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hylic npc's will not understand this but people who think in words are the real NPCs.
anyone with an "internal monologue" is a hylic btw. saying words aka subvocalizing thoughts is for retards and midwits that confuse ego and identity with spirit.
noticers are lateral abstract thinkers. lateral thinking are thoughts so complex they cannot be reduced into words.
for example that little thing we call intuition. ever heard of it? not likely if you are a hylic that subvocalizes their thoughts.
imagine thinking a hyperdimensional intelligence (holy spirit) would communicate subvocally. in words. in human language. LOL
might as well just say you are possessed.
possessed by what?
possessed by a binary artificial intelligence called the brain. easily hijacked by other binary intelligence (astral niggers ancient titan ai aka demons).
the voice in your head is just a software script that is a recursive feedback loop formed from the combination of attention, identification, and expectation. thoughts and emotions are electromagnetic waves and organize into frequency bands based on self-similarity.
use pychedelics and see that thoughts do not originate from us. thoughts come from the ether.
when you pay attention to hate for example you are basically creating a bat signal and enter that vibrational frequency of consciousness and make it more likely you will receive more similar thoughts from this frequency band. identification with these thoughts forms expectations in consciousness which only strengthen the recursive loop.
this is why people who subvocalize are the real npc's. they think the voice in their head is their soul/spirit. when really it is the binary ego formed from their unconscious desires and expectations.
knowers know knowing is remembrance. knowledge is a form of remembrance. even plato said as much.
i know because i remember. i remember because i am. i am because it is. the is is i am.
if you know you know.
if you don't know you also know.
you know?
You're really blown the fuck out about being empty headed, huh? It's alright anon. Tons of NPCs live totally kickass lives.
nah this has been some weird glowie cognito hazard you retards have been pushing for the last half year. I hope I'm not the only one who noticed it.

Core theme is that it targets schizos and seems to attempt to impart the idea of "the self" as external or even hostile while denigrating actual expression of individuality and self actualization with retarded psuedo hermetic and eastern window dressing
honestly I don't buy into the whole npc thing. Maybe P Zombies exist but they'd mimic PC qualia perfectly.

Circuit model of consciousness and my own experiments with shutting off my monologue have led me to believe that they unironically do have a sense of self they just process reality differently and it's likely linked to language and is epigenetic and not only that you can lose your inner voice with certain lifestyle choices and the whole thing is linked to Jung
>uses words to explain
you already lost
Reject human language.
Embrace GRUNT.
when you have a thought do you believe it originates with you? that every thought or desire is something *you* did/desired? for example you feel lust because it arose from *you* and your desire? already i can see are hopelessly lost if this is your foundation. even from a materialist paradigm you could have a worm in your gut that is responsible for these impulses. you have just identified with a thought you thought was *yours* but it did not originate from you. do you see how this makes you an npc? if you identify with every thought that arises from your internal monologue you are living unconsciously. an npc running on a script.
Well shit I must be an NPC because my thought of "this guy is a fucking retard" originated from your shitpost and not my supreme anima force ghost.
fun fact, i grunt for affirmation or denial and most people understand me
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Lol you're coping so bad rn it's a very funny fox and the grapes situation - ur butthurt about what u lack
i don't lack anything. i can choose to subvocalize certain thoughts when it is beneficial to think single thread and then return to multithread lateral thinking when i need to think abstractly. people with an "internal monologue" have a script running in their heads they cannot turn off. the only reason someone would not be able to turn off this script is if they are living unconsciously. aka they have no control or mastery over their mind and attention. npcs.
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I get where you are coming from. I think in many different ways, words, images, things that make sense in my brain but lose all meaning in translation. But the only experience I know for certain is my own. I cannot claim to know others, so I cant really speak on the hylic/npc/p zombie theories too much. I do believe we are in a "video game" like experience though, which means there probably are some beings like that, but ultimately what is the point in making a big deal of it? If you believe you are not, then hey, you believe you are not. Are you trying to convince us that you are not one of these beings, or yourself? Who are you to decide if someone is as real as you are? What right do you have? It has no effect on your life in anyway if other people are "real" or not. When I play an rpg, I still enjoy the other characters, even though my avatar is the only "real" being in the entire world. To focus on the who is and the who isn't, in this case, seems pretty worthless to me. Live the best you can and treat everyone as well as you can. At the end of it all, when this world fades away from you, see if it really mattered who was real and who wasnt.
>Who are you to decide if someone is as real as you are?
what you need to understand is that npc is a state of mind. the prerequisite to this state of mind is determined by the degree to which an individual is living unconsciously. this is the default state of consciousness prior to any kind of awakening. i am not judging people who live unconsciously because everyone awakens at different times usually determined by their higher self. even after awakening it is still impossible to live fully conscious.
i am just pointing out that the people who think that subvocalization proves they not npcs are actually the biggest unconscious npcs around. and that these people are confusing their internal monologue which is just their ego with their eternal soul/spirit. to become an npc means breaking the script, questioning this internal monologue and realizing it only represents ego and nothing more. the real *you* is the pure infinite awareness that transcends ego.
*to become real means
Yea we really dont need to have these retarded threads every other week. They are legitimately pointless
In the beginning was the Word
>with retarded psuedo hermetic and eastern window dressing
i don't read books.
my source is personal experience and whispers from the ether.
you could say my source is literally source.
i only came to this understanding after taking 10 grams of mushrooms and meeting Brahman or whatever you call ultimate reality.
then for months after this trip i received a bunch of downloads from the ether.
The only "NPCs" are the ones talking about them. You can ALWAYS connect that way of thinking about others to being a hateful flesh golem or a hateful good dog.
>Verification not required.
Like all things in our current era, there are no fence-sitters.

