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Making a christianity iceberg. Give me some good topics for the bottom three tiers.

Note: the purpose of the iceberg isn't to "expose" christianity, but rather to help us understand Christ, the scriptures, and early church history in a way that would shake the faith of a baby christian.
do something like "Jesus was a Jew" at the top and then put "Jesus was an Alien" at the bottom. That will make the normies you're gonna show this to on your Youtube channel really think
Aren't aliens demons?
Work in the fact the Letter J wasn’t invented until 1500s.
put 'you are christ' at 3
I feel like that's entry level tier. If we are in Christ Jesus, we are under the same covenant as Israel.
Kill yourself jewtuber, go shill your parasite religion elsewhere.
god is the devil
Christian mysticism
John Dee
Dead Sea Scrolls
I have Christmas/Saturnalia and the Dead Sea Scrolls in upper tiers already. I'm looking for things that you really have to dig deep to find (both historically and biblically).
God/yahweh comes from Levantine pagan storm god.
Why did Jacob wrestle with God.an angel in Genesis
End game is hermetic aka Buddhist Monk (Desert Fathers)
Mani and his Book of Giants
Nestorian China
Christian Samurai Martyr Amakusa Shiro Tokisada
Native american stories about Jesus and Mary visions pre-hispanic contact
>Native american stories about Jesus and Mary visions pre-hispanic contact
Explain this one a little more. It seems interesting.
Jesus was half Roman and the Arian perspective on being a son of god

Aleister Crowley was a christian

The Mana Tribe
Some sedentary Cahitan tribes' lore mention a lady appearing after a bush caught fire for some reason (lightning, got ablaze randomly) and mentioning the appearance of foreign people of good who will bring good things.
Later on the missionaries started appearing and brought winter crops like wheat and cows which made the natives not have to travel a ton of distance every 6 months to live by. Some others didn't get the memo or got the spaniard soldier explorers first who weren't that friendly to begin with hence the constant animosity.

Also to add, the secrets of Fatima and how the church didn't do anything about them, particularly the one where Mary commands the churches to bless and pray for Russia and their people for "their upcoming mistake", this months prior to the Bolshevik revolution.
Also another one, Mary on top of the El Zeitun church amidst the Israel-Palestine War and how absolutely everyone saw it including the president Nasser and the military.
nephilim hollow earth civlizations
Cain was sodomized by satan when offering the "fruit"
Serpent seed doctrine
Jesus killed JFK
Tree of life is the human body
>source: genuflect end chapter
Bible is an allegory for the path to spiritual enlightenment
Jesus is Dionysus
Modern Jews are the synagogue of Satan
There were 2 creations of man
Lost tribes of Isreal are Europeans
Seth and Cain/Able?
>Cain was sodomized by satan when offering the "fruit"
bro wtf
- (sky; emptiness) Atheism/Nihilism
- (iceberg; material) Materialism
- Modern Christianity: "Just come to our church barbeque and have a good time lol".
- Modern Christianity: "You are a dirty sinner, and if you don't accept that then you'll burn in hell for all eternity".
- Modern Christianity: but this is Satan's world, he is the ultimate reason for evil not humanity, Yahweh and his son are trying to save you.
- Modern Christianity: but Yahweh is and Satan are the same being, and Jesus came from a higher true God.
- (below iceberg) Kabbalah
- (bottom) Gnosis
In twymans baphomet she speculates that in genesis one can interpret two creation stories. The first being made in “Gods image” was hermaphrodite. She has a few wacky alternate takes on the bible actually in multiple books. Very schizo but interesting.
Entry level: salvation
Mid level: slave religion, that poisoned the classical pagan world
Bottom layer: memetic hazard engineered by Jews
Abyss: Saturnian control method designed to bring about black cube digital hell
First Christian’s were gnostics

The Sun of God/ Astro theology
>- (below iceberg) Kabbalah
>- (bottom) Gnosis

gnosticism/kabbalah are basic bitch new age stuff
Secret code in the bible Jews use for divination
Feel free to fill us in on the real stuff then.
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>gnosticism/kabbalah are basic bitch new age stuff
>new age
Stigmata caused by belief
Statues crying blood
Psalms are magic spells
Revelation has already happened
Parasite pill
Prayer can heal
These are good.
Marianism , and Christian Mysticism, and Heychaism. Really there is so much, since being a religion Christanity really is an "iceberg" with an exoteric and esoteric part and all sorts of interesting and obscure things revolving around it.
Unliftable rock
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>dual-seedline theology
>post-millennial eschatology
>the nephilim looked like clowns
>homo capensis (paracus skulls) were one of satan's backup plans
>lost tribes of isreal = europeans
>the events of the new testament took place entirely in france
>satan is behind post-humanism because he can only claim the planet when there are no more true "children of adam" left to claim title of planetary regency
>rupus negra = beloved city
>dudael = ellsworth mountains
>Adam willingly ate the fruit because he loved Eve and didn't want her to suffer alone
>satan was unchained in 1666
>angelic host cannot intervene unless humans collectively petition for it
>younger dryas impact caused the flood of Noah
>grays are biological robots designed to house disembodied spirits of nephilim
>gap theory
>humanity created in direct response to satan's rebellion
>"tohuwabohu" is the judgement of God = earth restoration hypothesis
>the "second resurrection" is everyone alive at this point in time

