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>be all powerful and able to see the future
>create mankind knowing the fall to sin is inevitable
>have a hissy fit once it happens anyway
>go on to make almost every human behavior a sin
>throw people into eternal fire for not being monks

What did God mean by this?
>nothing happens
you forgot the part where he manifests as a man to come and show everyone how to live properly and be sacrificed to redeem humanity
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Finally a God hate thread. He's real and I know it but I'm kinda pissed off myself.
It's nice one night and I feel the Holy Spirit, so filled with it Jesus Christ spoke in my body. Tonight BAM all this temptation and fire. Satan is coming to Earth and is that gay Jewish Messiah who isn't Jesus. I know his voice and it's scary
WTF is his problem?

You know God sucks but Satan is just a dog in a leash. A rabid dog and he wants control over me. God takes it away. Why can't we have a Satan hate thread? He's a fucking faggot.
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I still feel the fire FUCK
>Change your picture after someone pointed out in the last thread that you use the same one over and over again
fuck you dad (serious)
vishnu approves
Yes he created humanity knowing that we would fall,
Yes he did it anyway.
This life we are living right now is a test to see whether or not our soul is worthy of his perfect Kingdom.
Will you live your life pleasing your flesh like an animal and die or will you stand above in all of that in God's image which was humanities original form in Eden and then enter his Kingdom with life?
the choice is yours op.
Godjak posters always miss the part where God had planned to reconcile us to himself through Jesus as far back as Genesis. So not only did he give us life and free will, but also an opportunity to escape the negative consequences of that free will, followed by eternity in paradise.
>God had planned to reconcile us to himself through Jesus as far back as Genesis
What's funny is you think this makes anything better? Why didn't God plan for reconciliation WITHOUT thousands of years of suffering?
Is He incapable?
I and every other human needs a plan and a process because we can't just have the end result instantly.
Is God also limited this way?

Or could God have done it without the suffering, but chose to add in suffering just because? Because that would make God sadistic.
>What's funny is you think this makes anything better?
>Why didn't God plan for reconciliation WITHOUT thousands of years of suffering?
Free will. If he had seen it fitting to just brainwash all of us without our consent, he would have.
>Is He incapable?
I think he intentionally limits himself to allow us our free will. If God exerted his sovereignty in all its fullness all of the time, it would be impossible for us to have free will. God's sovereignty, to my understanding, allows him to limit his own sovereignty and allow his creations to have their own, lesser sovereignty.
>be all powerful and able to see the future
What was is and will be.
>create mankind knowing the fall to sin is inevitable
The descent from spirit into matter on some the apple was physical manifestation.
>have a hissy fit once it happens anyway
Ultimately that doesn't matter because God reflects Adam (blood) and Eve (breath) so what you are seeing is the inner monologue of an entity conversating with itself
>go on to make almost every human behavior a sin
Extracanonical invention of the church, sin isn't as relevant in the pure text without the intereference of religious dogma.
>throw people into eternal fire for not being monks
OP something tells me you aren't seeking intellectual conversation, was this post personally motivated? That's you in pic related, get the joke?
The Messiah needed to come at the perfect time and location, the old testament is full of prophesies which needed to be achieved.
this stupid fucking thread gets posted over and over again, how many times do you need to ask this question asshole?
Because he tried that and Satan happened. Plus angels aren't creative or interesting after a while.
you're ignorant, refuse to learn
you deserve hell
He will come around one day, being open to any discussion about God is good.
Mustard seeds and all anon.
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that seems like serious improvement though, doesn't it? most schizos don't even listen to feedback.
The "god" of most major religions is just a fictional figurehead created in an attempt to guide humanity with morals and fear. Just look at the ten commandments. In ye olden times people just did whatever the fuck they wanted. You stole my sheep? I'm going to cut off your wife's head! But now that there's fear of burning in eternal fire and some all powerful being that can do anything with magic to harm you if youre bad, suddenly youre going to want to start acting "good". In order to for ma society they needed more rules. You get people to follow rules through fear. I'm not even an atheist this is just how the world was developed. All major religions are a scam.
>how do you do fellow humans?
>oh me? im just turning water into wine, regular old human stuff
>i dont get why the dead dont follow my example and resurrect
>what is "medicine"? you do know that humans can heal blind people by touching them, right?
>what do you mean we cant take a stroll on water?
>a storm is devastating your village? just turn the storm off bro
Im so glad jesus taught us how to live properly as humans, who knows why we werent doing half this shit before
>Free will
Why can't God give us free will with end result and no suffering?
All you have are reasons why God CANT.
All your blathering is to explain why God is limited and completely controlled by human reasoning.
>needed to
And another person explaining that God is forced to act certain ways.
>he tried that and Satan happened
So now God FAILED.

This is what I am to accept as omnipotent? A failure that can't remove suffering?
>Why can't God give us free will with end result and no suffering?
Why don't you try actually thinking about this for yourself? You're not the first to ask this question and there's a lot of answers out there, if you would only look. Why do the aggressively anti-Christian act like all Christians are idiots while acting like complete midwits themselves?
>op has a terrible relationship w his father and regularly posts on r9k
If i was god, i could do it, i have multiple methods.
1. Make everyone invulnerable to damage
2. Get rid of suffering altogether
3. Let everyone inhabit their own paradise where they are the only real person
4. Remove the desire for sadism (why the fuck is this even part of gods plan to begin with?)
Your god is less creative than me. He cant think of any of these
God knows better than you what will lead to the best result, and is more creative than you will ever be.
>3. Let everyone inhabit their own paradise where they are the only real person
You're younger than 20.
So the best he can achieve makes humans think "why isnt any of this shit better?". Im decently confident i can do atleast 5 times better
>Why don't you try actually thinking about this for yourself?
Because every reason why assumes there is something limiting your power.
And you don't want to admit that your God is limited, and can't do it.

There are only two reasons to accept that suffering HAS to be for free will
>God is INCAPABLE of doing otherwise
>God COULD remove suffering, but doesn't.

