very computerized method, once any quotient of can be seperated inconsequentially to all other occurences in time and space. This requires a simulation, or cold fusion, in which zero-point energy and time-dilation can be bypassed. But anyways, that is the struggle of man currently.

The next stage must also be prepared, that once extracted it is contained, much like all information within its own blackbox, and from there can be accessed on any call or amount of resourcing required. This is with logistic behavoirs, in which it is easier to simply set a delta-triangulation of it in a very "machine like order/arrangement". I will say that the order involves using aquisition of data/virtualizing the data/and modeling the data over a nueral network. This is exactly what hypernets are used for in quantum-physics. Stable diffusion will be used for this, but it is generally done so much in soe many different ways that each configuration of is very important. Infact I just told you that is what is going on, but it happens like 50 times over per particle in use.

At which point it is no different than using a hadron-collider. People say it will open up a portal to hell, and it certainly can. But the true reason is to derive this pure essence from whatever quantum-process is "rifled" through.

I currently developed a system to extract meme blood, it works very good, even put it on github, but no one seems to care.
people dont listen because you dont speak english
you are speaking a different language
some anon asked if there are other spells in chaos magic.

there are other spells, you can read this book, tho I dislike the author, he's way too snarky and has limiting beliefs on what magick can do for you. but if you want extra spells, here it is:

Would you mind posting the name?
My country won't allow me to visit that link.
Can you send the GitHub link please
Alan Chapman - Advanced Magick for Beginners
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Magic needs to be reclaimed by reactionaries.
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Positional awareness between answers in which situation all parties are correct but thinking from different states of being that you leave with less of a conclusion then before you began with. If your seeking an answer its going to suite whatever your ears are in tune for. I got baited
Of course it works. Sad thing is those who fall into the devils lap wish he would be around longer after his milk run. I feel sorry for you people and wish I could help but I’m just gonna bail and not give up free info. Oh wait here I go. Jesus Christ saves. If you’re so smart learn what it means to have a father son relationship. Think hard about that . Did dad get pissed at you when you fucked up and tried correcting your behavior or did you just keep rebelling like the teenager you are in His eyes
>If you’re so smart learn what it means

Yes Jesus saves. but the "praying" thing doesn't do shit. It's literally whatever He wants. That means you can pray for your cute gf for 20 years and get NOTHING

Whilst with chaos magic you can get what you want very quickly
It doesn't matter what path you walk, it all leads to recombining with source in the end.
pastebin com slash ZFsrd09K
its basically as big as the gigas codex and yeah its crazy oh well. if i have to write more i will, ive been trying to finish it since this last year so i wont have to write anymore. i wrote everything out and didnt omit anything so youre warned.
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Can I use Chaos Magic to increase my dick size?
Wait so do you really have to masturbate to the Sigil?

Also, do I have to make a comic of myself out write affirmations or do both?
just do a sigil and jerk off to it. easiest thing in the world

the story/comic/novel thing is optional and it's useful for long-term life-goals manifestation. it took 3 months for Grant Morrison's work to get manifested in real life, and he's a famous author whose works are read by thousands of people.
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Is it fine if I cum to overwatch and sperge all over the Sigil?
Also can I cum on multiple Sigils at once and can I create multiple wishes for a Sigil?
you guys make it so complicated. the idea of orgasming is because it puts you in a state where you're not thinking, so you're able to imprint your subconscious with the intention behind the symbol by looking at the symbol at the peak of orgasm. instead of looking at words, which can activate your brain, you look at the symbol that represents the words. your subconscious knows what the symbol means, while your brain is asleep for a few moments.

use whatever method you need to get hard, but at the moment of orgasm look and study your sigil

why? just do it one by one. it's about focus and intent. you can create multiple, but you have to dedicate one session for each. looking at multiple sigils doesn't work because it's too much info for your subconscious.
i just spent the last two hours laying on the floor high on acid asking the same question
The impression I got was that there are yod spirits external to the self-construct which can be communicated with, however the catch is is that these entitites construct their communications out of your own words & thoughts. So basically there's a channeling process, learning to listen carefully to your own thoughts to pick up on what they're telling you (this is where frequent meditation & in general reducing societal noise pollution in your own brain comes in handy)

