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Why are stupid people happy? Notice how the most simple-minded individuals in society tend to be the most content people in life regardless of what life throws at them, while people who think too deeply about everything tend to be depressed.

What if, maybe, being an idiot is actually a virtue?
no such thing as stupidity or intelligence, only your ability to conform matters
not necessarily. plenty of room-temperature IQ dumbasses constantly drown themselves in alcohol, blow all their money on whatever drugs they can get, and keep getting involved in maddening, frustrating bullshit. they're spiraling downwards and they know it. it's not happy. plus, constantly being reminded the high standard creations in the world are made by vastly superior people that they can't even dream of measuring up to, that eats them alive. if they were just naked and frolicking in the wildnerness like wild animals, sure they'd be happy until something bad would happen. even cavemen still have problems.
smart people often get worked up over things that actually shouldn't be worried over. smarties are smart enough to be tricked in a way, but ultimately it's a boogeyman. one can be smart and happy with the right knowledge. one can be dumb and happy with the right knowledge. but some people are screwed and doomed, and they're not happy.
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Ignorance is not bliss, they're only happy insofar and for as long as they remain useful to their shepherds. Don't mistake minimalism for enlightenment.
kind of, wisdom and knowledge is always a burden so the less of that you have regardless of how 'stupid' you are will always make you more miserable
it's the main reason why many philosophers end up killing themselves because of their existential questions
"For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow." (Ecclesiastes 1:18)

Common Bible W
There's worldly wisdom and Heavenly wisdom, same with knowledge. This applies to the former, not the latter.
It's because this world is from darkness, and so it takes someone in darkness (i.e. ignorance) to be ok with this way of being.
Those who see the light of truth will find no home here.
Intelligence, wisdom, knowledge do not increase suffering that's biggest lie by archon nigger puppets.
Knowledge to heal yourself if injured
Intelligent enough to comprehend seasons so you can sow vegetables
Wise enough to not kill pergant deer so you won't decrease your meat

Only dumb faggots suffer because they do not posses enough informations, life experience and intelligence to get out of their suffering
It's a bell curve
I hate this place, it's so goddamn cruel for no reason
you kill a man because he's an obstacle to your ambitions, ok, but is it really necessary to behead his entire family and burn his house down also? makes no sense
>you kill a man because he's an obstacle to your ambitions, ok
That still comes from ignorance. Don't think of it as a choice of what "you" should do, think of it more as a state of being.
Meaning, if someone's state of being implies they cannot have what they want unless they harm someone else, then their own state of being is not free. So their soul is still dwelling in a slave state.

Don't see things backwards like most people do. Bad actions don't cause one's soul to become rotten. It's the other way around. Bad actions are emanations from a soul that is _already_ rotten.
I see. So by being in a "slave state", you mean they're in like the crab bucket, that they will desperately keep taking others down and never reaching out? Is that a good allegory to explain why killing is bad and will keep you here? I'm not well versed in the whole Samsara thing
So, what you say is that, if someone will kill for ambition, then he's already lost, there's nothing stopping him from going further and reveling in violence for the sake of it?
>the slippery slope is real
Exactly. You got it.

And the other side of that coin is also difficult. Many people believe that by just doing good things you will raise your soul higher. That's not so.
Good actions will not bring the soul to a higher state, but being in a higher state will tend to emanate good actions.

This is the same with feelings. Positive/negative feelings do not cause creation as some believe, they are created.
A soul in a higher state will generate _both_ positive and negative feelings appropriately. Like if they see suffering it might make them feel bad.
A soul in a lower state will also generate _both_ positive and negative feelings. If they see suffering it might make them feel good.
With complexity comes complex suffering.
If you were to tell a jellyfish about your pain, it would swim ignorantly; it gives zero shits because it's a jellyfish.
Our curse is the complexity which we can use against ourselves and others.
Just growing pains, anon

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