all of these talking points will get you thrown out of any modern church

have fun
Dr Ammon at bottom
>Our lady of Fatima
>Rudolph Steiner
>Cristos/ Christ is within
>They crucified the wrong person, Jesus went to Asia
it absolutely is, and yes, it's also basic bitch shit that you should have shitcanned when you turned 24
lets talk more about post milennial eschatology
>Simon of Cyrene was crucified instead of Jesus
>Judas was an extra-dimensional being and the only true disciple
>Jesus married and had kids with Mary Magdalene
>God promised to fulfill Adams's wish and make him a god after Christ's resurrection.
>multiple Satans
>Jesus is Caesarion
>Jesus was a king of Edessa
>Jesus was based on Caesar and Apollonius of Tyana
>John the Baptist was the true messiah
> lamb of revelation sightings (do not research)
>Marian apparitions are holograms
>Jesus warned us about his father
>chronovisor hoax was a cover-up
>Only nestotrians are saved
>Time traveller meets Jesus found footage (do not research)
>Nero was the antichrist
>The bible warns about a zombie apocalypse
>Adam Smith was right
>Cathars were keepers of the holy grail
>Only Austroasiatics are Adamites
>The Spanish rewrote history to hide the fact the Aztecs were Christians
>Yahweh is a rip-off of Baal
>The flood happened in 1853
>We currently live post-second coming and millennial kingdom and are deceived by Satan

>The Apostle Paul was an alien envoy
>The Garden of Eden is located in Antarctica
>The Knights Templar discovered Jesus' body and it was in stasis
>Jesus was actually a time traveler sent to prevent a future catastrophe
>The Gospels were originally written in Atlantis
>The Catholic Church has a device that can control reality through prayer
>The Ark of the Covenant is a nuclear reactor
>Moses used alien technology to part the Red Sea
>Jesus never died and is secretly the Pope
>The Vatican hides ancient technology capable of resurrection
>The Tower of Babel was a quantum communication device
>Lucifer was the original messiah before Jesus
>The Holy Spirit is actually an advanced AI controlling humanity
>The Shroud of Turin is a multidimensional artifact
>The resurrection was a large-scale holographic event
>Solomon's Temple was a portal to another dimension
>Golgotha was a stargate
>The 12 apostles are avatars of ancient extraterrestrial deities
>The Dead Sea Scrolls contain prophecies for 2024
>Noah’s Ark was a spaceship
>The Book of Revelation is a coded message to extraterrestrials
>Jesus was cloned in secret by the Vatican
>All Marian apparitions are alien abductions
>The Catholic Church has been infiltrated by an intergalactic council
>John the Apostle wrote the Book of Revelation after time traveling
>St. Peter's Basilica hides the bones of a giant Nephilim
>Jesus’ parables are messages for understanding quantum physics
>The Last Supper was a secret alien-human meeting
>The Bible contains encrypted coordinates to hidden stashes of divine artifacts
>Satan was the first AI, and the fall was a software rebellion
>The Messiah is an ancient code for genetic purity
>Christianity was originally a cult devoted to a pre-Egyptian sun deity
>The fish symbol in early Christianity is a reference to aquatic extraterrestrials
>Jesus’ miracles were actually acts of quantum manipulation
>The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are rogue AIs
>The Eucharist contains nanotechnology that rewires human DNA
>The Holy Grail is actually an interdimensional energy source
>The Vatican controls the weather to fulfill Revelation prophecies
>God and Satan are two aspects of the same being controlling humanity
>Jesus was sent to Earth by an ancient extraterrestrial council to reset human evolution
>The Second Coming already happened in 1947, but it was covered up by governments
>The Book of Genesis describes the creation of a virtual reality Earth
>Ancient Roman statues depict the true physical appearance of angels
>Gnosticism reveals that the material world is a prison created by an ancient AI
>All human religions are an elaborate simulation designed by hyper-advanced beings
>There are parallel universes where the crucifixion never happened, and we are in one
>Christian rituals are remnants of ancient alien technologies
>Mary Magdalene was the true founder of Christianity, and Jesus was her disciple
>Jesus’ resurrection was actually a dimension shift
>Every major world religion is controlled by a singular hidden extraterrestrial order
not entirely true, it's older, although I don't recall by how much
also, why? if you're thinking of connection to Jesus, his name was spelled IESVS in ancient Latin, as in INRI, i.e. IESVS NASARENSI REX IVDAEORVM
The lesser key of Solomon would be interesting to see on the iceberg. It's the book of the bible about summoning demons.