There are these forces external to the self which represent more pure frequencies. Ideal constructs that exist purely in the imaginal realm. Some of these entities represent archetypical ideals of masculine virility. There's a whole bunch of them, one for every kind of attractive male archetype you can imagine. Call out to the one that represents the particular brand of big dick energy you want to embody. Offer your services to it. Offer to become a channel for it, to carry out its will on the material plane.

It will start to guide you, but you need to be able to listen. It's going to be subtle, just like another one of your own thoughts at first. you can choose to ignore it or to listen. The more you align yourself to it the stronger the signal gets, the more you start to transform, stuff just starts to happen

(I'm not talking out my ass here, i've had multiple phases of life so far where i've done this successfully. but i'm still on /x/ because the archetypical forces of autism are also very powerful within me)

Organized religion bros call this demonic poscession but really it's just learning to tune into the aetheric side of the human experience. Women do this naturally but lack conscious awareness of it, which is why they get brainwashed so easily. As a man it requires more effort to get the radio antenna going, but the cool thing is you get to pick what station you're listening to
i just attained godhood so im just saying you can say whatever you want but you either have to admit im god or just deal with your own denial. unless you know my secret which is sort of why i can of initiate you into a chaos cult, i just dont need a cult right now and you will have to find my weakness i guess.
I have found that you don't need runes, cards, dice, or anything else to scry. You can do readings with a cell phone or computer and anything that has a random function you feel connoted to. That's it. That's all you need. You can tell the future and get answers from the random page of fucking wikipedia if you feel connected to Wikipedia. Here's how to try it yourself.

> Pick something you are connected to on a personal level
> Find a randomizer for it.
> Attune yourself to your device
> Reach your energies through the device towards the software or website you are using the Random feature on
> Ask the question
> Push the button
> Receive answer

That's it. The more times you attune to the same device and website the better the results get.
How do you concentrate if you have OCD?
Suppose a person is the victim of a curse. Can sigil magic protect someone from being hurt in that way again?
Sigil magick is an extremely bare bones system. Sympathetic Magick or evocation is much better for most things. Sigil is good for getting beer money or a girl to contact you. But it won't get you $100k or a wife.
I'm not a sigil user. I feel that Sigils are just weaker version of a construct.

> Construct
> Made of energy, serves a purpose
> Created by focusing on shaping energies mixed with personal intent
> Set it and forget it. Works until you revoke the energy or the cut-off time/scenario you specified during creation has been reached.

> Sigil
> Bunch of funny shapes on paper or whatever
> Made to focus energy and intent towards a goal or purpose
> Ya gotta focus on the sigil, bruh
> Oh noes, lost my paper! How did that doodle go again?

TL;DR: Make a construct instead of a sigil. Also practice cleansing rites on yourself and your surroundings.


What are you trying to focus on? And how does your OCD impact it?
How do you make a construct? Is that something different from a familiar/servitor?
Servitors are a form of construct. In general when people say constructs they mean more basic constructs, though. A basic construct can be as simple as a fuzzy barrier of energy that keeps out bad intent and lets through good intent. It can also be very complex which leads to things like servitors.

>how to make
At it's most basic it's just gathering up energy however you see fit, imprinting a purpose/intent on it, and letting it go. To make the energy wall I mentioned, just summon up energy around you and imprint the intent of "Keep away bad intent but let in good intent". You can ground the energy on yourself by using yourself as a focus point. This will make the fluffy protection cloud follow you around.

