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this is the worst sign men can be born under
All water signs are weakness. Water takes the path of less resistance. Learn to cope.
Pisces males are the ultimate COONSUMMMOR and ultimate seethers. They have no control over their own destiny and just get absorbed into the karma of others. The ultimate escapists are Pisces males. Consumers of drugs, alcohol, TV, video game and sex. Anything that will help them run away.

If you are looking for the most cucked man- choose a Pisces.

The worst part of Pisces males- they have a natural grasp on spirituality and psychic things. They are very intune with the truth. That's what makes them especially cucked. They know the truth but they choose not to live it and spite it instead. Bitter, jaded and angry little cucked beings, Pisces males are.
Oh come the fuck on, abandon this drivel. You don't think we'd have noticed a strong, STRONG correlation between great world leaders or serial killers or really talented people if this star sign nonsense had any legs to it? It's pumpkinspice-chick tier bollocks
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I HATE YOU, THATS NOT ME, maybe i USED to be a coward but thats not me anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you stupid astrology idiots never have hope in anybody
Women too
Actually percentage wise more serial killers are Pisces lol
How do I navigate life as a 24 year old Pisces guy
Be more Jensen Ackles and less Kurt Cobain
Stop escaping. Get rid of your desires and master them. For example be disciplined, stop obsessing over sex, TV, video games, drugs, alcohol, partying, friends and food. It's not like you can't enjoy or have these things but the average Pisces is in a black pit of escapism and obsession over these desires. You have to stop running away from your inner self and truth. You have to stop letting your desires take you over.
The best thing a Pisces can do is have a 3 year detox from socializing, using drugs/alcohol and watching tv/video games or sex.
Actually face your inner demons instead of running away from them
desires are the truth
Yes. Having sex between May 12th and June 27th should be illegal.
Men, women and even abstract constructs. For example we are in the Age of Pisces right now, so everything is oriented toward mutable water (the worst possible alignment for a civilisation to have). Born too late to die in glorious battle under Aries, born too early to explore tech singularity under Aquarius, born just in time to get dragged to a church/government/HR hearing to explain my edgy books/pamphlets/tweets.
>The worst part of Pisces males- they have a natural grasp on spirituality and psychic things. They are very intune with the truth. That's what makes them especially cucked. They know the truth but they choose not to live it and spite it instead. Bitter, jaded and angry little cucked beings, Pisces males are.

I know, I have terrible self-discipline. I'm intuitive and the insights of things come easy. I have a drive to learn and understand, but to actually practice something and stick to it...
Maybe that's our struggle as the last sign, to overcome this hurdle of laziness and escapism and take up a spiritual practice.

I recommend my fellow pisces to practice meditation and become more in control of your subconscious mind.
My leo sun balances out my pisces moon nicely
Laziness, escapism and being caught up in desires in literally all a Pisces needs to master to ascend into a god. But for them that is a tremendous hurdle.
Great for gurus and sissy fetishists. Get that Chasity cage gurl.
I definitely wouldn't recommend a Pisces destroy their social life. They need some form of grounding. Throwing them to the wolves will make them go schizo.
The strongest trait of a Pisces isn't just generic spiritual inclination but the chance at universal love and dissolution of their ego. Water dissolves and purifies. Jupiter is generosity and wisdom. Mutable signs can see from many perspectives at once, and therefor are very intelligent. These are the best traits of Pisces.
I'm leo and honestly males in my proximity are all faggots. It's so tiresome being around someone who simply walk on this earth and do absolute shit. Like just stop being so sad and homosexual, it's not hard. Bitch
People with Pisces and Scorpio in all their chart is the worst shit you will encounter
I'm an Aries born in an Aries sun with a Pisces moon. I'd say it's a good balance. My natal chart said I'm super fire heavy, and lacking in air, which may why my favorite nature pastime is finding someplace comfy with a good wind to enjoy the view.
Yeah but that's because you are Aries sun lol. Pisces moon is generally not as cucked as Pisces sun
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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo
Yeah when I first learned about astrology things the guy told me the alpha and omega balanced well.
Honestly my knowledge on astrology things is still shallow compared to most, though. But a friend shared a website that gives like a full 5 page natal chart report for free that helped me get a starting point.
I hope to learn more as time goes on since it seemed to be of such huge importance to our ancestors.
Just another Anti Christ.
George Washington, Albert Einstein, Graham Bell, Constantine, Michelangelo, Osama Bin Laden, Chopin, Bobby Fischer, Mayer Amsel Rothschild, Rihanna, are all Pisces men
Haha. I’m Pisces moon, Pisces sun and Scorpio ascendant…
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good thing we dont care
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>Taurus sun Pisces moon
I'm literally all these things and a troon on top of that

so yeah, pretty accurate honestly
Pisces are terrible in general desu.
You could always just take control of your life and seek out a better path. People may be shitting on Pisces for fun but there's no sign that can't rise above.
Astrology only helps you to see the potholes and speed bumps that will appear in your life, it's not meant to define your destiny.
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fellow fish man here, i found that highest representative of being a high achieving Pisces man have been kurt cobain and Jesus, who is said to represent the age of Pisces
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Saggitarius sun. Pisces moon. Cancer Rising.

I used to fuck up everything I ever built or achieved. Just a self sabotage retard scenario. I was also an extreme alkie. Losing the people that I cared about was a wake up call.
Jesus was born in December. So he was either a Saggitarius or Capricorn. Sorry fishe.
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>The story of the birth of Christ is said to be a result of the spring equinox entering into the Pisces, as the Savior of the World appeared as the Fisher of Men. This parallels the entering into the Age of Pisces

The age of Pisces began c.AD 1 and will end c.AD 2150.[b] With the story of the birth of Christ coinciding with this date,[25] many Christian symbols for Christ use the astrological symbol for Pisces,[26] the fishes.[27] The figure Christ himself bears many of the temperaments and personality traits of a Pisces,[28] and is thus considered an archetype of the Piscean.[29] Moreover, the twelve apostles were called the "fishers of men", early Christians called themselves "little fishes", and a code word for Jesus was the Greek word for fish, "ΙΧΘΥΣ ICHTHYS".[27] With this, the start of the age, or the "Great Month of Pisces", is regarded as the beginning of the Christian religion.[30] Saint Peter is recognized as the apostle of the Piscean sign.[31]
One of my best friends was a Pisces male, but he died of a drug o.d. so kinda checks out.

He was a trainwreck but yet still a solid dude towards me. I don't make close friends all the time either.