You are arguing the first - that Goes is incapable - and all your argument is meant to excuse this, not deny it.
You are so obviously ignorant lol that's fine. We both know eternal salvation is for everyone yet many will choose against that because God didn't give you a billion dollars and make your life as eat as possible.
>literally just says what happens in lore
>you are so obviously ignorant lol
I think god could remove suffering but doesn't.
nta either, just giving my opinion.
My choices overrides gods choices, makes me feel kinda cool desu. I am beyond his plans
What verse in scripture did Jesus teach us to turn water into wine? Because that's what you're saying, we should be able to do that. No worries, you're like super smart and sciencey and that will take you far as it obviously has for you so far.
So smart! Lol you're in his plans if you walk with him and Christ or not, you don't have a choice in the matter. If you know of Him and the grace it can provide but still ignore it and choose to live in sin, that's your god given right to damn yourself. For supposed geniuses you both sure are spiteful.
That's fine; also an explanation, but that is the trait of sadism.
Because we arent talking about
>God chose to add suffering...because the suffering has a purpose
That leads us back to
>Is God incapable of achieving that purpose without suffering?

This is God can achieve that purpose of suffering without it...and then threw in suffering for no reason other than God's desire.
Notice how god’s character changes based on your knowledge? God is only your own ego. You are seeing what you want to see. There are many parlor tricks within this matrix. The higher caste (“angels”) watch and play their roles to make things appear a certain way. It’s illusion. Focus on liberation, the pursuit of truth. Everything else is ego and vanity.
hey if jesus is so powerful can he make a rock that he cant lift
>he can
he can't lift the stone, therefore not all powerful
>he can't
he can't make the stone, therefore not all powerful
boom gay jew religion deboonked
i wanna hear the creationist solution to the rock problem
I'll answer, but I'm taking a post first to make some disclaimers and your acknowledgement.
>I am this anon >>38853125
>I am a theist, but not technically a creationist because we are eternal and uncreated just like God
>I am in no way a Christian or Abrahamic
>I do not think I am God, or you are God
>you don't have a choice in the matter
Gasp. Are you disrespecting my god given free will in this christian thread? Im so offended, free will was part of gods plan and now you are saying gods plan is invalid? I feel like crying, god doesnt deserve such disrespect
They are. None of the answers are good and it all boils down to
>muh s8n
>b-b-but we NEED evil because…
>muh free will
>die in hell
he's so all powerful nothing can be created superior to him?
answer the rock question solve the paradox anon
if he cant make anything superior then that excludes him from being all powerful baka
God is not bound by the constraints of logic and human reasoning.
God can make a rock so heavy God cannot lift it.
And God can lift it.
Both, either, and neither are fully true as per God's whim.
What power exists to tell the omnipotent "You cannot"?
>What verse in scripture did Jesus teach us to turn water into wine?
Sarcasm blud. Its easy to get on a moral high horse when you can solve almost all moral problems with your supernatural powers that are unable to replicated by the people who you are supposed to teaching
Lets see what Jesus can do with normal human abilities in the body of a 5/10 male instead of a fashion model
Glowie faggot
No cap? Jesus showed miracles to prove godliness. Is that sarcasm or are you just that retarded
Yeah, he spent all his time showing off his disease healing skills instead of teaching people how to actually treat diseases. The lesson? Touch them suggestively, no wonder so many priests touch people so much
He couldnt even bother to tell his followers to wash their dirty ass hands before eating
None of the people in this thread understand ANYTHING about God.

God is not a part of this realm. We, along with the entire universe and multiverse are an existence not bound to God. But, without God, we would be a meaningless, dull space where everything is predetermined, like particles of air locked in a shut-tight box. But God, in his form of higher order, forced the box open letting everything have meaning and truly "exist", by being in the same world as Him. This, however, is not true existence. It is merely that God has altered our realm simply by "thinking" about us, thus letting a conceptual, non-existent part of him affect us, making us be one with God. This is not creation; it is bringing into fruition the unholy, material world detached from God by His touch of a finger.

TL;DR: Only God exists. Logic, Math, Language, Thoughts and Consciousness are all "unholy".
all you have to do is remove the need to eat and drink and remove disease, also make the body more adaptable to different temperatures, that's it, this world would be fun. You would no longer need to wage slave since you don't need food, housing etc. You can literally just go and explore nature, climb mountains without a problem since you dont need to piss shit and eat 24/7, animals wouldn't eat you if there's no need for food. This is the root of all problems and why it makes sense this is a loosh farming existence, since the design makes no sense for anything else. Even deformities and ugly people wouldn't exist since ugliness is just people not developing well because they're either not fed well,don't have the right nutrition, or the parents bodies not working well because of all the bullshit diseases and things that fuck with our bodies.
I would suggested some in this thread to check out the northern lights from Philip Pullman, I don't necessary agree with his views but he is a great author
God writes a story and put it on paper. He tells the ending of the story in this book that He wrote and have it available for all to read it. Oh No what is happening, why is God so Mean!
History is His Story and he knows how it ends. So do you if you bother to read His book.
To add, We are all players that agreed to participate in His Story before we were born. You chose this life and now you are questioning it. If you knew the answers to the quiz with out studying, did you really learn?
I think it counts as learning if you have information injected into you as part of your creation. Even if it didnt count, whats the good in learning if you can just have all the information from scratch? I definitely wont be complaining if i knew how to do calculus from birth
If I chose this, why can’t I remember that I did? We were tricked into coming here, no one consents to be born.
I am glad to see you are inquisitive about this issue. Planet Earth is a special place created for our body, soul and spirit. We agree to be born here without the knowledge of God for a purpose. God wants (us) to see if our soul, through free will, is good and fruitful or bad and demonic. Atheists are just going along with the program to not know about God story and doing whatever their hearts desire and to learn about evil. but like Lucifer, now satan, deciding he will do whatever his heart desired, exalted himself better than God. God did not show mercy to Lucifer and to 1/3 of the Angels, now demons, that followed satan, whom He cast all down to earth first, then the Lake of Fire at Judgement day. The 2nd person of God came in the flesh, Jesus if you are not up to speed, so we can become like His Brother and Sister so He would be familiar with mankind unlike His Angels and if you can humble yourself towards God the father and accept the free salvation that He provided in His Son, Jesus Christ sacrifice, within your heart, God the Father will accept you into His realm (Heaven). If not, then you are as useful as the Demons He sent to the Lake of Fire.
There's no eternal hellfire in the Bible. All will eventually be reconciled.