There are those who take action to dismiss or manipulate, but no fence sitter has gone through the “language is control”wormhole and came out wanting to perpetuate its existence because of its utility.

Disassociation from discrete modes of thought is what you really want OP, but spoken language comes with a lot of backdoors into the mind, the best way to defend yourself from encompassing evil is to simply speak a different language, your thoughts become your own. Naturally, those wanting to control would oppose this.

That’s why there hasn’t been a single genuine post in this thread so far, don’t expect one after this post either.
Language is a virus.
"Zen practice aims to extinguish the internal monologue, seeking a unification, a boundary dissolution between the internal state of mankind, encompassed at every point by the boundaries inherent in language, and the Absolute."
> i don't lack anything
literally lacks an internal monologue
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can you visualize things?
How do you supposedly think abstractly?
Personally I use the term thinking abstractly, but I use it in the sense that I don't think about things head on, I don't think about them as they are but in terms of possibilities and what ifs.
I can imagine anything inside my head, I can think in words and while some things are beyond words, it's insane to think that words are not useful. But I control the main voice, I have many voices in my head, I believe them to be supernatural entities, as they don't agree with each other and often oppose each other and I don't have to listen to them, so I disagree with it being a script.
yeah which is why this shit is sus as fuck. It's not eastern Zen it's Globohomo eat the bugs "Zen" wearing eastern practices that never sought converts like a skinsuit

The slave morality of christianity is being replaced by a new age slave morality.

Unironically praise Satan/Set whatever. Just don't be a cuck. Your individuality makes you special.
At some point the shilling no longer works not because the remarks are ineffective but just due to general knowledge of tactics. Once you understand the reasoning behind the actions it deflates the impact trying to force results.
Language is the same way, linguistics is unassuming knowledge hiding in plain sight, this websites too autistic to grasp at abstract thinking beyond utility.
anyone who slanders the ego is an agent of evil unironically
when did i slander ego? everyone needs an ego you would not be able to function without one but living consciously means consciously cultivating the ego you want through selective attention.
if you want to live life like your stuck in a k hole fine but don't drag others into your faux buddhist death cult

Your fixation on "utility" is an admission that your precepts are self refuting
Very interesting. I've started to get an inkling that there was something like this going on when I discovered that the inner monologue was such a great hindrance to experiencing altered states of consciousness. I have a very persistent inner monologue which I used to believe was an advantage, since it's helps if you want to ruminate on what to say in a certain situation, or other things like that. I do wonder however, how much this nagging inner voice has stopped me from achieving my potential.

All of that said, does anyone have any tips for hylics to get an upgrade? Or am I just stuck in my lane?
I Laughed. Poor Anon learned a lot of clever words invented by others in order to justify his disability or inability to express/explain his feelings to himself.

Consequently, he is completely deprived of the ability to structure his "chaos" and thereby create at least a basis for self-exploration.

Thereby depriving yourself of the opportunity to understand one really true thing.

"You don't know anything."

p.s. I can "subvocalise" songs too. And its pretty cool.
yeah first of all you should realize that the people who promote this stuff are antinatalists and anihilationists who seek to disolve mankind into a grey goo singularity erasing the self in the process because they see life as evil. They're buckbroken fags and it's high time that eastern practices got taken to the woodshed the same way christfaggotry has
>for example that little thing we call intuition. ever heard of it?
Most people who use that word use it to refer to emotional feefee wahoo bullshit and anyone who relies on that type of thing is a turbo hylic.
metacogniton is unironically overrated and just neurosis at a certain point

the ego is not just a tool. It's something to be exhalted. You also completely ignore the issue of qualia in your reductive view of internal monologue as purely reactive.
OP please answer this
There's no shortage of anti-natalists in every corner of the west a this point, but I am still intrigued by the basic premise of the OP. Meditation for me is essentially shutting down this inner monologue, and inner monologue thoughts are the usual suspect in getting in the way of my altered states. Surely there's something here...
I can think in pictures, words and abstractions. I can smell colors. I can induce non verbal animalistic or highly socialized and cognitive modes of consciousness. I fucking hate these retarded schizo buddhist new age shills preaching elimination of the self by preying on peoples ego and fear while decrying it at the same time.