For reference I'm a Libra sun male so idk how much I suck astrologically.
also I'm Libra sun, Pisces rising, Sagittarius moon
>Sagittarius moon
Pisces male here. Always wanted to date a Pisces woman, taking a mega babe on a 2nd date tomorrow. What are we in for
A disaster since you're both fucking useless
I think that those who have a water mars sign are worse than those who have a water sun sign.
If I see someone who gets immediately pissy and entitled and dramatic about dumb petty shit and is an all around emotional vampire, they likely have Mars in Cancer or Scorpio every time. Absolutely cursed. (ironically I can't say I've witnessed a Pisces Mars)
Still better than Mars in Capricorn
honestly dating is probably gonna be great. the problems will arise when you guys try to live together lol. Unless youre weirdos for the same shit
>Pisces males are the ultimate COONSUMMMOR and ultimate seethers. They have no control over their own destiny and just get absorbed into the karma of others. The ultimate escapists are Pisces males. Consumers of drugs, alcohol, TV, video game and sex. Anything that will help them run away.


>The worst part of Pisces males- they have a natural grasp on spirituality and psychic things. They are very intune with the truth. That's what makes them especially cucked. They know the truth but they choose not to live it and spite it instead. Bitter, jaded and angry little cucked beings, Pisces males are.

I do not have a natural grasp of shit, hell I recently tried to do fucking sigils and tried to talk to my shadow and neither is fucking working. So no you are wrong on this one.
I will add on to this though
>consumer of drugs
I don't anymore
>consumer of alcohol
I only drink once a week and not even enough to get so drunk i have a hangover
>Consumer of sex
LOL how? I literally can not find a woman all the women I ever fall for are always taken or have children. If you mean masturbation then yea I have been most of my life but even now while being on a 10 day no masturbation route I see no difference from when I was masturbating.

How do I not consume video games though and other stuff like youtube. I literally can not learn to fucking drive so Its not like I can just fuck off away from this shit. I don't work, Because I am literally ADHD fucked. I think I am the ultimate fucked Pisces and I can't do shit to fix things.
>check horoscope
>I am Pisces
>check again
>I am Aquarius
is there an accurate graph of this shit? I always see a 2-3 days difference

I feel personally attacked, any tips or is it fucking over for me?
>Water takes the path of less resistance.
You have never met a scorpio.
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>t. pisces with leo rising
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hold my beer bro

What in the astral realms did you just utter about me, you mundane fool? I’ll have you know I was born under the mystical sign of Pisces, crowned by Neptune himself, and I have mastered countless ancient grimoires lost to time. My spiritual aura is impervious to your petty mortal energy, and I’ve banished more shadow entities than you’ve had lifetimes. I am trained in astral projection, divination, and the manipulation of ley lines, and I’m the top adept of occult magick in the entire cosmos.

You are nothing but another insignificant ripple in the great sea of existence, and I will collapse your soul’s vibrational frequency with precision that not even the Akashic Records could foresee. You think your measly words can disrupt my etheric flow? Think again, mortal. As we speak, I am scrying your future in my crystal orb, aligning your downfall with the next lunar eclipse. The forces of the Zodiac themselves are converging on your pathetic existence.

I can be in any dimension, at any time, and I can curse you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just by invoking the water spirits. Not only am I extensively trained in astral combat, but I can summon the full power of the cosmic tides to wash away the fragile construct you call your “life.” I will conjure eldritch beings so terrifying that your subconscious will unravel in fear, leaving you a shell of your former self. You couldn’t even begin to fathom the ancient retribution that’s headed your way, you foolish child of the material plane.

You thought you could disturb the balance of the universe with your petty ignorance? Ha! Your chakras will implode, your aura will be torn asunder, and you will drown in the eternal abyss of your own karma. You're done, starling.
Checked. It's absolutely true, and I think this thread is describing the Mars in Pisces people well. I think they are prone to accidents
Homewrecker energy
As a Pisces man I beg to differ.
Men born under a moveable sign like Capricorn or Aries, while having the lord of the ascendant i.e Saturn in a moveable sign, means they are unstable, unreliable, chaotic and of no resolution. Not manly qualities as it makes them a capricious fool.
Mars is exalted in Capricorn.
My father is a pisces and all of this is true.
What about pisces 3rd decan
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Pisces is actually Marduk. Don't get into it. Your just another Marduk clone. He rules that constellation. We've met, he's me lol. I'm into Jesus now. I'm a new creation.
What if I told you it was a common trend for Pisces to eat chicken tenders daily
my son is a scorpio ascendant, pisces sun and sag moon. very emotional and odd will go out of his way to get his way. praying for the women he will encounter in the future
They're fake fags
Marduk's star was Jupiter. So he could be Saggitarius as well. Marduk wasn't an emotional and whiney cunt, so Pisces wouldn't fit him.
sounds like scorpio (men) to me
Not necessarily. Something like a Capricorn with lord of the ascendant Mars in Aries, it's going to be harmonious. You're going to have to be more specific than that. You can only generalize like this if it's say, Mars in Cancer, a shitty placement.
How about mars in libra
all pisces are schizos in some specific way, i'm pretty sure because they're the last zodiac sign they're neurotic and end up having horrible traits involved with self destruction, they end up killing themselves accidently and usually don't live long if they die naturally
feels like they're on a fast-track on life and try to purposely fuck themselves over subconsciously
You rack disciprine. Pick something physical or productive that has a result to do. Not magic & shadow people. Stick to it & do it especially when you don't want to. Gets easier over time that is pretty much it. I'm a reformed lazy Pisces & the hardest part of my day is getting out of bed & not talking myself out of doing important things. Worked a really shitty job for a bit bc I had no skills no experience no frans to hook me up. Turned that into a less shitty job & turning that into a good big boy job here soon. The most important thing is to not get complacent, don't huff your own farts when you're doing a good job bc that can change fast & don't let outside influences (people) influence you too much just do what you know you should be doing. My bad days are usually days when I chose to be lazy or product of me putting shit off so I try not to do that anymore it's really that easy
idk, libra kinda sucks ass
Pisces man, stellium including the worst placements, Mercury and Mars. Honestly I get why people hate us, but the hardcore escapist Pisces unwilling to face themselves are the ones that give us the worst rep. A truly intuitive and honest Pisces can easily make friendships with most people, it's the discipline that's a killer. A lot of yapping about fish men on this site and amongst women in general.
They’re aight
People born between September and November tend to suck major ass, you’re not wrong. So, Libra to Scorpio
They’re worse than Pisces. Pisces are complete wrecks on a minor, personal scale. Those people are more externally driven or have external desires and you will have to deal with their shit
Libras especially women seem fucking bland and boring as shit.
How do you know what sun and moon?
I mean I’m an Aries but how do I figure out what sun and moon?
This puts things into perspective better. If you happen to have a Pisces in your life, you will probably hate them because theyre fuck ups. But the type of people constantly fucking everything and everyone is definitely the Libras, Scorpios, true.
fucking with*
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Libra/Scorpio woman with BPD. Name a better duo.