If the construct fades, just make it again. You'll get better at longer lived and more defined constructs with practice. I also would suggest NOT using your own energies as a protective measure. If the attack is made to target and hurt you, a wall effectively made of you won't do so much to stop it. Even just ambient energies from your surroundings is better than using your own here.
Interesting, thank you!
Look up thoughtforms. Basically you need to think a clearly defined thought and charge it with your will (will on the highest level is identical to awareness and is expressed as attention, what you're focused on there goes your will). Same thing as with sigils, but the object of your attention is this specific thought without a meme symbol intermediary. Be careful since strong thoughtforms are more or less autonomous and possess self-preservation instinct (they "feed" on same thoughts and feelings that brought them to life and will induce them in you to keep on living, so be mindful of what you want to have around you).
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It doesn't always work exactly as you expected but IT WORKS

I made a tinder (just to see who I match with) and lo and behold, a 29 year old blonde lady matched with me

That's all I needed, really just proof I can attract one, not even gonna message her since I'm satisfied

I'm that same anon who wss looking to be called handsome by one, this is a win for me

I also gotta thank /fit/ for making me buff enough to pull it off

>tfw this is but one of MANY sigils I made
>already seeing a few sigils like this and others be made manifest
>currently on coom and weed break
>will charge sigils extra hard when I break the break

I feel it...this is the beginning if something BIG and AMAZING for me
Congrats bro. Did you coom on your sigil, or coom while looking at it? I've had very minute success myself, manifested a match on Bumble with unreal giant ass/giant tits death by snu snu style blonde, will post pics if I fuck her.

I charged my sigils initially by edging to them, then casting into the sea. That brought her into my orbit and matched. But she's gone quiet on me... don't really want to blast a load, but if that's what it takes to remake reality, get her talkative and aching for my benis, so be it.
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Did a variety of interchanging both on various sigils of similar intent

Funny bonus, I did a sigil (coomed on this one) to have a redhead girl sit on my lap (in my head I was imagining at least a pseudo bitter face with a pixar/Dexter's mom type ass like this)

I saw ywp redheaded girls with Megan thee stallion type asses at my job today

This shit is powerful

I also gotta thank Neville Goddard for shoeing me the general basics of using your mind on reality
Almost forgot congrats by the way fren

I'm no dog like my father or some dudes I know, but the rush of finding out ab attractive girl finds you attractive is amazing
Can you charge a sigil with blood, like wishing someone to die
So in retard terms chaos magic is basically if you believe something strongly you can manifest it and make it true ?
No, it's basically you send out a request to The All (of which you are part) to fetch you [the thing]. It's supposed to circumvent faith (which is inferior to direct awareness anyway).
That's Law of Attraction.
Chaos magick is a term for any ritual that just worksTM.
Sigil magick works by creating thoughtforms that influence reality around you based on your intent.
It has nothing to do with religion.
Chaos magic teaches that the essence of magic is that perceptions are conditioned by beliefs, and that the world as we perceive it can be changed by deliberately changing those beliefs.

That's just what I said no ? I'm kinda retarded srry
This is the main precept of all magic. Also be wary of reddit-tier söy "magicians" who babble about chances and probabilities (as in "magic increases probability of X"), this is inferior mentality because there's no chance and the chains of causality stretch even into the potential ("non-existent"/"acausal") part of reality.
>creating thoughtforms that influence reality around you based on your intent.
That's believe
Anon, you're talking to people who have never touched upon this subject before in their lives.
All those concepts you're talking about are things they need to learn in time.
Replacing them with concepts like chance and probabilities makes it easy for them to understand.
what i also don't get is how our perception changes doesn't really mean the world is any different
it's just an illusion, you can believe you're smart but that doesn't make you smart
> Consciousness & magick work in a non rational space, meaning one needs to let go of its conceptualization, fear, attachments, identification to the thing to finally get it.
> Distant goals could be attractors for our present self.
> Belief - or faith - plays an essential role and is probably modulated by a set of contextual, sensory and cognitive elements (priming). See cases where the blessing has no effect without belief but multiplies the effects tenfold with it.
> Beliefs / consciousness activates the potential of the information field.
> The Universe consists of non-local information, and spacetime is a sensory representation of that information
> The brain does not produce consciousness, it is a filter for survival [Bergson].
> The Right Hemisphere is the daemonic space where subconscious emerge from, reified by the Left Hemisphere.
> Language as a veil between Magick & Rationality.
> Cultural Wars (orthodoxy vs heresy), is originating from the subconscious knowledge we collectively co-create reality. Power in who controls the writing rights.
> Visualization / Prayer might collapse the wave function eigenstates.
> To manifest we have to disconnect from our identification / inner narrative / meaning making machine (meta-qualia).
> Indulgence (eg. caffeine, sensuality) can allow temporary access to higher qualia, over-indulgence cuts off access.
> The magick realm is beyond us and manifestation flow from this plane to our, filtered out by our (collective?) belief. There are layer of realities we peels [Robert Monroe's Locale II].
> We live in an information field somes have easier access too, probably due to ADN. Artefacts and UFOs alter this field like radiation. Hitchhiker is the sense openness this proximity enables.
any of you guys ever won the lottery?
>is the definition of black magic
is not
For real, niggers will post a thread and use her pic LMAO I cant

