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I just followed the instructions in pic related.

The TRN I recieved was KMIC-417W, and the thoughts that randomly arose in my head were very especific.

Red, Blue, Hot, Yellow, Red, Blue, Hot, Yellow

I was allowing my mind to wander, therefore I felt strangely about the fact that my mind seemed to be locked into these words especifically, as if there was a barrier that kept my brain from going a different way.
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Pic related is the sketch that I made, I made sure that my mind was not conciously thinking about drawing anything particular, I did not even look at the paper, as a matter of fact.
Someone posted a cool document a few weeks ago about psychic-dream phenomenon. I wish I had saved it. Anyone got a link?
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And pic related is the image that resulted from the feedback.

You can consider my interest picked, what on earth is going on here? I looked into the pastebin but all of the materials therein seem to be related to remote viewing in particular.

Do any of you have an explanation for this, what is going on exactly, are there other applications for whatever this is other than remote viewing?

Feel free to post your thought and experiences on the subject.
okay so, I didn't take a picture but, the description was nothing like it.
but when I sketched, I did in the same perspective of the shown object. Interesting.

I'll do it again.
did it again, nice coincidence. I drew waves and it was the pic of a shore.
very nice.
yeah, if anyone has a rational explanation for this I would very much like to hear it
The only person that I can think of that has a semi coherent idea of what is going on is David Morehouse. I can't remember which interview it was, but it was on one of many podcasts with him from Spotify.
>Visit this website
Just buy an ad, faggot.

>You can consider my interest picked
Piqued, retard.
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Russell Targ's Ex TEDx talk: The Reality of ESP: A Physicist’s Proof of Psychic Abilities

Russell Targ teaches Remote Viewing in one simple lesson

Third Eye Spies (FULL MOVIE)

Remote Viewing and Statistical Validation

Archeological Remote Viewing in Japan with Joseph McMoneagle

joe mcmoneagle remote viewer no 1 in the us army's psychic intelligence unit

Remote Viewing Training, Part One: The Initial Phases, with Paul H. Smith


Hella Hammid - Remote Viewer and Russell Targ Physicist

Ruper Sheldrake destroys the current scientific paradigm

Mental Radio - Upton Sinclair
>psychic-dream phenomenon
give me some more details of the thread if you can, i'll try searching for it in the archives
That’s AOL (analytical overlay) and you are doing it wrong.
These instructions in the image are too basic and strip out a lot.
Teleanalysis, actually.
Glad to see the RV community adopt a higher scientific standard but this one clearly lacks the multi-target variables, the red herrings, or the encryption key.
I agree with you, it’s a fun basic image but it leads anons like OP to miss out key stuff.
>Just buy an ad, faggot.
The website isn't even selling anything and doesn't even have ads on it, retard faggot.
Hi, I wrote the instructions for this. Here's an RV server if you want a place to ask for further info:
Also feel free to directly reply to my post with questions.
I guess my main question is, what exactly is this? Why did I draw the lighthouse before seeing it?

Also, whatever this is, are there any other applications for it other than RV?
Why am I so bad at this? I get NOTHING. Funny thing it I totally believe in the woo stuff, it feels like everything in the universe is connected, this isn’t base reality, I’m here by choice, etc, but i get nothing, not even a hint any time I play around on thetargetpool.

It feels like maybe this is relevant but I’m also able to pull myself out of deep psychedelic states back to reality almost instantly if I want. It seems like I’m just too good at being a basic boring human.
I have the drawing skills of a five year old that suffered massive head trauma should I bother?
This is my first time doing it so my advice might not be useful, clear your mind and stop yourself everytime you try to "force" a sensation, whatever comes out is what comes out, even if it is just one word

Check my own drawing in the first reply to the thread, it is nothing but nonsense until you compare it to the feedback image, give it a try
Have you read Sean Connelly's Psionics book? I like that I can do the psi ball exercise while I kegel

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