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RP me on Thelema. What's it all about? Is it an edgelord doctrine, or a self-help group? I did the ceremonial magick and initiation sounds super cool, but am I gonna get anything out of it?
>Is it an edgelord doctrine, or a self-help group?
Just read Crowley and you'll maybe Get It. It's very, like, I find it kind of proto-Discordian in how I think you're supposed to approach it. It's a joke, but it's serious. You have to have a really specific mindset to really Get It.

These are the fundamentals, now go read the Holy Books, Crowley's commentaries, and do the work
Here is how to get your answer:
>Light some incense (preferably frankencense)
>Read Crowley's Book of the Law and decide that you will have an important experience while reading it (if you've done magick already you should understand how to do this)
>Do what you know you must.
You have to be a complete demon faggot to actually read or have more than a surface knowledge of Crowley. Ignore that dumb shit into obscurity like it deserves.
Do you have a valid reason or just christcuckery
Crowley died of a drug overdose. Weak ass magic.
He didn't
There's a lot of lgbt people in the thelema community so be extra cautious about who mentors you. I'd say do the work like the other anon but it is better to learn from an order and do ceremonial magick with a group than self study.
>roleplay me on Thelema
*unzips dick*
Do what thou will shalt be the whole of the law
What do you mean by that? That they're gonna rape me or something?
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> Rich pretty boy gets high
> Sees Dead Egyptians while high
> Writes down the shit he saw while tripping balls
> Starts sex, drug cult named Thelema
> Dies broke, STD ridden, alone

And that's the tale of Mr Crowley. No, really.
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Its a suicide cult. Most of them whacked themself while doing a combined attack on me LOL
This is the truth. The whole of the truth.
It's just a sex magic cult for degenerates.

>He didn't
He did.

>What do you mean by that? That they're gonna rape me or something?
You honestly seem weak minded and open to anything if you are interested in Thelema, so it's more like they are going to indoctrinate you and convert you.

Honestly the kinda guys that are into this always seem to me like the type that can be "turned gay". Coerced into doing weirder and weirder shit as they keep raising the bar and making you feel comfortable, and you'll just gaslight yourself with "Well, I've already done X and Y, why not do Z, it isn't too far off from Y".
>You honestly seem weak minded and open to anything if you are interested in Thelema, so it's more like they are going to indoctrinate you and convert you.
Yeah, dude, you got me, weak-minded. No, I like Thelema's underlying philosophy. I haven't even explored its magickal beliefs yet. Seems like it is rooted in Buddhism and Hinduism. The goal, from what I have read of Book 4, is to obtain enlightenment, but rather than fleeing to a cave like Buddhist ascetics, apply it to the real world and use it to better oneself.
NTA but I do. I've been a victim of thelemists working with vampires for quite some time. The thelemists are rapists in their doctrine and when they send an adept after you they will rape you before they even attempt to kill you.

Pure demon shit. Rapist fucks can jump off a bridge.
>obtain enlightenment
vague subjective term that is never defined and never has any stated objective criteria that affirms you have attained it.

You might as well say - "the goal is to obtain markapula", just make up a word and throw it into this sentence framework and it holds the same meaning and has the same legitimacy.

Enlightenment is just a buzz word to sell spirituality to desperate people, but you are never given any criteria that objectively defines what it is and whether or not you are making progress towards it.

This is why anyone and everyone can claim to be "enlightened".

>I like Thelema's underlying philosophy
Which is?

I'm willing to bet it isn't exclusive to Thelema at all and you could literally just practice that philosophy, minus the cult and sex magic.
Imagine insulting Christianity yet again while pretending to have an interest in Thelema, which is literally derived from pre-protestant, greco-egyptian gnostic christian mysticism. Dumbass, don't bother, it will sail right by you before you could finish Star Ruby.
I was a Zen disciple for six years, so to me, 'enlightment,' although a vague term, denotes control of one's thoughts and dissolution of self. That is what I think Crowley's primary goal was, at least in his early days.
Thelema has nothing to do with Buddhism. The extent of its involvement with "hinduism" is actually just yoga and tantra, nothing advaitic at all. It's bacchic, gnostic mysticism with elements of Egyptian symbolism taken whole from the Golden Dawn. There's even the Gnostic Mass. It's all about the self, it's anti-buddism.
Reminder that /x/ shills discredit any and all threads about actual paranormal shit and they use Christcuck dogma to fit in (but they really don't because the actual mystic Christians here can read and absorb and expand, meanwhile they always double back to confusing belligerent logic (DON'T DO IT YOU'LL GET RAPED) because they're just trying to #shutitdown.
>so to me, 'enlightment,'
Then maybe people should stop playing word games and calling it "enlightenment", and just call it what it literally is. Because at this point it's almost like legalese bullshit like the small print on a contract, like someone is trying to trick you into signing up for something.

>actual mystic Christians
No such thing, use a different term. The Bible says you aren't supposed to practice the occult, so if you do that you aren't really a Christian. It's like saying you are a "Homosexual Christian" when the Bible is 100% against homosexuality, it can't go both ways, you can't go against the doctrine and claim you are a member of it.