I don't know why you fags keep shilling this but you drug addict fake guru faggots can fuck right back off to reddit

Fuck the buddhist framework. They only believe that shit because their societies were hell alternating between genocidal steppe hordes and despotic feudalism
so you're basically saying OP is full of cope and seething
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also going full schizo here but the whole "your not really you" or "have you ever considered X" is basic hypnotic suggestion bullshit

I don't trust you fuckers for a goddamn second especially since your heavily shilling derealization and irrationality as enlightenment while trying to instil "the skeleton inside you" memetics

You fuckers have ultierior motives. Between this and the various inverted gnostic flavoring I've seen on /x/ this past year with a orientalist but right wing slant my money is on some weird compartmentalized O9A orientalist psyop

I'm probably wrong but if I had to guess why certain themes keep getting promoted that's what I'd go with. Someone is trying to push some sort of movement and I guarantee they're hiding behind proxy groups

This is a fucking amateur glow op by some terminally online group and you can't convince me otherwise
>can you visualize things?
yes and visualization has improved since i stopped subvocalizing every thought
>How do you supposedly think abstractly?
i don't really know how to explain this other than saying the concepts and ideas become more easily correlated without the perceptual filter of language. it is like the difference between a gpu and cpu. subvocalized linguistic thoughts are like a single thread cpu that processes a single task efficiently for example anything requiring binary logic but useless for any lateral thought process necessary outside of binary logic.
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kind of. Those "higher" states he speaks of are just death and dissolution into the greater whole. It's not higher consciousness it's the destruction of it. People who desire control disparage ego to pull the ladder up behind them.

This is what you fuckers on both sides don't understand. It was never about internal monologue it was ALWAYS about Qualia and the Hard Problem Of Consciousness

But for Some fucking reason these retards discovered the bicameral mind and are pairing it with a western appropriation of buddhism

I find that repellant. We literally swam through the void and fuckin manifested in an exponential radiant fashion and ego not your higher source bullshit is how we did it

Ego is not just a survival mechanism it is the vehicle for the divine spark itself because without it you can't have the Superego

It's Qualia bitches. You have a soul, you are unique and special and these FAGGOTS want to erase you
>not this but that
If you are not retarded you can use both. Need quick thinking? Don't word it out, it wastes time. Need to overthink social interactions, like a speech? Word it out or it probably just will sound good on paper. Our mind is capable of a dozen of different states of thinking each better or worse for certain things. Npc theory crowd is just a bunch of idiots thinking one is the ubermensch because he needs to wear less safety gear when boarding the retard bus
I agree on the ego thing, I made a thread a few days ago about how those who claim to "have destroyed their ego" are actually the most egotistical, narcissistic fucks on the planet and are completely unaware of it.
Granted you can have a good ego and a bad ego, their's I would sya is the bad one. One should recognize their ego and seek to elevate it to its highest form, which includes saying fuck you to normies who will never understand the process.

I think buddhism and its ideals (although sometimes I wonder if that's really the idea behind it, I've never done an in depth dive in it and I bet if I did I'd find some discrepancies with what is presented, as I found that most christains don't actually understand their own religion and are just blatantly worng about it) the ideas of ego death and meditation to silence the inner voice is for normies and hylics and used as a way to kill the souls of psychics and pneumatics seeking "enlightenment".

There's a phrase I want to coin that goes along the lines of "You've not found peace, you've merely found death." As strife (and suffering) are a part of living, the cessation of which means you must have died on the inside in order to attain "peace" only those who know the grave have truly stopped suffering.
Ultimately suffering is a good thing imo.
This, sometimes I speak without thinking, usually in a humorous way. It's off the cuff and hilarious because it's completely unfiltered and sometimes I'll begin laughing mid sentence as I realize what I'm saying.
Granted, if I want things to go well, it behooves me not to do that. But in certain situations it is handy, or in things like say ping pong, I don't think about what I'm doing, it's purely instinctual as the ball is moving too fast to think.
i'm the satanist itt bitching about buddhism but the best way I saw it described was the difference between Rei and Asuka
if you were a woman id rape you and make you enjoy it
Just unconscious. Just because you forget about having a thought because you didn't pay attention to it doesn't mean you haven't had it but our brain filters most of the quick thinking for us to not drive us insane like a bunch of squabbling teenage girls. This also means that while you are much faster in making the decision you aren't as aware of the decision process. "do I topspin that pingpong ball or not?" you made that decision in miliseconds and you had a reason for it but you forgot because lingering on the thought would make you miss the next shot.