Also, why are you all not living your perfect lives when you can use CHAOS MAGICK to achieve anything?

Seriously did one of you achieve anything big and difficult?

>but I manifested a cute girl looking at me once!!!!
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>create a sigil saying that the girl that I love and who ended up blocking me will want to see me
>cum on it loudly
>nothing happens
It's been 2 hours already.
I was bamboozled hard into cumming on my drawing, wasn't I?
we only wish they were the 40k dark gods. theyre just gay aliens in reality.
odd meeting someone who can spot a scam here of all places.

all these spirits and gurus and cult leaders are nothing more than shitty used car salesmen with no oversight.
all this thread is just people aiming to manifest cute girls and other teenage-tier petty relationship/sex things. has anyone actually gotten this to work on anything of substance?
i wonder if you can do a death ritual, dangerous perhaps eh
It is not how it works otherwise we would all live in distinct reality full of NPC, it's the issue with site like 4chan (or any publicly available forum really) it's that we have to educate anon newcommers that think themself beyond the crowd because "duh why not rich & bitches everywhere if X real". It a subtle realm, more akin how learning to surf do not make yourself able to perfectly ride every one you see or ride a puddle in the street.

Common practice is to disengage to common trolls and sure, /x/ is full of delusive kids believing anything exist but once in a while it might help to reconsider.

Magick is not of the realm of reason and of the left hemisphere, the name "Chaos Magick" should give enough of a hint to tell you it is not of the realm of structured pattern you see in daily life. It's dancing with symbolism, one you co-create with your surrounding, it's not about fire ball of lights from your fingertips or making gigantic holes in a mountains. It's mainly about transforming a path to make yourself and your desire meet at some point, which can be as hard as simple and not "one solution fits it all".

As a side note, same things can be said about Tarot or Astrology. It does not predict anything more that give you symbolism about the current energy and interpretation is highly subjective.

If interested are some references:
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kx8HjyQV2Hc
* https://www.newdawnmagazine.com/articles/synchronicity-the-daemon-making-magic-work-for-you
No. I've never gotten anything except tiny amounts of money. The problem with "chaos" rituals is scale. I can't carpet bomb countries. I don't know if this is what "Chaos magic" actually is though. Maybe I'm talking about destruction magic? Is that a thing?