I had a female "friend" like that, massive whore, had a kid with drug addict and left that kid to her mother, had another boyfriend and made him kill himself, had many jobs, but couldn't hold onto any of them for longer than a month. She swings from looking attractive to looking like a crackhead. Loves to paint, loves music and all the witchy bs things. She was good to fuck and spend "some" time with, but terrible as a friend. She was born just at the end of Libra and the beginning of Scorpio. She's a Libra of course. Those tattoos should tell you all you need to know.

t. Saggitarius
>Sun in Libra, Venus and Mercury in Scorpio, Mars in Cancer
Male equivalent of what you speak of and many such cases with people born in that time frame. Never trust an October nigger
i'd fuck that desu. and probably ruin my life as well lmao. I'm into alt/goth chicks.

t. fellow Firenigger
If you run into those people it’s because you’re being too weak. They literally try to humiliate anything within vicinity, it’s their life purpose. Heavy dismantling energy, extremely insecure
This is the website my friend told me to use because it gives a long ass report and breakdown about what each thing means.
Not gonna lie, I still don't understand even half of it, though.


There's no "signing up" or other dumb shit and it's totally free. But you need to know when you were born down to the minute, which should be on your birth certificate, hospital wristband, or something similar. If you're not sure, you can just try to get as close as possible.

Hope that helps, friend.
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Libra checking in. My chick calls me an "agent of chaos". The fuck does the rest of this stuff mean?
>They literally try to humiliate anything within vicinity, it’s their life purpose.
lmao do i really
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>If you run into those people it’s because you’re being too weak. They literally try to humiliate anything within vicinity, it’s their life purpose. Heavy dismantling energy, extremely insecure
Well that didn't work with me. She took it up the ass though, which is nice.

I can see why that junkie fag killed himself. She had massive mood swings.
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nah. they're the only dudes that can actually get along with scorpion and cancer girls, who are the best at sex
>scorpion and cancer girls, who are the best at sex
only if you need women to lead (which is bad sex anyway tbqh)
Show me that upper body brother. The booba
>mentally ill, unstable, cheating and backstabbing morons get along well
Oh wow.
maybe you airhead air signs and wildfire-tempered fire signs should be more considerate for a change
There is no place for consideration when dealing with manipulative cheaters and whiney fags.
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I was reading up on babylonian astrology. Supposedly they kill pisces at 40yrs. Then I started to hear myself talking. I said I was Pisces. Then the others said he was Marduk. He later admitted he was. He told me pisces is Marduk. He said I was a little Marduk. He is and dwells in the pisces constellation. I could be wrong, weird experience. He's cool though. Enjoy being Marduk.

T. Pisces decan 2
Guess no scorpio ever picked interest in you.
While they love to hide themselves so I get the fake how are they fags? I respect their persistence in digging into the depths.
How could you say that to the pincers of scorpio? They might take time to decide since they need to weight everything and its kinda annoying but else they are incredibly sweet and aesthetic. If you want to slander a sign how about taurus? All they want to do is hoard riches like a dragon, they love their food to much and on top of that they are incredibly slow and boring.
Im Aries and get along well with scorpios and cancer. A few stings here and there never killed anyone, a little cancer trying to hide in its shell not coming out making one to bash on its shell for a reaction - well better then bland and boring.
>Guess no scorpio ever picked interest in you.
one of my best friends is a scorpio. why would i have an opinion on the matter if i've hardly interacted with them
So why do you conclude they take the path or resistance? Have you never had a heartfelt argument/discussion with him?
*least resistance
should have read better
Now shut the fuck up you scorpionigger attention whore. You're not so deep as you think you are. You're just self-absorbed narcissit with victim complex. I made my personal life mission to expose fags like you and ruin your reputation and you fags can't even do shit, because I'm ten steps ahead.

Scorpiofags always like to gossip around the back and spread fake rumors to ruin a person they don't like at the moment. They play tough guys, but watch them crumble to dust and shake like an anxiety ridden bitch when you call them out in the public/among people they use. A little fucking shit tucks his tail so far deep in their ass that you wouldn't even recognise them. A subhuman zodiac sign. Saggitarius wannabe.
Take away the "Pisces" and you're just describing the average modern man.
Its a pity there are no IDs here. In the next post I wrote Im a aries.
> I'm ten steps ahead
I dont think so since you most likely lack the depth. And trying to war a scorpio be prepared to get a few stings here and there. If you cant even deal with that you are the fag here. A scorpio is a formidable foe that will sting you where it hurts or the most reliable friend of them all standing on the battlefield with you. You are probably weak to certain rumors and you let him find out which is retarded if you had a beef. You decide where he/she stands.
>Saggitarius wannabe.
They are superficial, weak, lazy and love to blabber nonsense all day. Philosopher my ass. How are they compareable?
Scorpiofag please. This is embarrassing.
Im aries as I told you. Empty boasting is for leos.
Scorpioniggers always LARP as Aries. That's nothing new to me. I've seen it before. lol

Daddy issues? Water nigger.
Maybe aries scorpio works well since its the epic combination of warrior and sorcerer.
You have to be a weak sign to be triggered by scorpios magic instead of respecting it.
Come on. Have you ever seen a scorpio boast?
>Mars in Cancer, a shitty placement.
mars in cancer kicking in the 12th here. absolutely a shitty placement unless aspected well. the hardest lesson for those natives is to learn to be aggressive rather than passive-aggressive. most people in general lack the ability to be direct.
sun in cancer 12th. moon in cancer 11th. leo rising. mercury in leo 12th. venus (gemini) trine jupiter (aquarius). crabs all trine saturn (scorpio) sun/mars in the degrees of castor/pollux as well.

not sure if you've read this before but you might like it.
tl;dr troll scorps by calling them brokedick crabs.
im aries sun with cancer moon, i kind of hate having a cancer moon because it makes me very emotional but it does make my world deeper and more intriguing. I also like comfy places with water and the mountains
Mars in the 12th is generally shitty since one day you can fight, another day you simply forgot how to. Mine is in the 12th and retrograde but at least not in cancer.
i wouldnt believe you because that COULDNT BE ME LOL
Let me ensure you both, us scorpios are sitting back and laughing at you both for being idiots. It’s funny how every other sign hates Scorpios simply because we are better. This thread is like looking into a fishtank for me, just a bunch of dumb animals swimming around.
>It’s funny how every other sign hates Scorpios
You didnt even read my posts so your stinger does miss. I was was arguing in favor of scorpios. I guess reading comprehension is not one of your traits.
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get your own fucking thread you fucking side character zodiac signs
>imagine attentionwhoring this much in a pisces thread
no one cares about your shitty zodiac signs lmao