"And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven." ( Colossians 1:20 )

Jesus died for all men and, as the 2nd Adam he raised up all men in his own resurrection.

"Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life." (Romans 5:18)

There will be a fire for those who reject Christ in this life, but it is temporary and it is to burn away the dross. By the end of it you will align to Christ and enter the New Earth, with no more tears.

the Greek Word commonly translated as eternal, does not have to be translated in such a way.
Justice was fulfilled on the Cross, any temporary chastisement upon Humans from this point onward is chastisement and correction, not punitive payment. There's no more sin to pay for.
>Jesus, we haven't enough food! How shall we feed everyone!?
>Lol dw lil bro I got you, just take this duplicated fish and bread
>But Lord, what if you're not here!?
>Lmao just don't worry about it lol
Give a man ba fish
Teach a man to fish
>Completely missing the parable of Christ showing more than a thousand his miracle
Don't @ me mufukka
The quads command it!
So are you an atheist or just a pathetic satanist in disguise?
You haven't read the Bible, but you sure as shit try to debate it. You wouldn't debate any other book you haven't read, yet you want to argue and fight, fully showing your ignorance of the subject material. Read the fucking Bible first or you look like a dumbass for getting the most basic shit about it wrong. You don't even need to believe. You are factually wrong about everything you are saying.
I love the modern atheist's mindset:
>God is not real
>...and I hate him!
>Hate filled troon has an opinion
If he can't lift it and then can lift it afterward then he just transformed it from the state of not being able to lift it to being able to lift it. So to the question can god make a rock he cannot lift, your response is he isn't all powerful.
If at any point he truly cannot lift the rock, then he has created a rock outside of his power, making him not all powerful. If at any point he can truly lift the rock, then he has failed to create the unliftable rock, making him not all powerful. The purpose of this thought experiment is to show you the idea of an all powerful creator is inherently impossible
>turn this rock to bread
Atheists 0 God 1
>christian behaves like an obnoxious know-it-all that actually knows nothing
>atheists: ugh
>christians: ha! that means you hate god! I win!
>if ur all powerful do this simple thing like make a rock heavier
>i cant
>not very powerful then are you
Yahweh and Jesus Christ are my wives, welcome to The Twilight Zone https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pCyDhvof5e8&pp=ygUbbWFyaWx5biBtYW5zb24ga2luZyBraWxsIDMz
I'm what you call God, test me.
can you appear as a voice in the head of schizophrenics everywhere and loudly say "you're fucking crazy i was never speaking to you through voices in your head"
Check em
Sure, but i won't. Btw nice green shirt, Jonathan.
oh my god you guys jonathon's green shirt just flew over my house
What part of the things anon said were factually incorrect? It's actually kinda funny that you're defending a fictional book as if it's fact and then telling others that they're factual wrong
It was just a joke, i guess.

So let me narrate then, back then i still thought that i couldn't rhyme off the top. I don't know what's going on either, Joanna. Btw, stop.

I think we will all get younger and more beautiful and taller and whiter, so yes, stop aging. Btw does this count as sexting?

I wouldn't know, hoe.
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>hmm, I am God. Should I tell people how to invent lightbulbs or treat diseases? No, no. I will tell them to pluck out their own eyes.
>Yes, that'll help
I don't know girl, i'm just what you call God. I awoke a few years ago. I am The Nobody.

So let me continue the story, i'm here on paranormal to reveal myself but not in a sexual way.

Okay fine, i'm a sexophile.
>False dichotomy
>Erroneus, asinine arguments
Hurr durr muh Saturn lmaooo
I'm a speak, as in his panic. Mine's.

This is not funny to me anymore.
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Cool story, ore.

The whoreore, the whoreore, the whoreore.

Yes, i'm speaking about blondes. Somehow i can tell the future and survive without eating or drinking for days, probably forever. I think i grew a few centimeters in height. I'm super smart now.

Chicks dig me and i'm apparently immortal, i can't seem to commit suicide. Everything is about me. Somehow i know how to fight like krav maga and stuff like that and i'm super fast too, hope my dick gets bigger too lol, btw chicks DIG me, it's freaking me out nowhttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oVnlBXsb3sg&pp=ygUmbWFyaWx5biBtYW5zb24gc2x1dGdhcmRlbiBpbnN0cnVtZW50YWw%3D

Oh and the earth is flat and probably infinite, the north pole is the center i think there's a black pyramid there. Yeah dude, wtf i know.
If i want i can not sleep, for like forever. I think. I went like 3 days with no sleep and felt fine.

That is what the sleepy meme was about you guys remember that? it was about me.

Please tell me i'm just a schizo. For fuck sake.

Let me try something, check em.
Right, 40 days in the desert, Jesus all that. For fuck sake.

My name is FRANCO, remember that.

I know about Tartaria and all that shit. I also know about the child rape and cannibalism in the DUMBs.
>claims to have extraordinary superhuman abilities
>can't even get dubs
Embarrassing. 56.
How did you do that?

HAHA, it was me son. Relax.
Maybe the narration will work on them i thought, "yeah that would work", maybe if i got dubs this time they would believe me, i dunno"
Nope, i must not want to get dubs i think thats how it works i dunno. Oh and btw i can heal myself, like my arm hurts sometimes because i fought with my brother and if it hurts i can order it not to hurt and it doesn't. Animals obey me.

I really don't know, i have other me's from alternate realities testing me like in that Jet Li movie where there can only be one, they say i'm the only one that can predict the future.

I really just want pussy dude.

I dufta

That means i love you in my language btw.
Dude come on, just make youraelf get dubs. Wtf. How does this even work?

And no guys this isn't a joke.
What really freaked me out was that i counted my fingers and it wasn't ten, it was eleven or some shit. I've done that many times it's freaky. Like i control reality somehow.

I can do tricks with knives, i'm pretty good at soccer too.

Dude, literally everything is about me. I am freaking the fuck out but somehow amused and calm at the same time.

I have a creepy smile and i have a few different types of walks, like a military walk a superman walk a model walk and such. I can run a lot faster and for longer than i could before, i can maybe time travel in the future.