Call yourself a Gnostic or something, that would be more accurate. I am not a Christian btw, just pointing out what seems obvious.
>an amalgamation of multiple religious aesthetics grafted onto Jewish Kabalah, but without the Judaism
If you want to see how enlightened Crowley is, read all his letters in the late 20s when he couldn't get himself initiated into Grand Lodge Freemasonry
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I noticed that the Sun card on Crowley's thoth tarot looks like the teletubbies.
>The Bible says you aren't supposed to practice the occult
Muh qbl
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This seems to be up my alley, what do I NEED? Is pic good, are there better?
> Rich pretty boy gets high
> Sees Dead Egyptians while high
> Writes down the shit he saw while tripping balls
> Starts sex, drug cult named Thelema
> Dies broke, STD ridden, alone

(Sung to the tune of "Life is a Highway")
Stupid fat Muk bang Crowley, went down a lost highway, he died diseased and alone. Preached a religion of selfish psychopath greed actions, harming every victim he murdered, he died alone and afraid. Losers imitate him, because they are insane.

Lost Highway - Mystery Man

The copycat losers are trying to contact 4D & 5D bored entities to offer up their diseased whore bodies to joyride in our reality in exchange for knowledge without effort or wealth and power.

In short, it's a prostitute cult trying to bargain with entities that are outside of their realms of perception so the entities can play GRAND THEFT AUTO 5 while treating our reality like a cheap videogame. Once you understand how utterly shameless and loser these whores are, you understand the religion they peddle.
Samadhi, union of subject and object. Crowley clearly explains and defines this is in part 1: Mysticism of Magick, but you clearly didn't read it.
>He did.
He died of a respiratory illness at the age of 72. The fact that you have to lie says a lot
There are better forms of ceremonial magic. You’re better off reading some books about ceremonial magic and self-initiating since you can get almost all books about magic for free and there are a plethora of YouTube gurus that share some diamonds in their mounds of shit.
gay butt sex
only faggots indulge
This is a good book to have for praxis before you start collecting the Equinox which is where the majority of the rituals are published. Study the Book of the Law which the book you have contains as well as Book 4. If it seems its for you join the AA.

On praxis:
"Now, o my Son, that thou mayst be well guarded against thy ghostly Enemies, do thou work constantly by the Means prescribed in our Holy Books.

Neglect never the fourfold Adorations of the Sun in his four Stations, for thereby thou doest affirm thy Place in Nature and her Harmonies.

Neglect not the Performance of the Ritual of the Pentagram, and of the Assumption of the Form of Hoor-pa-Kraat.

Neglect not the daily Miracle of the Mass, either by the Rite of the Gnostic Catholic Church, or that of the Phoenix.

Neglect not the Performance of the Mass of the Holy Ghost, as Nature herself prompteth thee.

Travel also much in the Empyrean in the Body of Light, seeking ever Abodes more fiery and lucid.

Finally, exercise constantly the Eight Limbs of Yoga. And so shalt thou come to the End." - Liber Aleph Ch.16 De Cultu
Mysticism doesn't mean sorcery or baneful magic which is what the Old Testament actually condemns, Paul arguably one of the most important figures in Christianity was a mystic in line with the Essenes of his time.
>Samadhi, union of subject and object
This is part of the eight limbs of yoga, it's just knowledge he's copying and using in his made up sex magic cult. Why are you speaking as if it's exclusive to his practices, and as if his book holds any weight when it's just regurgitated stuff from a better source with a sex magic spin. I don't need to read that book.

>He died of a respiratory illness at the age of 72. The fact that you have to lie says a lot
I stand corrected, but ironically even when I googled for how he died it mentions his heroin addiction as if it was related to the infection lol. Pic related.
>This is part of the eight limbs of yoga, it's just knowledge he's copying and using in his made up sex magic cult. Why are you speaking as if it's exclusive to his practices, and as if his book holds any weight when it's just regurgitated stuff from a better source with a sex magic spin. I don't need to read that book.
Not saying Crowley invented Samadhi, I'm saying that the concept of enlightenment in his system is very clearly articulated and there is no obfuscation as you implied in your original post. Since you haven't read his work you keep consistently asserting blatant falsehoods.

>I stand corrected, but ironically even when I googled for how he died it mentions his heroin addiction as if it was related to the infection lol. Pic related.
His addiction is only relevant to his death in the sense that he was given morphine by his doctor to treat his bronchitis. Not nearly the narrative you were painting.
Pearls before swine, anon. Why do you bother?
>I'm saying that the concept of enlightenment in his system is very clearly articulated
No, that's HIS concept of enlightenment, which is my entire point, that's its subjective and so many people have their own definition of it.

>Not nearly the narrative you were painting.
You can believe what you want, he still started off as a privileged rich guy and died a poor drug addict. If I was going to learn anyone's system of magic, it wouldn't be his. He literally downgraded from start to finish.

>Mysticism doesn't mean sorcery or baneful magic
Who decides what magic is baneful or not, all I read and heard is that Christians shouldn't be practicing it period. Now you can come up with whatever special exception loophole interpretation you want, I can't blame you, most christians already do this with the "religion" already (if you can even call it a religion anymore). Honestly God in this religion is more like a vending machine that hands out forgiveness items if you put in enough repentance points, and people treat it like it's some kind of thing they can use at their convenience. It's a joke of a religion anyways at this point, your loopholes and excuses are just as valid as all the other "christians".

>Pearls before swine, anon.
None of you hear have pearls, please stop coping. Nobody posting here has pearls, the people with pearls don't bother opening this site up to post lol.
Saturn worship, a judaism for goys.
People that devoted their whole life to Thelema seem pretty well put together. They don't look like demons wearing skin suits.

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