Anon... Both of those are embodying a different kind of mental illness and trauma. There is no difference because both are literal retards. Just the different sides of the retard medal.
I see arguments for both sides but only one sides getting angry trying to attack the other which leads me to believe the ulterior motive coming from the Pro inner-monologue guys is nefarious.
You adopt your enemies tactics and expect people to take things seriously after mocking said tactics of deception, insanity.
>hylic npc's will not understand this but people who think in words are the real NPCs
Autism cope? I'm starting to feel like "NPC" is really just code for "neurotypical."

The Word is holy. Jesus is literally called the living Word. If you don't think in words, you're an animal.
maybe you see what you want to see, I mean OP basically attacks inner monologue havers outright and contradicts the long held notion that inner monologues are a sign of a soul and that not having it is a sign of being a hylic.
When you start a thread like that, you're not going to have healthy discourse. I tried to be diplomatic but no one wanted to respond to my post except a guy that agreed with me
I try to ask questions but OP never responded
OP is obviously just a coping seething aspie with an underdeveloped language center. Autism is a communication disorder and they don't think in words because that part of the brain is literally underdeveloped. Incidentally, fasting and sincere prayer can develop that part of the brain (fasting and prayer can cure autism but they don't want you to know that)
Nice bait, OP.
But if you can't see a apple in your head, you also can't listen to voices in your head.
Guess who suffers from aphantasia? Yes, the npc.
>hylic npc's will not understand this but people who think in words are the real NPCs.
Usually I would respond to posts like this by insulting the person like calling them a retard, but this post literally reads like someone coping hard, and for some reason I find myself feeling sorry for. You are clearly coping, this is one the most mental gymnastics backwards logic posts I've ever read.

People with internal monologues do not ONLY think in words, they have the ability to ALSO think it words. You are restricted to only one mode of thinking.

Your response is as ridiculous and coping as someone with Aphantasia (cannot visualize anything at all") arguing that people with Hyperphantasia (can visual things in great detail and color, even with motion) are "the real NPC's".

People with Hyperphantasia don't just think in images, they can simple ALSO think in images, but they aren't restricted to it, they can also think abstractly.

What you are doing is really pure cope, it's like trying to argue that a disability is now the standard.

I myself have an internal monologue and hyperphantasia, and for most of my life I always thought that was just the "default software package" everyone's brains came pre-installed with. It honestly feels weird thinking that there are people that can't even visualize the face of a family member in their mind, or have intrapersonal conversations.

>i can choose to subvocalize certain thoughts
That's literally an internal monologue lol, do you think people with internal monologues have no control at all of their mind. It's something you do intentionally because it's convenient to speak and formulate ideas in a language you already know.

>I've started to get an inkling that there was something like this going on when I discovered that the inner monologue was such a great hindrance to experiencing altered states of consciousness
Can't you just learn to control your mind over time?
OP is the kind of npc that needs drugs to experiment the spiritual world.
It is sad, because they end up addicted to these drugs, and talking about "love" and "unity" all the time.
Team weareone is mostly made of people like OP.
>OP is the kind of npc that needs drugs to experiment the spiritual world.
Wait, are you the guy in the other thread I met before, where I called that other guy a "drugfag" and complained about drugfags in the occult space. Or is this something so commonly noticed and hated lol.

Yeah, I really hate the guys who go on and on about taking shrooms, LSD, etc to "have a spiritual experience". Seems like a lazy shortcut and it doesn't earn you any skills. They are only cheating themselves.

>It is sad, because they end up addicted to these drugs, and talking about "love" and "unity" all the time.
>Team weareone is mostly made of people like OP.
It's just them chasing copes, they jump from cope to cope, never changing.
>Wait, are you the guy in the other thread I met before
I dont remember, but I agree, drugfags can be annoying. The logic is simple: if someone can't even see a apple, he will consume a drug to do it.
Or then, he will try to see the apple while sleeping, inside a lucid dream.
"hylic" and "npc" are opposites
Absolute COPE! After working on my internal monologue for a few years, guess what, now my ability to visualize is getting better. Almost like all the parts of the brain are connected and build off of each other's strength! Cause it's multilane highway up there! Or focus on visualizing, sooner or later you will start getting better at remembering song lyrics too, etc. Seeing the words in your head, then you'll start hearing them better too.

But focus on clearing your mind and doing mindfulness calming exercises, that's just resting. Getting good at resting is something even a retard would laugh at.

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