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/x/ - Paranormal

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Mass anal prolapse for the NWO
New United States president
Many people I speak to say it feels like we’re building to “something.” I don’t know anymore. The truth is: there are situations in my personal life that I feel a catastrophe might free me from. So I don’t trust myself to look at any of this objectively; there’s always too much wishful thinking involved.
an extremely blessed year
People are going to start go super-saiyan.
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Trump to finally get assassinated and kick off a full ball civil war as Saturn and Neptune bromance and Uranus enters Gemini
Pandemic 2
March 14
Arrival of non human intelligence gets closer (agi or aliens)
Interestingly there is supposedly a specific configuration in 2026s chart which suggests a coming time of harmony and prosperity. I think the astrologers name was Andre barbault who made the claim decades ago.
yeah I've been like that since 2009.

However, I do think that we are headed for something big.
the second river will dry to bed
the mountain tops will flame as of amber
the horses will find solace within the moons shadow
they will eat till their hearts are full.
What’s different this time?
>dire prediction
Oh oh.
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Kali Yuga ends, mass consciousness upgrade, cleansing
Golden Age.
hopefully my living situation will be a lot more comfy. but probably busy. i hope i can get going on some personal projects i always been meaning to do.
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>Andre barbault
Thank you, friend. I'm just blown away. Fucking praise God and his perfectly perfect creation. You guys have no idea just how amazing things are about to get. No. Idea. Golden age is an understatement.
My book comes out, so a good year for me.
First detonation of nuclear devices above ground for military purposes. However, no war will occur after the destruction. Not because it will start the war, nor because it will end it, but because to stop it.
2024 still cooking
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Crypto will moon a bit, the presidential election will shock and change everything, globalization will continue to take a backseat, climate change will unfold further, new technologies will come to fruition, and the deck of much of the world will be shuffled. Also aliens are real.
a surprise party
>The truth is: there are situations in my personal life that I feel a catastrophe might free me from
relatable..but tbf sometimes things were going well recently and I still felt we were in the calm before the storm, but maybe that was still me hoping. As you say, the line between us wanting something to happen and the genuine feel something will is very blurred
more of the same
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june or july
Earth go boom
Extremist attacks fostered and created by elements within and outside the US. Most likely will try to pin it on our favorite jihadists as in they will let it happen. Prob lots of dead people. Most likely across the US in places you would expect. The ebul unhinged nazi living his dream out as a homesteading alarmist hasn't really caught on. Though unironically they have a lot of funny money betting on these wack-os they find on X from that NAFO crowd and other beliefs that deranged and disenfranchised men follow.

I will say that people believe they want to assassinate Trump. I think it is more likely they desire a candidate that would actually make people want to behave in a manner according to their agendas. One of those would be to wage war... That is if they manage to force the occasion to occur.

Lotta funny incidents over the decades and still, nothing. Though it would appear we are quite closer than ever.

I think also there will be more strange occurrences that people will experience and that by the time Trump is inaugurated as President of the United States of America on January 21st of 2025; I must contend and say that They will be more apparent... If not outright blatant and forthcoming about the presence of themselfes.
I must clarify; I do not speak of Jews when I say They, nor trannies.
Things can only get better
chaos from mass lifting of the spiritual veil
That's what it feels like we are experiencing now
Israel gets wiped off the face of the earth thanks to a massive arab muslim alliance. US quality of life decreases significantly due to a massive war in the middle east that they throw themselves in. Open Chinese-Russian conflict. Nukes in 2028
What’s on the menu for the rest of the year?
2025, is the day when por el culo te la hinco
Even more shitposts in this board as anons become ever delusional due to decreased mental health
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I mean, yeah you’re more than welcome, but apparently something has to go down first to make way for this renaissance 2.0 surely?
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Yes, but its inevitable occurrence is obvious.
(You wouldn't believe how many hurdles I had to make this post)
2+2+5=9. 9 is the last digit. Numerology says 2025 is the end of a 9-year cycle. 2026 will begin a new one.
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End of russia-ukraine conflict
Nothing different.
Same shit, different day.
The headaches will continue.
The mundane will increase.
Chuds are going to predict the fall of the West for 2026
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>André Barbault and the Cycle of Growth and Decay
>I have been looking at the work of the French astrologer André Barbault — and doing a little extrapolating. Barbault plotted the conjunctions of the outer planets through history and was able to pinpoint major historical events. He saw these as periods of global growth or decay. The early 2000s, for example, were a high, according to his theory, — and indeed you can point to the mapping of the human genome, the expansion of the internet and many aspects of globalisation as expansive.
>In 2011, he correctly predicted the outbreak of COVID in 2020.
> Barbault based his system on his cyclic index, which he put into a graph that shows the outer planets getting closer and then moving away from each other. The bigger the dip in his graph, the more likely, he thought, a global crisis. There was a major trough in 2020, when so many outer planets conjoined, and out of which we are crawling. The trough was the deepest dip this century until 2080. That is how he predicted a pandemic, since it correlated with previous pandemics.
>The good news is that we carry on crawling up and up out of that period of decay right up into the 30s. According to this chart, we may be feeling more optimistic by 2026., when we stagger back to 2016 levels of equilibrium, but instead of going down from there, we go up.
>Another interesting observation that Barbault made was the correlation between the Saturn-Neptune cycle and the fortunes of the Soviet Union.

>1917 conjunction –Russian Revolution
>1952-53 conjunction – Death of Stalin
>1989 conjunction (+ Saturn-Uranus conjunction of 1988) – Fall of the Berlin Wall
YouTuber Dan waites highlighted the potential for rearranging of borders due to the above and USA was also highlighted too because of its recent Pluto return and the transit of Uranus into Gemini which has some history with the revolution iirc.
That being said. Only up! Buy the fucking diperinos
The cock and ring will collide
This year has been a rampant disaster and the most suffering and paradoxical freedom I have ever been through. If next years gets even worse because of WW3 or some other stupid shit...idk I don't even think I would feel anything at this point. Just get it over with quickly please.
My prediction: Nothing ever happens, only slow edging towards the end in two weeks.
Chabas Lubavitch starts WWIII
If trump wins this will happen, shit will be rough for a while but it will always get better.
I appreciate the hopium.

The alien technology injected during COVID begins to bloom, leading to terrifying scenes of mass death and gross mutation all over the world
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>Pokemon Legends Z-A is released early Spring
>Aurorus still doesn't get to have Power Gem
The mad wolf breaks the cord that binds. It seeing the world one again, only to a world of >>38857409
The gods of the world order unable to stop one that lives in the chaos they created.
I think gold will exceed $3k an ounce, silver will perhaps reach $50-60. Probably war escalation in middle east. demonization of white males will continue. rioting following election. an earthquake.
>an earthquake
ONE earthquake for the entire year???
That WOULD be an insane event.
a big earthquake. a major one. in the usa.
>demonization of white males
As long as Jews are around they are to blame.
Reality itself is about to change.
Based safe bet anon

>she knows
Wrong timeline bub
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Force growth: Genitals
My recent experience as a repeat sex offender has given me new insights and I have grown in my skills in the Force. My ranking is Jedi Rapist.
Saturn can do this for you
maybe i will finally die
the period from 2061 to 2082 looks like a very positive time
is it an /x/ themed book?

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