I really want to fuck pornstars btw. Oh yeah btw, i have a chick inside of me i call her Stephanie, she jerks me off. I'm actually a 29 year old virgin.

I dunno, chicks seem to dig me now for some reason like they flirt with me and stuff. I hope i die of old age.

HA! no i don't, this shit is actually awesome https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=306Kl-YBvKs&pp=ygUPYWJzdXJkIHBlc3R0YW56

Btw im like Iberian-Italian with some Arab blood but i think i'll get whiter in the future, dunno. Would be cool.

Guys, i am not making this up.

Btw, most famous people are trannies, look for the colors orange and purple.
here lets start again with straight dichotomies then or whatever: if god is all powerful, can he make a stone he can't lift? if you need further explanation: >>38854979
Why do atheists always mention Yahweh?
You have rock for brains or are smoking rock. Glade dichotomies are irrelevant. Your argument is as invalid as your agnostic/atheists beliefs.
this doesnt answer the question. if god is all powerful, can he make a rock he cannot lift? if you require further explanation please see the previous posts
I read your previous posts. You're looking at a white wall and calling it purple. Your argument is invalid to reality, troll.
how though, can you elaborate further than you not wanting to interact with the concept
honestly Satan is such a fucking bitch, boy told me once the sky was shit-brown. The fuck is he on? Is he doing okay? Either or he's being a massive fucking faggot and I say this as a literal cocksucker.
Read my post above ;)
so can he or can he not make a rock he cannot lift
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You are a fucking idiot, truly.
but that doesnt answer the question, if god is all powerful, could he make one of those rocks around that black guy weigh so much such that he couldn't lift it? If he couldnt that would raise the idea that he isnt all powerful, and maybe then isnt real at all
I can but i dont want to. Do u even lift bro, amiright.
I'm a funny.
Your mom could have fucked ANY retarded mother fucker but chose your dad for some crazy reason. You are an accident and a burden on others.
only demonic behaviour is a sin
every human behaviour is good
>If he had seen it fitting to just brainwash all of us without our consent, he would have.
No. Satan gets to brainwash and torture kids though. Cuz that's exactly what's happening in this world right now, you know that right? And these pigs. Whoever they are. They participate in it. Call them Jews, Freemasons, occult bloodlines, fallen angel bloodlines. We're talking about the same shit here. And these spirits.. Whatever they are. They're fucking evil, man. They torture people for fun.
Anyways. Those are the retards who are in charge of this world lying to us about God cause they want us to lose our inheritance. They've targeted our bloodlines and have deceived the world using sorcery. But God sees and God knows all.
I hope God blows this freaking world up. That's all I care about at this point. Christ is king.
They'll all go to hell. They lived destruction and thats what they'll get. That's the only explanation I can make for their absurd behavior.
It's disgusting.
What happened to excellency? Rising to the challenge and accelerating ones self and ones people? Advancement. Knowledge. This is the true history of the world we're talking about here.
Wicked demons and stupid ass people conspiring against us from the beginning cause they don't want to see us winning.
They're fucking snakes. Fuck every single one of those pieces of shit. Them and their ancestors. They should be eradicated. Maybe we could build a weapon to kill them with?
Calm down kid, Franco is back https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NhsK5WExrnE&pp=ygUIVG50IGFjZGM%3D

You can calm Christ if you want.
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>create mankind knowing the fall to sin is inevitable
Wrong, t'wer the demiure. The "humans" in the plemora are perfect and do not sin
>have a hiss fit
Yep, that's our creator
>Go on to make almost every human behavior is a sin
Jewish perversion mixing LAW with FAITH.
>Throw people in to the eternal fire for not being monks
You're welcome little girl https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KL0VahNDHXc&pp=ygUKTG9saXRhIGhvdA%3D%3D
>enjoy food
>enjoy sexual pleasure
>simply notice an attractive woman
ADULTERY!!! (in your heart, somehow)

These are all basic behaviors programmed into the human psyche, by God. They are also sins allegedly.
Having too much food is wasteful, it's wrong, sexual pleasure is animal, it's wrong, also adultery is done with physical intimacy not simply by looking
Eating and drinking for pleasure isn't a sin. Eating 3 whole pizzas and a couple 2 liters a night is. Drinking wine isn't a sin, being drunk is.
The Bible says take delight in your wife, being a slut is sinful, even lusting after women with haughty eyes is a sin of the heart.
It's a daily practice to make yourself better and not indulge in baser wants. It's why people go bananas when I say the world is abundant for them because theyll never have enough food, money, sex and personal pleasures.
Being disingenuous is a modern man's pleasure.
>Free will

Go read about disconnected Brain hemisphere experiment.
We literally are just brain chemical reactions interacting with the environment.
>Gets lobotomized
You've also never read it. Why would I debate someone who hasn't read the Bible? Also, retard ESL, I said it didn't matter if you find the Bible fiction or non fiction, what he was saying is wrong based on the actual contents of the book. Making what he said factually wrong. Like saying unicorns having 2 horns is factually wrong, not that unicorns are facts. Read the Bible dipshit.
Not lobotomy dumdum, there was qn experiment with people who don't have connected hemispheres due to injury or something similar
Basically the other side that corresponds to the hemisphere that isn't connected to the part that make you "aware" of action in your brain, acted on it's own .
Joe scott on youtube did a really good video about it I think it's titled "free will doesn't exist" or something
Funny how the most ardent christcucks are either child molesters or the biggest coomers you’ll ever meet.
More like:
>Create humanity
>Give them the ability to shift reality
>Give them the resources to discover the true nature of existence through interpretations
>Give them constant hints that 'Ya Wey' is merely wearing a mask and its words hold no power
>Grants them the freedom to doubt their beliefs and change them
>Doesn't even punish you when your physical body dies, just lets you retry with all the knowledge and understanding you've acquired coded into your soul
We punish ourselves by believing we are to be punished (regardless of whether we believe it's just or unjust). The only one throwing a hissy fit over you not blindly following his word, is the Demiurge.
Thinking "God is le evil, he sends me to Hell if I don't pray" will only place you in whatever you believe hell to be, as fear is nothing more than a self destructive belief system.
Interpret reality any way you want, and forget about others not following suit, they're merely physical echoes of personal pockets of creation, some are more degenerate than others, but that's merely a reflection of the coming end of this era. Your world shifts when you transform your personal pocket of creation, not the entire world.

t. schizo
why are you so angry? I've never insulted you, I'm only asking the question that if god is all powerful, could he not make a rock he cannot lift? Is my question upsetting you because you can't think of a reason god can be both all powerful, but not have the power to make a rock that is too big for him? Are you coming to conclusions you don't like to reach?
>Being blasphemous
>Y u no like me
Get fucked. This is why I hate coming here. Glowfaggot detractors and Saturn worshippers, all the same. As if you can even begin to comprehend the vast and undeniable power and ways of God. Fuck your rock, fuck your blasphemous attitude and false dichotomy with erroneous thought process.

