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I started having manic episodes (periods of insomnia and high energy followed by periods of feeling tired and unmotivated), consensus is it has genetic causes, it's a lifetime condition, and it's manageable through medication, which has serious side-effects. I don't want to take medication, can any anons give me some advice on how to keep it under control?

like something paranormal? idk eat some roots or drink some herbal tea or make a sigil or some other horseshit idk
Do not masturbate
I tried drinking red wine mixed with valerian root tincture, didn't help much with sleeping.
I’m also bipolar. I’ve never felt joy, nothing good has ever happened to me, and I have the worst life imaginable and no motivation to improve it.
Good luck, I have no advice, therapy and medication don’t really help at all, maybe if I had friends or a relationship I could cope, but I’ll never know.
Alcohol fucks up your rem sleep like mf. Same with weed. Have you tried anything other than being goyim
try drinking just a bunch of red wine next time, like 2-3 bottles, no valerian root
Alright anon. Let me throw some of what's saved me. A lot of people recommend this book "The Bipolar Survivors guide" or something. I personally haven't read it.

However, over the last decade I've trained myself to be extremely sensitive to my mood episodes. You may find this as a blessing, because overtime you become more empathetic too.

Bipolar disorder is out of order when you're horribly manic and can lead to a psychotic break. Let's say that is 100% - okay that's going to require ten days of rest, and some antipsychotics. You'll still be suffering from subsyndromal symptoms for the rest of your life.

You can either hide away form those aspects of your psyche or you can affirm them and utilize them to create value in your world. That's why -- when things are going well -- I say My bipolar is in order. It's like that 30% threshold of mania, that's the sweet spot. You've got to keep it hypomanic and not stay in the state for too long.

But understand that when you control yourself, whenever something traumatic happens - your brain will be pumping you up to survive what the task is. You've just got to survive yourself. Not getting too manic will help your crashes.

Take on heavy practice will breath work and yoga to help calm racing thoughts. Running like a maniac or lifting heavy weight can make it worse as your body will see it as stress. Stretch, babe.

Understand that even norms can go manic from a drug induced episode or extreme insomnia. Look at this as a tool, and hone it.

Godspeed. You still have the right to a life of dignity and Grace. Don't let this define you.

>Running like a maniac or lifting heavy weight can make it worse as your body will see it as stress.
I guess I've been doing it wrong...
Hey, it depends on your personal tolerance for exercise. The inverse is that if you workout regularly and suddenly stop - you can suffer in similar ways. What's important is that you find your groove, at times it'll speed up or slow down, but your groove is dependent on a few things.

Chief amongst that is a daily routine. Yoga is a way to start your day. I usually drink water, let the dog out, smoke a cig and shit before doing sun salutations until it feels right.

Then I'll eat. That's what works for me, but weight training is a godsend along with cardio. The issue is you lack enough insight when manic to not over exert yourself and be in a worse position.
I'm type 2 and have had psychotic breaks. Its hard man. I wish I was hypomanic more, but I am generally very depressed. My meds help but they want to put me on a mood stabilizer for the down swings. the only thing that has helped me is lsd. I do it four times a year and it really helps with my swings.
Meditation. Insomnia and high energy means enthusiasm
it's the fucking food nigger, stop fucking eating and you're body/mind will stop being fucking stupid and retarded, then slowly figure out how to eat so that your body and mind dont become fucking stupid and annoying ever fucking again fuck you TOO MANY PUPPIES
apparently moon phases play a role
This may not be a very /x/ take but anti-psychotics , “meds” , really helped me when I had a psychotic episode. They got me grounded back in reality and while I didn’t enjoy having to take them I’d probably be homeless talking to myself in the streets if I didn’t. Once you get stabilised and aware of symptoms you can just take them when necessary. The trick is to view them as a tool not a solution. The best thing you can do is reach out to some support service and be honest about your symptoms, I put off getting help for months because I was scared I’d be locked up or sent to a psych ward but it was not the case.
I'm supposedly schizoaffective with bipolar and I don't think it's something for me to keep under control.

I guess what helped me is withdrawing from the outside world and just sitting all day in my apartment I can barely afford with the gibs I get. It's a double edged sword though because I really want to experience what the world has to offer but I have made no effort to have that as a possibility. The pain and effort I would have to put forth to improve my reality I do not feel is worth it, so I manage it by isolating for the most part.