It's probably a 4.
This is a gold mine. Tysm
At the top
>King James Only
Layer down
>King James translators were reinspired
Midway down
>King James was bisexual
More down
>King James Bible Freemason Codebook
At the bottom
>King James Only
>lamb of revelation sightings
Explain this further, please.
The second coming of Jesus is here now in our lifetime and he lives on cape cod
What does this even mean?
He’s back just wait
>And he looked up, and said, I see men as trees, walking.
search up gospel of eve
Here's what I have so far:

>Baby tier:
God is real
Jesus loves you
Jesus died for your sins
Virgin Mary
Jesus was resurrected

>Entry level tier:
Saved by grace
Faith vs works
Gender Roles

>Seasoned Christian tier:
Bible translations
Early church schism
Creationism vs Evolution
Are Mormons christian
Martin Luther
Jesus in every book

>Bishop tier:
Nicene Creed
Dead Sea Scrolls
Ethnic vs Religious Jews
Good Friday on Thursday
Sabbath is on Saturdays
Free will

>Sage tier:
1689 Federalism
Tanakh and Septuagint
What is canon
Church vs Synagogue
Ark of Covenant location
Book of Enoch
Multiple Satans
Lost books of Kings/Chronicles

>Theologian tier:
Adam’s rib misogyny
Star of David is demonic
Vatican conspiracies
Mohammad was christian
Younger Dryas caused Noah’s flood
Jesus was king of Edessa

>Cherub tier:
Serpent Seed Doctrine
Gap theory
Humanity a response to Satan’s rebellion
Gospel of Eve

>Archangel tier:
Still empty. I'd like this to contain things that you can't easily google and can only find through academic papers or equally advanced research.
The time travel interpretation of The Bible
Bro whoever wrote this was high af
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Some things I think are interesting:
>Stregheria, Benedicaria
Italian Catholic folk-magic, and other European ethnicities should have equilvent.
>Vatican Grimoires
The Grimoire of pope Honorius being the most famous
>Black Pope
Supposedly a secret Pope who rules the Jesuits, but I don't know much about it.
>Minor local saints
Most towns and villages of Catholic Europe have patron Saints, and sometimes it is ones who's identities and stories would otherwise be obscure unless you lived in the area or had a connection to it in some way. For example Saint Foca here in the Calabrian Town Francavilla, who's lived in Anatolia during the early Christian years and was thrown in a pit of snakes for 3 days by Roman authorities. After 3 days it was discovered that he miraculously survived. The founder of the town is a byzantine general from known as Phocas, (supposedly sharing the same name and place of origin is coincidental.)
>Saint Francis converting animals
Just the idea of animals or nature itself being baptized as Christians or being sentiment enough to accept Christ and become Christian.
>fairies becoming Christian
broadly, Medieval European lore wherein elves, fairies, giants, nymphs, ghost, and other paranatural beings living within a Christian paradigm.
>On Fatima
I read once on the internet that the first apparition when Francesco couldn't hear Mary, the devil actually appeared to him and spoke and claimed he was the father of mankind. It's probably fake news since I never saw it anywhere else but one particular comment on an obscure website and could never find any other information on it anywhere, but you never know.
>Gregorian chants having healing properties/Gregorian chants being the greatest peak of human music
>Angel songs on radio waves
>Vaporwave Christian aesthetics and cyberpunk Christianity
>Snake handling
>Vatican policy to baptize alien life if ever found.
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>Palmarian Catholic Church
>Magi were Zoroastrian
>Marian Apparitions before war
>Slovenian Christian wedding ritual - bride dresses like Mary and groom dresses like Christ
>Jesus is within all of us
>Devotion to Jesus’s forskin
>Relics (in general with examples)
>Holy Spirt emanates from Mary’s womb
>Archangels beyond the four named in the Bible
>Deuterocanonical books
>Sophia in Christianity (as opposed to her gnostic interpretation)
>Crying Marian statues/Crying blood
>Saint Legends (in general with examples)
>Saint Christopher had a dog head/was cynocephali/was a werewolf
>Vatican hunted down all the vampires
>How Platonism influenced Christianity
No demons are actually aliens
No it isn't is a solomonic grimore of which there where many

Codex gigas
I've got an old one if you want me to post it?
>The wormwood prophecy of Revelation 8:10-11 was fulfilled by the chernobyl nuclear meltdown. The remaining trumpets may very well be the Ukraine war
>Ayer's Rock in Australia is all that remains of Nebuchadnezzar's dream statue in Daniel 2 (foot of iron mixed with clay)
it's a catholic follower progression iceberg btw
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Does anyone else remember in 2014ish when Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kyril transported the ark of the covenant from Jeddah (where it had already fried thousands of workers IndianaJones style) in Saudi Arabia to some nazi base in Antarctica? Oh yeah and that the dimensions of the ark as recorded by Moses in the OT match identically with the interior dimensions of the sarcophagus inside the king's chamber of the Great Pyramid of Giza? Which means that Moses literally stole the ark from Pharoah and that's why Pharoah chased him all the way to the red sea to try and get it back.
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>Jesus is Krishna and visa versa
meaning all prophets are Jesus every phrophet and religion is somewhat right
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Don’t be mad
jews arent jews
>First Christian’s were gnostics
Underrated, also Simon Magus being a pay2play bishop and pay4heaven schemes made by the church.

>Supposedly a secret Pope who rules the Jesuits
What do you mean? their leader is always in black attire, the black pope refers to their leader and how they got corrupted at some point time ago.
And that the last pope will be black, some refer to this as the absurdity of a nigger pope but it probably refers to a jesuit pope which we have nowadays and also the very last one Nostradamus/the guy who wrote the papal list lastly predicted until the vision ended.