>therefore not all powerful
boom gay jew religion deboonked

Burn in hell blasphemer. I'll never drop my faith for your faggot science that says we just poofed into existence in a big bang and crawled out of the oceans lmao

The same reasons you look at us as crazy is the same vein why we look at atheists as completely ignorant.
>Sperg lord can't equate rocks and Christ so boom Jewligion 'sploded
Cut your dick off already, tranny
I didn't mention anything about Saturn, or the Big Bang, or science. I simply asked, if god is all powerful, could he not make a rock he could not lift?
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God does what is logical. Suffering is a result of free will, and as such has to exist until we choose to be reconciled to God, which is to choose freedom from suffering. Logically, at this stage of existence, you can't have free will without suffering. For the same reason the "can he make a rock he can't lift" thing is stupid, as is "well can he make a square circle??"

These are arguments made by people who have already decided to reject God and are looking for gotcha statements to feel justified in doing so. Nobody who actually seeks any kind of truth would struggle with any of these questions for more than a couple of hours, and I say this as an ex-atheist and ex-buddhist. Here's something to think about: what would it mean for you personally to have been made without free will? What would it be like to you, whose entire ability to think and comprehend anything is based on free will itself? And is free will without the ability to choose something bad and suffer for it really free will?
>eat too much
>become fat fuck
>coom too much
>get bored w cooming
>cheat on wife/gf bc cant control horny
>lose wife/gf