There isnt much to say about pisces aside from: Stop taking drugs you degenerates. Thats why the topic shifted.
>sitting back
Is all you ever do, since you're cowards.
That’s why I was giving you a rare glimpse inside the mind of a Scorpio but you blew it. Now I will recede into solitude.
Yeah, fuck off back to your cuck corner. Plot all you want, you're worthless when it comes to action.
I know you guys since I have some planets that like to dig into peoples minds too. Keep on watching and train your stinger so it doesnt miss next time.
Just because you dont see the blade coming because its behind you doesnt mean there isnt one or that it doesnt move. You are just naive.
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>There isnt much to say about pisces aside from: Stop taking drugs you degenerates. Thats why the topic shifted.

pisces are to be admired and worshipped you fucking lower caste pleb zodiacs
only pisces can actually talk about pisces because everyone else is a spiritual retard lmao

>npcs hijacking a thread dedicated to the most based sign
you will never be a pisces
Share some wisdom then, druggie. All I have seen yet is you complaining how no one is talking about your addictions.
No one cares. Grow up.
everyone larps as anti-pisces then sucks pisces cock thinking it's gemini or some other sign
You are the one that cant endure even a little stinging. Weakling.
funny how other signs can't sustain their own thread they have to use pisces to feel relevant. pisces is the aryan white christian of the zodiac.
The only thing stinging is some stranger's dick in your ass, you fucking faggot. How come majority of gays are Scorpios?
>How come majority of gays are Scorpios?
I never heard about that. Would have suspected pisces. Tell me more.
If I'm honest, all the previous posts aside. I would've suspected Cancer or Taurus actually. But good shitposting play anyway.
All shitposts aside I would have suggested pisces as stated and libra. I like them and dont know any fags but if someone would be a fag libra seems predestined and maybe gemini.
Why taurus? I avoid them in general as they are to material for my tastes. Cancer I can imagine.
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wow, bro. are you talking shit about my crabs?
sun and moon (cancer) conjunct mars for me. coupled with that leo asc tends to make me less "cancerian." i think without the sun conjunct mars, i might be singing a different tune rn. especially regarding energy
what's your mars placement?

get a load of this dead fish. way to disprove op's assertion. picrel is the age of pisces now.

every pisces acts so enlightened yet is always a massive degenerate.
>everyone else is a spiritual retard
>you will never be a pisces
please. the only spiritual retards are the dead fish. imagine the heavens absolutely nerfing your class (cancer; formerly the hydra) just so the pisces don't cry. beach yourself, idiot. pray to the beautiful water bearer for a drop of divinity.

>suspected Cancer
brother, please. it was one holy kiss during latin mass. i swear.
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Look how they seethe
non-pisces are mere goyim
>Why taurus? I avoid them in general as they are to material for my tastes.
Taurus are the most schizo and "open" to new experiences signs in the entire zodiac unironically. Look at the Heaven's Gate schizo, Jim Jones, that other Indonesian fuck. Also Taurus. All schizo cult leaders, degenerates and truly gay sex faggots.

As for the personal experience, father of my ex was a Taurus and that retard used to starve himself for weeks claiming he feeds of solar energy and everyone should. He always yapped about some cosmic powers when we had dinner together. No matter which Taurus I meet in life, he's always some type of a fucking schizo or a faggot.
So one day you play hide and seek another day you boast and bloat like there is no tomorrow? Must be hard to balance that.
My mars is in scorpio thats why I know one or two things about their stingers.
Your stinger missed, whats there to seethe about? Its rather a laughing matter.
*male Virgo sigh of relief*
>All schizo cult leaders,
They are in for the money, not the fame, not the enlightenment. Its the money.
>He always yapped about some cosmic powers
See how important food is to them. Doesnt matter if its eating to excess or not eating. All revolves around food and money and having things. Disgusting really.
At least you tend to be intelligent I give you that but your neatness is suffocating.
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Nearly everything I've read about Taurus says they're the most materialistic out of the signs. Not me though, I'm built different
Without the whole chart everything here i stereotypes and banter anyways. Dont take it to heart.
maybe in my younger, and dumber years. now i'm older and even dumber. the balance is simple for me; exercise, work (inner + outer), gratitude, and the realization that i'm not my emotions or thoughts.
with a mars in the 12th--especially water--are you into sports? specifically combat/physical sports; mma, boxing, hockey, football, lacrosse, etc.
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I act and feel more like Capricorn-Scorpio mix rather than Saggitarius. What the fuck is wrong with me. Is there any way to break the curse?
The only ones who take the internet seriously outside of the education spheres that exist within it are fools
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>born aries
>look at the fucking skies
>it says piscis
which one is it?
Guess finding balance here is really important and exercising could do the trick to get of too much fire.
I dont do sports at all aside from maybe fighting books that are hard to understand until I understand them. Maybe because its retrograde. Back in the days I also fought myself a lot but I learned so many thing from it so it was worth it.
True dat. But who knows if a faggy pisces gets triggered nonetheless and goes on another drug binge because of it. Better to clarify.
Demoralization shill thread.
Do not bump.
Do not respond.
Hide glowie and shill threads.
i ask because if you're younger then combat sports is the way to go as a mars 12ther. detrimental af until you learn to channel it. incredible spiritual energy and combat/physical sports help you learn how to channel it/manifest it/whatever it into the physical. it will also show you that your limitations aren't really what you think they are and also how deep your gas tank really is.