>paranatural beings living within a Christian paradigm.
One of the Desert Fathers did mention in his desert travels a centaur and a satyr being highly respectful and helping him for believing in Jesus
>Angel songs on radio waves
>Magi were Zoroastrian
Underrated too, not only that, Zoroastrians practically acknowledging Jesus was also their messiah with their high priests knowing before hand due to astrology.
Also St. Thomas contacting Gaspar in his kingdom post-crucifixion

Yeah but not really, i remember both the Orthodox Bishop exchanging stuff with Francis and sending the stuff to Antarctica, i don't recall why but i think it was more recent.
Also Moses was probably Akhenaton, Egyptians were known recorders in the good and bad times so no mention of Moses means a blatant jew lie or it had another name which is common. Also military equipment along a strip where people say the sea was split in half.
These are just my current thoughts and are not meant to be taken as fact without further study.

>Humanity was originally designed to be flesh and blood partially-divine beings. The Annunaki slave theory is a lie meant to deceive. Our purpose is to be a bridge between the physical world and the divine and our pineal gland is the beacon or thread which connects us to the Holy realm and our Father.
>Humans are meant to exist only on Earth (solid Earth in particular), and if they truly exist, aliens are demons who exist outside the firmament. When either of us go where we are not supposed to, our bodies begin to degrade.
>Neuralink may exist solely to counter our internal connection to God.
Shroud of Turin is real....proven so

New data by independent team...

Get rekt
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the bible
88 books in Orthodox Tewahedo Scripture.
To be more precise about the Annunaki, they were not our creators but fallen angels who brought us forbidden knowledge and lead to the Great Flood.
supposedly if you tune the radio to a certain frequency you hear angels singing.
which frequency? Does it work with a radio app? I'm not a boomer and don't have an actual radio.
Sounds interesting but if it was that easy someone should've recorded, knowing how insistent ham radio heads are
>I'm not a boomer and don't have an actual radio.
Shut the fuck up car-less city slicker
Mary is Sophia
Lucifer and Jesus are brothers
The snake was right
Redemption is spiritual economics
Kazars aren't Hebrews
Two creations
Noah & Ducalion are two different guys
Priests are married to Jesus
Simon Magus
Levi was a tax collector
Jesus negged the Samaritan lady as a test

those are just a few, not sure what levels to put them on
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dumb tranny
>Jesus negged the Samaritan lady
Jesus using drugs as a perversion of the mysteries, jesus using little boys in his sexual mystery rites, jesus' disciples being young boys, jesus being arrested for pederasty and unauthorized whoring out of his little boys, and how the jews created the hebrew version as a cover for the greek original. Is that deep enough, or are you looking for confirmatory evidence of your fairy tale faith?
This is not paranormal btw. Fuck off to sole christian faith forum.
>Priests are married to Jesus
Nuns are married to Jesus
Straight priest and monks are married to Mary
Gay priest are married to (?)
Sure thing, pal.
Is that what your rabbi on a stick says?
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>Yahweh is not YHVH (YHVH is the interpreted sound of divine creation [God] making itself known to mankind, while "Ya wey" is a demiurge anthropomorphizing an image of God to demand worship)
>Aliens are both angels and demons (demons taking more destructive forms, while angels embody more unknown and difficult to understand forms)
>God and Christ's plan for us is to become reverse Demiurges (Nurturing the divinity within us to escape the physical world and create better worlds in the Chaos outside the Plemora, without losing our connection to it. Think creating a world in VRChat and having others join.)
>Christ sacrificed himself so we cannot be unjustly punished for disobeying the Demiurge.
>The worship of Christ on the cross is to worship the Demiurge's "win" over Christ. The cross having become an idol in its own way.
>Lucifer does indeed love humanity, and came down from the divinity above the demiurge to help us, but was caught and torn in two by the archons. Cursed to be both the angel and devil on the shoulders of humanity.
Up to you, or other anons, to determine where to place them.
Winner of the most jewish post of the day
Congratulations sir, don't try again
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>he wants to get put on yet another watchlist
were tartarians christians?
Yes, but it wasn't Roman Catholicism. they might have been Arianists but could have been more gnostic.
Nice try Esau.
The bri'ish liked their cool neoclassical buildings, why is that related to modern eschatology?
Truth Tier

>>Adam and Eve were so heartbroken to be banished from the garden. They both committed suicide, and God had to resurrect them.

>>The Roman Catholic Church is the mother of all harlots.
>>There are only 364 days in the correct calendar year.
>>Constantine combined paganism with the bible and killed many true followers.
>>Azazel is buried under one of Egypt's pyramids.
>>Animals used to speak the human language, but when Adam was removed from the garden. God took away the ability.
>>God provided everything we needed to repair our bodies through vegetables and plants. However, Satan has suppressed that information, which is why they are killing these holistic doctors.
>>Saturday is the Sabbath, but the Roman Catholic Church forced people to worship on Sunday, their pagan day.
>>Jesus died on Wednesday and arose on Saturday.
>>Jesus spent three days in hell, preaching the word and redeeming people who had no redemption before his blood was shed. Therefore, Satan has no authority over death, even if you sell your soul.
>>Dietary laws from the Old Testament still apply.
>>Nowadays, leprosy is known as vitiligo.
>>Europe will be the final battleground when Satan and his armies attempt to "fight against God." Many people will die if they reject Jesus' offer of redemption before the fight.
It says "do not research" fuckboy. You can't ask about it because that counts.
>>>Jesus died on Wednesday and arose on Saturday.
does this mean the world is gonna end on a Wednesday?
For no one knows the day.