Although I prefer no wife/gf. Cant adulterate if no wife. Wives are a pain in the ass anyway.
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NTA, but the rock hypothetical is retarded, and only small minded individuals really think it's a valid argument.
>A rock is a physical object affected by the physical laws of nature of the environment around it
>God is beyond physical existence. Sentient creation, beyond all concepts of what defines a physical body or strength, he just exists and creates.
>Yes, God can create a rock he can't lift, if he creates a body for himself that exists in the same realm as the rock.
>No, it doesn't prove God is not omnipotent, as God can also make that physical body he created for himself be able to lift the rock.
>Creating a rock God can't lift outside of physical reality is useless, as it loses whatever the hell it means to be a rock, dissipating into non-existence and returning to just an idea/concept.
You can't enjoy a warm fire without a cold night. The things that have given me the most insight have been the hardest parts of my life. I generally have a great life, but it came with great hardship. And that hardship has let me appreciate what I do have. I think of the ying and the yang. God is all loving and all, i guess evil. God has two sides to him, just like humans. I guess you can call it sadism, I call it just the way it is and I accept that there is a grander plan than what I know of.
if god is bound to being a normal guy, its not god's limit being tested, it's the limit of the guy he is possessing. Also, god shouldn't need a body to interact with the rock in this scenario. he is all powerful, assuming god is in his heaven as like a gas cloud or whatever you're imagining he is, so can he make a rock in his god-realm he can't lift? the reality binding stuff is all secondary, god has ultrapowerfully just decided to make the rock so it should just be. In any scenario, in any reality, if god cannot (as god) make a rock he can't lift, he wouldn't be all powerful.
christians and athiests are 2 sides of the same coin. Both are arrogant and refuse to see other viewpoints while shoving their beliefs down people's throats.
where the fuck in scripture does it say everything in heaven is subject to decoherence? In heaven are we all just gonna turn into an array of our attributes or some shit
>The correct and moral people are mean to the blasphemous sinners and that just grinds my gears
You poor thing
>beg for a sign
>mormons show up at my door the next day
>if god is bound to being a normal guy, its not god's limit being tested, it's the limit of the guy he is possessing.
>god shouldn't need a body to interact with the rock in this scenario. he is all powerful,
>assuming god is in his heaven as like a gas cloud or whatever you're imagining he is, so can he make a rock in his god-realm he can't lift?
You're implying physical and nonphysical existences are the same thing. God isn't in a realm, God is all that exists. If God creates a rock, God is the rock as well.
>the reality binding stuff is all secondary, god has ultrapowerfully just decided to make the rock so it should just be.
>In any scenario, in any reality, if god cannot (as god) make a rock he can't lift, he wouldn't be all powerful.
God's absolute control over reality is not secondary, it's the whole point of the hypothetical in the first place. If you really need to push the hypothetical to that point, then you need to take into account that God could switch the rock's "weight" on and off, like a light switch. Making it impossible for him to lift and then back to being possible to prove his omnipotence.
Heaven is just another realm, mate. God's appearance in whatever you interpret heaven to be, is a reflection of his divinity.
Also, what is a rocks purpose in heaven? To line the streets? The idea of a physical object needed to build heaven is asinine. It's an immaterial realm; ideas are all that are needed to create reflections.
>If God creates a rock, God is the rock as well.
Thank you this is the first time I've received 'god is the rock' as an answer
>The correct and moral people are mean to the blasphemous sinners and that just grinds my gears
Yes? Aren't you supposed to be good people? What is the point in goodness if it's the same as evil. Why not worship satan then if good and evil are the same.
If it is impossible for him to lift, even momentarily, is that a reduction of his infinite power or an increase in the power of the rock beyond the limit of god? I try not to get into 'but what if god was something else' because essentially the crux of that idea is creating an abstraction layer between god and the rock, because direct interaction of god just making a rock he can't lift isn't something that can happen logically, so you have to append various conditions to what god is and what he is allowed to interact with, basically just to distract from the main hypothetical, which is what will happen here probably.
So racism was okay all along and jews pushing no racism are bad... now everything makes sense.
Racemixing creates all kind of body malfunctions and deformities, so racism should be ok.
Do not lie, cheat, steal, murder, be adulterous,, worship other gods and make sure to love thy neighbor
The opposite of those things are evil, they are not the same and Im tired of you retards equating the two. If the only reason stopping you from doing those things is going to jail then you are an evil person who cannot build proper good relationships with people
It's because God goes beyond all physical limits that the hypothetical is valid only upon an interpretation of god, but can't be applied to God himself without first understanding what God isn't, and that's physical; no gas cloud of god realm, just sentient creation existing beyond and within all, be it physical or thought.
The idea of enabling and disabling the rock's "weight" with a switch is one way to explain it, but only we could really understand it as impossible or possible to lift, while God doesn't need to make any change to himself or the rock, just the laws applying to it. It wouldn't change anything as God adding and removing aspects to the rock is as simple as thinking about it being or not being. That is total omnipotence.
so god will add the aspect of it being unliftable to him, and if it is unliftable to him then that is a boundary of power, or if it is liftable that defeats the idea he had the power to make an unliftable one, making his power limited.
I never said afterward. God is not constrained to be able and only then unable. God is fully able AND fully unable, simultaneously, if God wants to.
Wrong. At all points God is completely able. And at all points God is completely unable. And at all points God is both able and unable. And at all points God is neither able nor unable.
God is not bound by your need to have these concepts categorically separate.
You christfags don't even know where evil comes from. I have explored where it comes from in extreme depth. It comes from demon possession and spiritual attachments/dross. Human souls are inherently good but got turned evil from those things. But your faggot christcuck religion has to blame the victim and tell them they're going to hell for being mind controlled by demons and acting out that mind control (which is almost irresistable to most people, hence npcs) or be sent to hell.
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>continue to pretend that Christians are in charge of anything while your whole filthy culture is a broken drug addicted tranny having anal sex with a dog in the middle of the street...
You should study more.
This is a very narrow view.
Open your mind.
Remove the limitations of one religion.
See what connects all religions.
When you deserve more guidance, I will be there.
>which is almost irresistable
So it's resistable and most people choose the path of pleasures and least resistance
What a fucking cop out
>Boohoo feel bad for me because I can't stop being immoral!!!!
Do your VeRy DeEp StUdYiNg into the Bible and find why Christ's salvation is attainable for all and how the daily practice of removing poisonous sin from your life can be extremely beneficial for mind, body, and soul. Or don't and just keep calling others faggots for trying to be better people. Not better than you, just being better for me and my salvation.
If we are rid of Christcuckery then the Jude will have nothing left to hide behind.
No amount of threats will get me to obey your "God".
well, when you reach the point of "god is literal nonsense bound by no rules" you can't really argue with actual non-logic. God is whatever you want him to be at the moment of argument apparently, we all forgot about man being made in his image
Concession accepted
Enjoy being a slave then, or did you not figure out there is no free will in Heaven,
This was written by someone who has a crusty body pillow.
I am a follower of Christ and a sheep of the flock of the lord under the holy kingdom of salvation. Won't apologize for being saved from the sin you spoke of that torments people.
Your mom and dad are divorced
And after proving he can create it, he can just as easily make it lighter. It doesn't matter if he could or could not lift it after making it so, if he could just as easily grab any pebble and make it unmeasurably heavy and then light again with just a thought.
Implying the limitation of power of a being who can easily change the universal properties of an object is asinine. Especially when you're applying physical properties to an omnipotent being.
Now, if you were to ask the Demiurge to do it, then you'd get a creature who can't do it and will get mad you're calling it out for it, for it is merely pretending to be omnipotent.
For God, making a rock he can't lift himself is extremely easy and serves as a barrier that nothing other than himself can ever move. It does not imply lack of power, but power that supercedes even what we think we understand God to have.
God makes an unliftable rock
God's power is so great, the will is done and cannot be lifted because he made it so
He is so powerful, his power exceeds himself and is unable to lift the rock due to his word making it unliftable
God is a turbo boomer. Reject god embrace freedom
Biased and an answer would just piss you off more. Are you scared that the world is ending soon? I'm not. You never bothered looking for an answer, your assumption is your justification. You are mad you don't understand how you lost... you disagree with the election results and the electors?
tf are you talking about? You people have predicted countless “ends” that never happened.
Shut up zoomer, go mew in Ohio or whatever you fucking retards are doing now
Slave to sin or slave to God? Is it really that tough of a choice? God actually frees His servants. You don't even understand that you're already a slave to sin. You couldn't change if you wanted to, just like a slave.
Based brother in Christ
We practice daily to unbind the chains of sin on earth so we can walk with Him
My fault you lost patience and vigilance with charlatans, you are the whore for believing them. You like to clump the ones who call wolf with the ones who spot the wolf. Why do you fool yourself even? There is seriously a second moon, signs in the heavens out the wazoo, wars and more wars rumored, famines, shortages, disasters, and all of it is ignored just like God said. The only sign given is the sign of Jonah... which is... go ahead guess... There is no warning that gets notice, except by eyes that see and ears that hear. Do you think you will not kneel before God before He passes sentencing? Is this not "the hour is at hand"?
>I think he intentionally limits himself to allow us our free will. If God exerted his sovereignty in all its fullness all of the time, it would be impossible for us to have free will. God's sovereignty, to my understanding, allows him to limit his own sovereignty and allow his creations to have their own, lesser sovereignty.
Thought experiment
Imagine you're walking with your mom down a busy street, you see a bus half a mile away, but your mom doesn't. You for some reason know that this bus will not stop, and WILL hit her. Both the driver and your mom will have their lives irreparably changed. You're close enough to your mom that you could do something about it.
Tell me why it would be an act of love to not save her? To not grab her and pull her away, or shout her name?