>who knows if a faggy pisces gets triggered
c'mon, anon. everyone knows the piscean cycle. what doesn't cause the fish to get twisted and flap around?
>all pisces are schizos in some specific way
I definitely am but I have two friends who are also Pisces and they're total normalfags.
I don't believe in the mumbo jumbo but you guys are perfectly describing me.
I kinda feel like an npc
T. 25 y old pisces
I wanted to as a kid but wasnt allowed to - guess thats the faith of retrogrades. Afterwards I put my fighting energy into intellectual pursuits which is also a outlet for me. It just has to be challenging. You made good experiences with sports and a mars in the 12th?
>what doesn't cause the fish to get twisted and flap around?
True, neptune grips them tightly. But at least they now have the option to read my comment and calm down if they are triggered so its up to them if they still insist on binging.
Vaxxie tards learn to read and stop posting here, k thx. NPCs not welcome here.
I heard Pisces are very susceptible to addictions when I was little and for some reason it really stuck with me. I never even got drunk let alone tried any drugs.
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>cancers eternally seething in the shadow of the ruler of water signs
seethe and cope arrogant retard
you will never be a pisces
you will never be the center of attention
you will never feel how it is to be appreciated just for being there
you will always have to do gymnastics for people to like you
you will always have to manipulate people just so they stick around
you will always be a loner because everyone despises your machinations after the gig is up and see you for what you are

sit down kid
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What this mean yo
Didnt look at your chart even once but reading your post it means your intellectual capabilities arent noteworthy.
It means you flunked second grade level English and never learned how to use punctuation. Sorry to inform of your mental deficit as predicted here by your chart.
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they're not
it's just seething and envy from the lesser signs (all 11 of them)

>t. pisces fit and healthy and no addictions
He really is that stupid, like you can just tell.
I've got Pisces as a moon, but the only thing that gets under my skin is dogshit middle managers
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>destroys your argument completely
Well thats understandable. Means you need to go above them and laugh at them from there, doesnt it?
Not a vaxxie, tard.
And here I thought he had good judgement of character since he skipped over every single of my posts.
You are though. Else you couldn't be a federal employee. Better work on your lying.
This is literally you
I've been told that I seem like I'd make a good manager, but I'd rather just disconnect and do just my thing really well while they drown
>tfw actual male and virgo (virgin) wizard
You just lack fighting spirit.
>This i-i-s-s-s litera-yy you-u
Also another classic glowie scum technique. Setting up strawmans.
Keep giving yourself away.
I'd rather not participate in the rat race crabs in the bucket bullshit that Gen X and Baby Boomers in middle management and Millenials and Gen Z in HR perpetuate because of their power
Nope, Covid doesn't even exist.
I guess you need to find other ways to got get triggered by them then. And doing your job well never pays off in the end if its not your own company, just as a hint. All that will result in is loads of more work from your colleagues.
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Bitch, don't make me contact Coronachan. You stupid proles don't get how things work.
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Do you really think the parasites on top would set something free that could endanger them too? The whole reason for the vax was to apply a targeted bioweapon.
>Do you really think the parasites on top would set something free that could endanger them too?
Um, yes? Just look at the lack of security at the US border. Duh.
Well thats different. Have money, live in a gated community. Why would they intermingle with the plebs?
A majority of them are fine, it's just the handful that go out of their way to drag people through the mud and play favorites. I've learnt over the years to only put just enough to get by, but even then certain managers have their favorites that'll get people fucked over just because they don't like the person
are we at the cycle where npcs start calling others npcs? get a new bit before you bite off more than you can chew. i'm not vaccinated.

the rare living fish has arrived. congratulations on the work you've done, anon. now go slap your piscean brothers into shape.

as i'd said, cancers had to get nerfed so pisces wouldn't cry.
>cancers eternally seething in the shadow of the ruler of water signs
what does cardinal water mean, fishboy?
>you will never be a pisces
sir, you forget yourself. cancers were nerfed so pisces could be the retards that they are. enjoy the ride, fishbro.
>you will never be the center of attention
who cares when you can command the depths?
>you will never feel how it is to be appreciated just for being there
my frens (baleeb or not) appreciate my company and many others miss my absence and even tell me so.
>you will always have to do gymnastics for people to like you
alright, son. you need to settle down. crabs are not gymnasts, you fishbrained idiot.
>you will always have to manipulate people just so they stick around
only shitbag suncrabs do this.
>you will always be a loner because everyone despises your machinations after the gig is up and see you for what you are
i can only speak for myself: loner because we live in the depths not because of any machinations. but being honest, all of the male crabs i've met in my time have been bro-tier.

>sit down kid
boof more drugs and tell me more about your enlightenment.
inb4 moon boofer

absolutely. truthfully? everyone makes excellent experiences and results with combat/physical sports if they have a mars 12th. at least for men. it's one of the best kept secrets of a mars 12th. for women it's gymnastics, dance, etc.
Wow /x/ is terrible now.
>Cower inside your little gated community, surrounded by criminality and anarchy
Yeah... great plan. Geniuses.
Almost as dumb as thinking a disease doesn't exist.
always was.
Just since you glowies made this trash thread.
I just wanted to lurk for old times' sake, this was a good board once (I swear) and yeah astrology is /x/, why not. But this thread is like a microcosm of the board as a whole, /pol/ bollocks and armchair psychology, not even INTERESTING conspiracy theories.

But what do I know, I'm an Aquarius.
>I'm an Aquarius
Oh, that explain why you post like a bot and are such a moron.
Btw any tranny newfag that complains about "/pol/" needs to be going back you know where.
Is that what we're like? Genuinely curious.
>not even INTERESTING conspiracy theories.
>Is that what we're like?
Aquarius is basically Pisces with all the good parts removed. No esoteric knowledge or psychic shit, just atheism.
Dubs and trips noticed btw, if you care about numbers autism.
from my observations
pisces men can either be creative geniuses or chris chans
pisces women are just bubbly normie girls who love their family, similar vibe to cancer women but more childish
>pisces women are just bubbly normie girls who love their family
Yeah, that's what you think before they backstab you. Never put much trust in a Pisces woman.
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>>38860544 is me btw
im running laps around you lmao
a pisces will forever be 5 steps ahead of you, inside the game and outside the game AND laying the rules of the game simultaneously while you eternally cope and seethe that the game is not fair

i've never met 1 (one) cancer individual who was not always being butthurt because of something
every single one of them was bitching and moaning about something, always with no exception
your sign is literally the sign of butthurt

>what does cardinal water mean, fishboy?
it means lesser signs are coping by making shit up to stay relevant
imagine participation awards but for signs

pisces are the kings of not giving a fuck
we invented not giving a fuck

Shiiiiet timmy be wildin
Who hurt you little guy
fucking guy. out here mogging me after i congratulate your ass. i don't cope or seethe about the game not being fair. life isn't fair. nature isn't fair. so on. you might be able to run laps over a basic bitch suncrab but you're not gonna catch me lacking.