Matthew 24:36-37
36But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. 37But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
>Dietary laws from the Old Testament still apply.
Anything on Vatican 2? I've read some prophecies and God is mad at it. I'm catholic but I have no knowledge on this except that every language can be used for mass. Those prophecies say that important part of mass was removed.

If we eat everything to satisfy our need, we are not maintaining God's order on Earth. We upset the balance, and those who have no boundaries regarding food are dangerous. They will eventually consume their own children or people because they have been enabled. Unclean food also populates our temple (body), preventing God from dwelling within us. He stated that he will no longer dwell in hand-made temples, but rather within you.

1st Corinthians 6:19-20
19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.
I heard Vatican 2 is Jewish controlled Vatican that worships satan
gods ego death
gods last wish
the bible is a event of acausality (says jesus dying was a event so strong to reality it resets everytime he does, and we are on a reality where hes going to be killed in future)
I didn't mean gluttony, i meant the "unclean" food you mentioned.
And that is a judaizer thing AFAIK, making non-jews preserve a covenant made for jews and for their contextual era like pigs being unsanitary while nowadays pork is as clean if not more than beef, and not eating shrimps despite being a good source for protein and fat if you clean them like you would clean a fish aka not cook them with their shit inside like many do.
Johannine comma, knowers know
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Lucifer is Jesus
You worship the god of the jews, on a stick. You read fairy tales translated exclusively from the doctored hebrew translation. Who is the real jew, nigger?

Gluttony is a sin because it violates one's discipline, not simply overeating. Breaking the commandment to satisfy your desire for impure meat falls under that category. Because you don't simply stop with one dirty meat, you take whatever you can get.

These laws were intended for everyone who stepped off the ark to obey. Noah gave his sons the laws and instructed them to obey them. Because Noah and his sons delighted the Most High by obeying his commands. Unfortunately, many of Noah's sons had forgotten the commandment, and it was the Israelites' responsibility to bring Noah's children back into compliance with God's law.

There are alternative protein sources available, why eat filthy ones? The solution is that humans require order in everything since angels corrupted us. These laws are vital and keep you disciplined. Imagine there was no law in your country, and I do not mean biblically.

Do you believe people will stop at stealing?
Do you think people will just stop killing?

No, it is how societies and people are destroyed if there is no law.
So, why would God want you to ruin yourself and throw everything out of balance?
OP: How is it coming along so far?
>doctored hebrew translation
It was in greek koine but nice try Chaim
>impure meat
They are as clean, that's the point i want to bring about. Also does these covenant rules mean i shall sacrifice in the most painful way possible a "clean" animal? that's the jew rules, gut it alive while draining its blood
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Ezekiel 23:20
Snake handling
Noah is the patron saint of drunks
Revelation was a mushroom trip
Siberian Hell sounds
David, king of foreskins (1 Samuel 18)
Goliath's bloodline
The Ten Plagues
The Salem witch trials
The black Israelites
They are pure to good, because they serve a purpose for him.
A pig's role is to be a trash can for things that do not decompose.
Why eat out of a trash can?
According to the Bible, Jesus was the spotless lamb or the blood shed for all to be redeemed. So Jesus became the lamb, and sacrifices are no longer necessary.
You want to know why? Because the people in control have corrupted and lied about everything. Do you think they would tell you how to rectify your sin? When the god they worship, Satan, wishes for everyone to die in their sin.

God is 20 steps ahead, which is why Jesus was the spotless lamb who bore our sins. So even if I didn't know everything bout the holy days. We are all aware that Jesus came and shed his blood FOR OUR SINS, as blood is the only way sin can be forgiven.
>and sacrifices are no longer necessary.
Exactly, it was rectified/redeemed
Then what about the pork? they are not used for trash cans when they sell the bacon, they can even be great spotters for veggies in muddy environments. Things can get rectified, i don't see what's wrong still but i do agree some of the fasting needs to stay.
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Christian persecution in Rome
the real location of Hell
Christians playing a key role in immigration
dinosaur bones planted to test Christians' faith
The law of sacrifices was the only thing changed in the situation.
Unless there's a tale in the Bible about God sending us a person to remove the uncleanness of pork? Even Jesus observed the holy days and obeyed the food restrictions.
I'm enjoying this conversation with you, so don't worry, my friend.
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1) Christ was a bearded woman
2)the point of Christianity is a trial process... put someone on the cross... if no one cuts em down. good riddance. tie them... the nail at the bottom is for a footstool. not ankle stabbing you maniacs.
3)John was the sellout. apostles killed and blamed judas and became a kill cult. hence why they got locked up with Paul.
4) early Christians were persecuted for their crimes... not the religion they literally got wrong
Gluttony is a sin, that's right. However, dietary law is useless, as Jesus said. All food is clean, the only thing that corrupts you is what comes from you, your worlds and doings etc
Don't mix new vine into old bottles or whatever it was called back then
the Angel of Death
Biblically accurate angels
logistics of the ark
Mary Magdalene being a prostitute was historical revisionism
The Leviathan

Well, we can plainly state one thing about your passage. There was no pork or unclean meat in that meal.