>Inb4 but he gives us all a chance
Yet he knows who will accept and who won't.
>god is literal nonsense bound by no rules
Yes, I said that in the first post. You dismiss it, but it is the true answer. God is not limited to what makes sense to humans. God has no logical bound and limit.
Unless God wants to.
>God is whatever you want him to be
No. Not at all. You completely miss the point. God is whatever GOD wants to be.
That’s the real kicker isn’t it. These “prophecies” are so vague and apply to things that happen all the time. The heavens are always moving, and there has never been a time without wars and rumors of wars. Your whole religion exists as an ingenious loosh farming grift and you took the bait.
You are wise, brother. You are gentler than I am. I am more blunt, I would say who tf are you to tell God what or how He is? Wtf do you even know?Not a damn thing, sonny boy.(that's not directed at you, just a finger pointing rant) They can't run a planet, let alone a country, without fucking it up yet they think they know how Heaven and Divine things should run. Utter fucking arrogance.
It mentions that too. It's more of the coming together coincidence, that (your mind will say coincidence to ease itself) is meant as a warning that it's getting near. I believe God so I'm biased when it comes to what He says. I believe Him while you listen to anything that isn't Him. I get it. You also like to blame God for things man does... if God is real then why such and such... goes back to you don't get it. It's past whatever vain bullshit you hope it is. If Santa doesn't give you a gift you like to think he doesn't exist rather than you were bad.
I'm guessing you never actually even read God's Word. You're using cliffnotes at best. Granted unless God wants you to know Him you won't so I can understand what you're up against... no one can beat God's will and if He wills you to be a reject, you are a reject. I don't say that as a gloat, I'm just blunt with words. It is what it is.
>creates reality where beings have to murder and eat each other to not die of hunger
>thou shall not kill
this guy has some logic
None of the above. Fuck your psychopathic games of false dichotomy.
Only whites follow ten commandments. Niggers, jews and other races do pretty much whatever they like.
>Lol dw lil bro I got you, just take this duplicated fish and bread
Item duplication is such a runescape meme
>You can't enjoy a warm fire without a cold night.
Yes you can.
this is wrong you nigger

such a statement is an irrationality and gibberish it doesn't mean anything

it's like saying can God make 2+2=5, the sentence itself doesn't mean anything, and God is not bound by nonsensical statements
>should i teach mankind how to control their energies so they do not depend on killing animals to survive?
>Nah i will demand they mutilate their penis in my name, that will help much more.
>midwit anthropomorphizes God
>midwit bring up christcuck nonsense
>midwit cries about all of it
Yeah what is this all about anyway? Surely he meant "thou shall not kill humans" but his omniscience failed him for a moment and he forgot to be specific
i get it. why dont you? whats your problem?
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>>38851696 (OP)
I'm not a christian. Matter of fact, I'm an atheist. But if this is your takeaway of christianity, one of these describe you.
>You are still in middle school
>Didn't read the bible
>Did read the bible but you have bad reading comprehension.
>You're Intentionally extrapolating and projecting your own hatred of religion in your summary
>You were raised by Christians who themselves did not understand their own religious texts and ruined your perception of it as a result

Christianity is all about understanding that anyone is capable of evil and being good is maintaining discipline whenever possible and reforming yourself when you fail. It's simple maintenance. Being completely pure and without sin was never the point. This is foundational christian stuff.
>who tf are you to tell God what or how He is?
But I'm not. I am only saying what God COULD be or do, which is anything even directly contradictory or impossible things. What God DOES do is up to God, and the best we can do is look around and determine what that is by what God has going on.

But I DO think that means it is valid for a person to declare their judgement of God is that God is cruel and bad.
I don't accept these evaluations, but I think they are valid stances.
How is it free will if you get punished by acting on your will to not follow God's rules? You're not free than, you're left with no choice. It's the same as to say prisoners are free because they have a choice to follow the rules and be rewarded or break the rules and face severe punishment.
We've thought of them. Unfortunately, this is a lower Realm or "Hell realm."
>You won't take my retarded claims without proof?
>Might as well torture you forever

God really is kind and loving
There are people in big tech who view AI as their life’s work but we have no idea how AI with sentience could act. God gave humans free will
Humans have extremely limited knowledge, which is why we can't predict what AI will do.
You are suggesting God has the same knowledge problems as humans.
There was a guy on here years ago talking about AI before it was big and how they already had it pretty good and it’d be crazy good in the near future.

The fucked part is they had algorithms that could do this well enough in the 70’s, much tech has been hidden from us. So realize that everything they release has been meticulously planned.
He created us but he doesn’t control what we do is what I meant, perhaps not a great example but God puts limits on his power so that we are truly living things with autonomy. God knows that ultimately humans are redeemed in the end though, God did not end mankind in the flood and he sent Jesus, the Bible talks about the end times and the new earth
Because you are not choosing between punishment and reward. Rather, you are choosing between the joy of God and your own joy. So long as you seek true joy, you will eventually be led to God no matter which path you take, as the emptiness of ungodly joys will leave you hungry for more, until that more eventually finds its fulfillment in God.
>he doesn’t control what we do
No, he just uses torture literally without end to coerce.
Putting a gun to someone's head means when you say they get to decide you are talking bullshit.
>God knows that ultimately humans are redeemed in the end though
And now we are back to the question of why doesn't God just get to the end instead of making those that make it suffer at all, and those that don't make the choice God wants to suffer eternally?
>And now we are back to the question of why doesn't God just get to the end instead of making those that make it suffer at all, and those that don't make the choice God wants to suffer eternally?
How could anyone answer that? God is God, he is infinitely more intelligent than you or I. Surely he has his reasons. Imagine a 35IQ ameba wasting its time trying to figure out why a 160IQ engineer does the things he does and then using its conclusions as a basis for further reasoning.

T. Nta
hide god threads
here's the truth about the puny human race >>38860473
If the amoeba was complaining about why it wasnt in its ideal conditions to the 160IQ engineer. The answer would be obvious, the engineer is either incapable or unwilling to give the amoeba its ideal conditions
What would the ameba know of its ideal conditions? All it knows are its self-serving desires. It cannot comprehend the purpose of anything unpleasant.
The problem is that if we subjected the amoeba to anything unpleasant so that we could treat any diseases or problems it may have. Its simply because we are incapable/unwilling to treat it comfortably
And on what basis do you declare this bad, immoral, malicious or evil? Do you comprehend the totality the context in which the scenario is playing out? Would you not have to, were you to judge correctly? Is discomfort necessarily objectively bad for you just because it makes you feel bad subjectively?
>How could anyone answer that?
There are two answers given.
>God is limited, and cant do it.
>God is cruel, and wont do it.