I do not think this is a good world for people who feel too deeply emotionally. I have been put on so many different psychiatric medications and the one thing I learned is it is better for me to just contain myself to my living space. People who are able to navigate the world and make it work for them are completely alien to me.
I did about 30 sessions of ECT and my own bipolar w/ schizoaffective episodes has never returned (after struggling for a decade with medication). I’m part of a case study on its efficacy but hopefully the stigma starts falling away someday soon.
>I do not think this is a good world for people who feel too deeply emotionally.
yeah, compared to 500 years ago when we would be concerned about building a house, growing agricultural crops and raising chickens, trying to fit in nowadays society can be too much for our brains to process.
covid lockdowns insanity pushed many people over the edge.
>hopefully the stigma starts falling away someday soon.
it will, more and more people are afflicted
There has to be a better way (drugs)
there was that 4-4-4-4 breathing method
If you are rapid cycling, you are better off sedating yourself. If you are not, learn what internal stressors you have and work on them. It could be stupid stuff like needing glasses, or self-castigation for not being able to think or act a certain way. Control and correct what you can to mitigate these.

Then start over. You were taught to self-regulate and perceive in a neuro-typical way. None of it took and you ended up self-teaching more than you think. You will need to research metacognitive objectives in learning and parenting and either relearn them once you are in a long term remission, or you can look up how therapies train these behaviours and modalities into bipolar people. It will all seem very stupid and you may require a leap of faith because you know they're a trick. They have to be a trick because many bipolar people are medicated to where they're not particularly bright, have little short term memory, and have highly eroded executive function.

Once you learn metacognitive skills that work for your mode of being, you should be fine. Assuming you can engineer your life to exclude things that cause you irrational and irreconcilable stresses.
Additionally, eat spirulina once per day. You will require a large dose. Approximately 10 grams. If this improves your functioning, you likely have an awful diet or a metabolic contributor to your mood disorder where you need a lot more of specific inputs than the average person.

Add chlorella tablets or powder at 3 grams per day. It helps with chelation if the issue is that something has built up. Continue this for a few weeks at least and feel free to take it longer term.

Add in 2-3 eggs per day. Hardboiled is easy. Eat them after you drink the spirulina. These will normalize your choline levels and mitigate the depressive crashes.

I know a number of people with psychosis inducing bipolar type 1 who have been in extraordinary periods of remission without medication.

Once you can control it, you can loosen your hold on it and practice falling back to a baseline. Once you can induce hypomania without losing control of your life and without the subsequent depression, your occult and professional lives will start to make up for the time lost to wandering in the bipolar wilderness.
Sleep well
No alcohol
No drugs
Eat healthy
Avoid Stimulants like coffee.
Work with plants or in nature.
Be around people who can give you a heads up when your not well.
Have a plan with loved ones on what you want to do during a manic episode.

Be present
You are not your thoughts
Consume positive media.
Look for red flags
Rapid talking
The need to walk long distance
Things taste different
Easily distracted
Easily irritated
Rapid speech
Little to no sleep
Wanting to runaway and start over in a new town
Thinking you are the president or some sort of God
Intrusive thought
Noticing patterns
Mor red flags
Hearing voices
Or thinking you are hearing people thought
I had manic depressive swings when I was young and I did drugs and it went away on its own, it’s probably a temporary hormonal thing and not a psych thing, fag
>saying retarded shit
just because you had a crazy puberty doesn't mean the illness doesn't exist
In my case, it's making me hypersexual, I get the urge to fap up to 5-6 times a day, I'm noticing girls more and I get the courage to approach them.
Oops that is what I ment. I was typing fast
I tried to go medication free but then I had a 2nd manic episode. I worry a lot about getting permanent tardive akathisia. That seems like absolute Hell of a disease, like permanent restless leg syndrome in your hands and other body parts that lasts all day.
I might try going off it again and stay away from my "triggers" like obsessing with aliens (when I am manic, I think I am in contact with the mantis aliens).

Best of luck OP, this is a tough disease to manage and I've tried 3 other antipsychotics that gave me awful symptoms, abilify is giving me the least side effects but I am terrified of tardive akathisia. Supposedly only 1 in 14 people get it but that still seems like a very high chance to me, especially if I use this medicine for decades.
Make a list of red-flags that mania is starting. For example, one of my red flags is that I have strange thoughts but I do NOT question them. To prevent that, I am getting in the habit of questioning all of my thoughts and assuming they are invalid unless proven by logic/science.