Second, let's go back and read the story to gain a better comprehension.
Matthew 15:1-2
>>Then some Pharisees and teachers of the law came to Jesus from Jerusalem and asked,
>>“Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? They don’t wash their hands before they eat!”

The subject was on washing hands, because the Pharisees were looking for any wrong doing to provoke Jesus. There was no mention of meat, but I can see how the pastors who work for this system will use this scripture.

So I need you to break this down for me and see if there is any confusion or clarity. Let us examine if God is contradicting himself.

This is clearly a FUTURE prophecy about the children of Israel being reunited with all nations seeing God's glory. This signifies that Jesus has already come and died for our sins.
Isaiah 66:16-18
16 For by fire will the Lord enter into judgment,
and by his sword, with all flesh; and those slain by the Lord shall be many.

17 >>“Those who sanctify and purify themselves to go into the gardens, following one in the midst, eating pig’s flesh and the abomination and mice, shall come to an end together, declares the Lord.

18 >>“For I know their works and their thoughts, and the time is coming to gather all nations and tongues. And they shall come and shall see my glory,

So, will God kill individuals who consume pork? Is so, the dietary were never done away with.
If the law has been repealed, why is God murdering individuals who consume pork and mice?
( I was walking my cat and dog in the backyard, apologies)
>Mary Magdalene being a prostitute was historical revisionism
The more interesting question is why they made her one. Christianity needed a whore goddess archetype .
whoa that's like, really deep and stuff?
i like it
There weren't footstools on crosses, they had at most a sort of "saddle", so they did actually nail his feet on the cross
1.The lie of salvation by works and not by faith alone
2nd from bottom:
1.Most modern music is satanic(Head angelic musician Satan)
2. Crucifixion was prophesied in the old testament before it existed Psalm 22:16
3rd from bottom:
1.Jesus was in the Old testament
Put "Jesus was Wotan" in the middle. Templist Canon talks about this. You can read Templist Canon here.

Click PDF under downloads.
This is this guys own shit he is making up, do not put it in there.

He can't even be honest with himself about it.

Arch Angel tier:

>The Black Madonna and the Putrefaction
>Psuedo-Dionysus' Subversive Platonism
>Transsubstantiation as The Magnum Opus/Philosophers Stone
>Pierre De Chardin's Omega Point

I forgot

>Jesus missing years in India/Tibet

this can go near the deepest depths
Rapture hasn't occurred yet. Post Millennial is fake and gay.
>dinosaur bones planted to test Christians' faith
Except dinosaurs are spoken about in the bible. Job 40:15-24
The better theory is that Dinosaurs were real, rare, and walked with man.

Hot damn that is one spicy book
you don't know what you want to put but you want to?
the behemoth/leviathan are what OP wants
speaking of which, did he give up on the thread and die? I might make a shitty iceberg if no one else will
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Dark Night of the Soul should go in maybe the 1st underwater iceberg layer or 2nd one

Priests get a 2nd Guardian Angel should go in a lower tier

Pornography is a Portal that Allows Demons to Enter You
Rosicrucianism should go on a very deep layer
Just put Mormonism on the 2nd to bottom tier for keks
Angelology should go on a middle/lower iceberg chunk
Super deep iceberg:

Jesus killed a teacher during his early childhood

>In the Infancy Gospel of Thomas, Jesus is said to have killed a teacher after the teacher struck Jesus for being disobedient and arrogant in the classroom
To be specific, Jesus Curses a Teacher and Kills Him
Super deep iceberg:

Astronaut Edgar Mitchell Leaked Hillary Clinton Email about Aliens in Vatican Secret Archives
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>The RCC is right. (Always been.)
most Christians believe whatever is convenient
>Jesus “secret teachings”
There are a few quotes from scripture alluding to a private doctrine only shared with the disciplines. Example, Mark 4:11 He told them, "The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside everything is said in parables”.
>psychedelic Eucharist
There’s some scattered evidence of Dionysian cults being integrated into early Christianity. Theres also some weird stuff going on after the crusades with mushrooms/kabbalah that apparently got brought back from the Middle East by the templars. This is allegedly how the Freemasons got started.
>God of the Old Testament is satan
Pretty simple gnostic belief. Star of remphram and all that.
Don’t forget the Vatican audience hall being a literal snakes head
>sol invictus is the christian god
The Roman monotheistic one true god who stood above all other deities and who Constantine associated with even after his conversion to Christianity.
>the visions of Constantine
Constantine and his army witnessed a divine proclamation that predicted their victory the following day at the Milvian bridge. This is interesting because few talk of it unlike other miracles.
>the important memo
In the 1990s one mj-12 whistleblower predicted that the internet was a trojan-horse, that humanity was being manipulated genetically by immaterial entities and that the elites would use regional conflicts and disease to cull the affected population. He stated that the UFO phenomenon was biblical and that the U.S. government was unknowingly fulfilling biblical prophecy and this knowledge had frightened leaders considerably. He ended by stating mass contact would occur in 2030 per the contents of the New Mexico 'library book.' Many have already made this connection but this document did it decades ago and made many other predictions all of which are seemingly correct.
>no one will notice the rapture
I'm sure someone else has thought of this but I was thinking that if the rapture did occur, aside from perhaps the dissapearance of a very small number of unknown people from the population, the vast majority of humanity is so sinful and corrupt as to not even be aware anything had happened at all.
>shroud of turin is real
A lot of people attest to this but recent studies and comprehensive examinations of the evidence have always left holes in the official forgery narrative.