>your sign is literally the sign of butthurt
i'm starting to think geolocation matters for crab personalities. i'm not sure where you're at but i'm surrounded by bodies of water and none of the crab bros i have are butthurt bitches. they're all easygoing, outdoorsy dudes. in my region it's always aries and scorpios that are the eternal bootyblasted and can't take a joke.

and if anything pisces is on its way to becoming the eternal lolcow.
>in my region it's always aries and scorpios that are the eternal bootyblasted
That's everywhere. The thing with them is that you won't hear about them when they're normal (specially scorpios).The ones you generally meet are always Andrew Tate wannabe faggots. It's strange because interpretation of these signs will have you believe that they're very focused on their own shit, driven and independent, but often times you meet them and their main objective is clearly some kind of attention
Thats nice, I don't know what the fuck to do, thats why I was trying to ask my shadow self. I legit am brain dead.
what i mean to say is I have 0 interests in anything besides video games/movies/anime.
>won't hear about them when they're normal
i think that goes for any sign though (crabs included) but those two stick out like sore thumbs.
>their main objective is clearly some kind of attention
this is what i couldn't really articulate. that coupled with that chip on their shoulder and the attitude of having something/everything to prove. the scorpios i've met love to probe with that stinger of theirs (just a prank bro) and then cry when you clap back.
>the scorpios i've met love to probe with that stinger of theirs
Exactly, they're very interpersonally intrusive. The only people who accept them are weak minded and have no self-respect. Pisces and Cancer are also intrusive but in an old grandma type of way. It ranges from grandma with dementia or kind grandma. Scorpio is in a nigger at the metro trying to steal your shit or rape you type of way
Water signs will look at you up and down to see if they trust you. Only Cancer is conclusive with this. Pisces are bipolar and will never settle with an impression of someone. Scorpio project their fucked evil consciousness and will never trust anyone
Why am I so attracted to Capricorn girls as pisces? Cancer women too, it feels psychic encountering them as gay as that sounds I cant explain it, why the crab and the fish goat?
>never settle with an impression
I settle with impressions all the time, what you mean?
Maybe for a moment, it always changes. Pisces is literally all about inconclusiveness
To that’s literally the bum of my sister who got her pregnant and run away and now my sister is a single mom.
> Never trust an October nigger
Can you elaborate? I have a libra Oct friend and he is insane as fuck, he turned to Christianity but very extreme switch.
If you live according to your sign, and you must without awareness, courage, and dedication, then you are a slave. Pisces is the final sign, the breaking point for that slavery. If you live it you're a house nigger. If you ascend you can free more than yourself.
i just tell myself its all in my head, thats how I keep my friends. When the thoughts get to be too much I take a break rather then getting new friends, cause I am tired of my thoughts always winning.
Well, it's a sign that's meant to be adaptable. You just need to find your dual, more grounded energy, whether it is in yourself or someone
Conclusiveness is an illusion when it comes to people, and a thief of grace. Never accept a facade as true, but never deny a facade's meaning either. Motives change, circumstances change, and people change their facades with them. If you can't see past the endless transformation into spirit then you'll never trust.
I also relate to this. Ex-girlfriends, great female friends that I had a deep connection with, all were generally Capricorn or Cancer.
yea but thats the problem with me, my other half is long gone. Like sure I can keep friends, but the friends I have are definitely not my other half and they don't ever help to figure out what I should be doing with my life.
You could try not running from your other half and trying to replacing it with people.
>Pisces are bipolar and will never settle with an impression of someone
Hats down to pisces for their unbreakable will power to never give up something they want when they get obsessed with it. My bpd ex would fucking send me emails everyday for 6 months and stalk my house after blocking her from everywhere and she would travel through plane whenever i told her to just to fuck for a few nights, she moved on now cause we haven't talked for 6 months so she must have found a new dick but holy fuck the persistence on that girl is something ill never forget, my november scorpio ex before her 'loved' me and was obsessed with me but when we broke up it was over at that second lmao. btw the bpd gf was february pisces
i'm not running from my other half, my other half inside me doesn't talk to me and is just as lost as I am.
odd considering I know a girl who is feb pisces and shes afraid to even hug people and she refuses to ever be in a relationship with anyone.
>doesn't talk to me
The masculine half uses structure and logic like language. The feminine half uses feelings and visions. You sure you don't run from any feelings?
I use logic, feelings, visions, all of it. I still have no fucking clue what I am doing with my life. I cry when I watch fucking disney movies. I am constantly being bombarded with "I want to help but I can't" its a never ending fucking struggle in my mind.
somehow she was distant from her exes and didn't care enough but with me i don't know, she even told me she wanted to marry me. is that weird for pisces? btw she broke up with me in march of 2021 and after we got back together in august 2021 we stayed since early 2023 and she fell in love deeply during that time.. i miss her
So you're more energetically balanced than most people, but you're unsatisfied...
>I am constantly being bombarded with "I want to help but I can't"
And how often is that "I want to help" you talking to yourself but unable to? Or, are you the selfless sort who puts others first too often?
They're just in my own experience, consistently the worst people. It's probably because statistically they might have a huge chance for a mix of Libra and Scorpio placements, so like imagine having both the Sun and Moon in fall always. Just imagine a negging envious asshole who always wants the spotlight, too preoccupied with fucking with everything and influencing everything. Think of like Mahatma Gandhi, who has a lot of dirt to him once you really look into him

Yeah, I didn't say it's a bad thing, but it can easily get way too schizophrenic and incomprehensible with Pisces.
both, I want to help myself and others, I just don't know what my self wants. As I said when I try to talk to myself I just get a "i don't know" response.
Yeah this is gonna sound schizo but when my cancer gf broke up with me, I would always get these weird feelings and couldnt get her off my mind, even really weird dreams. Turns out this girl was stalking my social media, so the intuition thing is legit, I can always tell when some chick will align with me from the start just by looking at her and feeling her out its like a weird built in radar and always works. I just have issues attaching, like I will start off obsessed chasing hard then fall off 3 months in.
What, like you ask yourself a question and just expect your self to suddenly realize the answer?

Listening to yourself means paying attention to mind body and spirit at all times. Your ego is what you know/see of yourself, it doesn't have the answers. To find them you must observe patiently, and question everything you find.