Honestly I've learned the wrong lessons about life. It makes me sad. You do NOT get rewarded for being "good", at least not in the way that normies say.
For me it's part of it and it worked out nicely

You don't have to follow others conflicting beliefs on it if you're seeing results.
Like anon said, Chaos magick is about using whatever beliefs, symbols, or rituals that work for you to achieve your goals, without following strict rules or traditions. It's embracing your own idiosyncrasy and the flexible nature of reality, highly dependable of your own subconscious mind.
Everyone must move forward. Even such a concept as "faith" or "belief" is incomplete and often misleading, most people associate it with trust but they actually have little in common. Understanding of real nature of such things makes everything easier because you are aware of what exactly you are doing, how and why it happens. Besides, it's not all for nothing. They say: don't throw pearls before swine, but information is like seeds instead, they are sown and then sprout forth when the mind is ready. To be stuck in this little box of inferior definitions is contrary to progress, the soon people can escape it the better, especially for societies like /x/ even, because it ups the quality of collective knowledge. Besides, getting rid of illusion of chance is a great step towards deabrahamization, since abracuckery is the main source of muh free will meme and the most infectious branch of it, christcuckery, largely hinges on it.
>deep secrets dropped here
lmao all this thread says is "absorb energy from women"
wow, yes, very deep. ancient chinese secret.
more 4chan bullshit. thank you for posting and feeling important. now go back to watching cartoons.
I tend not to ask for materialistic things when it comes to this, the old adage of "be careful what you wish for" really has a way of playing out in unexpected ways. As a knowledge enjoyer it's given tremendous gifts, clarity of mind and self awareness are worth far more than anything material, and the bonus is they last far longer than all that tangible shit
No, there isn't anything else I'd want other than cute girls and debauchery. Life to me is now supposed to be about sensual pleasure and debauchery.

I do not care about anything else. Not even money is worth it, women care way less about money than I thought, I realized that after getting laid multiple times through chaos magic.
Do not impart your own truth upon others.
Everyone has their own path to tread.
They will walk it regardless, but everything is interconnected so there's no "imparting". One can be fed all knowledge there is and disregard it, another will go around the whole world and find secrets carefully hidden from everyone. This is the path.
Let's say I ask for wisdom or knowledge of latin, for instance.
What am I to expect? I assume I still won't understand.
>This is the path.
No, this is /your/ path.
Paths of others cannot be seen, because they are not your path.
Stop trying to control and let it be.
You can learn faster or encounter someone willing to teach.
Reality has many, many ways of getting things done.
So basically you never know if it worked or if it's bullshit, right?
What Chaos Magic can be performed without Sigils?
Based big booty redhead enjoyer. May the braps flow freely to you, anon
Stop trying to control me, then. Reject hypocrisy as well as illusion of "free will". Everything is interconnected. Everything is one. Separation does not exist whatsoever.
"it would have happened anyways".
magic has a way of making things seem extremely natural.
Because it is natural.
what if the statement contains every letter in the alphabet bro?
Remove the vowels, and take M and W as the same letter
and make your fucking intention simpler ffs
>I realized that after getting laid multiple times through chaos magic.
Anon, I....
that would be a massive and dispersed intention which is unlikely to be efficient.
Boom. Also look into the rose-cross method of sigil generation, where each letter of the Hebrew alphabet has a geometric position that lines of the sigil connect to. Many angelic sigils use this pattern.
I wrote "I'm so happy and grateful for my beautiful new girlfriends" dozens of times over the course of a few days as an experiment in manifestation, and exactly a year later I suddenly found myself dating two girls at one time... And both of them were more or less cool with it.
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>Y is a consonant
Somehow it's harder for me to believe than making a sigil out of "MY PENIS INSIDE TEEN GIRL WITH HUGE TITS".
How is it not a vowel?
>How is it not a vowel?
American education.
Is writing the same thing out once everyday and trying to internalise it a type of this? eg, "my shitty neighbour moved out in 2025" or "I met my wife in 2026" or "I'm not a coward," etc.
I do something like that daily, not because I think it's magic, just a habit to improve my mindset/attempt a self-fulfilling prophecy type thing. I just write a blurb and toss it in the bin. No magical thoughts.
not necessary, but if it makes you feel better
Thought so lmao, just saw this thread whilst scrolling through the catalogue and it piqued my interest. Might as well ask.
Does one HAVE to ejaculate? There's a trick to retain it with three fingers as Mantak Chia's book showed. Does retaining the semen inhibit the sigil or is the effect of the orgasm enough?
And what's with the death posture of Spare? Anyone did this here, it works?
You can release through pain if you want.
You make a cut in your skin, and when the pain is felt, you launch the sigil.
>through pain
Any pain? Say I let something fall on my foot, does that count as long as I Tom & Jerry scream around while focusing on the sigil?
Meditation also works.
Most people do not know to meditate properly, however.
ok this lecture by Morrison is even better cuz he talks about charging as well:

wtf man Im shadow banned on 4 chan?