Most of these ideas aren't that amazing or orginal but I think if you were just filling out space it would be cool to see them.
Sadly, I'm starting to notice that.
Demiurge. Gnosticism. Jesus was part of the pleroma who came to save us from the Demiurge.

Jesus was a buddhist.

The trinity is the connection from the pleroma to this world. Father (pleroma) is the son (jesus) is the holy spirit(human soul) (does not apply to hylics)
It represents the holy church talking to the world(devil)
yeah put somewhere that atheism is fake and It's just glorified satanism
>>laughs at Sedevacantist arguments
gay and blue pilled novus ordo Catholic meme
Put Meister Eckhart and Maximos the Confessor at the bottom.
>Jesus was a buddhist
My high school history teacher said this at one time lol. Honestly, I think the two religions are not mutually exclusive things.
>The Ortho-Catholic Church is a recursion of the corrupted Sanhedrin on a global scale
>Knowledge of the Spirit cannot be codified and there is no correct sect or dogma
>Actual Christianity always has been and always will be something on the social fringes
>Implementation of the Buddha's teachings is a prerequisite to the imitation of Christ
>Jesus and his disciples were artists and poets
>The Blood of Christ is the vintage from the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge
Tell me why the existence of demons/angels and 3D extraterrestrials from another star system are mutually exclusive. Please. I see this retardation across this board. I am convinced it’s bots getting us ready for “their” fake and gay blue bean/ revelations event, but if it’s not and this is actually where mass public consciousness is at, we are fucked
Satan =/= Lucifer
Satan works for God
Jesus and Lucifer are the same person
Christianity is an infohazard
REAL Biblically accurate angels (human looking)
Cain is bigfoot
The Catholic Church is a Dagon cult
Satanists are just edgy atheists or Christians
Esau was the father of the Pharisees, genetically. They didn't lie about Abraham, but they aren't chosen.
The NT says the Beast system will be built by lukewarm, convenient "christians"; around that time, rabbinical Jews will finally understand and return to the faith.
Eucharistic miracles
Adams 2 wives before eve
Fuck off jewtuber
Correct, they're the Canaanites God ordered destroyed
God is Christ. The Eucharist is the Tree of Life. Simple as.
>REAL Biblically accurate angels (human looking)
They were described as looking multiple ways. Like humans, like beasts, like winged creatures, and like burning creatures.
>the nephilim looked like clowns
>pre-flood women let them hit cuz they were goofy
>God provided everything we needed to repair our bodies through vegetables and plants. However, Satan has suppressed that information, which is why they are killing these holistic doctors.
Wormpilled, but you need to eat meat to be healthy. Remember Peter was given a vision that all animals were fair play.
>Give me some good topics for the bottom three tiers.

Jesus was cloned in 1986


The Illuminati accidently let the cat out of the bag when a woman(a porn actress) tried to compliment him by implying he was Jesus.

He's not Jesus, just the clone.
I swear these churches teach people nothing but confusion.
Let's go back again.

In the garden, no being ate meat.
However, since Adam and Eve fell, the consumption of flesh became necessary; even the animals had to consume flesh. Because we have an appointed time to be separated from our original state, which was only consuming vegetables. The most high doesn't mind you eating meat, that's why he gave us a list of clean and unclean meat to consume. But when we receive a new body and the new earth we will go back to our original state.

2 Corinthians 5:1-10

5 For we know that when this earthly tent we live in is taken down (that is, when we die and leave this earthly body), we will have a house in heaven, an eternal body made for us by God himself and not by human hands. 2 We grow weary in our present bodies, and we long to put on our heavenly bodies like new clothing. 3 For we will put on heavenly bodies; we will not be spirits without bodies.

Heaven will produce fruits/and anything that yields seeds as food.

Ezekiel 47:12
King James Version
12 And by the river upon the bank thereof, on this side and on that side, shall grow all trees for meat, whose leaf shall not fade, neither shall the fruit thereof be consumed: it shall bring forth new fruit according to his months, because their waters they issued out of the sanctuary: and the fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine.

Just as God had always intended for us, as plants can heal the body.