Do you have a strong intuition?
No like I actually talked to my shadow and listened. My shadow is just as confused and lost as I am.
>I would always get these weird feelings and couldnt get her off my mind, even really weird dreams. Turns out this girl was stalking my social media, so the intuition thing is legit,

Well i can't my gf out of mind mind aswell despite being the one breaking up with her , is this legit?
You are pisces? Then yeah its legit, they will never forget you
nta but everyone has forgotten me from 13 years ago. They don't even bother to try and find me.
Do middle pillar
idk what this means
No she is the Pisces, I’m libra who is always stuck in the past
>I actually talked to my shadow
You know shadows don't actually exist right?
Talking to your shadow isn't helpful for anything but finding where you've misled yourself in the past. Your shadow doesn't know either, it's just the unintended consequences of your choices.
I did the carl jung thing is what I mean. I know shadows don't actually exist, but the whole shadow work thing was supposed to help figure out what I actually want, but it hasn't done shit. I don't know what to do. I am completely lost.
You haven't done anything though.
I largely dismissed Jung until a few months ago. I've never tried to do shadow work, but it found me through the source of all emotional shadows, love. I was betrayed by my girlfriend of 5 years and my best friend, while dealing with a multiple sclerosis diagnosis, while dealing with losing my job. Two years went by where I focused on myself and became a complete hermit. That's how long it took for me to completely surrender the situation, and a couple months after I did everything suddenly clicked, and my multiple sclerosis was miraculously cured.

I found the source of all my problems and what was holding me back from seeing my life's purpose. It boils down to what you love, and not confusing it for what you lust after, and not dismissing it out of fear. These things are only found within, and if you're not finding anything then you're looking for the wrong thing. Looking doesn't even help anyway.
>For example we are in the Age of Pisces right now
Not anymore.
>inb4 achtually
No fucker, the age of Pisces ended already.
I bet you snap often
I don't love anything besides my family, and even then I think its a fake love because I am constantly thinking in my head "what if I just took an axe to them and then killed myself afterwards" I don't think I belong on this planet anymore.
honestly the only thing keeping me from actually murdering anyone is video games and internet. I think if I didn't have this i'd be dead right now with the rest of my family.
You fail to see your own flaws but are quick to point them in others.
>I don't love anything besides my family
I know the feeling. Here's what I found in that little adventure I just told you about from my own life. I couldn't see myself because I didn't love myself. I couldn't love myself because I didn't see myself. I had to be betrayed, see myself in my betrayer (who I loved), for me to then forgive them and ultimately myself.
but I do love myself, I love everything about myself, its people around me that I don't love.
I am lost but I still love myself, I don't really understand it myself. Maybe I am meant to be a murderer but technology prevents it.
>but I do love myself
No, you've made it clear to me that you lust for yourself. Lust is the shadow of hate, it's what we desire to appease our fears. If you loved yourself you wouldn't be saying
>I can't help
>I don't love anything
>I don't belong on this planet

Your shadow work has yet to begin.
>scorpio women lead
The scorpio women I've been with have been pillow princesses.
Considering I healed myself of diabetes, I am pretty sure I do love myself. I don't lust for anything.
Let me put it to you this way. There are things you don't see about yourself that you don't love. Be proud of the progress you've made, but don't let pride blind you. I cured my M.S. but I can tell you with all honesty, there are times I still need to love myself. It's not a fast or easy process.
No I legit love everything about myself despite all my flaws and not knowing what I want and despite the fact that I constantly have the thought of murder on my mind. I think I just was meant to be a murderer in this life. Like i've legit killed my family in my dreams and woke up completely fine with it. I don't think someone who is sane would be fine with that sort of thing. I am just completely insane and honestly if I didn't have video games or a computer/internet I probably would actually be a murderer in this life.
You're not insane though, and there are many reasons people would feel fine after a dream like that. Your "reason" denies the truth of yourself.
I'll never know because shadow work does nothing for me, the only thing it has helped me with was getting over the fact that I was molested as a child. I think if I continue to pursue this shadow work it will confirm my suspicions that I should be a murderer which I am not willing to proceed with. This also could be my pisces nature just coming out at this point, and oh well, nothing I can do bout that.
>I'll never know because shadow work does nothing for me
Apparently it has done something for you.
Even if it didn't, what makes you think that's the only path? I told you, I've never once tried to do shadow work. I only realized the truth behind it doing things my own way.

>it will confirm my suspicions
That's your fear, that you're a murderer at heart. Mine was that I was a pedophile. Either way you can clearly control yourself, just as I can. In other words, it's mostly a matter of how you see yourself, not how you act. It won't go away unless you confront the root of it with love.
This is a painfully accurate summary of my life. Escapism has always been my go-to cope for pain or “trauma” in my life. I find myself repeating the same patterns of my mid teens now in my mid-late twenties. Years of coping with drugs, vidya, sex, after spitefully rejecting life following heartbreak and betrayal at 25.

29 now and every day I still wake up to the same pain and shame, rejecting the call to overcome. I’m so fvcked bros
I tell myself I love myself every day, it does nothing for me.
ok i mean it does something it keeps me healthy, but it doesn't help me figure out what I need to do in life. Does that even make any sense?
I'm not suggesting you simply tell yourself empty words. I'm saying that you need to look at why you want to kill people and talk yourself through it like an ideal pair of loving parents might with a child. Love is shown with words yes, but also patience, understanding, acts of service, and much more. It's a spirit to be embodied in the face of your darkest aspects, for the sake of truth.
It does. I couldn't clearly see my life purpose until I could clearly see myself.
astrology is extremely gay
Actually no I just remembered I do love them its just they are in so much pain that in my mind I think killing them would cure their pain since there is no other way for them to get better. My mom wakes up in pain everyday and I fucking hate it, I want to help but there is nothing I can do the only thing I can think of doing is just killing her so she doesn't have to deal with that pain.
the secret to being successful as a pisces male is to completely disregard unsubstantiated blackpill dispensers like these, and choose to affirm your own preferred reality instead. if some clown comes at you saying "no, you can't just do that, you're delusional, you have to justify your optimism in a way i agree with" they're just shit-testing you
Have you talked to her a lot about her pain and how she handles it?
When I was suffering from M.S. I dealt with debilitating pain constantly. I also lost the ability to walk and see. If I'd been put out of my misery I wouldn't be here today to help talk to you.
i listen to her constantly, giver her ideas, theres really nothing I can do. She has herniated discs, arthritus, and the only thing she does is believe in god and thinks god will help take it away. I've tried to tell her to do what I did to get rid of my diabetes but she just doesn't listen. Its like talking to a wall with her. At times I just want to either kill myself to not deal with her anymore or like I said kill her so shes completely out of pain.
It's funny, I agree with your mom. God took away my multiple sclerosis. God is love. Or, rather, God is the unifying creative force of harmony permeating all of existence, and we experience this as love, aka the holy spirit.
Aries too and I've sworn off cancers as friends. When they like me they'll demand my constant attention and try to grossly force their way into everything I do. They'll try to force you to become their emotional dumping grounds or their little pet and will hate your guts for resisting. I've fallen for their shameless guilt tripping too many times to have any remorse for them.
yea shes been praying for 20 years, its done nothing to help her. IN FACT shes gotten worse. So either its a croc of shit or the so called god hates her.
The spiritual journey is not easily compared. A mother's love is powerful in its own right, but even it is a twisting of God's love. Most cultures agree, spiritual development is far more difficult for mothers.