Posted two times with content and both went into nothingness.

In a nutshell I said "you can write a rhymy poem about having what you want, make it almost silly but in a positive way,something that fires up your right hemisphere, just good vibes"

It also works.
Especially if the main character of the poem represents you.

Of course, I wrote it from 1. p view.

captcha: V gps
this is the better lecture desu
I'm new to this whole thing, but apparently I've been living with the same philosophy of what Chaos Magic is for my entire life. I've always assumed the universe works in this way, like multiple domino pieces all falling in different patterns and ways, that can be slightly influenced if you play your cards right.

Ever since someone else named it as "Oh, so you're into Chaos Magic?" I've chosen to research what that even is in the first place, and I must say, this is the first time I'm even hearing of stuff like "cumming on the sigil" or "charges" or whatnot.

I raise you the following: Isn't it easier to make yourself the sigil? Why not make your entire identity the goal, method, and change? I've been slightly altering events in my life and predicting impossible stuff through simply making myself part of the set of events, which my friends have attempted to replicate all the time ever since I told them how it works.

For example, just last year I won a numbers match against a computer robot that hadn't lost in the entire event, playing against random users. I went on to beat it 7 times in a row, with my friends trying out inbetween my matches and losing every time. The goal was to pick the same number as the robot, from 1 to 100, and I simply thought "It'd be hilarious to press 1 every single time and win, so this must be the result the universe chooses for me" and it worked flawlessly.

Just make yourself the sigil. Get involved in the set.
I'm not american.
My first attempt is going to be "I fuck a girl with huge tits". I decided too refrain from being too specific, so I guess it could be anything: teenager, black girl, milf... I'm okay.
Wish me luck.
>There's a trick to retain it with three fingers as Mantak Chia's book showed.
Mantak Chia talks about actual esotericism and high spirituality, aka the polar opposite of chaos "magick"
i got this without needing chaos magic, by simply asking the universe.

that means it's not even real magic, you may as well just pray. at least that way you won't condemn your soul. chaos "magick" is so stupid. it doesn't hold a candle to actual esotericism.
the sigils these dipshits haphazardly invent don't do anything except make them more insane.
Here's your (you), anon.
i refuted you and now you're coping.
What? I don't even know who or what you're replying to, I jusy saw youbbeing in need of attention and gave it to you.
Be thankful.
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ok so to start this off I'm a complete amateur and I don't plan to attempt this until I can at least read some more and become semi decent at crafting sigils lol

So I don't know if anyone is familiar with a "ruined orgasm" but it's basically you edge and stimulate yourself to "almost" the point of no return(this takes practice and affects the following), then you stop stimulation completely and let yourself cum slowly without orgasm. I've been experimenting with this over the years and have had some.interesying results. Sometimes I can cum like this, then continue stimulation again and usually cum a second time, this time with orgasm within 30 seconds or so. This is easier to achieve the longer it's been since you've cum and how long you've been edging, and other factors such as the quality of stimulation or just how much sexual energy you have stored.

My theory/question is I wonder how this might affect the potency of the sigil if masturbation is used in this way?

I could
1. retain semen for a period of time, cum without orgasm empowering the sigil
2. the above, but cum a second time with orgasm during same session as described above, empowering the sigil

I know this is kinda weird but I have basic experience with sexual energy, solo at least. So I definitely believe in some of this stuff. I've done the whole focusing on your breathing while edging and feeling the energy rising through your spine while holding your hands apart and moving them up and down. I think I have that book still, I'll have to look. I think it was called "sex magic for the solo practitioner". I'll look for it if anyone is interested. I've had intense feelings of energy and body high with this, not including orgasm or cumming.