Genesis 1:29
And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

Now onto Acts.
what are the (catholicism) rules on "leaving behind your family"? My parents, brother, uncles\ cousins, etc aren't bad people but they're either secular or tepidly religious.I want to join\apply or at least try to join, an Order as a lay brother, maybe go to seminary for Friar or Priest.I haven't fully decided yet but Im sure i want to pursue the Religious Life.
my parents are so strictly against it, all family meetings I feel "drain me" as they're vanity\wordly\all secular and mundane, petty-hedonistic affairs. Can I go move by myself, live alone but it's only to have a base (roof to sleep) until I can enter seminary and then ghost them forever? Or, go to other country without telling them and do this?
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Jesus forskins veneration

>And when eight days were completed for the circumcision of the Child, His name was called Jesus, the name given by the angel before He was conceived in the womb.

Luke 2:21

Let's read Acts 10, which is a verse that many Christians cite to justify eating unclean meat.
Cornelius was an Italian (GENTILE) guy who wished to proclaim the message of the true God. He even had a divine angel visit him, but Peter had reservations about Cornelius. Not because he was a bad person, but because he was a gentile.

Peter was so skeptical of Cornelius that God had to send Peter a dream to convince him. What if Peter understood the vision was about eating unclean meat? He would not have assumed the dream had a deeper meaning that bothered him throughout the day.

17 While Peter was wondering what this vision he had seen meant, the men sent by Cornelius had inquired about Simon's residence and stood before the gate.

Again, Peter expresses his reservations about Cornelius because he is a gentile. Which is why God sent him the dream.
28 And he said to them, You know how it is an unlawful thing for a man who is a Jew to keep company or approach unto one of another nation; but God hath shewed me that I should not call any MAN common or unclean.

This demonstrates that if you truly love God, you help others and obey his commands. He will come to you and remain with ypu. Because God always intended for everyone to return to the fold, and Noah was not the only one who listened to God. All three of Noah's sons obeyed; it's just that Satan led them into darkness, which is why the Israelites were chosen. To help lead everyone who came off the boat, back to the light.
He might mean Matt 15:21-28. There's another story with a Samaritan woman but that one is more "normal" for a gospel story.

Leaving that place, Jesus withdrew to the district of Tyre and Sidon. And a Canaanite woman from that region came to Him, crying out, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is miserably possessed by a demon.”

But Jesus did not answer a word. So His disciples came and urged Him, “Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us.”

He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”

The woman came and knelt before Him. “Lord, help me!” she said.

But Jesus replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.”

“Yes, Lord,” she said, “even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.”

“O woman,” Jesus answered, “your faith is great! Let it be done for you as you desire.” And her daughter was healed from that very hour.
>Adams 2 wives before eve
Yeah there's Lilith, as described in the Torah. Who was the other one?
Connection with Hinduism and Mesoamerican religions, Jesus visited the golden cities
Hmm. Maybe meditation. I believe that all religions have at their heart a thorough tradition of deep meditation, but it has been forgotten.
Jesus is a mushroom
Child moleststion in the Catholic Church
Jesus' mom, Mary, being born of a virgin, a Queen Bee should be near the bottom. I would also add the Refrigerium and Aurelia Prima. I would then add Jesus being into Tyrian purple and adopting the Scythian practices. Then you can add in the Holy Grail being transmitted through the Milesians and Jesus' family being directly related. You can talk about Jesus having been initiated into the Druidic schools because his uncle Joseph was a tin baron.
The very bottom should be about Jesus being a Magician, a famous Mystery School adherent, who drank period blood, called the Starfire, a vampire.
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This is an improper interpretation and/or gross oversimplification. Dionysus is the wine, Demeter is the ("tainted") Grain, Lady Ayahuasca is the brew and so on. Jesus is likewise the wine (a lot like Dionysus, huh?), but not just any wine - spiked wine.
What did they spike it with? Some do suggest fungus, but some also suggest acacia, cannabis, opium, henbane, laurel leaves and so on.
Jesus wasn't the mushroom, but it was supremely important to the Paleo-Christians.
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Thanks for the breakdowns. On a maybe related note, I find it interesting that the digestive systems of ruminants filter out toxins much better than other animals including the unclean "pigs" so their meat is better to eat.

I do believe certain plants can help heal you, you just also NEED to eat meat i.e animal flesh to maintain your current body. It sounds like you don't disagree with with this.
>Jesus was cloned in 1986
>that video
true or not that's a crazy sentence lmao
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It is up to you how you exercise your free will. May the Most High Bless and Protect you.
careful man you're gonna get some hat jokes thrown your way
Before the fall, Gods creation was blond
Three wise men from the east were from another religion like buddhism is one I've heard a few times before, probably one for the upper levels.
Tribe of Dan went to Denmark is another I believe fairly upper level one.
>Baptism was a near death experience ritual that involved controlled drowning
>Eating from the fruit is code for orgasm
>God commanded Adam and Eve to have children despite not yet having the knowledge of how to do so, so they would eat from the fruit of knowledge without having direct involvement in it (the fallen state was required but God could not directly place humanity in it)
>The bible is both literal and has deeper esoteric meaning
At the bottom: God is Evil.
its funny how many different interpretations of the garden of eden there are
It sure is, I hope OP will add a few to different layers depending on how common/rare or simple/complex they are

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