Get on good sleep meds to stave off insomnia. Trazadone is a milder sleep med your doc will easily prescribe and it helps me sleep. I take it in combination with OTC melatonin and Hydroxyzine, which can also be prescribed.

Best of luck OP, this is a tough condition to deal with. Only had 2 manic episodes so far and I'm going to try to view my manic checklist daily to make sure I'm not becoming manic.
so-called “antipsychotics” can actually induce prolonged manic episodes in bipolar people
be very very careful with what pills you take
His name was Dan. He was a coder, like me. He wasn’t full-on schizophrenic; instead, he had schizophreniform disorder, in which the disease manifested episodically.

He’d shown signs that his perception of the world wasn’t “normal” since childhood. The first full-blown instance was a result of someone putting PCP, a.k.a. “angel dust,” in his drink at a party. (The perp went to prison for it.) Over the next week, Dan suffered some wild hallucinations, mood swings, and obsessive-compulsive behavior. When all other options were exhausted, his parents had him committed to a reputable mental hospital, where the goal was treatment, not isolation. Eight months later, he was stable enough for release, although he still wasn’t normal by any measure.

Regarding his illness, he always answered any questions I had, honestly & directly. He described the symptoms of a schizophrenic as the inability to distinguish between sensory perceptions and the bubblings of the subconscious mind, when drugs aren’t involved. His own case was latent, before his drugged drink at that party. After that, he had to learn nothing less than a new way of life.

I asked him to describe an incident that best illustrated what it’s like for him, to explain it to someone with a “normal” (i.e. normally cognitive) mind. He told me this story.
I’d been in [the hospital] for about 5 months. They were finally letting me brush my own teeth, which meant they could trust me to understand what a toothbrush was, and what it was for. That’s no small achievement. (laughter)

One morning, I was doing exactly that. I rinsed the toothpaste from my mouth, bent over to spit into the sink, and stood up. It was no longer me in the mirror. It was the devil, the scariest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. I was paralyzed with terror.

As I stood there, a beautiful angel descended into my right peripheral vision and said, “Dan? I’m not God; I’m not an angel. I’m the part of your brain which is still working properly. Close your eyes and turn around, and it will go away.”

It took every bit of courage to follow those words, but I finally did. And yes, it did go away.

Fifteen years after that episode, as he was telling me about it, his narration was totally calm, even finding humor in small points that the rest of us take for granted. But he had accepted his situation.

His hospital regimen boiled down to a few basic points:

— avoiding excess stress

— recoginizing the onset of an episode

— learning how to remind himself, in an episode, that it will end eventually

— learning how to spot the tricks a schizophrenic mind imposes on sensory perceptions

One of the things he learned later, was how to deal with employers who had to deal with his week-long absences a few times per year. When he was my colleague, the project management team all knew, but it wasn’t always the case with other employers.
Thank you for sharing this anon. I also have bipolar and have experienced both angels and demons. I think this is a gift to be harnessed through careful attempts to control the manic episodes by paying attention to triggers and red flags. If I get full blown deep mania a 3rd time and I can't get myself out of it, I may consider meds.
Keto diet. Legit not joking. Works for all kinds of mental illnesses.
Psychology is a psudo-science used to push drugs on children.

Two annual trips on mushrooms will cure this if it isn't a food allergy issue.
The last thing a Psychiatrist pseudoscientific midwit is going to analyze is someone's diet.
>Psychology is a psudo-science used to push drugs on children.
psychiatry and psychology are 2 different things.
a psychiatrist is a doctor who can give a diagnostic and prescribe you meds, but there's not a lot of talk involved, while a psychologist does "talk therapy".
my mother told me to go to a psychiatrist, gave me a diagnostic of acute psychosis, and prescribed 3 meds including an antipsychotic (2mg). I said I'm not taking that stuff after reading about the side effects, so my mother insisted I should see a second doctor, that one gave me a different diagnostic (letter and numbers code, I looked it up and doesn't sound so bad), prescribed me 3 meds as well, including antipsychotic, said he ought to prescribe me 2mg but given my reluctance he prescribed me 1mg and told me to get the liquid stuff that's added in water. I've been taking that stuff for 3 months, he said I could be cured and interrupt them in 6 months.
mushrooms might help with mood dysregulation but they can’t fix bipolar
Keto is wildly stupid and dangerous and has literally no health benefits
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Never take a heroic dose.
Never take more than 1/8
I always take 1/16

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