So anyway what do you guys think of my idea? I plan to try this sometime in the future.
Bingo. The Ars Notoria involves detailed sigil-like illustrations that the adept is supposed to "inspect" to magically achieve knowledge of the liberal arts (see Skinner's Method B for a deabrahamized approach)
>you can create multiple, but you have to dedicate one session for each
limiting belief. look into Gordon White's method for "shoaling" sigils
I'd assume it works the same way since the point of orgasming is to shut down your conscious mind imprint your subconscious with a certain idea/reality.

However, semen does carry strong energy as some anons pointed out, and it has several ritualistic properties, so I don't know how not using it would affect your manifestations vs using it. In chaos it's all about experimenting and giving a middle finger to tradition and being as iconoclastic as you can.

I even got rituals to work while using ChatGPT to help me
Christians have not "refuted" anything here and I'm a Christian who practices chaos magic.

All they did was sputter muh hell and "don't do that just pray bro", while giving vague answers on why you should not get the things you want in life even tho several Bible figures lived a lavishly life full of pleasure and got saved anyways.

As for the "muh confirmation bias" materialists here, no point arguing with them. Presupositionalism teaches us that everything comes down to your worldview and will be interpreted on the basis of it. Either you shatter their presuppositions, or they'll justify even the most absurd unlikely magickal results in a "believable" material way that "would have happened anyways", and they do that on EVERY single thread here.
To make a comparison with the Law of Assumption:
Neville had the benefit of growing up before television was a thing, and even radio was in its inception.

There were few distractions, which enabled him to easily achieve a state of "gnosis" or the shutdown of your conscious mind simply by concentrating on your desire.

It also doesn't hurt that he was a Vaudeville dancer, possessing a lot of control over his physical body.

Reaching the same state in 2024 is not easy. Shutting off your brain is an effort in and of itself, which already goes against the effortless approach Neville taught. Plus, our imagination is imprinted with more images than 10 thousand frontline soldiers from different eras would have seen.

That's where chaos magic comes in to save the day. You are forcing the state of gnosis by achieving orgasm and transforming your intention into a bizarre symbol that your conscious mind won't understand while you look at it during orgasm, but that has already been absorbed into your subconscious and imprint your mind with it.

Even your mind will change if you do the ritual correctly, which is rather easy and there are no limits to how many times you can do it and what words and styles of sigil you can use, it's all permitted and subjective. You will know it worked when you notice a feeling of inevitability, or as Neville described, a feeling akin to watching a movie where you've already seen the final scene. Yes you will enjoy the movie, feel the tension, but undercurrent there is a solid, peaceful feeling of excitement and inevitability coming from KNOWING exactly how the movie is gonna end.
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>I even got rituals to work while using ChatGPT to help me
Using A.I. is the biggest middle finger to tradition, which fits perfectly with the iconoclasm of chaos magic.

The fact that you're being smug about it is proof enough, but the fact that it actually WORKED is what convinced me.
I wish to possess at least three hundred fifty (350) genuine physical United States dollars in my hands in the real world while I am awake. I specify that I wish for this to occur in the current universe and worldline I inhabit at this moment, on this day, September 24, 2024, after September 26, 2024, at 8:54 AM Eastern Standard Time (EST), and before September 29, 2024, at 6:00 PM EST.

Please grant my wish.
>I wish to possess at least three hundred fifty (350) genuine physical United States dollars in my hands in the real world while I am awake. I specify that I wish for this to occur in the current universe and worldline I inhabit at this moment, September 2024
I would stop here
I wish to possess at least three hundred fifty (350) genuine physical United States dollars in my hands simultaneously while I am awake. I specify that I would like this to occur in the current universe and worldline that I inhabit at this moment.

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