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some anon recently made a thread that we are going back to the good time line, reversing starting in 2016. i have found more evidence of this
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>we are going back to the good time line

>Trump almost shot twice by his own former supporters
>Republicans are going to lose the house
>conspiracy retards are a national laughingstock after admitting they lied about Haitians
>Flat Earthers are getting laughed at in the street
>Beetlejuice 2 was somehow not complete shit
>Halloween is being pushed in stores early instead of just late September
>Biden stepped down and gave Dems what they wanted and Repubs what they really, really didn't want
>Marjorie Taylor Greene got cucked by Laura Loomer
>David Gordon Green admitted Halloween Ends was shit instead of blaming fans

Hell yes.
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Felt weird that this guy was dead.
you think he was top or bottom? I think he was top
>>Trump almost shot twice by his own former supporters
There's no way in hell this clown at Mar-a-Lago was ever a Trump guy.
He's freebased MSM for long enough to believe that Ukraine vs Russia is a black-and-white good vs evil scenario.
Back in the good timeline guys. It feels so fresh. I can't wait to achieve all those opportunities I let pass me up last time.
damn i didnt expect anons here be this based and correct.
keep it up
even a blind chicken finds a corn once in a while
We left the good timeline for good in 2000, and started leaving it back in the 80s. Things might get better, sure, but nonetheless, the American Department of Defense established in 2001 that they will perform a mass ritual sacrifice of American citizens live on international television to facilitate endless wars of aggression that enrich people that already have more money than they know what to do with.

I’m definitely a lesser of two voters, but if you want a good timeline, you’re gonna need time travel.
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it can't be just for some paper, unless they inject dollars into their bloodstream for regenerative purposes like in south park
maybe oil (black goo) is some kind of conduit for black magic or some shit
or maybe they just masturbate to people's suffering, the entire world is one big snuff film (shit that sounds about right)
A rare post for this shitty board, BASADO as fuck.
2016 sucked ass

I don't know why mods support threads like this
Rich people got all the money in the world and can buy whatever they want. They try to fill the hole inside we all have (which is impossible) so they try to buy things which won't work. Then they try to affect the world around them with their money to make it worse or better in their eyes to satiate this voice in their head saying "it's not enough". The truth is that rich people are even more lost than people who aren't rich as they can try these crazy avenues to feel completed but you can't, your body just adapts to the situation and asks for more. So the rich people go crazy and turn to sick stuff like demonic sacrifices etc.
Aryan hands typed this post
I hate to break it to you, but that one the left is a gorilla while that on the right is a hippo. There is a bit of a difference.
*samefag reply*
Then you woke up and you still have no prepuce.
We "conspiracy" theorists know its you the source of every human issue. We handle the truth which you so much hate.
We are everywhere, and we are also in your system. You got many traitors around and thats why truth spread. Keep coping.
Lol he is quoting himself for the extra buckos. A pathetic life.
this doesn't add up because Republicans had cultural dominance in 2016. They absolutely do not now and probably won't for the foreseeable future
he topped from the bottom and bottomed from the top
any other way would be to fall for modern love
war advances science and tech the fastest...
the most high huemons want to make their bodies morphable and immortal
TimTheTatman was streaming overwatch again today, he hasn't done that since 2017. I think we are in 2017 again.
check CERN activity dates of 2016
if we are truly going back to 2016 and those of us who are in a state of gnosis will recall the last 8 years (I think it'll have been 9 years when we actually go back), then it'll correlate to CERN doing something

this might be something
thats not how gnosis works but okay.
Russian social media trolls and meme farms are (at least great factors of) what got Trump elected.
Cern might be taking us back to 2016 before he got elected (removing Russia from CERN means they can go back and reduce their influence)
The EU became very powerful (right now) when it found that god particle.
also this

so yea something strange is def happening.
Oh btw we finally have a game that feels like a game, we are def going back to good times

>space Marine 2
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look at them seeth and get angry in a thread about harambe and a cute af hippo
yall never escape the weird aligations.
go back to /pol/ retards and let us enjoy things.
let the good times begin
Good games come out literally all the time.
Name a single good game that has came out recently that is mogged by some woke bullshit.
that isn't mogged I meant to say, so many woke games coming out lately and its honestly so fucking tiring.
is this some kind of retarded NAFO colonization attempt? When is Mossad-Azov going to just fucking kill you all for fucking up your jobs royally in the hope to recoup the propaganda losses by martyring you?

I hope it's soon
>all mundane shit
frogfaggot is a retard as usual

Also I'm pretty sure "La Niña" weather event is gonna fuck us really hard, so go shove your good timeline in the ass
I don't think you know what mogged means.
I hate Trump, I think he's a retard. But thinking "my corrupt politicians are better than your corrupt politicians" isn't helping anyone. None of them, Republican or Democrat, have your best interest in mind.
>2016 was gonna get a boobjob but my grandma died and things got bad financially so I didn't
>2024 got a boobjob
we're back
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Nobody wants to go back to 2016, fuck that. I ask the Lord of time to take me back to 1999 [Amen]

Putin went power mad around the time the rock imprisoning Tamamo-no-Mae broke. Tamamo-no-Mae targets men in power making them do terrible things. When enough evil is loose, people and kami take action.

Are the kami finally stepping in to help right the timeline? Or is it a lot of holy people working together without even knowing it?
>Boba Tea
the sugar and fat in it goes directly to girl's breasts
you can tell them that as a joke and they will subconsciously drink more boba tea
not around here.. most of your assumptions are from your very limited point of view.. but the world is still going to shitland at ace speed

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