>he is infinitely more intelligent than you or I
Then why cant He offer free will without suffering?
>Surely he has his reasons.
The explanation is that either something not God is forcing God to follow a certain path, or nothing foprces God and God just wants us to suffer purely out of whim.
>why a 160IQ engineer does the things he does
Because that engineer is limited, and is forced to act in certain ways to achieve certain results.
Is that the answer as to why God is forced to set up the universe as He did?
>the purpose of anything unpleasant.
Why cant God get the purpose without the unpleasantness?
Is God UNABLE to do this?
Or does God simply choose not to, even though God could?
Holy fucking shit get a fucking life you pathetic cucks
>There are two answers given.
>God is limited, and cant do it.
>God is cruel, and wont do it.
On what basis do you deem him cruel? How do you justify your judgement?

>Then why cant He offer free will without suffering?
Why should he?

>Is that the answer as to why God is forced to set up the universe as He did?
No, it's an answer to futile attempts by men to understand the mind of God.
>Why should he
Gett fucked and die in a fire
This may seem like a bold claim but i feel as through suffering is objectively a bad thing. Even if its needed to achieve certain goals, those goals would be objectively better if achieved with comfort
Even if it isnt objective, you probably agree with me anyway. If i put you in a state of high pleasure for your entire life, i highly doubt you would complain about it. If i tortured you for your entire life, i highly doubt you wont complain about it
Book of Job says we're not supposed to understand suffering but why the fuck do we have to suffer just to prove faith to God. It's so fucked up.
>On what basis do you deem him cruel?
If you can remove suffering with no difference in result, and choose not to, that is cruelty.
>Why should he?
"Should" implies there is something pressuring God. I didnt say God "should". I said - since God DOESNT - that God either CANT, which means God is limited, or WONT, which means God wants things to suffer without reason. Which is cruel.
>attempts by men to understand the mind of God
I'm not trying to understand God's mind. That is irrelevant.
Because there is suffering, that means God either wants there to be suffering, or cant get rid of suffering.
Give me a situation that shows this wrong.
Saying "you dont understand why God allows suffering" is the answer that God is FORCED to include it.
It's a very humane and understandable sentiment. Suffering is so concrete and the metaphysical context of it so incomprehensible that at face value it seems absurd to see a being that allows suffering as anything but evil.

For what it's worth, if you put me in a state of high pleasure for my entire life, I would have no reason to seek the transcendent joy that comes only from knowing God, for I would have perfect joy of my own. It is only when we are the most helpless that we are finally ready to admit that nothing we have done has satisfied us. This is when we are ready to submit our wills to God, and by doing so, discover the one and only thing that truly can satisfy us. What is temporary suffering next to discovering the only thing that matters in life, here and in eternity?

In the end, we are in no position to determine whether suffering is objectively bad or good. We can feel however we want about it, but all we are satisfying is our rebellious human hubris.
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This guy murdered the idea of a benevolent god a mere 300 years after the death of Christ. If you showed this to people who werent religiously invested in the idea of a benevolent god, they would have no reason to disagree, the logic is airtight

Thats why its so scary/interesting to see how people who are deeply invested in their beliefs react to something like this. People would rather argue that suffering/evil is actually a good thing in itself or that its a logical impossibility for a being with infinite power to achieve certain results without suffering than consider the possibility that their god may not be good/all powerful

I think this applies to almost all of us with some of our most deeply rooted beliefs. Things we know so confidently to be true that anything contradicting it must be faulty/wrong/inaccurate/missing something
>If you can remove suffering with no difference in result, and choose not to, that is cruelty
>which means God wants things to suffer without reason. Which is cruel.
Yes, on what basis do you conclude so? Do you know the objective metaphysical circumstances under which God has chosen to allow suffering? If not, of what philosophical or moral value is your sentiment?

>I'm not trying to understand God's mind. That is irrelevant.
Well, then there is really no point to your inquiry. You are simply asking why something is not the way you think it should be and expecting the answer to fix this. You are demanding that the truth should submit to your ideas regardless of whether your ideas are false or true. But the truth cannot do that.
From your description it sounds like you have already been given a couple of logically acceptable ways out of the paradox yet you are unable to accept them. Why is that, if I may ask?
I dont believe that humans had to be built in such a way that they could only achieve eternal satisfaction after being broken down and submitting to god.

If the result of eternal satisfaction is truly a good thing, i would give it to you without the the process of learning to seek help from god if i were god. If it absolutely necessary to learn this, i would give you the knowledge of suffering without the experience of it

Even if we cant come up with any objective say in whether suffering is bad or good, if every single human agrees with suffering being bad, wouldnt that be enough? Its humans/life im trying to please, not the objective truth
>Yes, on what basis do you conclude so?
What other option? God DOESNT remove suffering, because suffering exists.
So that is either CANT or WONT.
>Do you know the objective metaphysical circumstances under which God has chosen to allow suffering?
Unless those circumstances are not of God's choosing, out of God's control, and unable to be changed by God - they are irrelevant.
>You are simply asking why something is not the way you think it should be
No. I am asserting that God is either incapable o removing suffering, or cruel since God could and does not.
>But the truth cannot do that.
So limited God is your answer. God CANT.
Suffering being good is contradictory to the idea of evil. If suffering is good, then evil which causes suffering is good too. Lets give every terrorist, rapist, serial killer a gold medal in that scenario
Orrr i can just say "God isnt good/omnipotent" and not have to deal with the implications of sucking the cock of the person trying to rob me
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>ITT anon pleads to god to make eating another persons shit for every single meal from birth to death taste amazing, satiating, and be comforting.
Every single time this argument comes up they always take for granted all the shit they've learned that is "evil" was understood to be evil because it hurt or killed someone. Highly radioactive material? It should be ok to put into the water supply! Drinking bleach? It's got what plants crave! Drawing a distinction between an intelligent logical argument and an absolutely retarded and stupid one? Can't exist because then the other person making the retarded and stupid argument might feel bad! You know guys I think the whole "You'll own nothing and be happy" first suggested to us by the great Klaus and the saints at the WEF is a really good idea! Now lets all get our monthly COVID shot! I can't be wrong because every decision I make causes be comfort and pleasure! Now whos with me!

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