The best way you can help her is to keep helping yourself. Have faith in yourself and her, there is power in your support.
Yea i've tried that as well before I decided to give up. I use to pray for her every day. My brother does and it does nothing. Praying does nothing for her. She has her friends praying for her as well. It literally does nothing.
I didn't say to pray for her. I said to support her and her convictions as you support yourself. Prayer is only helpful for things like shadow work, which best addresses problems like auto immune conditions (diabetes, or ms for example). Stress is easy to manipulate through the mind body connection in comparison to what you're describing with your mother.
every fire and water sign in here tries to act all badass, yet you are all just incels IRL. you are literally paris hilton shilling chink garbage at walmart except you're broke and you're not paris hilton, but you shop at walmart

oh, and libras are the most tryhard, autismo sluts. bless their hearts
I do support her fully it doesn't work.
>it doesn't work
How can someone who believes that support anyone fully?
Earth signs are literal NPCs and Air signs are psychopathic
I just see it how it is, its honestly tiring. This is why I have these horrible thoughts.
>I just see it how it is
You mean you see some of what has been and what is. What you choose to focus on impacts the future. Do you think your mental well being has an influence on your mother? Do you think your belief that you "don't belong on this planet" might matter not just in regards to how she sees you, but also herself?
What I say online does not show in real life. I hug and kiss her and tell her I love her constantly. I have never told her anything i've said in this thread and it honestly only ever comes out when threads like this are even a thing. I honestly probably wouldn't have said any of this if >>38854689
never called me out for how I live my life.
"Be like water" -Bruce Lee, a badass.
Right, you were feeling insecure. Good on you for being able to recognize that. Just one more thing to consider my friend.

>What I say online does not show in real life.
Are you aware this probably isn't totally true^
>I hug and kiss her and tell her I love her constantly.
Even if this is?^

People are very observant, and these thoughts are clearly just under the surface of your mind.
I doubt she'd recognize it, shes in too much pain and she is only ever home maybe 2 hours in a day. I see her for maybe an hour a day, sometimes not even. We live on completely different time zones, she has to constantly go out and get stuff for people while I just sit home and play video games/watch movies. I mean maybe if we spent like 4 hours together she'd start to notice, but the only time that ever happens is when we are shopping so her mind is focusing on that.
>I doubt she'd recognize it
Me too. It's impossible to know what people are hiding, but it's often easy to know they are hiding something. Not just by the subtle cues beneath our communications, and what other people tell us they've observed, but even by the lack of communication itself.

I think you underestimate your mother and yourself because you've given up hope and accepted fear as your reality. I'm not saying that to judge you, it's an honest and relatable assessment. I hope you find a use for it.

It was pleasure meeting you.
Have an excellent day.
How'd you cure your diabetes?
I just told myself I love myself and that I am healthy.
Yep. All my failed relationships came from me not listening to my intuition from the get go, lol. The hard part really is diminishing the fog of impulses and rationalizations and truly grasping the message, and this is true for relationships and basically every other aspect of life, from vocation and career to creativity. That's why being a pisces can be hard, I guess. This sort of sensibility has to be tamed and understood in order for it to be "useful", because only then it can become a tool you can use
Is it normal for Pisces children to hallucinate when they're children?
Try being Cancer man with Mars in Cancer
this is coming from a man with three crabs (moon, mars, sun) but anyone using others as an emotional tampon is just really emotionally underdeveloped. i think this crap is just amplified by the fall of man in the current state of modernity. too many people focus on their precious feefees instead of their actions and inactions. slaves to their emotions. i'm of the opinion that unless it's a major life event (divorce, death, etc) then you should keep your emotions to yourself. especially if it won't matter in ten months let alone ten years.
I take that as a compliment
We had an awesome date today. I want to make a compilation of music for her, something on a flash drive would work
>all these relationships posts
Didn't expect this from you, fellow fishes...
I'm Virgo and it feels like a curse. What's the problem with you? For me it's constant emotional conflict.
Taurus sun, leo moon and mars+venus in pisces. I think everybody is a selfish pussy. The lord god jesus christ will save who he saves.
Im prone to carelessness which can turn into accidents. Its all fine though.
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Have you guys ever heard about true pisces?

My sun AND my ascendant is in pisces.
Deal with that, peasants.

Also I'm not the downwards fish, I'm the upwards one.
>ascendant ruler in the 8th whole sign house
My brother in Christ, you are in the middle of a 9th house Saturn return. That's cool as fuck. Should be good, I hope!
Also that's a cool looking chart. Not the most fortunate, but certainly cool.
>born just in time for the antichrist!
Remember what they took from you.

i'm a leo sun pisces moon and i used to hallucinate as a kid, i was born deaf so bit of a lonely upbringing and would sorta see stuff and play with it in the garden, then i had an operation to be able to hear about age 8 and from then on i had audible hallucinations, my worst dreams are sounds rather than images. I find that i'm really prone to emotional reactions to these senses, although i haven't really had anything significant for a long time
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136 years more of this hell? why the fuck doesn't everyone just fly a bullet through their head?
I'm a Taurus sun Pisces moon, and I couldn't tell you if I hallucinate as a kid, but when I'm going to bed I absolutely hear things "between" the noise of the fan I have going to the point where I have to double check a couple times to try to figure out if it's real or not
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If I may kindly request input from any of you.

Any wisdom imparted would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for any honest response
This entire thread is self-fapping circle jerking. I kept my mouth shut over the last few days and this thread is still here. LET THIS THREAD DIE, FISH. Be better. Be the Jesus. Shame on all of you. Shame on you weak fish, and Shame on you wannabe fish expressing jealousy that you aren't amongst the chosen. Fuck off and die, thread.
Sorry you cant be the last and The Elite. Did a Piscean break your heart?
Self hating faggot or a Libra. Pisces is the ultimate shit commencing sign as long as you have fire elsewhere. Pisces rules the world you bitch boy sideline commentator
There will be zero Pisces next summer you retard
signlets be seething over this pisceussy
I’m glad you can appreciate it, I don’t know anything about natal charts.
Anything I should keep an eye open for with Saturn in the 9th house? Any amount of information you can share would be appreciated
Also, what’s cool about it? Just the shape of the lines?
>Absolutely shit thread gets kept alive for demoralization purposes by glowies, bots and complete retards
Yep, it's /x/

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